Commit b81341c0 by Zachary Snow

support for casex and casez, and their conversions

parent b01003fa
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ module Convert (convert) where
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
import qualified Convert.AlwaysKW
import qualified Convert.CaseKW
import qualified Convert.Logic
import qualified Convert.Typedef
import qualified Convert.PackedArrayFlatten
......@@ -19,6 +20,7 @@ type Phase = AST -> AST
phases :: [Phase]
phases =
[ Convert.AlwaysKW.convert
, Convert.CaseKW.convert
, Convert.Logic.convert
, Convert.Typedef.convert
, Convert.PackedArrayFlatten.convert
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Conversion for `casez` and `casex`
- Note that this conversion does not completely replicate the behavior of
- `casex` and `casez` in cases where that case expression itself (rather than
- just the case item patterns) contains wildcard values. This is apparently
- rarely ever intentially done.
module Convert.CaseKW (convert) where
import Convert.Template.Stmt (stmtConverter)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
convert :: AST -> AST
convert = stmtConverter convertStmt
-- Conversions:
-- `casez` -> `case` with wildcards (?, z) expanded
-- `casex` -> `case` with wildcards (?, z, x) expanded
-- to be either 0 or 1
wildcards :: CaseKW -> [Char]
wildcards CaseN = [] -- CaseN == `case`
wildcards CaseZ = ['?', 'z', 'Z']
wildcards CaseX = ['?', 'z', 'Z', 'x', 'X']
possibilities :: [Char]
possibilities = ['0', '1']
explodeBy :: [Char] -> String -> [String]
explodeBy _ "" = [""]
explodeBy wilds (x : xs) =
if elem x wilds
then concat $ map (\c -> map (c :) prev) possibilities
else map (x :) prev
where prev = explodeBy wilds xs
expandExpr :: [Char] -> Expr -> [Expr]
expandExpr wilds (Number s) = map Number $ explodeBy wilds s
expandExpr [] other = [other]
-- TODO: Hopefully they only give us constant expressions...
expandExpr _ other = error $ "CaseKW conversione encountered case that was not a number, which is dubious..." ++ (show other)
-- Note that we don't have to convert the statements within the cases, as the
-- conversion template takes care of that for us.
convertStmt :: Stmt -> Stmt
convertStmt (Case kw expr cases def) =
Case CaseN expr cases' def
wilds = wildcards kw
cases' = map convertCase cases
convertCase :: Case -> Case
convertCase (exprs, stmt) = (exprs', stmt)
where exprs' = concat $ map (expandExpr wilds) exprs
convertStmt other = other
......@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ convertDescription other = other
getStmtLHSs :: Stmt -> [LHS]
getStmtLHSs (Block _ stmts) = concat $ map getStmtLHSs stmts
getStmtLHSs (Case e cases (Just stmt)) = (getStmtLHSs stmt) ++ (getStmtLHSs $ Case e cases Nothing)
getStmtLHSs (Case _ cases Nothing) = concat $ map getStmtLHSs $ map snd cases
getStmtLHSs (Case kw e cases (Just stmt)) = (getStmtLHSs stmt) ++ (getStmtLHSs $ Case kw e cases Nothing)
getStmtLHSs (Case _ _ cases Nothing) = concat $ map getStmtLHSs $ map snd cases
getStmtLHSs (BlockingAssignment lhs _) = [lhs]
getStmtLHSs (NonBlockingAssignment lhs _) = [lhs]
getStmtLHSs (For _ _ _ stmt) = getStmtLHSs stmt
......@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ rewriteStmt dimMap orig = rs orig
rs :: Stmt -> Stmt
rs (Block decls stmts) = Block decls (map rs stmts)
rs (Case e cases def) = Case e' cases' def'
rs (Case kw e cases def) = Case kw e' cases' def'
re :: Expr -> Expr
re = rewriteExpr dimMap
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Template converter for Stmt transformations
module Convert.Template.Stmt (stmtConverter) where
import Convert.Template.ModuleItem (moduleItemConverter)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Converter = Stmt -> Stmt
stmtConverter :: Converter -> (AST -> AST)
stmtConverter = moduleItemConverter . convertModuleItem
convertModuleItem :: Converter -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem f (AlwaysC kw stmt) =
AlwaysC kw (convertStmt f stmt)
convertModuleItem f (Function ret name decls stmt) =
Function ret name decls (convertStmt f stmt)
convertModuleItem _ other = other
convertStmt :: Converter -> (Stmt -> Stmt)
convertStmt f = f . convertStmt'
cs :: Stmt -> Stmt
cs = convertStmt f
convertStmt' :: Stmt -> Stmt
convertStmt' (Block decls stmts) = Block decls (map cs stmts)
convertStmt' (Case kw expr cases def) =
Case kw expr cases' def'
cases' = map (\(exprs, stmt) -> (exprs, cs stmt)) cases
def' = case def of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just stmt -> Just (cs stmt)
convertStmt' (BlockingAssignment lhs expr) = BlockingAssignment lhs expr
convertStmt' (NonBlockingAssignment lhs expr) = NonBlockingAssignment lhs expr
convertStmt' (For a b c stmt) = For a b c (cs stmt)
convertStmt' (If e s1 s2) = If e (cs s1) (cs s2)
convertStmt' (Timing sense stmt) = Timing sense (cs stmt)
convertStmt' (Null) = Null
......@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST
, IntegerV (..)
