Commit dd0eb598 by Zachary Snow

added source trace comments

- Trace comments cover module items, decls, and stmts
- Added pseudo-lexer to Alex parser for monadic Position production
- Added Position to every DeclToken
- Removed Comment PackageItem
- Added CommentStmt and CommentDecl
- Fixed traversal skipping outer MIAttr ModuleItems
- Generally cleaned up Parser modules
parent 9f180f91
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ convert = map $ traverseDescriptions $ traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem (AssertionItem item) =
Generate $
map (GenModuleItem . MIPackageItem . Comment) $
map (GenModuleItem . MIPackageItem . Decl . CommentDecl) $
"removed an assertion item" :
(lines $ show $ AssertionItem item)
convertModuleItem other = traverseStmts convertStmt other
......@@ -191,6 +191,7 @@ prefixModuleItems prefix =
prefixDecl (Variable d t x a me) = Variable d t (prefix ++ x) a me
prefixDecl (Param s t x e) = Param s t (prefix ++ x) e
prefixDecl (ParamType s x mt) = ParamType s (prefix ++ x) mt
prefixDecl (CommentDecl c) = CommentDecl c
prefixExpr :: Expr -> Expr
prefixExpr (Ident x) = Ident (prefix ++ x)
prefixExpr other = other
......@@ -229,12 +230,15 @@ lookupType _ expr =
-- convert an interface instantiation into a series of equivalent module items
inlineInterface :: Interface -> (Identifier, [ParamBinding], [PortBinding]) -> [ModuleItem]
inlineInterface (ports, items) (instanceName, instanceParams, instancePorts) =
(:) (MIPackageItem $ Comment $ "expanded instance: " ++ instanceName) $
(:) comment $
flip (++) portBindings $
map (traverseNestedModuleItems removeModport) $
map (traverseNestedModuleItems removeDeclDir) $
comment = MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl $
"expanded instance: " ++ instanceName
prefix = instanceName ++ "_"
itemsPrefixed =
map (prefixModuleItems prefix) $
......@@ -257,7 +261,7 @@ inlineInterface (ports, items) (instanceName, instanceParams, instancePorts) =
removeDeclDir other = other
removeModport :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
removeModport (Modport x _) =
MIPackageItem $ Comment $ "removed modport " ++ x
MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl $ "removed modport " ++ x
removeModport other = other
instanceParamMap = Map.fromList instanceParams
......@@ -88,10 +88,11 @@ convertDescription ports orig =
if null newItems
then Instance moduleName params instanceName rs bindings
else Generate $ map GenModuleItem $
(MIPackageItem $ Comment "rewrote reg-to-output bindings") :
newItems ++
comment : newItems ++
[Instance moduleName params instanceName rs bindings']
comment = MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl
"rewrote reg-to-output bindings"
(bindings', newItemsList) = unzip $ map fixBinding bindings
newItems = concat newItemsList
fixBinding :: PortBinding -> (PortBinding, [ModuleItem])
......@@ -51,8 +51,7 @@ traverseDeclM (Variable dir t ident a me) = do
traverseDeclM (Param s t ident e) = do
t' <- traverseTypeM t [] ident
return $ Param s t' ident e
traverseDeclM (ParamType s ident mt) =
return $ ParamType s ident mt
traverseDeclM other = return other
traverseTypeM :: Type -> [Range] -> Identifier -> State Info Type
traverseTypeM t a ident = do
......@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ piName (Typedef _ ident ) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Param _ _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (ParamType _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (CommentDecl _)) = Nothing
piName (Import x y) = Just $ show $ Import x y
piName (Export _) = Nothing
piName (Comment _) = Nothing
piName (Directive _) = Nothing
......@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ piName (Typedef _ ident ) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Variable _ _ ident _ _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (Param _ _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (ParamType _ ident _)) = Just ident
piName (Decl (CommentDecl _)) = Nothing
piName (Import _ _) = Nothing
piName (Export _) = Nothing
piName (Comment _) = Nothing
piName (Directive _) = Nothing
......@@ -15,12 +15,49 @@ convert = map convertFile
convertFile :: AST -> AST
convertFile =
traverseDescriptions (traverseModuleItems convertModuleItem) .
