diff --git a/src/Convert/DimensionQuery.hs b/src/Convert/DimensionQuery.hs
index 6e637f8..ade09a8 100644
--- a/src/Convert/DimensionQuery.hs
+++ b/src/Convert/DimensionQuery.hs
@@ -25,11 +25,7 @@ import Convert.Traverse
 import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
 convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
-convert files =
-    if files == files'
-        then files
-        else convert files'
-    where files' = map (traverseDescriptions convertDescription) files
+convert = map $ traverseDescriptions convertDescription
 convertDescription :: Description -> Description
 convertDescription =
diff --git a/src/Convert/NestPI.hs b/src/Convert/NestPI.hs
index 9bb5a89..1bf984d 100644
--- a/src/Convert/NestPI.hs
+++ b/src/Convert/NestPI.hs
@@ -21,15 +21,9 @@ convert =
     map (filter (not . isPI)) . nest
         nest :: [AST] -> [AST]
-        nest curr =
-            if next == curr
-                then curr
-                else nest next
-            where
-                next = traverseFiles
-                    (collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM)
-                    (traverseDescriptions . convertDescription)
-                    curr
+        nest = traverseFiles
+            (collectDescriptionsM collectDescriptionM)
+            (traverseDescriptions . convertDescription)
         isPI :: Description -> Bool
         isPI (PackageItem Import{}) = False
         isPI (PackageItem item) = piName item /= Nothing
@@ -46,7 +40,9 @@ collectDescriptionM _ = return ()
 -- nests packages items missing from modules
 convertDescription :: PIs -> Description -> Description
 convertDescription pis (orig @ Part{}) =
-    Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
+    if Map.null pis
+        then orig
+        else Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
         Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items = orig
         items' = addItems pis Set.empty items
diff --git a/src/Convert/ParamType.hs b/src/Convert/ParamType.hs
index c832ea0..c2fa02a 100644
--- a/src/Convert/ParamType.hs
+++ b/src/Convert/ParamType.hs
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ convertModuleItemM info (orig @ (Instance m bindings x r p)) =
     if Map.notMember m info then
         return orig
     else if Map.null maybeTypeMap then
-        return $ Instance m bindingsNamed x r p
+        return orig
     else if any (isLeft . snd) bindings' then
         error $ "param type resolution left type params: " ++ show orig
             ++ " converted to: " ++ show bindings'
diff --git a/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/Expr.hs b/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/Expr.hs
index 4422334..0e545f9 100644
--- a/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/Expr.hs
+++ b/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/Expr.hs
@@ -80,11 +80,6 @@ instance Show Expr where
     show (Repeat  e l  ) = printf "{%s {%s}}"  (show e) (commas $ map show l)
     show (Concat  l    ) = printf "{%s}"                (commas $ map show l)
     show (Stream  o e l) = printf "{%s %s%s}"  (show o) (show e) (show $ Concat l)
-    show (UniOp   o e  ) = printf "%s%s"       (show o) (showUniOpPrec e)
-    show (BinOp   o a b) = printf "%s %s %s"   (showBinOpPrec a) (show o) (showBinOpPrec b)
-    show (Dot     e n  ) = printf "%s.%s"      (show e) n
-    show (Mux     c a b) = printf "(%s ? %s : %s)" (show c) (show a) (show b)
-    show (Call    e l  ) = printf "%s%s"       (show e) (show l)
     show (Cast tore e  ) = printf "%s'(%s)"    (showEither tore) (show e)
     show (DimsFn  f v  ) = printf "%s(%s)"     (show f) (showEither v)
     show (DimFn   f v e) = printf "%s(%s, %s)" (show f) (showEither v) (show e)
@@ -99,6 +94,37 @@ instance Show Expr where
             showPatternItem (':' : n, e) = showPatternItem (n, e)
             showPatternItem (n      , e) = printf "%s: %s" n (show e)
     show (MinTypMax a b c) = printf "(%s : %s : %s)" (show a) (show b) (show c)
+    show (e @ UniOp{}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
+    show (e @ BinOp{}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
+    show (e @ Dot  {}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
+    show (e @ Mux  {}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
+    show (e @ Call {}) = showsPrec 0 e ""
+    showsPrec _ (UniOp   o e  ) =
+        shows o .
+        showUniOpPrec e
+    showsPrec _ (BinOp   o a b) =
+        showBinOpPrec a .
+        showChar ' ' .
+        shows o .
+        showChar ' ' .
+        showBinOpPrec b
+    showsPrec _ (Dot     e n  ) =
+        shows e .
+        showChar '.' .
+        showString n
+    showsPrec _ (Mux     c a b) =
+        showChar '(' .
+        shows c .
+        showString " ? " .
+        shows a .
+        showString " : " .
+        shows b .
+        showChar ')'
+    showsPrec _ (Call    e l  ) =
+        shows e .
+        shows l
+    showsPrec _ e = \s -> show e ++ s
 data Args
     = Args [Maybe Expr] [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)]
@@ -184,14 +210,14 @@ readNumber ('\'' : 'h' : rest) =
         _ -> Nothing
 readNumber n = readMaybe n
-showUniOpPrec :: Expr -> String
-showUniOpPrec (e @ UniOp{}) = printf "(%s)" (show e)
-showUniOpPrec (e @ BinOp{}) = printf "(%s)" (show e)
-showUniOpPrec e = show e
+showUniOpPrec :: Expr -> ShowS
+showUniOpPrec (e @ UniOp{}) = (showParen True . shows) e
+showUniOpPrec (e @ BinOp{}) = (showParen True . shows) e
+showUniOpPrec e = shows e
-showBinOpPrec :: Expr -> String
-showBinOpPrec (e @ BinOp{}) = printf "(%s)" (show e)
-showBinOpPrec e = show e
+showBinOpPrec :: Expr -> ShowS
+showBinOpPrec (e @ BinOp{}) = (showParen True . shows) e
+showBinOpPrec e = shows e
 -- basic expression simplfication utility to help us generate nicer code in the
 -- common case of ranges like `[FOO-1:0]`
diff --git a/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/ShowHelp.hs b/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/ShowHelp.hs
index 5fa255f..df35a0f 100644
--- a/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/ShowHelp.hs
+++ b/src/Language/SystemVerilog/AST/ShowHelp.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import Data.List (intercalate)
 showPad :: Show t => t -> String
 showPad x =
-    if str == ""
+    if null str
         then ""
         else str ++ " "
     where str = show x
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ showPadBefore :: Show t => t -> String
 showPadBefore x =
     if str == ""
         then ""
-        else " " ++ str
+        else ' ' : str
     where str = show x
 indent :: String -> String
-indent a = '\t' : f a
+indent = (:) '\t' . f
         f [] = []
-        f ('\n' : xs) = "\n\t" ++ f xs
+        f ('\n' : xs) = '\n' : '\t' : f xs
         f (x : xs) = x : f xs
 unlines' :: [String] -> String
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ commas = intercalate ", "
 indentedParenList :: [String] -> String
 indentedParenList [] = "()"
-indentedParenList [x] = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
+indentedParenList [x] = '(' : x ++ ")"
 indentedParenList l = "(\n" ++ (indent $ intercalate ",\n" l) ++ "\n)"
 showEither :: (Show a, Show b) => Either a b -> String