Commit eb42042c by Zachary Snow

pass through support for DPI imports and exports

parent 2e43dfee
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Added support for excluding the conversion of unbased unsized literals (e.g.,
`'1`, `'x`) via `--exclude UnbasedUniszed`
* Added support for enumerated type ranges (e.g., `enum { X[3:5] }`)
* Added support for passing through DPI imports and exports
### Other Enhancements
......@@ -778,6 +778,8 @@ piNames (Decl (Net _ _ _ _ ident _ _)) = [ident]
piNames (Decl (Param _ _ ident _)) = [ident]
piNames (Decl (ParamType _ ident _)) = [ident]
piNames (Decl (CommentDecl _)) = []
piNames (Import x y) = [show $ Import x y]
piNames (Export x y) = [show $ Export x y]
piNames item@DPIImport{} = [show item]
piNames item@DPIExport{} = [show item]
piNames item@Import{} = [show item]
piNames item@Export{} = [show item]
piNames (Directive _) = []
......@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ convertPackageItem (Task l x decls stmts) =
decls' = convertDecls decls
stmts' = convertStmts stmts
convertPackageItem (DPIImport spec prop alias typ name decls) =
DPIImport spec prop alias typ name decls'
where decls' = convertDecls decls
convertPackageItem other = other
convertStmt :: Stmt -> Stmt
......@@ -561,6 +561,14 @@ scopeModuleItem declMapperRaw moduleItemMapper genItemMapper stmtMapperRaw =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Task ml x' decls' stmts'
fullModuleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) =
declMapper decl >>= return . MIPackageItem . Decl
fullModuleItemMapper (MIPackageItem item@DPIImport{}) = do
let DPIImport spec prop alias typ name decls = item
(typ', name') <- redirectTFDecl typ name
decls' <- mapM declMapper decls
let item' = DPIImport spec prop alias typ' name' decls'
return $ MIPackageItem item'
fullModuleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (DPIExport spec alias kw name)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ DPIExport spec alias kw name
fullModuleItemMapper (AlwaysC kw stmt) = do
stmt' <- fullStmtMapper stmt
......@@ -618,6 +618,14 @@ traverseNodesM exprMapper declMapper typeMapper lhsMapper stmtMapper =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Import x y
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Export x y)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Export x y
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem item@DPIImport{}) = do
let DPIImport spec prop alias typ name decls = item
typ' <- typeMapper typ
decls' <- mapM declMapper decls
let item' = DPIImport spec prop alias typ' name decls'
return $ MIPackageItem item'
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (DPIExport spec alias kw name)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ DPIExport spec alias kw name
moduleItemMapper (AssertionItem (mx, a)) = do
a' <- traverseAssertionStmtsM stmtMapper a
a'' <- traverseAssertionExprsM exprMapper a'
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
......@@ -12,6 +13,8 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Description
, Lifetime (..)
, Qualifier (..)
, ClassItem
, DPIImportProperty (..)
, DPIExportKW (..)
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
......@@ -22,7 +25,7 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Attr (Attr)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Decl (Decl(CommentDecl))
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Stmt (Stmt)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type (Type, Identifier)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type (Type, Identifier, pattern UnknownType)
import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ModuleItem (ModuleItem)
data Description
......@@ -82,6 +85,8 @@ data PackageItem
| Export Identifier Identifier
| Decl Decl
| Directive String
| DPIImport String DPIImportProperty Identifier Type Identifier [Decl]
| DPIExport String Identifier DPIExportKW Identifier
deriving Eq
instance Show PackageItem where
......@@ -95,6 +100,22 @@ instance Show PackageItem where
show (Export x y) = printf "export %s::%s;" (showWildcard x) (showWildcard y)
show (Decl decl) = show decl
show (Directive str) = str
show (DPIImport spec prop alias typ name decls) =
printf "import %s %s%s %s %s(%s);"
(show spec) (showPad prop) aliasStr protoStr name declsStr
aliasStr = if null alias then "" else alias ++ " = "
protoStr =
if typ == UnknownType
then "task"
else "function " ++ show typ
declsStr =
if null decls
then ""
else "\n\t" ++ showDecls decls ++ "\n"