filter (not . isComment)
filter (not . isTopLevelComment)
isComment :: Description -> Bool
isComment (PackageItem (Comment _)) = True
isComment _ = False
isTopLevelComment :: Description -> Bool
isTopLevelComment (PackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{})) = True
isTopLevelComment _ = False
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem (MIPackageItem (Comment _)) = Generate []
convertModuleItem other = other
convertModuleItem (MIAttr _ (Generate [])) = Generate []
convertModuleItem (MIPackageItem (Decl CommentDecl{})) = Generate []
convertModuleItem (MIPackageItem item) =
MIPackageItem $ convertPackageItem item
convertModuleItem other =
traverseStmts (traverseNestedStmts convertStmt) other
convertPackageItem :: PackageItem -> PackageItem
convertPackageItem (Function l t x decls stmts) =
Function l t x decls' stmts'
decls' = convertDecls decls
stmts' = convertStmts stmts
convertPackageItem (Task l x decls stmts) =
Task l x decls' stmts'
decls' = convertDecls decls
stmts' = convertStmts stmts
convertPackageItem other = other
convertStmt :: Stmt -> Stmt
convertStmt (CommentStmt _) = Null
convertStmt (Block kw name decls stmts) =
Block kw name decls' stmts
where decls' = convertDecls decls
convertStmt (For (Left decls) cond incr stmt) =
For (Left decls') cond incr stmt
where decls' = convertDecls decls
convertStmt other = other
convertDecls :: [Decl] -> [Decl]
convertDecls = filter (not . isCommentDecl)
isCommentDecl :: Decl -> Bool
isCommentDecl CommentDecl{} = True
isCommentDecl _ = False
convertStmts :: [Stmt] -> [Stmt]
convertStmts = map $ traverseNestedStmts convertStmt
......@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ traverseDeclM decl = do
Variable _ t x _ _ -> modify $ Map.insert x t
Param _ t x _ -> modify $ Map.insert x t
ParamType _ _ _ -> return ()
CommentDecl _ -> return ()
return decl
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> ST ModuleItem
......@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@ traverseDeclM structs origDecl = do
modify $ Map.insert x t
e' <- convertDeclExpr x e
return $ Param s t x e'
ParamType s x mt ->
return $ ParamType s x mt
ParamType{} -> return origDecl
CommentDecl{} -> return origDecl
convertDeclExpr :: Identifier -> Expr -> State Types Expr
convertDeclExpr x e = do
......@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ traverseModuleItemsM mapper (Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items) = d
let genItems' = filter (/= GenNull) genItems
mapM fullGenItemMapper genItems' >>= mapper . Generate
fullMapper (MIAttr attr mi) =
fullMapper mi >>= return . MIAttr attr
fullMapper mi >>= mapper . MIAttr attr
fullMapper other = mapper other
fullGenItemMapper = traverseNestedGenItemsM genItemMapper
genItemMapper (GenModuleItem moduleItem) = do
......@@ -264,6 +264,7 @@ traverseSinglyNestedStmtsM fullMapper = cs
cs (Continue) = return Continue
cs (Break) = return Break
cs (Null) = return Null
cs (CommentStmt c) = return $ CommentStmt c
traverseAssertionStmtsM :: Monad m => MapperM m Stmt -> MapperM m Assertion
traverseAssertionStmtsM mapper = assertionMapper
......@@ -548,6 +549,8 @@ exprMapperHelpers exprMapper =
a' <- mapM rangeMapper a
me' <- maybeExprMapper me
return $ Variable d t' x a' me'
declMapper (CommentDecl c) =
return $ CommentDecl c
lhsMapper (LHSRange l m r) =
rangeMapper r >>= return . LHSRange l m
......@@ -640,8 +643,6 @@ traverseExprsM' strat exprMapper = moduleItemMapper
return $ Generate items'
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Directive c)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Directive c
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Comment c)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Comment c
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Import x y)) =
return $ MIPackageItem $ Import x y
moduleItemMapper (MIPackageItem (Export x)) =
......@@ -744,6 +745,7 @@ traverseStmtExprsM exprMapper = flatStmtMapper
flatStmtMapper (Continue) = return Continue
flatStmtMapper (Break) = return Break
flatStmtMapper (Null) = return Null
flatStmtMapper (CommentStmt c) = return $ CommentStmt c
initsMapper (Left decls) = mapM declMapper decls >>= return . Left
initsMapper (Right asgns) = mapM mapper asgns >>= return . Right
......@@ -926,6 +928,7 @@ traverseTypesM mapper item =
maybeMapper mt >>= \mt' -> return $ ParamType s x mt'
declMapper (Variable d t x a me) =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ Variable d t' x a me
declMapper (CommentDecl c) = return $ CommentDecl c
miMapper (MIPackageItem (Typedef t x)) =
fullMapper t >>= \t' -> return $ MIPackageItem $ Typedef t' x
miMapper (MIPackageItem (Function l t x d s)) =
......@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ traverseDeclM decl = do
Param _ t ident _ -> do
modify $ Map.insert ident t
return decl'
ParamType _ _ _ -> return decl'
ParamType{} -> return decl'
CommentDecl{} -> return decl'
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> State Info ModuleItem
traverseModuleItemM item = traverseTypesM traverseTypeM item
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ convert =
getTypedef _ = return ()
removeTypedef :: Description -> Description
removeTypedef (PackageItem (Typedef _ x)) =
PackageItem $ Comment $ "removed typedef: " ++ x
PackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl $ "removed typedef: " ++ x
removeTypedef other = other
convertDescription :: Types -> Description -> Description
