PACKAGE_WARNING="Warning: Source includes packages but no modules. Please convert packages alongside the modules that use them."
PACKAGE_WARNING="Warning: Source includes packages but no modules. Please convert packages alongside the modules that use them."
INTERFACE_WARNING="Warning: Source includes an interface but output is empty because there is no top-level module which has no ports which are interfaces."
INTERFACE_WARNING="Warning: Source includes an interface but output is empty because there is no top-level module which has no ports which are interfaces."
PORT_CONN_ATTR_WARNING=" Warning: Ignored port connection attributes (* foo *)(* bar *)."
PORT_CONN_ATTR_WARNING=" Warning: Ignored port connection attributes (* foo *)(* bar *)."
DEPRECATED_D_WARNING="Deprecation warning: -d has been renamed to -D"
DEPRECATED_E_WARNING="Deprecation warning: -e has been renamed to -E"
DEPRECATED_I_WARNING="Deprecation warning: -i has been renamed to -I"