Commit dc759dbb by Zachary Snow

support for parameters of all types; fix named argument display bug

parent c8e77626
......@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ instance Show Args where
strs = (map showPnArg pnArgs) ++ (map showKwArg kwArgs)
showPnArg = maybe "" show
showKwArg (x, me) = printf ".%s(%s)" (show x) (showPnArg me)
showKwArg (x, me) = printf ".%s(%s)" x (showPnArg me)
showAssignment :: Maybe Expr -> String
showAssignment Nothing = ""
......@@ -568,8 +568,8 @@ TFItems :: { [Decl] }
| ";" { [] }
ParamType :: { Type }
: "integer" Signing { IntegerAtom TInteger $2 }
| "integer" { IntegerAtom TInteger Unspecified }
: PartialType Dimensions { $1 Unspecified $2 }
| PartialType Signing Dimensions { $1 $2 $3 }
| DimensionsNonEmpty { Implicit Unspecified $1 }
| Signing Dimensions { Implicit $1 $2 }
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