# Swedish translation for the GNU CC.
# Copyright (C) 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# Dennis Bj�rklund <db@zigo.dhs.org>, 2000, 2001, 2002.
# Kom ih�g att i svenskan s� anv�nder vi "" f�r citat
# och inte '' som det �r i originaluttrycken.
# Jag har gjort en liten ordlista �ver uttryck som kan finnas i
# �vers�ttningen
# http://www.zigo.dhs.org/~dennis/gcc/
# Denna lista �r inte komplett men �r det n�gon som vill hj�lpa till
# att �vers�tta gcc och har �sikter om hur dessa uttryck skall skrivas
# s� ta kontakt s� kan vi uppdatera den.
# Det mesta av �vders�ttningen som finns nu kommer fr�n tiden
# innan version 3.0 av gcc. Dessv�rre s� fungerade aldrig gcc
# med �vers�ttningar korrekt d�, s� den kom inte till anv�ndning.
# Jag har �verf�rt de gamla str�ngarna till dagens version (3.2)
# s� det finns en b�rjan, men det �r mycket kvar. Men vill n�gon hj�lpa
# till s� vore det j�ttebra. Jag kommer �vers�tta en bit d� och d�
# i m�n av tid, men det �r en stor fil med komplicerade uttryck s�
# det tar en stund att bli klar.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: gcc 3.2\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2002-12-30 18:56+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2002-08-26 12:58+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: Dennis Bj�rklund <db@zigo.dhs.org>\n"
"Language-Team: Swedish <sv@li.org>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8-bit\n"

#: attribs.c:185
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute directive ignored"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" ignorerat"

#: attribs.c:193
#, c-format
msgid "wrong number of arguments specified for `%s' attribute"
msgstr "fel antal argument angett f�r attributet `%s'"

#: attribs.c:210
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute does not apply to types"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" �r inte applicerbart p� typer"

#: attribs.c:247
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute only applies to function types"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktionstyper"

#: attribs.c:404 c-common.c:5253 c-common.c:5275 c-common.c:5297
#: c-common.c:5328 c-common.c:5350 c-common.c:5375 c-common.c:5398
#: c-common.c:5428 c-common.c:5466 c-common.c:5513 c-common.c:5543
#: c-common.c:5573 c-common.c:5596 c-common.c:5853 c-common.c:5875
#: c-common.c:5918 c-common.c:5995 c-common.c:6051 c-common.c:6112
#: c-common.c:6146 c-common.c:6500 config/arm/arm.c:2098 config/arm/arm.c:2125
#: config/avr/avr.c:4774 config/h8300/h8300.c:3649 config/h8300/h8300.c:3674
#: config/i386/i386.c:1396 config/i386/winnt.c:76
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute ignored"
msgstr "attributet `%s' ignorerat"

#: builtins.c:285
msgid "offset outside bounds of constant string"
msgstr "index till en konstant str�ng pekar utanf�r dess gr�nser"

#: builtins.c:765
msgid "second arg to `__builtin_prefetch' must be a constant"
msgstr "andra argumentet till \"__builtin_prefetch\" m�ste vara en konstant"

#: builtins.c:772
msgid "invalid second arg to __builtin_prefetch; using zero"
msgstr "ogiltigt andra argument till __builtin_prefetch; anv�nder noll"

#: builtins.c:779
msgid "third arg to `__builtin_prefetch' must be a constant"
msgstr "tredje argumentet till \"__builtin_prefetch\" m�ste vara en konstant"

#: builtins.c:786
msgid "invalid third arg to __builtin_prefetch; using zero"
msgstr "ogiltigt tredje argument till __builtin_prefetch; anv�nder noll"

#. ??? We used to try and build up a call to the out of line function,
#. guessing about what registers needed saving etc.  This became much
#. harder with __builtin_va_start, since we don't have a tree for a
#. call to __builtin_saveregs to fall back on.  There was exactly one
#. port (i860) that used this code, and I'm unconvinced it could actually
#. handle the general case.  So we no longer try to handle anything
#. weird and make the backend absorb the evil.
#: builtins.c:2864
msgid "__builtin_saveregs not supported by this target"
msgstr "__builtin_saveregs st�ds inte p� denna m�larkitektur"

#: builtins.c:2906
msgid "argument of `__builtin_args_info' must be constant"
msgstr "argumentet till \"__builtin_args_info\" m�ste vara konstant"

#: builtins.c:2912
msgid "argument of `__builtin_args_info' out of range"
msgstr "argument till \"__builtin_args_info\" �r utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: builtins.c:2918
msgid "missing argument in `__builtin_args_info'"
msgstr "argument saknas till \"__builtin_args_info\""

#: builtins.c:2949
msgid "`va_start' used in function with fixed args"
msgstr "\"va_start\" anv�nds i en funktion med fixt antal parametrar"

#: builtins.c:2968
msgid "second parameter of `va_start' not last named argument"
msgstr "andra parametern till \"va_start\" var inte det sista namngivna argumentet"

#. Evidently an out of date version of <stdarg.h>; can't validate
#. va_start's second argument, but can still work as intended.
#: builtins.c:2973
msgid "`__builtin_next_arg' called without an argument"
msgstr "\"__builtin_next_arg\" anropad utan argument"

#: builtins.c:3059
msgid "too many arguments to function `va_start'"
msgstr "F�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"va_start\""

#: builtins.c:3161
msgid "first argument to `va_arg' not of type `va_list'"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"va_arg\" �r inte av typen \"va_list\""

#. Unfortunately, this is merely undefined, rather than a constraint
#. violation, so we cannot make this an error.  If this call is never
#. executed, the program is still strictly conforming.
#: builtins.c:3193
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is promoted to `%s' when passed through `...'"
msgstr "\"%s\" konverteras till \"%s\" n�r det skickas via \"...\""

#: builtins.c:3198
#, c-format
msgid "(so you should pass `%s' not `%s' to `va_arg')"
msgstr "(allts� skall du skicka \"%s\" och inte \"%s\" till \"va_arg\")"

#: builtins.c:3329
msgid "invalid arg to `__builtin_frame_address'"
msgstr "ogiltigt argument till \"__builtin_frame_address\""

#: builtins.c:3331
msgid "invalid arg to `__builtin_return_address'"
msgstr "ogiltigt argument till \"__builtin_return_address\""

#: builtins.c:3345
msgid "unsupported arg to `__builtin_frame_address'"
msgstr "Icke supportat argument till \"__builtin_frame_address\""

#: builtins.c:3347
msgid "unsupported arg to `__builtin_return_address'"
msgstr "Icke supportat argument till \"__builtin_return_address\""

#: builtins.c:3515
msgid "second arg to `__builtin_expect' must be a constant"
msgstr "andra argumentet till \"__builtin_expect\" m�ste vara en konstant"

#: builtins.c:4010
msgid "__builtin_longjmp second argument must be 1"
msgstr "andra argumentet till __builtin_longjmp m�ste vara 1"

#. just do library call, if unknown builtin
#: builtins.c:4074 c-common.c:4437
#, c-format
msgid "built-in function `%s' not currently supported"
msgstr "inbyggd funktion \"%s\" st�ds inte f�r n�rvarande"

#: builtins.c:4147
#, fuzzy
msgid "target format does not support infinity"
msgstr "m�lprocessorn st�djer inte THUMB-instruktioner"

#: c-common.c:1163
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is not defined outside of function scope"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte definierad utanf�r funktions-scope"

#: c-common.c:1184
#, c-format
msgid "string length `%d' is greater than the length `%d' ISO C%d compilers are required to support"
msgstr "str�ngl�ngden \"%d\" �r st�rre �n den minsta l�ngden \"%d\" som ISO C%d kompilatorer beh�ver st�dja"

#: c-common.c:1242
msgid "concatenation of string literals with __FUNCTION__ is deprecated"
msgstr "sammanslagning av str�ngliteraler tillsammans med __FUNCTION__ �r f�r�ldrat"

#: c-common.c:1338
msgid "overflow in constant expression"
msgstr "spill i konstant uttryck"

#: c-common.c:1359
msgid "integer overflow in expression"
msgstr "heltalsspill i uttryck"

#: c-common.c:1368
msgid "floating point overflow in expression"
msgstr "flyttalsspill i uttryck"

#: c-common.c:1374
#, fuzzy
msgid "vector overflow in expression"
msgstr "heltalsspill i uttryck"

#. This detects cases like converting -129 or 256 to unsigned char.
#: c-common.c:1397
msgid "large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type"
msgstr "stort heltal implicit trunkerat till unsigned typ"

#: c-common.c:1399
msgid "negative integer implicitly converted to unsigned type"
msgstr "negativt heltal implicit konverterat till unsigned typ"

#: c-common.c:1447
msgid "overflow in implicit constant conversion"
msgstr "spill i implicit constant konvertering"

#: c-common.c:1595
#, c-format
msgid "operation on `%s' may be undefined"
msgstr "operation p� \"%s\" kan vara odefinierad"

#: c-common.c:1886
msgid "expression statement has incomplete type"
msgstr "uttryckssats har inkomplett typ"

#: c-common.c:1919
msgid "case label does not reduce to an integer constant"
msgstr "case-etikett reducerar inte till en heltalskonstant"

#: c-common.c:2223
msgid "invalid truth-value expression"
msgstr "ogiltigt sanningsv�rdeuttryck"

#: c-common.c:2274
#, c-format
msgid "invalid operands to binary %s"
msgstr "ogiltiga operander till bin�r %s"

#: c-common.c:2508
msgid "comparison is always false due to limited range of data type"
msgstr "j�mf�relsen �r alltid falsk p� grund av begr�nsat intervall f�r datatypen"

#: c-common.c:2510
msgid "comparison is always true due to limited range of data type"
msgstr "j�mf�relsen �r alltid sann p� grund av begr�nsat intervall f�r datatypen"

#: c-common.c:2580
msgid "comparison of unsigned expression >= 0 is always true"
msgstr "j�mf�relse med unsigned-uttryck >= 0 �r alltid sant"

#: c-common.c:2589
msgid "comparison of unsigned expression < 0 is always false"
msgstr "j�mf�relse med unsigned-uttryck < 0 �r alltid falskt"

#: c-common.c:2636
msgid "pointer of type `void *' used in arithmetic"
msgstr "pekare av typen \"void *\" anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: c-common.c:2642
msgid "pointer to a function used in arithmetic"
msgstr "pekare till funktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: c-common.c:2648
msgid "pointer to member function used in arithmetic"
msgstr "pekare till medlemsfunktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: c-common.c:2654
msgid "pointer to a member used in arithmetic"
msgstr "pekare till en medlemsfunktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: c-common.c:2741 f/com.c:14690
msgid "struct type value used where scalar is required"
msgstr "struct-v�rde anv�nt d�r skal�r kr�vs"

#: c-common.c:2745 f/com.c:14694
msgid "union type value used where scalar is required"
msgstr "union-v�rde anv�nt d�r skal�r kr�vs"

#: c-common.c:2749 f/com.c:14698
msgid "array type value used where scalar is required"
msgstr "f�lt-v�rde anv�nd d�r skal�r kr�vs"

#: c-common.c:2869 f/com.c:14831
msgid "suggest parentheses around assignment used as truth value"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt tilldelning som anv�nds som sanningsv�rde"

#: c-common.c:2913 c-common.c:2945
msgid "invalid use of `restrict'"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#: c-common.c:3059
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid application of `sizeof' to a function type"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av \"sizeof\" p� funktioner"

#: c-common.c:3069
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid application of `%s' to a void type"
msgstr "ogiltig operation p� oinstansierad typ"

#: c-common.c:3075
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid application of `%s' to an incomplete type"
msgstr "sizeof applicerat p� en inkomplett typ"

#: c-common.c:3116
msgid "`__alignof' applied to a bit-field"
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:3596
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot disable built-in function `%s'"
msgstr "d�ljer inbyggd funktion \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:3765 c-typeck.c:1734
#, c-format
msgid "too few arguments to function `%s'"
msgstr "f�r f� argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:3771 c-typeck.c:1587
#, c-format
msgid "too many arguments to function `%s'"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:3790
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "non-floating-point argument to function `%s'"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:4059
msgid "pointers are not permitted as case values"
msgstr "pekare �r inte till�tna case-v�rden"

#: c-common.c:4065
msgid "ISO C++ forbids range expressions in switch statements"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder intervalluttryck i switch-satser"

#: c-common.c:4067
msgid "ISO C forbids range expressions in switch statements"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder intervalluttryck i switch-satser"

#: c-common.c:4097
msgid "empty range specified"
msgstr "tomt intervall angivet"

#: c-common.c:4148
msgid "duplicate (or overlapping) case value"
msgstr "dubbla (eller �verlappand) case-v�rden"

#: c-common.c:4150
msgid "this is the first entry overlapping that value"
msgstr "detta �r det f�rsta fallet som �verlappar det v�rdet"

#: c-common.c:4154
msgid "duplicate case value"
msgstr "upprepat case-v�rde"

#: c-common.c:4155
msgid "previously used here"
msgstr "tidigare anv�nd h�r"

#: c-common.c:4159
msgid "multiple default labels in one switch"
msgstr "flera default-etiketter i en switch"

#: c-common.c:4160
msgid "this is the first default label"
msgstr "detta �r den f�rsta default-etiketten"

#: c-common.c:4188
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a label"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder att man tar adressen till funktionen \"::main\""

#: c-common.c:4190
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C forbids taking the address of a label"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder att man tar adressen till funktionen \"::main\""

#: c-common.c:5213
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' shadows %s"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer %s"

#: c-common.c:5629
#, c-format
msgid "unknown machine mode `%s'"
msgstr "ok�nt maskinl�ge `%s'"

#: c-common.c:5632
#, c-format
msgid "no data type for mode `%s'"
msgstr "ingen datatyp f�r l�ge `%s'"

#: c-common.c:5641 c-common.c:6242
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unable to emulate '%s'"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna fil \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:5677
msgid "section attribute cannot be specified for local variables"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" kan inte anges f�r lokala variabler"

#: c-common.c:5688
#, c-format
msgid "section of `%s' conflicts with previous declaration"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: c-common.c:5697
#, c-format
msgid "section attribute not allowed for `%s'"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" �r inte till�ten f�r \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:5704
msgid "section attributes are not supported for this target"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: c-common.c:5746
msgid "requested alignment is not a constant"
msgstr "efterfr�gad minnesjustering �r inte konstant"

#: c-common.c:5751
msgid "requested alignment is not a power of 2"
msgstr "efterr�gad minnesjustering �r inte en potens av 2"

#: c-common.c:5756
msgid "requested alignment is too large"
msgstr "efterfr�gad minnesjustering �r f�r stor"

#: c-common.c:5783
#, c-format
msgid "alignment may not be specified for `%s'"
msgstr "minnesjustering kan inte anges f�r \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:5828
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' defined both normally and as an alias"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r definierad b�de normalt och som ett alias"

#: c-common.c:5838
msgid "alias arg not a string"
msgstr "aliasargumentet �r inte en str�ng"

#: c-common.c:5885
#, fuzzy
msgid "visibility arg not a string"
msgstr "aliasargumentet �r inte en str�ng"

#: c-common.c:5894
msgid "visibility arg must be one of \"default\", \"hidden\", \"protected\" or \"internal\""
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:5928
#, fuzzy
msgid "tls_model arg not a string"
msgstr "aliasargumentet �r inte en str�ng"

#: c-common.c:5937
msgid "tls_model arg must be one of \"local-exec\", \"initial-exec\", \"local-dynamic\" or \"global-dynamic\""
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:5962 c-common.c:6018
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute applies only to functions"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktioner"

#: c-common.c:5969 c-common.c:6025
#, c-format
msgid "can't set `%s' attribute after definition"
msgstr "kan inte s�tta attributet \"%s\" efter definitionen"

#: c-common.c:6109
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute ignored for `%s'"
msgstr "attributet `%s' ignorerat f�r \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:6174
#, c-format
msgid "invalid vector type for attribute `%s'"
msgstr "ogiltigt vektortype f�r attribut \"%s\""

#: c-common.c:6198 c-common.c:6230
msgid "no vector mode with the size and type specified could be found"
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:6329
#, fuzzy
msgid "nonnull attribute without arguments on a non-prototype"
msgstr "antalet argument matchar inte prototypen"

#: c-common.c:6344
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "nonnull argument has invalid operand number (arg %lu)"
msgstr "formatstr�ng har ett ogiltigt antal operander"

#: c-common.c:6363
#, c-format
msgid "nonnull argument with out-of-range operand number (arg %lu, operand %lu)"
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:6371
#, c-format
msgid "nonnull argument references non-pointer operand (arg %lu, operand %lu)"
msgstr ""

#: c-common.c:6457
#, c-format
msgid "null argument where non-null required (arg %lu)"
msgstr ""

#: c-convert.c:80 c-typeck.c:988 c-typeck.c:4045 cp/typeck.c:1617
#: cp/typeck.c:5855
msgid "void value not ignored as it ought to be"
msgstr "v�rdet av typen void ignoreras inte vilket b�r g�ras"

#: c-convert.c:112 java/typeck.c:150
msgid "conversion to non-scalar type requested"
msgstr "konvertering till icke-skal�r typ beg�rd"

#: c-decl.c:336
#, c-format
msgid "array `%s' assumed to have one element"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" antas ha ett element"

#: c-decl.c:522
#, c-format
msgid "`struct %s' incomplete in scope ending here"
msgstr "\"struct %s\" �r inkomplett i scope-omr�de som slutar h�r"

#: c-decl.c:525
#, c-format
msgid "`union %s' incomplete in scope ending here"
msgstr "\"union %s\" �r inkomplett i scope-omr�de som slutar h�r"

#: c-decl.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "`enum %s' incomplete in scope ending here"
msgstr "\"enum %s\" �r inkomplett i scope-omr�de som slutar h�r"

#: c-decl.c:642 c-decl.c:767 java/decl.c:1399
#, c-format
msgid "label `%s' used but not defined"
msgstr "etikett \"%s\" anv�nd men inte definierad"

#: c-decl.c:648 c-decl.c:774 java/decl.c:1405
#, c-format
msgid "label `%s' defined but not used"
msgstr "etikett \"%s\" definierad men inte anv�nd"

#: c-decl.c:889 cp/decl.c:3058
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "function `%s' redeclared as inline"
msgstr "biblioteksfunktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: c-decl.c:891 cp/decl.c:3060
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "previous declaration of function `%s' with attribute noinline"
msgstr "implicit deklaration av funktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:898 cp/decl.c:3067
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "function `%s' redeclared with attribute noinline"
msgstr "funktionen \"%s\" deklarerades tidigare i ett block"

#: c-decl.c:900 cp/decl.c:3069
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "previous declaration of function `%s' was inline"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:929 c-decl.c:975
#, c-format
msgid "shadowing built-in function `%s'"
msgstr "d�ljer inbyggd funktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:931
#, c-format
msgid "shadowing library function `%s'"
msgstr "d�ljer biblioteksfunktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:937
#, c-format
msgid "library function `%s' declared as non-function"
msgstr "biblioteksfunktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: c-decl.c:941 c-decl.c:944
#, c-format
msgid "built-in function `%s' declared as non-function"
msgstr "inbyggd funktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: c-decl.c:948 objc/objc-act.c:2384 objc/objc-act.c:6154
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' redeclared as different kind of symbol"
msgstr "\"%s\" omdeklarerad som en annan sorts symbol"

#: c-decl.c:949 c-decl.c:1140 c-decl.c:1147 c-decl.c:1154 c-decl.c:1299
#: objc/objc-act.c:2386 objc/objc-act.c:6156 objc/objc-act.c:6211
#, c-format
msgid "previous declaration of `%s'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#. If types don't match for a built-in, throw away the built-in.
#: c-decl.c:1044
#, c-format
msgid "conflicting types for built-in function `%s'"
msgstr "motstridiga typer p� inbyggd funktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1087 c-decl.c:1106
#, c-format
msgid "conflicting types for `%s'"
msgstr "motstridiga typer p� \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1129
#, fuzzy
msgid "a parameter list with an ellipsis can't match an empty parameter name list declaration"
msgstr "En parameterlista med ellips kan inte matcha en tom namnlistdeklaration."

#: c-decl.c:1135
#, fuzzy
msgid "an argument type that has a default promotion can't match an empty parameter name list declaration"
msgstr "En parameterlista med ellips kan inte matcha en tom namnlistdeklaration."

#: c-decl.c:1146
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "thread-local declaration of `%s' follows non thread-local declaration"
msgstr "statisk deklaration av \"%s\" f�ljer p� icke-statisk"

#: c-decl.c:1153
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "non thread-local declaration of `%s' follows thread-local declaration"
msgstr "icke-statisk deklaration av \"%s\" f�ljer p� statisk"

#: c-decl.c:1164 c-decl.c:1187
#, c-format
msgid "redefinition of `%s'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "redeclaration of `%s'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1170
#, c-format
msgid "conflicting declarations of `%s'"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1214
#, c-format
msgid "prototype for `%s' follows"
msgstr "prototyp f�r \"%s\" f�ljer"

#: c-decl.c:1215 c-decl.c:1223 c-decl.c:1234
msgid "non-prototype definition here"
msgstr "icke-prototypdefinition here"

#: c-decl.c:1222
#, c-format
msgid "prototype for `%s' follows and number of arguments doesn't match"
msgstr "prototyp f�r \"%s\" f�ljer och antalet argument matchar inte"

#: c-decl.c:1232
#, c-format
msgid "prototype for `%s' follows and argument %d doesn't match"
msgstr "prototyp f�r `%s' f�ljer och argument %d matchar inte"

#: c-decl.c:1250
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared inline after being called"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad inline efter att den blivit anropad"

#: c-decl.c:1256
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared inline after its definition"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerad inline efter sin definition"

#: c-decl.c:1263
#, c-format
msgid "static declaration for `%s' follows non-static"
msgstr "statisk deklaration av \"%s\" f�ljer p� icke-statisk"

#: c-decl.c:1271
#, c-format
msgid "non-static declaration for `%s' follows static"
msgstr "icke-statisk deklaration av \"%s\" f�ljer p� statisk"

#: c-decl.c:1278
#, c-format
msgid "const declaration for `%s' follows non-const"
msgstr "const-deklaration f�r \"%s\" f�ljer p� icke-const"

#: c-decl.c:1285
#, c-format
msgid "type qualifiers for `%s' conflict with previous decl"
msgstr "typkvalificerare f�r \"%s\" i konflikt med tidigare dekl"

#: c-decl.c:1298
#, c-format
msgid "redundant redeclaration of `%s' in same scope"
msgstr "redundant omdeklaration av \"%s\" i samma scope"

#: c-decl.c:1599 java/decl.c:1098
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' shadows a parameter"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer en parameter"

#: c-decl.c:1602 java/decl.c:1101
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' shadows a symbol from the parameter list"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer symbol fr�n parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:1623 cp/decl.c:4176
#, fuzzy
msgid "a parameter"
msgstr "oanv�nd parameter \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1625 cp/decl.c:4193
msgid "a previous local"
msgstr ""

#. XXX shadow warnings in outer-more namespaces
#: c-decl.c:1629 cp/decl.c:4197
#, fuzzy
msgid "a global declaration"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1673
#, c-format
msgid "nested extern declaration of `%s'"
msgstr "n�stlad extern deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1692 java/decl.c:1051
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' used prior to declaration"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r anv�nd innan sin deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:1706 c-decl.c:1881
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' was declared implicitly `extern' and later `static'"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerades implicit \"extern\" och senare \"static\""

#: c-decl.c:1809 cp/decl.c:4035
msgid "type mismatch with previous external decl"
msgstr "typ skiljer sig fr�n tidigare extern deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:1810
#, c-format
msgid "previous external decl of `%s'"
msgstr "f�reg�ende externa dekl. av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1823
msgid "type mismatch with previous implicit declaration"
msgstr "typ skiljer sig fr�n tidigare implicit deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:1825
#, c-format
msgid "previous implicit declaration of `%s'"
msgstr "tidigare implicit deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:1860
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerades tidigare implicit att returnera \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:1885
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' was declared `extern' and later `static'"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerades \"extern\" och senare \"static\""

#: c-decl.c:1909
#, c-format
msgid "extern declaration of `%s' doesn't match global one"
msgstr "extern deklaration av \"%s\" matchar inte den globala"

#: c-decl.c:1951
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' locally external but globally static"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r lokalt extern men globalt static"

#: c-decl.c:2073
#, c-format
msgid "function `%s' was previously declared within a block"
msgstr "funktionen \"%s\" deklarerades tidigare i ett block"

#: c-decl.c:2093 c-decl.c:2095
#, c-format
msgid "implicit declaration of function `%s'"
msgstr "implicit deklaration av funktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:2174
#, c-format
msgid "label %s referenced outside of any function"
msgstr "etikett %s �r refererad till utanf�r en funktion"

#: c-decl.c:2231
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate label declaration `%s'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:2234
msgid "this is a previous declaration"
msgstr "detta �r en tidigare deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:2657
msgid "unnamed struct/union that defines no instances"
msgstr "od�pt struktur/union som inte har n�gon instans"

#: c-decl.c:2676
msgid "useless keyword or type name in empty declaration"
msgstr "oanv�ndbart nyckelord eller typnamn i tom deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:2683
msgid "two types specified in one empty declaration"
msgstr "tv� typer angivna i en tom deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:2688 c-parse.y:753 c-parse.y:755 parse.y:765 parse.y:1835
#: objc-parse.y:800 objc-parse.y:802 objc-parse.y:3043
msgid "empty declaration"
msgstr "tom deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:2718
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 does not support `static' or type qualifiers in parameter array declarators"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte flexibla f�ltmedlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:2720
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 does not support `[*]' array declarators"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte flexibla f�ltmedlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:2723
msgid "GCC does not yet properly implement `[*]' array declarators"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:2742
msgid "static or type qualifiers in abstract declarator"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:2816
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is usually a function"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r vanligtvis en funktion"

#: c-decl.c:2825
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "typedef `%s' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)"
msgstr "typedef \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: c-decl.c:2831
#, c-format
msgid "function `%s' is initialized like a variable"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" �r initierad som en variabel"

#: c-decl.c:2838
#, c-format
msgid "parameter `%s' is initialized"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: c-decl.c:2858 c-typeck.c:4854
msgid "variable-sized object may not be initialized"
msgstr "objekt med variabel storlek kan inte initieras"

#: c-decl.c:2864
#, c-format
msgid "variable `%s' has initializer but incomplete type"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" har initierare men �r av inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:2870
#, c-format
msgid "elements of array `%s' have incomplete type"
msgstr "elementen i f�lt \"%s\" har en ofullst�ndig typ"

#: c-decl.c:2883
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' has `extern' and is initialized"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" �r \"extern\" och initierad"

#: c-decl.c:2932 c-decl.c:5694 cp/decl.c:7353 cp/decl.c:13860
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "inline function `%s' given attribute noinline"
msgstr "inbyggd funktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: c-decl.c:3006
#, c-format
msgid "initializer fails to determine size of `%s'"
msgstr "initierare misslyckas med att best�mma storlek p� \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3011
#, c-format
msgid "array size missing in `%s'"
msgstr "f�ltstorlek saknas i \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3027
#, c-format
msgid "zero or negative size array `%s'"
msgstr "noll eller negativ storlek p� f�lt \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3055
#, c-format
msgid "storage size of `%s' isn't known"
msgstr "lagringsstorlek p� \"%s\" �r ok�nd"

#: c-decl.c:3065
#, c-format
msgid "storage size of `%s' isn't constant"
msgstr "lagringsstorlek p� \"%s\" �r inte konstant"

#: c-decl.c:3125
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring asm-specifier for non-static local variable `%s'"
msgstr "ignorerar asm f�r ickestatisk lokal variabel \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3190
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ISO C forbids parameter `%s' shadowing typedef"
msgstr "ANSI C f�rbjuder att parameter \"%s\" d�ljer typedef"

#: c-decl.c:3535 cp/decl.c:10433
msgid "`long long long' is too long for GCC"
msgstr "\"long long long\" �r f�r l�ngt f�r GCC"

#: c-decl.c:3540
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 does not support `long long'"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�djer inte \"long long\"'"

#: c-decl.c:3549 c-decl.c:3552 cp/decl.c:10438
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate `%s'"
msgstr "flera \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3562 cp/decl.c:10445
msgid "`__thread' before `extern'"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:3564 cp/decl.c:10447
msgid "`__thread' before `static'"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:3572 cp/decl.c:10474
#, c-format
msgid "two or more data types in declaration of `%s'"
msgstr "tv� eller fler datatyper i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3592 cp/decl.c:10479
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' fails to be a typedef or built in type"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:3631
#, c-format
msgid "type defaults to `int' in declaration of `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:3660
#, c-format
msgid "both long and short specified for `%s'"
msgstr "b�de long och short angivet f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3664 cp/decl.c:10594
#, c-format
msgid "long or short specified with char for `%s'"
msgstr "long eller short angiven med char f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3671 cp/decl.c:10598
#, c-format
msgid "long or short specified with floating type for `%s'"
msgstr "long eller short angiven med flyttalstyp f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3674
msgid "the only valid combination is `long double'"
msgstr "den enda giltiga kombinationen �r \"long double\""

#: c-decl.c:3680
#, c-format
msgid "both signed and unsigned specified for `%s'"
msgstr "b�de signed och unsigned specificerat f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3682 cp/decl.c:10587
#, c-format
msgid "long, short, signed or unsigned invalid for `%s'"
msgstr "long, short, signed eller unsigned ogiltig f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3688 cp/decl.c:10607
#, c-format
msgid "long, short, signed or unsigned used invalidly for `%s'"
msgstr "long, short, signed eller unsigned anv�nd felaktigt p� \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3706 cp/decl.c:10628
#, c-format
msgid "complex invalid for `%s'"
msgstr "complex ogiltig f�r \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3748
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 does not support complex types"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte typen complex"

#: c-decl.c:3760
msgid "ISO C does not support plain `complex' meaning `double complex'"
msgstr "ISO C st�der inte bara \"complex\" i meningen \"double complex\""

#: c-decl.c:3766 c-decl.c:3778
msgid "ISO C does not support complex integer types"
msgstr "ISO C st�der inte komplexa heltalstyper"

#: c-decl.c:3793 c-decl.c:4246 cp/decl.c:11241
msgid "duplicate `const'"
msgstr "upprepning av \"const\""

#: c-decl.c:3795 c-decl.c:4250 cp/decl.c:11245
msgid "duplicate `restrict'"
msgstr "upprepning av \"restrict\""

#: c-decl.c:3797 c-decl.c:4248 cp/decl.c:11243
msgid "duplicate `volatile'"
msgstr "upprepning av \"volatile\""

#: c-decl.c:3825 cp/decl.c:10791
#, c-format
msgid "multiple storage classes in declaration of `%s'"
msgstr "flera lagringsklasser i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3835
msgid "function definition declared `auto'"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"auto\""

#: c-decl.c:3837
msgid "function definition declared `register'"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"register\""

#: c-decl.c:3839
msgid "function definition declared `typedef'"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"typedef\""

#: c-decl.c:3841
#, fuzzy
msgid "function definition declared `__thread'"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"typedef\""

#: c-decl.c:3854
#, c-format
msgid "storage class specified for structure field `%s'"
msgstr "lagringsklass angiven f�r strukturf�lt \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3858 cp/decl.c:10838
#, c-format
msgid "storage class specified for parameter `%s'"
msgstr "lagringsklass angiven f�r parameter \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:3861 cp/decl.c:10840
msgid "storage class specified for typename"
msgstr "lagringsklass angiven f�r typnamn"

#: c-decl.c:3873 cp/decl.c:10855
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' initialized and declared `extern'"
msgstr "`%s' initierad och deklarerad \"extern\""

#: c-decl.c:3875 cp/decl.c:10858
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' has both `extern' and initializer"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r b�de \"extern\" och initierare"

#: c-decl.c:3880 cp/decl.c:10866
#, c-format
msgid "top-level declaration of `%s' specifies `auto'"
msgstr "toppniv�deklaration av \"%s\" anger \"auto\""

#: c-decl.c:3885 cp/decl.c:10862
#, c-format
msgid "nested function `%s' declared `extern'"
msgstr "n�stlad funktion \"%s\" �r deklarerad \"extern\""

#: c-decl.c:3891 cp/decl.c:10872
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "function-scope `%s' implicitly auto and declared `__thread'"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" kan inte deklareras som \"mutable\""

#. Only the innermost declarator (making a parameter be of
#. array type which is converted to pointer type)
#. may have static or type qualifiers.
#: c-decl.c:3930 c-decl.c:4118
#, fuzzy
msgid "static or type qualifiers in non-parameter array declarator"
msgstr "tv� typer angivna i en tom deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:3974
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' as array of voids"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med void"

#: c-decl.c:3980
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' as array of functions"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med funktioner"

#: c-decl.c:3985 c-decl.c:5250
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of structure with flexible array member"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte flexibla f�ltmedlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:4004
#, c-format
msgid "size of array `%s' has non-integer type"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r inte av heltalstyp"

#: c-decl.c:4009
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C forbids zero-size array `%s'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med storlek noll"

#: c-decl.c:4016
#, c-format
msgid "size of array `%s' is negative"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r negativt"

#: c-decl.c:4029
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ISO C90 forbids array `%s' whose size can't be evaluated"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" vars storlek inte kan ber�knas"

#: c-decl.c:4032
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ISO C90 forbids variable-size array `%s'"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med variabel storlek"

#: c-decl.c:4062 c-decl.c:4272 cp/decl.c:11450
#, c-format
msgid "size of array `%s' is too large"
msgstr "f�ltet \"%s\" �r f�r stort"

#: c-decl.c:4075
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 does not support flexible array members"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte flexibla f�ltmedlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:4085
msgid "array type has incomplete element type"
msgstr "f�lttyp har inkomplett elementtyp"

#: c-decl.c:4092 c-decl.c:4322
msgid "ISO C forbids const or volatile function types"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4138 cp/decl.c:10998
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared as function returning a function"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad som en funktion som returnerar en funktion"

#: c-decl.c:4143 cp/decl.c:11003
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared as function returning an array"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad som en funktion som returnerar ett f�lt"

#: c-decl.c:4171
msgid "ISO C forbids qualified void function return type"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4175
msgid "type qualifiers ignored on function return type"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4204 c-decl.c:4287 c-decl.c:4411 c-decl.c:4503
msgid "ISO C forbids qualified function types"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4244 cp/decl.c:11237
msgid "invalid type modifier within pointer declarator"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4342 cp/decl.c:11732
#, c-format
msgid "variable or field `%s' declared void"
msgstr "variabel eller f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: c-decl.c:4375
msgid "attributes in parameter array declarator ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4400
msgid "invalid type modifier within array declarator"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4445
#, c-format
msgid "field `%s' declared as a function"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: c-decl.c:4451
#, c-format
msgid "field `%s' has incomplete type"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:4483 c-decl.c:4485 c-decl.c:4487 c-decl.c:4494
#, c-format
msgid "invalid storage class for function `%s'"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:4509
msgid "`noreturn' function returns non-void value"
msgstr "\"noreturn\"-funktion returnerar ett icke-void v�rde"

#: c-decl.c:4524
msgid "cannot inline function `main'"
msgstr "kan inte inline:a funktion \"main\""

#: c-decl.c:4577
#, c-format
msgid "variable `%s' declared `inline'"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" deklarerad \"inline\""

#. A mere warning is sure to result in improper semantics
#. at runtime.  Don't bother to allow this to compile.
#: c-decl.c:4605 cp/decl.c:9511
#, fuzzy
msgid "thread-local storage not supported for this target"
msgstr "-fdata-sections st�ds inte f�r AIX"

#: c-decl.c:4660 c-decl.c:5746
msgid "function declaration isn't a prototype"
msgstr "funktionsdeklaration �r inte en prototyp"

#: c-decl.c:4666
msgid "parameter names (without types) in function declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4698 c-decl.c:6116
#, c-format
msgid "parameter `%s' has incomplete type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:4701
msgid "parameter has incomplete type"
msgstr "parameter har en inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:4722
#, c-format
msgid "parameter `%s' points to incomplete type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" pekar p� inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:4725
msgid "parameter points to incomplete type"
msgstr "parameter pekar p� inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:4790
#, c-format
msgid "parameter `%s' has just a forward declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:4831
msgid "`void' in parameter list must be the entire list"
msgstr "\"void\" i parameterlistan m�ste vara hela listan"

#: c-decl.c:4862
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`struct %s' declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "\"%s %s\" deklarerad inuti parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4865
#, c-format
msgid "`union %s' declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "\"union %s\" deklarerad inuti parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4868
#, c-format
msgid "`enum %s' declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "\"enum %s\" deklarerad inuti parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4875
msgid "anonymous struct declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "anonym struktur deklarerad i parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4877
msgid "anonymous union declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "anonym union deklarerad i parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4879
msgid "anonymous enum declared inside parameter list"
msgstr "anonym uppr�kningstyp deklarerad i parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:4883
msgid "its scope is only this definition or declaration, which is probably not what you want"
msgstr "dess scope-omr�de �r endast denna definition eller deklaration, vilket troligen inte �r vad du vill."