......@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ convertDescription globalTypes description =
getTypedef _ = return ()
removeTypedef :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
removeTypedef (MIPackageItem (Typedef _ x)) =
MIPackageItem $ Comment $ "removed typedef: " ++ x
MIPackageItem $ Decl $ CommentDecl $ "removed typedef: " ++ x
removeTypedef other = other
convertTypeOrExpr :: TypeOrExpr -> TypeOrExpr
convertTypeOrExpr (Left (TypeOf (Ident x))) =
......@@ -45,10 +45,7 @@ traverseDeclM (orig @ (Variable dir _ x _ me)) = do
then lift $ tell $ Set.singleton orig
else return ()
return orig
traverseDeclM (orig @ (Param _ _ _ _)) =
return orig
traverseDeclM (orig @ (ParamType _ _ _)) =
return orig
traverseDeclM other = return other
-- pack the given decls marked for packing
packDecl :: DeclSet -> Decl -> Decl
......@@ -59,8 +56,7 @@ packDecl decls (orig @ (Variable d t x a me)) = do
let t' = tf $ a ++ rs
Variable d t' x [] me
else orig
packDecl _ (orig @ Param{}) = orig
packDecl _ (orig @ ParamType{}) = orig
packDecl _ other = other
traverseModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> ST ModuleItem
......@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ data Decl
= Param ParamScope Type Identifier Expr
| ParamType ParamScope Identifier (Maybe Type)
| Variable Direction Type Identifier [Range] (Maybe Expr)
| CommentDecl String
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Decl where
......@@ -30,6 +31,10 @@ instance Show Decl where
show (Param s t x e) = printf "%s %s%s = %s;" (show s) (showPad t) x (show e)
show (ParamType s x mt) = printf "%s type %s%s;" (show s) x (showAssignment mt)
show (Variable d t x a me) = printf "%s%s%s%s%s;" (showPad d) (showPad t) x (showRanges a) (showAssignment me)
show (CommentDecl c) =
if elem '\n' c
then "// " ++ show c
else "// " ++ c
data Direction
= Input
......@@ -61,7 +61,6 @@ data PackageItem
| Export (Maybe (Identifier, Maybe Identifier))
| Decl Decl
| Directive String
| Comment String
deriving Eq
instance Show PackageItem where
......@@ -79,10 +78,6 @@ instance Show PackageItem where
show (Export (Just (x, y))) = printf "export %s::%s;" x (fromMaybe "*" y)
show (Decl decl) = show decl
show (Directive str) = str
show (Comment c) =
if elem '\n' c
then "// " ++ show c
else "// " ++ c
data PartKW
= Module
......@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ data Stmt
| Continue
| Break
| Null
| CommentStmt String
deriving Eq
instance Show Stmt where
......@@ -98,8 +99,15 @@ instance Show Stmt where
show (Continue ) = "continue;"
show (Break ) = "break;"
show (Null ) = ";"
show (CommentStmt c) =
if elem '\n' c
then "// " ++ show c
else "// " ++ c
showBranch :: Stmt -> String
showBranch (Block Seq "" [] [CommentStmt c, stmt]) =
'\n' : (indent $ unlines' $ map show stmts)
where stmts = [CommentStmt c, stmt]
showBranch (block @ Block{}) = ' ' : show block
showBranch stmt = '\n' : (indent $ show stmt)
......@@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser
) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST (AST)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Lex (lexFile, Env)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Parse (parse)
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens (Position(..), tokenPosition)
-- parses a compilation unit given include search paths and predefined macros
parseFiles :: [FilePath] -> [(String, String)] -> Bool -> [FilePath] -> IO (Either String [AST])
......@@ -32,5 +34,9 @@ parseFile' :: [String] -> Env -> FilePath -> ExceptT String IO (AST, Env)
parseFile' includePaths env path = do
result <- liftIO $ lexFile includePaths env path
(tokens, env') <- liftEither result
ast <- parse tokens
let position =
if null tokens
then Position path 1 1
else tokenPosition $ head tokens
ast <- evalStateT parse (position, tokens)
return (ast, env')
......@@ -11,15 +11,18 @@
- the ability to easily blame/diff this file.
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Parse (parse) where
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.State
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.ParseDecl
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
%monad { ExceptT String IO }
%monad { ParseState }
%lexer { positionKeep } { TokenEOF }
%name parse
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
......@@ -588,38 +591,29 @@ Identifiers :: { [Identifier] }
DeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclToken delim { [$1] }
| DeclToken DeclTokens(delim) { [$1] ++ $2 }
| AsgnOp Expr "," DeclTokens(delim) { [DTAsgn $1 $2, DTComma] ++ $4 }
| AsgnOp Expr delim { [DTAsgn $1 $2] }
| Identifier ParamBindings DeclTokens(delim) {% posInject \p -> [DTIdent p $1, DTParams p $2] ++ $3 }
| AsgnOp Expr "," DeclTokens(delim) {% posInject \p -> [DTAsgn p $1 $2, DTComma p] ++ $4 }
| AsgnOp Expr delim {% posInject \p -> [DTAsgn p $1 $2] }
DeclToken :: { DeclToken }
: DeclOrStmtToken { $1 }
| ParameterBindings { DTParams $1 }
DeclOrStmtTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclOrStmtToken delim { [$1] }
| DeclOrStmtToken DeclOrStmtTokens(delim) { [$1] ++ $2 }
| AsgnOp Expr "," DeclOrStmtTokens(delim) { [DTAsgn $1 $2, DTComma] ++ $4 }
| AsgnOp Expr delim { [DTAsgn $1 $2] }
| IncOrDecOperator delim { [DTAsgn (AsgnOp $1) (Number "1")] }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEventControl) Expr "," DeclOrStmtTokens(delim) { [DTAsgnNBlk $2 $3, DTComma] ++ $5 }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEventControl) Expr delim { [DTAsgnNBlk $2 $3] }
