Commit e69895af by Zachary Snow

initial setup for combining pre-processor and lexer

parent 0d9ed3e1
......@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Lex (alexScanTokens) where
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
%wrapper "posn"
%wrapper "monadUserState"
-- Numbers
......@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ $decimalDigit = [0-9]
@unbasedUnsizedLiteral = "'" ( 0 | 1 | x | X | z | Z )
= @unsignedNumber
| @decimalNumber
| @octalNumber
| @binaryNumber
| @hexNumber
| @unbasedUnsizedLiteral
| @realNumber
= @unsignedNumber
| @decimalNumber
| @octalNumber
| @binaryNumber
| @hexNumber
| @unbasedUnsizedLiteral
| @realNumber
-- Strings
......@@ -62,9 +62,8 @@ $decimalDigit = [0-9]
-- Comments
@commentBegin = "/*"
@commentEnd = "*/" | "**/"
@comment = "//" [^\n]* | "/**/"
@commentBlock = "/*"
@commentLine = "//"
-- Directives
......@@ -78,195 +77,253 @@ $decimalDigit = [0-9]
tokens :-
"always" { tok KW_always }
"always_comb" { tok KW_always_comb }
"always_ff" { tok KW_always_ff }
"always_latch" { tok KW_always_latch }
"and" { tok KW_and }
"assign" { tok KW_assign }
"automatic" { tok KW_automatic }
"begin" { tok KW_begin }
"bit" { tok KW_bit }
"buf" { tok KW_buf }
"byte" { tok KW_byte }
"case" { tok KW_case }
"casex" { tok KW_casex }
"casez" { tok KW_casez }
"default" { tok KW_default }
"defparam" { tok KW_defparam }
"do" { tok KW_do }
"else" { tok KW_else }
"end" { tok KW_end }
"endcase" { tok KW_endcase }
"endfunction" { tok KW_endfunction }
"endgenerate" { tok KW_endgenerate }
"endinterface" { tok KW_endinterface }
"endmodule" { tok KW_endmodule }
"endtask" { tok KW_endtask }
"enum" { tok KW_enum }
"extern" { tok KW_extern }
"for" { tok KW_for }
"forever" { tok KW_forever }
"function" { tok KW_function }
"generate" { tok KW_generate }
"genvar" { tok KW_genvar }
"if" { tok KW_if }
"initial" { tok KW_initial }
"inout" { tok KW_inout }
"input" { tok KW_input }
"int" { tok KW_int }
"integer" { tok KW_integer }
"interface" { tok KW_interface }
"localparam" { tok KW_localparam }
"logic" { tok KW_logic }
"longint" { tok KW_longint }
"modport" { tok KW_modport }
"module" { tok KW_module }
"nand" { tok KW_nand }
"negedge" { tok KW_negedge }
"nor" { tok KW_nor }
"not" { tok KW_not }
"or" { tok KW_or }
"output" { tok KW_output }
"packed" { tok KW_packed }
"parameter" { tok KW_parameter }
"posedge" { tok KW_posedge }
"real" { tok KW_real }
"realtime" { tok KW_realtime }
"reg" { tok KW_reg }
"repeat" { tok KW_repeat }
"return" { tok KW_return }
"shortint" { tok KW_shortint }
"shortreal" { tok KW_shortreal }
"signed" { tok KW_signed }
"static" { tok KW_static }
"struct" { tok KW_struct }
"supply0" { tok KW_supply0 }
"supply1" { tok KW_supply1 }
"task" { tok KW_task }
"time" { tok KW_time }
"tri" { tok KW_tri }
"tri0" { tok KW_tri0 }
"tri1" { tok KW_tri1 }
"triand" { tok KW_triand }
"trior" { tok KW_trior }
"trireg" { tok KW_trireg }
"typedef" { tok KW_typedef }
"unique" { tok KW_unique }
"unsigned" { tok KW_unsigned }
"uwire" { tok KW_uwire }
"wand" { tok KW_wand }
"while" { tok KW_while }
"wire" { tok KW_wire }
"wor" { tok KW_wor }
"xnor" { tok KW_xnor }