#: c-decl.c:4960
#, c-format
msgid "redefinition of `union %s'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"union %s\""

#: c-decl.c:4962
#, c-format
msgid "redefinition of `struct %s'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"struct %s\""

#: c-decl.c:5033 cp/decl.c:7125
msgid "declaration does not declare anything"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5075 c-decl.c:5078
#, c-format
msgid "%s defined inside parms"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5076 c-decl.c:5079 c-decl.c:5090
msgid "union"
msgstr "union"

#: c-decl.c:5076 c-decl.c:5079
msgid "structure"
msgstr "struktur"

#: c-decl.c:5089
#, c-format
msgid "%s has no %s"
msgstr "%s har ingen %s"

#: c-decl.c:5090
msgid "struct"
msgstr "struct"

#: c-decl.c:5091
msgid "named members"
msgstr "namngivna medlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:5091
msgid "members"
msgstr "medlemmar"

#: c-decl.c:5130
#, c-format
msgid "nested redefinition of `%s'"
msgstr "n�stlad omdefinition av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:5143
#, c-format
msgid "bit-field `%s' width not an integer constant"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5154
#, c-format
msgid "bit-field `%s' has invalid type"
msgstr "bitf�lt \"%s\" har en icke godk�nd typ"

#: c-decl.c:5166
#, c-format
msgid "bit-field `%s' type invalid in ISO C"
msgstr "bitf�lt \"%s\" har en icke godk�nd typ enligt ISO C"

#: c-decl.c:5177
#, c-format
msgid "negative width in bit-field `%s'"
msgstr "negativ storlek i bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:5179
#, c-format
msgid "width of `%s' exceeds its type"
msgstr "storleken p� \"%s\" �r st�rre �n sin typ"

#: c-decl.c:5181
#, c-format
msgid "zero width for bit-field `%s'"
msgstr "Storleken noll p� bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:5195
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is narrower than values of its type"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5241
msgid "flexible array member in union"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5243
msgid "flexible array member not at end of struct"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5245
msgid "flexible array member in otherwise empty struct"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5275
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate member `%s'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:5319
msgid "union cannot be made transparent"
msgstr ""

#. This enum is a named one that has been declared already.
#: c-decl.c:5424
#, c-format
msgid "redeclaration of `enum %s'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"enum %s\""

#: c-decl.c:5458
msgid "enum defined inside parms"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5491
msgid "enumeration values exceed range of largest integer"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5600
#, c-format
msgid "enumerator value for `%s' not integer constant"
msgstr "uppr�kningsv�rde f�r \"%s\" �r inte en heltalskonstant"

#: c-decl.c:5613
msgid "overflow in enumeration values"
msgstr "�verspill i uppr�kningsv�rden"

#: c-decl.c:5618
msgid "ISO C restricts enumerator values to range of `int'"
msgstr "ISO C begr�nsar enumreringsv�rden till intervallet av en \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:5700
msgid "return type is an incomplete type"
msgstr "returtypen �r en inkomplett typ"

#: c-decl.c:5708
msgid "return type defaults to `int'"
msgstr "returtyp s�tts till \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:5755
#, c-format
msgid "no previous prototype for `%s'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare prototyp f�r `%s'"

#: c-decl.c:5762
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' was used with no prototype before its definition"
msgstr "\"%s\" anv�ndes utan n�gon prototyp innan sin definition"

#: c-decl.c:5768
#, c-format
msgid "no previous declaration for `%s'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:5775
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' was used with no declaration before its definition"
msgstr "\"%s\" anv�ndes utan n�gon deklaration innan sin definition"

#: c-decl.c:5799 c-decl.c:6352
#, c-format
msgid "return type of `%s' is not `int'"
msgstr "returtypen p� \"%s\" �r inte \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:5815
#, c-format
msgid "first argument of `%s' should be `int'"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:5824
#, c-format
msgid "second argument of `%s' should be `char **'"
msgstr "andra argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"char **\""

#: c-decl.c:5833
#, c-format
msgid "third argument of `%s' should probably be `char **'"
msgstr "tredje argumentet till \"%s2 skall troligen vara \"char **\""

#: c-decl.c:5842
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' takes only zero or two arguments"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: c-decl.c:5845
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is normally a non-static function"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r normalt en icke-statisk function"

#: c-decl.c:5943
msgid "parm types given both in parmlist and separately"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:5964
msgid "parameter name omitted"
msgstr "parameternamn utl�mnat"

#: c-decl.c:5968 c-decl.c:6070
#, c-format
msgid "parameter `%s' declared void"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: c-decl.c:6044
msgid "parameter name missing from parameter list"
msgstr "parameternamn saknas i parameterlista"

#: c-decl.c:6063
#, c-format
msgid "multiple parameters named `%s'"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: c-decl.c:6085 c-decl.c:6087
#, c-format
msgid "type of `%s' defaults to `int'"
msgstr "typen p� \"%s\" s�tts till \"int\""

#: c-decl.c:6123
#, c-format
msgid "declaration for parameter `%s' but no such parameter"
msgstr "deklaration av parameter \"%s\" med det finns ingen s�dan parameter"

#: c-decl.c:6171
msgid "number of arguments doesn't match prototype"
msgstr "antalet argument matchar inte prototypen"

#: c-decl.c:6201
#, c-format
msgid "promoted argument `%s' doesn't match prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:6211
#, c-format
msgid "argument `%s' doesn't match prototype"
msgstr "argument \"%s\" matchar inte prototypen"

#: c-decl.c:6384 cp/decl.c:14547
msgid "no return statement in function returning non-void"
msgstr "ingen return i funktion som returnerar icke-void"

#: c-decl.c:6536
msgid "this function may return with or without a value"
msgstr "denna funktion kan returnera med eller utan ett v�rde"

#: c-decl.c:6556
#, c-format
msgid "size of return value of `%s' is %u bytes"
msgstr "storleken p� returv�rdet fr�n \"%s\" �r %u bytes"

#: c-decl.c:6560
#, c-format
msgid "size of return value of `%s' is larger than %d bytes"
msgstr "storleken p� returv�rdet fr�n \"%s\" �r st�rre �n %d bytes"

#. If we get here, declarations have been used in a for loop without
#. the C99 for loop scope.  This doesn't make much sense, so don't
#. allow it.
#: c-decl.c:6615
msgid "`for' loop initial declaration used outside C99 mode"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:6639
#, c-format
msgid "`struct %s' declared in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr "\"struct %s\" �r deklarerad i en for-loops init-deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:6642
#, c-format
msgid "`union %s' declared in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr "\"union %s\" �r deklarerad i en for-loops init-deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:6645
#, c-format
msgid "`enum %s' declared in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr "\"enum %s\" �r deklarerad i en for-loops init-deklaration"

#: c-decl.c:6653
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of non-variable `%s' in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:6655
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of static variable `%s' in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-decl.c:6657
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `extern' variable `%s' in `for' loop initial declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:109 c-format.c:191
msgid "format string arg not a string type"
msgstr "argument f�r formatstr�ng �r inte av str�ngtyp"

#: c-format.c:124
msgid "args to be formatted is not '...'"
msgstr "argumenten som skall formateras �r inte \"...\""

#: c-format.c:133
msgid "strftime formats cannot format arguments"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:168 c-format.c:270
msgid "format string has invalid operand number"
msgstr "formatstr�ng har ett ogiltigt antal operander"

#: c-format.c:202
msgid "function does not return string type"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:233
msgid "unrecognized format specifier"
msgstr "oigenk�nd formatangivelse"

#: c-format.c:246
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is an unrecognized format function type"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r ett ej k�nt funktionsformat"

#: c-format.c:280
msgid "format string arg follows the args to be formatted"
msgstr "formatstr�ngen kommer efter argumenten som skall formateras"

#: c-format.c:601
msgid "` ' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:601
msgid "the ` ' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:602 c-format.c:673
msgid "`+' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:602
msgid "the `+' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:603 c-format.c:649
msgid "`#' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:603
msgid "the `#' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:604 c-format.c:647
msgid "`0' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:604
msgid "the `0' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:605 c-format.c:646 c-format.c:676
msgid "`-' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:605
msgid "the `-' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:606 c-format.c:630
msgid "`'' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:606
msgid "the `'' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:607 c-format.c:631
msgid "`I' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:607
msgid "the `I' printf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:608 c-format.c:628 c-format.c:650 c-format.c:677 c-format.c:1702
msgid "field width"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:608
msgid "field width in printf format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:609
msgid "precision"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:609
msgid "precision in printf format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:610 c-format.c:629 c-format.c:680
msgid "length modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:610
msgid "length modifier in printf format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:626
msgid "assignment suppression"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:626
msgid "the assignment suppression scanf feature"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:627
msgid "`a' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:627
msgid "the `a' scanf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:628
msgid "field width in scanf format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:629
msgid "length modifier in scanf format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:630
msgid "the `'' scanf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:631
msgid "the `I' scanf flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:645
msgid "`_' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:645
msgid "the `_' strftime flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:646
msgid "the `-' strftime flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:647
msgid "the `0' strftime flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:648 c-format.c:672
msgid "`^' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:648
msgid "the `^' strftime flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:649
msgid "the `#' strftime flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:650
msgid "field width in strftime format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:651
msgid "`E' modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:651
msgid "the `E' strftime modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:652
msgid "`O' modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:652
msgid "the `O' strftime modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:653
msgid "the `O' modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:671
msgid "fill character"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:671
msgid "fill character in strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:672
msgid "the `^' strfmon flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:673
msgid "the `+' strfmon flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:674
msgid "`(' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:674
msgid "the `(' strfmon flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:675
msgid "`!' flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:675
msgid "the `!' strfmon flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:676
msgid "the `-' strfmon flag"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:677
msgid "field width in strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:678
msgid "left precision"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:678
msgid "left precision in strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:679
msgid "right precision"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:679
msgid "right precision in strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:680
msgid "length modifier in strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:983
#, c-format
msgid "function might be possible candidate for `%s' format attribute"
msgstr "funktionen �r en m�jlig kandidat f�r formatattributet \"%s\""

#: c-format.c:1107 c-format.c:1128 c-format.c:2112
msgid "missing $ operand number in format"
msgstr "saknar numerisk $-operand i formatstr�ng"

#: c-format.c:1138
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support %%n$ operand number formats"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1145
msgid "operand number out of range in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1168
#, c-format
msgid "format argument %d used more than once in %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1218
#, c-format
msgid "format argument %d unused before used argument %d in $-style format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1322
msgid "format not a string literal, format string not checked"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1336
msgid "format not a string literal and no format arguments"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1338
msgid "format not a string literal, argument types not checked"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1351
msgid "too many arguments for format"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument f�r f�r formatstr�ng"

#: c-format.c:1354
msgid "unused arguments in $-style format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1357
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "zero-length %s format string"
msgstr "formatstr�ng med l�ngden noll"

#: c-format.c:1361
msgid "format is a wide character string"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1364
msgid "unterminated format string"
msgstr "icke terminerad formatstr�ng"

#: c-format.c:1581
msgid "embedded `\\0' in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1596
#, c-format
msgid "spurious trailing `%%' in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1635 c-format.c:1872
#, c-format
msgid "repeated %s in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1648
msgid "missing fill character at end of strfmon format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1687 c-format.c:1786 c-format.c:2066 c-format.c:2119
msgid "too few arguments for format"
msgstr "f�r f� argument enligt formatstr�ngen"

#: c-format.c:1728
#, c-format
msgid "zero width in %s format"
msgstr "nollstorlek i %s formatstr�ng"

#: c-format.c:1747
#, c-format
msgid "empty left precision in %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1801
msgid "field precision"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1816
#, c-format
msgid "empty precision in %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1856
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support the `%s' %s length modifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1906
msgid "conversion lacks type at end of format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1917
#, c-format
msgid "unknown conversion type character `%c' in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1920
#, c-format
msgid "unknown conversion type character 0x%x in format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1927
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support the `%%%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1943
#, c-format
msgid "%s used with `%%%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1952
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support %s"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1961
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support %s with the `%%%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1994
#, c-format
msgid "%s ignored with %s and `%%%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:1998
#, c-format
msgid "%s ignored with %s in %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2004
#, c-format
msgid "use of %s and %s together with `%%%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2008
#, c-format
msgid "use of %s and %s together in %s format"
msgstr ""

# fixme: ordet locale borde standardiseras
#: c-format.c:2027
#, c-format
msgid "`%%%c' yields only last 2 digits of year in some locales"
msgstr "\"%%%c\" ger bara de sista tv� siffrorna i �ret i vissa landsinst�llningar"

#: c-format.c:2030
#, c-format
msgid "`%%%c' yields only last 2 digits of year"
msgstr "\"%%%c\" ger bara de sista tv� siffrorna i �ret"

#. The end of the format string was reached.
#: c-format.c:2046
#, c-format
msgid "no closing `]' for `%%[' format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2059
#, c-format
msgid "use of `%s' length modifier with `%c' type character"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2080
#, c-format
msgid "%s does not support the `%%%s%c' %s format"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2095
msgid "operand number specified with suppressed assignment"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2097
msgid "operand number specified for format taking no argument"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2211
#, c-format
msgid "writing through null pointer (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2220
#, c-format
msgid "reading through null pointer (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2240
#, c-format
msgid "writing into constant object (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2250
#, c-format
msgid "extra type qualifiers in format argument (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2257
#, c-format
msgid "format argument is not a pointer (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2259
#, c-format
msgid "format argument is not a pointer to a pointer (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2330
msgid "pointer"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2332
msgid "different type"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2353
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not type %s (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-format.c:2356
#, c-format
msgid "%s format, %s arg (arg %d)"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "YYDEBUG not defined"
msgstr "YYDEBUG �r inte definierad."

#: c-lex.c:290
msgid "badly nested C headers from preprocessor"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:333
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring #pragma %s %s"
msgstr "ignorerar #pragma %s %s"

#: c-lex.c:383
#, c-format
msgid "universal-character-name '\\U%08x' not valid in identifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:629
#, c-format
msgid "universal-character-name '\\u%04x' not valid in identifier"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:692
#, c-format
msgid "stray '%c' in program"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:694
#, c-format
msgid "stray '\\%o' in program"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:850
msgid "this decimal constant is unsigned only in ISO C90"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:853
msgid "this decimal constant would be unsigned in ISO C90"
msgstr ""

#: c-lex.c:869
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "integer constant is too large for \"%s\" type"
msgstr "heltalskonstant �r st�rre �n maximala v�rdet f�r sin typ"

#: c-lex.c:937
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "floating constant exceeds range of \"%s\""
msgstr "flyttal utanf�r intervallet f�r \"%s\""

#: c-lex.c:973 cpplex.c:330 cpplex.c:668 cpplex.c:1942
msgid "ignoring invalid multibyte character"
msgstr "ignorerar ogiltigt flerbytestecken"

#: c-opts.c:353
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing argument to \"-%s\""
msgstr "Saknar argument till flaggan \"%s\""

#: c-opts.c:357
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "no class name specified with \"-%s\""
msgstr "Utdatafilnamn angivet tv� g�nger"

#: c-opts.c:364
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing filename after \"-%s\""
msgstr "Filnamn saknas efter %s"

#: c-opts.c:369
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing target after \"-%s\""
msgstr "Argument saknas efter %s"

#: c-opts.c:503
#, c-format
msgid "options array incorrectly sorted: %s is before %s"
msgstr ""

#: c-opts.c:548
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "too many filenames given.  Type %s --help for usage"
msgstr "F�r m�nga filnamn. Skriv %s --help f�r anv�ndningsinformation"

#: c-opts.c:934
msgid "-Wno-strict-prototypes is not supported in C++"
msgstr "-Wno-strict-prototypes st�djs inte f�r C++"

#: c-opts.c:1014
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "switch \"%s\" is no longer supported"
msgstr "-f%s st�djs inte l�ngre"

#: c-opts.c:1030
#, c-format
msgid "switch \"%s\" is deprecated, please see documentation for details"
msgstr ""

#: c-opts.c:1143
msgid "-fhandle-exceptions has been renamed to -fexceptions (and is now on by default)"
msgstr ""

#: c-opts.c:1263
#, fuzzy
msgid "output filename specified twice"
msgstr "Utdatafilnamn angivet tv� g�nger"

#: c-opts.c:1377
msgid "-Wformat-y2k ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wformat-y2k ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1379
msgid "-Wformat-extra-args ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wformat-extra-args ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1381
#, fuzzy
msgid "-Wformat-zero-length ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wformat-extra-args ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1383
msgid "-Wformat-nonliteral ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wformat-nonliteral ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1385
msgid "-Wformat-security ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wformat-security ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1387
msgid "-Wmissing-format-attribute ignored without -Wformat"
msgstr "-Wmissing-format-attribute ignorerad utan -Wformat"

#: c-opts.c:1409
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "opening output file %s"
msgstr "Kan inte �ppna utdatafil \"%s\""

#: c-opts.c:1464
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "opening dependency file %s"
msgstr "dynamiskt beroende.\n"

#: c-opts.c:1474
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "closing dependency file %s"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna k�llkodsfil %s.\n"

#: c-opts.c:1477
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "when writing output to %s"
msgstr "fel vid skrivning till %s"

#: c-opts.c:1557
#, fuzzy
msgid "to generate dependencies you must specify either -M or -MM"
msgstr "du m�ste dessutom ange antingen -M eller -MM"

#: c-opts.c:1704
#, c-format
msgid "\"-%s\" is valid for %s but not for %s"
msgstr ""

#. To keep the lines from getting too long for some compilers, limit
#. to about 500 characters (6 lines) per chunk.
#: c-opts.c:1714
msgid ""
"  -include <file>           Include the contents of <file> before other files\n"
"  -imacros <file>           Accept definition of macros in <file>\n"
"  -iprefix <path>           Specify <path> as a prefix for next two options\n"
"  -iwithprefix <dir>        Add <dir> to the end of the system include path\n"
"  -iwithprefixbefore <dir>  Add <dir> to the end of the main include path\n"
"  -isystem <dir>            Add <dir> to the start of the system include path\n"
msgstr ""
"  -include <fil>            Inkludera inneh�llet i <fil> f�re andra filer\n"
"  -imacros <fil>            Anv�nd makrodefinitioner i <fil>\n"
"  -iprefix <s�kv�g>         S�tt <s�kv�g> som prefix f�r f�ljande tv� flaggor\n"
"  -iwithprefix <katalog>    S�tt <katalog> i slutet p� systemets include-s�kv�g\n"
"  -iwithprefixbefore <kat>  S�tt <kat> i slutet p� huvud-include-s�kv�gen\n"
"  -isystem <katalog>        S�tt <katalog> f�rst p� systemets include-s�kv�g\n"

#: c-opts.c:1723
msgid ""
"  -idirafter <dir>          Add <dir> to the end of the system include path\n"
"  -I <dir>                  Add <dir> to the end of the main include path\n"
"  -I-                       Fine-grained include path control; see info docs\n"
"  -nostdinc                 Do not search system include directories\n"
"                             (dirs specified with -isystem will still be used)\n"
"  -nostdinc++               Do not search system include directories for C++\n"
"  -o <file>                 Put output into <file>\n"
msgstr ""
"  -idirafter <katalog>      S�tt <katalog> i slutet p� systemets include-s�kv�g\n"
"  -I <katalog>              S�tt <katalog> i slutet p� huvud-include-s�kv�gen\n"
"  -I-                       Detaljerad include-s�kv�g kontroll; se info-hj�lp\n"
"  -nostdinc                 Anv�nd inte systemets include-s�kv�g (kataloger\n"
"                            satta med -isystem kommer fortfarande anv�ndas)\n"
"  -nostdinc++               Anv�nd inte systemets include-s�kv�g f�r C++\n"
"  -o <fil>                  Skriv utdata till <fil>\n"

#: c-opts.c:1732
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -trigraphs                Support ISO C trigraphs\n"
"  -std=<std name>           Specify the conformance standard; one of:\n"
"                            gnu89, gnu99, c89, c99, iso9899:1990,\n"
"                            iso9899:199409, iso9899:1999, c++98\n"
"  -w                        Inhibit warning messages\n"
"  -W[no-]trigraphs          Warn if trigraphs are encountered\n"
"  -W[no-]comment{s}         Warn if one comment starts inside another\n"
msgstr ""
"  -std=<std namn>           Ange standard att f�lja; en av:\n"
"                            gnu89, gnu99, c89, c99, iso9899:1990,\n"
"                            iso9899:199409, iso9899:1999\n"
"  -+                        Till�t anv�ndning av C++ finesser\n"
"  -w                        Stoppa varningsmeddelande\n"
"  -Wtrigraphs               Varna om trigrapher p�tr�ffas\n"
"  -Wno-trigraphs            Varna inte om trigrapher\n"
"  -Wcomment{s}              Varna om en kommentar b�rjar i en annan kommentar\n"

#: c-opts.c:1741
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -W[no-]traditional        Warn about features not present in traditional C\n"
"  -W[no-]undef              Warn if an undefined macro is used by #if\n"
"  -W[no-]import             Warn about the use of the #import directive\n"
msgstr ""
"  -Wno-comment{s}           Varna inte om kommentarer\n"
"  -Wtraditional             Varna om finesser som inte finns i traditionell C\n"
"  -Wno-traditional          Varna inte om traditionell C\n"
"  -Wundef                   Varna om ett odefinierat makro anv�nds av #if\n"
"  -Wno-undef                Varna inte om att testa odefinierade makron\n"
"  -Wimport                  Varna om anv�ndande av direktivet #import\n"

#: c-opts.c:1746
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -W[no-]error              Treat all warnings as errors\n"
"  -W[no-]system-headers     Do not suppress warnings from system headers\n"
"  -W[no-]all                Enable most preprocessor warnings\n"
msgstr ""
"  -Wno-import               Varna inte om anv�ndande av #import\n"
"  -Werror                   Behandla alla varningar som fel\n"
"  -Wno-error                Behandla inte varningar som fel\n"
"  -Wsystem-headers          D�lj inte varningar fr�n system-include-filer\n"
"  -Wno-system-headers       D�lj varningar fr�n system-include-filer\n"
"  -Wall                     Aktivera alla preprocessor-varningar\n"

#: c-opts.c:1751
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -M                        Generate make dependencies\n"
"  -MM                       As -M, but ignore system header files\n"
"  -MD                       Generate make dependencies and compile\n"
"  -MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files\n"
"  -MF <file>                Write dependency output to the given file\n"
"  -MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files\n"
msgstr ""
"  -M                        Generera make beroenden\n"
"  -MM                       Som -M, men ignorera system-include-filer\n"
"  -MF <fil>                 Skriv beroenden till den givna filen\n"
"  -MG                       Behandla saknade filer som genererade filer\n"

# fixme: vad menas med unquoted
#: c-opts.c:1759
msgid ""
"  -MP\t\t\t    Generate phony targets for all headers\n"
"  -MQ <target>              Add a MAKE-quoted target\n"
"  -MT <target>              Add an unquoted target\n"
msgstr ""
"  -MP\t\t\t    Generera phony-m�l f�r alla include-filer\n"
"  -MQ <m�l>                 L�gg till MAKE-citerat m�l\n"
"  -MT <m�l>                 L�gg till ociterat m�l\n"

#: c-opts.c:1764
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value\n"
"  -D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value\n"
"  -A<question>=<answer>     Assert the <answer> to <question>\n"
"  -A-<question>=<answer>    Disable the <answer> to <question>\n"
"  -U<macro>                 Undefine <macro> \n"
"  -v                        Display the version number\n"
msgstr ""
"  -D<makro>                 Definiera <makro> med str�ngen \"1\" som sitt v�rde\n"
"  -D<makro>=<v�rde>         Definiera <makro> with <v�rde> som sitt v�rde\n"
"  -A<fr�ga> (<svar>)        Ange svaret <svar> p� fr�gan <fr�ga>\n"
"  -A-<fr�ga> (<svar>)       Sl� av svaret <svar> p� fr�gan <fr�ga>\n"
"  -U<makro>                 G�r <makro> till icke definierat\n"
"  -v                        Visa versionsnummer\n"

#: c-opts.c:1772
msgid ""
"  -H                        Print the name of header files as they are used\n"
"  -C                        Do not discard comments\n"
"  -dM                       Display a list of macro definitions active at end\n"
"  -dD                       Preserve macro definitions in output\n"
"  -dN                       As -dD except that only the names are preserved\n"
"  -dI                       Include #include directives in the output\n"
msgstr ""
"  -H                        Skriv namnet p� include-filer n�r de anv�nds\n"
"  -C                        Sl�ng inte bort kommentarer\n"
"  -dM                       Visa en lista med aktiva makron i slutet\n"
"  -dD                       Bevara mokrodefinitioner i utdata\n"
"  -dN                       Som -dD men bara namnet bevaras\n"
"  -dI                       Ta med #include-direktives i utdata\n"

#: c-opts.c:1780
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -f[no-]preprocessed       Treat the input file as already preprocessed\n"
"  -ftabstop=<number>        Distance between tab stops for column reporting\n"
"  -P                        Do not generate #line directives\n"
"  -remap                    Remap file names when including files\n"
"  --help                    Display this information\n"
msgstr ""
"  -fpreprocessed            Tolka infiler som redan preprocessade\n"
"  -ftabstop=<nummer>        Avst�nd mellan tabbar f�r kolumutskrifter\n"
"  -P                        Genererar inte #line-direktiv\n"
"  -$                        Till�t inte '$' i identifierare\n"
"  -remap                    Mappa om filnamn vid inkludering av filer\n"
"  --version                 Visa versionsinformation\n"
"  -h or --help              Visa denna information\n"

#. Like YYERROR but do call yyerror.
#: c-parse.y:55 parse.y:48 objc-parse.y:56
msgid "syntax error"
msgstr "syntaxfel"

#: /usr/share/bison/bison.simple:179
msgid "syntax error: cannot back up"
msgstr "syntaxfel: kan inte backa tillbaka"

#: c-parse.y:325 objc-parse.y:347
msgid "ISO C forbids an empty source file"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder tomma k�llkodsfiler"

#: c-parse.y:366 c-typeck.c:6867 objc-parse.y:389
msgid "argument of `asm' is not a constant string"
msgstr "argumentet till \"asm\" �r inte en konstant str�ng"

#: c-parse.y:374 objc-parse.y:397
msgid "ISO C forbids data definition with no type or storage class"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder datadefinition utan typ eller lagringsklass"

#: c-parse.y:376 objc-parse.y:399
msgid "data definition has no type or storage class"
msgstr "datadefinition har ingen typ eller lagringsklass"

#: c-parse.y:389 objc-parse.y:412
msgid "ISO C does not allow extra `;' outside of a function"
msgstr "ISO C till�ter inte extra \";\" utanf�r funktioner"

#: c-parse.y:449 cppexp.c:1312
msgid "traditional C rejects the unary plus operator"
msgstr "traditionell C hanterar inte operatorn un�rt plus"

#: c-parse.y:496 objc-parse.y:519
msgid "`sizeof' applied to a bit-field"
msgstr "\"sizeof\" applicerat p� ett bitf�lt"

#: c-parse.y:583 objc-parse.y:606
msgid "ISO C forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expression"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder uteslutande av den mittersta termen i ett ?: uttryck"

#: c-parse.y:632 objc-parse.y:655
msgid "ISO C89 forbids compound literals"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:646 objc-parse.y:669
msgid "ISO C forbids braced-groups within expressions"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:677 objc-parse.y:700
msgid "first argument to __builtin_choose_expr not a constant"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"__builtin_choose_expr\" �r inte en konstant"

#: c-parse.y:721 objc-parse.y:768
#, fuzzy
msgid "traditional C rejects ISO C style function definitions"
msgstr "traditionell C st�djer inte str�ng-sammanslagning"

#: c-parse.y:985 c-parse.y:991 c-parse.y:997 c-parse.y:1003 c-parse.y:1024
#: c-parse.y:1030 c-parse.y:1036 c-parse.y:1042 c-parse.y:1075 c-parse.y:1081
#: c-parse.y:1087 c-parse.y:1093 c-parse.y:1138 c-parse.y:1144 c-parse.y:1150
#: c-parse.y:1156 parse.y:1915 parse.y:1922 parse.y:1957 objc-parse.y:1032
#: objc-parse.y:1038 objc-parse.y:1044 objc-parse.y:1050 objc-parse.y:1071
#: objc-parse.y:1077 objc-parse.y:1083 objc-parse.y:1089 objc-parse.y:1122
#: objc-parse.y:1128 objc-parse.y:1134 objc-parse.y:1140 objc-parse.y:1185
#: objc-parse.y:1191 objc-parse.y:1197 objc-parse.y:1203
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is not at beginning of declaration"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte i b�rjan av deklarationen"

#: c-parse.y:1441 objc-parse.y:1497
msgid "ISO C forbids empty initializer braces"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:1455 objc-parse.y:1511
msgid "ISO C89 forbids specifying subobject to initialize"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder specifiering av subobjekt som skall initieras"

#: c-parse.y:1458 objc-parse.y:1514
msgid "obsolete use of designated initializer without `='"
msgstr "obsolet angivelse av initierare utan \"=\""

#: c-parse.y:1462 objc-parse.y:1518
msgid "obsolete use of designated initializer with `:'"
msgstr "obsolet anv�ndning av initierare med \":\""

#: c-parse.y:1489 objc-parse.y:1545
msgid "ISO C forbids specifying range of elements to initialize"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:1497 c-parse.y:1528 objc-parse.y:1553 objc-parse.y:1584
msgid "ISO C forbids nested functions"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder n�stlade funktioner"

#: c-parse.y:1703 objc-parse.y:1761
msgid "ISO C forbids forward references to `enum' types"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:1715 parse.y:2385 objc-parse.y:1773
msgid "comma at end of enumerator list"
msgstr "komma i slutet av uppr�kningslista"

#: c-parse.y:1723 objc-parse.y:1781
msgid "no semicolon at end of struct or union"
msgstr "inget semikolon vid slutet av struktur eller union"

#: c-parse.y:1732 objc-parse.y:1790 objc-parse.y:2865
msgid "extra semicolon in struct or union specified"
msgstr "extra semikolon i struktur eller union angivet"

#: c-parse.y:1745 objc-parse.y:1817
msgid "ISO C doesn't support unnamed structs/unions"
msgstr "ISO C st�djer inte ej namnsatta strukturer/unioner"

#: c-parse.y:1754 objc-parse.y:1826
msgid "ISO C forbids member declarations with no members"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder medlemsdeklarationer utan medlemmar"

#: c-parse.y:1913 objc-parse.y:1985
msgid "deprecated use of label at end of compound statement"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:1930 objc-parse.y:2002
msgid "ISO C89 forbids mixed declarations and code"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder blandade deklarationer och kod"

#: c-parse.y:2005 objc-parse.y:2081
msgid "ISO C forbids label declarations"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:2055 parse.y:1627 objc-parse.y:2131
msgid "braced-group within expression allowed only inside a function"
msgstr ""

#: c-parse.y:2182 objc-parse.y:2258
msgid "empty body in an else-statement"
msgstr "tom kropp i else-sats"

#: c-parse.y:2303 objc-parse.y:2379
msgid "ISO C forbids `goto *expr;'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder \"goto *expr;\""

#: c-parse.y:2403 objc-parse.y:2479
msgid "ISO C forbids forward parameter declarations"
msgstr ""

#. Gcc used to allow this as an extension.  However, it does
#. not work for all targets, and thus has been disabled.
#. Also, since func (...) and func () are indistinguishable,
#. it caused problems with the code in expand_builtin which
#. tries to verify that BUILT_IN_NEXT_ARG is being used
#. correctly.
#: c-parse.y:2429 objc-parse.y:2505
msgid "ISO C requires a named argument before `...'"
msgstr "ISO C kr�ver ett namnsatt argument f�re \"...\""

#: c-parse.y:2526 objc-parse.y:2602
msgid "`...' in old-style identifier list"
msgstr "\"...\" i en gammaldags identifierarlista"

#: /usr/share/bison/bison.simple:795
#, fuzzy
msgid "parse error; also virtual memory exhausted"
msgstr "parsningsfel; och det virtuella minnet tog slut"

#: /usr/share/bison/bison.simple:799 cp/spew.c:364
msgid "parse error"
msgstr "parsningsfel"

#: /usr/share/bison/bison.simple:924
msgid "parser stack overflow"
msgstr "parsestack �verfull"

#: c-parse.y:2838 cp/spew.c:1521 objc-parse.y:3538
#, c-format
msgid "%s at end of input"
msgstr "%s vid slutet av indatan"

#: c-parse.y:2844 cp/spew.c:1527 objc-parse.y:3544
#, c-format
msgid "%s before %s'%c'"
msgstr "%s f�re %s'%c'"

#: c-parse.y:2846 cp/spew.c:1529 objc-parse.y:3546
#, c-format
msgid "%s before %s'\\x%x'"
msgstr "%s f�re %s'\\x%x'"

#: c-parse.y:2850 cp/spew.c:1533 objc-parse.y:3550
#, c-format
msgid "%s before string constant"
msgstr "%s f�re str�ngkonstant"

#: c-parse.y:2852 cp/spew.c:1535 objc-parse.y:3552
#, c-format
msgid "%s before numeric constant"
msgstr "%s f�re numerisk konstant"

#: c-parse.y:2854 objc-parse.y:3554
#, c-format
msgid "%s before \"%s\""
msgstr "%s f�re \"%s\""

#: c-parse.y:2856 objc-parse.y:3556
#, c-format
msgid "%s before '%s' token"
msgstr "%s f�re symbolen '%s'"

#: c-parse.y:2921
msgid "traditional C rejects string concatenation"
msgstr "traditionell C st�djer inte str�ng-sammanslagning"

#: c-parse.y:3047 objc-parse.y:3780
#, c-format
msgid "syntax error at '%s' token"
msgstr "syntaxfel vid token \"%s\""

#: c-pragma.c:107
msgid "#pragma pack (pop) encountered without matching #pragma pack (push, <n>)"
msgstr "#pragma pack (pop) p�tr�ffat utan matchande #pragma pack (push, <n>)"

#: c-pragma.c:125
#, c-format
msgid "#pragma pack(pop, %s) encountered without matching #pragma pack(push, %s, <n>)"
msgstr "#pragma pack(pop, %s) p�tr�ffat utan matchande #pragma pack(push, %s, <n>)"

#: c-pragma.c:145
#, fuzzy
msgid "#pragma pack(push[, id], <n>) is not supported on this target"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: c-pragma.c:147
#, fuzzy
msgid "#pragma pack(pop[, id], <n>) is not supported on this target"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: c-pragma.c:167
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing '(' after '#pragma pack' - ignored"
msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#: c-pragma.c:180 c-pragma.c:230
msgid "malformed '#pragma pack' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:185
msgid "malformed '#pragma pack(push[, id], <n>)' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:187
msgid "malformed '#pragma pack(pop[, id])' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:196
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown action '%s' for '#pragma pack' - ignored"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av \"#pragma pack\""

#: c-pragma.c:233
msgid "junk at end of '#pragma pack'"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av \"#pragma pack\""

#: c-pragma.c:247
#, c-format
msgid "alignment must be a small power of two, not %d"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:280
#, c-format
msgid "applying #pragma weak `%s' after first use results in unspecified behavior"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:321 c-pragma.c:326
msgid "malformed #pragma weak, ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:330
msgid "junk at end of #pragma weak"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av #pragma weak"

#: c-pragma.c:365 c-pragma.c:370
msgid "malformed #pragma redefine_extname, ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:375
#, fuzzy
msgid "junk at end of #pragma redefine_extname"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av #pragma weak"

#: c-pragma.c:382 c-pragma.c:463
msgid "#pragma redefine_extname conflicts with declaration"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:413
msgid "malformed #pragma extern_prefix, ignored"
msgstr ""

#: c-pragma.c:418
#, fuzzy
msgid "junk at end of #pragma extern_prefix"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av #pragma weak"

#: c-pragma.c:450
#, fuzzy
msgid "asm declaration conficts with previous rename"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: c-semantics.c:565
msgid "break statement not within loop or switch"
msgstr "break-sats som inte �r i en loop eller switch"

#: c-semantics.c:583
msgid "continue statement not within a loop"
msgstr "continue-sats som inte �r i en loop"

#: c-semantics.c:678
msgid "destructor needed for `%#D'"
msgstr "destruerare beh�vs f�r \"%#D\""

#: c-semantics.c:679
msgid "where case label appears here"
msgstr ""

#: c-semantics.c:682
msgid "(enclose actions of previous case statements requiring destructors in their own scope.)"
msgstr ""

#: c-semantics.c:725 c-typeck.c:6893 cp/semantics.c:897
#, c-format
msgid "%s qualifier ignored on asm"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:123
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' has an incomplete type"
msgstr "\"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: c-typeck.c:145 cp/call.c:2740
msgid "invalid use of void expression"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#: c-typeck.c:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of flexible array member"
msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte flexibla f�ltmedlemmar"

#: c-typeck.c:159
msgid "invalid use of array with unspecified bounds"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:167
#, c-format
msgid "invalid use of undefined type `%s %s'"
msgstr ""

#. If this type has a typedef-name, the TYPE_NAME is a TYPE_DECL.
#: c-typeck.c:171
#, c-format
msgid "invalid use of incomplete typedef `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:424 c-typeck.c:438
msgid "function types not truly compatible in ISO C"
msgstr "funktionstyper inte riktigt kompatibla i ISO C"

#: c-typeck.c:603
msgid "types are not quite compatible"
msgstr "typerna �r inte riktigt kompatibla"

#: c-typeck.c:757 c-typeck.c:2673
msgid "arithmetic on pointer to an incomplete type"
msgstr "aritmetik p� pekare till inkomplett typ"

#: c-typeck.c:1136
#, c-format
msgid "%s has no member named `%s'"
msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#: c-typeck.c:1169
#, c-format
msgid "request for member `%s' in something not a structure or union"
msgstr "beg�ran av medlem \"%s\" i n�got som inte �r en struktur eller union"

#: c-typeck.c:1201
msgid "dereferencing pointer to incomplete type"
msgstr "derefererar pekare till inkomplett typ"

#: c-typeck.c:1205
msgid "dereferencing `void *' pointer"
msgstr "derefererar \"void *\"-pekare"

#: c-typeck.c:1222 cp/typeck.c:2357
#, c-format
msgid "invalid type argument of `%s'"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument till \"%s\""

#: c-typeck.c:1241 cp/typeck.c:2383
msgid "subscript missing in array reference"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1262 cp/typeck.c:2425
msgid "array subscript has type `char'"
msgstr "f�ltindex har typen \"char\""

#: c-typeck.c:1270 c-typeck.c:1359 cp/typeck.c:2432 cp/typeck.c:2511
msgid "array subscript is not an integer"
msgstr "f�ltindex �r inte ett heltal"

#: c-typeck.c:1303
msgid "ISO C forbids subscripting `register' array"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1305
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C90 forbids subscripting non-lvalue array"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder tilldelning av f�lt"

#: c-typeck.c:1338
msgid "subscript has type `char'"
msgstr "index har typen \"char\""

#: c-typeck.c:1354 cp/typeck.c:2506
msgid "subscripted value is neither array nor pointer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1408
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' undeclared here (not in a function)"
msgstr "\"%s\" odeklarerad h�r (inte i en funktion)"

#: c-typeck.c:1415
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' undeclared (first use in this function)"
msgstr "\"%s\" odeklarerad (f�rsta f�rekomsten i denna funktionen)"

#: c-typeck.c:1420
msgid "(Each undeclared identifier is reported only once"
msgstr "(Varje odeklarerad identifierare rapporteras bara"

#: c-typeck.c:1421
msgid "for each function it appears in.)"
msgstr "en g�ng f�r varje funktion den finns i.)"