DeclOrStmtToken :: { DeclToken }
: "," { DTComma }
| "[" "]" { DTAutoDim }
| PartSelect { DTRange $1 }
| Identifier { DTIdent $1 }
| Direction { DTDir $1 }
| "[" Expr "]" { DTBit $2 }
| LHSConcat { DTConcat $1 }
| PartialType { DTType $1 }
| "." Identifier { DTDot $2 }
| PortBindings { DTInstance $1 }
| Signing { DTSigning $1 }
| ExplicitLifetime { DTLifetime $1 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier { DTPSIdent $1 $3 }
| "const" PartialType { DTType $2 }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" { DTStream $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" { DTStream $2 (Number "1") (map toLHS $3) }
| opt("var") "type" "(" Expr ")" { DTType $ \Unspecified -> \[] -> TypeOf $4 }
: "," {% posInject \p -> DTComma p }
| "[" "]" {% posInject \p -> DTAutoDim p }
| PartSelect {% posInject \p -> DTRange p $1 }
| Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTIdent p $1 }
| Direction {% posInject \p -> DTDir p $1 }
| "[" Expr "]" {% posInject \p -> DTBit p $2 }
| LHSConcat {% posInject \p -> DTConcat p $1 }
| PartialType {% posInject \p -> DTType p $1 }
| "." Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTDot p $2 }
| PortBindings {% posInject \p -> DTInstance p $1 }
| Signing {% posInject \p -> DTSigning p $1 }
| ExplicitLifetime {% posInject \p -> DTLifetime p $1 }
| "const" PartialType {% posInject \p -> DTType p $2 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier {% posInject \p -> DTPSIdent p $1 $3 }
| "{" StreamOp StreamSize Concat "}" {% posInject \p -> DTStream p $2 $3 (map toLHS $4) }
| "{" StreamOp Concat "}" {% posInject \p -> DTStream p $2 (Number "1") (map toLHS $3) }
| opt("var") "type" "(" Expr ")" {% posInject \p -> DTType p (\Unspecified -> \[] -> TypeOf $4) }
| "<=" opt(DelayOrEventControl) Expr {% posInject \p -> DTAsgnNBlk p $2 $3 }
| IncOrDecOperator {% posInject \p -> DTAsgn p (AsgnOp $1) (Number "1") }
VariablePortIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: VariablePortIdentifier { [$1] }
......@@ -635,7 +629,7 @@ Direction :: { Direction }
ModuleItems :: { [ModuleItem] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| ModuleItems ModuleItem { $1 ++ $2 }
| ModuleItems MITrace ModuleItem { $1 ++ [$2] ++ $3 }
| ModuleItems ";" { $1 }
ModuleItem :: { [ModuleItem] }
......@@ -770,7 +764,7 @@ LHSAsgn :: { (LHS, Expr) }
PackageItems :: { [PackageItem] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| PackageItems ";" { $1 }
| PackageItems PackageItem { $1 ++ $2 }
| PackageItems PITrace PackageItem { $1 ++ [$2] ++ $3 }
PackageItem :: { [PackageItem] }
: DeclTokens(";") { map Decl $ parseDTsAsDecls $1 }
| ParameterDecl(";") { map Decl $1 }
......@@ -888,7 +882,7 @@ PortBinding :: { PortBinding }
| Expr { ("", Just $1) }
| ".*" { ("*", Nothing) }
ParameterBindings :: { [ParamBinding] }
ParamBindings :: { [ParamBinding] }
: "#" "(" ParamBindingsInside ")" { $3 }
ParamBindingsInside :: { [ParamBinding] }
: ParamBinding { [$1] }
......@@ -903,12 +897,13 @@ Stmts :: { [Stmt] }
| Stmts Stmt { $1 ++ [$2] }
Stmt :: { Stmt }
: StmtAsgn { $1 }
| StmtNonAsgn { $1 }
: StmtTrace StmtAsgn { Block Seq "" [] [$1, $2] }
| StmtTrace StmtNonAsgn { $2 }
StmtAsgn :: { Stmt }
: LHS AsgnOp Expr ";" { AsgnBlk $2 $1 $3 }
| LHS IncOrDecOperator ";" { AsgnBlk (AsgnOp $2) $1 (Number "1") }
| IncOrDecOperator LHS ";" { AsgnBlk (AsgnOp $1) $2 (Number "1") }
| LHS "<=" opt(DelayOrEventControl) Expr ";" { Asgn $3 $1 $4 }
| LHS ";" { Subroutine (lhsToExpr $1) (Args [] []) }
| LHS CallArgs ";" { Subroutine (lhsToExpr $1) $2 }
......@@ -940,7 +935,6 @@ StmtNonBlock :: { Stmt }
| "->>" Identifier ";" { Trigger False $2 }
| AttributeInstance Stmt { StmtAttr $1 $2 }
| ProceduralAssertionStatement { Assertion $1 }
| IncOrDecOperator LHS ";" { AsgnBlk (AsgnOp $1) $2 (Number "1") }
| "void" "'" "(" Expr CallArgs ")" ";" { Subroutine $4 $5 }
BlockKWPar :: { BlockKW }
......@@ -980,11 +974,11 @@ IdxVarsInside :: { [Maybe Identifier] }
| opt(Identifier) "," IdxVarsInside { $1 : $3 }
DeclsAndStmts :: { ([Decl], [Stmt]) }
: DeclOrStmt DeclsAndStmts { combineDeclsAndStmts $1 $2 }
| StmtNonAsgn Stmts { ([], $1 : $2) }
| {- empty -} { ([], []) }
: StmtTrace DeclOrStmt DeclsAndStmts { combineDeclsAndStmts $2 $3 }
| StmtTrace StmtNonAsgn Stmts { ([], $1 : $2 : $3) }
| StmtTrace {- empty -} { ([], []) }
DeclOrStmt :: { ([Decl], [Stmt]) }
: DeclOrStmtTokens(";") { parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn $1 }
: DeclTokens(";") { parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt $1 }
| ParameterDecl(";") { ($1, []) }
ModuleParameterDecl(delim) :: { [Decl] }
......@@ -1271,12 +1265,40 @@ DimFn :: { DimFn }
| "$increment" { FnIncrement }
| "$size" { FnSize }
MITrace :: { ModuleItem }
: PITrace { MIPackageItem $1 }
PITrace :: { PackageItem }
: Trace { Decl $ CommentDecl $1 }
StmtTrace :: { Stmt }
: Trace { CommentStmt $1 }
Trace :: { String }
: position { "Trace: " ++ show $1 }
position :: { Position }
: {- empty -} {% gets fst }
parseError :: [Token] -> ExceptT String IO a
type ParseState = StateT (Position, [Token]) (ExceptT String IO)
posInject :: (Position -> a) -> ParseState a
posInject cont = do
pos <- gets fst
return $ cont pos
positionKeep :: (Token -> ParseState a) -> ParseState a
positionKeep cont = do
tokens <- gets snd
case tokens of
[] -> cont TokenEOF
tok : toks -> do
put (tokenPosition tok, toks)
cont tok
parseError :: Token -> ParseState a
parseError a = case a of
[] -> throwError $ "Parse error: no tokens left to parse."
