Commit 8907ac86 by Zachary Snow

split out Decl, LHS, and Stmt into separate AST modules

parent 77f0d23d
......@@ -18,28 +18,24 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST
, PackageItem(..)
, ModuleItem (..)
, Direction (..)
, Stmt (..)
, LHS (..)
, Expr (..)
, Sense (..)
, Timing (..)
, GenItem (..)
, AlwaysKW (..)
, CaseKW (..)
, PartKW (..)
, Decl (..)
, Lifetime (..)
, NInputGateKW (..)
, NOutputGateKW (..)
, PortBinding
, ModportDecl
, Case
, GenCase
, simplify
, rangeSize
, module Decl
, module Expr
, module LHS
, module Op
, module Stmt
, module Type
) where
......@@ -48,8 +44,11 @@ import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromJust, isJust)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Decl as Decl
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr as Expr
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.LHS as LHS
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Op as Op
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Stmt as Stmt
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type as Type
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp
......@@ -109,31 +108,6 @@ instance Show PartKW where
show Module = "module"
show Interface = "interface"
data Direction
= Input
| Output
| Inout
| Local
deriving Eq
instance Show Direction where
show Input = "input"
show Output = "output"
show Inout = "inout"
show Local = ""
data Decl
= Parameter Type Identifier Expr
| Localparam Type Identifier Expr
| Variable Direction Type Identifier [Range] (Maybe Expr)
deriving Eq
instance Show Decl where
showList l _ = unlines' $ map show l
show (Parameter t x e) = printf "parameter %s%s = %s;" (showPad t) x (show e)
show (Localparam t x e) = printf "localparam %s%s = %s;" (showPad t) x (show e)
show (Variable d t x a me) = printf "%s%s %s%s%s;" (showPad d) (show t) x (showRanges a) (showAssignment me)
data ModuleItem
= MIDecl Decl
| AlwaysC AlwaysKW Stmt
......@@ -220,113 +194,6 @@ instance Show NOutputGateKW where
show GateBuf = "buf"
show GateNot = "not"
data LHS
= LHSIdent Identifier
| LHSBit LHS Expr
| LHSRange LHS Range
| LHSDot LHS Identifier
| LHSConcat [LHS]
deriving Eq
instance Show LHS where
show (LHSIdent x ) = x
show (LHSBit l e ) = printf "%s[%s]" (show l) (show e)
show (LHSRange l (a, b)) = printf "%s[%s:%s]" (show l) (show a) (show b)
show (LHSDot l x ) = printf "%s.%s" (show l) x
show (LHSConcat lhss ) = printf "{%s}" (commas $ map show lhss)
data CaseKW
= CaseN
| CaseZ
| CaseX
deriving Eq
instance Show CaseKW where
show CaseN = "case"
show CaseZ = "casez"
show CaseX = "casex"
data Stmt
= Block (Maybe Identifier) [Decl] [Stmt]
| Case Bool CaseKW Expr [Case] (Maybe Stmt)
| For (Identifier, Expr) Expr (Identifier, Expr) Stmt
| AsgnBlk AsgnOp LHS Expr
| Asgn (Maybe Timing) LHS Expr
| While Expr Stmt
| RepeatL Expr Stmt
| DoWhile Expr Stmt
| Forever Stmt
| If Expr Stmt Stmt
| Timing Timing Stmt
| Return Expr
| Subroutine Identifier [Maybe Expr]
| Null
deriving Eq
instance Show Stmt where
show (Block name decls stmts) =
printf "begin%s\n%s\n%s\nend" header (block decls) (block stmts)
header = maybe "" (" : " ++) name
block :: Show t => [t] -> String
block = indent . unlines' . map show
show (Case u kw e cs def) =
printf "%s%s (%s)\n%s%s\nendcase" uniqStr (show kw) (show e) (indent $ unlines' $ map showCase cs) defStr
uniqStr = if u then "unique " else ""
defStr = case def of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> printf "\n\tdefault: %s" (show c)
show (For (a,b) c (d,e) f) = printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s)\n%s" a (show b) (show c) d (show e) $ indent $ show f
show (AsgnBlk o v e) = printf "%s %s %s;" (show v) (show o) (show e)
show (Asgn t v e) = printf "%s <= %s%s;" (show v) (maybe "" showPad t) (show e)
show (While e s) = printf "while (%s) %s" (show e) (show s)
show (RepeatL e s) = printf "repeat (%s) %s" (show e) (show s)