#: c-typeck.c:1438
#, c-format
msgid "local declaration of `%s' hides instance variable"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1504
msgid "called object is not a function"
msgstr "anropat objekt �r inte en funktion"

#: c-typeck.c:1590 cp/typeck.c:2831
msgid "too many arguments to function"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktion"

#: c-typeck.c:1611
#, c-format
msgid "type of formal parameter %d is incomplete"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1624
#, c-format
msgid "%s as integer rather than floating due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1627
#, c-format
msgid "%s as integer rather than complex due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1630
#, c-format
msgid "%s as complex rather than floating due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1633
#, c-format
msgid "%s as floating rather than integer due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1636
#, c-format
msgid "%s as complex rather than integer due to prototype"
msgstr "%s som complex ist�llet f�r heltal grund av prototyp"

#: c-typeck.c:1639
#, c-format
msgid "%s as floating rather than complex due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1649
#, c-format
msgid "%s as `float' rather than `double' due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1667
#, c-format
msgid "%s with different width due to prototype"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:1701
#, c-format
msgid "%s as unsigned due to prototype"
msgstr "%s som unsigned p� grund av prototyp"

#: c-typeck.c:1703
#, c-format
msgid "%s as signed due to prototype"
msgstr "%s som signed p� grund av prototyp"

#: c-typeck.c:1737 cp/typeck.c:2935
msgid "too few arguments to function"
msgstr "f�r f� argument till funktion"

#: c-typeck.c:1779
msgid "suggest parentheses around + or - inside shift"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt + eller - inuti skift"

#: c-typeck.c:1786
msgid "suggest parentheses around && within ||"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt && inuti ||"

#: c-typeck.c:1795
msgid "suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of |"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt aritmetik inuti operanden till |"

#: c-typeck.c:1798
msgid "suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of |"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt j�mf�relse inuti operanden till |"

#: c-typeck.c:1807
msgid "suggest parentheses around arithmetic in operand of ^"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt aritmetik inuti operanden till ^"

#: c-typeck.c:1810
msgid "suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of ^"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt j�mf�relse inuti operanden till ^"

#: c-typeck.c:1817
msgid "suggest parentheses around + or - in operand of &"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt + eller - inuti operanden till &"

#: c-typeck.c:1820
msgid "suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of &"
msgstr "f�resl�r parenteser runt j�mf�relser inuti operanden till &"

#: c-typeck.c:1827
msgid "comparisons like X<=Y<=Z do not have their mathematical meaning"
msgstr "j�mf�relser som X<=Y<=Z har inte sin matematiska mening"

#: c-typeck.c:1987 c-typeck.c:2022
msgid "division by zero"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2067 cp/typeck.c:3196
msgid "right shift count is negative"
msgstr "h�gershiftoperanden �r negativ"

#: c-typeck.c:2074 cp/typeck.c:3202
msgid "right shift count >= width of type"
msgstr "h�gershiftoperanden >= storleken p� typen"

#: c-typeck.c:2095 cp/typeck.c:3221
msgid "left shift count is negative"
msgstr "v�nstershiftoperanden �r negativ"

#: c-typeck.c:2098 cp/typeck.c:3223
msgid "left shift count >= width of type"
msgstr "v�nstershiftoperanden >= storleken p� typen"

#: c-typeck.c:2119
msgid "shift count is negative"
msgstr "shiftoperanden �r negativ"

#: c-typeck.c:2121
msgid "shift count >= width of type"
msgstr "shiftoperanden >= storleken p� typen"

#: c-typeck.c:2138 cp/typeck.c:3258
msgid "comparing floating point with == or != is unsafe"
msgstr "j�mf�ra flyttal med == eller != �r os�kert"

#: c-typeck.c:2164 c-typeck.c:2170
msgid "ISO C forbids comparison of `void *' with function pointer"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder j�mf�relse mellan \"void *\" och funktionspekare"

#: c-typeck.c:2173 c-typeck.c:2213 c-typeck.c:2241
msgid "comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2187 c-typeck.c:2192 c-typeck.c:2261 c-typeck.c:2266
msgid "comparison between pointer and integer"
msgstr "j�mf�relse mellan pekare och heltal"

#: c-typeck.c:2208 c-typeck.c:2236
msgid "ISO C forbids ordered comparisons of pointers to functions"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder ordningsj�mf�relse p� pekare till funktioner"

#: c-typeck.c:2233
msgid "comparison of complete and incomplete pointers"
msgstr "j�mf�relse av kompletta och inkompletta pekare"

#: c-typeck.c:2249 c-typeck.c:2256
msgid "ordered comparison of pointer with integer zero"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2280 cp/typeck.c:3391
msgid "unordered comparison on non-floating point argument"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2491
msgid "comparison between signed and unsigned"
msgstr "j�mf�reslse mellan signed och unsigned"

#: c-typeck.c:2537 cp/typeck.c:3635
msgid "comparison of promoted ~unsigned with constant"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2545 cp/typeck.c:3643
msgid "comparison of promoted ~unsigned with unsigned"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2625
msgid "pointer of type `void *' used in subtraction"
msgstr "pekare av typ \"void *\" anv�nd i subtraktion"

#: c-typeck.c:2627
msgid "pointer to a function used in subtraction"
msgstr "pekare till funktion anv�nd i subtraktion"

#: c-typeck.c:2724
msgid "wrong type argument to unary plus"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2737
msgid "wrong type argument to unary minus"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2754
msgid "ISO C does not support `~' for complex conjugation"
msgstr "ISO C st�djer inte ~ f�r komplex konjugering"

#: c-typeck.c:2760
msgid "wrong type argument to bit-complement"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2769
msgid "wrong type argument to abs"
msgstr "fel typ p� argument till abs"

#: c-typeck.c:2781
msgid "wrong type argument to conjugation"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2795
msgid "wrong type argument to unary exclamation mark"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2838
msgid "ISO C does not support `++' and `--' on complex types"
msgstr "ISO C st�der inte \"++\" och \"--\" p� komplexa typer"

#: c-typeck.c:2853 c-typeck.c:2885
#, fuzzy
msgid "wrong type argument to increment"
msgstr "fel typ p� argument till %s"

#: c-typeck.c:2855 c-typeck.c:2887
#, fuzzy
msgid "wrong type argument to decrement"
msgstr "fel typ p� argument till %s"

#: c-typeck.c:2876
msgid "increment of pointer to unknown structure"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:2878
msgid "decrement of pointer to unknown structure"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3015
msgid "ISO C forbids the address of a cast expression"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3025
msgid "invalid lvalue in unary `&'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3057
#, c-format
msgid "attempt to take address of bit-field structure member `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3166 c-typeck.c:4632 c-typeck.c:4648 c-typeck.c:4664
#: final.c:3146 final.c:3148 gcc.c:4397 rtl-error.c:122 toplev.c:1694
#: config/cris/cris.c:529 cp/typeck.c:4341 java/expr.c:364 java/verify.c:1467
#: java/verify.c:1468 java/verify.c:1483
#, c-format
msgid "%s"
msgstr "%s"

#: c-typeck.c:3227
msgid "ISO C forbids use of conditional expressions as lvalues"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3230
msgid "ISO C forbids use of compound expressions as lvalues"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3233
msgid "ISO C forbids use of cast expressions as lvalues"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3250
#, c-format
msgid "%s of read-only member `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3254
#, c-format
msgid "%s of read-only variable `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3257
#, c-format
msgid "%s of read-only location"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3276
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot take address of bit-field `%s'"
msgstr "kan inte ta adressen till bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: c-typeck.c:3304
#, c-format
msgid "global register variable `%s' used in nested function"
msgstr "global registervariabel \"%s\" anv�nd i n�stlad funktion"

#: c-typeck.c:3308
#, c-format
msgid "register variable `%s' used in nested function"
msgstr "registervariabel \\\"%s\\\" anv�nd i n�stlad funktion"

#: c-typeck.c:3315
#, c-format
msgid "address of global register variable `%s' requested"
msgstr "adress p� global registervariabel \"%s\" efterfr�gad"

#: c-typeck.c:3327
msgid "cannot put object with volatile field into register"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3331
#, c-format
msgid "address of register variable `%s' requested"
msgstr "adress p� register variabel \"%s\" efterfr�gad"

#: c-typeck.c:3439
msgid "signed and unsigned type in conditional expression"
msgstr "typ signed och unsigned i villkorsuttryck"

#: c-typeck.c:3446
msgid "ISO C forbids conditional expr with only one void side"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3462 c-typeck.c:3469
msgid "ISO C forbids conditional expr between `void *' and function pointer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3475
msgid "pointer type mismatch in conditional expression"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3482 c-typeck.c:3492
msgid "pointer/integer type mismatch in conditional expression"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3506
msgid "type mismatch in conditional expression"
msgstr "typfel i villkorsuttryck"

#: c-typeck.c:3577 cp/typeck.c:4597
msgid "left-hand operand of comma expression has no effect"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3621
msgid "cast specifies array type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3627
msgid "cast specifies function type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3637
msgid "ISO C forbids casting nonscalar to the same type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3656
msgid "ISO C forbids casts to union type"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder typkonvertering till unionstyper"

#: c-typeck.c:3671
msgid "cast to union type from type not present in union"
msgstr "typkonvertering till unionstyp fr�n typ som ej finns i unionen"

#: c-typeck.c:3722
#, fuzzy
msgid "cast adds new qualifiers to function type"
msgstr "typkonvertering matchar inte en funktionstyp"

#. There are qualifiers present in IN_OTYPE that are not
#. present in IN_TYPE.
#: c-typeck.c:3727
msgid "cast discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3742
msgid "cast increases required alignment of target type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3748 cp/typeck.c:5027
msgid "cast from pointer to integer of different size"
msgstr "typkonvertering fr�n pekare till heltal av annan storlek"

#: c-typeck.c:3753
msgid "cast does not match function type"
msgstr "typkonvertering matchar inte en funktionstyp"

#: c-typeck.c:3760 cp/typeck.c:5034
msgid "cast to pointer from integer of different size"
msgstr "typkonvertering till pekare fr�n heltal med annan storlek"

#: c-typeck.c:3772
msgid "type-punning to incomplete type might break strict-aliasing rules"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:3776
msgid "dereferencing type-punned pointer will break strict-aliasing rules"
msgstr ""

#. Now we have handled acceptable kinds of LHS that are not truly lvalues.
#. Reject anything strange now.
#: c-typeck.c:3935
msgid "invalid lvalue in assignment"
msgstr "ogiltigt lvalue i tilldelning"

#. Convert new value to destination type.
#: c-typeck.c:3944 c-typeck.c:3969 c-typeck.c:3986 cp/typeck.c:5145
#: cp/typeck.c:5294
msgid "assignment"
msgstr "tilldelning"

#: c-typeck.c:4056
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot pass rvalue to reference parameter"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera pekare till referenser"

#: c-typeck.c:4160 c-typeck.c:4227
#, c-format
msgid "%s makes qualified function pointer from unqualified"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4164 c-typeck.c:4207
#, c-format
msgid "%s discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4170
msgid "ISO C prohibits argument conversion to union type"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4199
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C forbids %s between function pointer and `void *'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder %s mellan funktionspekare och \"void *\""

#: c-typeck.c:4216
#, c-format
msgid "pointer targets in %s differ in signedness"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4232
#, c-format
msgid "%s from incompatible pointer type"
msgstr ""

# fixme: vad �r %s
#: c-typeck.c:4248
#, c-format
msgid "%s makes pointer from integer without a cast"
msgstr "%s skapar pekare fr�n heltal utan typkonvertering"

#: c-typeck.c:4256
#, c-format
msgid "%s makes integer from pointer without a cast"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4270 c-typeck.c:4273
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible type for argument %d of `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4277
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible type for argument %d of indirect function call"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4281
#, c-format
msgid "incompatible types in %s"
msgstr "inkompatibla typer i %s"

#. Function name is known; supply it.
#: c-typeck.c:4339
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "passing arg of `%s'"
msgstr "Saknar argument till flaggan \"%s\""

#. Function name unknown (call through ptr).
#: c-typeck.c:4349
#, fuzzy
msgid "passing arg of pointer to function"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktion"

#. Function name is known; supply it.
#: c-typeck.c:4357
#, c-format
msgid "passing arg %d of `%s'"
msgstr ""

#. Function name unknown (call through ptr); just give arg number.
#: c-typeck.c:4367
#, c-format
msgid "passing arg %d of pointer to function"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4433
msgid "initializer for static variable is not constant"
msgstr "initierare f�r statisk variabel �r inte konstant"

#: c-typeck.c:4439
msgid "initializer for static variable uses complicated arithmetic"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4447
msgid "aggregate initializer is not constant"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4449
msgid "aggregate initializer uses complicated arithmetic"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4456
msgid "traditional C rejects automatic aggregate initialization"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4635 c-typeck.c:4651 c-typeck.c:4667
#, c-format
msgid "(near initialization for `%s')"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4718 cp/typeck2.c:505
msgid "char-array initialized from wide string"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4725 cp/typeck2.c:512
msgid "int-array initialized from non-wide string"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4743 cp/typeck2.c:528
msgid "initializer-string for array of chars is too long"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4781
msgid "array initialized from non-constant array expression"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4798 c-typeck.c:4800 c-typeck.c:4816 c-typeck.c:4837
#: c-typeck.c:6237
msgid "initializer element is not constant"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4832
msgid "initialization"
msgstr "initiering"

#: c-typeck.c:4843 c-typeck.c:6242
msgid "initializer element is not computable at load time"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:4858 cp/typeck2.c:605
msgid "invalid initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5351
msgid "extra brace group at end of initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5371
msgid "missing braces around initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5431
msgid "braces around scalar initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5479
msgid "initialization of flexible array member in a nested context"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5481
msgid "initialization of a flexible array member"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5512
msgid "missing initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5538
msgid "empty scalar initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5543
msgid "extra elements in scalar initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5629
msgid "initialization designators may not nest"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5650 c-typeck.c:5721
msgid "array index in non-array initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5655 c-typeck.c:5773
msgid "field name not in record or union initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5717 c-typeck.c:5719
msgid "nonconstant array index in initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5724
msgid "array index in initializer exceeds array bounds"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5735
msgid "empty index range in initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5744
msgid "array index range in initializer exceeds array bounds"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5785
#, c-format
msgid "unknown field `%s' specified in initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:5822 c-typeck.c:5843 c-typeck.c:6304
msgid "initialized field with side-effects overwritten"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6514
msgid "excess elements in char array initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6521 c-typeck.c:6567
msgid "excess elements in struct initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6582
msgid "non-static initialization of a flexible array member"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6644
msgid "excess elements in union initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6665
msgid "traditional C rejects initialization of unions"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6728
msgid "excess elements in array initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6757
msgid "excess elements in vector initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6779
msgid "excess elements in scalar initializer"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6886
msgid "asm template is not a string constant"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6918
msgid "invalid lvalue in asm statement"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:6993
msgid "modification by `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:7012 cp/typeck.c:6152
msgid "function declared `noreturn' has a `return' statement"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:7019
msgid "`return' with no value, in function returning non-void"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:7025
msgid "`return' with a value, in function returning void"
msgstr "\"return\" med v�rde i funktion som returnerar void"

#: c-typeck.c:7029
msgid "return"
msgstr "return"

#: c-typeck.c:7081
msgid "function returns address of local variable"
msgstr "funktionen returnerar adress till en lokal variabel"

#: c-typeck.c:7137 cp/semantics.c:555
msgid "switch quantity not an integer"
msgstr "switch-argument �r inte ett heltal"

#: c-typeck.c:7147
msgid "`long' switch expression not converted to `int' in ISO C"
msgstr ""

#: c-typeck.c:7182 cp/decl.c:5173
msgid "case label not within a switch statement"
msgstr "case-etikett �r inte i en switch-sats"

#: c-typeck.c:7184 cp/decl.c:5178
msgid "`default' label not within a switch statement"
msgstr "\"default\"-etikett �r inte i en switch-sats"

#: calls.c:1921
#, c-format
msgid "inlining failed in call to `%s'"
msgstr "inlining misslyckades i anrop av \"%s\""

#: calls.c:1922 calls.c:2228
msgid "called from here"
msgstr "anropad h�rifr�n"

#: calls.c:2227
#, c-format
msgid "can't inline call to `%s'"
msgstr "kan inte inline:a anrop till \"%s\""

#: calls.c:2257
msgid "function call has aggregate value"
msgstr ""

#: calls.c:4614
msgid "variable offset is passed partially in stack and in reg"
msgstr ""

#: calls.c:4616
msgid "variable size is passed partially in stack and in reg"
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1106
#, c-format
msgid "Size of loop %d should be %d, not %d."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1125
#, c-format
msgid "Bb %d do not belong to loop %d."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1143
#, c-format
msgid "Loop %d's header does not have exactly 2 entries."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1151
#, c-format
msgid "Loop %d's latch does not have exactly 1 successor."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1156
#, c-format
msgid "Loop %d's latch does not have header as successor."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1161
#, c-format
msgid "Loop %d's latch does not belong directly to it."
msgstr ""

#: cfgloop.c:1167
#, c-format
msgid "Loop %d's header does not belong directly to it."
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1704
#, c-format
msgid "bb %d on wrong place"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1710
#, c-format
msgid "prev_bb of %d should be %d, not %d"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1730
#, c-format
msgid "end insn %d for block %d not found in the insn stream"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1744
#, c-format
msgid "insn %d is in multiple basic blocks (%d and %d)"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1756
#, c-format
msgid "head insn %d for block %d not found in the insn stream"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1778
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: REG_BR_PROB does not match cfg %i %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1785
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Wrong count of block %i %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1791
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Wrong frequency of block %i %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1799
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Duplicate edge %i->%i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1805
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Wrong probability of edge %i->%i %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1811
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Wrong count of edge %i->%i %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1841
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Incorrect blocks for fallthru %i->%i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1856
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Incorrect fallthru %i->%i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1858
msgid "wrong insn in the fallthru edge"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1865
#, c-format
msgid "verify_flow_info: Basic block %d succ edge is corrupted"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1881
#, c-format
msgid "Missing REG_EH_REGION note in the end of bb %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1889
#, c-format
msgid "Too many outgoing branch edges from bb %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1894
#, c-format
msgid "Fallthru edge after unconditional jump %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1899
#, c-format
msgid "Wrong amount of branch edges after unconditional jump %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1905
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Wrong amount of branch edges after conditional jump %i"
msgstr "F�redra hopp framf�r villkorlig k�rning"

#: cfgrtl.c:1910
#, c-format
msgid "Call edges for non-call insn in bb %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1919
#, c-format
msgid "Abnormal edges for no purpose in bb %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1934
#, c-format
msgid "missing barrier after block %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1944
#, c-format
msgid "basic block %d pred edge is corrupted"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1961
#, c-format
msgid "insn %d inside basic block %d but block_for_insn is NULL"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1965
#, c-format
msgid "insn %d inside basic block %d but block_for_insn is %i"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:1979 cfgrtl.c:1989
#, c-format
msgid "NOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK is missing for block %d"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2002
#, c-format
msgid "NOTE_INSN_BASIC_BLOCK %d in middle of basic block %d"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2014
#, c-format
msgid "in basic block %d:"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2015
msgid "flow control insn inside a basic block"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2034
#, c-format
msgid "basic block %i edge lists are corrupted"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2049
msgid "basic blocks not numbered consecutively"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2074
msgid "insn outside basic block"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2082
msgid "return not followed by barrier"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2087
#, c-format
msgid "number of bb notes in insn chain (%d) != n_basic_blocks (%d)"
msgstr ""

#: cfgrtl.c:2091
msgid "verify_flow_info failed"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:425
msgid "internal error"
msgstr "internt fel"

#: collect2.c:934
msgid "no arguments"
msgstr "inga argument"

#: collect2.c:1263 collect2.c:1411 collect2.c:1444
#, c-format
msgid "fopen %s"
msgstr "fopen %s"

#: collect2.c:1266 collect2.c:1416 collect2.c:1447
#, c-format
msgid "fclose %s"
msgstr "fclose %s"

#: collect2.c:1275
#, c-format
msgid "collect2 version %s"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:1365
#, c-format
msgid "%d constructor(s) found\n"
msgstr "%d konstruerare hittad(e)\n"

#: collect2.c:1366
#, c-format
msgid "%d destructor(s)  found\n"
msgstr "%d destruerare  hittad(e)\n"

#: collect2.c:1367
#, c-format
msgid "%d frame table(s) found\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:1508
#, c-format
msgid "%s terminated with signal %d [%s]%s"
msgstr "%s terminerade med signal %d [%s]%s"

#: collect2.c:1527
#, c-format
msgid "%s returned %d exit status"
msgstr "%s returnerade avslutningsstatus %d"

#: collect2.c:1555
#, c-format
msgid "[cannot find %s]"
msgstr "[kan inte hitta %s]"

#: collect2.c:1570
#, c-format
msgid "cannot find `%s'"
msgstr "kan inte hitta \"%s\""

#: collect2.c:1581 collect2.c:1584
#, c-format
msgid "redirecting stdout: %s"
msgstr "omdirigerar stdout: %s"

#: collect2.c:1627
#, c-format
msgid "[Leaving %s]\n"
msgstr "[L�mnar %s]\n"

#: collect2.c:1870
#, c-format
msgid ""
"write_c_file - output name is %s, prefix is %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2083
msgid "cannot find `nm'"
msgstr "kan inte hitta \"nm\""

#: collect2.c:2093 collect2.c:2535
msgid "pipe"
msgstr "r�r"

#: collect2.c:2097 collect2.c:2539
msgid "fdopen"
msgstr "fdopen"

#: collect2.c:2123 collect2.c:2565
#, c-format
msgid "dup2 %d 1"
msgstr "dup2 %d 1"

#: collect2.c:2126 collect2.c:2129 collect2.c:2142 collect2.c:2568
#: collect2.c:2571 collect2.c:2584
#, c-format
msgid "close %d"
msgstr "close %d"

#: collect2.c:2132 collect2.c:2574
#, c-format
msgid "execv %s"
msgstr "execv %s"

#: collect2.c:2186
#, c-format
msgid "init function found in object %s"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2194
#, c-format
msgid "fini function found in object %s"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2217 collect2.c:2623
msgid "fclose"
msgstr "fclose"

#: collect2.c:2262
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open file '%s'"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna fil \"%s\""

#: collect2.c:2264
#, c-format
msgid "unable to stat file '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2270
#, c-format
msgid "unable to mmap file '%s'"
msgstr "kan inte g�ra mmap p� fil \"%s\""

#: collect2.c:2423
msgid "not found\n"
msgstr "hittades inte\n"

#: collect2.c:2425 collect2.c:2602
#, c-format
msgid "dynamic dependency %s not found"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2445
#, c-format
msgid "bad magic number in file '%s'"
msgstr "felaktigt magiskt nummer i fil \"%s\""

#: collect2.c:2467
msgid "dynamic dependencies.\n"
msgstr "dynamiskt beroende.\n"

#: collect2.c:2526
msgid "cannot find `ldd'"
msgstr "kan inte hitta \"ldd\""

#: collect2.c:2587
msgid ""
"ldd output with constructors/destructors.\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2614
#, c-format
msgid "unable to open dynamic dependency '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:2728
#, c-format
msgid "%s: not a COFF file"
msgstr "%s: �r inte en COFF-fil"

#: collect2.c:2847
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot open as COFF file"
msgstr "%s: kan inte �ppna som COFF-fil"

#: collect2.c:2903
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "library lib%s not found"
msgstr "Hittade inte bibliotek lib%s"

#: collect2.c:3030
#, c-format
msgid "open %s"
msgstr "open %s"

#: collect2.c:3053
msgid "incompatibilities between object file & expected values"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3126
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Processing symbol table #%d, offset = 0x%.8lx, kind = %s\n"
msgstr ""
"Processar symboltabell #%d, index = 0x%.8lx, sort = %s\n"

#: collect2.c:3135
msgid "string section missing"
msgstr "str�ngsektionen saknas"

#: collect2.c:3138
msgid "section pointer missing"
msgstr "sektionspekare saknas"

#: collect2.c:3186
msgid "no symbol table found"
msgstr "hittade ingen symboltabell"

#: collect2.c:3199
msgid "no cmd_strings found"
msgstr "hittar ingen cmd_strings"

#: collect2.c:3211
msgid ""
"Updating header and load commands.\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3218
#, c-format
msgid "load command map, %d cmds, new size %ld.\n"
msgstr "ladda kommandomappning, %d kommandon, ny storlek %ld.\n"

#: collect2.c:3249
msgid ""
"writing load commands.\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3269
#, c-format
msgid "close %s"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3343
msgid "could not convert 0x%l.8x into a region"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3347
#, c-format
msgid "%s function, region %d, offset = %ld (0x%.8lx)\n"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3474
msgid "bad magic number"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3475
msgid "bad header version"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3476
msgid "bad raw header version"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3477
msgid "raw header buffer too small"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3478
msgid "old raw header file"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3479
msgid "unsupported version"
msgstr "ej st�dd version"

#: collect2.c:3481
#, c-format
msgid "unknown {de,en}code_mach_o_hdr return value %d"
msgstr ""

#: collect2.c:3501
#, c-format
msgid "fstat %s"
msgstr "fstat %s"

#: collect2.c:3538 collect2.c:3586
#, c-format
msgid "lseek %s 0"
msgstr "lseek %s 0"

#: collect2.c:3542
#, c-format
msgid "read %s"
msgstr "read %s"

#: collect2.c:3545
#, c-format
msgid "read %ld bytes, expected %ld, from %s"
msgstr "l�ste %ld bytes, f�rv�ntade %ld, fr�n %s"

#: collect2.c:3566
#, c-format
msgid "msync %s"
msgstr "msync %s"

#: collect2.c:3573
#, c-format
msgid "munmap %s"
msgstr "munmap %s"

#: collect2.c:3590
#, c-format
msgid "write %s"
msgstr "write %s"

#: collect2.c:3593
#, c-format
msgid "wrote %ld bytes, expected %ld, to %s"
msgstr "skrev %ld bytes, f�rv�ntade %ld, till %s"

#: combine.c:12966
#, c-format
msgid ""
";; Combiner statistics: %d attempts, %d substitutions (%d requiring new space),\n"
";; %d successes.\n"
msgstr ""

#: combine.c:12976
#, c-format
msgid ""
";; Combiner totals: %d attempts, %d substitutions (%d requiring new space),\n"
";; %d successes.\n"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:69
msgid "cannot convert to a pointer type"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: convert.c:102
msgid "pointer value used where a floating point value was expected"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:106
msgid "aggregate value used where a float was expected"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:132
msgid "conversion to incomplete type"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:414 convert.c:494
msgid "can't convert between vector values of different size"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:420
msgid "aggregate value used where an integer was expected"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:472 f/com.c:1100
msgid "pointer value used where a complex was expected"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:476 f/com.c:1102
msgid "aggregate value used where a complex was expected"
msgstr ""

#: convert.c:500
msgid "can't convert value to a vector"
msgstr ""

#: cpperror.c:113
msgid "warning: "
msgstr "varning: "

#: cpperror.c:115
msgid "internal error: "
msgstr "internt fel: "

#: cpperror.c:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "stdout"
msgstr "struct"

#: cpperror.c:191 gcc.c:6444
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s"
msgstr "%s: %s"

#: cppexp.c:199
#, fuzzy
msgid "too many decimal points in number"
msgstr "f�r m�nga decimalpunker i flyttalskonstant"

#: cppexp.c:219
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid digit \"%c\" in octal constant"
msgstr "ogiltigt suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#: cppexp.c:225
#, fuzzy
msgid "use of C99 hexadecimal floating constant"
msgstr "f�r m�nga decimalpunker i flyttalskonstant"

#: cppexp.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "exponent has no digits"
msgstr "numerisk kostant utan siffror"

#: cppexp.c:241
msgid "hexadecimal floating constants require an exponent"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:247
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid suffix \"%.*s\" on floating constant"
msgstr "b�de suffix 'f' och 'l' p� flyttalskonstant"

#: cppexp.c:257 cppexp.c:282
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "traditional C rejects the \"%.*s\" suffix"
msgstr "traditionell C st�djer inte suffixet 'f'"

#: cppexp.c:268
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid suffix \"%.*s\" on integer constant"
msgstr "ogiltigt suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#: cppexp.c:289
#, fuzzy
msgid "use of C99 long long integer constant"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder long long integer konstanter"

#: cppexp.c:295
msgid "imaginary constants are a GCC extension"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:383
#, fuzzy
msgid "integer constant is too large for its type"
msgstr "heltalskonstant �r st�rre �n maximala v�rdet f�r sin typ"

#: cppexp.c:395
msgid "integer constant is so large that it is unsigned"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:482
msgid "missing ')' after \"defined\""
msgstr "saknar ')' efter \"defined\""

#: cppexp.c:489
msgid "operator \"defined\" requires an identifier"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:497
#, c-format
msgid "(\"%s\" is an alternative token for \"%s\" in C++)"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:507
msgid "this use of \"defined\" may not be portable"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:545
#, fuzzy
msgid "floating constant in preprocessor expression"
msgstr "flyttalsspill i uttryck"

#: cppexp.c:551
#, fuzzy
msgid "imaginary number in preprocessor expression"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#: cppexp.c:596
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ does not permit \"%s\" in #if"
msgstr "ISO C++ till�ter inte \"%s\" i #if"

#: cppexp.c:604
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte definierad"

#: cppexp.c:737 cppexp.c:772
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing binary operator before token \"%s\""
msgstr "saknar mellanrum efter nummer \"%.*s\""

#: cppexp.c:756
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character '%c' in #if"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:758
#, c-format
msgid "invalid character '\\%03o' in #if"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:763
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "token \"%s\" is not valid in preprocessor expressions"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte ett giltigt filnamn"

#: cppexp.c:782
msgid "void expression between '(' and ')'"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:785
#, fuzzy
msgid "#if with no expression"
msgstr "#%s utan argument"

#: cppexp.c:787
#, c-format
msgid "operator '%s' has no right operand"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:813
#, fuzzy
msgid " ':' without preceding '?'"
msgstr "syntaxfel vid token \"%s\""

#: cppexp.c:840
#, fuzzy
msgid "unbalanced stack in #if"
msgstr "obalanserad #endif"

#: cppexp.c:862
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "impossible operator '%u'"
msgstr "saknar mellanrum efter nummer \"%.*s\""

#: cppexp.c:954
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing ')' in expression"
msgstr "heltalsspill i uttryck"

#: cppexp.c:975
msgid "'?' without following ':'"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:985
msgid "integer overflow in preprocessor expression"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:990
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing '(' in expression"
msgstr "heltalsspill i uttryck"

#: cppexp.c:1026
#, c-format
msgid "the left operand of \"%s\" changes sign when promoted"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:1031
#, c-format
msgid "the right operand of \"%s\" changes sign when promoted"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:1414
msgid "comma operator in operand of #if"
msgstr ""

#: cppexp.c:1551
msgid "division by zero in #if"
msgstr ""

#: cppfiles.c:411
#, c-format
msgid "%s is too large"
msgstr "%s �r f�r stor"

#: cppfiles.c:447
#, c-format
msgid "%s is shorter than expected"
msgstr "%s �r kortare �n f�rv�ntat"

#: cppfiles.c:461
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a block device"
msgstr "%s �r en blockenhet"

#: cppfiles.c:594
#, c-format
msgid "no include path in which to find %s"
msgstr ""

#: cppfiles.c:668
msgid "Multiple include guards may be useful for:\n"
msgstr ""

#: cppfiles.c:1014
msgid "absolute file name in remap_filename"
msgstr "absolut filnamn i remap_filename"

#: cppinit.c:224
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring nonexistent directory \"%s\"\n"
msgstr "ignorerar ej existerande katalog \"%s\"\n"

#: cppinit.c:231
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Not a directory"
msgstr "%s: Inte en katalog"

#: cppinit.c:287
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring duplicate directory \"%s\"\n"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:325
msgid "  as it is a non-system directory that duplicates a system directory\n"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:891
#, fuzzy
msgid "cppchar_t must be an unsigned type"
msgstr "predikat m�ste vara en identifierare"

#: cppinit.c:895
#, c-format
msgid "preprocessor arithmetic has maximum precision of %lu bits; target requires %lu bits"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:901
msgid "CPP arithmetic must be at least as precise as a target int"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:904
msgid "target char is less than 8 bits wide"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:908
msgid "target wchar_t is narrower than target char"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:912
msgid "target int is narrower than target char"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:916
msgid "CPP half-integer narrower than CPP character"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:920
#, c-format
msgid "CPP on this host cannot handle wide character constants over %lu bits, but the target requires %lu bits"
msgstr ""

#: cppinit.c:972
msgid "#include \"...\" search starts here:\n"
msgstr "#include \"...\" s�kning startar h�r:\n"

#: cppinit.c:976
msgid "#include <...> search starts here:\n"
msgstr "#include <...> s�kning startar h�r:\n"

#: cppinit.c:979
msgid "End of search list.\n"
msgstr "Slut p� s�klistan.\n"

#: cppinit.c:1055
#, fuzzy
msgid "<built-in>"
msgstr "<inbyggd>"

#: cppinit.c:1057
msgid "<command line>"
msgstr ""

#. Irix6 "cc -n32" and OSF4 cc have problems with char foo[] = ("string");
#. I.e. a const string initializer with parens around it.  That is
#. what N_("string") resolves to, so we make no_* be macros instead.
#: cppinit.c:1162
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "assertion missing after %s"
msgstr "Makronamn saknas efter %s"

#: cppinit.c:1163
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "directory name missing after %s"
msgstr "Katalognamn saknas efter %s"

#: cppinit.c:1164
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "file name missing after %s"
msgstr "Filnamn saknas efter %s"

#: cppinit.c:1165
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "macro name missing after %s"
msgstr "Makronamn saknas efter %s"

#: cppinit.c:1166
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "path name missing after %s"
msgstr "S�kv�g saknas efter %s"

#: cppinit.c:1368
msgid "-I- specified twice"
msgstr "-I- angiven tv� g�nger"

#: cpplex.c:149
#, c-format
msgid "trigraph ??%c converted to %c"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:157
#, c-format
msgid "trigraph ??%c ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:214
msgid "backslash and newline separated by space"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:221 cpptrad.c:158
msgid "backslash-newline at end of file"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:287 cpptrad.c:199
msgid "\"/*\" within comment"
msgstr "\"/*\" i kommentar"

#: cpplex.c:395
msgid "null character(s) ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:402
#, c-format
msgid "%s in preprocessing directive"
msgstr "%s i preprocessordirektiv"

#: cpplex.c:475
#, c-format
msgid "attempt to use poisoned \"%s\""
msgstr "f�rs�k att anv�nda f�rgiftad \"%s\""

#: cpplex.c:483
msgid "__VA_ARGS__ can only appear in the expansion of a C99 variadic macro"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:555
#, fuzzy
msgid "'$' character(s) in identifier or number"
msgstr "tecknet '$' i en identifierare"

#: cpplex.c:698
#, c-format
msgid "missing terminating %c character"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:711
msgid "null character(s) preserved in literal"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:915 cpptrad.c:487
msgid "no newline at end of file"
msgstr "inget nyradstecken vid slutet av filen"

#: cpplex.c:1092 cpptrad.c:213
msgid "unterminated comment"
msgstr "ej avslutad kommentar"

#: cpplex.c:1103
#, fuzzy
msgid "C++ style comments are not allowed in ISO C90"
msgstr "C++ kommentarer till�ts inte av ISO C89"

#: cpplex.c:1105
msgid "(this will be reported only once per input file)"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1110
msgid "multi-line comment"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1425
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown string token %s\n"
msgstr "ok�nt registernamn: %s"

#: cpplex.c:1438
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unspellable token %s"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna fil \"%s\""

#: cpplex.c:1695
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "the meaning of '\\%c' is different in traditional C"
msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\%c\" varierar med -traditional"

#: cpplex.c:1701
msgid "incomplete universal-character-name"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1715
#, c-format
msgid "non-hex digit '%c' in universal-character-name"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1723
msgid "universal-character-name on EBCDIC target"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1737
msgid "universal-character-name out of range"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1791
#, fuzzy
msgid "the meaning of '\\a' is different in traditional C"
msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\a\" varierar med  -traditional"

#: cpplex.c:1798
#, c-format
msgid "non-ISO-standard escape sequence, '\\%c'"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1809
#, fuzzy
msgid "the meaning of '\\x' is different in traditional C"
msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\x\" varierar med -traditional"

#: cpplex.c:1828 f/lex.c:585
msgid "\\x used with no following hex digits"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1833
msgid "hex escape sequence out of range"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1858
msgid "octal escape sequence out of range"
msgstr ""

#: cpplex.c:1874
#, c-format
msgid "unknown escape sequence '\\%c'"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: cpplex.c:1877
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown escape sequence: '\\%03o'"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: cpplex.c:1882
#, fuzzy
msgid "escape sequence out of range for its type"
msgstr "escape-sekvens ryms ej i ett tecken"

#: cpplex.c:1973
msgid "empty character constant"
msgstr "tom teckenkonstant"

#: cpplex.c:1983
#, fuzzy
msgid "character constant too long for its type"
msgstr "teckenkonstant f�r l�ng"

#: cpplex.c:1986
msgid "multi-character character constant"
msgstr "flerteckens teckenkonstant"

#: cpplib.c:225
#, c-format
msgid "extra tokens at end of #%s directive"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:315
#, c-format
msgid "#%s is a GCC extension"
msgstr "#%s �r en GCC-utvidgning"

#: cpplib.c:327
msgid "suggest not using #elif in traditional C"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:330
#, c-format
msgid "traditional C ignores #%s with the # indented"
msgstr "traditionell C ignorerar #%s d�r tecknet # �r indenterat"

#: cpplib.c:334
#, c-format
msgid "suggest hiding #%s from traditional C with an indented #"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:358
msgid "embedding a directive within macro arguments is not portable"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:378
#, fuzzy
msgid "style of line directive is a GCC extension"
msgstr "#%s �r en GCC-utvidgning"

#: cpplib.c:427
#, c-format
msgid "invalid preprocessing directive #%s"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:499
msgid "\"defined\" cannot be used as a macro name"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:505
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" cannot be used as a macro name as it is an operator in C++"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:508
#, c-format
msgid "no macro name given in #%s directive"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:511
msgid "macro names must be identifiers"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:551
#, c-format
msgid "undefining \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:597
msgid "missing terminating > character"
msgstr "saknar avslutande tecken >"

#: cpplib.c:636
#, c-format
msgid "#%s expects \"FILENAME\" or <FILENAME>"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:647
#, c-format
msgid "empty file name in #%s"
msgstr "tomt filnamn i #%s"

#: cpplib.c:666
msgid "#include_next in primary source file"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:673
msgid "#import is obsolete, use an #ifndef wrapper in the header file"
msgstr "#import �r obsolet, anv�nd #ifndef-omslutning i includefilen"

#: cpplib.c:681
msgid "#include nested too deeply"
msgstr "#include n�stlad f�r djupt"

#: cpplib.c:738
#, c-format
msgid "invalid flag \"%s\" in line directive"
msgstr "ogiltigt flagga \"%s\" i line-direktiv"

#: cpplib.c:813
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" after #line is not a positive integer"
msgstr "\"%s\" efter #line �r inte ett positivt heltal"

#: cpplib.c:819
msgid "line number out of range"
msgstr "radnummer utanf�r m�jligt intervall"

#: cpplib.c:830 cpplib.c:901
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid filename"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte ett giltigt filnamn"

#: cpplib.c:865
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" after # is not a positive integer"
msgstr "\"%s\" efter #line �r inte ett positivt heltal"

#: cpplib.c:972
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid #ident directive"
msgstr "ogiltig #indent"

#: cpplib.c:1060
#, c-format
msgid "registering \"%s\" as both a pragma and a pragma namespace"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1063
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "#pragma %s %s is already registered"
msgstr "Klass \"%s\" finns redan"

#: cpplib.c:1066
#, c-format
msgid "#pragma %s is already registered"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1140
msgid "#pragma once is obsolete"
msgstr "#pragma once �r obsolet"

#: cpplib.c:1143
msgid "#pragma once in main file"
msgstr "#pragma once i huvudfil"