Token t s p : _ -> throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected token '" ++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")."
TokenEOF -> throwError $ "Parse error: no tokens left to parse."
Token t s p -> throwError $ show p ++ ": Parse error: unexpected token '"
++ s ++ "' (" ++ show t ++ ")."
genItemsToGenItem :: [GenItem] -> GenItem
genItemsToGenItem [x] = x
......@@ -1288,6 +1310,7 @@ combineDeclsAndStmts (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = (a1 ++ a2, b1 ++ b2)
makeInput :: Decl -> Decl
makeInput (Variable Local t x a me) = Variable Input t x a me
makeInput (Variable Input t x a me) = Variable Input t x a me
makeInput (CommentDecl c) = CommentDecl c
makeInput other =
error $ "unexpected non-var or non-input decl: " ++ (show other)
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Advanced parser for declarations and module instantiations.
- Advanced parser for declarations, module instantiations, and some statements.
- This module exists because the SystemVerilog grammar has conflicts which
- cannot be resolved by an LALR(1) parser. This module provides an interface
- for parsing an list of "DeclTokens" into `Decl`s and/or `ModuleItem`s. This
- works through a series of functions which have an greater lookahead for
- This module exists because the SystemVerilog grammar is not LALR(1), and
- Happy can only produce LALR(1) parsers. This module provides an interface for
- parsing a list of "DeclTokens" into `Decl`s, `ModuleItem`s, or `Stmt`s. This
- works through a series of functions which have use a greater lookahead for
- resolving the conflicts.
- Consider the following two module declarations:
......@@ -16,12 +16,19 @@
- When `{one} two ,` is on the stack, it is impossible to know whether to A)
- shift `three` to add to the current declaration list; or B) to reduce the
- stack and begin a new port declaration; without looking ahead more than 1
- token (even ignoring the fact that a range is itself multiple tokens).
- token.
- While I previous had some success dealing with conflicts in the parser with
- While I previously had some success dealing with these conflicts with
- increasingly convoluted grammars, this became more and more untenable as I
- added support for more SystemVerilog constructs.
- Because declarations and statements are subject to the same kind of
- conflicts, this module additionally provides an interface for parsing
- DeclTokens as either declarations or the basic statements (either assignments
- or task/function calls) with which they can conflict. The initialization
- portion of a for loop also allows for declarations and assignments, and so a
- similar interface is provided for this case.
- This parser is very liberal, and so accepts some syntactically invalid files.
- In the future, we may add some basic type-checking to complain about
- malformed input files. However, we generally assume that users have tested
......@@ -34,40 +41,41 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.ParseDecl
, parseDTsAsModuleItems
, parseDTsAsDecls
, parseDTsAsDecl
, parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn
, parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt
, parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns
) where
import Data.List (elemIndex, findIndex, findIndices, partition)
import Data.List (findIndex, findIndices, partition)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens (Position(..))
-- [PUBLIC]: combined (irregular) tokens for declarations
data DeclToken
= DTComma
| DTAutoDim
| DTAsgn AsgnOp Expr
| DTAsgnNBlk (Maybe Timing) Expr
| DTRange (PartSelectMode, Range)
| DTIdent Identifier
| DTPSIdent Identifier Identifier
| DTDir Direction
| DTType (Signing -> [Range] -> Type)
| DTParams [ParamBinding]
| DTInstance [PortBinding]
| DTBit Expr
| DTConcat [LHS]
| DTStream StreamOp Expr [LHS]
| DTDot Identifier
| DTSigning Signing
| DTLifetime Lifetime
= DTComma Position
| DTAutoDim Position
| DTAsgn Position AsgnOp Expr
| DTAsgnNBlk Position (Maybe Timing) Expr
| DTRange Position (PartSelectMode, Range)
| DTIdent Position Identifier
| DTPSIdent Position Identifier Identifier
| DTDir Position Direction
| DTType Position (Signing -> [Range] -> Type)
| DTParams Position [ParamBinding]
| DTInstance Position [PortBinding]
| DTBit Position Expr
| DTConcat Position [LHS]
| DTStream Position StreamOp Expr [LHS]
| DTDot Position Identifier
| DTSigning Position Signing
| DTLifetime Position Lifetime
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- entrypoints besides `parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn` use this to disallow `DTAsgnNBlk`
-- entrypoints besides `parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt` use this to disallow `DTAsgnNBlk`
-- and `DTAsgn` with a binary assignment operator because we don't expect to see
-- those assignment oeprators in declarations
-- those assignment operators in declarations
forbidNonEqAsgn :: [DeclToken] -> a -> a
forbidNonEqAsgn tokens =
if any isNonEqAsgn tokens