show (DPIExport spec alias kw name) =
printf "export %s %s%s %s;" (show spec) aliasStr (show kw) name
where aliasStr = if null alias then "" else alias ++ " = "
showWildcard :: Identifier -> String
showWildcard "" = "*"
......@@ -137,3 +158,23 @@ instance Show Qualifier where
show QStatic = "static"
show QLocal = "local"
show QProtected = "protected"
data DPIImportProperty
= DPIContext
| DPIPure
| DPINone
deriving Eq
instance Show DPIImportProperty where
show DPIContext = "context"
show DPIPure = "pure"
show DPINone = ""
data DPIExportKW
= DPIExportTask
| DPIExportFunction
deriving Eq
instance Show DPIExportKW where
show DPIExportTask = "task"
show DPIExportFunction = "function"
......@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ data NonIntegerType
| TRealtime
| TString
| TEvent
| TChandle
deriving Eq
instance Show NetType where
......@@ -213,6 +214,7 @@ instance Show NonIntegerType where
show TRealtime = "realtime"
show TString = "string"
show TEvent = "event"
show TChandle = "chandle"
data Packing
= Unpacked
......@@ -518,6 +518,7 @@ NonIntegerTypeP :: { (Position, NonIntegerType) }
| "realtime" { withPos $1 TRealtime }
| "string" { withPos $1 TString }
| "event" { withPos $1 TEvent }
| "chandle" { withPos $1 TChandle }
EnumItems :: { [EnumItem] }
: EnumItem { $1 }
......@@ -904,6 +905,7 @@ NonDeclPackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
| ImportOrExport { $1 }
| ForwardTypedef ";" { $1 }
| TimeunitsDeclaration { $1 }
| DPIImportExport { [$1] }
| Directive { [Directive $1] }
ImportOrExport :: { [PackageItem] }
......@@ -931,6 +933,31 @@ TimeunitsDeclaration :: { [PackageItem] }
| "timeunit" Time "/" Time ";" { [] }
| "timeprecision" Time ";" { [] }
DPIImportExport :: { PackageItem }
: "import" DPISpecString OptDPIImportProperty OptDPIAlias DPITFProto { makeDPIImport $2 $3 $4 $5 }
| "export" DPISpecString OptDPIAlias DPIExportKW Identifier ";" { DPIExport $2 $3 $4 $5 }
DPIExportKW :: { DPIExportKW }
: "task" { DPIExportTask }
| "function" { DPIExportFunction }
DPISpecString :: { String }
: String { $1 }
OptDPIAlias :: { Identifier }
: Identifier "=" { $1 }
| {- empty -} { "" }
OptDPIImportProperty :: { DPIImportProperty }
: "context" { DPIContext }
| "pure" { DPIPure }
| {- empty -} { DPINone }
DPITFProto :: { (Type, Identifier, [Decl]) }
: "function" FuncRetAndName TFItems { (fst $2 , snd $2, $3) }
| "function" "void" Identifier TFItems { (UnknownType, $3, $4) }
| "task" Identifier TFItems { (UnknownType, $2, $3) }
Directive :: { String }
: "`celldefine" { tokenString $1 }
| "`endcelldefine" { tokenString $1 }
......@@ -1742,4 +1769,8 @@ makeEnumItems (_, root) (l, r) base =
then reverse [r..l]
else [l..r]
makeDPIImport :: String -> DPIImportProperty -> Identifier
-> (Type, Identifier, [Decl]) -> PackageItem
makeDPIImport a b c (d, e, f) = DPIImport a b c d e f
module top;
/* From IEEE 1800-2017 Section 35.4 */
export "DPI-C" f_plus = function \f+ ; // "f+" exported as "f_plus"
export "DPI-C" function f; // "f" exported under its own name
import "DPI-C" init_1 = function void \init[1] (); // "init_1" is a linkage name
import "DPI-C" \begin = function void \init[2] (); // "begin" is a linkage name
/* From IEEE 1800-2017 Section 35.5.4 */
import "DPI-C" function void myInit();
// from standard math library
import "DPI-C" pure function real sin(real foo /* TODO support unnamed params */ );
// from standard C library: memory management
import "DPI-C" function chandle malloc(int size); // standard C function
import "DPI-C" function void free(chandle ptr); // standard C functionS
// abstract data structure: queue
import "DPI-C" function chandle newQueue(input string name_of_queue);
// Note the following import uses the same foreign function for
// implementation as the prior import, but has different SystemVerilog name
// and provides a default value for the argument.
import "DPI-C" newQueue=function chandle newAnonQueue(input string s/* =null TODO support default values */);
import "DPI-C" function chandle newElem(bit [15:0] foo /* TODO support unnamed params */ );
import "DPI-C" function void enqueue(chandle queue, chandle elem);
import "DPI-C" function chandle dequeue(chandle queue);
// miscellanea
import "DPI-C" function bit [15:0] getStimulus(input integer x);
import "DPI-C" context function void processTransaction(chandle elem,
output logic [64:1] arr [0:63]);
import "DPI-C" task checkResults(input string s, bit [511:0] packet);
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