Commit 33bea9e6 by Zachary Snow

added remaining SV keywords

parent baaffd73
......@@ -109,6 +109,8 @@ $decimalDigit = [0-9]
tokens :-
"$bits" { tok KW_dollar_bits }
"accept_on" { tok KW_accept_on }
"alias" { tok KW_alias }
"always" { tok KW_always }
"always_comb" { tok KW_always_comb }
"always_ff" { tok KW_always_ff }
......@@ -118,93 +120,239 @@ tokens :-
"assign" { tok KW_assign }
"assume" { tok KW_assume }
"automatic" { tok KW_automatic }
"before" { tok KW_before }
"begin" { tok KW_begin }
"bind" { tok KW_bind }
"bins" { tok KW_bins }
"binsof" { tok KW_binsof }
"bit" { tok KW_bit }
"break" { tok KW_break }
"buf" { tok KW_buf }
"bufif0" { tok KW_bufif0 }
"bufif1" { tok KW_bufif1 }
"byte" { tok KW_byte }
"case" { tok KW_case }
"casex" { tok KW_casex }
"casez" { tok KW_casez }
"cell" { tok KW_cell }
"chandle" { tok KW_chandle }
"checker" { tok KW_checker }
"class" { tok KW_class }
"clocking" { tok KW_clocking }
"cmos" { tok KW_cmos }
"config" { tok KW_config }
"const" { tok KW_const }
"constraint" { tok KW_constraint }
"context" { tok KW_context }
"continue" { tok KW_continue }
"cover" { tok KW_cover }
"covergroup" { tok KW_covergroup }
"coverpoint" { tok KW_coverpoint }
"cross" { tok KW_cross }
"deassign" { tok KW_deassign }
"default" { tok KW_default }
"defparam" { tok KW_defparam }
"design" { tok KW_design }
"disable" { tok KW_disable }
"dist" { tok KW_dist }
"do" { tok KW_do }
"edge" { tok KW_edge }
"else" { tok KW_else }
"end" { tok KW_end }
"endcase" { tok KW_endcase }
"endchecker" { tok KW_endchecker }
"endclass" { tok KW_endclass }
"endclocking" { tok KW_endclocking }
"endconfig" { tok KW_endconfig }
"endfunction" { tok KW_endfunction }
"endgenerate" { tok KW_endgenerate }
"endgroup" { tok KW_endgroup }
"endinterface" { tok KW_endinterface }
"endmodule" { tok KW_endmodule }
"endpackage" { tok KW_endpackage }
"endprimitive" { tok KW_endprimitive }
"endprogram" { tok KW_endprogram }
"endproperty" { tok KW_endproperty }
"endspecify" { tok KW_endspecify }
"endsequence" { tok KW_endsequence }
"endtable" { tok KW_endtable }
"endtask" { tok KW_endtask }
"enum" { tok KW_enum }
"event" { tok KW_event }
"eventually" { tok KW_eventually }
"expect" { tok KW_expect }
"export" { tok KW_export }
"extends" { tok KW_extends }
"extern" { tok KW_extern }
"final" { tok KW_final }
"first_match" { tok KW_first_match }
"for" { tok KW_for }
"force" { tok KW_force }
"foreach" { tok KW_foreach }
"forever" { tok KW_forever }
"fork" { tok KW_fork }
"forkjoin" { tok KW_forkjoin }
"function" { tok KW_function }
"generate" { tok KW_generate }
"genvar" { tok KW_genvar }
"global" { tok KW_global }
"highz0" { tok KW_highz0 }
"highz1" { tok KW_highz1 }
"if" { tok KW_if }
"iff" { tok KW_iff }
"ifnone" { tok KW_ifnone }
"ignore_bins" { tok KW_ignore_bins }
"illegal_bins" { tok KW_illegal_bins }
"implements" { tok KW_implements }
"implies" { tok KW_implies }
"import" { tok KW_import }
"incdir" { tok KW_incdir }
"include" { tok KW_include }
"initial" { tok KW_initial }
"inout" { tok KW_inout }
"input" { tok KW_input }
"inside" { tok KW_inside }
"instance" { tok KW_instance }