#: cpplib.c:1167
msgid "invalid #pragma GCC poison directive"
msgstr "ogiltigt GCC-direktiv #pragma poison"

#: cpplib.c:1176
#, c-format
msgid "poisoning existing macro \"%s\""
msgstr "f�rgiftar existerande makro \"%s\""

#: cpplib.c:1198
msgid "#pragma system_header ignored outside include file"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1223
#, c-format
msgid "cannot find source %s"
msgstr "kan inte hitta k�llfil %s"

#: cpplib.c:1227
#, c-format
msgid "current file is older than %s"
msgstr "aktuell fil �r �ldre �n %s"

#: cpplib.c:1343
msgid "_Pragma takes a parenthesized string literal"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1426
msgid "#else without #if"
msgstr "#else utan #if"

#: cpplib.c:1431
msgid "#else after #else"
msgstr "#else efter #else"

#: cpplib.c:1433 cpplib.c:1467
msgid "the conditional began here"
msgstr "villkorssatsen b�rjade h�r"

#: cpplib.c:1460
msgid "#elif without #if"
msgstr "#elif utan #if"

#: cpplib.c:1465
msgid "#elif after #else"
msgstr "#elif efter #else"

#: cpplib.c:1496
msgid "#endif without #if"
msgstr "#endif utan #if"

#: cpplib.c:1579
msgid "missing '(' after predicate"
msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#: cpplib.c:1594
msgid "missing ')' to complete answer"
msgstr "saknas ')' f�r att avsluta svaret"

#: cpplib.c:1614
msgid "predicate's answer is empty"
msgstr "predikatets svar �r tomt"

#: cpplib.c:1644
msgid "assertion without predicate"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1646
msgid "predicate must be an identifier"
msgstr "predikat m�ste vara en identifierare"

#: cpplib.c:1735
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" re-asserted"
msgstr ""

#: cpplib.c:1965
#, c-format
msgid "unterminated #%s"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:94
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "macro \"%s\" is not used"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte definierad"

#: cppmacro.c:139 cppmacro.c:294
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid built-in macro \"%s\""
msgstr "f�rgiftar existerande makro \"%s\""

#: cppmacro.c:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "could not determine date and time"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna datafil %s.\n"

#: cppmacro.c:407
msgid "invalid string literal, ignoring final '\\'"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:504
#, c-format
msgid "pasting \"%s\" and \"%s\" does not give a valid preprocessing token"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:546
msgid "ISO C99 requires rest arguments to be used"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:551
#, c-format
msgid "macro \"%s\" requires %u arguments, but only %u given"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:556
#, c-format
msgid "macro \"%s\" passed %u arguments, but takes just %u"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:669 cpptrad.c:774
#, c-format
msgid "unterminated argument list invoking macro \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:776
#, c-format
msgid "function-like macro \"%s\" must be used with arguments in traditional C"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1312
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate macro parameter \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1349
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" may not appear in macro parameter list"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1357
msgid "macro parameters must be comma-separated"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1374
msgid "parameter name missing"
msgstr "parameternamn saknas"

#: cppmacro.c:1389
msgid "anonymous variadic macros were introduced in C99"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1393
msgid "ISO C does not permit named variadic macros"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1402
msgid "missing ')' in macro parameter list"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1470
msgid "ISO C requires whitespace after the macro name"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1498
msgid "'#' is not followed by a macro parameter"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1517
msgid "'##' cannot appear at either end of a macro expansion"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1599
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" redefined"
msgstr "\"%s\" omdefinierad"

#: cppmacro.c:1604
msgid "this is the location of the previous definition"
msgstr "detta �r platsen f�r den tidigare definitionen"

#: cppmacro.c:1655
#, c-format
msgid "macro argument \"%s\" would be stringified in traditional C"
msgstr ""

#: cppmacro.c:1680
#, c-format
msgid "invalid hash type %d in cpp_macro_definition"
msgstr ""

#: cppspec.c:131
#, c-format
msgid "\"%s\" is not a valid option to the preprocessor"
msgstr ""

#: cppspec.c:155
msgid "too many input files"
msgstr "f�r m�nga indatafiler"

#: cpptrad.c:841
#, c-format
msgid "detected recursion whilst expanding macro \"%s\""
msgstr ""

#: cse.c:7187
#, c-format
msgid ";; Processing block from %d to %d, %d sets.\n"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:700
msgid "((anonymous))"
msgstr "((anonym))"

#: diagnostic.c:914
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warnings being treated as errors\n"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:949
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: "
msgstr "%s: %s: "

#: diagnostic.c:1040
#, c-format
msgid "%s "
msgstr "%s "

#: diagnostic.c:1042
#, c-format
msgid " %s"
msgstr " %s"

#: diagnostic.c:1064
msgid "At top level:"
msgstr "P� toppniv�:"

#: diagnostic.c:1069
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "In member function `%s':"
msgstr "I funktion `%s':"

#: diagnostic.c:1073
#, c-format
msgid "In function `%s':"
msgstr "I funktion `%s':"

#: diagnostic.c:1161
msgid "compilation terminated.\n"
msgstr "kompilering avslutad.\n"

#: diagnostic.c:1179
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: confused by earlier errors, bailing out\n"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:1194 diagnostic.c:1302
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Please submit a full bug report,\n"
"with preprocessed source if appropriate.\n"
"See %s for instructions.\n"
msgstr ""
"Var v�nlig och skicka in en komplett felrapport,\n"
"om m�jligt med preprocessad k�llfil.\n"
"Se %s f�r instruktioner.\n"

#: diagnostic.c:1300
msgid "Internal compiler error: Error reporting routines re-entered.\n"
msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel: Felhanteringsrutiner �teranropade.\n"

#: diagnostic.c:1362
#, c-format
msgid "in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:1383
#, c-format
msgid "In file included from %s:%d"
msgstr "I fil includerad fr�n %s:%d"

#: diagnostic.c:1386
#, c-format
msgid ""
"                 from %s:%d"
msgstr ""
"                 fr�n %s:%d"

#: diagnostic.c:1387
msgid ":\n"
msgstr ":\n"

#: diagnostic.c:1431 diagnostic.c:1448
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:1451
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' is deprecated"
msgstr "tredje argumentet till \"%s\" �r inte l�nge rekommenderat"

#: diagnostic.c:1454
#, c-format
msgid "type is deprecated (declared at %s:%d)"
msgstr ""

#: diagnostic.c:1457
msgid "type is deprecated"
msgstr ""

#: dominance.c:728
#, c-format
msgid "dominator of %d should be %d, not %d"
msgstr ""

#: dwarf2out.c:3124
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "DW_LOC_OP %s not implemented\n"
msgstr "DW_LOC_OP %s �r inte implementerad\n"

#: dwarfout.c:2066
#, c-format
msgid "internal regno botch: `%s' has regno = %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: dwarfout.c:6181
msgid "support for the DWARF1 debugging format is deprecated"
msgstr ""

#: dwarfout.c:6278
msgid "can't get current directory"
msgstr ""

#: emit-rtl.c:1151
msgid "can't access real part of complex value in hard register"
msgstr ""

#: emit-rtl.c:1173
msgid "can't access imaginary part of complex value in hard register"
msgstr ""

#: emit-rtl.c:3418
msgid "ICE: emit_insn used where emit_jump_insn needed:\n"
msgstr ""

#: errors.c:136
#, c-format
msgid "abort in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: except.c:371
msgid "exception handling disabled, use -fexceptions to enable"
msgstr ""

#: except.c:2969
msgid "argument of `__builtin_eh_return_regno' must be constant"
msgstr "argumentet till \"__builtin_eh_return_regno\" m�ste vara konstant"

#: except.c:3090 except.c:3112
msgid "__builtin_eh_return not supported on this target"
msgstr "__builtin_eh_return st�ds inte p� denna m�larkitektur"

#: explow.c:1398
msgid "stack limits not supported on this target"
msgstr ""

#: expr.c:3323
msgid "function using short complex types cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: expr.c:6197 expr.c:6206 expr.c:6215 expr.c:6220 expr.c:6522 expr.c:6538
msgid "unsupported wide integer operation"
msgstr ""

#: expr.c:6587
#, c-format
msgid "prior parameter's size depends on `%s'"
msgstr "f�reg�ende parameterns storlek beror p� \"%s\""

#: expr.c:6932
msgid "returned value in block_exit_expr"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:1342
msgid "negative insn length"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:2793
msgid "could not split insn"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:3141
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid `asm': "
msgstr "ogiltig \"asm\": %s"

#: final.c:3328
msgid "nested assembly dialect alternatives"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:3345 final.c:3357
msgid "unterminated assembly dialect alternative"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:3401
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "operand number missing after %%-letter"
msgstr "Nummer saknas efter %s"

#: final.c:3404 final.c:3443
msgid "operand number out of range"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:3462
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%-code"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: final.c:3493
#, c-format
msgid "`%%l' operand isn't a label"
msgstr ""

#. We can't handle floating point constants;
#. PRINT_OPERAND must handle them.
#: final.c:3600 vmsdbgout.c:466 config/i386/i386.c:6104
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.c:1573
msgid "floating constant misused"
msgstr ""

#: final.c:3656 vmsdbgout.c:523 config/i386/i386.c:6182
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.c:1620
msgid "invalid expression as operand"
msgstr ""

#: flow.c:352
msgid "function might be possible candidate for attribute `noreturn'"
msgstr "funktionen �r en m�jlig kandidat f�r attributet \"noreturn\""

#: flow.c:357
msgid "`noreturn' function does return"
msgstr "\"noreturn\"-funktion returnerar �nd�"

#: flow.c:378
msgid "control reaches end of non-void function"
msgstr "Programfl�det n�r slutet p� en icke-void-funktion"

#: flow.c:1641
msgid "Attempt to delete prologue/epilogue insn:"
msgstr ""

#: fold-const.c:2545 fold-const.c:2558
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "comparison is always %d due to width of bit-field"
msgstr "j�mf�relsen �r alltid sann p� grund av begr�nsat intervall f�r datatypen"

#: fold-const.c:3752 fold-const.c:3769
#, c-format
msgid "comparison is always %d"
msgstr "j�mf�relsen �r alltid %d"

#: fold-const.c:3900
msgid "`or' of unmatched not-equal tests is always 1"
msgstr ""

#: fold-const.c:3905
msgid "`and' of mutually exclusive equal-tests is always 0"
msgstr ""

#: function.c:881 varasm.c:1503
#, c-format
msgid "size of variable `%s' is too large"
msgstr "storleken p� variabel \"%s\" �r f�r stor"

#: function.c:5470
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' might be used uninitialized in this function"
msgstr ""

#: function.c:5477
#, c-format
msgid "variable `%s' might be clobbered by `longjmp' or `vfork'"
msgstr ""

#: function.c:5496
#, c-format
msgid "argument `%s' might be clobbered by `longjmp' or `vfork'"
msgstr ""

#: function.c:6363
msgid "function returns an aggregate"
msgstr ""

#: function.c:6868
#, c-format
msgid "unused parameter `%s'"
msgstr "oanv�nd parameter \"%s\""

#: gcc.c:1126
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ambiguous abbreviation %s"
msgstr "Tvetydig f�rkortning %s"

#: gcc.c:1153
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "incomplete `%s' option"
msgstr "Inkomplett flagga \"%s\""

#: gcc.c:1164
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing argument to `%s' option"
msgstr "Saknar argument till flaggan \"%s\""

#: gcc.c:1177
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "extraneous argument to `%s' option"
msgstr "Saknar argument till flaggan \"%s\""

#: gcc.c:1505
msgid "Using built-in specs.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1683
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Setting spec %s to '%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1790
#, c-format
msgid "Reading specs from %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1888 gcc.c:1907
#, c-format
msgid "specs %%include syntax malformed after %ld characters"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1915
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "could not find specs file %s\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna k�llkodsfil %s.\n"

#: gcc.c:1932 gcc.c:1940 gcc.c:1949 gcc.c:1958
#, c-format
msgid "specs %%rename syntax malformed after %ld characters"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1967
#, c-format
msgid "specs %s spec was not found to be renamed"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1974
#, c-format
msgid "%s: attempt to rename spec '%s' to already defined spec '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1979
#, c-format
msgid "rename spec %s to %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1981
#, c-format
msgid ""
"spec is '%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:1994
#, c-format
msgid "specs unknown %% command after %ld characters"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:2005 gcc.c:2018
#, c-format
msgid "specs file malformed after %ld characters"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:2072
msgid "spec file has no spec for linking"
msgstr "specfilen har ingen spec f�r l�nkning"

#: gcc.c:2570
msgid "-pipe not supported"
msgstr "-pipe st�ds inte"

#: gcc.c:2625
msgid ""
"Go ahead? (y or n) "
msgstr ""
"Forts�tta? (y eller n) "

#: gcc.c:2751
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Internal error: %s (program %s)\n"
"Please submit a full bug report.\n"
"See %s for instructions."
msgstr ""
"Internt fel: %s (program %s)\n"
"Var v�nlig och skicka in en felrapport.\n"
"Se %s f�r instruktioner."

#: gcc.c:2769
#, c-format
msgid "# %s %.2f %.2f\n"
msgstr "# %s %.2f %.2f\n"

#: gcc.c:2899
#, c-format
msgid "Usage: %s [options] file...\n"
msgstr "Anv�ndning: %s [flaggor] fil...\n"

#: gcc.c:2900
msgid "Options:\n"
msgstr "Flaggor:\n"

#: gcc.c:2902
msgid "  -pass-exit-codes         Exit with highest error code from a phase\n"
msgstr "  -pass-exit-codes         Avsluta med h�gsta felkoden fr�n n�gon av faserna\n"

#: gcc.c:2903
msgid "  --help                   Display this information\n"
msgstr "  --help                   Visa den h�r informatationen\n"

#: gcc.c:2904
msgid "  --target-help            Display target specific command line options\n"
msgstr "  --target-help            Visa specifika kommandoradsflaggor f�r m�l\n"

#: gcc.c:2906
msgid "  (Use '-v --help' to display command line options of sub-processes)\n"
msgstr "  (Anv�nd '-v --help' f�r att visa kommandoradsflaggor f�r barnprocesser)\n"

#: gcc.c:2907
msgid "  -dumpspecs               Display all of the built in spec strings\n"
msgstr "  -dumpspecs               Visa de inbyggda spec-str�ngarna\n"

#: gcc.c:2908
msgid "  -dumpversion             Display the version of the compiler\n"
msgstr "  -dumpversion             Visa kompilatorns version\n"

#: gcc.c:2909
msgid "  -dumpmachine             Display the compiler's target processor\n"
msgstr "  -dumpmachine             Visa kompilatorns m�lprocessor\n"

#: gcc.c:2910
msgid "  -print-search-dirs       Display the directories in the compiler's search path\n"
msgstr "  -print-search-dirs       Visa katalogerna i kompilatorns s�kv�g\n"

#: gcc.c:2911
msgid "  -print-libgcc-file-name  Display the name of the compiler's companion library\n"
msgstr "  -print-libgcc-file-name  Visa namnet p� kompilatorns medf�ljande bibliotek\n"

#: gcc.c:2912
msgid "  -print-file-name=<lib>   Display the full path to library <lib>\n"
msgstr "  -print-file-name=<bib>   Visa hela s�kv�gen till l�nkbibliotek <bib>\n"

#: gcc.c:2913
msgid "  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Display the full path to compiler component <prog>\n"
msgstr "  -print-prog-name=<prog>  Visa fulla s�kv�gen till kompilatorkomponenten <prog>\n"

#: gcc.c:2914
msgid "  -print-multi-directory   Display the root directory for versions of libgcc\n"
msgstr "  -print-multi-directory   Visa rotkatalogen f�r olika versioner av libgcc\n"

#: gcc.c:2915
msgid ""
"  -print-multi-lib         Display the mapping between command line options and\n"
"                           multiple library search directories\n"
msgstr ""
"  -print-multi-lib         Visa mappningen mellan kommandoradsflaggor och\n"
"                           multipla biblioteks s�kkataloger\n"

#: gcc.c:2918
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -print-multi-os-directory Display the relative path to OS libraries\n"
msgstr "  -print-multi-directory   Visa rotkatalogen f�r olika versioner av libgcc\n"

#: gcc.c:2919
msgid "  -Wa,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the assembler\n"
msgstr "  -Wa,<flaggor>            Skicka kommaseparerade <flaggor> till assembleraren\n"

#: gcc.c:2920
msgid "  -Wp,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the preprocessor\n"
msgstr "  -Wp,<flaggor>            Skicka kommaseparerade <flaggor> till preprocessorn\n"

#: gcc.c:2921
msgid "  -Wl,<options>            Pass comma-separated <options> on to the linker\n"
msgstr "  -Wl,<flaggor>            Skicka kommaseparerade <flaggor> till l�nkaren\n"

#: gcc.c:2922
msgid "  -Xlinker <arg>           Pass <arg> on to the linker\n"
msgstr "  -Xlinker <arg>           Skicka <arg> vidare till l�nkaren\n"

#: gcc.c:2923
msgid "  -save-temps              Do not delete intermediate files\n"
msgstr "  -save-temps              Radera inte tempor�ra filer\n"

#: gcc.c:2924
msgid "  -pipe                    Use pipes rather than intermediate files\n"
msgstr "  -pipe                    Anv�nd r�r ist�llet f�r tempor�ra filer\n"

#: gcc.c:2925
msgid "  -time                    Time the execution of each subprocess\n"
msgstr "  -time                    M�t tiden det tar att exekvera varje barnprocess\n"

#: gcc.c:2926
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -specs=<file>            Override built-in specs with the contents of <file>\n"
msgstr "  -specs=<fil>             Anv�nd inneh�llet i <fil> ist�llet f�r inbyggda spec\n"

#: gcc.c:2927
msgid "  -std=<standard>          Assume that the input sources are for <standard>\n"
msgstr "  -std=<standard>          Antag att k�llkodsfilerna �r f�r <standard>\n"

#: gcc.c:2928
msgid "  -B <directory>           Add <directory> to the compiler's search paths\n"
msgstr "  -B <katalog>             L�gg till <katalog> till kompilatorns s�kv�gar\n"

#: gcc.c:2929
msgid "  -b <machine>             Run gcc for target <machine>, if installed\n"
msgstr "  -b <maskin>              K�r gcc f�r m�l <maskin>, om det �r installerat\n"

#: gcc.c:2930
msgid "  -V <version>             Run gcc version number <version>, if installed\n"
msgstr "  -V <version>             K�r gcc version <version>, om den �r installerad\n"

#: gcc.c:2931
msgid "  -v                       Display the programs invoked by the compiler\n"
msgstr "  -v                       Visa vilka program som k�rs av kompilatorn\n"

#: gcc.c:2932
msgid "  -###                     Like -v but options quoted and commands not executed\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:2933
msgid "  -E                       Preprocess only; do not compile, assemble or link\n"
msgstr ""
"  -E                       Preprocessa bara; kompilera, assemblera och\n"
"                           l�nka inte\n"

#: gcc.c:2934
msgid "  -S                       Compile only; do not assemble or link\n"
msgstr "  -S                       Kompilera bara; assemblera och l�nka inte\n"

#: gcc.c:2935
msgid "  -c                       Compile and assemble, but do not link\n"
msgstr "  -c                       Kompilera och assemblera, men l�nka inte\n"

#: gcc.c:2936
msgid "  -o <file>                Place the output into <file>\n"
msgstr "  -o <fil>                 Placera utdata i <fil>\n"

#: gcc.c:2937
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"  -x <language>            Specify the language of the following input files\n"
"                           Permissable languages include: c c++ assembler none\n"
"                           'none' means revert to the default behavior of\n"
"                           guessing the language based on the file's extension\n"
msgstr ""
"  -x <spr�k>               Specificera spr�k f�r de f�ljande k�llkodsfilerna\n"
"                           Till�tna spr�k �r bland annat: c c++ assembler none\n"
"                           'none' inneb�r att man anv�nder standardmetoden,\n"
"                           att man gissar spr�k beroende p� fil�ndelse\n"

#: gcc.c:2944
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Options starting with -g, -f, -m, -O, -W, or --param are automatically\n"
" passed on to the various sub-processes invoked by %s.  In order to pass\n"
" other options on to these processes the -W<letter> options must be used.\n"
msgstr ""
"Flaggor som b�rjar med -g, -f, -m, -O, -W eller --param skickas automatiskt\n"
"vidare till de barnprocesser som startas av %s. F�r att skicka med andra\n"
"flaggor till dessa processer m�ste flaggan -W<bokstav> anv�ndas.\n"

#: gcc.c:3079
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`-%c' option must have argument"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: gcc.c:3101
#, c-format
msgid "couldn't run `%s': %s"
msgstr ""

#. translate_options () has turned --version into -fversion.
#: gcc.c:3278
#, c-format
msgid "%s (GCC) %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:3279
msgid "Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:3281 gcov.c:364
msgid ""
"This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:3382
msgid "argument to `-Xlinker' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-Xlinker\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3390
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument to `-l' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-x\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3407
msgid "argument to `-specs' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-specs\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3422
msgid "argument to `-specs=' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-specs=\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3452
#, c-format
msgid "`-%c' must come at the start of the command line"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:3461
msgid "argument to `-B' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-B\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3634
msgid "cannot specify -o with -c or -S and multiple compilations"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:3807
#, fuzzy
msgid "warning: -pipe ignored because -save-temps specified"
msgstr "Varning: -pipe ignorerad eftersom -save-temps angiven"

#: gcc.c:3811
#, fuzzy
msgid "warning: -pipe ignored because -time specified"
msgstr "Varning: -pipe ignorerad eftersom -time angiven"

#: gcc.c:3823
msgid "argument to `-x' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-x\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3851
#, c-format
msgid "argument to `-%s' is missing"
msgstr "argument till \"-%s\" saknas"

#: gcc.c:3912
#, c-format
msgid "warning: `-x %s' after last input file has no effect"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:4257
msgid "invalid specification!  Bug in cc"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:4411
#, c-format
msgid "%s\n"
msgstr "%s\n"

#. Catch the case where a spec string contains something like
#. '%{foo:%*}'.  ie there is no * in the pattern on the left
#. hand side of the :.
#: gcc.c:4971
#, c-format
msgid "spec failure: '%%*' has not been initialized by pattern match"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:4980
#, c-format
msgid "warning: use of obsolete %%[ operator in specs"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:4998
#, c-format
msgid "Processing spec %c%s%c, which is '%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:5123
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "spec failure: unrecognized spec option '%c'"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd flagga `-%s'"

#: gcc.c:5204
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown spec function `%s'"
msgstr "I funktion `%s':"

#: gcc.c:5223
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "error in args to spec function `%s'"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: gcc.c:5272
msgid "malformed spec function name"
msgstr ""

#. )
#: gcc.c:5275
#, fuzzy
msgid "no arguments for spec function"
msgstr "f�r f� argument till funktion"

#: gcc.c:5294
msgid "malformed spec function arguments"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:5402
msgid "mismatched braces in specs"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6097
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized option `-%s'"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd flagga `-%s'"

#: gcc.c:6103
#, c-format
msgid "install: %s%s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6104
#, c-format
msgid "programs: %s\n"
msgstr "program: %s\n"

#: gcc.c:6105
#, c-format
msgid "libraries: %s\n"
msgstr "bibliotek: %s\n"

#: gcc.c:6162
msgid ""
"For bug reporting instructions, please see:\n"
msgstr ""
"Instruktioner f�r bugrapportering, se:\n"

#: gcc.c:6178
#, c-format
msgid "Configured with: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6192
#, c-format
msgid "Thread model: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6203
#, c-format
msgid "gcc version %s\n"
msgstr "gcc version %s\n"

#: gcc.c:6205
#, c-format
msgid "gcc driver version %s executing gcc version %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6213
#, fuzzy
msgid "no input files"
msgstr "Inga indatafiler"

#: gcc.c:6251
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s compiler not installed on this system"
msgstr "%s: kompilatorn %s �r inte installerad p� detta system"

#: gcc.c:6326
#, c-format
msgid "%s: linker input file unused because linking not done"
msgstr ""

#: gcc.c:6369
#, c-format
msgid "language %s not recognized"
msgstr "spr�k %s k�nns inte igen"

#: gcc.c:6472
#, fuzzy
msgid "internal gcc abort"
msgstr "Intern gcc-halt (abort)."

#: gcov.c:325
msgid "Internal gcov abort.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:338
msgid ""
"Usage: gcov [OPTION]... SOURCEFILE\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:339
#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Print code coverage information.\n"
msgstr "inte tillr�cklig typinformation"

#: gcov.c:340
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -h, --help                      Print this help, then exit\n"
msgstr "  --help                   Visa den h�r informatationen\n"

#: gcov.c:341
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -v, --version                   Print version number, then exit\n"
msgstr "  -V <version>             K�r gcc version <version>, om den �r installerad\n"

#: gcov.c:342
msgid "  -b, --branch-probabilities      Include branch probabilities in output\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:343
msgid ""
"  -c, --branch-counts             Given counts of branches taken\n"
"                                    rather than percentages\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:345
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -n, --no-output                 Do not create an output file\n"
msgstr "  -save-temps              Radera inte tempor�ra filer\n"

#: gcov.c:346
msgid ""
"  -l, --long-file-names           Use long output file names for included\n"
"                                    source files\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:348
msgid "  -f, --function-summaries        Output summaries for each function\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:349
msgid "  -o, --object-directory DIR|FILE Search for object files in DIR or called FILE\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:350
msgid "  -p, --preserve-paths            Preserve all pathname components\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:351
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid ""
"For bug reporting instructions, please see:\n"
msgstr ""
"Instruktioner f�r bugrapportering, se:\n"

#: gcov.c:361
#, c-format
msgid "gcov (GCC) %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:362
msgid "Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:500
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open basic block file %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:507
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open program flow graph file %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:524
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open data file %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna datafil %s.\n"

#: gcov.c:525
msgid "Assuming that all execution counts are zero.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:534
#, c-format
msgid "No executable code associated with file %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1186
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s of %d lines executed in %s %s\n"
msgstr "%6.2f%% av %d k�llkodsrader k�rda i fil %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1191
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No executable lines in %s %s\n"
msgstr "Inga k�rbara k�llkodsrader i funktion %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1198
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s of %d branches executed in %s %s\n"
msgstr "%6.2f%% av %d hopp utf�rda i funktion %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1203
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s of %d branches taken at least once in %s %s\n"
msgstr "%6.2f%% av %d hopp tagna minst en g�ng i funktion %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1209
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No branches in %s %s\n"
msgstr "Inga hopp i fil %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1211
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s of %d calls executed in %s %s\n"
msgstr "%6.2f%% av %d anrop tagna i funktion %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1216
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "No calls in %s %s\n"
msgstr "Inga anrop i fil %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1351
#, c-format
msgid "didn't use all bb entries of graph, function %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1353
#, c-format
msgid "block_num = %ld, num_blocks = %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1367
#, c-format
msgid "ERROR: unexpected line number %ld\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1383
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ERROR: too many basic blocks in function %s\n"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: gcov.c:1398
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ERROR: out of range line number in function %s\n"
msgstr "Inga k�rbara k�llkodsrader i funktion %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1470
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open source file %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna k�llkodsfil %s.\n"

#: gcov.c:1480
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Warning: source file %s is newer than %s\n"
msgstr "aktuell fil �r �ldre �n %s"

#: gcov.c:1510
#, c-format
msgid "Unexpected EOF while reading source file %s.\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1532
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "call   %2d never executed\n"
msgstr "anrop %d aldrig utf�rt\n"

#: gcov.c:1535
#, c-format
msgid "call   %2d returns %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: gcov.c:1543
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "branch %2d never executed\n"
msgstr "anrop %d aldrig utf�rt\n"

#: gcov.c:1546
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "branch %2d taken %s\n"
msgstr "Inga hopp i fil %s\n"

#: gcov.c:1610
#, c-format
msgid "Creating %s.\n"
msgstr "Skapar %s.\n"

#: gcov.c:1613
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error writing output file %s.\n"
msgstr "fel vid skrivning till %s"

#: gcov.c:1618
#, c-format
msgid "Could not open output file %s.\n"
msgstr "Kunde inte �ppna utdatafil %s.\n"

#: gcse.c:761
#, c-format
msgid "GCSE disabled: %d > 1000 basic blocks and %d >= 20 edges/basic block"
msgstr ""

#: gcse.c:773
#, c-format
msgid "GCSE disabled: %d basic blocks and %d registers"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1490
#, c-format
msgid "Name `%s' contains quotes"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1621
#, c-format
msgid "invalid string `%s' in define_cpu_unit"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1650
#, c-format
msgid "invalid string `%s' in define_query_cpu_unit"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1682 genautomata.c:1685
#, c-format
msgid "invalid string `%s' in define_bypass"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1720
#, c-format
msgid "invalid first string `%s' in exclusion_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1724
#, c-format
msgid "invalid second string `%s' in exclusion_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1760
#, c-format
msgid "invalid first string `%s' in presence_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1764
#, c-format
msgid "invalid second string `%s' in presence_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1800
#, c-format
msgid "invalid first string `%s' in absence_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1804
#, c-format
msgid "invalid second string `%s' in absence_set"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1837
#, c-format
msgid "invalid string `%s' in define_automaton"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1868
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid option `%s' in automata_option"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: genautomata.c:1890
#, c-format
msgid "garbage after ) in reservation `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:1921 genautomata.c:1954 genautomata.c:1981
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid `%s' in reservation `%s'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: genautomata.c:1932
#, c-format
msgid "repetition `%s' <= 1 in reservation `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2425
#, c-format
msgid "unit `%s' in exclusion is not declared"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2427
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' in exclusion is not unit"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2465
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unit `%s' excludes itself"
msgstr "storleken p� \"%s\" �r st�rre �n sin typ"

#: genautomata.c:2473
#, c-format
msgid "units `%s' and `%s' in exclusion set belong to different automata"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2603 genautomata.c:2609
#, c-format
msgid "unit `%s' excludes and requires presence of `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2623 genautomata.c:2629
#, c-format
msgid "unit `%s' requires absence and presence of `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2692 genautomata.c:2695
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "repeated declaration of automaton `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad deklaration av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: genautomata.c:2711
#, c-format
msgid "define_insn_reservation `%s' has negative latency time"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2717
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is already used as insn reservation name"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2723
#, c-format
msgid "define_bypass `%s - %s' has negative latency time"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2737
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "automaton `%s' is not declared"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r tidigare deklarerad h�r"

#: genautomata.c:2747
#, c-format
msgid "define_unit `%s' without automaton when one defined"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2753
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' is declared as cpu unit"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: genautomata.c:2762
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' is declared as cpu reservation"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: genautomata.c:2772
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "repeated declaration of unit `%s'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: genautomata.c:2775
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "repeated declaration of reservation `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad deklaration av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: genautomata.c:2790 genautomata.c:2793
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "there is no insn reservation `%s'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: genautomata.c:2810 genautomata.c:2815
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "the same bypass `%s - %s' is already defined"
msgstr "Klass \"%s\" finns redan"

#: genautomata.c:2820
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bypass `%s - %s' is already defined"
msgstr "Klass \"%s\" finns redan"

#: genautomata.c:2925 genautomata.c:2927
#, c-format
msgid "automaton `%s' is not used"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:2950
#, c-format
msgid "undeclared unit or reservation `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:3028 genautomata.c:3030
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unit `%s' is not used"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r definierad men inte anv�nd"

#: genautomata.c:3035 genautomata.c:3037
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "reservation `%s' is not used"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: genautomata.c:3134
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cycle in definition of reservation `%s'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"union %s\""

#: genautomata.c:5333
#, c-format
msgid "Units `%s' and `%s' should be in the same automaton"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:9441
#, fuzzy
msgid "-split has no argument."
msgstr "inga argument"

#: genautomata.c:9442
#, fuzzy
msgid "option `-split' has not been implemented yet\n"
msgstr "Profilering �r inte implementerat �nnu."

#: genautomata.c:9486 genautomata.c:9491
#, c-format
msgid "Automaton `%s': Insn `%s' will never be issued"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:9498 genautomata.c:9501
#, c-format
msgid "Insn `%s' will never be issued"
msgstr ""

#: genautomata.c:9649
#, fuzzy
msgid "Errors in DFA description"
msgstr "ingen beskriving �nnu"

#: genautomata.c:9732
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "Error in writing DFA description file %s"
msgstr "fel vid skrivning till %s"

#: genconditions.c:196
#, fuzzy
msgid "No input file name."
msgstr "Inga indatafiler"

#: graph.c:420 profile.c:1204 profile.c:1211 toplev.c:1836 toplev.c:5121
#: f/com.c:14138 java/jcf-parse.c:913 java/jcf-parse.c:1059 java/lex.c:1767
#: objc/objc-act.c:449
#, c-format
msgid "can't open %s"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna %s"

#: haifa-sched.c:196
#, c-format
msgid "fix_sched_param: unknown param: %s"
msgstr "fix_sched_param: ok�nd param: %s"

#: integrate.c:172
msgid "function cannot be inline"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" kan inte deklareras som \"mutable\""

#: integrate.c:176
msgid "varargs function cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:179
msgid "function using alloca cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:182
msgid "function using setjmp cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:185
msgid "function uses __builtin_eh_return"
msgstr "funktion anv�nder __builtin_eh_return"

#: integrate.c:188
msgid "function with nested functions cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:192
msgid "function with label addresses used in initializers cannot inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:199 integrate.c:243
msgid "function too large to be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:209
msgid "no prototype, and parameter address used; cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:216 integrate.c:261
msgid "inline functions not supported for this return value type"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:221
msgid "function with varying-size return value cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:228
msgid "function with varying-size parameter cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:231
msgid "function with transparent unit parameter cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:250
msgid "function with computed jump cannot inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:254
msgid "function with nonlocal goto cannot be inline"
msgstr ""

#: integrate.c:268
msgid "function with target specific attribute(s) cannot be inlined"
msgstr ""

#: line-map.c:198
#, c-format
msgid "In file included from %s:%u"
msgstr "I fil inkluderad fr�n %s:%u"

#. Translators note: this message is used in conjunction
#. with "In file included from %s:%ld" and some other
#. tricks.  We want something like this:
#. | In file included from sys/select.h:123,
#. |                  from sys/types.h:234,
#. |                  from userfile.c:31:
#. | bits/select.h:45: <error message here>
#. with all the "from"s lined up.
#. The trailing comma is at the beginning of this message,
#. and the trailing colon is not translated.
#: line-map.c:216
#, c-format
msgid ""
"                 from %s:%u"
msgstr ""
"                 fr�n %s:%u"

#. If we didn't find this parameter, issue an error message.
#: params.c:80
#, c-format
msgid "invalid parameter `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: profile.c:397
#, c-format
msgid "Profile does not match flowgraph of function %s (out of date?)"
msgstr ""

#: profile.c:400
msgid ".da file corrupted"
msgstr ""

#: profile.c:634
#, c-format
msgid "corrupted profile info: prob for %d-%d thought to be %d"
msgstr ""

#: profile.c:1226
#, c-format
msgid "file %s not found, execution counts assumed to be zero"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:542
#, c-format
msgid "%s: internal abort\n"
msgstr "%s: intern abort\n"

#: protoize.c:633
#, c-format
msgid "%s: error writing file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:678
#, c-format
msgid "%s: usage '%s [ -VqfnkN ] [ -i <istring> ] [ filename ... ]'\n"
msgstr "%s: anv�ndning '%s [ -VqfnkN ] [ -i <istr�ng> ] [ filnamn ... ]'\n"

#: protoize.c:681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: usage '%s [ -VqfnkNlgC ] [ -B <dirname> ] [ filename ... ]'\n"
msgstr "%s: anv�ndning '%s [ -VqfnkNlgC ] [ -B <katalognamn> ] [ filnamn ... ]'\n"

#: protoize.c:788
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: no read access for file `%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: varning: ingen l�sr�ttighet f�r fil \"%s\"\n"

#: protoize.c:796
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: no write access for file `%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: varning: ingen skrivr�ttighet f�r fil \"%s\"\n"

#: protoize.c:804
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: no write access for dir containing `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#. Catch cases like /.. where we try to backup to a
#. point above the absolute root of the logical file
#. system.
#: protoize.c:1222
#, c-format
msgid "%s: invalid file name: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:1374
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s: can't get status: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: %s: kan inte f� status: %s\n"

#: protoize.c:1395
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: fatal error: aux info file corrupted at line %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:1731
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d: declaration of function `%s' takes different forms\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:1989
#, c-format
msgid "%s: compiling `%s'\n"
msgstr "%s: kompilerar `%s'\n"

#: protoize.c:2012
#, c-format
msgid "%s: wait: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: v�nta: %s\n"

#: protoize.c:2017
#, c-format
msgid "%s: subprocess got fatal signal %d\n"
msgstr "%s: subprocess fick d�dlig signal %d\n"

#: protoize.c:2025
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %s exited with status %d\n"
msgstr "%s: %s avslutade med status %d\n"

#: protoize.c:2077
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: missing SYSCALLS file `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2086 protoize.c:2115
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't read aux info file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2131 protoize.c:2159
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't get status of aux info file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2187
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't open aux info file `%s' for reading: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2205
#, c-format
msgid "%s: error reading aux info file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2218
#, c-format
msgid "%s: error closing aux info file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2234
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't delete aux info file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2316 protoize.c:4318
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't delete file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr "%s: kan inte radera fil \"%s\": %s\n"

#: protoize.c:2395
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: can't rename file `%s' to `%s': %s\n"
msgstr "%s: varning: kan inte d�pa om fil \"%s\" till \"%s\": %s\n"

#: protoize.c:2520
#, c-format
msgid "%s: conflicting extern definitions of '%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2524
#, c-format
msgid "%s: declarations of '%s' will not be converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2526
#, c-format
msgid "%s: conflict list for '%s' follows:\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2559
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: using formals list from %s(%d) for function `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2599
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: `%s' used but missing from SYSCALLS\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2605
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: no extern definition for `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2636
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: no static definition for `%s' in file `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2642
#, c-format
msgid "%s: multiple static defs of `%s' in file `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:2815 protoize.c:2818
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: source too confusing\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3024
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: varargs function declaration not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3039
#, c-format
msgid "%s: declaration of function `%s' not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3162
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: too many parameter lists in declaration of `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3183
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: warning: too few parameter lists in declaration of `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3281
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: found `%s' but expected `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3459
#, c-format
msgid "%s: local declaration for function `%s' not inserted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3486
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: %d: warning: can't add declaration of `%s' into macro call\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3560
#, c-format
msgid "%s: global declarations for file `%s' not inserted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3651 protoize.c:3681
#, c-format
msgid "%s: definition of function `%s' not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:3670
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: definition of %s not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4000
#, c-format
msgid "%s: found definition of `%s' at %s(%d)\n"
msgstr ""

#. If we make it here, then we did not know about this
#. function definition.
#: protoize.c:4016
#, c-format
msgid "%s: %d: warning: `%s' excluded by preprocessing\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4019
#, c-format
msgid "%s: function definition not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4078
#, c-format
msgid "%s: `%s' not converted\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4086
#, c-format
msgid "%s: would convert file `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4089
#, c-format
msgid "%s: converting file `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4099
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't get status for file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4141
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't open file `%s' for reading: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: kan inte �ppna fil `%s' f�r l�sning: %s\n"

