Commit 2579bc83 by Zachary Snow

translate input reg to input wire

parent 6ffa31ff
......@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
* Added error checking for unresolved typenames
* Added constant folding for `||` and `&&`
* `input reg` module ports are now converted to `input wire`
## v0.0.11
......@@ -168,8 +168,16 @@ rewriteDeclM locations (Variable d (IntegerVector TLogic sg rs) x a e) = do
let t' = Implicit sg rs
insertElem accesses t'
return $ Net d TWire DefaultStrength t' x a e
rewriteDeclM _ decl@(Variable _ t x _ _) =
insertElem x t >> return decl
rewriteDeclM locations decl@(Variable d t x a e) = do
inProcedure <- withinProcedureM
case (d, t, inProcedure) of
-- Reinterpret `input reg` module ports as `input logic`. We still don't
-- treat `logic` and `reg` as the same keyword, as specifying `reg`
-- explicitly is typically expected to flow downstream.
(Input, IntegerVector TReg sg rs, False) ->
rewriteDeclM locations $ Variable Input t' x a e
where t' = IntegerVector TLogic sg rs
_ -> insertElem x t >> return decl
rewriteDeclM _ (Net d n s (IntegerVector _ sg rs) x a e) =
insertElem x t >> return (Net d n s t x a e)
where t = Implicit sg rs
module Example(
input reg inp,
output reg out
assign out = ~inp;
module Example(
input wire inp,
output wire out
assign out = ~inp;
module top;
reg inp;
wire out;
Example e(inp, out);
repeat(5) begin
#1 inp = 0;
#1 inp = 1;
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