"int" { tok KW_int }
"integer" { tok KW_integer }
"interconnect" { tok KW_interconnect }
"interface" { tok KW_interface }
"intersect" { tok KW_intersect }
"join" { tok KW_join }
"join_any" { tok KW_join_any }
"join_none" { tok KW_join_none }
"large" { tok KW_large }
"let" { tok KW_let }
"liblist" { tok KW_liblist }
"library" { tok KW_library }
"local" { tok KW_local }
"localparam" { tok KW_localparam }
"logic" { tok KW_logic }
"longint" { tok KW_longint }
"macromodule" { tok KW_macromodule }
"matches" { tok KW_matches }
"medium" { tok KW_medium }
"modport" { tok KW_modport }
"module" { tok KW_module }
"nand" { tok KW_nand }
"negedge" { tok KW_negedge }
"nettype" { tok KW_nettype }
"new" { tok KW_new }
"nexttime" { tok KW_nexttime }
"nmos" { tok KW_nmos }
"nor" { tok KW_nor }
"noshowcancelled" { tok KW_noshowcancelled }
"not" { tok KW_not }
"notif0" { tok KW_notif0 }
"notif1" { tok KW_notif1 }
"null" { tok KW_null }
"or" { tok KW_or }
"output" { tok KW_output }
"package" { tok KW_package }
"packed" { tok KW_packed }
"parameter" { tok KW_parameter }
"pmos" { tok KW_pmos }
"posedge" { tok KW_posedge }
"primitive" { tok KW_primitive }
"priority" { tok KW_priority }
"program" { tok KW_program }
"property" { tok KW_property }
"protected" { tok KW_protected }
"pull0" { tok KW_pull0 }
"pull1" { tok KW_pull1 }
"pulldown" { tok KW_pulldown }
"pullup" { tok KW_pullup }
"pulsestyle_ondetect" { tok KW_pulsestyle_ondetect }
"pulsestyle_onevent" { tok KW_pulsestyle_onevent }
"pure" { tok KW_pure }
"rand" { tok KW_rand }
"randc" { tok KW_randc }
"randcase" { tok KW_randcase }
"randsequence" { tok KW_randsequence }
"rcmos" { tok KW_rcmos }
"real" { tok KW_real }
"realtime" { tok KW_realtime }
"ref" { tok KW_ref }
"reg" { tok KW_reg }
"reject_on" { tok KW_reject_on }
"release" { tok KW_release }
"repeat" { tok KW_repeat }
"restrict" { tok KW_restrict }
"return" { tok KW_return }
"rnmos" { tok KW_rnmos }
"rpmos" { tok KW_rpmos }
"rtran" { tok KW_rtran }
"rtranif0" { tok KW_rtranif0 }
"rtranif1" { tok KW_rtranif1 }
"s_always" { tok KW_s_always }
"s_eventually" { tok KW_s_eventually }
"s_nexttime" { tok KW_s_nexttime }
"s_until" { tok KW_s_until }
"s_until_with" { tok KW_s_until_with }
"scalared" { tok KW_scalared }
"sequence" { tok KW_sequence }
"shortint" { tok KW_shortint }
"shortreal" { tok KW_shortreal }
"showcancelled" { tok KW_showcancelled }
"signed" { tok KW_signed }
"small" { tok KW_small }
"soft" { tok KW_soft }
"solve" { tok KW_solve }
"specify" { tok KW_specify }
"specparam" { tok KW_specparam }
"static" { tok KW_static }
"string" { tok KW_string }
"strong" { tok KW_strong }
"strong0" { tok KW_strong0 }
"strong1" { tok KW_strong1 }
"struct" { tok KW_struct }
"super" { tok KW_super }
"supply0" { tok KW_supply0 }
"supply1" { tok KW_supply1 }
"sync_accept_on" { tok KW_sync_accept_on }
"sync_reject_on" { tok KW_sync_reject_on }
"table" { tok KW_table }
"tagged" { tok KW_tagged }
"task" { tok KW_task }
"this" { tok KW_this }
"throughout" { tok KW_throughout }
"time" { tok KW_time }
"timeprecision" { tok KW_timeprecision }
"timeunit" { tok KW_timeunit }