#: protoize.c:4156
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s: error reading input file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4190
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't create/open clean file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4295
#, c-format
msgid "%s: warning: file `%s' already saved in `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4303
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't link file `%s' to `%s': %s\n"
msgstr "%s: kan inte l�nka fil \"%s\" till \"%s\": %s\n"

#: protoize.c:4333
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't create/open output file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4366
#, c-format
msgid "%s: can't change mode of file `%s': %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4541
#, c-format
msgid "%s: cannot get working directory: %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: protoize.c:4639
#, c-format
msgid "%s: input file names must have .c suffixes: %s\n"
msgstr "%s: indatafilnamn m�ste ha �ndelsen .c: %s\n"

#: ra.c:750
msgid "Didn't find a coloring.\n"
msgstr ""

#: reg-stack.c:673
#, c-format
msgid "output constraint %d must specify a single register"
msgstr ""

#: reg-stack.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "output constraint %d cannot be specified together with \"%s\" clobber"
msgstr ""

#: reg-stack.c:706
msgid "output regs must be grouped at top of stack"
msgstr ""

#: reg-stack.c:743
msgid "implicitly popped regs must be grouped at top of stack"
msgstr ""

#: reg-stack.c:762
#, c-format
msgid "output operand %d must use `&' constraint"
msgstr ""

#: regclass.c:753
#, c-format
msgid "can't use '%s' as a %s register"
msgstr ""

#: regclass.c:768 config/ia64/ia64.c:4169 config/ia64/ia64.c:4176
#, c-format
msgid "unknown register name: %s"
msgstr "ok�nt registernamn: %s"

#: regclass.c:779
msgid "global register variable follows a function definition"
msgstr ""

#: regclass.c:783
msgid "register used for two global register variables"
msgstr ""

#: regclass.c:788
msgid "call-clobbered register used for global register variable"
msgstr ""

#: regrename.c:1899
#, c-format
msgid "validate_value_data: [%u] Bad next_regno for empty chain (%u)"
msgstr ""

#: regrename.c:1911
#, c-format
msgid "validate_value_data: Loop in regno chain (%u)"
msgstr ""

#: regrename.c:1914
#, c-format
msgid "validate_value_data: [%u] Bad oldest_regno (%u)"
msgstr ""

#: regrename.c:1926
#, c-format
msgid "validate_value_data: [%u] Non-empty reg in chain (%s %u %i)"
msgstr ""

#: reload.c:1225
msgid "cannot reload integer constant operand in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: reload.c:1247
msgid "impossible register constraint in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: reload.c:3467
msgid "`&' constraint used with no register class"
msgstr ""

#: reload.c:3635
#, fuzzy
msgid "unable to generate reloads for:"
msgstr "V�lj CPU att generera kod f�r"

#: reload.c:3636 reload.c:3850
msgid "inconsistent operand constraints in an `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:1255
msgid "frame size too large for reliable stack checking"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:1258
msgid "try reducing the number of local variables"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:1914
#, c-format
msgid "can't find a register in class `%s' while reloading `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:1918
#, c-format
msgid "unable to find a register to spill in class `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:1920
msgid "this is the insn:"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:3941
msgid "`asm' operand requires impossible reload"
msgstr ""

#. It's the compiler's fault.
#: reload1.c:5055
msgid "could not find a spill register"
msgstr ""

#: reload1.c:5060
msgid "`asm' operand constraint incompatible with operand size"
msgstr ""

#. It's the compiler's fault.
#: reload1.c:6680
#, fuzzy
msgid "VOIDmode on an output"
msgstr "I/O-fel vid utmatning"

#: reload1.c:6681
msgid "output operand is constant in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: rtl-error.c:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "unrecognizable insn:"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd flagga `-%s'"

#: rtl-error.c:142
msgid "insn does not satisfy its constraints:"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:558
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: access of elt %d of `%s' with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:573
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: expected elt %d type '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:589
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: expected elt %d type '%c' or '%c', have '%c' (rtx %s) in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:602
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: expected code `%s', have `%s' in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:616
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: expected code `%s' or `%s', have `%s' in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:631
#, c-format
msgid "RTL check: access of elt %d of vector with last elt %d in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: rtl.c:646
#, c-format
msgid "RTL flag check: %s used with unexpected rtx code `%s' in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:753
#, c-format
msgid "jump to `%s' invalidly jumps into binding contour"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:989 stmt.c:3731
#, c-format
msgid "label `%s' used before containing binding contour"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1169
msgid "output operand constraint lacks `='"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1184
#, c-format
msgid "output constraint `%c' for operand %d is not at the beginning"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1206
msgid "operand constraint contains incorrectly positioned '+' or '='"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1212 stmt.c:1316
#, c-format
msgid "`%%' constraint used with last operand"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1231
msgid "matching constraint not valid in output operand"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1307
#, c-format
msgid "input operand constraint contains `%c'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1347
msgid "matching constraint references invalid operand number"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1379
#, c-format
msgid "invalid punctuation `%c' in constraint"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1429
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "asm-specifier for variable `%s' conflicts with asm clobber list"
msgstr "typkvalificerare f�r \"%s\" i konflikt med tidigare dekl"

#: stmt.c:1519
#, c-format
msgid "unknown register name `%s' in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1567
#, c-format
msgid "more than %d operands in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1626
#, c-format
msgid "output number %d not directly addressable"
msgstr ""

#. ??? Leave this only until we have experience with what
#. happens in combine and elsewhere when constraints are
#. not satisfied.
#: stmt.c:1698 stmt.c:1727
#, c-format
msgid "asm operand %d probably doesn't match constraints"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1858
#, fuzzy
msgid "asm clobber conflict with output operand"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: stmt.c:1863
#, fuzzy
msgid "asm clobber conflict with input operand"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: stmt.c:1898
msgid "too many alternatives in `asm'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1910
msgid "operand constraints for `asm' differ in number of alternatives"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:1963
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate asm operand name '%s'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: stmt.c:2050
msgid "missing close brace for named operand"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:2078
#, c-format
msgid "undefined named operand '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:3668
#, c-format
msgid "unused variable `%s'"
msgstr "oanv�nd variabel \"%s\""

#: stmt.c:5149
#, c-format
msgid "enumeration value `%s' not handled in switch"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:5174 stmt.c:5194
#, c-format
msgid "case value `%ld' not in enumerated type"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:5177 stmt.c:5197
#, c-format
msgid "case value `%ld' not in enumerated type `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: stmt.c:5270
#, fuzzy
msgid "switch missing default case"
msgstr "detta �r den f�rsta default-etiketten"

#: stor-layout.c:178
msgid "type size can't be explicitly evaluated"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:180
msgid "variable-size type declared outside of any function"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:461
#, c-format
msgid "size of `%s' is %d bytes"
msgstr "storleken p� \"%s\" �r %d bytes"

#: stor-layout.c:463
#, c-format
msgid "size of `%s' is larger than %d bytes"
msgstr "storleken p� \"%s\" �r st�rre �n %d bytes"

#: stor-layout.c:869 stor-layout.c:1285
#, c-format
msgid "packed attribute causes inefficient alignment for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:871 stor-layout.c:1287
#, c-format
msgid "packed attribute is unnecessary for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:886
#, c-format
msgid "padding struct to align `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:1249
msgid "padding struct size to alignment boundary"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:1292
msgid "packed attribute causes inefficient alignment"
msgstr ""

#: stor-layout.c:1294
msgid "packed attribute is unnecessary"
msgstr ""

#: timevar.c:448
msgid ""
"Execution times (seconds)\n"
msgstr ""
"Exekveringstider (sekunder)\n"

#. Print total time.
#: timevar.c:498
msgid " TOTAL                 :"
msgstr " TOTALT                :"

#: timevar.c:534
#, c-format
msgid "time in %s: %ld.%06ld (%ld%%)\n"
msgstr "tid %s: %ld.%06ld (%ld%%)\n"

#: tlink.c:399
#, c-format
msgid "collect: reading %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: tlink.c:502
#, c-format
msgid "collect: recompiling %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: tlink.c:668
#, c-format
msgid "collect: tweaking %s in %s\n"
msgstr ""

#: tlink.c:715
msgid "collect: relinking\n"
msgstr ""

#: tlink.c:724
#, c-format
msgid "ld returned %d exit status"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:920
msgid "Generate debugging info in default format"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:921
msgid "Generate debugging info in default extended format"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:923
msgid "Generate STABS format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:924
msgid "Generate extended STABS format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:927
msgid "Generate DWARF-1 format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:929
msgid "Generate extended DWARF-1 format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:932
msgid "Generate DWARF-2 debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:935
msgid "Generate XCOFF format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:936
msgid "Generate extended XCOFF format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:939
msgid "Generate COFF format debug info"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:942
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate VMS format debug info"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"big endian\""

#: toplev.c:981
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform DWARF2 duplicate elimination"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:983
msgid "Do not store floats in registers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:985
msgid "Consider all mem refs through pointers as volatile"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:987
msgid "Consider all mem refs to global data to be volatile"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:989
msgid "Consider all mem refs to static data to be volatile"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:991
msgid "Defer popping functions args from stack until later"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:993
msgid "When possible do not generate stack frames"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:995
msgid "Optimize sibling and tail recursive calls"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:997
msgid "Perform superblock formation via tail duplication"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:999
msgid "When running CSE, follow jumps to their targets"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1001
msgid "When running CSE, follow conditional jumps"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1003
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform a number of minor, expensive optimizations"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:1005
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform jump threading optimizations"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:1007
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform strength reduction optimizations"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:1009
msgid "Perform loop unrolling when iteration count is known"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1011
msgid "Perform loop unrolling for all loops"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1013
msgid "Generate prefetch instructions, if available, for arrays in loops"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1015
msgid "Force all loop invariant computations out of loops"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1017
msgid "Strength reduce all loop general induction variables"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1019
msgid "Store strings in writable data section"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1021
msgid "Enable machine specific peephole optimizations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1023
msgid "Copy memory operands into registers before using"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1025
msgid "Copy memory address constants into regs before using"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1027
msgid "Allow function addresses to be held in registers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1029
msgid "Integrate simple functions into their callers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1031
msgid "Generate code for funcs even if they are fully inlined"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1033
msgid "Pay attention to the 'inline' keyword"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1035
msgid "Emit static const variables even if they are not used"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1037
msgid "Check for syntax errors, then stop"
msgstr "Leta efter syntaxfel, stoppa sedan"

#: toplev.c:1039
msgid "Mark data as shared rather than private"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1041
msgid "Enable saving registers around function calls"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1043
msgid "Return 'short' aggregates in memory, not registers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1045
msgid "Return 'short' aggregates in registers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1047
msgid "Attempt to fill delay slots of branch instructions"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1049
msgid "Perform the global common subexpression elimination"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1051
msgid "Perform enhanced load motion during global subexpression elimination"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1053
msgid "Perform store motion after global subexpression elimination"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1055
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform the loop optimizations"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:1057
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform cross-jumping optimization"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: toplev.c:1059
msgid "Perform conversion of conditional jumps to branchless equivalents"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1061
#, fuzzy
msgid "Perform conversion of conditional jumps to conditional execution"
msgstr "F�redra hopp framf�r villkorlig k�rning"

#: toplev.c:1063
msgid "Run CSE pass after loop optimizations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1065
msgid "Run the loop optimizer twice"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1067
msgid "Delete useless null pointer checks"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1069
msgid "Reschedule instructions before register allocation"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1071
msgid "Reschedule instructions after register allocation"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1073
msgid "Enable scheduling across basic blocks"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1075
msgid "Allow speculative motion of non-loads"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1077
msgid "Allow speculative motion of some loads"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1079
msgid "Allow speculative motion of more loads"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1081
msgid "Replace add,compare,branch with branch on count reg"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1083
msgid "Generate position independent code, if possible"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1086
msgid "Enable exception handling"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1088
msgid "Just generate unwind tables for exception handling"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1090
msgid "Generate unwind tables exact at each instruction boundary"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1092
msgid "Support synchronous non-call exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1094
msgid "Insert arc based program profiling code"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1096
msgid "Create data files needed by gcov"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1098
msgid "Use profiling information for branch probabilities"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1100
msgid "Enable basic program profiling code"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1102
msgid "Reorder basic blocks to improve code placement"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1104
msgid "Reorder functions to improve code placement"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1106
msgid "Do the register renaming optimization pass"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1108
msgid "Do the register copy-propagation optimization pass"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1110
msgid "Do not put uninitialized globals in the common section"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1112
msgid "Do not generate .size directives"
msgstr "Generera inte .size-direktiv"

#: toplev.c:1114
msgid "place each function into its own section"
msgstr "placera varje funktion i sin egen sektion"

#: toplev.c:1116
msgid "place data items into their own section"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1118
msgid "Add extra commentry to assembler output"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1120
msgid "Output GNU ld formatted global initializers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1122
msgid "Enables a register move optimization"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1124
msgid "Do the full regmove optimization pass"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1126
msgid "Pack structure members together without holes"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1128
msgid "Insert stack checking code into the program"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1130
msgid "Specify that arguments may alias each other & globals"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1132
msgid "Assume arguments may alias globals but not each other"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1134
msgid "Assume arguments do not alias each other or globals"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1136
msgid "Assume strict aliasing rules apply"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1138
msgid "Align the start of loops"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1140
msgid "Align labels which are only reached by jumping"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1142
msgid "Align all labels"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1144
msgid "Align the start of functions"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1146
msgid "Attempt to merge identical constants accross compilation units"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1148
msgid "Attempt to merge identical constants and constant variables"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1150
msgid "Suppress output of instruction numbers and line number notes in debugging dumps"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1152
msgid "Instrument function entry/exit with profiling calls"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1154
msgid "Put zero initialized data in the bss section"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1156
msgid "Enable SSA optimizations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1158
msgid "Enable SSA conditional constant propagation"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1160
msgid "Enable aggressive SSA dead code elimination"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1162
msgid "External symbols have a leading underscore"
msgstr "Externa symboler startar med en understrykning"

#: toplev.c:1164
msgid "Process #ident directives"
msgstr "Hantera #ident-direktiv"

#: toplev.c:1166
msgid "Enables an rtl peephole pass run before sched2"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1168
msgid "Assume no NaNs or +-Infs are generated"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1170
msgid "Enables guessing of branch probabilities"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1172
msgid "Set errno after built-in math functions"
msgstr "S�tt errno efter inbyggda matematikfunktioner"

#: toplev.c:1174
msgid "Floating-point operations can trap"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1176
msgid "Allow math optimizations that may violate IEEE or ANSI standards"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1178
msgid "Disable optimizations observable by IEEE signaling NaNs"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1180
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code to check bounds before indexing arrays"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: toplev.c:1182
msgid "Convert floating point constant to single precision constant"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1184
msgid "Report time taken by each compiler pass at end of run"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1186
msgid "Report on permanent memory allocation at end of run"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1188
msgid "Trap for signed overflow in addition / subtraction / multiplication"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1190
msgid "Use graph coloring register allocation."
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1207
msgid "Compile just for ISO C90"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1209
msgid "Determine language standard"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1213
msgid "Make bit-fields by unsigned by default"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1217
msgid "Make 'char' be signed by default"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1219
msgid "Make 'char' be unsigned by default"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1225
msgid "Do not recognize the 'asm' keyword"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1228
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not recognize any built in functions"
msgstr "K�nn inte igen n�gra inbyggda funktioner"

#: toplev.c:1230
msgid "Assume normal C execution environment"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1233
msgid "Assume that standard libraries & main might not exist"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1236
msgid "Allow different types as args of ? operator"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1239
msgid "Allow the use of $ inside identifiers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1244
msgid "Use the same size for double as for float"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1247
msgid "Use the smallest fitting integer to hold enums"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1250
msgid "Override the underlying type for wchar_t to `unsigned short'"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1254
msgid "Enable most warning messages"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1256
msgid "Warn about casting functions to incompatible types"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1259
msgid "Warn about functions which might be candidates for format attributes"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1262
msgid "Warn about casts which discard qualifiers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1265
msgid "Warn about subscripts whose type is 'char'"
msgstr "Varna om index har typen \"char\""

#: toplev.c:1268 toplev.c:1271
msgid "Warn if nested comments are detected"
msgstr "Varna om n�stlade kommentarer uppt�cks"

#: toplev.c:1274
msgid "Warn about possibly confusing type conversions"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1278
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not warn about compile-time integer division by zero"
msgstr "F�nga inte heltalsdivision med noll"

#: toplev.c:1280
msgid "Warn about testing equality of floating point numbers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1283
msgid "Warn about printf/scanf/strftime/strfmon format anomalies"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1287
msgid "Don't warn about too many arguments to format functions"
msgstr "Varna inte om f�r m�nga argument till format-funktioner"

#: toplev.c:1289
msgid "Warn about non-string-literal format strings"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1292
msgid "Warn about possible security problems with format functions"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1296
msgid "Don't warn about strftime formats yielding 2 digit years"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1298
msgid "Warn about implicit function declarations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1302
msgid "Warn when a declaration does not specify a type"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1307
msgid "Warn about the use of the #import directive"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1311
msgid "Do not warn about using 'long long' when -pedantic"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1313
msgid "Warn about suspicious declarations of main"
msgstr "Varna om tveksamma deklarationer av main"

#: toplev.c:1316
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn about possibly missing braces around initializers"
msgstr "Varna om eventuellt saknade parenteser"

#: toplev.c:1319
msgid "Warn about global funcs without previous declarations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1322
msgid "Warn about global funcs without prototypes"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1325
msgid "Warn about use of multicharacter literals"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1328
msgid "Warn about externs not at file scope level"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1331
msgid "Warn about possible missing parentheses"
msgstr "Varna om eventuellt saknade parenteser"

#: toplev.c:1334
msgid "Warn about function pointer arithmetic"
msgstr "Varna om aritmetik med funktionspekare"

#: toplev.c:1337
msgid "Warn about multiple declarations of the same object"
msgstr "Varna om multipla deklarationer av samma objekt"

#: toplev.c:1340
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn whenever a function's return-type defaults to int"
msgstr "returtyp s�tts till \"int\""

#: toplev.c:1343
msgid "Warn about possible violations of sequence point rules"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1346
msgid "Warn about signed/unsigned comparisons"
msgstr "Varna om j�mf�relser mellan signed/unsigned"

#: toplev.c:1349
msgid "Warn about non-prototyped function decls"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1352
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn about constructs whose meanings change in ISO C"
msgstr "Varna om index har typen \"char\""

#: toplev.c:1355
msgid "Warn when trigraphs are encountered"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1360
msgid "Warn about unrecognized pragmas"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1363
msgid "Mark strings as 'const char *'"
msgstr "Markera str�ngar som \"const char *\""

#: toplev.c:1508
msgid "Warn when a function is unused"
msgstr "Varna n�r en funktion �r oanv�nd"

#: toplev.c:1510
msgid "Warn when a label is unused"
msgstr "Varna n�r en etikett �r oanv�nd"

#: toplev.c:1512
msgid "Warn when a function parameter is unused"
msgstr "Varna n�r en funktionsparameter �r oanv�nd"

#: toplev.c:1514
msgid "Warn when a variable is unused"
msgstr "Varna n�r en variabel �r oanv�nd"

#: toplev.c:1516
msgid "Warn when an expression value is unused"
msgstr "Varna n�r ett uttrycksv�rde �r oanv�nt"

#: toplev.c:1518
msgid "Do not suppress warnings from system headers"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1520
msgid "Treat all warnings as errors"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1522
msgid "Warn when one local variable shadows another"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1524
msgid "Warn about enumerated switches, with no default, missing a case"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1526
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn about enumerated switches missing a default case"
msgstr "Varna om eventuellt saknade parenteser"

#: toplev.c:1528
msgid "Warn about all enumerated switches missing a specific case"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1530
msgid "Warn about returning structures, unions or arrays"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1532
msgid "Warn about pointer casts which increase alignment"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1534
msgid "Warn about code that will never be executed"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1536
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn about uninitialized automatic variables"
msgstr "Varna om aritmetik med funktionspekare"

#: toplev.c:1538
msgid "Warn when an inlined function cannot be inlined"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1540
msgid "Warn when the packed attribute has no effect on struct layout"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1542
msgid "Warn when padding is required to align struct members"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1544
msgid "Warn when an optimization pass is disabled"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1546
msgid "Warn about uses of __attribute__((deprecated)) declarations"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:1548
msgid "Warn about functions which might be candidates for attribute noreturn"
msgstr "Varna om funktioner som �r m�jliga kandidater f�r attributet noreturn"

#: toplev.c:1550
#, fuzzy
msgid "Warn about code which might break the strict aliasing rules"
msgstr "Varna om funktioner som �r m�jliga kandidater f�r attributet noreturn"

#: toplev.c:1627 toplev.c:4513 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:676
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid option `%s'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: toplev.c:2029
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' used but never defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r anv�nd men inte definierad"

#: toplev.c:2032
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared `static' but never defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad som \"static\" men definieras aldrig"

#: toplev.c:2051
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' defined but not used"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r definierad men inte anv�nd"

#: toplev.c:2300
#, c-format
msgid "invalid register name `%s' for register variable"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:3683
msgid "  -ffixed-<register>      Mark <register> as being unavailable to the compiler\n"
msgstr "  -ffixed-<register>      Markera <register> som ej tillg�ngligt f�r kompilatorn\n"

#: toplev.c:3684
msgid "  -fcall-used-<register>  Mark <register> as being corrupted by function calls\n"
msgstr "  -fcall-used-<register>  Ange att <register> f�rst�rs av funktionsanrop\n"

#: toplev.c:3685
msgid "  -fcall-saved-<register> Mark <register> as being preserved across functions\n"
msgstr "  -fcall-saved-<register> Ange att <register> bevaras av funktioner\n"

#: toplev.c:3686
msgid "  -finline-limit=<number> Limits the size of inlined functions to <number>\n"
msgstr "  -finline-limit=<nummer> Begr�nsa storlek p� inline-funktioner till <nummer>\n"

#: toplev.c:3687
msgid "  -fmessage-length=<number> Limits diagnostics messages lengths to <number> characters per line.  0 suppresses line-wrapping\n"
msgstr "  -fmessage-length=<nummer> Begr�nsa felmeddelandens l�ngd till <nummer> tecken per rad. 0 st�nger av radbrytning\n"

#: toplev.c:3688
msgid "  -fdiagnostics-show-location=[once | every-line] Indicates how often source location information should be emitted, as prefix, at the beginning of diagnostics when line-wrapping\n"
msgstr "  -fdiagnostics-show-location=[once | every-line] Anger hur ofta k�llkodspositioner skall skrivas ut, som prefix, i b�rjan av utskrift vid radbrytning\n"

#: toplev.c:3689
msgid "  -ftls-model=[global-dynamic | local-dynamic | initial-exec | local-exec] Indicates the default thread-local storage code generation model\n"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:3700
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -O[number]              Set optimization level to [number]\n"
msgstr "  -O[nummer]              S�tt optimeringsniv� till [nummer]\n"

#: toplev.c:3701
#, fuzzy
msgid "  -Os                     Optimize for space rather than speed\n"
msgstr "  -Os                     Optimera f�r storlek ist�llet f�r hastighet\n"

#: toplev.c:3713
msgid "  -pedantic               Issue warnings needed by strict compliance to ISO C\n"
msgstr "  -pedantic               Ge varningar som kr�vs f�r att strikt f�lja ISO C\n"

#: toplev.c:3714
msgid "  -pedantic-errors        Like -pedantic except that errors are produced\n"
msgstr "  -pedantic-errors        Som -pedantic men ger fel ist�llet\n"

#: toplev.c:3715
msgid "  -w                      Suppress warnings\n"
msgstr "  -w                      Stoppa varningar\n"

#: toplev.c:3716
msgid "  -W                      Enable extra warnings\n"
msgstr "  -W                      Sl� p� extra varningar\n"

#: toplev.c:3727
msgid "  -Wunused                Enable unused warnings\n"
msgstr "  -Wunused                Sl� p� oanv�nda varningar\n"

#: toplev.c:3728
msgid "  -Wlarger-than-<number>  Warn if an object is larger than <number> bytes\n"
msgstr "  -Wlarger-than-<nummer>  Varna om objekt �r st�rre �n <nummer> bytes\n"

#: toplev.c:3729
msgid "  -p                      Enable function profiling\n"
msgstr "  -p                      Sl� p� funktionsprofilering\n"

#: toplev.c:3730
msgid "  -o <file>               Place output into <file> \n"
msgstr "  -o <fil>                Skriv utdata i <fil> \n"

#: toplev.c:3731
msgid ""
"  -G <number>             Put global and static data smaller than <number>\n"
"                          bytes into a special section (on some targets)\n"
msgstr ""
"  -G <nummer>             Placera global and statisk data mindre �n <nummer>\n"
"                          bytes i en speciell sektion (vissa arkitekturer)\n"

#: toplev.c:3742
msgid "  -aux-info <file>        Emit declaration info into <file>\n"
msgstr "  -aux-info <fil>         Generera deklarationsinfo till fil <fil>\n"

#: toplev.c:3743
msgid "  -quiet                  Do not display functions compiled or elapsed time\n"
msgstr "  -quiet                  Visa inte kompilerade funktioner eller tiden som f�rbrukats\n"

#: toplev.c:3744
msgid "  -version                Display the compiler's version\n"
msgstr "  -version                Visa kompilatorns version\n"

#: toplev.c:3745
msgid "  -d[letters]             Enable dumps from specific passes of the compiler\n"
msgstr "  -d[bokst�ver]           Sl� p� dumpning fr�n angivna delar av kompilatorn\n"

#: toplev.c:3746
msgid "  -dumpbase <file>        Base name to be used for dumps from specific passes\n"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:3748
msgid "  -fsched-verbose=<number> Set the verbosity level of the scheduler\n"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:3750
msgid "  --help                  Display this information\n"
msgstr "  --help                  Visa den h�r informatationen\n"

#: toplev.c:3765
msgid ""
"Language specific options:\n"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:3777
#, c-format
msgid "  %-23.23s [undocumented]\n"
msgstr "  %-23.23s [odokumenterad]\n"

#: toplev.c:3785 toplev.c:3799
#, c-format
msgid ""
"There are undocumented %s specific options as well.\n"
msgstr ""
"Det finns dessutom odokumenterade %s-specifika flaggor.\n"

#: toplev.c:3789
#, c-format
msgid ""
" Options for %s:\n"
msgstr ""
" Flaggor f�r %s:\n"

#: toplev.c:3826
msgid ""
"Target specific options:\n"
msgstr ""
"Speciella flaggor f�r m�larkitektur:\n"

#: toplev.c:3840 toplev.c:3859
#, c-format
msgid "  -m%-23.23s [undocumented]\n"
msgstr "  -m%-23.23s [odokumenterad]\n"

#: toplev.c:3868
msgid ""
"There are undocumented target specific options as well.\n"
msgstr ""
"Det finns dessutom odokumenterade flaggor speciellt f�r m�larkitekturen.\n"

#: toplev.c:3870
msgid "  They exist, but they are not documented.\n"
msgstr "  De finns, men �r inte dokumenterade.\n"

#: toplev.c:3923
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized gcc debugging option: %c"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd debuggningsflagga f�r gcc: %c"

#: toplev.c:3979
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s': unknown tls-model option"
msgstr "\"%s\": ok�nd eller icke supportad flagga till -g"

#: toplev.c:4006
#, c-format
msgid "unrecognized register name `%s'"
msgstr "K�nner inte igen registernamn \"%s\""

#: toplev.c:4031 toplev.c:4965
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unrecognized option `%s'"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd flagga `-%s'"

#: toplev.c:4075
#, fuzzy
msgid "-Wid-clash-LEN is no longer supported"
msgstr "-f%s st�djs inte l�ngre"

#: toplev.c:4152
#, c-format
msgid "use -gdwarf -g%d for DWARF v1, level %d"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4155
msgid "use -gdwarf-2   for DWARF v2"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4160
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring option `%s' due to invalid debug level specification"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4183 toplev.c:4963
#, c-format
msgid "`%s': unknown or unsupported -g option"
msgstr "\"%s\": ok�nd eller icke supportad flagga till -g"

#: toplev.c:4190
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' ignored, conflicts with `-g%s'"
msgstr "\"%s\" ignorerad, i konflikt med \"-g%s\""

#: toplev.c:4269
msgid "-param option missing argument"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4278
#, c-format
msgid "invalid --param option: %s"
msgstr "ogiltig flagga till --param: %s"

#: toplev.c:4290
#, c-format
msgid "invalid parameter value `%s'"
msgstr "ogiltigt parameterv�rde \"%s\""

#: toplev.c:4530
#, c-format
msgid ""
"%s%s%s version %s (%s)\n"
"%s\tcompiled by GNU C version %s.\n"
"%s%s%s version %s (%s) compiled by CC.\n"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4586
msgid "options passed: "
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4615
msgid "options enabled: "
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4674 java/jcf-write.c:3421
#, c-format
msgid "can't open %s for writing"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna fil %s f�r skrivning"

#: toplev.c:4955
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ignoring command line option '%s'"
msgstr "Ignorerar kommandoradsflagga \"%s\""

#: toplev.c:4958
#, c-format
msgid "(it is valid for %s but not the selected language)"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:4992
msgid "-Wuninitialized is not supported without -O"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5047
msgid "instruction scheduling not supported on this target machine"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5051
msgid "this target machine does not have delayed branches"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5065
#, c-format
msgid "-f%sleading-underscore not supported on this target machine"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5128
#, fuzzy
msgid "-ffunction-sections not supported for this target"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: toplev.c:5133
#, fuzzy
msgid "-fdata-sections not supported for this target"
msgstr "-fdata-sections st�ds inte f�r AIX"

#: toplev.c:5140
msgid "-ffunction-sections disabled; it makes profiling impossible"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5147
#, fuzzy
msgid "-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: toplev.c:5153
msgid "-fprefetch-loop-arrays not supported for this target (try -march switches)"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5162
#, fuzzy
msgid "-fprefetch-loop-arrays is not supported with -Os"
msgstr "profilering st�ds inte tillsammans med -mg\n"

#: toplev.c:5168
msgid "-ffunction-sections may affect debugging on some targets"
msgstr ""

#: toplev.c:5280
#, c-format
msgid "error writing to %s"
msgstr "fel vid skrivning till %s"

#: toplev.c:5282 java/jcf-parse.c:932 java/jcf-write.c:3428
#, c-format
msgid "error closing %s"
msgstr "fel vid st�ngning av %s"

#: tree-dump.c:702
#, c-format
msgid "could not open dump file `%s'"
msgstr "kunde inte �ppna dump-fil \"%s\""

#: tree-dump.c:778
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ignoring unknown option `%.*s' in `-f%s'"
msgstr "Ignorerar kommandoradsflagga \"%s\""

#: tree.c:3645
msgid "arrays of functions are not meaningful"
msgstr ""

#: tree.c:3702
msgid "function return type cannot be function"
msgstr ""

#: tree.c:4544
msgid "invalid initializer for bit string"
msgstr ""

#: tree.c:4603
#, c-format
msgid "tree check: expected %s, have %s in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: tree.c:4620
#, c-format
msgid "tree check: expected class '%c', have '%c' (%s) in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: tree.c:4637
#, c-format
msgid "tree check: accessed elt %d of tree_vec with %d elts in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:455 config/i386/winnt.c:546
#, c-format
msgid "%s causes a section type conflict"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:841
#, c-format
msgid "register name not specified for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:843
#, c-format
msgid "invalid register name for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:846
#, c-format
msgid "data type of `%s' isn't suitable for a register"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:849
#, c-format
msgid "register specified for `%s' isn't suitable for data type"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:858
msgid "global register variable has initial value"
msgstr "global registervariabel har startv�rde"

#: varasm.c:861
msgid "volatile register variables don't work as you might wish"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:894
#, c-format
msgid "register name given for non-register variable `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:1542
#, c-format
msgid "alignment of `%s' is greater than maximum object file alignment. Using %d"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:1584
msgid "thread-local COMMON data not implemented"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:1608
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "requested alignment for %s is greater than implemented alignment of %d"
msgstr "efterr�gad minnesjustering �r inte en potens av 2"

#: varasm.c:4020
msgid "initializer for integer value is too complicated"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4025
msgid "initializer for floating value is not a floating constant"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4075
msgid "unknown set constructor type"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4289
#, c-format
msgid "invalid initial value for member `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4480 varasm.c:4523
#, c-format
msgid "weak declaration of `%s' must precede definition"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4487
#, c-format
msgid "weak declaration of `%s' after first use results in unspecified behavior"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4521
#, c-format
msgid "weak declaration of `%s' must be public"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4530
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "weak declaration of `%s' not supported"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: varasm.c:4557 varasm.c:4632
msgid "only weak aliases are supported in this configuration"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4640
msgid "alias definitions not supported in this configuration; ignored"
msgstr ""

#: varasm.c:4670
#, fuzzy
msgid "visibility attribute not supported in this configuration; ignored"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: varray.c:134
#, c-format
msgid "virtual array %s[%lu]: element %lu out of bounds in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#. Print an error message for unrecognized stab codes.
#: xcoffout.c:175
#, c-format
msgid "no sclass for %s stab (0x%x)\n"
msgstr ""

#: pretty-print.h:97
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "#`%s' not supported by %s#"
msgstr "\"%s\" st�ds inte av %s"

#: params.def:53
msgid "The maximum number of instructions in a single function eliglible for inlining"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:74
msgid "The maximuem number of instructions by repeated inlining before gcc starts to throttle inlining"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:87
msgid "The slope of the linear funtion throttling inlining after the recursive inlining limit has been reached is given by the negative reciprocal value of this parameter"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:100
msgid "The number of instructions in a single functions still eligible to inlining after a lot recursive inlining"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:111
msgid "The maximum number of instructions to consider to fill a delay slot"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:122
msgid "The maximum number of instructions to consider to find accurate live register information"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:132
msgid "The maximum length of scheduling's pending operations list"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:139
msgid "The maximum amount of memory to be allocated by GCSE"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:144
msgid "The maximum number of passes to make when doing GCSE"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:151
msgid "The maximum number of instructions to consider to unroll in a loop"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:156
msgid "Select fraction of the maximal count of repetitions of basic block in program given basic block needs to have to be considered hot"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:161
msgid "Select fraction of the maximal frequency of executions of basic block in function given basic block needs to have to be considered hot"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:166
msgid "The percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is available"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:171
msgid "The percentage of function, weighted by execution frequency, that must be covered by trace formation. Used when profile feedback is not available"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:176
msgid "Maximal code growth caused by tail duplication (in percents)"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:180
msgid "Stop reverse growth if the reverse probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percents)"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:185
msgid "Stop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percents). Used when profile feedback is available"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:190
msgid "Stop forward growth if the probability of best edge is less than this threshold (in percents). Used when profile feedback is not available"
msgstr ""

#: params.def:204
msgid "Minimum heap expansion to trigger garbage collection, as a percentage of the total size of the heap."
msgstr ""

#: params.def:210
msgid "Minimum heap size before we start collecting garbage, in kilobytes."
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin-c.c:75
msgid "too many #pragma options align=reset"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin-c.c:97 config/darwin-c.c:100 config/darwin-c.c:102
#: config/darwin-c.c:104
msgid "malformed '#pragma options', ignoring"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin-c.c:107
#, fuzzy
msgid "junk at end of '#pragma options'"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av \"#pragma %s\""

#: config/darwin-c.c:117
msgid "malformed '#pragma options align={mac68k|power|reset}', ignoring"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin-c.c:130
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing '(' after '#pragma unused', ignoring"
msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#: config/darwin-c.c:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing ')' after '#pragma unused', ignoring"
msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#: config/darwin-c.c:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "junk at end of '#pragma unused'"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av \"#pragma %s\""

#: config/lynx-ng.h:97 config/lynx.h:121 config/rs6000/lynx.h:100
msgid "-msystem-v and -p are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/lynx-ng.h:99 config/lynx.h:123 config/rs6000/lynx.h:102
msgid "-msystem-v and -mthreads are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:342
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-f%s ignored for Unicos/Mk (not supported)"
msgstr "-pipe st�ds inte."

