Commit 211e4b0e by Zachary Snow

fix literal casts larger than 32 bits

parent 1dfa9a9e
......@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@ traverseExprM =
str = (show size) ++ "'d" ++ (show num)
size = s'
num = if size == 32
then n'
num = if size >= 32
then n' -- already read as 32 bits
else n' `mod` (2 ^ s')
_ -> convertCastM (Number s) (Number n)
convertExprM (orig @ (Cast (Right DimsFn{}) _)) =
......@@ -207,7 +207,13 @@ readNumber ('\'' : 'h' : rest) =
case readHex rest of
[(v, _)] -> Just v
_ -> Nothing
readNumber n = readMaybe n
readNumber n =
case readMaybe n of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just res ->
if show res == n
then Just res
else Nothing
showUniOpPrec :: Expr -> ShowS
showUniOpPrec (e @ UniOp{}) = (showParen True . shows) e
......@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ module top;
$display("%0d %0d", y, ($clog2(WIDTH))'(y));
$display("%0d %0d", z, ($clog2(WIDTH))'(z));
$display("%b", 32'(4));
$display("%b", 33'(4));
$display("%b", 33'(64'hFFFF_FFFF_FFFF_FFFF));
$display("%b", 32'(4294967296));
$display("%b", 33'(4294967296));
$display("%b", 32'(4294967297));
$display("%b", 33'(4294967297));
localparam bit foo = '0;
......@@ -26,6 +26,12 @@ module top;
$display("%0d %0d", y, $signed(y[4:0]));
$display("%0d %0d", z, z[4:0]);
$display("%b", 32'd4);
$display("%b", 33'd4);
$display("%b", 33'h1_FFFF_FFFF);
$display("%b", 32'd0);
$display("%b", 33'd4294967296);
$display("%b", 32'd1);
$display("%b", 33'd4294967297);
localparam [0:0] foo = 0;
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