, GenItem (..)
, AlwaysKW (..)
, CaseKW (..)
, PortBinding
, Case
......@@ -308,9 +309,20 @@ instance Show LHS where
show (LHSRange a (b, c)) = printf "%s[%s:%s]" a (show b) (show c)
show (LHSConcat a ) = printf "{%s}" (commas $ map show a)
data CaseKW
= CaseN
| CaseZ
| CaseX
deriving Eq
instance Show CaseKW where
show CaseN = "case"
show CaseZ = "casez"
show CaseX = "casex"
data Stmt
= Block (Maybe (Identifier, [BlockItemDeclaration])) [Stmt]
| Case Expr [Case] (Maybe Stmt)
| Case CaseKW Expr [Case] (Maybe Stmt)
| BlockingAssignment LHS Expr
| NonBlockingAssignment LHS Expr
| For (Identifier, Expr) Expr (Identifier, Expr) Stmt
......@@ -325,8 +337,8 @@ commas = intercalate ", "
instance Show Stmt where
show (Block Nothing b ) = printf "begin\n%s\nend" $ indent $ unlines' $ map show b
show (Block (Just (a, i)) b ) = printf "begin : %s\n%s\nend" a $ indent $ unlines' $ (map show i ++ map show b)
show (Case a b Nothing ) = printf "case (%s)\n%s\nendcase" (show a) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase b)
show (Case a b (Just c) ) = printf "case (%s)\n%s\n\tdefault:\n%s\nendcase" (show a) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase b) (indent $ indent $ show c)
show (Case kw a b Nothing ) = printf "%s (%s)\n%s\nendcase" (show kw) (show a) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase b)
show (Case kw a b (Just c) ) = printf "%s (%s)\n%s\n\tdefault:\n%s\nendcase" (show kw) (show a) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase b) (indent $ indent $ show c)
show (BlockingAssignment a b ) = printf "%s = %s;" (show a) (show b)
show (NonBlockingAssignment a b ) = printf "%s <= %s;" (show a) (show b)
show (For (a, b) c (d, e) f) = printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s)\n%s" a (show b) (show c) d (show e) $ indent $ show f
......@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
$nonZeroDecimalDigit = [1-9]
$decimalDigit = [0-9]
@binaryDigit = [0-1]
@octalDigit = [0-7]
@hexDigit = [0-9a-fA-F]
@xDigit = [xX]
@zDigit = [zZ\?]
@binaryDigit = @xDigit | @zDigit | [0-1]
@octalDigit = @xDigit | @zDigit | [0-7]
@hexDigit = @xDigit | @zDigit | [0-9a-fA-F]
@decimalBase = "'" [dD]
@binaryBase = "'" [bB]
......@@ -57,6 +59,8 @@ tokens :-
"assign" { tok KW_assign }
"begin" { tok KW_begin }
"case" { tok KW_case }
"casex" { tok KW_casex }
"casez" { tok KW_casez }
"default" { tok KW_default }
"else" { tok KW_else }
"end" { tok KW_end }
......@@ -83,6 +87,7 @@ tokens :-
"posedge" { tok KW_posedge }
"reg" { tok KW_reg }
"typedef" { tok KW_typedef }
"unique" { tok KW_unique }
"wire" { tok KW_wire }
@simpleIdentifier { tok Id_simple }
......@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
"assign" { Token KW_assign _ _ }
"begin" { Token KW_begin _ _ }
"case" { Token KW_case _ _ }
"casex" { Token KW_casex _ _ }
"casez" { Token KW_casez _ _ }
"default" { Token KW_default _ _ }
"else" { Token KW_else _ _ }
......@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
"posedge" { Token KW_posedge _ _ }
"reg" { Token KW_reg _ _ }
"typedef" { Token KW_typedef _ _ }
"unique" { Token KW_unique _ _ }
"wire" { Token KW_wire _ _ }
simpleIdentifier { Token Id_simple _ _ }
......@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ Stmt :: { Stmt }
| "for" "(" Identifier "=" Expr ";" Expr ";" Identifier "=" Expr ")" Stmt { For ($3, $5) $7 ($9, $11) $13 }
| LHS "=" Expr ";" { BlockingAssignment $1 $3 }
| LHS "<=" Expr ";" { NonBlockingAssignment $1 $3 }
| "case" "(" Expr ")" Cases opt(CaseDefault) "endcase" { Case $3 $5 $6 }
| CaseKW "(" Expr ")" Cases opt(CaseDefault) "endcase" { Case $1 $3 $5 $6 }
| EventControl Stmt { Timing $1 $2 }
BlockItemDeclarations :: { [BlockItemDeclaration] }
......@@ -394,6 +396,13 @@ BlockVariableIdentifiers :: { [(Identifier, [Range])] }
BlockVariableType :: { (Identifier, [Range]) }
: Identifier Dimensions { ($1, $2) }
CaseKW :: { CaseKW }
-- We just drop the unique keyword, for now. In the future, we should add it
-- to the AST and add a conversion phase for removing it.
: opt("unique") "case" { CaseN }
| opt("unique") "casex" { CaseX }
| opt("unique") "casez" { CaseZ }
Cases :: { [Case] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| Cases Case { $1 ++ [$2] }
......@@ -61,11 +61,13 @@ executable sv2v
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