"tran" { tok KW_tran }
"tranif0" { tok KW_tranif0 }
"tranif1" { tok KW_tranif1 }
"tri" { tok KW_tri }
"tri0" { tok KW_tri0 }
"tri1" { tok KW_tri1 }
"triand" { tok KW_triand }
"trior" { tok KW_trior }
"trireg" { tok KW_trireg }
"type" { tok KW_type }
"typedef" { tok KW_typedef }
"union" { tok KW_union }
"unique" { tok KW_unique }
"unique0" { tok KW_unique0 }
"unsigned" { tok KW_unsigned }
"until" { tok KW_until }
"until_with" { tok KW_until_with }
"untyped" { tok KW_untyped }
"use" { tok KW_use }
"uwire" { tok KW_uwire }
"var" { tok KW_var }
"vectored" { tok KW_vectored }
"virtual" { tok KW_virtual }
"void" { tok KW_void }
"wait" { tok KW_wait }
"wait_order" { tok KW_wait_order }
"wand" { tok KW_wand }
"weak" { tok KW_weak }
"weak0" { tok KW_weak0 }
"weak1" { tok KW_weak1 }
"while" { tok KW_while }
"wildcard" { tok KW_wildcard }
"wire" { tok KW_wire }
"with" { tok KW_with }
"within" { tok KW_within }
"wor" { tok KW_wor }
"xnor" { tok KW_xnor }
......@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
"$bits" { Token KW_dollar_bits _ _ }
"accept_on" { Token KW_accept_on _ _ }
"alias" { Token KW_alias _ _ }
"always" { Token KW_always _ _ }
"always_comb" { Token KW_always_comb _ _ }
"always_ff" { Token KW_always_ff _ _ }
......@@ -36,93 +38,239 @@ import Language.SystemVerilog.Parser.Tokens
"assign" { Token KW_assign _ _ }
"assume" { Token KW_assume _ _ }
"automatic" { Token KW_automatic _ _ }
"before" { Token KW_before _ _ }
"begin" { Token KW_begin _ _ }
"bind" { Token KW_bind _ _ }
"bins" { Token KW_bins _ _ }
"binsof" { Token KW_binsof _ _ }
"bit" { Token KW_bit _ _ }
"break" { Token KW_break _ _ }
"buf" { Token KW_buf _ _ }
"bufif0" { Token KW_bufif0 _ _ }
"bufif1" { Token KW_bufif1 _ _ }
"byte" { Token KW_byte _ _ }
"case" { Token KW_case _ _ }
"casex" { Token KW_casex _ _ }
"casez" { Token KW_casez _ _ }
"cell" { Token KW_cell _ _ }
"chandle" { Token KW_chandle _ _ }
"checker" { Token KW_checker _ _ }
"class" { Token KW_class _ _ }
"clocking" { Token KW_clocking _ _ }
"cmos" { Token KW_cmos _ _ }
"config" { Token KW_config _ _ }
"const" { Token KW_const _ _ }
"constraint" { Token KW_constraint _ _ }
"context" { Token KW_context _ _ }
"continue" { Token KW_continue _ _ }
"cover" { Token KW_cover _ _ }
"covergroup" { Token KW_covergroup _ _ }
"coverpoint" { Token KW_coverpoint _ _ }
"cross" { Token KW_cross _ _ }
"deassign" { Token KW_deassign _ _ }
"default" { Token KW_default _ _ }
"defparam" { Token KW_defparam _ _ }
"design" { Token KW_design _ _ }
"disable" { Token KW_disable _ _ }
"dist" { Token KW_dist _ _ }
"do" { Token KW_do _ _ }
"edge" { Token KW_edge _ _ }
"else" { Token KW_else _ _ }
"end" { Token KW_end _ _ }
"endcase" { Token KW_endcase _ _ }
"endchecker" { Token KW_endchecker _ _ }
"endclass" { Token KW_endclass _ _ }
"endclocking" { Token KW_endclocking _ _ }
"endconfig" { Token KW_endconfig _ _ }
"endfunction" { Token KW_endfunction _ _ }
"endgenerate" { Token KW_endgenerate _ _ }
"endgroup" { Token KW_endgroup _ _ }
"endinterface" { Token KW_endinterface _ _ }
"endmodule" { Token KW_endmodule _ _ }
"endpackage" { Token KW_endpackage _ _ }