......@@ -75,8 +83,8 @@ forbidNonEqAsgn tokens =
else id
isNonEqAsgn :: DeclToken -> Bool
isNonEqAsgn (DTAsgnNBlk _ _) = True
isNonEqAsgn (DTAsgn (AsgnOp _) _) = True
isNonEqAsgn (DTAsgnNBlk _ _ _) = True
isNonEqAsgn (DTAsgn _ (AsgnOp _) _) = True
isNonEqAsgn _ = False
......@@ -100,14 +108,13 @@ parseDTsAsPortDecls pieces =
simpleIdents = map extractIdent $ filter isIdent pieces
declarations = parseDTsAsDecls pieces
isComma :: DeclToken -> Bool
isComma token = token == DTComma
extractIdent = \(DTIdent x) -> x
extractIdent = \(DTIdent _ x) -> x
portNames :: [Decl] -> [Identifier]
portNames items = mapMaybe portName items
portName :: Decl -> Maybe Identifier
portName (Variable _ _ ident _ _) = Just ident
portName CommentDecl{} = Nothing
portName decl =
error $ "unexpected non-variable port declaration: " ++ (show decl)
......@@ -125,29 +132,29 @@ parseDTsAsModuleItems tokens =
map (MIPackageItem . Decl) $ parseDTsAsDecl tokens
isElabTask :: DeclToken -> Bool
isElabTask (DTIdent x) = elem x elabTasks
isElabTask (DTIdent _ x) = elem x elabTasks
where elabTasks = ["$fatal", "$error", "$warning", "$info"]
isElabTask _ = False
isInstance :: DeclToken -> Bool
isInstance (DTInstance _) = True
isInstance (DTInstance{}) = True
isInstance _ = False
-- internal; approximates the behavior of the elaboration system tasks
asElabTask :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
asElabTask [DTIdent name, DTInstance args] =
asElabTask [DTIdent _ name, DTInstance _ args] =
if name == "$info"
then [] -- just drop them for simplicity
else [Instance "ThisModuleDoesNotExist" [] name' Nothing args]
where name' = "__sv2v_elab_" ++ tail name
asElabTask [DTIdent name] =
asElabTask [DTIdent name, DTInstance []]
asElabTask [DTIdent pos name] =
asElabTask [DTIdent pos name, DTInstance pos []]
asElabTask tokens =
error $ "could not parse elaboration system task: " ++ show tokens
-- internal; parser for module instantiations
parseDTsAsIntantiations :: [DeclToken] -> [ModuleItem]
parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent name : tokens) =
parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent _ name : tokens) =
if not (all isInstanceToken rest)
then error $ "instantiations mixed with other items: " ++ (show rest)
else step rest
......@@ -157,23 +164,23 @@ parseDTsAsIntantiations (DTIdent name : tokens) =
step toks =
Instance name params x mr p : follow
(inst, toks') = span (DTComma /=) toks
(inst, toks') = span (not . isComma) toks
(x, mr, p) = case inst of
[DTIdent a, DTRange (NonIndexed, s), DTInstance b] ->
[DTIdent _ a, DTRange _ (NonIndexed, s), DTInstance _ b] ->
(a, Just s , b)
[DTIdent a, DTInstance b] -> (a, Nothing, b)
[DTIdent _ a, DTInstance _ b] -> (a, Nothing, b)
_ -> error $ "unrecognized instantiation of " ++ name
++ ": " ++ show inst
follow = x `seq` if null toks' then [] else step (tail toks')
(params, rest) =
case head tokens of
DTParams ps -> (ps, tail tokens)
DTParams _ ps -> (ps, tail tokens)
_ -> ([], tokens)
isInstanceToken :: DeclToken -> Bool
isInstanceToken (DTInstance _) = True
isInstanceToken (DTRange _) = True
isInstanceToken (DTIdent _) = True
isInstanceToken DTComma = True
isInstanceToken (DTInstance{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTRange{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTIdent{}) = True
isInstanceToken (DTComma{}) = True
isInstanceToken _ = False
parseDTsAsIntantiations tokens =
error $
......@@ -200,19 +207,22 @@ parseDTsAsDecl tokens =
-- [PUBLIC]: parser for single block item declarations or assign or arg-less
-- subroutine call statetments
parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn :: [DeclToken] -> ([Decl], [Stmt])
parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn [DTIdent f] = ([], [Subroutine (Ident f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn [DTPSIdent p f] = ([], [Subroutine (PSIdent p f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn tokens =
-- subroutine call statements
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt :: [DeclToken] -> ([Decl], [Stmt])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt [DTIdent pos f] = ([], [traceStmt pos, Subroutine (Ident f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt [DTPSIdent pos p f] = ([], [traceStmt pos, Subroutine (PSIdent p f) (Args [] [])])
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt (DTAsgn pos (AsgnOp op) e : tok : toks) =
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt $ (tok : toks) ++ [DTAsgn pos (AsgnOp op) e]
parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt tokens =
if (isStmt (last tokens) || tripLookahead tokens) && maybeLhs /= Nothing
then ([], [stmt])
then ([], [traceStmt pos, stmt])
else (parseDTsAsDecl tokens, [])
pos = tokPos $ last tokens
stmt = case last tokens of
DTAsgn op e -> AsgnBlk op lhs e
DTAsgnNBlk mt e -> Asgn mt lhs e
DTInstance args -> Subroutine (lhsToExpr lhs) (instanceToArgs args)
DTAsgn _ op e -> AsgnBlk op lhs e
DTAsgnNBlk _ mt e -> Asgn mt lhs e
