Commit 8e1693d3 by Zachary Snow

yosys-compatible unbased unsized binding conversion

parent 21ebbb5a
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
......@@ -6,116 +7,133 @@
- The literals are given a binary base, a size of 1, and are made signed to
- allow sign extension. For context-determined expressions, the converted
- literals are explicitly cast to the appropriate context-determined size.
- literals are repeated to match the context-determined size.
- As a special case, unbased, unsized literals which take on the size of a
- module port binding are replaced with a hierarchical reference to an
- appropriately sized constant which is injected into the instantiated module's
- definition. This allows these literals to be used for parameterized ports
- without further complicating other conversions, as hierarchical references
- are not allowed within constant expressions.
- module's port are replaced as above, but with the size of the port being
- determined based on the parameter bindings of the instance and the definition
- of the instantiated module.
module Convert.UnbasedUnsized (convert) where
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Convert.ExprUtils
import Convert.Traverse
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST
type Part = ([Identifier], [ModuleItem])
type Parts = Map.Map Identifier Part
data ExprContext
= SelfDetermined
| ContextDetermined Expr
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Port = Either Identifier Int
data Bind = Bind
{ bModule :: Identifier
, bBit :: Char
, bPort :: Port
} deriving (Eq, Show)
type Binds = [Bind]
convert :: [AST] -> [AST]
convert files =
map (traverseDescriptions $ convertDescription binds) files'
map (traverseDescriptions convertDescription) files
(files', binds) = runWriter $
mapM (mapM $ traverseModuleItemsM convertModuleItemM) files
parts = execWriter $ mapM (collectDescriptionsM collectPartsM) files
convertDescription = traverseModuleItems $ convertModuleItem parts
convertDescription :: Binds -> Description -> Description
convertDescription [] other = other
convertDescription binds (Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items) =
Part attrs extern kw lifetime name ports items'
collectPartsM :: Description -> Writer Parts ()
collectPartsM (Part _ _ _ _ name ports items) =
tell $ Map.singleton name (ports, items)
collectPartsM _ = return ()
convertModuleItem :: Parts -> ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem parts (Instance moduleName params instanceName [] bindings) =
convertModuleItem' $ Instance moduleName params instanceName [] bindings'
binds' = filter ((== name) . bModule) binds
items' = removeDupes [] $ items ++ map (bindItem ports) binds'
removeDupes :: [Identifier] -> [ModuleItem] -> [ModuleItem]
removeDupes _ [] = []
removeDupes existing (item @ (MIPackageItem (Decl decl)) : is) =
case decl of
Param Localparam _ x _ ->
if elem x existing
then removeDupes existing is
else item : removeDupes (x : existing) is
_ -> item : removeDupes existing is
removeDupes existing (item : is) =
item : removeDupes existing is
convertDescription _ other = other
bindName :: Bind -> Identifier
bindName (Bind _ ch (Left x)) = "sv2v_uub_" ++ ch : '_' : x
bindName (Bind m ch (Right i)) =
bindName $ Bind m ch (Left $ show i)
bindItem :: [Identifier] -> Bind -> ModuleItem
bindItem ports bind =
MIPackageItem $ Decl $ Param Localparam typ name expr
bindings' = zipWith convertBinding bindings [0..]
(portNames, moduleItems) =
case Map.lookup moduleName parts of
Nothing -> error $ "could not find module: " ++ moduleName
Just partInfo -> partInfo
tag = Ident "~~uub~~"
convertBinding :: PortBinding -> Int -> PortBinding
convertBinding (portName, expr) idx =
(portName, ) $
traverseNestedExprs (replaceBindingExpr portName idx) $
convertExpr (ContextDetermined tag) expr
replaceBindingExpr :: Identifier -> Int -> Expr -> Expr
replaceBindingExpr portName idx (orig @ (Repeat _ [ConvertedUU a b])) =
if orig == sizedLiteralFor tag ch
then Repeat portSize [ConvertedUU a b]
else orig
portName = lookupPort ports (bPort bind)
size = DimsFn FnBits $ Right $ Ident portName
rng = (BinOp Sub size (RawNum 1), RawNum 0)
typ = Implicit Unspecified [rng]
name = bindName bind
expr = literalFor $ bBit bind
lookupPort :: [Identifier] -> Port -> Identifier
lookupPort _ (Left x) = x
lookupPort ports (Right i) =
if i < length ports
then ports !! i
else error $ "out of bounds bort binding " ++ show (ports, i)
convertModuleItemM :: ModuleItem -> Writer Binds ModuleItem
convertModuleItemM (Instance moduleName params instanceName [] bindings) = do
bindings' <- mapM (uncurry convertBinding) $ zip bindings [0..]