"xor" { tok KW_xor }
@simpleIdentifier { tok Id_simple }
@escapedIdentifier { tok Id_escaped }
@systemIdentifier { tok Id_system }
@number { tok Lit_number }
@string { tok Lit_string }
"(" { tok Sym_paren_l }
")" { tok Sym_paren_r }
"[" { tok Sym_brack_l }
"]" { tok Sym_brack_r }
"{" { tok Sym_brace_l }
"}" { tok Sym_brace_r }
"~" { tok Sym_tildy }
"!" { tok Sym_bang }
"@" { tok Sym_at }
"#" { tok Sym_pound }
"%" { tok Sym_percent }
"^" { tok Sym_hat }
"&" { tok Sym_amp }
"|" { tok Sym_bar }
"*" { tok Sym_aster }
"." { tok Sym_dot }
"," { tok Sym_comma }
":" { tok Sym_colon }
";" { tok Sym_semi }
"=" { tok Sym_eq }
"<" { tok Sym_lt }
">" { tok Sym_gt }
"+" { tok Sym_plus }
"-" { tok Sym_dash }
"?" { tok Sym_question }
"/" { tok Sym_slash }
"$" { tok Sym_dollar }
"'" { tok Sym_s_quote }
"~&" { tok Sym_tildy_amp }
"~|" { tok Sym_tildy_bar }
"~^" { tok Sym_tildy_hat }
"^~" { tok Sym_hat_tildy }
"==" { tok Sym_eq_eq }
"!=" { tok Sym_bang_eq }
"&&" { tok Sym_amp_amp }
"||" { tok Sym_bar_bar }
"**" { tok Sym_aster_aster }
"<=" { tok Sym_lt_eq }
">=" { tok Sym_gt_eq }
">>" { tok Sym_gt_gt }
"<<" { tok Sym_lt_lt }
"++" { tok Sym_plus_plus }
"--" { tok Sym_dash_dash }
"+=" { tok Sym_plus_eq }
"-=" { tok Sym_dash_eq }
"*=" { tok Sym_aster_eq }
"/=" { tok Sym_slash_eq }
"%=" { tok Sym_percent_eq }
"&=" { tok Sym_amp_eq }
"|=" { tok Sym_bar_eq }
"^=" { tok Sym_hat_eq }
"+:" { tok Sym_plus_colon }
"-:" { tok Sym_dash_colon }
"::" { tok Sym_colon_colon }
".*" { tok Sym_dot_aster }
"->" { tok Sym_dash_gt }
":=" { tok Sym_colon_eq }
":/" { tok Sym_colon_slash }
"##" { tok Sym_pound_pound }
"[*" { tok Sym_brack_l_aster }
"[=" { tok Sym_brack_l_eq }
"=>" { tok Sym_eq_gt }
"@*" { tok Sym_at_aster }
"(*" { tok Sym_paren_l_aster }
"*)" { tok Sym_aster_paren_r }
"*>" { tok Sym_aster_gt }
"===" { tok Sym_eq_eq_eq }
"!==" { tok Sym_bang_eq_eq }
"==?" { tok Sym_eq_eq_question }
"!=?" { tok Sym_bang_eq_question }
">>>" { tok Sym_gt_gt_gt }
"<<<" { tok Sym_lt_lt_lt }
"<<=" { tok Sym_lt_lt_eq }
">>=" { tok Sym_gt_gt_eq }
"|->" { tok Sym_bar_dash_gt }
"|=>" { tok Sym_bar_eq_gt }
"[->" { tok Sym_brack_l_dash_gt }
"@@(" { tok Sym_at_at_paren_l }
"(*)" { tok Sym_paren_l_aster_paren_r }
"->>" { tok Sym_dash_gt_gt }
"&&&" { tok Sym_amp_amp_amp }
"<<<=" { tok Sym_lt_lt_lt_eq }
">>>=" { tok Sym_gt_gt_gt_eq }
@comment { tok Spe_Comment }
@commentBegin { tok Spe_CommentBegin }
@commentEnd { tok Spe_CommentEnd }
@directive { tok Spe_Directive }
@newline { tok Spe_Newline }
@whitespace ;
. { tok Unknown }
"always" { tok KW_always }
"always_comb" { tok KW_always_comb }
"always_ff" { tok KW_always_ff }
"always_latch" { tok KW_always_latch }
"and" { tok KW_and }
"assign" { tok KW_assign }
"automatic" { tok KW_automatic }
"begin" { tok KW_begin }
"bit" { tok KW_bit }
"buf" { tok KW_buf }
"byte" { tok KW_byte }
"case" { tok KW_case }
"casex" { tok KW_casex }
"casez" { tok KW_casez }
"default" { tok KW_default }
"defparam" { tok KW_defparam }
"do" { tok KW_do }
"else" { tok KW_else }
"end" { tok KW_end }
"endcase" { tok KW_endcase }
"endfunction" { tok KW_endfunction }
"endgenerate" { tok KW_endgenerate }
