Commit 66989b04 by Zachary Snow

language support for parameter type bindings

parent d11e898e
......@@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ convertAsgn structs types (lhs, expr) =
items' = map mapItem items
mapItem (mx, e) = (mx, snd $ convertSubExpr e)
convertSubExpr Nil = (Implicit Unspecified [], Nil)
-- lookup the range of a field in its unstructured type
lookupUnstructRange :: TypeFunc -> Identifier -> Range
......@@ -464,6 +464,7 @@ traverseNestedExprsM mapper = exprMapper
let names = map fst l
exprs <- mapM exprMapper $ map snd l
return $ Pattern $ zip names exprs
em (Nil) = return Nil
exprMapperHelpers :: Monad m => MapperM m Expr ->
(MapperM m Range, MapperM m (Maybe Expr), MapperM m Decl, MapperM m LHS, MapperM m Type)
......@@ -524,6 +525,11 @@ traverseExprsM' strat exprMapper = moduleItemMapper
portBindingMapper (p, me) =
maybeExprMapper me >>= \me' -> return (p, me')
paramBindingMapper (p, Left t) =
typeMapper t >>= \t' -> return (p, Left t')
paramBindingMapper (p, Right e) =
exprMapper e >>= \e' -> return (p, Right e')
moduleItemMapper (MIAttr attr mi) =
-- note: we exclude expressions in attributes from conversion
return $ MIAttr attr mi
......@@ -567,7 +573,7 @@ traverseExprsM' strat exprMapper = moduleItemMapper
else return stmts
return $ MIPackageItem $ Task lifetime f decls' stmts'
moduleItemMapper (Instance m p x r l) = do
p' <- mapM portBindingMapper p
p' <- mapM paramBindingMapper p
l' <- mapM portBindingMapper l
r' <- mapM rangeMapper r
return $ Instance m p' x r' l'
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr
( Expr (..)
, Range
, TypeOrExpr
, Args (..)
, PartSelectMode (..)
, showAssignment
......@@ -30,6 +31,8 @@ import {-# SOURCE #-} Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Type
type Range = (Expr, Expr)
type TypeOrExpr = Either Type Expr
data Expr
= String String
| Number String
......@@ -44,13 +47,15 @@ data Expr
| UniOp UniOp Expr
| BinOp BinOp Expr Expr
| Mux Expr Expr Expr
| Cast (Either Type Expr) Expr
| Bits (Either Type Expr)
| Cast TypeOrExpr Expr
| Bits TypeOrExpr
| Dot Expr Identifier
| Pattern [(Maybe Identifier, Expr)]
| Nil
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Expr where
show (Nil ) = ""
show (Number str ) = str
show (Ident str ) = str
show (PSIdent x y ) = printf "%s::%s" x y
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ModuleItem
( ModuleItem (..)
, PortBinding
, ParamBinding
, ModportDecl
, AlwaysKW (..)
, NInputGateKW (..)
......@@ -16,6 +17,7 @@ module Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ModuleItem
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe (maybe, fromJust, isJust)
import Data.Either (either)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp
......@@ -23,7 +25,7 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.ShowHelp
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Attr (Attr)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Decl (Direction)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Description (PackageItem)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr (Expr(Ident), Range, showRanges)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Expr (Expr(Ident, Nil), Range, TypeOrExpr, showRanges)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.GenItem (GenItem)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.LHS (LHS)
import Language.SystemVerilog.AST.Stmt (Stmt, AssertionItem)
......@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ data ModuleItem
| AlwaysC AlwaysKW Stmt
| Assign (Maybe Expr) LHS Expr
| Defparam LHS Expr
| Instance Identifier [PortBinding] Identifier (Maybe Range) [PortBinding]
| Instance Identifier [ParamBinding] Identifier (Maybe Range) [PortBinding]
| Genvar Identifier
| Generate [GenItem]
| Modport Identifier [ModportDecl]
......@@ -66,7 +68,7 @@ instance Show ModuleItem where
show (Instance m params i r ports) =
if null params
then printf "%s %s%s%s;" m i rStr (showPorts ports)
else printf "%s #%s %s%s%s;" m (showPorts params) i rStr (showPorts ports)