show (DoWhile e s) = printf "do %s while (%s);" (show s) (show e)
show (Forever s ) = printf "forever %s" (show s)
show (If a b Null) = printf "if (%s) %s" (show a) (show b)
show (If a b c ) = printf "if (%s) %s\nelse %s" (show a) (show b) (show c)
show (Return e ) = printf "return %s;" (show e)
show (Subroutine x a) = printf "%s(%s);" x (commas $ map (maybe "" show) a)
show (Timing t s ) = printf "%s%s" (show t) rest
rest = case s of
Null -> ";"
Block _ _ _ -> " " ++ (show s)
_ -> "\n" ++ (indent $ show s)
show (Null ) = ";"
type Case = ([Expr], Stmt)
showCase :: (Show x, Show y) => ([x], y) -> String
showCase (a, b) = printf "%s: %s" (commas $ map show a) (show b)
data Timing
= Event Sense
| Delay Expr
| Cycle Expr
deriving Eq
instance Show Timing where
show (Event s) = printf "@(%s)" (show s)
show (Delay e) = printf "#(%s)" (show e)
show (Cycle e) = printf "##(%s)" (show e)
data Sense
= Sense LHS
| SenseOr Sense Sense
| SensePosedge LHS
| SenseNegedge LHS
| SenseStar
deriving Eq
instance Show Sense where
show (Sense a ) = show a
show (SenseOr a b) = printf "%s or %s" (show a) (show b)
show (SensePosedge a ) = printf "posedge %s" (show a)
show (SenseNegedge a ) = printf "negedge %s" (show a)
show (SenseStar ) = "*"
type GenCase = ([Expr], GenItem)
data GenItem
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
- SystemVerilog left-hand sides (aka lvals)
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Decl
( Decl (..)
, Direction (..)
) where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp (showPad, unlines')
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type (Type, Identifier)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr (Expr, Range, showRanges, showAssignment)
data Decl
= Parameter Type Identifier Expr
| Localparam Type Identifier Expr
| Variable Direction Type Identifier [Range] (Maybe Expr)
deriving Eq
instance Show Decl where
showList l _ = unlines' $ map show l
show (Parameter t x e) = printf "parameter %s%s = %s;" (showPad t) x (show e)
show (Localparam t x e) = printf "localparam %s%s = %s;" (showPad t) x (show e)
show (Variable d t x a me) = printf "%s%s %s%s%s;" (showPad d) (show t) x (showRanges a) (showAssignment me)
data Direction
= Input
| Output
| Inout
| Local
deriving Eq
instance Show Direction where
show Input = "input"
show Output = "output"
show Inout = "inout"
show Local = ""
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
- SystemVerilog left-hand sides (aka lvals)
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.LHS
( LHS (..)
) where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp (commas)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type (Identifier)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr (Expr, Range)
data LHS
= LHSIdent Identifier
| LHSBit LHS Expr
| LHSRange LHS Range
| LHSDot LHS Identifier
| LHSConcat [LHS]
deriving Eq
instance Show LHS where
show (LHSIdent x ) = x
show (LHSBit l e ) = printf "%s[%s]" (show l) (show e)
show (LHSRange l (a, b)) = printf "%s[%s:%s]" (show l) (show a) (show b)
show (LHSDot l x ) = printf "%s.%s" (show l) x
show (LHSConcat lhss ) = printf "{%s}" (commas $ map show lhss)
......@@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp
, unlines'
, commas
, indentedParenList
, showCase
) where
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Text.Printf (printf)
showPad :: Show t => t -> String
showPad x =
......@@ -48,3 +50,5 @@ indentedParenList [] = "()"
indentedParenList [x] = "(" ++ x ++ ")"
indentedParenList l = "(\n" ++ (indent $ intercalate ",\n" l) ++ "\n)"
showCase :: (Show x, Show y) => ([x], y) -> String
showCase (a, b) = printf "%s: %s" (commas $ map show a) (show b)
{- sv2v
- Author: Zachary Snow <>
- Initial Verilog AST Author: Tom Hawkins <>
- SystemVerilog procedural statements
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Stmt
( Stmt (..)