"endinterface" { tok KW_endinterface }
"endmodule" { tok KW_endmodule }
"endtask" { tok KW_endtask }
"enum" { tok KW_enum }
"extern" { tok KW_extern }
"for" { tok KW_for }
"forever" { tok KW_forever }
"function" { tok KW_function }
"generate" { tok KW_generate }
"genvar" { tok KW_genvar }
"if" { tok KW_if }
"initial" { tok KW_initial }
"inout" { tok KW_inout }
"input" { tok KW_input }
"int" { tok KW_int }
"integer" { tok KW_integer }
"interface" { tok KW_interface }
"localparam" { tok KW_localparam }
"logic" { tok KW_logic }
"longint" { tok KW_longint }
"modport" { tok KW_modport }
"module" { tok KW_module }
"nand" { tok KW_nand }
"negedge" { tok KW_negedge }
"nor" { tok KW_nor }
"not" { tok KW_not }
"or" { tok KW_or }
"output" { tok KW_output }
"packed" { tok KW_packed }
"parameter" { tok KW_parameter }
"posedge" { tok KW_posedge }
"real" { tok KW_real }
"realtime" { tok KW_realtime }
"reg" { tok KW_reg }
"repeat" { tok KW_repeat }
"return" { tok KW_return }
"shortint" { tok KW_shortint }
"shortreal" { tok KW_shortreal }
"signed" { tok KW_signed }
"static" { tok KW_static }
"struct" { tok KW_struct }
"supply0" { tok KW_supply0 }
"supply1" { tok KW_supply1 }
"task" { tok KW_task }
"time" { tok KW_time }
"tri" { tok KW_tri }
"tri0" { tok KW_tri0 }
"tri1" { tok KW_tri1 }
"triand" { tok KW_triand }
"trior" { tok KW_trior }
"trireg" { tok KW_trireg }
"typedef" { tok KW_typedef }
"unique" { tok KW_unique }
"unsigned" { tok KW_unsigned }
"uwire" { tok KW_uwire }
"wand" { tok KW_wand }
"while" { tok KW_while }
"wire" { tok KW_wire }
"wor" { tok KW_wor }
"xnor" { tok KW_xnor }
"xor" { tok KW_xor }
@simpleIdentifier { tok Id_simple }
@escapedIdentifier { tok Id_escaped }
@systemIdentifier { tok Id_system }
@number { tok Lit_number }
@string { tok Lit_string }
"(" { tok Sym_paren_l }
")" { tok Sym_paren_r }
"[" { tok Sym_brack_l }
"]" { tok Sym_brack_r }
"{" { tok Sym_brace_l }
"}" { tok Sym_brace_r }
"~" { tok Sym_tildy }
"!" { tok Sym_bang }
"@" { tok Sym_at }
"#" { tok Sym_pound }
"%" { tok Sym_percent }
"^" { tok Sym_hat }
"&" { tok Sym_amp }
"|" { tok Sym_bar }
"*" { tok Sym_aster }
"." { tok Sym_dot }
"," { tok Sym_comma }
":" { tok Sym_colon }
";" { tok Sym_semi }
"=" { tok Sym_eq }
"<" { tok Sym_lt }
">" { tok Sym_gt }
"+" { tok Sym_plus }
"-" { tok Sym_dash }
"?" { tok Sym_question }
"/" { tok Sym_slash }
"$" { tok Sym_dollar }
"'" { tok Sym_s_quote }
"~&" { tok Sym_tildy_amp }
"~|" { tok Sym_tildy_bar }
"~^" { tok Sym_tildy_hat }
"^~" { tok Sym_hat_tildy }
"==" { tok Sym_eq_eq }
"!=" { tok Sym_bang_eq }
"&&" { tok Sym_amp_amp }
"||" { tok Sym_bar_bar }
"**" { tok Sym_aster_aster }
"<=" { tok Sym_lt_eq }
">=" { tok Sym_gt_eq }
">>" { tok Sym_gt_gt }
"<<" { tok Sym_lt_lt }
"++" { tok Sym_plus_plus }
"--" { tok Sym_dash_dash }
"+=" { tok Sym_plus_eq }
"-=" { tok Sym_dash_eq }
"*=" { tok Sym_aster_eq }
"/=" { tok Sym_slash_eq }
"%=" { tok Sym_percent_eq }
"&=" { tok Sym_amp_eq }
"|=" { tok Sym_bar_eq }
"^=" { tok Sym_hat_eq }
"+:" { tok Sym_plus_colon }
"-:" { tok Sym_dash_colon }
"::" { tok Sym_colon_colon }
".*" { tok Sym_dot_aster }
"->" { tok Sym_dash_gt }
":=" { tok Sym_colon_eq }