"endprimitive" { Token KW_endprimitive _ _ }
"endprogram" { Token KW_endprogram _ _ }
"endproperty" { Token KW_endproperty _ _ }
"endspecify" { Token KW_endspecify _ _ }
"endsequence" { Token KW_endsequence _ _ }
"endtable" { Token KW_endtable _ _ }
"endtask" { Token KW_endtask _ _ }
"enum" { Token KW_enum _ _ }
"event" { Token KW_event _ _ }
"eventually" { Token KW_eventually _ _ }
"expect" { Token KW_expect _ _ }
"export" { Token KW_export _ _ }
"extends" { Token KW_extends _ _ }
"extern" { Token KW_extern _ _ }
"final" { Token KW_final _ _ }
"first_match" { Token KW_first_match _ _ }
"for" { Token KW_for _ _ }
"force" { Token KW_force _ _ }
"foreach" { Token KW_foreach _ _ }
"forever" { Token KW_forever _ _ }
"fork" { Token KW_fork _ _ }
"forkjoin" { Token KW_forkjoin _ _ }
"function" { Token KW_function _ _ }
"generate" { Token KW_generate _ _ }
"genvar" { Token KW_genvar _ _ }
"global" { Token KW_global _ _ }
"highz0" { Token KW_highz0 _ _ }
"highz1" { Token KW_highz1 _ _ }
"if" { Token KW_if _ _ }
"iff" { Token KW_iff _ _ }
"ifnone" { Token KW_ifnone _ _ }
"ignore_bins" { Token KW_ignore_bins _ _ }
"illegal_bins" { Token KW_illegal_bins _ _ }
"implements" { Token KW_implements _ _ }
"implies" { Token KW_implies _ _ }
"import" { Token KW_import _ _ }
"incdir" { Token KW_incdir _ _ }
"include" { Token KW_include _ _ }
"initial" { Token KW_initial _ _ }
"inout" { Token KW_inout _ _ }
"input" { Token KW_input _ _ }
"inside" { Token KW_inside _ _ }
"instance" { Token KW_instance _ _ }
"int" { Token KW_int _ _ }
"integer" { Token KW_integer _ _ }
"interconnect" { Token KW_interconnect _ _ }
"interface" { Token KW_interface _ _ }
"intersect" { Token KW_intersect _ _ }
"join" { Token KW_join _ _ }
"join_any" { Token KW_join_any _ _ }
"join_none" { Token KW_join_none _ _ }
"large" { Token KW_large _ _ }
"let" { Token KW_let _ _ }
"liblist" { Token KW_liblist _ _ }
"library" { Token KW_library _ _ }
"local" { Token KW_local _ _ }
"localparam" { Token KW_localparam _ _ }
"logic" { Token KW_logic _ _ }
"longint" { Token KW_longint _ _ }
"macromodule" { Token KW_macromodule _ _ }
"matches" { Token KW_matches _ _ }
"medium" { Token KW_medium _ _ }
"modport" { Token KW_modport _ _ }
"module" { Token KW_module _ _ }
"nand" { Token KW_nand _ _ }
"negedge" { Token KW_negedge _ _ }
"nettype" { Token KW_nettype _ _ }
"new" { Token KW_new _ _ }
"nexttime" { Token KW_nexttime _ _ }
"nmos" { Token KW_nmos _ _ }
"nor" { Token KW_nor _ _ }
"noshowcancelled" { Token KW_noshowcancelled _ _ }
"not" { Token KW_not _ _ }
"notif0" { Token KW_notif0 _ _ }
"notif1" { Token KW_notif1 _ _ }
"null" { Token KW_null _ _ }
"or" { Token KW_or _ _ }
"output" { Token KW_output _ _ }
"package" { Token KW_package _ _ }
"packed" { Token KW_packed _ _ }
"parameter" { Token KW_parameter _ _ }
"pmos" { Token KW_pmos _ _ }
"posedge" { Token KW_posedge _ _ }
"primitive" { Token KW_primitive _ _ }
"priority" { Token KW_priority _ _ }
"program" { Token KW_program _ _ }
"property" { Token KW_property _ _ }
"protected" { Token KW_protected _ _ }
"pull0" { Token KW_pull0 _ _ }