let item = Instance moduleName params instanceName [] bindings'
return $ convertModuleItem item
ch = charForBit a b
portName' =
if null portName
then lookupBindingName portNames idx
else portName
portSize = determinePortSize portName' params moduleItems
replaceBindingExpr _ _ other = other
convertModuleItem _ other = convertModuleItem' other
determinePortSize :: Identifier -> [ParamBinding] -> [ModuleItem] -> Expr
determinePortSize portName instanceParams moduleItems =
step initialMapping moduleItems
tag = Ident ":uub:"
convertBinding :: PortBinding -> Int -> Writer Binds PortBinding
convertBinding (portName, expr) idx = do
let port = if null portName then Right idx else Left portName
let expr' = convertExpr (ContextDetermined tag) expr
expr'' <- traverseNestedExprsM (replaceBindingExpr port) expr'
return (portName, expr'')
replaceBindingExpr :: Port -> Expr -> Writer Binds Expr
replaceBindingExpr port (orig @ (Repeat _ [ConvertedUU a b])) = do
let ch = charForBit a b
if orig == sizedLiteralFor tag ch
then do
let bind = Bind moduleName ch port
tell [bind]
let expr = Dot (Ident instanceName) (bindName bind)
return expr
else return orig
replaceBindingExpr _ other = return other
convertModuleItemM other = return $ convertModuleItem other
convertModuleItem :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem =
moduleParams = parameterNames moduleItems
initialMapping = catMaybes $
zipWith createParamReplacement instanceParams [0..]
:: ParamBinding -> Int -> Maybe (Identifier, Expr)
createParamReplacement ("", b) idx =
createParamReplacement (paramName, b) idx
where paramName = lookupBindingName moduleParams idx
createParamReplacement (_, Left _) _ = Nothing
createParamReplacement (paramName, Right expr) _ =
Just (paramName, tagExpr expr)
step :: [(Identifier, Expr)] -> [ModuleItem] -> Expr
step mapping (MIPackageItem (Decl (Param _ _ x e)) : rest) =
step (mapping ++ [(x, e)]) rest
step mapping (MIPackageItem (Decl (Variable _ t x a _)) : rest) =
if x == portName
then substituteExpr mapping size
else step mapping rest
where size = BinOp Mul (dimensionsSize a) (DimsFn FnBits $ Left t)
step mapping (_ : rest) = step mapping rest
step _ [] = error $ "could not find size of port " ++ portName
substituteExpr :: [(Identifier, Expr)] -> Expr -> Expr
substituteExpr _ (Ident (':' : x)) =
Ident x
substituteExpr mapping (Ident x) =
case lookup x mapping of
Nothing -> Ident x
Just expr -> substituteExpr mapping expr
substituteExpr mapping expr =
traverseSinglyNestedExprs (substituteExpr mapping) expr
tagExpr :: Expr -> Expr
tagExpr (Ident x) = Ident (':' : x)
tagExpr expr = traverseSinglyNestedExprs tagExpr expr
-- given a list of module items, produces the parameter names in order
parameterNames :: [ModuleItem] -> [Identifier]
parameterNames =
execWriter . mapM (collectNestedModuleItemsM $ collectDeclsM collectDeclM)
collectDeclM :: Decl -> Writer [Identifier] ()
collectDeclM (Param Parameter _ x _) = tell [x]
collectDeclM (ParamType Parameter x _) = tell [x]
collectDeclM _ = return ()
lookupBindingName :: [Identifier] -> Int -> Identifier
lookupBindingName names idx =
if idx < length names
then names !! idx
else error $ "out of bounds binding " ++ show (names, idx)
convertModuleItem' :: ModuleItem -> ModuleItem
convertModuleItem' =
traverseExprs (convertExpr SelfDetermined) .
traverseTypes (traverseNestedTypes convertType) .
traverseAsgns convertAsgn
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