":/" { tok Sym_colon_slash }
"##" { tok Sym_pound_pound }
"[*" { tok Sym_brack_l_aster }
"[=" { tok Sym_brack_l_eq }
"=>" { tok Sym_eq_gt }
"@*" { tok Sym_at_aster }
"(*" { tok Sym_paren_l_aster }
"*)" { tok Sym_aster_paren_r }
"*>" { tok Sym_aster_gt }
"===" { tok Sym_eq_eq_eq }
"!==" { tok Sym_bang_eq_eq }
"==?" { tok Sym_eq_eq_question }
"!=?" { tok Sym_bang_eq_question }
">>>" { tok Sym_gt_gt_gt }
"<<<" { tok Sym_lt_lt_lt }
"<<=" { tok Sym_lt_lt_eq }
">>=" { tok Sym_gt_gt_eq }
"|->" { tok Sym_bar_dash_gt }
"|=>" { tok Sym_bar_eq_gt }
"[->" { tok Sym_brack_l_dash_gt }
"@@(" { tok Sym_at_at_paren_l }
"(*)" { tok Sym_paren_l_aster_paren_r }
"->>" { tok Sym_dash_gt_gt }
"&&&" { tok Sym_amp_amp_amp }
"<<<=" { tok Sym_lt_lt_lt_eq }
">>>=" { tok Sym_gt_gt_gt_eq }
@commentLine { removeUntil "\n" }
@commentBlock { removeUntil "*/" }
@directive { tok Spe_Directive }
@newline { tok Spe_Newline }
@whitespace ;
. { tok Unknown }
tok :: TokenName -> AlexPosn -> String -> Token
tok t (AlexPn _ l c) s = Token t s $ Position "" l c
type AlexUserState = [Token]
alexInitUserState :: AlexUserState
alexInitUserState = []
alexScanTokens :: String -> [Token]
alexScanTokens str =
let result = runAlex str $ alexMonadScan >> get
in case result of
Left msg -> error $ "Lex Error: " ++ msg
Right tokens -> tokens
get :: Alex AlexUserState
get = Alex $ \s -> Right (s, alex_ust s)
gets :: (AlexUserState -> a) -> Alex a
gets f = get >>= return . f
modify :: (AlexUserState -> AlexUserState) -> Alex ()
modify f = Alex func
where func s = Right (s { alex_ust = new }, ())
where new = f (alex_ust s)
alexEOF :: Alex ()
alexEOF = return ()
type Action = AlexInput -> Int -> Alex ()
-- remove characters from the input until the pattern is reached
removeUntil :: String -> Action
removeUntil pattern _ _ = loop
patternLen = length pattern
wantNewline = pattern == "\n"
loop = do
(AlexPn f l c, _, _, str) <- alexGetInput
let found = (null str && wantNewline)
|| pattern == take patternLen str
let nextPos = if head str == '\n'
then AlexPn f (l+1) 0
else AlexPn f l (c+1)
let afterPos = if wantNewline
then AlexPn f (l+1) 0
else AlexPn f l (c + patternLen)
let (newPos, newStr) = if found
then (afterPos, drop patternLen str)
else (nextPos, drop 1 str)
alexSetInput (newPos, ' ', [], newStr)
if found
then alexMonadScan
else loop
tok :: TokenName -> Action
tok tokId ((AlexPn _ l c), _, _, input) len =
modify (++ [t]) >> alexMonadScan
tokStr = take len input
tokPos = Position "" l c
t = Token tokId tokStr tokPos
......@@ -159,11 +159,6 @@ pp (Token Spe_Directive str pos : tokens) = do
return $ replacement ++ tokens'
pp (Token Spe_Newline _ _ : tokens) = pp tokens
pp (Token Spe_Comment _ _ : tokens) = pp tokens
pp (Token Spe_CommentBegin _ _ : tokens) =
pp $ tail $ dropWhile (not . isEnd) tokens
where isEnd (Token t _ _ ) = t == Spe_CommentEnd
pp (token : tokens) = do
condStack <- gets ppCondStack
......@@ -334,9 +334,6 @@ data TokenName
| Sym_amp_amp_amp
| Sym_lt_lt_lt_eq
| Sym_gt_gt_gt_eq
| Spe_Comment
| Spe_CommentBegin
| Spe_CommentEnd
| Spe_Directive
| Spe_Newline
| Unknown
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