"pull1" { Token KW_pull1 _ _ }
"pulldown" { Token KW_pulldown _ _ }
"pullup" { Token KW_pullup _ _ }
"pulsestyle_ondetect" { Token KW_pulsestyle_ondetect _ _ }
"pulsestyle_onevent" { Token KW_pulsestyle_onevent _ _ }
"pure" { Token KW_pure _ _ }
"rand" { Token KW_rand _ _ }
"randc" { Token KW_randc _ _ }
"randcase" { Token KW_randcase _ _ }
"randsequence" { Token KW_randsequence _ _ }
"rcmos" { Token KW_rcmos _ _ }
"real" { Token KW_real _ _ }
"realtime" { Token KW_realtime _ _ }
"ref" { Token KW_ref _ _ }
"reg" { Token KW_reg _ _ }
"reject_on" { Token KW_reject_on _ _ }
"release" { Token KW_release _ _ }
"repeat" { Token KW_repeat _ _ }
"restrict" { Token KW_restrict _ _ }
"return" { Token KW_return _ _ }
"rnmos" { Token KW_rnmos _ _ }
"rpmos" { Token KW_rpmos _ _ }
"rtran" { Token KW_rtran _ _ }
"rtranif0" { Token KW_rtranif0 _ _ }
"rtranif1" { Token KW_rtranif1 _ _ }
"s_always" { Token KW_s_always _ _ }
"s_eventually" { Token KW_s_eventually _ _ }
"s_nexttime" { Token KW_s_nexttime _ _ }
"s_until" { Token KW_s_until _ _ }
"s_until_with" { Token KW_s_until_with _ _ }
"scalared" { Token KW_scalared _ _ }
"sequence" { Token KW_sequence _ _ }
"shortint" { Token KW_shortint _ _ }
"shortreal" { Token KW_shortreal _ _ }
"showcancelled" { Token KW_showcancelled _ _ }
"signed" { Token KW_signed _ _ }
"small" { Token KW_small _ _ }
"soft" { Token KW_soft _ _ }
"solve" { Token KW_solve _ _ }
"specify" { Token KW_specify _ _ }
"specparam" { Token KW_specparam _ _ }
"static" { Token KW_static _ _ }
"string" { Token KW_string _ _ }
"strong" { Token KW_strong _ _ }
"strong0" { Token KW_strong0 _ _ }
"strong1" { Token KW_strong1 _ _ }
"struct" { Token KW_struct _ _ }
"super" { Token KW_super _ _ }
"supply0" { Token KW_supply0 _ _ }
"supply1" { Token KW_supply1 _ _ }
"sync_accept_on" { Token KW_sync_accept_on _ _ }
"sync_reject_on" { Token KW_sync_reject_on _ _ }
"table" { Token KW_table _ _ }
"tagged" { Token KW_tagged _ _ }
"task" { Token KW_task _ _ }
"this" { Token KW_this _ _ }
"throughout" { Token KW_throughout _ _ }
"time" { Token KW_time _ _ }
"timeprecision" { Token KW_timeprecision _ _ }
"timeunit" { Token KW_timeunit _ _ }
"tran" { Token KW_tran _ _ }
"tranif0" { Token KW_tranif0 _ _ }
"tranif1" { Token KW_tranif1 _ _ }
"tri" { Token KW_tri _ _ }
"tri0" { Token KW_tri0 _ _ }
"tri1" { Token KW_tri1 _ _ }
"triand" { Token KW_triand _ _ }
"trior" { Token KW_trior _ _ }
"trireg" { Token KW_trireg _ _ }
"type" { Token KW_type _ _ }
"typedef" { Token KW_typedef _ _ }
"union" { Token KW_union _ _ }
"unique" { Token KW_unique _ _ }
"unique0" { Token KW_unique0 _ _ }
"unsigned" { Token KW_unsigned _ _ }
"until" { Token KW_until _ _ }
"until_with" { Token KW_until_with _ _ }
"untyped" { Token KW_untyped _ _ }
"use" { Token KW_use _ _ }
"uwire" { Token KW_uwire _ _ }
"var" { Token KW_var _ _ }
"vectored" { Token KW_vectored _ _ }
"virtual" { Token KW_virtual _ _ }
"void" { Token KW_void _ _ }
"wait" { Token KW_wait _ _ }
"wait_order" { Token KW_wait_order _ _ }
"wand" { Token KW_wand _ _ }
"weak" { Token KW_weak _ _ }
"weak0" { Token KW_weak0 _ _ }
