Commit 03a913ad by Zachary Snow

fix illegal removal of width-extending `+ 0` and `* 1`

parent 5105ccbb
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
* Certain errors raised during conversion now also provide hierarchical and
approximate source location information to help locate the error
### Bug Fixes
* Fixed inadvertent design behavior changes caused by constant folding removing
intentional width-extending operations such as `+ 0` and `* 1`
## v0.0.9
### Breaking Changes
......@@ -76,14 +76,10 @@ simplifyStep other = other
simplifyBinOp :: BinOp -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
simplifyBinOp Add (Dec 0) e = e
simplifyBinOp Add e (Dec 0) = e
simplifyBinOp Sub e (Dec 0) = e
simplifyBinOp Sub (Dec 0) e = UniOp UniSub e
simplifyBinOp Mul (Dec 0) _ = toDec 0
simplifyBinOp Mul (Dec 1) e = e
simplifyBinOp Mul _ (Dec 0) = toDec 0
simplifyBinOp Mul e (Dec 1) = e
simplifyBinOp Mod _ (Dec 1) = toDec 0
simplifyBinOp Add e1 (UniOp UniSub e2) = BinOp Sub e1 e2
......@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ combineRanges r1 r2 = r
size1 = rangeSizeHiLo (s1, e1)
size2 = rangeSizeHiLo (s2, e2)
lower = BinOp Add e2 (BinOp Mul e1 size2)
upper = BinOp Add (BinOp Mul size1 size2)
(BinOp Sub lower (RawNum 1))
lower = binOp Add e2 (binOp Mul e1 size2)
upper = binOp Add (binOp Mul size1 size2)
(binOp Sub lower (RawNum 1))
traverseStmtM :: Stmt -> Scoper TypeInfo Stmt
traverseStmtM =
......@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ convertExpr scopes =
orientIdx r e =
endianCondExpr r e eSwapped
eSwapped = BinOp Sub (snd r) (BinOp Sub e (fst r))
eSwapped = binOp Sub (snd r) (binOp Sub e (fst r))
-- Converted idents are prefixed with an invalid character to ensure
-- that are not converted twice when the traversal steps downward. When
......@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ convertExpr scopes =
Just (dimInner, dimOuter, expr') = maybeDims
idxInner' = orientIdx dimInner idxInner
idxOuter' = orientIdx dimOuter idxOuter
base = BinOp Mul idxInner' (rangeSize dimOuter)
idx' = simplify $ BinOp Add base idxOuter'
base = binOp Mul idxInner' (rangeSize dimOuter)
idx' = simplify $ binOp Add base idxOuter'
rewriteExpr orig@(Range (Bit expr idxInner) NonIndexed rangeOuter) =
if isJust maybeDims && expr == rewriteExpr expr
then rewriteExpr $ Range exprOuter IndexedMinus range
......@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ convertExpr scopes =
maybeDims = dims expr
exprOuter = Bit expr idxInner
baseDec = fst rangeOuter
baseInc = BinOp Sub (BinOp Add baseDec len) (RawNum 1)
baseInc = binOp Sub (binOp Add baseDec len) (RawNum 1)
base = endianCondExpr rangeOuter baseDec baseInc
len = rangeSize rangeOuter
range = (base, len)
......@@ -264,11 +264,11 @@ convertExpr scopes =
idxInner' = orientIdx dimInner idxInner
(baseOuter, lenOuter) = rangeOuter
baseOuter' = orientIdx dimOuter baseOuter
start = BinOp Mul idxInner' (rangeSize dimOuter)
baseDec = BinOp Add start baseOuter'
start = binOp Mul idxInner' (rangeSize dimOuter)
baseDec = binOp Add start baseOuter'
baseInc = if modeOuter == IndexedPlus
then BinOp Add (BinOp Sub baseDec len) one
else BinOp Sub (BinOp Add baseDec len) one
then binOp Add (binOp Sub baseDec len) one
else binOp Sub (binOp Add baseDec len) one
base = endianCondExpr dimOuter baseDec baseInc
len = lenOuter
range' = (base, len)
