Commit 6f0fa58a by Zachary Snow

simplify struct LHS handling

parent e62074c7
......@@ -246,77 +246,12 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
-- converting LHSs by looking at the innermost types first
convertLHS :: LHS -> (Type, LHS)
convertLHS (LHSIdent x) =
case Map.lookup x types of
Nothing -> (Implicit Unspecified [], LHSIdent x)
Just t -> (t, LHSIdent x)
convertLHS (LHSBit l e) =
case l' of
LHSRange lInner NonIndexed (_, loI) ->
(t', LHSBit lInner (simplify $ BinOp Add loI e))
LHSRange lInner IndexedPlus (baseI, _) ->
(t', LHSBit lInner (simplify $ BinOp Add baseI e))
_ -> (t', LHSBit l' e)
(t, l') = convertLHS l
t' = dropInnerTypeRange t
convertLHS (LHSRange lOuter NonIndexed rOuter) =
case lOuter' of
LHSRange lInner NonIndexed (_, loI) ->
(t, LHSRange lInner NonIndexed (simplify hi, simplify lo))
lo = BinOp Add loI loO
hi = BinOp Add loI hiO
LHSRange lInner IndexedPlus (baseI, _) ->
(t, LHSRange lInner IndexedPlus (simplify base, simplify len))
base = BinOp Add baseI loO
len = rangeSize rOuter
_ -> (t, LHSRange lOuter' NonIndexed rOuter)
(hiO, loO) = rOuter
(t, lOuter') = convertLHS lOuter
convertLHS (LHSRange lOuter IndexedPlus (rOuter @ (baseO, lenO))) =
case lOuter' of
LHSRange lInner NonIndexed (hiI, loI) ->
(t', LHSRange lInner IndexedPlus (simplify base, simplify len))
convertLHS l =
(t, l')
base = BinOp Add baseO $
endianCondExpr (hiI, loI) loI hiI
len = lenO
_ -> (t', LHSRange lOuter' IndexedPlus rOuter)
(t, lOuter') = convertLHS lOuter
t' = dropInnerTypeRange t
convertLHS (LHSRange l m r) =
(t', LHSRange l' m r)
(t, l') = convertLHS l
t' = dropInnerTypeRange t
convertLHS (LHSDot l x ) =
case t of
InterfaceT _ _ _ -> (Implicit Unspecified [], LHSDot l' x)
Struct p fields [] -> undot (Struct p fields) fields
Union p fields [] -> undot (Union p fields) fields
Implicit sg _ -> (Implicit sg [], LHSDot l' x)
_ -> error $ "convertLHS encountered dot for bad type: " ++ show (t, l, x)
(t, l') = convertLHS l
undot structTf fields = case Map.lookup structTf structs of
Nothing -> (fieldType, LHSDot l' x)
Just (structT, m) -> (tf [tr], LHSRange l' NonIndexed r)
(tf, _) = typeRanges structT
(r @ (hi, lo), base) = m Map.! x
hi' = BinOp Add base $ BinOp Sub hi lo
lo' = base
tr = (simplify hi', simplify lo')
fieldType = lookupFieldType fields x
convertLHS (LHSConcat lhss) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], LHSConcat $ map (snd . convertLHS) lhss)
convertLHS (LHSStream o e lhss) =
(Implicit Unspecified [], LHSStream o e $ map (snd . convertLHS) lhss)
e = lhsToExpr l
(t, e') = convertSubExpr e
Just l' = exprToLHS e'
specialTag = ':'
defaultKey = specialTag : "default"
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