"weak1" { Token KW_weak1 _ _ }
"while" { Token KW_while _ _ }
"wildcard" { Token KW_wildcard _ _ }
"wire" { Token KW_wire _ _ }
"with" { Token KW_with _ _ }
"within" { Token KW_within _ _ }
"wor" { Token KW_wor _ _ }
"xnor" { Token KW_xnor _ _ }
......@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ data Token
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TokenName
= KW_alias
= KW_dollar_bits
| KW_accept_on
| KW_alias
| KW_always
| KW_always_comb
| KW_always_ff
......@@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ data TokenName
| KW_casez
| KW_cell
| KW_chandle
| KW_checker
| KW_class
| KW_clocking
| KW_cmos
......@@ -74,11 +77,11 @@ data TokenName
| KW_disable
| KW_dist
| KW_do
| KW_dollar_bits
| KW_edge
| KW_else
| KW_end
| KW_endcase
| KW_endchecker
| KW_endclass
| KW_endclocking
| KW_endconfig
......@@ -97,6 +100,7 @@ data TokenName
| KW_endtask
| KW_enum
| KW_event
| KW_eventually
| KW_expect
| KW_export
| KW_extends
......@@ -110,9 +114,9 @@ data TokenName
| KW_fork
| KW_forkjoin
| KW_function
| KW_function_prototype
| KW_generate
| KW_genvar
| KW_global
| KW_highz0
| KW_highz1
| KW_if
......@@ -120,6 +124,8 @@ data TokenName
| KW_ifnone
| KW_ignore_bins
| KW_illegal_bins
| KW_implements
| KW_implies
| KW_import
| KW_incdir
| KW_include
......@@ -130,12 +136,14 @@ data TokenName
| KW_instance
| KW_int
| KW_integer
| KW_interconnect
| KW_interface
| KW_intersect
| KW_join
| KW_join_any
| KW_join_none
| KW_large
| KW_let
| KW_liblist
| KW_library
| KW_local
......@@ -149,7 +157,9 @@ data TokenName
| KW_module
| KW_nand
| KW_negedge
| KW_nettype
| KW_new
| KW_nexttime
| KW_nmos
| KW_nor
| KW_noshowcancelled
......@@ -157,13 +167,11 @@ data TokenName
| KW_notif0
| KW_notif1
| KW_null
| KW_option
| KW_or
| KW_output
| KW_package
| KW_packed
| KW_parameter
| KW_pathpulse_dollar
| KW_pmos
| KW_posedge
| KW_primitive
......@@ -175,8 +183,8 @@ data TokenName
| KW_pull1
| KW_pulldown
| KW_pullup
| KW_pulsestyle_onevent
| KW_pulsestyle_ondetect
| KW_pulsestyle_onevent
| KW_pure
| KW_rand
| KW_randc
......@@ -187,14 +195,21 @@ data TokenName
| KW_realtime
| KW_ref
| KW_reg
| KW_reject_on
| KW_release
| KW_repeat
| KW_restrict
| KW_return
| KW_rnmos
| KW_rpmos
| KW_rtran
| KW_rtranif0
| KW_rtranif1
| KW_s_always
| KW_s_eventually
| KW_s_nexttime
| KW_s_until
| KW_s_until_with
| KW_scalared
| KW_sequence
| KW_shortint
......@@ -202,19 +217,21 @@ data TokenName
| KW_showcancelled
| KW_signed
| KW_small
| KW_soft
| KW_solve
| KW_specify
| KW_specparam
| KW_static
| KW_strength0
| KW_strength1
| KW_string
| KW_strong
| KW_strong0
| KW_strong1
| KW_struct
| KW_super
| KW_supply0
| KW_supply1
| KW_sync_accept_on
| KW_sync_reject_on
| KW_table
| KW_tagged
| KW_task
......@@ -234,11 +251,13 @@ data TokenName
| KW_trireg
| KW_type
| KW_typedef
| KW_type_option
| KW_union
| KW_unique
| KW_unique0
| KW_unsigned
| KW_until
| KW_until_with
| KW_untyped
| KW_use
| KW_uwire
| KW_var
......@@ -248,6 +267,7 @@ data TokenName
| KW_wait
| KW_wait_order
| KW_wand
| KW_weak
| KW_weak0
| KW_weak1
| KW_while
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