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mieee not supported on Unicos/Mk"
msgstr "-pipe st�ds inte"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:377
msgid "-mieee-with-inexact not supported on Unicos/Mk"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:394
#, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mtrap-precision switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:408
#, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mfp-rounding-mode switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:423
#, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mfp-trap-mode switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mtls-size switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga -mcpu"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:454 config/alpha/alpha.c:466
#, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mcpu switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:473
msgid "trap mode not supported on Unicos/Mk"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:480
msgid "fp software completion requires -mtrap-precision=i"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:496
msgid "rounding mode not supported for VAX floats"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:501
msgid "trap mode not supported for VAX floats"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:530
#, c-format
msgid "L%d cache latency unknown for %s"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:545
#, c-format
msgid "bad value `%s' for -mmemory-latency"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde \"%s\" till -memory-latency"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5604 config/m88k/m88k.c:2889 config/romp/romp.c:754
#: config/romp/romp.c:761
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%H value"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5625
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%J value"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5641 config/ia64/ia64.c:3834 config/m88k/m88k.c:3034
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%r value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%r-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5651 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7700
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%R value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%R-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5657 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7626
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%N value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%N-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5665 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7654
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%P value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%P-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5673 config/m88k/m88k.c:2895 config/romp/romp.c:740
#: config/romp/romp.c:747
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%h value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%h-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5681 config/romp/romp.c:698
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%L value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%L-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5720 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7608
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%m value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%m-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5728 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7616
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%M value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%M-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5772
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%U value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%U-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5784 config/alpha/alpha.c:5798 config/romp/romp.c:706
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7708
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%s value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%s-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5821 config/m88k/m88k.c:2997
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%C value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%C-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5858 config/m88k/m88k.c:3018
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7465
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%E value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%E-v�rde"

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5883 config/alpha/alpha.c:5933
msgid "unknown relocation unspec"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:5892 config/romp/romp.c:981
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:8015
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%xn code"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.c:6615 config/alpha/alpha.c:6618
msgid "bad builtin fcode"
msgstr ""

# fixme: fp = flyttal, men hur skall man skriva det. F�rkortat eller FPU?
#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/alpha/alpha.h:279 config/i386/i386.h:294 config/i386/i386.h:296
#: config/i386/i386.h:298 config/ns32k/ns32k.h:140 config/rs6000/rs6000.h:292
#: config/s390/s390.h:68 config/sparc/sparc.h:522 config/sparc/sparc.h:527
msgid "Use hardware fp"
msgstr "Anv�nd h�rdvaru-fp"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:280 config/i386/i386.h:295 config/i386/i386.h:297
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:294 config/sparc/sparc.h:524
#: config/sparc/sparc.h:529
msgid "Do not use hardware fp"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte h�rdvaru-fp"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:281
msgid "Use fp registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:283
msgid "Do not use fp registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:284
msgid "Do not assume GAS"
msgstr "Antag inte GAS"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:285
msgid "Assume GAS"
msgstr "Antag GAS"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:287
msgid "Request IEEE-conformant math library routines (OSF/1)"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:289
msgid "Emit IEEE-conformant code, without inexact exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:291
msgid "Emit IEEE-conformant code, with inexact exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:293
msgid "Do not emit complex integer constants to read-only memory"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:294
msgid "Use VAX fp"
msgstr "Anv�nd VAX fp"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:295
msgid "Do not use VAX fp"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte VAX fp"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:296
msgid "Emit code for the byte/word ISA extension"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:299
msgid "Emit code for the motion video ISA extension"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:302
msgid "Emit code for the fp move and sqrt ISA extension"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:304
msgid "Emit code for the counting ISA extension"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:307
msgid "Emit code using explicit relocation directives"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:310
msgid "Emit 16-bit relocations to the small data areas"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:312
msgid "Emit 32-bit relocations to the small data areas"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:314
msgid "Emit rdval instead of rduniq for thread pointer"
msgstr ""

#. For -mcpu=
#. For -mtune=
#. For -mfp-rounding-mode=[n|m|c|d]
#. For -mfp-trap-mode=[n|u|su|sui]
#. For -mtrap-precision=[p|f|i]
#. For -mmemory-latency=
#. For -mtls-size=
#: config/alpha/alpha.h:343
msgid "Use features of and schedule given CPU"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:345
msgid "Schedule given CPU"
msgstr "Schemal�gg f�r given CPU"

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:347
msgid "Control the generated fp rounding mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:349
msgid "Control the IEEE trap mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:351
msgid "Control the precision given to fp exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:353
msgid "Tune expected memory latency"
msgstr ""

#: config/alpha/alpha.h:355 config/ia64/ia64.h:221
msgid "Specify bit size of immediate TLS offsets"
msgstr ""

#: config/arc/arc.c:135
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mcpu switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga -mcpu"

#: config/arc/arc.c:362
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "argument of `%s' attribute is not a string constant"
msgstr "argumentet till \"asm\" �r inte en konstant str�ng"

#: config/arc/arc.c:369
#, c-format
msgid "argument of `%s' attribute is not \"ilink1\" or \"ilink2\""
msgstr ""

#: config/arc/arc.c:1708 config/m32r/m32r.c:2286
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%R code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %R"

#: config/arc/arc.c:1740 config/m32r/m32r.c:2309
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%H/%%L code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %H/%L"

#: config/arc/arc.c:1763 config/m32r/m32r.c:2385
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%U code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %U"

#: config/arc/arc.c:1774
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%V code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#. Unknown flag.
#: config/arc/arc.c:1781 config/m32r/m32r.c:2424 config/sparc/sparc.c:6473
msgid "invalid operand output code"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:459
#, c-format
msgid "switch -mcpu=%s conflicts with -march= switch"
msgstr "flagga -mcpu=%s st�r i konflikt med flagga -march="

#: config/arm/arm.c:469 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:554 config/sparc/sparc.c:393
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for %s switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga %s"

#: config/arm/arm.c:605
msgid "target CPU does not support APCS-32"
msgstr "m�lprocessorn st�djer inte APCS-32"

#: config/arm/arm.c:610
msgid "target CPU does not support APCS-26"
msgstr "m�lprocessorn st�djer inte APCS-26"

#: config/arm/arm.c:616
msgid "target CPU does not support interworking"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:622
#, fuzzy
msgid "target CPU does not support THUMB instructions"
msgstr "m�lprocessorn st�djer inte THUMB-instruktioner"

#: config/arm/arm.c:636
msgid "enabling backtrace support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumb"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:639
msgid "enabling callee interworking support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumb"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:642
msgid "enabling caller interworking support is only meaningful when compiling for the Thumb"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:648
msgid "interworking forces APCS-32 to be used"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:654
msgid "-mapcs-stack-check incompatible with -mno-apcs-frame"
msgstr "-mapcs-stack-check �r inkompatibel med -mno-apcs-frame"

#: config/arm/arm.c:662
msgid "-fpic and -mapcs-reent are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/arm/arm.c:665
msgid "APCS reentrant code not supported.  Ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:673
msgid "-g with -mno-apcs-frame may not give sensible debugging"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:681
msgid "passing floating point arguments in fp regs not yet supported"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:710
#, c-format
msgid "invalid floating point emulation option: -mfpe-%s"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:734
#, fuzzy
msgid "structure size boundary can only be set to 8 or 32"
msgstr "Strukturstorleksgr�ns kan bara s�ttas till 8 eller 32"

#: config/arm/arm.c:742
msgid "-mpic-register= is useless without -fpic"
msgstr "-mpic-register= �r oanv�ndbar utan -fpic"

#: config/arm/arm.c:749
#, c-format
msgid "unable to use '%s' for PIC register"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:2061 config/arm/arm.c:2084 config/avr/avr.c:4794
#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4644 config/h8300/h8300.c:3623 config/i386/i386.c:1389
#: config/i386/i386.c:1418 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:1216
#: config/mcore/mcore.c:3510 config/ns32k/ns32k.c:1047
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:12476 config/sh/sh.c:5678 config/sh/sh.c:5703
#: config/sh/sh.c:5742 config/stormy16/stormy16.c:2026 config/v850/v850.c:2180
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute only applies to functions"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktioner"

#: config/arm/arm.c:9474
msgid "unable to compute real location of stacked parameter"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:10153
msgid "no low registers available for popping high registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.c:10404
msgid "interrupt Service Routines cannot be coded in Thumb mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/pe.c:168 config/i386/winnt.c:303 config/mcore/mcore.c:3358
#, c-format
msgid "initialized variable `%s' is marked dllimport"
msgstr "initierad variabel \"%s\" �r markerad som dllimport"

#: config/arm/pe.c:177 config/i386/winnt.c:312
#, c-format
msgid "static variable `%s' is marked dllimport"
msgstr "statisk variabel \"%s\" �r markerad som dllimport"

#: config/arm/arm.h:416
msgid "Generate APCS conformant stack frames"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:419
msgid "Store function names in object code"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:423
msgid "Use the 32-bit version of the APCS"
msgstr "Anv�nd 32-bit version av APCS"

#: config/arm/arm.h:425
msgid "Use the 26-bit version of the APCS"
msgstr "Anv�nd 26-bit version av APCS"

#: config/arm/arm.h:429
msgid "Pass FP arguments in FP registers"
msgstr "Skicka FP-argument i FP-register"

#: config/arm/arm.h:432
msgid "Generate re-entrant, PIC code"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:435
msgid "The MMU will trap on unaligned accesses"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:442
msgid "Use library calls to perform FP operations"
msgstr "Anv�nd biblioteksrutiner f�r FP-operationer"

#: config/arm/arm.h:444 config/i960/i960.h:281
msgid "Use hardware floating point instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd flyttalsinstruktioner i h�rdvara"

#: config/arm/arm.h:446
msgid "Assume target CPU is configured as big endian"
msgstr "Antag att m�l-CPU:n �r konfigurerad som \"big endian\""

#: config/arm/arm.h:448
msgid "Assume target CPU is configured as little endian"
msgstr "Antag att m�l-CPU:n �r konfigurerad som \"little endian\""

#: config/arm/arm.h:450
msgid "Assume big endian bytes, little endian words"
msgstr "Antag att bytes �r \"big endian\", ord �r \"little endian\""

#: config/arm/arm.h:452
msgid "Support calls between Thumb and ARM instruction sets"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:455
msgid "Generate a call to abort if a noreturn function returns"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:458
msgid "Do not move instructions into a function's prologue"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:461
msgid "Do not load the PIC register in function prologues"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:464
msgid "Generate call insns as indirect calls, if necessary"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:467
msgid "Compile for the Thumb not the ARM"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:471
msgid "Thumb: Generate (non-leaf) stack frames even if not needed"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:474
msgid "Thumb: Generate (leaf) stack frames even if not needed"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:477
msgid "Thumb: Assume non-static functions may be called from ARM code"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:481
msgid "Thumb: Assume function pointers may go to non-Thumb aware code"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:491
msgid "Specify the name of the target CPU"
msgstr "Ange namnet p� m�lprocessorn"

#: config/arm/arm.h:493
msgid "Specify the name of the target architecture"
msgstr "Ange namnet p� m�larkitekturen"

#: config/arm/arm.h:497
msgid "Specify the version of the floating point emulator"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:499
msgid "Specify the minimum bit alignment of structures"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:501
msgid "Specify the register to be used for PIC addressing"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/pe.h:65
msgid "Ignore dllimport attribute for functions"
msgstr "Ignorera attributet dllimport f�r funktioner"

#: config/avr/avr.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "large frame pointer change (%d) with -mtiny-stack"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.c:1135
msgid "bad address, not (reg+disp):"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.c:1143
#, fuzzy
msgid "internal compiler error.  Bad address:"
msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel i %s, vid %s:%d"

#: config/avr/avr.c:1156
#, fuzzy
msgid "internal compiler error.  Unknown mode:"
msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel i %s, vid %s:%d"

#: config/avr/avr.c:1864 config/avr/avr.c:2576
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid insn:"
msgstr "ogiltig #line"

#: config/avr/avr.c:1901 config/avr/avr.c:1987 config/avr/avr.c:2036
#: config/avr/avr.c:2045 config/avr/avr.c:2143 config/avr/avr.c:2315
#: config/avr/avr.c:2613 config/avr/avr.c:2724
msgid "incorrect insn:"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.c:2064 config/avr/avr.c:2228 config/avr/avr.c:2386
#: config/avr/avr.c:2768
#, fuzzy
msgid "unknown move insn:"
msgstr "ok�nt registernamn: %s"

#: config/avr/avr.c:3003
msgid "bad shift insn:"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.c:3119 config/avr/avr.c:3549 config/avr/avr.c:3929
#, fuzzy
msgid "internal compiler error.  Incorrect shift:"
msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel i %s, vid %s:%d"

#: config/avr/avr.c:4767
#, fuzzy
msgid "only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area"
msgstr "Initiera bara variabler som kan placeras i 8-bits omr�det."

#: config/avr/avr.c:4866
#, fuzzy
msgid "only uninitialized variables can be placed in the .noinit section"
msgstr "Initiera bara variabler som kan placeras i 8-bits omr�det."

#: config/avr/avr.c:4881
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "MCU `%s' supported for assembler only"
msgstr "MCU \"%s\" st�ds inte"

#: config/avr/avr.h:78
msgid "Assume int to be 8 bit integer"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:80
msgid "Change the stack pointer without disabling interrupts"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:82
msgid "Use subroutines for function prologue/epilogue"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:84
msgid "Change only the low 8 bits of the stack pointer"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:86
msgid "Do not generate tablejump insns"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:88
msgid "Use rjmp/rcall (limited range) on >8K devices"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:91
msgid "Output instruction sizes to the asm file"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:108
msgid "Specify the initial stack address"
msgstr ""

#: config/avr/avr.h:109
msgid "Specify the MCU name"
msgstr ""

#. In some cases, the strength reduction optimization pass can
#. produce better code if this is defined.  This macro controls the
#. order that induction variables are combined.  This macro is
#. particularly useful if the target has limited addressing modes.
#. For instance, the SH target has only positive offsets in
#. addresses.  Thus sorting to put the smallest address first allows
#. the most combinations to be found.
#: config/avr/avr.h:2450
#, fuzzy
msgid "trampolines not supported"
msgstr "-pipe st�ds inte"

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:69
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "missing '(' after '#pragma %s' - ignored"
msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:72
#, c-format
msgid "missing function name in '#pragma %s' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:77
#, c-format
msgid "malformed '#pragma %s' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:79
#, c-format
msgid "missing section name in '#pragma %s' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:84
#, c-format
msgid "missing ')' for '#pragma %s' - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x-c.c:87
#, c-format
msgid "junk at end of '#pragma %s'"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av \"#pragma %s\""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:280
#, c-format
msgid "unknown CPU version %d, using 40.\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:853
#, c-format
msgid "ISR %s requires %d words of local vars, max is 32767"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:1602
msgid "using CONST_DOUBLE for address"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:1742
msgid "c4x_address_cost: Invalid addressing mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:1884
#, c-format
msgid "c4x_print_operand: %%L inconsistency"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:1890
#, c-format
msgid "c4x_print_operand: %%N inconsistency"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:1931
#, c-format
msgid "c4x_print_operand: %%O inconsistency"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:2026
msgid "c4x_print_operand: Bad operand case"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:2069
msgid "c4x_print_operand_address: Bad post_modify"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:2091
msgid "c4x_print_operand_address: Bad pre_modify"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:2139 config/c4x/c4x.c:2151 config/c4x/c4x.c:2166
msgid "c4x_print_operand_address: Bad operand case"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:2422
msgid "c4x_rptb_insert: Cannot find start label"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:3409 config/c4x/c4x.c:3429
msgid "mode not QImode"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:3514
msgid "invalid indirect memory address"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:3603
msgid "invalid indirect (S) memory address"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:3944
msgid "c4x_valid_operands: Internal error"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4424
msgid "c4x_operand_subword: invalid mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4427
msgid "c4x_operand_subword: invalid operand"
msgstr ""

#. We could handle these with some difficulty.
#. e.g., *p-- => *(p-=2); *(p+1).
#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4453
msgid "c4x_operand_subword: invalid autoincrement"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4459
msgid "c4x_operand_subword: invalid address"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4470
msgid "c4x_operand_subword: address not offsettable"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.c:4670
msgid "c4x_rptb_rpts_p: Repeat block top label moved\n"
msgstr ""

#. Name of the c4x assembler.
#. Name of the c4x linker.
#. Define assembler options.
#. Define linker options.
#. Specify the end file to link with.
#. Target compilation option flags.
#. Small memory model.
#. Use 24-bit MPYI for C3x.
#. Fast fixing of floats.
#. Allow use of RPTS.
#. Emit C3x code.
#. Be compatible with TI assembler.
#. Be paranoid about DP reg. in ISRs.
#. Pass arguments on stack.
#. Enable features under development.
#. Enable repeat block.
#. Use BK as general register.
#. Use decrement and branch for C3x.
#. Enable debugging of GCC.
#. Force constants into registers.
#. Allow unsigned loop counters.
#. Force op0 and op1 to be same.
#. Save all 40 bits for floats.
#. Allow parallel insns.
#. Allow MPY||ADD, MPY||SUB insns.
#. Assume mem refs possibly aliased.
#. Emit C30 code.
#. Emit C31 code.
#. Emit C32 code.
#. Emit C33 code.
#. Emit C40 code.
#. Emit C44 code.
#. Run-time compilation parameters selecting different hardware subsets.
#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of triplets in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE, "DESCRIPTION" }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/c4x/c4x.h:170
msgid "Small memory model"
msgstr "Liten minnesmodell"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:172
msgid "Big memory model"
msgstr "Stor minnesmodell"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:174
msgid "Use MPYI instruction for C3x"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:176
msgid "Do not use MPYI instruction for C3x"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:178
msgid "Use fast but approximate float to integer conversion"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:180
msgid "Use slow but accurate float to integer conversion"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:182
msgid "Enable use of RTPS instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:184
msgid "Disable use of RTPS instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:186
msgid "Enable use of RTPB instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:188
msgid "Disable use of RTPB instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:190
msgid "Generate code for C30 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C30"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:192
msgid "Generate code for C31 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C31"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:194
msgid "Generate code for C32 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C32"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:196
msgid "Generate code for C33 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C33"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:198
msgid "Generate code for C40 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C40"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:200
msgid "Generate code for C44 CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r CPU C44"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:202
msgid "Emit code compatible with TI tools"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:204
msgid "Emit code to use GAS extensions"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:206 config/c4x/c4x.h:210
msgid "Save DP across ISR in small memory model"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:208 config/c4x/c4x.h:212
msgid "Don't save DP across ISR in small memory model"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:214
msgid "Pass arguments on the stack"
msgstr "Skicka argument p� stacken"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:216
msgid "Pass arguments in registers"
msgstr "Skicka argument i register"

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:218
msgid "Enable new features under development"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:220
msgid "Disable new features under development"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:222
msgid "Use the BK register as a general purpose register"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:224
msgid "Do not allocate BK register"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:226
msgid "Enable use of DB instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:228
msgid "Disable use of DB instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:230
msgid "Enable debugging"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:232
msgid "Disable debugging"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:234
msgid "Force constants into registers to improve hoisting"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:236
msgid "Don't force constants into registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:238
msgid "Force RTL generation to emit valid 3 operand insns"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:240
msgid "Allow RTL generation to emit invalid 3 operand insns"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:242
msgid "Allow unsigned interation counts for RPTB/DB"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:244
msgid "Disallow unsigned iteration counts for RPTB/DB"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:246
msgid "Preserve all 40 bits of FP reg across call"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:248
msgid "Only preserve 32 bits of FP reg across call"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:250
msgid "Enable parallel instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:252
msgid "Disable parallel instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:254
msgid "Enable MPY||ADD and MPY||SUB instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:256
msgid "Disable MPY||ADD and MPY||SUB instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:258
msgid "Assume that pointers may be aliased"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:260
msgid "Assume that pointers not aliased"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:333
msgid "Specify maximum number of iterations for RPTS"
msgstr ""

#: config/c4x/c4x.h:335
msgid "Select CPU to generate code for"
msgstr "V�lj CPU att generera kod f�r"

#: config/cris/cris.c:583
msgid "unexpected index-type in cris_print_index"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:599
msgid "unexpected base-type in cris_print_base"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:892
#, c-format
msgid "stackframe too big: %d bytes"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1207
msgid "allocated but unused delay list in epilogue"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1217
#, fuzzy
msgid "unexpected function type needing stack adjustment for __builtin_eh_return"
msgstr "funktion anv�nder __builtin_eh_return"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1296
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'b' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1308
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'v' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1318
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'P' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1325
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'p' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1364
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'z' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1395 config/cris/cris.c:1425
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'H' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1401
msgid "bad register"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1439
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'e' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1456
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'm' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1481
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'A' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1489
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'D' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1503
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand for 'T' modifier"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1512
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand modifier letter"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/cris/cris.c:1520
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "internal error: bad register: %d"
msgstr "internt fel: "

#: config/cris/cris.c:1568
msgid "unexpected multiplicative operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1588
msgid "unexpected operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1623 config/cris/cris.c:1633
#, fuzzy
msgid "unrecognized address"
msgstr "K�nner inte igen registernamn \"%s\""

#: config/cris/cris.c:1989
msgid "internal error: sideeffect-insn affecting main effect"
msgstr ""

#. If we get here, the caller got its initial tests wrong.
#: config/cris/cris.c:2276
msgid "internal error: cris_side_effect_mode_ok with bad operands"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2358 config/cris/cris.c:2416
#, fuzzy
msgid "unrecognized supposed constant"
msgstr "ej igenk�nd flagga `-%s'"

#: config/cris/cris.c:2457
msgid "unrecognized supposed constant in cris_global_pic_symbol"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2476
#, c-format
msgid "-max-stackframe=%d is not usable, not between 0 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2504
#, c-format
msgid "unknown CRIS version specification in -march= or -mcpu= : %s"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2540
#, c-format
msgid "unknown CRIS cpu version specification in -mtune= : %s"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2558
msgid "-fPIC and -fpic are not supported in this configuration"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2574
msgid "that particular -g option is invalid with -maout and -melinux"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2808 config/cris/cris.c:2853
msgid "unexpected side-effects in address"
msgstr ""

#. Labels are never marked as global symbols.
#: config/cris/cris.c:2950 config/cris/cris.c:2981
msgid "unexpected PIC symbol"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2954
msgid "PIC register isn't set up"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2967 config/cris/cris.c:3050
msgid "unexpected address expression"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2985
msgid "emitting PIC operand, but PIC register isn't set up"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.c:2994
msgid "unexpected NOTE as addr_const:"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/aout.h:106
msgid "Compile for the MMU-less Etrax 100-based elinux system"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/aout.h:113
msgid "For elinux, request a specified stack-size for this program"
msgstr ""

#. No "no-etrax" as it does not really imply any model.		     On the other hand, "etrax" implies the common (and large)		     subset matching all models.
#: config/cris/cris.h:336
msgid "Compile for ETRAX 4 (CRIS v3)"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:341
msgid "Compile for ETRAX 100 (CRIS v8)"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:345
msgid "Emit verbose debug information in assembly code"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:348
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use condition codes from normal instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/cris/cris.h:352
msgid "Do not emit addressing modes with side-effect assignment"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:355
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not tune stack alignment"
msgstr "Generera inte kod f�r stackkontroll"

#: config/cris/cris.h:358
msgid "Do not tune writable data alignment"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:361
msgid "Do not tune code and read-only data alignment"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:370
msgid "Align code and data to 32 bits"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:383
msgid "Don't align items in code or data"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:386
msgid "Do not emit function prologue or epilogue"
msgstr ""

#. We have to handle this m-option here since we can't wash it off in      both CC1_SPEC and CC1PLUS_SPEC.
#: config/cris/cris.h:390
msgid "Use the most feature-enabling options allowed by other options"
msgstr ""

#. We must call it "override-" since calling it "no-" will cause	     gcc.c to forget it, if there's a "later" -mbest-lib-options.	     Kludgy, but needed for some multilibbed files.
#: config/cris/cris.h:396
msgid "Override -mbest-lib-options"
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/cris.h:428
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for the specified chip or CPU version"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en given CPU"

#: config/cris/cris.h:430
#, fuzzy
msgid "Tune alignment for the specified chip or CPU version"
msgstr "minnesjustering kan inte anges f�r \"%s\""

#: config/cris/cris.h:432
msgid "Warn when a stackframe is larger than the specified size"
msgstr ""

#. Node: Profiling
#: config/cris/cris.h:1019
msgstr ""

#: config/cris/linux.h:74
msgid "Together with -fpic and -fPIC, do not use GOTPLT references"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:207
#, c-format
msgid "bad modes_tieable_p for register %s, mode1 %s, mode2 %s"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2666
msgid "bad insn to d30v_print_operand_address:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2683 config/d30v/d30v.c:2744 config/d30v/d30v.c:2765
#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2783
msgid "bad insn to d30v_print_operand_memory_reference:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2851
msgid "bad insn to d30v_print_operand, 'f' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2860
msgid "bad insn to d30v_print_operand, 'A' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2867
msgid "bad insn to d30v_print_operand, 'M' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2921
msgid "bad insn to print_operand, 'F' or 'T' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2932
msgid "bad insn to print_operand, 'B' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2939
msgid "bad insn to print_operand, 'E' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2957
msgid "bad insn to print_operand, 'R' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:2966 config/d30v/d30v.c:2974
msgid "bad insn to print_operand, 's' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:3003
msgid "bad insn in d30v_print_operand, 0 case"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:3301
msgid "d30v_emit_comparison"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.c:3345
msgid "bad call to d30v_move_2words"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:114
msgid "Enable use of conditional move instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:117
msgid "Disable use of conditional move instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:120
msgid "Debug argument support in compiler"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:123
msgid "Debug stack support in compiler"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:126
msgid "Debug memory address support in compiler"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:129
msgid "Make adjacent short instructions parallel if possible"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:132
msgid "Do not make adjacent short instructions parallel"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:135 config/d30v/d30v.h:138
msgid "Link programs/data to be in external memory by default"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:141
msgid "Link programs/data to be in onchip memory by default"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:149
msgid "Change the branch costs within the compiler"
msgstr ""

#: config/d30v/d30v.h:152
msgid "Change the threshold for conversion to conditional execution"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1446 config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1469
#, fuzzy
msgid "stack size > 32k"
msgstr "Stackstorlek > 32k"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1678
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid addressing mode"
msgstr "ogiltig kod"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1821
msgid "bad register extension code"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1921
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid offset in ybase addressing"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:1924
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid register in ybase addressing"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:2099
msgid "invalid shift operator in emit_1600_core_shift"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:2428
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid mode for gen_tst_reg"
msgstr "ogiltig typ \"void\" f�r new"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.c:2500
msgid "invalid mode for integer comparison in gen_compare_reg"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:230
#, fuzzy
msgid "Pass parameters in registers (default)"
msgstr "Skicka argument i register"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:232
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't pass parameters in registers"
msgstr "Skicka argument i register"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:234
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for near calls"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't generate code for near calls"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:238
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for near jumps"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't generate code for near jumps"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a bit-manipulation unit"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"big endian\""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't generate code for a bit-manipulation unit"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"big endian\""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for memory map1"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c1"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:248
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for memory map2"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c2"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:250
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for memory map3"
msgstr "Genrera kod f�r C300"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:252
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for memory map4"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r C400"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:254
msgid "Ouput extra code for initialized data"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:256
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't let reg. allocator use ybase registers"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte alternativa registernamn."

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:258
msgid "Output extra debug info in Luxworks environment"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:260
msgid "Save temp. files in Luxworks environment"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify alternate name for text section"
msgstr "Ange namnet p� m�lprocessorn"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:274
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify alternate name for data section"
msgstr "Ange namnet p� m�lprocessorn"

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:276
msgid "Specify alternate name for bss section"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:278
msgid "Specify alternate name for constant section"
msgstr ""

#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:280
msgid "Specify alternate name for dsp16xx chip"
msgstr ""

#. Output assembler code to FILE to increment profiler label # LABELNO
#. for profiling a function entry.
#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:1218 config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:1772
#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:1777
#, fuzzy
msgid "profiling not implemented yet"
msgstr "Profilering �r inte implementerat �nnu."

#. Emit RTL insns to initialize the variable parts of a trampoline.
#. FNADDR is an RTX for the address of the function's pure code.
#. CXT is an RTX for the static chain value for the function.
#: config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:1228 config/dsp16xx/dsp16xx.h:1240
#, fuzzy
msgid "trampolines not yet implemented"
msgstr "Profilering �r inte implementerat �nnu."

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:453
msgid "fr30_print_operand_address: unhandled address"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:480
#, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%p code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:500
#, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%b code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:521
#, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: unrecognized %%B code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:529
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: invalid operand to %%A code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:546
#, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: invalid %%x code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:553
#, c-format
msgid "fr30_print_operand: invalid %%F code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:570
msgid "fr30_print_operand: unknown code"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.c:599 config/fr30/fr30.c:608 config/fr30/fr30.c:619
#: config/fr30/fr30.c:632
msgid "fr30_print_operand: unhandled MEM"
msgstr ""

#: config/fr30/fr30.h:63
msgid "Assume small address space"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:410 config/frv/frv.c:428
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown cpu: -mcpu=%s"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:451
msgid "-fpic and -gdwarf are incompatible (-fpic and -g/-gdwarf-2 are fine)"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2520
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand_address:"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2533
msgid "Bad register to frv_print_operand_memory_reference_reg:"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2574 config/frv/frv.c:2584 config/frv/frv.c:2593
#: config/frv/frv.c:2621 config/frv/frv.c:2633 config/frv/frv.c:2637
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand_memory_reference:"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2779
msgid "Bad insn in frv_print_operand, bad const_double"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2824
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'C' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2847
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'c' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2872
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'e' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2880
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'F' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2896
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'f' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2949
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'L' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:2962
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'M/N' modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:2983
#, fuzzy
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, 'O' modifier:"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:3001
msgid "Bad insn to frv_print_operand, P modifier:"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:3021
msgid "Bad insn in frv_print_operand, z case"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:3049
msgid "Bad insn in frv_print_operand, 0 case"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:3054
#, fuzzy
msgid "frv_print_operand: unknown code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/frv/frv.c:5737
msgid "Bad output_move_single operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:5866
msgid "Bad output_move_double operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:6010
msgid "Bad output_condmove_single operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:8315
msgid "frv_registers_update"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:8475
msgid "frv_registers_used_p"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:8604
msgid "frv_registers_set_p"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9171
#, fuzzy
msgid "accumulator is not a constant integer"
msgstr "argumentet till \"asm\" �r inte en konstant str�ng"

#: config/frv/frv.c:9176
msgid "accumulator number is out of bounds"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9187
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "inappropriate accumulator for `%s'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9253
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' expects a constant argument"
msgstr "tre \"l\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#: config/frv/frv.c:9258
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "constant argument out of range for `%s'"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9638
msgid "media functions are not available unless -mmedia is used"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9650
msgid "this media function is only available on the fr500"
msgstr ""

#: config/frv/frv.c:9678
msgid "this media function is only available on the fr400"
msgstr ""

#. This macro is a C statement to print on `stderr' a string describing the
#. particular machine description choice.  Every machine description should
#. define `TARGET_VERSION'.  For example:
#. #ifdef MOTOROLA
#. #define TARGET_VERSION           fprintf (stderr, " (68k, Motorola syntax)");
#. #else
#. #define TARGET_VERSION           fprintf (stderr, " (68k, MIT syntax)");
#. #endif
#: config/frv/frv.h:512
msgid " (frv)"
msgstr ""

#: config/h8300/h8300.c:314
#, fuzzy
msgid "-ms2600 is used without -ms"
msgstr "-ms2600 anv�nds utan -ms."

#: config/h8300/h8300.c:320
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mn is used without -mh or -ms"
msgstr "-ms2600 anv�nds utan -ms."

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/h8300/h8300.h:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate H8S code"
msgstr "Generera H8/S-kod"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate H8S code"
msgstr "Generera inte H8/S-kod"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:152
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate H8S/2600 code"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r H8/S2600"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:153
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate H8S/2600 code"
msgstr "Generera inte kod f�r H8/S2600"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:154
msgid "Make integers 32 bits wide"
msgstr "G�r heltal 32 bitar stora"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:157
msgid "Use registers for argument passing"
msgstr "Anv�nd register f�r argumentskickning"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:159
msgid "Do not use registers for argument passing"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte register f�r argumentskickning"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:161
msgid "Consider access to byte sized memory slow"
msgstr ""

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:162
msgid "Enable linker relaxing"
msgstr ""

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:164
msgid "Generate H8/300H code"
msgstr "Generera H8/300H-kod"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:165
msgid "Enable the normal mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:166
msgid "Do not generate H8/300H code"
msgstr "Generera inte H8/300H-kod"

#: config/h8300/h8300.h:167
msgid "Use H8/300 alignment rules"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370-c.c:53
msgid "junk at end of #pragma map"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370-c.c:59
msgid "malformed #pragma map, ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370.c:915
msgid "real name is too long - alias ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370.c:920
msgid "alias name is too long - alias ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370.c:1191
msgid "internal error--no jump follows compare:"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.  This is a list in braces
#. of pairs in braces, each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/i370/i370.h:75
msgid "Generate char instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/i370/i370.h:76
msgid "Do not generate char instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1043
#, c-format
msgid "code model %s not supported in PIC mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1053 config/sparc/sparc.c:356
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mcmodel= switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1068
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -masm= switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga %s"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1071
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "code model `%s' not supported in the %s bit mode"
msgstr "\"%s\" st�ds inte av %s"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1074
#, fuzzy
msgid "code model `large' not supported yet"
msgstr "\"%s\" st�ds inte av %s"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1076
#, c-format
msgid "%i-bit mode not compiled in"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1106
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -march= switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1117
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mcpu= switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1134
#, c-format
msgid "-mregparm=%d is not between 0 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1147
msgid "-malign-loops is obsolete, use -falign-loops"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1152 config/i386/i386.c:1165 config/i386/i386.c:1178
#, c-format
msgid "-malign-loops=%d is not between 0 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1160
msgid "-malign-jumps is obsolete, use -falign-jumps"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1173
msgid "-malign-functions is obsolete, use -falign-functions"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1211
#, c-format
msgid "-mpreferred-stack-boundary=%d is not between %d and 12"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1223
#, c-format
msgid "-mbranch-cost=%d is not between 0 and 5"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1235
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mtls-dialect= switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga -mcpu"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1256
msgid "-malign-double makes no sense in the 64bit mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1258
msgid "-mrtd calling convention not supported in the 64bit mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:1274 config/i386/i386.c:1285
#, fuzzy
msgid "SSE instruction set disabled, using 387 arithmetics"
msgstr "pekare till funktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1290
#, fuzzy
msgid "387 instruction set disabled, using SSE arithmetics"
msgstr "pekare till funktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1297
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mfpmath= switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga -mcpu"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1429
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute requires an integer constant argument"
msgstr "tre \"l\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#: config/i386/i386.c:1435
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "argument to `%s' attribute larger than %d"
msgstr "kan inte s�tta attributet \"%s\" efter definitionen"

#: config/i386/i386.c:6176
msgid "invalid UNSPEC as operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:6438
msgid "extended registers have no high halves"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:6453
msgid "unsupported operand size for extended register"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:6768
msgid "operand is neither a constant nor a condition code, invalid operand code 'c'"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:6814
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand code `%c'"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/i386/i386.c:6861
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid constraints for operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/i386/i386.c:11027
#, fuzzy
msgid "unknown insn mode"
msgstr "ok�nt maskinl�ge `%s'"

#. @@@ better error message
#: config/i386/i386.c:13083 config/i386/i386.c:13119
msgid "selector must be an immediate"
msgstr ""

#. @@@ better error message
#: config/i386/i386.c:13280 config/i386/i386.c:13314
msgid "mask must be an immediate"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.c:13346
#, fuzzy
msgid "shift must be an immediate"
msgstr "predikat m�ste vara en identifierare"

#: config/i386/winnt.c:105
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute only applies to variables"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" �r inte applicerbart p� typer"

#: config/i386/winnt.c:275
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' declared as both exported to and imported from a DLL"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad b�de som exporterad till och importerad fr�n en DLL."

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:45
msgid "Use the Cygwin interface"
msgstr "Anv�nd Cygwin-interfacet"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:46
msgid "Use the Mingw32 interface"
msgstr "Anv�nd Mingw32-interfacet"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:47
msgid "Create GUI application"
msgstr "Skapa GUI-applikation"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:48
msgid "Don't set Windows defines"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:49
msgid "Set Windows defines"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:50
msgid "Create console application"
msgstr "Skapa konsollapplikation"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:51 config/i386/win32.h:59
msgid "Generate code for a DLL"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en DLL"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:53 config/i386/win32.h:61
msgid "Ignore dllimport for functions"
msgstr "Ignorera dllimport f�r funktioner"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:55
msgid "Use Mingw-specific thread support"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:244
#, c-format
msgid "-f%s ignored for target (all code is position independent)"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/djgpp.h:204
msgid "-mbnu210 is ignored (option is obsolete)"
msgstr ""

#. Deprecated.
#. Deprecated.
#. Deprecated.
#. Deprecated.
#. Deprecated.
#. Deprecated.
#: config/i386/i386.h:306
msgid "Alternate calling convention"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:308 config/m68k/m68k.h:180 config/ns32k/ns32k.h:144
msgid "Use normal calling convention"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:310
msgid "Align some doubles on dword boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:312
msgid "Align doubles on word boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:314
msgid "Uninitialized locals in .bss"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:316
msgid "Uninitialized locals in .data"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:318 config/m68k/linux-aout.h:45 config/m68k/linux.h:50
#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:167
msgid "Use IEEE math for fp comparisons"
msgstr "Anv�nd IEEE matematik f�r flyttalj�mf�relser"

#: config/i386/i386.h:320 config/ns32k/ns32k.h:169
msgid "Do not use IEEE math for fp comparisons"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte IEEE matematik f�r flyttalj�mf�relser"

#: config/i386/i386.h:322
msgid "Return values of functions in FPU registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:324
msgid "Do not return values of functions in FPU registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:326
msgid "Do not generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU"
msgstr "Generera inte sin, cos, sqrt f�r FPU"

#: config/i386/i386.h:328
msgid "Generate sin, cos, sqrt for FPU"
msgstr "Generera sin, cos, sqrt f�r FPU"

#: config/i386/i386.h:330
msgid "Omit the frame pointer in leaf functions"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:333
msgid "Enable stack probing"
msgstr ""

#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#: config/i386/i386.h:338
msgid "Align destination of the string operations"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:340
msgid "Do not align destination of the string operations"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:342
msgid "Inline all known string operations"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:344
msgid "Do not inline all known string operations"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:346 config/i386/i386.h:350
msgid "Use push instructions to save outgoing arguments"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:348 config/i386/i386.h:352
msgid "Do not use push instructions to save outgoing arguments"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:354
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support MMX built-in functions"
msgstr "St�d inbyggda funktioner med MMX"

#: config/i386/i386.h:356
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not support MMX built-in functions"
msgstr "St�d inte inbyggda funktioner med MMX"

#: config/i386/i386.h:358
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support 3DNow! built-in functions"
msgstr "d�ljer inbyggd funktion \"%s\""

#: config/i386/i386.h:360
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not support 3DNow! built-in functions"
msgstr "St�d inte inbyggda funktioner med MMX"

#: config/i386/i386.h:362
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support MMX and SSE built-in functions and code generation"
msgstr "St�d inbyggda funktioner med MMX och SSE"

#: config/i386/i386.h:364
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not support MMX and SSE built-in functions and code generation"
msgstr "St�d inte inbyggda funktioner med MMX och SSE"

#: config/i386/i386.h:366
#, fuzzy
msgid "Support MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and code generation"
msgstr "St�d inbyggda funktioner med MMX och SSE"

#: config/i386/i386.h:368
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not support MMX, SSE and SSE2 built-in functions and code generation"
msgstr "St�d inte inbyggda funktioner med MMX och SSE"

#: config/i386/i386.h:370
#, fuzzy
msgid "sizeof(long double) is 16"
msgstr "sizeof(long double) �r 16."

#: config/i386/i386.h:372
#, fuzzy
msgid "sizeof(long double) is 12"
msgstr "sizeof(long double) �r 12."

#: config/i386/i386.h:374
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate 64bit x86-64 code"
msgstr "Generera H8/S-kod"

#: config/i386/i386.h:376
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate 32bit i386 code"
msgstr "Generera \"big endian\"-kod."