DTInstance _ args -> Subroutine (lhsToExpr lhs) (instanceToArgs args)
_ -> error $ "invalid block item decl or stmt: " ++ (show tokens)
maybeLhs = takeLHS $ init tokens
Just lhs = maybeLhs
......@@ -222,6 +232,9 @@ parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn tokens =
isStmt (DTInstance{}) = True
isStmt _ = False
traceStmt :: Position -> Stmt
traceStmt pos = CommentStmt $ "Trace: " ++ show pos
-- converts port bindings to call args
instanceToArgs :: [PortBinding] -> Args
instanceToArgs bindings =
......@@ -242,7 +255,7 @@ parseDTsAsDeclsOrAsgns tokens =
hasLeadingAsgn =
-- if there is an asgn token before the next comma
case (elemIndex DTComma tokens, findIndex isAsgnToken tokens) of
case (findIndex isComma tokens, findIndex isAsgnToken tokens) of
(Just a, Just b) -> a > b
(Nothing, Just _) -> True
_ -> False
......@@ -252,27 +265,27 @@ parseDTsAsAsgns :: [DeclToken] -> [(LHS, Expr)]
parseDTsAsAsgns tokens =
case l1 of
[] -> [asgn]
DTComma : remaining -> asgn : parseDTsAsAsgns remaining
DTComma{} : remaining -> asgn : parseDTsAsAsgns remaining
_ -> error $ "bad assignment tokens: " ++ show tokens
(lhsToks, l0) = break isDTAsgn tokens
lhs = case takeLHS lhsToks of
Nothing -> error $ "could not parse as LHS: " ++ show lhsToks
Just l -> l
DTAsgn AsgnOpEq expr : l1 = l0
DTAsgn _ AsgnOpEq expr : l1 = l0
asgn = (lhs, expr)
isDTAsgn :: DeclToken -> Bool
isDTAsgn (DTAsgn _ _) = True
isDTAsgn (DTAsgn{}) = True
isDTAsgn _ = False
isAsgnToken :: DeclToken -> Bool
isAsgnToken (DTBit _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTConcat _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTStream _ _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTDot _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTAsgnNBlk _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTAsgn (AsgnOp _) _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTBit _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTConcat _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTStream _ _ _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTDot _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTAsgnNBlk _ _ _) = True
isAsgnToken (DTAsgn _ (AsgnOp _) _) = True
isAsgnToken _ = False
takeLHS :: [DeclToken] -> Maybe LHS
......@@ -281,40 +294,41 @@ takeLHS (t : ts) =
foldl takeLHSStep (takeLHSStart t) ts
takeLHSStart :: DeclToken -> Maybe LHS
takeLHSStart (DTConcat lhss) = Just $ LHSConcat lhss
takeLHSStart (DTStream o e lhss) = Just $ LHSStream o e lhss
takeLHSStart (DTIdent x ) = Just $ LHSIdent x
takeLHSStart (DTConcat _ lhss) = Just $ LHSConcat lhss
takeLHSStart (DTStream _ o e lhss) = Just $ LHSStream o e lhss
takeLHSStart (DTIdent _ x ) = Just $ LHSIdent x
takeLHSStart _ = Nothing
takeLHSStep :: Maybe LHS -> DeclToken -> Maybe LHS
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTBit e ) = Just $ LHSBit curr e
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTRange (m,r)) = Just $ LHSRange curr m r
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTDot x ) = Just $ LHSDot curr x
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTBit _ e ) = Just $ LHSBit curr e
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTRange _ (m,r)) = Just $ LHSRange curr m r
takeLHSStep (Just curr) (DTDot _ x ) = Just $ LHSDot curr x
takeLHSStep _ _ = Nothing
-- batches together seperate declaration lists
-- batches together separate declaration lists
type Triplet = (Identifier, [Range], Maybe Expr)
type Component = (Direction, Type, [Triplet])
finalize :: Component -> [Decl]
finalize (dir, typ, trips) =
finalize :: (Position, Component) -> [Decl]
finalize (pos, (dir, typ, trips)) =
CommentDecl ("Trace: " ++ show pos) :
map (\(x, a, me) -> Variable dir typ x a me) trips
-- internal; entrypoint of the critical portion of our parser
parseDTsAsComponents :: [DeclToken] -> [Component]
parseDTsAsComponents :: [DeclToken] -> [(Position, Component)]
parseDTsAsComponents [] = []
parseDTsAsComponents tokens =
component : parseDTsAsComponents tokens'
(position, component) : parseDTsAsComponents tokens'
(component, tokens') = parseDTsAsComponent tokens
(position, component, tokens') = parseDTsAsComponent tokens
parseDTsAsComponent :: [DeclToken] -> (Component, [DeclToken])
parseDTsAsComponent :: [DeclToken] -> (Position, Component, [DeclToken])
parseDTsAsComponent [] = error "parseDTsAsComponent unexpected end of tokens"
parseDTsAsComponent l0 =
if l /= Nothing && l /= Just Automatic
then error $ "unexpected non-automatic lifetime: " ++ show l0
else (component, l5)
else (position, component, l5)
(dir, l1) = takeDir l0
(l , l2) = takeLifetime l1
......@@ -322,7 +336,7 @@ parseDTsAsComponent l0 =
(rs , l4) = takeRanges l3
(tps, l5) = takeTrips l4 True
component = (dir, tf rs, tps)
position = tokPos $ head l0
takeTrips :: [DeclToken] -> Bool -> ([Triplet], [DeclToken])
takeTrips [] True = error "incomplete declaration"
......@@ -358,33 +372,33 @@ tripLookahead l0 =
-- type name, as type names must be followed by a first identifier before a
-- comma or the end of the list