, Timing (..)
, Sense (..)
, CaseKW (..)
, Case
) where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp (commas, indent, unlines', showPad, showCase)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Decl (Decl)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr (Expr)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.LHS (LHS)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Op (AsgnOp)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type (Identifier)
data Stmt
= Block (Maybe Identifier) [Decl] [Stmt]
| Case Bool CaseKW Expr [Case] (Maybe Stmt)
| For (Identifier, Expr) Expr (Identifier, Expr) Stmt
| AsgnBlk AsgnOp LHS Expr
| Asgn (Maybe Timing) LHS Expr
| While Expr Stmt
| RepeatL Expr Stmt
| DoWhile Expr Stmt
| Forever Stmt
| If Expr Stmt Stmt
| Timing Timing Stmt
| Return Expr
| Subroutine Identifier [Maybe Expr]
| Null
deriving Eq
instance Show Stmt where
show (Block name decls stmts) =
printf "begin%s\n%s\n%s\nend" header (block decls) (block stmts)
header = maybe "" (" : " ++) name
block :: Show t => [t] -> String
block = indent . unlines' . map show
show (Case u kw e cs def) =
printf "%s%s (%s)\n%s%s\nendcase" uniqStr (show kw) (show e) bodyStr defStr
uniqStr = if u then "unique " else ""
bodyStr = indent $ unlines' $ map showCase cs
defStr = case def of
Nothing -> ""
Just c -> printf "\n\tdefault: %s" (show c)
show (For (a,b) c (d,e) f) =
printf "for (%s = %s; %s; %s = %s)\n%s" a (show b) (show c) d (show e) (indent $ show f)
show (Subroutine x a) = printf "%s(%s);" x (commas $ map (maybe "" show) a)
show (AsgnBlk o v e) = printf "%s %s %s;" (show v) (show o) (show e)
show (Asgn t v e) = printf "%s <= %s%s;" (show v) (maybe "" showPad t) (show e)
show (While e s) = printf "while (%s) %s" (show e) (show s)
show (RepeatL e s) = printf "repeat (%s) %s" (show e) (show s)
show (DoWhile e s) = printf "do %s while (%s);" (show s) (show e)
show (Forever s ) = printf "forever %s" (show s)
show (If a b Null) = printf "if (%s) %s" (show a) (show b)
show (If a b c ) = printf "if (%s) %s\nelse %s" (show a) (show b) (show c)
show (Return e ) = printf "return %s;" (show e)
show (Timing t s ) = printf "%s%s" (show t) (show s)
show (Null ) = ";"
data CaseKW
= CaseN
| CaseZ
| CaseX
deriving Eq
instance Show CaseKW where
show CaseN = "case"
show CaseZ = "casez"
show CaseX = "casex"
type Case = ([Expr], Stmt)
data Timing
= Event Sense
| Delay Expr
| Cycle Expr
deriving Eq
instance Show Timing where
show (Event s) = printf "@(%s)" (show s)
show (Delay e) = printf "#(%s)" (show e)
show (Cycle e) = printf "##(%s)" (show e)
data Sense
= Sense LHS
| SenseOr Sense Sense
| SensePosedge LHS
| SenseNegedge LHS
| SenseStar
deriving Eq
instance Show Sense where
show (Sense a ) = show a
show (SenseOr a b) = printf "%s or %s" (show a) (show b)
show (SensePosedge a ) = printf "posedge %s" (show a)
show (SenseNegedge a ) = printf "negedge %s" (show a)
show (SenseStar ) = "*"
......@@ -33,9 +33,12 @@ executable sv2v
-- SystemVerilog modules
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