#: config/i386/i386.h:378
msgid "Use red-zone in the x86-64 code"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/i386.h:380
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use red-zone in the x86-64 code"
msgstr "Generera inte H8/S-kod"

#. This macro is similar to `TARGET_SWITCHES' but defines names of
#. command options that have values.  Its definition is an
#. initializer with a subgrouping for each command option.
#. Each subgrouping contains a string constant, that defines the
#. fixed part of the option name, and the address of a variable.  The
#. variable, type `char *', is set to the variable part of the given
#. option if the fixed part matches.  The actual option name is made
#. by appending `-m' to the specified name.
#: config/i386/i386.h:409 config/rs6000/rs6000.h:393 config/sparc/sparc.h:635
msgid "Schedule code for given CPU"
msgstr "Schemal�gg kod f�r en given CPU"

#: config/i386/i386.h:411
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate floating point mathematics using given instruction set"
msgstr "Anv�nd flyttalsinstruktioner i h�rdvara"

#: config/i386/i386.h:413
msgid "Generate code for given CPU"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en given CPU"

#: config/i386/i386.h:415
msgid "Number of registers used to pass integer arguments"
msgstr "Antal register f�r att skicka heltalsargument"

#. TARGET_DEFAULT is defined in sun*.h and isi.h, etc.
#. This macro is similar to `TARGET_SWITCHES' but defines names of
#. command options that have values.  Its definition is an
#. initializer with a subgrouping for each command option.
#. Each subgrouping contains a string constant, that defines the
#. fixed part of the option name, and the address of a variable.  The
#. variable, type `char *', is set to the variable part of the given
#. option if the fixed part matches.  The actual option name is made
#. by appending `-m' to the specified name.
#: config/i386/i386.h:417 config/m68k/m68k.h:263
msgid "Loop code aligned to this power of 2"
msgstr "Loop-kod justeras till denna 2-potens"

#: config/i386/i386.h:419 config/m68k/m68k.h:265
msgid "Jump targets are aligned to this power of 2"
msgstr "Hoppm�l justeras till denna 2-potens"

#: config/i386/i386.h:421 config/m68k/m68k.h:267
msgid "Function starts are aligned to this power of 2"
msgstr "Funktionsb�rjan justeras till denna 2-potens"

#: config/i386/i386.h:424
msgid "Attempt to keep stack aligned to this power of 2"
msgstr "F�rs�k h�ll stacken justerad till denna 2-potens"

#: config/i386/i386.h:426
msgid "Branches are this expensive (1-5, arbitrary units)"
msgstr "Hopp �r dyra (1-5, godtyckliga enheter)"

#: config/i386/i386.h:428
msgid "Use given x86-64 code model"
msgstr ""

#. Undocumented.
#. Undocumented.
#: config/i386/i386.h:434
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use given assembler dialect"
msgstr "Anv�nd assemblersyntax f�r DEC"

#: config/i386/i386.h:436
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use given thread-local storage dialect"
msgstr "Anv�nd assemblersyntax f�r DEC"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:700
msgid "Generate ELF output"
msgstr "Generera ELF-utdata"

#: config/i386/win32.h:53
msgid "Use Mingw32 interface"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/win32.h:55
msgid "Use Cygwin interface"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/win32.h:57
msgid "Use bare Windows interface"
msgstr ""

#. If the environment variable DJDIR is not defined, then DJGPP is not        installed correctly and GCC will quickly become confused with the        default prefix settings. Report the problem now so the user doesn't        receive deceptive "file not found" error messages later.
#. DJDIR is automatically defined by the DJGPP environment config            file pointed to by the environment variable DJGPP. Examine DJGPP            to try and figure out what's wrong.
#: config/i386/xm-djgpp.h:71
#, fuzzy
msgid "environment variable DJGPP not defined"
msgstr "Omgivningsvariabel DJGPP �r inte definierad."

#: config/i386/xm-djgpp.h:73
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "environment variable DJGPP points to missing file '%s'"
msgstr "Omgivningsvariabel DJGPP pekar p� fil \"%s\" som saknas"

#: config/i386/xm-djgpp.h:76
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "environment variable DJGPP points to corrupt file '%s'"
msgstr "Omgivningsvariabel DJGPP pekar p� fil \"%s\" som �r trasig"

#: config/i960/i960-c.c:66
msgid "sorry, not implemented: #pragma align NAME=SIZE"
msgstr "ledsen, inte implementerat: #pragma align NAMN=STORLEK"

#: config/i960/i960-c.c:71
msgid "malformed #pragma align - ignored"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960-c.c:109
msgid "sorry, not implemented: #pragma noalign NAME"
msgstr "ledsen, inte implementerat: #pragma noalign NAMN"

#: config/i960/i960.c:121 config/i960/i960.c:131
msgid "conflicting architectures defined - using C series"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.c:126
msgid "conflicting architectures defined - using K series"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.c:141
msgid "iC2.0 and iC3.0 are incompatible - using iC3.0"
msgstr "iC2.0 och iC3.0 �r imkompatible - anv�nder iC3.0"

#: config/i960/i960.c:1448 config/m68k/m68k.c:559 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:9931
msgid "stack limit expression is not supported"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#. ??? Not all ten of these architecture variations actually exist, but I
#. am not sure which are real and which aren't.
#: config/i960/i960.h:240
msgid "Generate SA code"
msgstr "Generera SA-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:243
msgid "Generate SB code"
msgstr "Generera SB-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:248
msgid "Generate KA code"
msgstr "Generera KA-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:251
msgid "Generate KB code"
msgstr "Generera KB-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:256
msgid "Generate JA code"
msgstr "Generera JA-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:258
msgid "Generate JD code"
msgstr "Generera JD-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:261
msgid "Generate JF code"
msgstr "Generera JF-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:263
msgid "generate RP code"
msgstr "Generera RP-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:266
msgid "Generate MC code"
msgstr "Generera MC-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:269
msgid "Generate CA code"
msgstr "Generera CA-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:279
msgid "Generate CF code"
msgstr "Generera CF-kod"

#: config/i960/i960.h:283 config/mips/mips.h:568 config/pa/pa.h:252
msgid "Use software floating point"
msgstr "Anv�nd mjukvaruflytttal"

#: config/i960/i960.h:285
msgid "Use alternate leaf function entries"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:287
msgid "Do not use alternate leaf function entries"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:289
msgid "Perform tail call optimization"
msgstr "Utf�r optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: config/i960/i960.h:291
msgid "Do not perform tail call optimization"
msgstr "Utf�r inte optimering f�r svansrekursion"

#: config/i960/i960.h:293
msgid "Use complex addressing modes"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:295
msgid "Do not use complex addressing modes"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:297
msgid "Align code to 8 byte boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:299
msgid "Do not align code to 8 byte boundary"
msgstr ""

#. {"clean-linkage", (TARGET_FLAG_CLEAN_LINKAGE),			       N_("Force use of prototypes")},					    {"no-clean-linkage", -(TARGET_FLAG_CLEAN_LINKAGE),			       N_("Do not force use of prototypes")},
#: config/i960/i960.h:305 config/i960/i960.h:307
msgid "Enable compatibility with iC960 v2.0"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:309
msgid "Enable compatibility with iC960 v3.0"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:311 config/i960/i960.h:313
msgid "Enable compatibility with ic960 assembler"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:315
msgid "Do not permit unaligned accesses"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:317
msgid "Permit unaligned accesses"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:319
msgid "Layout types like Intel's v1.3 gcc"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:321
msgid "Do not layout types like Intel's v1.3 gcc"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:323 config/sparc/freebsd.h:79 config/sparc/linux.h:86
#: config/sparc/linux64.h:88 config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h:238
msgid "Use 64 bit long doubles"
msgstr "Anv�nd 64 bits long double"

#: config/i960/i960.h:325
msgid "Enable linker relaxation"
msgstr ""

#: config/i960/i960.h:327
msgid "Do not enable linker relaxation"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64-c.c:50
msgid "malformed #pragma builtin"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:3879
msgid "ia64_print_operand: unknown code"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:4157
msgid "value of -mfixed-range must have form REG1-REG2"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:4184
#, c-format
msgid "%s-%s is an empty range"
msgstr "%s-%s �r ett tomt intervall"

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:4215
msgid "cannot optimize floating point division for both latency and throughput"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:4221
msgid "cannot optimize integer division for both latency and throughput"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.c:4233
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mtls-size= switch"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga -mcpu"

#. This macro defines names of command options to set and clear bits in
#. `target_flags'.  Its definition is an initializer with a subgrouping for
#. each command option.
#: config/ia64/ia64.h:150
msgid "Generate big endian code"
msgstr "Generera \"big endian\"-kod."

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:152 config/mcore/mcore.h:159
msgid "Generate little endian code"
msgstr "Generera \"little endian\"-kod."

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:154
msgid "Generate code for GNU as"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r GNU as"

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:156
msgid "Generate code for Intel as"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:158
msgid "Generate code for GNU ld"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r GNU ld"

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:160
msgid "Generate code for Intel ld"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel ld"

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:162
msgid "Generate code without GP reg"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:164
msgid "Emit stop bits before and after volatile extended asms"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:166
msgid "Don't emit stop bits before and after volatile extended asms"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:168
msgid "Emit code for Itanium (TM) processor B step"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:170
msgid "Use in/loc/out register names"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:172
msgid "Disable use of sdata/scommon/sbss"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:174
msgid "Enable use of sdata/scommon/sbss"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:176
msgid "gp is constant (but save/restore gp on indirect calls)"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:178
msgid "Generate self-relocatable code"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:180
msgid "Generate inline floating point division, optimize for latency"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:182
msgid "Generate inline floating point division, optimize for throughput"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:184
msgid "Generate inline integer division, optimize for latency"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:186
msgid "Generate inline integer division, optimize for throughput"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:188
msgid "Enable Dwarf 2 line debug info via GNU as"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:190
msgid "Disable Dwarf 2 line debug info via GNU as"
msgstr ""

#: config/ia64/ia64.h:219
msgid "Specify range of registers to make fixed"
msgstr ""

#: config/ip2k/ip2k.c:1082
#, fuzzy
msgid "bad operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/ip2k/ip2k.c:3184
#, fuzzy
msgid "Only initialized variables can be placed into program memory area."
msgstr "Initiera bara variabler som kan placeras i 8-bits omr�det."

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:139
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mmodel switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:148
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -msdata switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:319
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid argument of `%s' attribute"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument till \"%s\""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:422
msgid "const objects cannot go in .sdata/.sbss"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2256
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%s code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %R"

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2263
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%p code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %R"

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2318
msgid "bad insn for 'A'"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2370
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%T/%%B code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %H/%L"

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2393
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid operand to %%N code"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %R"

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2438
msgid "pre-increment address is not a register"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2445
msgid "pre-decrement address is not a register"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2452
msgid "post-increment address is not a register"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2530 config/m32r/m32r.c:2546
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:12737
msgid "bad address"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.c:2551
#, fuzzy
msgid "lo_sum not of register"
msgstr "Skicka argument i register"

#. { "relax",			TARGET_RELAX_MASK, "" },		    { "no-relax",		-TARGET_RELAX_MASK, "" },
#: config/m32r/m32r.h:241
msgid "Display compile time statistics"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.h:243
msgid "Align all loops to 32 byte boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/m32r/m32r.h:246
msgid "Only issue one instruction per cycle"
msgstr "L�gg bara ut en instruktion per cykel"

#: config/m32r/m32r.h:249
msgid "Prefer branches over conditional execution"
msgstr "F�redra hopp framf�r villkorlig k�rning"

#: config/m32r/m32r.h:265
msgid "Code size: small, medium or large"
msgstr "Kodstorlek: small, medium, eller large"

#: config/m32r/m32r.h:267
msgid "Small data area: none, sdata, use"
msgstr "Litet dataomr�de: none, sdata, use"

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:242
#, c-format
msgid "-f%s ignored for 68HC11/68HC12 (not supported)"
msgstr ""

#. !!!! SCz wrong here.
#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3252 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3626
msgid "move insn not handled"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3472 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3556
#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3829
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid register in the move instruction"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3506
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operand in the instruction"
msgstr "ogiltig operand f�r %V"

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3803
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid register in the instruction"
msgstr "ogiltigt flagga \"%s\" i line-direktiv"

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3836
msgid "operand 1 must be a hard register"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:3853
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid rotate insn"
msgstr "ogiltigt format p� #line"

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:4278
msgid "registers IX, IY and Z used in the same INSN"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:4603 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:4906
msgid "cannot do z-register replacement"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.c:4969
msgid "invalid Z register replacement for insn"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags. This is a list in braces of
#. pairs in braces, each pair being { "NAME", VALUE } where VALUE is the bits
#. to set or minus the bits to clear. An empty string NAME is used to
#. identify the default VALUE.
#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:160
msgid "Compile with 16-bit integer mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:162
msgid "Compile with 32-bit integer mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:164
msgid "Auto pre/post decrement increment allowed"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:166
msgid "Auto pre/post decrement increment not allowed"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:168
msgid "Min/max instructions allowed"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:170
msgid "Min/max instructions not allowed"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:172
msgid "Use call and rtc for function calls and returns"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:174
msgid "Use jsr and rts for function calls and returns"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:176
msgid "Do not use direct addressing mode for soft registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:178 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:182
msgid "Compile for a 68HC11"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:180 config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:184
msgid "Compile for a 68HC12"
msgstr ""

#. This macro is similar to `TARGET_SWITCHES' but defines names of
#. command options that have values.  Its definition is an
#. initializer with a subgrouping for each command option.
#. Each subgrouping contains a string constant, that defines the
#. fixed part of the option name, and the address of a variable.  The
#. variable, type `char *', is set to the variable part of the given
#. option if the fixed part matches.  The actual option name is made
#. by appending `-m' to the specified name.
#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:198
msgid "Specify the register allocation order"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68hc11/m68hc11.h:200
msgid "Indicate the number of soft registers available"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.c:158
#, c-format
msgid "-malign-loops=%d is not between 1 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.c:169
#, c-format
msgid "-malign-jumps=%d is not between 1 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.c:180
#, c-format
msgid "-malign-functions=%d is not between 1 and %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.c:189
msgid "-fPIC is not currently supported on the 68000 or 68010\n"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/m68k/m68k.h:162 config/m68k/m68k.h:164
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68020"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c2"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:169 config/m68k/m68k.h:172
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68000"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en DLL"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:174
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use the bit-field instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:176
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the bit-field instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:178
msgid "Use different calling convention using 'rtd'"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:182
msgid "Consider type `int' to be 16 bits wide"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:184
msgid "Consider type `int' to be 32 bits wide"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:186
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a Sun FPA"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en given CPU"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate code for a Sun FPA"
msgstr "Genrera inte kod som anv�nder FPU"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:191 config/m68k/m68k.h:193
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a Sun Sky board"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en DLL"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:195
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use Sky linkage convention"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:197
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68881"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c1"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:200
msgid "Generate code with library calls for floating point"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68040, without any new instructions"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"little endian\""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68060, without any new instructions"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"little endian\""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:209
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68030"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en DLL"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:212
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68040"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r 11/40"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:216
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68060"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en DLL"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:221
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 520X"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c2"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68851"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c1"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:226
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do no generate code for a 68851"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c1"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:229
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68302"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c32"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:232
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a 68332"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c32"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:236
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for a cpu32"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r c32"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:239
msgid "Align variables on a 32-bit boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:241
msgid "Align variables on a 16-bit boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:243
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate pc-relative code"
msgstr "Generera SA-kod"

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:245
msgid "Do not use unaligned memory references"
msgstr ""

#: config/m68k/m68k.h:247
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use unaligned memory references"
msgstr "Anv�nd stor minnesmodell"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:903
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "internal gcc monitor: short-branch(%x)"
msgstr "Intern gcc monitor: short-branch(%x)"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2302
msgid "internal gcc error: Can't express symbolic location"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2517
#, c-format
msgid "argument #%d is a structure"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2816
#, c-format
msgid "%%R not followed by %%B/C/D/E"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2884
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%x/X value"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2901
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%Q value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%Q-v�rde"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2907 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7681
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%q value"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2913
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%o value"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2920 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7644
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%p value"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2933 config/m88k/m88k.c:2938
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%s/S value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%s-v�rde"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2949
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%P operand"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%P-v�rde"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:2980 config/romp/romp.c:690
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%B value"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:3010
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%D value"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:3023
#, c-format
msgid "`%%d' operand isn't a register"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:3041
msgid "operand is r0"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:3055
msgid "operand is const_double"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.c:3074
msgid "invalid code"
msgstr "ogiltig kod"

#. Do any checking or such that is needed after processing the -m switches.
#: config/m88k/m88k.h:277
msgid "-mtrap-large-shift and -mhandle-large-shift are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.h:299
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid option `-mshort-data-%s'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: config/m88k/m88k.h:304
#, c-format
msgid "-mshort-data-%s is too large "
msgstr ""

#: config/m88k/m88k.h:306
#, c-format
msgid "-mshort-data-%s and PIC are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.c:3078
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid option `-mstack-increment=%s'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"-mstack-increment=%s\""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:126
msgid "Inline constants if it can be done in 2 insns or less"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:128
msgid "Inline constants if it only takes 1 instruction"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:130
msgid "Set maximum alignment to 4"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:132
msgid "Set maximum alignment to 8"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:136
msgid "Do not use the divide instruction"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:140
msgid "Do not arbitary sized immediates in bit operations"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:142
msgid "Always treat bit-field as int-sized"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:146
msgid "Force functions to be aligned to a 4 byte boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:148
msgid "Force functions to be aligned to a 2 byte boundary"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:150
msgid "Emit call graph information"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:154
msgid "Prefer word accesses over byte accesses"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:165
msgid "Generate code for the M*Core M340"
msgstr "Genrera kod f�r M*Core M340"

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:178
msgid "Maximum amount for a single stack increment operation"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5112
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mabi= switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5142
#, c-format
msgid "-mips%d conflicts with the other architecture options, which specify a MIPS%d processor"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5149
#, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for -mips switch"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5164
#, c-format
msgid "-march=%s is not compatible with the selected ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5176
msgid "-mgp64 used with a 32-bit processor"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5178
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mgp32 used with a 64-bit ABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd 64-bitars ABI"

#: config/mips/mips.c:5180
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mgp64 used with a 32-bit ABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd 32-bitars ABI"

#: config/mips/mips.c:5198 config/mips/mips.c:5200 config/mips/mips.c:5202
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unsupported combination: %s"
msgstr "ej st�dd version"

#: config/mips/mips.c:5272
msgid "generation of Branch Likely instructions enabled, but not supported by architecture"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5283
msgid "-G is incompatible with PIC code which is the default"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5299
msgid "-membedded-pic and -mabicalls are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5302
msgid "-G and -membedded-pic are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5353
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid option `entry%s'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5356
msgid "-mentry is only meaningful with -mips-16"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5761
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: %%) found without a %%( in assembler pattern"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5775
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: %%] found without a %%[ in assembler pattern"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5788
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: %%> found without a %%< in assembler pattern"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5801
#, c-format
msgid "internal error: %%} found without a %%{ in assembler pattern"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5815
#, c-format
msgid "PRINT_OPERAND: unknown punctuation '%c'"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5824 config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1939
msgid "PRINT_OPERAND null pointer"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:5955
#, c-format
msgid "invalid use of %%d, %%x, or %%X"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av %%d, %%x eller %%x"

#: config/mips/mips.c:5993 config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2033
msgid "PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS, null pointer"
msgstr "PRINT_OPERAND_ADDRESS, null-pekare"

#: config/mips/mips.c:6222
msgid "MIPS ECOFF format does not allow changing filenames within functions with #line"
msgstr ""

# fixme: spola tillbaka �r inte perfekt
#: config/mips/mips.c:6532
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't rewind temp file"
msgstr "kan inte spola tillbaka %s"

#: config/mips/mips.c:6536
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't write to output file"
msgstr "kan inte skriva till %s"

#: config/mips/mips.c:6539
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't read from temp file"
msgstr "kan inte l�sa fr�n %s"

#: config/mips/mips.c:6542
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't close temp file"
msgstr "kan inte st�nga %s"

#: config/mips/mips.c:6983
#, c-format
msgid "gp_offset (%ld) or end_offset (%ld) is less than zero"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:7092
#, c-format
msgid "fp_offset (%ld) or end_offset (%ld) is less than zero"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:9312
#, c-format
msgid "can not handle inconsistent calls to `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:10444
msgid "the cpu name must be lower case"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.c:10466
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value (%s) for %s"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde (%s) till flagga %s"

#. Target CPU builtins.
#. We do this here because __mips is defined below		 and so we can't use builtin_define_std.
#. Treat _R3000 and _R4000 like register-size defines,		 which is how they've historically been used.
#. Macros dependent on the C dialect.
#. Bizzare, but needed at least for Irix.
#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/mips/mips.h:528 config/mn10300/mn10300.h:64
msgid "No default crt0.o"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:530
msgid "Use 64-bit int type"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:532
msgid "Use 64-bit long type"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:534
msgid "Use 32-bit long type"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:536
msgid "Optimize lui/addiu address loads"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:538
msgid "Don't optimize lui/addiu address loads"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:540
msgid "Use MIPS as"
msgstr "Anv�nd GNU as"

#: config/mips/mips.h:542
msgid "Use GNU as"
msgstr "Anv�nd GNU as"

#: config/mips/mips.h:544
msgid "Use symbolic register names"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:546
msgid "Don't use symbolic register names"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:548 config/mips/mips.h:550
msgid "Use GP relative sdata/sbss sections"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:552 config/mips/mips.h:554
msgid "Don't use GP relative sdata/sbss sections"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:556
msgid "Output compiler statistics"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:558
msgid "Don't output compiler statistics"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:560
msgid "Don't optimize block moves"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:562
msgid "Optimize block moves"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:564
msgid "Use mips-tfile asm postpass"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:566
msgid "Don't use mips-tfile asm postpass"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of triplets in braces,
#. each triplet being { "NAME", VALUE, DOC }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear and DOC
#. is the documentation for --help (NULL if intentionally undocumented).
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/mips/mips.h:570 config/pdp11/pdp11.h:56
msgid "Use hardware floating point"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:572
msgid "Use 64-bit FP registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:574
msgid "Use 32-bit FP registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:576
msgid "Use 64-bit general registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:578
msgid "Use 32-bit general registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:580
msgid "Use Irix PIC"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:582
msgid "Don't use Irix PIC"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:584
msgid "Use indirect calls"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:586
msgid "Don't use indirect calls"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:588
msgid "Use embedded PIC"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:590
msgid "Don't use embedded PIC"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:592
msgid "Use ROM instead of RAM"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:594
msgid "Don't use ROM instead of RAM"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:596
msgid "Put uninitialized constants in ROM (needs -membedded-data)"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:598
msgid "Don't put uninitialized constants in ROM"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#: config/mips/mips.h:600 config/xtensa/xtensa.h:110
msgid "Use big-endian byte order"
msgstr "Anv�nd \"big endian\" byteordning"

#: config/mips/mips.h:602 config/xtensa/xtensa.h:112
msgid "Use little-endian byte order"
msgstr "Anv�nd \"little endian\" byteordning"

#: config/mips/mips.h:604
msgid "Use single (32-bit) FP only"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:606
msgid "Don't use single (32-bit) FP only"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:608
msgid "Use multiply accumulate"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:610
msgid "Don't use multiply accumulate"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:612 config/rs6000/rs6000.h:314
msgid "Don't generate fused multiply/add instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:614 config/rs6000/rs6000.h:312
msgid "Generate fused multiply/add instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:616
msgid "Work around early 4300 hardware bug"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:618
msgid "Don't work around early 4300 hardware bug"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:620
msgid "Trap on integer divide by zero"
msgstr "F�nga heltalsdivision med noll"

#: config/mips/mips.h:622
msgid "Don't trap on integer divide by zero"
msgstr "F�nga inte heltalsdivision med noll"

#: config/mips/mips.h:624
msgid "Trap on integer divide overflow"
msgstr "F�nga spill vid heltalsdivsion"

#: config/mips/mips.h:626
msgid "Don't trap on integer divide overflow"
msgstr "F�nga inte spill vid heltalsdivision"

#: config/mips/mips.h:628
msgid "Use Branch Likely instructions, overriding default for arch"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:630
msgid "Don't use Branch Likely instructions, overriding default for arch"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:744 config/pa/pa.h:296
msgid "Specify CPU for scheduling purposes"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:746
msgid "Specify CPU for code generation purposes"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:748
msgid "Specify an ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:750
msgid "Specify a Standard MIPS ISA"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:752
msgid "Use mips16 entry/exit psuedo ops"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:754
msgid "Don't use MIPS16 instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/mips/mips.h:756
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't call any cache flush functions"
msgstr "Inga anrop i funktion %s\n"

#: config/mips/mips.h:758
msgid "Specify cache flush function"
msgstr ""

#. Output assembler code to FILE to increment profiler label # LABELNO
#. for profiling a function entry.
#: config/mips/mips.h:2868
msgid "mips16 function profiling"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:189
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-f%s not supported: ignored"
msgstr "\"%s\" st�ds inte av %s"

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:644
#, c-format
msgid "too large function value type, needs %d registers, have only %d registers for this"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:826
msgid "function_profiler support for MMIX"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:848
msgid "MMIX Internal: Last named vararg would not fit in a register"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1639 config/mmix/mmix.c:1769
msgid "MMIX Internal: Expected a CONST_INT, not this"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1647 config/mmix/mmix.c:1671 config/mmix/mmix.c:1787
#, c-format
msgid "MMIX Internal: Bad register: %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1718
msgid "MMIX Internal: Bad value for 'm', not a CONST_INT"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1737
msgid "MMIX Internal: Expected a register, not this"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1747
msgid "MMIX Internal: Expected a constant, not this"
msgstr ""

#. Presumably there's a missing case above if we get here.
#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1779
#, c-format
msgid "MMIX Internal: Missing `%c' case in mmix_print_operand"
msgstr ""

#. We need the original here.
#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1831
msgid "MMIX Internal: Cannot decode this operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:1891
msgid "MMIX Internal: This is not a recognized address"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:2082
#, c-format
msgid "stack frame not a multiple of 8 bytes: %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:2321
#, c-format
msgid "stack frame not a multiple of octabyte: %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:2818 config/mmix/mmix.c:2887
#, c-format
msgid "MMIX Internal: %s is not a shiftable int"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:3006
msgid "MMIX Internal: Trying to output invalidly reversed condition:"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:3013
msgid "MMIX Internal: What's the CC of this?"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:3017
msgid "MMIX Internal: What is the CC of this?"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.c:3088
#, fuzzy
msgid "MMIX Internal: This is not a constant:"
msgstr "f�ltinitierare �r ej konstant"

#. For these target macros, there is no generic documentation here.  You
#. should read `Using and Porting GCC' for that.  Only comments specific
#. to the MMIX target are here.
#. There are however references to the specific texinfo node (comments
#. with "Node:"), so there should be little or nothing amiss.  Probably
#. the opposite, since we don't have to care about old littering and
#. soon outdated generic comments.
#. Node: Driver
#. User symbols are in the same name-space as built-in symbols, but we
#. don't need the built-in symbols, so remove those and instead apply
#. stricter operand checking.  Don't warn when expanding insns.
#. Pass on -mset-program-start=N and -mset-data-start=M to the linker.
#. Provide default program start 0x100 unless -mno-set-program-start.
#. Don't do this if linking relocatably, with -r.  For a final link,
#. produce mmo, unless ELF is requested or when linking relocatably.
#. Put unused option values here.
#: config/mmix/mmix.h:132
#, fuzzy
msgid "Set start-address of the program"
msgstr "tar adress till n�got tempor�rt"

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:134
msgid "Set start-address of data"
msgstr ""

#. FIXME: Provide a way to *load* the epsilon register.
#: config/mmix/mmix.h:198
msgid "For intrinsics library: pass all parameters in registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:201
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use register stack for parameters and return value"
msgstr "Anv�nd register f�r argumentskickning"

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:203
msgid "Use call-clobbered registers for parameters and return value"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:205
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use epsilon-respecting floating point compare instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd flyttalsinstruktioner i h�rdvara"

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:208
msgid "Use zero-extending memory loads, not sign-extending ones"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:211
msgid "Generate divide results with reminder having the same sign as the divisor (not the dividend)"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:215
msgid "Prepend global symbols with \":\" (for use with PREFIX)"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:217
msgid "Do not provide a default start-address 0x100 of the program"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:219
msgid "Link to emit program in ELF format (rather than mmo)"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:221
msgid "Use P-mnemonics for branches statically predicted as taken"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:223
msgid "Don't use P-mnemonics for branches"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:225
msgid "Use addresses that allocate global registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:227
msgid "Do not use addresses that allocate global registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:229
msgid "Generate a single exit point for each function"
msgstr ""

#: config/mmix/mmix.h:231
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate a single exit point for each function"
msgstr "Generera inte .size-direktiv"

#: config/mn10300/mn10300.h:59
msgid "Work around hardware multiply bug"
msgstr ""

#: config/mn10300/mn10300.h:60
msgid "Do not work around hardware multiply bug"
msgstr ""

#: config/mn10300/mn10300.h:61
msgid "Target the AM33 processor"
msgstr ""

#: config/mn10300/mn10300.h:65
msgid "Enable linker relaxations"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:142 config/s390/s390.h:69
msgid "Don't use hardware fp"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:143
msgid "Alternative calling convention"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:145
msgid "Pass some arguments in registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:146
msgid "Pass all arguments on stack"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:147
msgid "Optimize for 32532 cpu"
msgstr "Optimera f�r cpu 32532"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:148
msgid "Optimize for 32332 cpu"
msgstr "Optimera f�r cpu 32332"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:150
msgid "Optimize for 32032"
msgstr "Optimera f�r cpu 32032"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:152
msgid "Register sb is zero. Use for absolute addressing"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:153
msgid "Do not use register sb"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use bit-field instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:157
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use bit-field instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:158
msgid "Generate code for high memory"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:159
msgid "Generate code for low memory"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:160
msgid "32381 fpu"
msgstr "fpu 32381"

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:162
msgid "Use multiply-accumulate fp instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:164
msgid "Do not use multiply-accumulate fp instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:165
msgid "\"Small register classes\" kludge"
msgstr ""

#: config/ns32k/ns32k.h:166
msgid "No \"Small register classes\" kludge"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.c:246
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unknown -mschedule= option (%s).\n"
"Valid options are 700, 7100, 7100LC, 7200, 7300, and 8000\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.c:271
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unknown -march= option (%s).\n"
"Valid options are 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.c:284
msgid "PIC code generation is not supported in the portable runtime model\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.c:289
msgid "PIC code generation is not compatible with fast indirect calls\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.c:294
msgid "-g is only supported when using GAS on this processor,"
msgstr "-g st�ds bara n�r man anv�nder GAS p� denna processor,"

#: config/pa/pa.c:295
#, fuzzy
msgid "-g option disabled"
msgstr "flaggan -g �r avslagen."

#: config/pa/pa-hiux.h:75 config/pa/pa-hpux.h:80 config/pa/pa-hpux7.h:81
#: config/pa/pa64-hpux.h:25
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate cpp defines for server IO"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r en given CPU"

#: config/pa/pa-hiux.h:76 config/pa/pa-hpux.h:81 config/pa/pa-hpux7.h:82
#: config/pa/pa64-hpux.h:27
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate cpp defines for workstation IO"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r 11/40"

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.  This is a
#. list in braces of target switches with each switch being
#. { "NAME", VALUE, "HELP_STRING" }.  VALUE is the bits to set,
#. or minus the bits to clear.  An empty string NAME is used to
#. identify the default VALUE.  Do not mark empty strings for
#. translation.
#: config/pa/pa.h:218 config/pa/pa.h:224
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate PA1.1 code"
msgstr "Generera CA-kod"

#: config/pa/pa.h:220 config/pa/pa.h:222
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate PA1.0 code"
msgstr "Generera CA-kod"

#: config/pa/pa.h:226
msgid "Generate PA2.0 code (requires binutils 2.10 or later)"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:228
msgid "Disable FP regs"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:230
msgid "Do not disable FP regs"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:232
msgid "Disable space regs"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:234
msgid "Do not disable space regs"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:236
msgid "Put jumps in call delay slots"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:238
msgid "Do not put jumps in call delay slots"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:240
#, fuzzy
msgid "Disable indexed addressing"
msgstr "ogiltig kod"

#: config/pa/pa.h:242
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not disable indexed addressing"
msgstr "ok�nt registernamn: %s"

#: config/pa/pa.h:244
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use portable calling conventions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/pa/pa.h:246
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use portable calling conventions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/pa/pa.h:248
msgid "Assume code will be assembled by GAS"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:250
msgid "Do not assume code will be assembled by GAS"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:254
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use software floating point"
msgstr "Anv�nd mjukvaruflytttal"

#: config/pa/pa.h:256
msgid "Emit long load/store sequences"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:258
msgid "Do not emit long load/store sequences"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:260
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate fast indirect calls"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/pa/pa.h:262
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate fast indirect calls"
msgstr "Generera inte .size-direktiv"

#: config/pa/pa.h:264
#, fuzzy
msgid "Generate code for huge switch statements"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/pa/pa.h:266
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not generate code for huge switch statements"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/pa/pa.h:268
#, fuzzy
msgid "Always generate long calls"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r Intel as"

#: config/pa/pa.h:270
msgid "Generate long calls only when needed"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa.h:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable linker optimizations"
msgstr "inkompatibla typer i %s"

#: config/pa/pa.h:298
msgid "Specify architecture for code generation.  Values are 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0.  2.0 requires gas snapshot 19990413 or later."
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa64-hpux.h:29
msgid "Assume code will be linked by GNU ld"
msgstr ""

#: config/pa/pa64-hpux.h:31
msgid "Assume code will be linked by HP ld"
msgstr ""

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:57
msgid "Do not use hardware floating point"
msgstr ""

#. return float result in ac0
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:59
msgid "Return floating point results in ac0"
msgstr ""

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:60
msgid "Return floating point results in memory"
msgstr ""

#. is 11/40
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:62
msgid "Generate code for an 11/40"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r 11/40"

#. is 11/45
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:65
msgid "Generate code for an 11/45"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r 11/45"

#. is 11/10
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:68
msgid "Generate code for an 11/10"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r 11/10"

#. use movstrhi for bcopy
#. use 32 bit for int
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:73 config/pdp11/pdp11.h:74
msgid "Use 32 bit int"
msgstr "Anv�nd 32 bits int"

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:75 config/pdp11/pdp11.h:76
msgid "Use 16 bit int"
msgstr "Anv�nd 16 bits int"

#. use 32 bit for float
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:78 config/pdp11/pdp11.h:79
msgid "Use 32 bit float"
msgstr "Anv�nd 32 bits float"

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:80 config/pdp11/pdp11.h:81
msgid "Use 64 bit float"
msgstr "Anv�nd 64 bits float"

#. allow abshi pattern? - can trigger "optimizations" which make code SLOW!
#. is branching expensive - on a PDP, it's actually really cheap
#. this is just to play around and check what code gcc generates
#. split instruction and data memory?
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:90
msgid "Target has split I&D"
msgstr ""

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:91
msgid "Target does not have split I&D"
msgstr ""

#. UNIX assembler syntax?
#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:93
msgid "Use UNIX assembler syntax"
msgstr "Anv�nd assemblersyntax f�r UNIX"

#: config/pdp11/pdp11.h:94
msgid "Use DEC assembler syntax"
msgstr "Anv�nd assemblersyntax f�r DEC"

#: config/romp/romp.c:717 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7718
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%S value"
msgstr ""

#: config/romp/romp.c:726 config/romp/romp.c:733
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%b value"
msgstr ""

#: config/romp/romp.c:773 config/romp/romp.c:784
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%z value"
msgstr ""

#: config/romp/romp.c:792 config/romp/romp.c:800
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%Z value"
msgstr ""

#: config/romp/romp.c:807 config/romp/romp.c:816 config/romp/romp.c:823
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7547
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%k value"
msgstr ""

#: config/romp/romp.c:908 config/romp/romp.c:951
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%j value"
msgstr ""

#. Perform any needed actions needed for a function that is receiving a
#. variable number of arguments.
#. CUM is as above.
#. MODE and TYPE are the mode and type of the current parameter.
#. PRETEND_SIZE is a variable that should be set to the amount of stack
#. that must be pushed by the prolog to pretend that our caller pushed
#. it.
#. Normally, this macro will push all remaining incoming registers on the
#. stack and set PRETEND_SIZE to the length of the registers pushed.
#: config/romp/romp.h:648
msgid "can't have varargs with -mfp-arg-in-fp-regs"
msgstr ""

#. Handle the machine specific pragma longcall.  Its syntax is
#. # pragma longcall ( TOGGLE )
#. where TOGGLE is either 0 or 1.
#. rs6000_default_long_calls is set to the value of TOGGLE, changing
#. whether or not new function declarations receive a longcall
#. attribute by default.
#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:44
#, fuzzy
msgid "ignoring malformed #pragma longcall"
msgstr "ignorerar #pragma %s"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:58
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing open paren"
msgstr "heltalsspill i uttryck"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:60
msgid "missing number"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:62
msgid "missing close paren"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:65
msgid "number must be 0 or 1"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000-c.c:68
#, fuzzy
msgid "junk at end of #pragma longcall"
msgstr "skr�p vid slutet av #pragma weak"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:588
msgid "-mmultiple is not supported on little endian systems"
msgstr "-mmultiple st�ds inte p� \"little endian\"-system"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:595
msgid "-mstring is not supported on little endian systems"
msgstr "-mstring st�ds inte p� \"little endian\"-system"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:619
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown -mdebug-%s switch"
msgstr "Ok�nd flagga -mdebug-%s"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:631
#, c-format
msgid "unknown -mtraceback arg `%s'; expecting `full', `partial' or `none'"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:642
#, c-format
msgid "Unknown switch -mlong-double-%s"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:734
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown -misel= option specified: '%s'"
msgstr "ok�nt maskinl�ge `%s'"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown -mvrsave= option specified: '%s'"
msgstr "ok�nt maskinl�ge `%s'"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:768
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unknown ABI specified: '%s'"
msgstr "ok�nt maskinl�ge `%s'"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4169
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 1 must be a 5-bit signed literal"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4276 config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4866
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 2 must be a 5-bit unsigned literal"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4319
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate must be a constant"
msgstr "argumentet till \"__builtin_eh_return_regno\" m�ste vara konstant"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4373
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 1 of __builtin_altivec_predicate is out of range"
msgstr "argument till \"__builtin_args_info\" �r utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4452
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 3 must be a 4-bit unsigned literal"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4629
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "argument to `%s' must be a 2-bit unsigned literal"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4745
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument to dss must be a 2-bit unsigned literal"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:4976
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate must be a constant"
msgstr "argumentet till \"__builtin_eh_return_regno\" m�ste vara konstant"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:5049
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument 1 of __builtin_spe_predicate is out of range"
msgstr "argument till \"__builtin_args_info\" �r utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7474
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%f value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7483
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%F value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7492
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%G value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7527
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%j code"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7537
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%J code"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7567
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%K value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7634
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%O value"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%O-v�rde"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7756
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%T value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7766
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%u value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:7775
#, c-format
msgid "invalid %%v value"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.c:12180
msgid "no profiling of 64-bit code for this ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix.h:160 config/rs6000/beos.h:32
msgid "Always pass floating-point arguments in memory"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix.h:162 config/rs6000/beos.h:34
msgid "Don't always pass floating-point arguments in memory"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix41.h:28 config/rs6000/aix43.h:32 config/rs6000/aix51.h:32
#: config/rs6000/aix52.h:32
msgid "Support message passing with the Parallel Environment"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix43.h:28 config/rs6000/aix51.h:28 config/rs6000/aix52.h:28
msgid "Compile for 64-bit pointers"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix43.h:30 config/rs6000/aix51.h:30 config/rs6000/aix52.h:30
msgid "Compile for 32-bit pointers"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix43.h:49 config/rs6000/aix51.h:49 config/rs6000/aix52.h:49
#, fuzzy
msgid "-maix64 and POWER architecture are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/aix43.h:54 config/rs6000/aix51.h:54 config/rs6000/aix52.h:54
msgid "-maix64 requires PowerPC64 architecture remain enabled"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/aix43.h:58 config/rs6000/aix51.h:58 config/rs6000/aix52.h:58
msgid "-maix64 required: 64-bit computation with 32-bit addressing not yet supported"
msgstr ""

#. Run-time compilation parameters selecting different hardware subsets.
#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:240
msgid "Use POWER instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:243
msgid "Use POWER2 instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:245
msgid "Do not use POWER2 instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:248
msgid "Do not use POWER instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:250
msgid "Use PowerPC instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:253
msgid "Do not use PowerPC instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:255
msgid "Use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:257
msgid "Don't use PowerPC General Purpose group optional instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:259
msgid "Use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:261
msgid "Don't use PowerPC Graphics group optional instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:263
msgid "Use PowerPC-64 instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:265
msgid "Don't use PowerPC-64 instruction set"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:267
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use AltiVec instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:269
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't use AltiVec instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:271
msgid "Use new mnemonics for PowerPC architecture"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:273
msgid "Use old mnemonics for PowerPC architecture"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:276
msgid "Put everything in the regular TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:278
msgid "Place floating point constants in TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:280
msgid "Don't place floating point constants in TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:282
msgid "Place symbol+offset constants in TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:284
msgid "Don't place symbol+offset constants in TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:290
msgid "Place variable addresses in the regular TOC"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:296
msgid "Generate load/store multiple instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:298
msgid "Do not generate load/store multiple instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:302
msgid "Generate string instructions for block moves"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:304
msgid "Do not generate string instructions for block moves"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:308
msgid "Generate load/store with update instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:310
msgid "Do not generate load/store with update instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:318
msgid "Don't schedule the start and end of the procedure"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:324
msgid "Return all structures in memory (AIX default)"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:326
msgid "Return small structures in registers (SVR4 default)"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:391 config/sparc/sparc.h:633
msgid "Use features of and schedule code for given CPU"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:394
msgid "Enable debug output"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:396
msgid "Select full, part, or no traceback table"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:397
msgid "Specify ABI to use"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:399
#, fuzzy
msgid "Specify size of long double (64 or 128 bits)"
msgstr "sizeof(long double) �r 12."