......@@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ convertExpr scopes =
mode' = IndexedPlus
idx' = orientIdx dimInner idx
len = rangeSize dimOuter
base = BinOp Add (endianCondExpr dimOuter (snd dimOuter) (fst dimOuter)) (BinOp Mul idx' len)
base = binOp Add (endianCondExpr dimOuter (snd dimOuter) (fst dimOuter)) (binOp Mul idx' len)
range' = (simplify base, simplify len)
rewriteExprLowPrec orig@(Range expr NonIndexed range) =
if isJust maybeDims && expr == rewriteExpr expr
......@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ convertExpr scopes =
maybeDims = dims expr
baseDec = fst range
baseInc = BinOp Sub (BinOp Add baseDec len) (RawNum 1)
baseInc = binOp Sub (binOp Add baseDec len) (RawNum 1)
base = endianCondExpr range baseDec baseInc
len = rangeSize range
range' = (base, len)
......@@ -310,20 +310,41 @@ convertExpr scopes =
sizeOuter = rangeSize dimOuter
offsetOuter = uncurry (endianCondExpr dimOuter) $ swap dimOuter
(baseOrig, lenOrig) = range
lenOrigMinusOne = BinOp Sub lenOrig (RawNum 1)
lenOrigMinusOne = binOp Sub lenOrig (RawNum 1)
baseSwapped =
orientIdx dimInner $
if mode == IndexedPlus
endianCondExpr dimInner
(BinOp Add baseOrig lenOrigMinusOne)
(binOp Add baseOrig lenOrigMinusOne)
endianCondExpr dimInner
(BinOp Sub baseOrig lenOrigMinusOne)
(binOp Sub baseOrig lenOrigMinusOne)
base = BinOp Add offsetOuter (BinOp Mul sizeOuter baseSwapped)
base = binOp Add offsetOuter (binOp Mul sizeOuter baseSwapped)
mode' = IndexedPlus
len = BinOp Mul sizeOuter lenOrig
len = binOp Mul sizeOuter lenOrig
range' = (base, len)
rewriteExprLowPrec other = other
-- Traditional identity operations like `+ 0` and `* 1` are not no-ops in
-- SystemVerilog because they may implicitly extend the width of the other
-- operand. Encouraged by the official language specifications (e.g., Section
-- 11.6.2 of IEEE 1800-2017), these operations are used in real designs as
-- workarounds for the standard expression evaluation semantics.
-- The process of flattening arrays in this conversion can naturally lead to
-- unnecessary identity operations. Previously, `simplifyStep` was responsible
-- for cleaning up the below unnecessary operations produced by this conversion,
-- but it inadvertently changed the behavior of legitimate input designs.
-- Rather than applying these specific simplifications to all expressions, they
-- are now only considered when constructing a new binary operation expression
-- as part of array flattening.
binOp :: BinOp -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
binOp Add (RawNum 0) e = e
binOp Add e (RawNum 0) = e
binOp Mul (RawNum 1) e = e
binOp Mul e (RawNum 1) = e
binOp op a b = BinOp op a b
module top;
wire [3:0] a, b, w, x, y, z;
assign a = 4'b1111;
assign b = 4'b0001;
// loses upper bit
assign w = (a + b) >> 1;
// preserves upper bit via implicit extension
assign y = (0 + a + b) >> 1;
assign y = (a + b + 0) >> 1;
// preserves upper bit via "casting"
wire [4:0] tmp;
assign tmp = x + b;
assign z = tmp >> 1;
module top;
wire [3:0] a, b, w, x, y, z;
assign a = 4'b1011;
assign b = 4'b0101;
// loses upper bits
assign w = (a * b) >> 4;
// preserves upper bits via implicit extension
assign x = (1 * a * b) >> 4;
assign y = (a * b * 1) >> 4;
// preserves upper bits via "casting"
wire [7:0] tmp;
assign tmp = a * b;
assign z = tmp >> 4;
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