(not $ null l3) && (head l3 == DTComma)
(not $ null l3) && (isComma $ head l3)
(_ , l1) = takeIdent l0
(_ , l2) = takeRanges l1
(asgn, l3) = takeAsgn l2
takeDir :: [DeclToken] -> (Direction, [DeclToken])
takeDir (DTDir dir : rest) = (dir , rest)
takeDir (DTDir _ dir : rest) = (dir , rest)
takeDir rest = (Local, rest)
takeLifetime :: [DeclToken] -> (Maybe Lifetime, [DeclToken])
takeLifetime (DTLifetime l : rest) = (Just l, rest)
takeLifetime (DTLifetime _ l : rest) = (Just l, rest)
takeLifetime rest = (Nothing, rest)
takeType :: [DeclToken] -> ([Range] -> Type, [DeclToken])
takeType (DTIdent a : DTDot b : rest) = (InterfaceT a (Just b), rest)
takeType (DTType tf : DTSigning sg : rest) = (tf sg , rest)
takeType (DTType tf : rest) = (tf Unspecified , rest)
takeType (DTSigning sg : rest) = (Implicit sg , rest)
takeType (DTPSIdent ps tn : rest) = (Alias (Just ps) tn , rest)
takeType (DTIdent tn : rest) =
takeType (DTIdent _ a : DTDot _ b : rest) = (InterfaceT a (Just b), rest)
takeType (DTType _ tf : DTSigning _ sg : rest) = (tf sg , rest)
takeType (DTType _ tf : rest) = (tf Unspecified , rest)
takeType (DTSigning _ sg : rest) = (Implicit sg , rest)
takeType (DTPSIdent _ ps tn : rest) = (Alias (Just ps) tn , rest)
takeType (DTIdent pos tn : rest) =
if couldBeTypename
then (Alias (Nothing) tn , rest)
else (Implicit Unspecified, DTIdent tn : rest)
else (Implicit Unspecified, DTIdent pos tn : rest)
couldBeTypename =
case (findIndex isIdent rest, elemIndex DTComma rest) of
case (findIndex isIdent rest, findIndex isComma rest) of
-- no identifiers left => no decl asgns
(Nothing, _) -> False
-- an identifier is left, and no more commas
......@@ -397,12 +411,12 @@ takeRanges :: [DeclToken] -> ([Range], [DeclToken])
takeRanges [] = ([], [])
takeRanges (token : tokens) =
case token of
DTRange (NonIndexed, r) -> (r : rs, rest )
DTBit s -> (asRange s : rs, rest )
DTAutoDim ->
DTRange _ (NonIndexed, r) -> (r : rs, rest )
DTBit _ s -> (asRange s : rs, rest )
DTAutoDim _ ->
case rest of
(DTAsgn AsgnOpEq (Pattern l) : _) -> autoDim l
(DTAsgn AsgnOpEq (Concat l) : _) -> autoDim l
(DTAsgn _ AsgnOpEq (Pattern l) : _) -> autoDim l
(DTAsgn _ AsgnOpEq (Concat l) : _) -> autoDim l
_ -> ([] , token : tokens)
_ -> ([] , token : tokens)
......@@ -417,24 +431,47 @@ takeRanges (token : tokens) =
hi = Number $ show (n - 1)
-- Matching DTAsgnNBlk here allows tripLookahead to work both for standard
-- declarations and in `parseDTsAsDeclOrAsgn`, where we're checking for an
-- assignment assignment statement. The other entry points disallow
-- `DTAsgnNBlk`, so this doesn't liberalize the parser.
-- declarations and in `parseDTsAsDeclOrStmt`, where we're checking for an
-- assignment statement. The other entry points disallow `DTAsgnNBlk`, so this
-- doesn't liberalize the parser.
takeAsgn :: [DeclToken] -> (Maybe Expr, [DeclToken])
takeAsgn (DTAsgn AsgnOpEq e : rest) = (Just e , rest)
takeAsgn (DTAsgnNBlk _ e : rest) = (Just e , rest)
takeAsgn (DTAsgn _ AsgnOpEq e : rest) = (Just e , rest)
takeAsgn (DTAsgnNBlk _ _ e : rest) = (Just e , rest)
takeAsgn rest = (Nothing, rest)
takeComma :: [DeclToken] -> (Bool, [DeclToken])
takeComma [] = (False, [])
takeComma (DTComma : rest) = (True, rest)
takeComma (DTComma{} : rest) = (True, rest)
takeComma toks = error $ "expected comma or end of decl, got: " ++ show toks
takeIdent :: [DeclToken] -> (Identifier, [DeclToken])
takeIdent (DTIdent x : rest) = (x, rest)
takeIdent (DTIdent _ x : rest) = (x, rest)
takeIdent tokens = error $ "takeIdent didn't find identifier: " ++ show tokens
isIdent :: DeclToken -> Bool
isIdent (DTIdent _) = True
isIdent (DTIdent{}) = True
isIdent _ = False
isComma :: DeclToken -> Bool
isComma (DTComma{}) = True
isComma _ = False
tokPos :: DeclToken -> Position
tokPos (DTComma p) = p
tokPos (DTAutoDim p) = p
tokPos (DTAsgn p _ _) = p
tokPos (DTAsgnNBlk p _ _) = p
tokPos (DTRange p _) = p
tokPos (DTIdent p _) = p
tokPos (DTPSIdent p _ _) = p
tokPos (DTDir p _) = p
tokPos (DTType p _) = p
tokPos (DTParams p _) = p
tokPos (DTInstance p _) = p
tokPos (DTBit p _) = p
tokPos (DTConcat p _) = p
tokPos (DTStream p _ _ _) = p
tokPos (DTDot p _) = p
tokPos (DTSigning p _) = p
tokPos (DTLifetime p _) = p
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Tom Hawkins <>
- Modified by: Zachary Snow <>
......@@ -11,6 +12,8 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
, Position (..)
, tokenString
, tokenName
, tokenPosition
, pattern TokenEOF
) where
import Text.Printf
......@@ -21,6 +24,12 @@ tokenString (Token _ s _) = s
tokenName :: Token -> TokenName
tokenName (Token kw _ _) = kw
tokenPosition :: Token -> Position
tokenPosition (Token _ _ pos) = pos
pattern TokenEOF :: Token
pattern TokenEOF = Token MacroBoundary "" (Position "" 0 0)
data Position
= Position String Int Int
deriving Eq
......@@ -4,4 +4,18 @@ module top;
initial begin
initial begin
repeat (0);
initial begin
repeat (0);
module top;
integer x = 0;
initial begin
initial repeat (4) begin
x = x + 1;
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