else printf "%s #%s %s%s%s;" m (showParams params) i rStr (showPorts ports)
where rStr = maybe "" (\a -> showRanges [a] ++ " ") r
showPorts :: [PortBinding] -> String
......@@ -79,6 +81,15 @@ showPort (i, arg) =
then show (fromJust arg)
else printf ".%s(%s)" i (if isJust arg then show $ fromJust arg else "")
showParams :: [ParamBinding] -> String
showParams params = indentedParenList $ map showParam params
showParam :: ParamBinding -> String
showParam ("*", Right Nil) = ".*"
showParam (i, arg) =
printf fmt i (either show show arg)
where fmt = if i == "" then "%s%s" else ".%s(%s)"
showModportDecl :: ModportDecl -> String
showModportDecl (dir, ident, me) =
if me == Just (Ident ident)
......@@ -87,6 +98,8 @@ showModportDecl (dir, ident, me) =
type PortBinding = (Identifier, Maybe Expr)
type ParamBinding = (Identifier, TypeOrExpr)
type ModportDecl = (Direction, Identifier, Maybe Expr)
data AlwaysKW
......@@ -95,7 +95,8 @@ nullRange :: Type -> ([Range] -> Type)
nullRange t [] = t
nullRange t [(Number "0", Number "0")] = t
nullRange t other =
error $ "non vector type " ++ show t ++ " cannot have a range"
error $ "non vector type " ++ show t ++
" cannot have a range: " ++ show other
data Signing
= Unspecified
......@@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ DeclTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
DeclToken :: { DeclToken }
: DeclOrStmtToken { $1 }
| ParameterBindings { DTParams $1 }
| ModuleInstantiation { DTInstance $1 }
| PortBindings { DTInstance $1 }
DeclOrStmtTokens(delim) :: { [DeclToken] }
: DeclOrStmtToken delim { [$1] }
......@@ -766,9 +766,6 @@ Lifetime :: { Lifetime }
: "static" { Static }
| "automatic" { Automatic }
ModuleInstantiation :: { [PortBinding] }
: "(" Bindings ")" { $2 }
TFItems :: { [Decl] }
: "(" DeclTokens(")") ";" { parseDTsAsDecls $2 }
| "(" ")" ";" { [] }
......@@ -819,6 +816,28 @@ LHSs :: { [LHS] }
: LHS { [$1] }
| LHSs "," LHS { $1 ++ [$3] }
PortBindings :: { [PortBinding] }
: "(" ")" { [] }
| "(" PortBindingsInside ")" { $2 }
PortBindingsInside :: { [PortBinding] }
: PortBinding { [$1] }
| PortBinding "," PortBindingsInside { $1 : $3}
PortBinding :: { PortBinding }
: "." Identifier "(" opt(Expr) ")" { ($2, $4) }
| "." Identifier { ($2, Just $ Ident $2) }
| Expr { ("", Just $1) }
| ".*" { ("*", Nothing) }
ParameterBindings :: { [ParamBinding] }
: "#" "(" ParamBindingsInside ")" { $3 }
ParamBindingsInside :: { [ParamBinding] }
: ParamBinding { [$1] }
| ParamBinding "," ParamBindingsInside { $1 : $3}
ParamBinding :: { ParamBinding }
: "." Identifier "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { ($2, $4) }
| "." Identifier "(" ")" { ($2, Right Nil) }
| TypeOrExpr { ("", $1) }
Bindings :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| BindingsNonEmpty { $1 }
......@@ -831,9 +850,6 @@ Binding :: { (Identifier, Maybe Expr) }
| Expr { ("", Just $1) }
| ".*" { ("*", Nothing) }
ParameterBindings :: { [(Identifier, Maybe Expr)] }
: "#" "(" BindingsNonEmpty ")" { $3 }
Stmts :: { [Stmt] }
: {- empty -} { [] }
| Stmts Stmt { $1 ++ [$2] }
......@@ -987,16 +1003,17 @@ Exprs :: { [Expr] }
: Expr { [$1] }
| Exprs "," Expr { $1 ++ [$3] }
BitsArg :: { Either Type Expr }
TypeOrExpr :: { TypeOrExpr }
: TypeNonIdent { Left $1 }
| Expr { Right $1 }
Expr :: { Expr }
: "(" Expr ")" { $2 }
| String { String $1 }
| Number { Number $1 }
| Identifier "(" CallArgs ")" { Call (Nothing) $1 $3 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier "(" CallArgs ")" { Call (Just $1) $3 $5 }
| "$bits" "(" BitsArg ")" { Bits $3 }
| "$bits" "(" TypeOrExpr ")" { Bits $3 }
| Identifier { Ident $1 }
| Identifier "::" Identifier { PSIdent $1 $3 }
| Expr PartSelect { Range $1 (fst $2) (snd $2) }
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ data DeclToken
| DTPSIdent Identifier Identifier
| DTDir Direction
| DTType (Signing -> [Range] -> Type)
| DTParams [PortBinding]
| DTParams [ParamBinding]
| DTInstance [PortBinding]
| DTBit Expr
| DTConcat [LHS]
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