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:401
msgid "Specify yes/no if isel instructions should be generated"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:403
msgid "Specify yes/no if VRSAVE instructions should be generated for AltiVec"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:405
msgid "Avoid all range limits on call instructions"
msgstr ""

#. Definitions for __builtin_return_address and __builtin_frame_address.
#. __builtin_return_address (0) should give link register (65), enable
#. this.
#. This should be uncommented, so that the link register is used, but
#. currently this would result in unmatched insns and spilling fixed
#. registers so we'll leave it for another day.  When these problems are
#. taken care of one additional fetch will be necessary in RETURN_ADDR_RTX.
#. (mrs)
#. Number of bytes into the frame return addresses can be found.  See
#. rs6000_stack_info in rs6000.c for more information on how the different
#. abi's store the return address.
#: config/rs6000/rs6000.h:1869
msgid "RETURN_ADDRESS_OFFSET not supported"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:87
msgid "Select ABI calling convention"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:88
msgid "Select method for sdata handling"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:103
msgid "Align to the base type of the bit-field"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:105
msgid "Don't align to the base type of the bit-field"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:107
msgid "Don't assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:109
msgid "Assume that unaligned accesses are handled by the system"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:111 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:115
msgid "Produce code relocatable at runtime"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:113 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:117
msgid "Don't produce code relocatable at runtime"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:119 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:121
#, fuzzy
msgid "Produce little endian code"
msgstr "Skapa \"little endian\"-kod."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:123 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:125
#, fuzzy
msgid "Produce big endian code"
msgstr "Skapa \"big endian\"-kod."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:126 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:127
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:128 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:129
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:130 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:131
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:141 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:142
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:153 config/rs6000/sysv4.h:155
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:157
msgid "no description yet"
msgstr "ingen beskriving �nnu"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:132
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use EABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd EABI."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:133
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't use EABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte EABI."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:136
msgid "Do not allow bit-fields to cross word boundaries"
msgstr ""

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:138
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use alternate register names"
msgstr "Anv�nd alternativa registernamn."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't use alternate register names"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte alternativa registernamn."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:144
#, fuzzy
msgid "Link with libsim.a, libc.a and sim-crt0.o"
msgstr "L�nka med libsim.a, libc.a och sim-crt0.o."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:146
#, fuzzy
msgid "Link with libads.a, libc.a and crt0.o"
msgstr "L�nka med libads.a, libc.a och crt0.o."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Link with libyk.a, libc.a and crt0.o"
msgstr "L�nka med libyk.a, libc.a och crt0.o."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Link with libmvme.a, libc.a and crt0.o"
msgstr "L�nka med libmvme.a, libc.a och crt0.o."

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:152
msgid "Set the PPC_EMB bit in the ELF flags header"
msgstr "S�tt biten PPC_EMB i ELF:s flaggf�lt"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:154
msgid "Use the WindISS simulator"
msgstr ""

#. Sometimes certain combinations of command options do not make sense
#. on a particular target machine.  You can define a macro
#. `OVERRIDE_OPTIONS' to take account of this.  This macro, if
#. defined, is executed once just after all the command options have
#. been parsed.
#. The macro SUBTARGET_OVERRIDE_OPTIONS is provided for subtargets, to
#. get control.
#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:214
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value for -mcall-%s"
msgstr "Felaktigt v�rde f�r -mcall-%s"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:230
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "bad value for -msdata=%s"
msgstr "Felaktigt v�rde f�r -msdata-%s"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:247
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-mrelocatable and -msdata=%s are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:255
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-f%s and -msdata=%s are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:263
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-msdata=%s and -mcall-%s are incompatible"
msgstr "-mbsd och -mxopen �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:272
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mrelocatable and -mno-minimal-toc are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:278
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-mrelocatable and -mcall-%s are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:285
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "-fPIC and -mcall-%s are incompatible"
msgstr "-fpic och -mapcs-reent �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/sysv4.h:292
msgid "-mcall-aixdesc must be big endian"
msgstr "-mcall-aixdesc m�ste vara \"big endian\""

#: config/s390/s390.c:2584
msgid "invalid UNSPEC as operand (1)"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.c:2620
msgid "invalid UNSPEC as operand (2)"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.c:2626
msgid "UNKNOWN in s390_output_symbolic_const !?"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.c:2644
msgid "Cannot decompose address."
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.c:2784
msgid "UNKNOWN in print_operand !?"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.c:4421
msgid "Total size of local variables exceeds architecture limit."
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:70
msgid "Set backchain"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:71
msgid "Don't set backchain (faster, but debug harder"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:72
msgid "Use bras for execucable < 64k"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:73
#, fuzzy
msgid "Don't use bras"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte EABI."

#: config/s390/s390.h:74
msgid "Additional debug prints"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:75
msgid "Don't print additional debug prints"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:76
msgid "64 bit mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:77
msgid "31 bit mode"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:78
msgid "mvcle use"
msgstr ""

#: config/s390/s390.h:79
msgid "mvc&ex"
msgstr ""

#: config/sh/sh.c:5134
#, fuzzy
msgid "__builtin_saveregs not supported by this subtarget"
msgstr "__builtin_saveregs st�ds inte p� denna m�larkitektur"

#: config/sh/sh.c:5684
msgid "attribute interrupt_handler is not compatible with -m5-compact"
msgstr ""

#. The sp_switch attribute only has meaning for interrupt functions.
#: config/sh/sh.c:5710 config/sh/sh.c:5749
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute only applies to interrupt functions"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktioner"

#. The argument must be a constant string.
#: config/sh/sh.c:5717
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute argument not a string constant"
msgstr "%s f�re str�ngkonstant"

#. The argument must be a constant integer.
#: config/sh/sh.c:5756
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute argument not an integer constant"
msgstr "case-etikett reducerar inte till en heltalskonstant"

#. There are no delay slots on SHmedia.
#. Relaxation isn't yet supported for SHmedia
#: config/sh/sh.h:437
#, fuzzy
msgid "Profiling is not supported on this target."
msgstr "__builtin_saveregs st�ds inte p� denna m�larkitektur"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:329
#, c-format
msgid "%s is not supported by this configuration"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:336
msgid "-mlong-double-64 not allowed with -m64"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:361
msgid "-mcmodel= is not supported on 32 bit systems"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6299 config/sparc/sparc.c:6305
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%Y operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6375
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%A operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6385
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%B operand"
msgstr "ogiltigt v�rde %%B"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6424
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%c operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6425
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%C operand"
msgstr "ogiltigt %%C-v�rde"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6446
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%d operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6447
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%D operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6463
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid %%f operand"
msgstr "ogiltig %%-kod"

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6513
msgid "long long constant not a valid immediate operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.c:6516
msgid "floating point constant not a valid immediate operand"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/freebsd.h:80 config/sparc/linux.h:87 config/sparc/linux64.h:89
#: config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h:239
msgid "Use 128 bit long doubles"
msgstr "Anv�nd 128 bit long double"

#: config/sparc/sp64-elf.h:84 config/sparc/splet.h:29
msgid "Generate code for big endian"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"big endian\""

#: config/sparc/sp64-elf.h:85 config/sparc/splet.h:30
msgid "Generate code for little endian"
msgstr "Generera kod f�r \"little endian\""

#: config/sparc/sp86x-aout.h:51 config/sparc/sp86x-elf.h:65
msgid "Use little-endian byte order for data"
msgstr "Anv�nd \"little endian\" byteordning f�r data"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:532
msgid "Assume possible double misalignment"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:534
msgid "Assume all doubles are aligned"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:536
msgid "Pass -assert pure-text to linker"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:538
msgid "Do not pass -assert pure-text to linker"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:540
msgid "Use flat register window model"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:542
msgid "Do not use flat register window model"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:544
msgid "Use ABI reserved registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:546
msgid "Do not use ABI reserved registers"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:548
msgid "Use hardware quad fp instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:550
msgid "Do not use hardware quad fp instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:552
msgid "Compile for v8plus ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:554
msgid "Do not compile for v8plus ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:556
msgid "Utilize Visual Instruction Set"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:558
msgid "Do not utilize Visual Instruction Set"
msgstr ""

#. ??? These are deprecated, coerced to -mcpu=.  Delete in 2.9.
#: config/sparc/sparc.h:561
msgid "Optimize for Cypress processors"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:563
#, fuzzy
msgid "Optimize for SPARCLite processors"
msgstr "Kompilera f�r processorn v850"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:565
msgid "Optimize for F930 processors"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:567
msgid "Optimize for F934 processors"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:569
msgid "Use V8 SPARC ISA"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:571
msgid "Optimize for SuperSPARC processors"
msgstr ""

#. End of deprecated options.
#: config/sparc/sparc.h:574
msgid "Pointers are 64-bit"
msgstr "Pekare �r 64-bitars"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:576
msgid "Pointers are 32-bit"
msgstr "Pekare �r 32-bitars"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:578
msgid "Use 32-bit ABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd 32-bitars ABI"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:580
msgid "Use 64-bit ABI"
msgstr "Anv�nd 64-bitars ABI"

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:582
msgid "Use stack bias"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:584
msgid "Do not use stack bias"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:586
msgid "Use structs on stronger alignment for double-word copies"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:588
msgid "Do not use structs on stronger alignment for double-word copies"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:590
msgid "Optimize tail call instructions in assembler and linker"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:592
msgid "Do not optimize tail call instructions in assembler or linker"
msgstr ""

#: config/sparc/sparc.h:637
msgid "Use given SPARC code model"
msgstr ""

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1192
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot use va_start in interrupt function"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera en statisk funktion i en annan funktion"

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1552
#, fuzzy
msgid "`B' operand is not constant"
msgstr "f�ltinitierare �r ej konstant"

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1558
msgid "`B' operand has multiple bits set"
msgstr ""

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1585
#, fuzzy
msgid "`o' operand is not constant"
msgstr "f�ltinitierare �r ej konstant"

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1600
msgid "xstormy16_print_operand: unknown code"
msgstr ""

#: config/stormy16/stormy16.c:1650
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "switch statement of size %lu entries too large"
msgstr "storleken p� variabel \"%s\" �r f�r stor"

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:67
msgid "#pragma GHS endXXXX found without previous startXXX"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:69
msgid "#pragma GHS endXXX does not match previous startXXX"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:94
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot set interrupt attribute: no current function"
msgstr "Ignorera attributet dllimport f�r funktioner"

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:102
msgid "cannot set interrupt attribute: no such identifier"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:148
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs section"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:165
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unrecognized section name \"%s\""
msgstr "K�nner inte igen sektionsnamn \"%s\""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:180
msgid "malformed #pragma ghs section"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:200
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs interrupt"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:212
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs starttda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:224
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs startsda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:236
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs startzda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:248
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs endtda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:260
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs endsda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850-c.c:272
msgid "junk at end of #pragma ghs endzda"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:129
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s=%s is not numeric"
msgstr "%s=%s �r f�r stor."

#: config/v850/v850.c:136
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s=%s is too large"
msgstr "%s=%s �r f�r stor."

#: config/v850/v850.c:302
msgid "const_double_split got a bad insn:"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:837
msgid "output_move_single:"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:2217
msgid "a data area attribute cannot be specified for local variables"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:2228
#, c-format
msgid "data area of '%s' conflicts with previous declaration"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:2447
#, c-format
msgid "bogus JR construction: %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:2468 config/v850/v850.c:2670
#, c-format
msgid "bad amount of stack space removal: %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:2646
#, c-format
msgid "bogus JARL construction: %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:3026
#, c-format
msgid "Bogus DISPOSE construction: %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:3048
#, c-format
msgid "Too much stack space to dispose of: %d"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:3224
#, c-format
msgid "Bogus PREPEARE construction: %d\n"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.c:3246
#, c-format
msgid "Too much stack space to prepare: %d"
msgstr ""

#. Macro to define tables used to set the flags.
#. This is a list in braces of pairs in braces,
#. each pair being { "NAME", VALUE }
#. where VALUE is the bits to set or minus the bits to clear.
#. An empty string NAME is used to identify the default VALUE.
#: config/v850/v850.h:158
msgid "Support Green Hills ABI"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:161
msgid "Prohibit PC relative function calls"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:164
msgid "Reuse r30 on a per function basis"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:167
msgid "Use stubs for function prologues"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:170
msgid "Same as: -mep -mprolog-function"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:171
msgid "Enable backend debugging"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:173
msgid "Compile for the v850 processor"
msgstr "Kompilera f�r processorn v850"

#: config/v850/v850.h:175
#, fuzzy
msgid "Compile for v850e processor"
msgstr "Kompilera f�r processorn v850"

#. Make sure that the other bits are cleared.
#: config/v850/v850.h:177
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enable the use of the short load instructions"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte bitf�ltsinstruktioner"

#: config/v850/v850.h:180
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the callt instruction"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/v850/v850.h:187
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use registers r2 and r5"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte register f�r argumentskickning"

#: config/v850/v850.h:189
#, fuzzy
msgid "Enfore strict alignment"
msgstr "Generera inte kod f�r stackkontroll"

#: config/v850/v850.h:192
msgid "Use 4 byte entries in switch tables"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:218
msgid "Set the max size of data eligible for the TDA area"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:221
msgid "Set the max size of data eligible for the SDA area"
msgstr ""

#: config/v850/v850.h:224
msgid "Set the max size of data eligible for the ZDA area"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1062 config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1096
#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1105
msgid "bad test"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1824
msgid "boolean registers required for the floating-point option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:1991
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid mask"
msgstr "ogiltigt #pragma %s"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2038
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid address"
msgstr "ogiltig kod"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2063
#, fuzzy
msgid "no register in address"
msgstr "ok�nt registernamn: %s"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2071
#, fuzzy
msgid "address offset not a constant"
msgstr "efterfr�gad minnesjustering �r inte konstant"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.c:2809
#, fuzzy
msgid "only uninitialized variables can be placed in a .bss section"
msgstr "Initiera bara variabler som kan placeras i 8-bits omr�det."

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:114
msgid "Use the Xtensa code density option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:116
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa code density option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:118
msgid "Use the Xtensa MAC16 option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:120
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa MAC16 option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:122
msgid "Use the Xtensa MUL16 option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:124
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa MUL16 option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:126
msgid "Use the Xtensa MUL32 option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:128
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa MUL32 option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:134
msgid "Use the Xtensa NSA option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:136
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa NSA option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:138
msgid "Use the Xtensa MIN/MAX option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:140
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa MIN/MAX option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:142
msgid "Use the Xtensa SEXT option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:144
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa SEXT option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:146
msgid "Use the Xtensa boolean register option"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:148
#, fuzzy
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa boolean register option"
msgstr "Anv�nd inte divisionsinstruktionen"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:150
#, fuzzy
msgid "Use the Xtensa floating-point unit"
msgstr "Anv�nd mjukvaruflytttal"

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:152
msgid "Do not use the Xtensa floating-point unit"
msgstr ""

#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#. undocumented
#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:170
msgid "Disable fused multiply/add and multiply/subtract FP instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:172
msgid "Enable fused multiply/add and multiply/subtract FP instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:174
msgid "Serialize volatile memory references with MEMW instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:176
msgid "Do not serialize volatile memory references with MEMW instructions"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:178
msgid "Intersperse literal pools with code in the text section"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:180
msgid "Put literal pools in a separate literal section"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:182
msgid "Automatically align branch targets to reduce branch penalties"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:184
msgid "Do not automatically align branch targets"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:186
msgid "Use indirect CALLXn instructions for large programs"
msgstr ""

#: config/xtensa/xtensa.h:188
msgid "Use direct CALLn instructions for fast calls"
msgstr ""

#: ada/misc.c:233
msgid "`-gnat' misspelled as `-gant'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:258 cp/init.c:1587
msgid "qualified type `%T' does not match destructor name `~%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:267
msgid "type of `%E' does not match destructor type `%T' (type was `%T')"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:276
msgid "`%D' is a namespace"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:284
msgid "base object `%E' of scoped method call is of non-aggregate type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:366
msgid "unable to call pointer to member function here"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:515
msgid "destructors take no parameters"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:519
msgid "destructor name `~%T' does not match type `%T' of expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:535 cp/call.c:4857
msgid "request for member `%D' in `%E', which is of non-aggregate type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:557
#, fuzzy
msgid "request for member `%D' is ambiguous"
msgstr "%s: flaggan \"%s\" �r tvetydig\n"

#: cp/call.c:2446
msgid "%s %D(%T, %T, %T) <built-in>"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2451
msgid "%s %D(%T, %T) <built-in>"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2455
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s %D(%T) <built-in>"
msgstr "<inbyggd>"

#: cp/call.c:2459
msgid "%s %T <conversion>"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2461
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s %+#D%s"
msgstr "%s: %s"

#: cp/call.c:2615
#, fuzzy
msgid "conversion from `%T' to `%T' is ambiguous"
msgstr "%s: flaggan \"%s\" �r tvetydig\n"

#: cp/call.c:2690
msgid "incomplete type '%T' cannot be used to name a scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2706 cp/typeck.c:2176 cp/typeck.c:2205
#, fuzzy
msgid "'%D' has no member named '%E'"
msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:2812
msgid "no matching function for call to `%D(%A)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2823 cp/call.c:4948
msgid "call of overloaded `%D(%A)' is ambiguous"
msgstr ""

#. It's no good looking for an overloaded operator() on a
#. pointer-to-member-function.
#: cp/call.c:2850
#, c-format
msgid "pointer-to-member function %E cannot be called without an object; consider using .* or ->*"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2920
msgid "no match for call to `(%T) (%A)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2930
#, fuzzy
msgid "call of `(%T) (%A)' is ambiguous"
msgstr "%s: flaggan \"%s\" �r tvetydig\n"

#: cp/call.c:2965
msgid "%s for `%T ? %T : %T' operator"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2970
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s for `%T %s' operator"
msgstr "%s f�re symbolen \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:2973
msgid "%s for `%T [%T]' operator"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:2978
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s for `%T %s %T' operator"
msgstr "%s f�re symbolen \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:2981
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s for `%s %T' operator"
msgstr "%s f�re symbolen \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:3071
msgid "ISO C++ forbids omitting the middle term of a ?: expression"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder uteslutande av mittersta termen i ett ?: uttryck"

#: cp/call.c:3130
#, c-format
msgid "`%E' has type `void' and is not a throw-expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3163 cp/call.c:3363
msgid "operands to ?: have different types"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3316
#, fuzzy
msgid "enumeral mismatch in conditional expression: `%T' vs `%T'"
msgstr "typfel i villkorsuttryck"

#: cp/call.c:3323
#, fuzzy
msgid "enumeral and non-enumeral type in conditional expression"
msgstr "typ signed och unsigned i villkorsuttryck"

#: cp/call.c:3405
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must be declared before use"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r tidigare deklarerad h�r"

#: cp/call.c:3604
msgid "no `%D(int)' declared for postfix `%s', trying prefix operator instead"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3651
msgid "using synthesized `%#D' for copy assignment"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3653
msgid "  where cfront would use `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3680
#, fuzzy
msgid "comparison between `%#T' and `%#T'"
msgstr "j�mf�reslse mellan signed och unsigned"

#: cp/call.c:3919
msgid "no suitable `operator delete' for `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3938
msgid "`%+#D' is private"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3940
msgid "`%+#D' is protected"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3942
msgid "`%+#D' is inaccessible"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3943
msgid "within this context"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:3985
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid conversion from `%T' to `%T'"
msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#: cp/call.c:3987 cp/call.c:4126 cp/call.c:4128
#, fuzzy
msgid "  initializing argument %P of `%D'"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument till \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:4050 cp/call.c:4054
msgid "  initializing argument %P of `%D' from result of `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:4060 cp/call.c:4063
msgid "  initializing temporary from result of `%D'"
msgstr ""

#. Undefined behavior [expr.call] 5.2.2/7.  We used to just warn
#. here and do a bitwise copy, but now cp_expr_size will abort if we
#. try to do that.
#: cp/call.c:4215
msgid "cannot pass objects of non-POD type `%#T' through `...'; call will abort at runtime"
msgstr ""

#. Undefined behavior [expr.call] 5.2.2/7.
#: cp/call.c:4242
msgid "cannot receive objects of non-POD type `%#T' through `...'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:4422
msgid "passing `%T' as `this' argument of `%#D' discards qualifiers"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:4656
#, fuzzy
msgid "could not find class$ field in java interface type `%T'"
msgstr "ingen superklass deklarerad i interface f�r \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:4831
#, fuzzy
msgid "call to non-function `%D'"
msgstr "Inga anrop i funktion %s\n"

#: cp/call.c:4937
msgid "no matching function for call to `%T::%D(%A)%#V'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:4967
msgid "cannot call member function `%D' without object"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:5580
msgid "passing `%T' chooses `%T' over `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:5582 cp/decl2.c:4081
#, fuzzy
msgid "  in call to `%D'"
msgstr "kan inte inline:a anrop till \"%s\""

#: cp/call.c:5631 cp/call.c:5756
msgid "choosing `%D' over `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:5632
#, fuzzy
msgid "  for conversion from `%T' to `%T'"
msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#: cp/call.c:5634
msgid "  because conversion sequence for the argument is better"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:5758
msgid "  because worst conversion for the former is better than worst conversion for the latter"
msgstr ""

#: cp/call.c:5874 cp/call.c:5895
#, fuzzy
msgid "could not convert `%E' to `%T'"
msgstr "kunde inte �ppna dump-fil \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:286
msgid "cannot convert from base `%T' to derived type `%T' via virtual base `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:943
msgid "`%#D' and `%#D' cannot be overloaded"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1027
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate enum value `%D'"
msgstr "upprepat case-v�rde"

#: cp/class.c:1030
msgid "duplicate field `%D' (as enum and non-enum)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1037
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate nested type `%D'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:1048
msgid "duplicate field `%D' (as type and non-type)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1052
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate member `%D'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:1095
msgid "conflicting access specifications for method `%D', ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1097
#, c-format
msgid "conflicting access specifications for field `%s', ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1142
msgid "`%D' names constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1147
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' invalid in `%T'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:1155
msgid "no members matching `%D' in `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1187 cp/class.c:1195
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' invalid in `%#T'"
msgstr "Ogiltig flagga \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:1188
msgid "  because of local method `%#D' with same name"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1196
msgid "  because of local member `%#D' with same name"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1268
msgid "base class `%#T' has a non-virtual destructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1288
msgid "base `%T' with only non-default constructor in class without a constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1860
msgid "all member functions in class `%T' are private"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1874
msgid "`%#T' only defines a private destructor and has no friends"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:1917
msgid "`%#T' only defines private constructors and has no friends"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2038 cp/class.c:5172
#, fuzzy
msgid "redefinition of `%#T'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:2039
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous definition of `%#T'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:2313
msgid "no unique final overrider for `%D' in `%T'"
msgstr ""

#. Here we know it is a hider, and no overrider exists.
#: cp/class.c:2652
msgid "`%D' was hidden"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2653
msgid "  by `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2695
msgid "ISO C++ forbids member `%D' with same name as enclosing class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2700 cp/decl2.c:1327
msgid "`%#D' invalid; an anonymous union can only have non-static data members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2706 cp/decl2.c:1333
msgid "private member `%#D' in anonymous union"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2709 cp/decl2.c:1335
msgid "protected member `%#D' in anonymous union"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2834
msgid "vtable layout for class `%T' may not be ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCC due to implicit virtual destructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:2898
#, fuzzy
msgid "bit-field `%#D' with non-integral type"
msgstr "bitf�lt \"%s\" har en icke godk�nd typ"

#: cp/class.c:2918
#, fuzzy
msgid "bit-field `%D' width not an integer constant"
msgstr "tre \"l\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#: cp/class.c:2924
#, fuzzy
msgid "negative width in bit-field `%D'"
msgstr "negativ storlek i bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:2929
#, fuzzy
msgid "zero width for bit-field `%D'"
msgstr "Storleken noll p� bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:2935
#, fuzzy
msgid "width of `%D' exceeds its type"
msgstr "storleken p� \"%s\" �r st�rre �n sin typ"

#: cp/class.c:2944
msgid "`%D' is too small to hold all values of `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3028
msgid "member `%#D' with constructor not allowed in union"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3031
msgid "member `%#D' with destructor not allowed in union"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3034
msgid "member `%#D' with copy assignment operator not allowed in union"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3061
msgid "multiple fields in union `%T' initialized"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3183
msgid "field `%D' in local class cannot be static"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3189
#, fuzzy
msgid "field `%D' invalidly declared function type"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: cp/class.c:3196
#, fuzzy
msgid "field `%D' invalidly declared method type"
msgstr "bitf�lt \"%s\" har en icke godk�nd typ"

#: cp/class.c:3202
#, fuzzy
msgid "field `%D' invalidly declared offset type"
msgstr "bitf�lt \"%s\" har en icke godk�nd typ"

#. Unions cannot have static members.
#: cp/class.c:3220
#, fuzzy
msgid "field `%D' declared static in union"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: cp/class.c:3247
msgid "non-static reference `%#D' in class without a constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3282
msgid "non-static const member `%#D' in class without a constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3298
msgid "field `%#D' with same name as class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3316
msgid "`%#T' has pointer data members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3320
msgid "  but does not override `%T(const %T&)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3322
msgid "  or `operator=(const %T&)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3325
msgid "  but does not override `operator=(const %T&)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3775
msgid "offset of empty base `%T' may not be ABI-compliant and maychange in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3883
msgid "class `%T' will be considered nearly empty in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:3973
#, fuzzy
msgid "initializer specified for non-virtual method `%D'"
msgstr "argumentformat angivet f�r icke-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:4709
msgid "offset of virtual base `%T' is not ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:4809
msgid "direct base `%T' inaccessible in `%T' due to ambiguity"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:4822
msgid "virtual base `%T' inaccessible in `%T' due to ambiguity"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:4978
msgid "size assigned to `%T' may not be ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5011
msgid "offset of `%D' is not ABI-compliant and may change in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5020
msgid "`%D' contains empty classes which may cause base classes to be placed at different locations in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5079
msgid "layout of classes derived from empty class `%T' may change in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5320
msgid "`%#T' has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5405
msgid "trying to finish struct, but kicked out due to previous parse errors"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:5861
#, c-format
msgid "language string `\"%s\"' not recognized"
msgstr "spr�kstr�ng `\"%s\"' k�nns inte igen"

#: cp/class.c:5957
msgid "cannot resolve overloaded function `%D' based on conversion to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:6078
msgid "no matches converting function `%D' to type `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:6101
msgid "converting overloaded function `%D' to type `%#T' is ambiguous"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:6127
#, fuzzy
msgid "assuming pointer to member `%D'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:6130
#, c-format
msgid "(a pointer to member can only be formed with `&%E')"
msgstr ""

#: cp/class.c:6174 cp/class.c:6345 cp/class.c:6352
msgid "not enough type information"
msgstr "inte tillr�cklig typinformation"

#: cp/class.c:6183
#, fuzzy
msgid "argument of type `%T' does not match `%T'"
msgstr "argument \"%s\" matchar inte prototypen"

#: cp/class.c:6329
msgid "invalid operation on uninstantiated type"
msgstr "ogiltig operation p� oinstansierad typ"

#. [basic.scope.class]
#. A name N used in a class S shall refer to the same declaration
#. in its context and when re-evaluated in the completed scope of
#. S.
#: cp/class.c:6612 cp/decl.c:1006 cp/decl.c:3102 cp/pt.c:1845
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%#D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/class.c:6613
msgid "changes meaning of `%D' from `%+#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:88
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't convert from incomplete type `%T' to `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: cp/cvt.c:97
msgid "conversion of `%E' from `%T' to `%T' is ambiguous"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:126
#, fuzzy
msgid "converting from `%T' to `%T'"
msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#: cp/cvt.c:201 cp/cvt.c:205
msgid "pointer to member cast from `%T' to `%T' is via virtual base"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:223 cp/cvt.c:236 cp/cvt.c:283
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot convert `%E' from type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: cp/cvt.c:262
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid conversion from '%T' to '%T'"
msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#: cp/cvt.c:537
msgid "conversion from `%T' to `%T' discards qualifiers"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:555
msgid "casting `%T' to `%T' does not dereference pointer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:584
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot convert type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: cp/cvt.c:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "conversion from `%#T' to `%#T'"
msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#: cp/cvt.c:713
msgid "`%#T' used where a `%T' was expected"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:730
msgid "the address of `%D', will always be `true'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:750
msgid "`%#T' used where a floating point value was expected"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:797
#, fuzzy
msgid "conversion from `%T' to non-scalar type `%T' requested"
msgstr "konvertering till icke-skal�r typ beg�rd"

#: cp/cvt.c:883
msgid "object of incomplete type `%T' will not be accessed in %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:886
msgid "object of type `%T' will not be accessed in %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:902
msgid "object `%E' of incomplete type `%T' will not be accessed in %s"
msgstr ""

#. [over.over] enumerates the places where we can take the address
#. of an overloaded function, and this is not one of them.
#: cp/cvt.c:922
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "%s cannot resolve address of overloaded function"
msgstr "Programfl�det n�r slutet p� en icke-void-funktion"

#. Only warn when there is no &.
#: cp/cvt.c:927
#, c-format
msgid "%s is a reference, not call, to function `%E'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:1065
#, fuzzy
msgid "converting NULL to non-pointer type"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: cp/cvt.c:1141
msgid "ambiguous default type conversion from `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/cvt.c:1143
msgid "  candidate conversions include `%D' and `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:1007 cp/decl.c:3205
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicts with previous declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:1211
#, fuzzy
msgid "label `%D' used but not defined"
msgstr "etikett \"%s\" anv�nd men inte definierad"

#: cp/decl.c:1216
#, fuzzy
msgid "label `%D' defined but not used"
msgstr "etikett \"%s\" definierad men inte anv�nd"

#: cp/decl.c:2249
msgid "namespace alias `%D' not allowed here, assuming `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:3008 cp/decl.c:3413
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration of `%D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3089 cp/decl.c:3127
#, fuzzy
msgid "shadowing %s function `%#D'"
msgstr "d�ljer biblioteksfunktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3098
#, fuzzy
msgid "library function `%#D' redeclared as non-function `%#D'"
msgstr "biblioteksfunktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: cp/decl.c:3103
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicts with built-in declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3122 cp/decl.c:3219 cp/decl.c:3235
#, fuzzy
msgid "new declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3123
#, fuzzy
msgid "ambiguates built-in declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3179
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' redeclared as different kind of symbol"
msgstr "\"%s\" omdeklarerad som en annan sorts symbol"

#: cp/decl.c:3182
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration of `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3204
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of template `%#D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"enum %s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3220 cp/decl.c:3236
#, fuzzy
msgid "ambiguates old declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3228
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of C function `%#D' conflicts with"
msgstr "implicit deklaration av funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3230
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration `%#D' here"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3246
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicting types for `%#D'"
msgstr "motstridiga typer p� \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3247
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration as `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3290
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' previously defined here"
msgstr "\"%s\" definierades tidigare h�r"

#: cp/decl.c:3291
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' previously declared here"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r tidigare deklarerad h�r"

#. Prototype decl follows defn w/o prototype.
#: cp/decl.c:3300
#, fuzzy
msgid "prototype for `%#D'"
msgstr "prototyp f�r \"%s\" f�ljer"

#: cp/decl.c:3301
#, fuzzy
msgid "follows non-prototype definition here"
msgstr "icke-prototypdefinition here"

#: cp/decl.c:3313
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration of `%#D' with %L linkage"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3315
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicts with new declaration with %L linkage"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3338 cp/decl.c:3345
msgid "default argument given for parameter %d of `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:3340 cp/decl.c:3347
#, fuzzy
msgid "after previous specification in `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3356
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' was used before it was declared inline"
msgstr "\"%s\" anv�ndes utan n�gon prototyp innan sin definition"

#: cp/decl.c:3358
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous non-inline declaration here"
msgstr "tidigare implicit deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3412
#, fuzzy
msgid "redundant redeclaration of `%D' in same scope"
msgstr "redundant omdeklaration av \"%s\" i samma scope"

#: cp/decl.c:3493
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%F' throws different exceptions"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med funktioner"

#: cp/decl.c:3495
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "than previous declaration `%F'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#. From [temp.expl.spec]:
#. If a template, a member template or the member of a class
#. template is explicitly specialized then that
#. specialization shall be declared before the first use of
#. that specialization that would cause an implicit
#. instantiation to take place, in every translation unit in
#. which such a use occurs.
#: cp/decl.c:3632
msgid "explicit specialization of %D after first use"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:3886
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' used prior to declaration"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r anv�nd innan sin deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:3917
#, fuzzy
msgid "redeclaration of `wchar_t' as `%T'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#. A redeclaration of main, but not a duplicate of the
#. previous one.
#. [basic.start.main]
#. This function shall not be overloaded.
#: cp/decl.c:3945
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid redeclaration of `%D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:3946
msgid "as `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:4036
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous external decl of `%#D'"
msgstr "f�reg�ende externa dekl. av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4077
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' was previously implicitly declared to return `int'"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerades tidigare implicit att returnera \"int\""

#: cp/decl.c:4137
#, fuzzy
msgid "extern declaration of `%#D' doesn't match"
msgstr "extern deklaration av \"%s\" matchar inte den globala"

#: cp/decl.c:4138
#, fuzzy
msgid "global declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4169
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%#D' shadows a parameter"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer en parameter"

#: cp/decl.c:4189
#, c-format
msgid "declaration of `%s' shadows a member of `this'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:4541
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' hides constructor for `%#T'"
msgstr "destruerare beh�vs f�r \"%#D\""

#: cp/decl.c:4556
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' conflicts with previous using declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:4568
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous non-function declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4569
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicts with function declaration `%#D'"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4659
#, fuzzy
msgid "implicit declaration of function `%#D'"
msgstr "implicit deklaration av funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4817
#, c-format
msgid "label `%s' referenced outside of any function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:4920 cp/decl.c:4944 cp/decl.c:5037
#, fuzzy
msgid "jump to label `%D'"
msgstr "hopp till case-etikett"

#: cp/decl.c:4922 cp/decl.c:4946
msgid "jump to case label"
msgstr "hopp till case-etikett"

#: cp/decl.c:4930
#, fuzzy
msgid "  crosses initialization of `%#D'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:4933 cp/decl.c:5053
msgid "  enters scope of non-POD `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:4953 cp/decl.c:5057
msgid "  enters try block"
msgstr "  g�r in i try-block"

#. Can't skip init of __exception_info.
#: cp/decl.c:4955 cp/decl.c:5049 cp/decl.c:5059
msgid "  enters catch block"
msgstr "  g�r in i catch-block"

#: cp/decl.c:5038
msgid "  from here"
msgstr "  fr�n h�r"

#: cp/decl.c:5051
#, fuzzy
msgid "  skips initialization of `%#D'"
msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#: cp/decl.c:5086
msgid "label named wchar_t"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5090
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate label `%D'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:5175
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "case label `%E' not within a switch statement"
msgstr "case-etikett �r inte i en switch-sats"

#. Definition isn't the kind we were looking for.
#: cp/decl.c:5354 cp/decl.c:5373
msgid "`%#D' redeclared as %C"
msgstr ""

#. This happens for A::B where B is a template, and there are no
#. template arguments.
#: cp/decl.c:5461 cp/typeck.c:2062 cp/typeck.c:2217
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of `%D'"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#: cp/decl.c:5502
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D::%D' is not a template"
msgstr "anv�ndning ab `%s' i mall"

#: cp/decl.c:5519
msgid "`%D' undeclared in namespace `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5652
msgid "`%D' used without template parameters"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5663 cp/decl.c:5679 cp/decl.c:5783
msgid "no class template named `%#T' in `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5702 cp/decl.c:5712 cp/decl.c:5744
msgid "no type named `%#T' in `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5968
msgid "lookup of `%D' finds `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5970
msgid "  instead of `%D' from dependent base class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:5972
msgid "  (use `typename %T::%D' if that's what you meant)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6003
msgid "name lookup of `%D' changed"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6005
msgid "  matches this `%D' under ISO standard rules"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6007
msgid "  matches this `%D' under old rules"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6021 cp/decl.c:6028
msgid "name lookup of `%D' changed for new ISO `for' scoping"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6023
msgid "  cannot use obsolete binding at `%D' because it has a destructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6030
msgid "  using obsolete binding at `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:6211
msgid "lookup of `%D' in the scope of `%#T' (`%#D') does not match lookup in the current scope (`%#D')"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7025
#, fuzzy
msgid "an anonymous union cannot have function members"
msgstr "anonym union deklarerad i parameterlista"

#: cp/decl.c:7042
msgid "member %#D' with constructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7045
msgid "member %#D' with destructor not allowed in anonymous aggregate"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7048
msgid "member %#D' with copy assignment operator not allowed in anonymous aggregate"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7086
#, fuzzy
msgid "redeclaration of C++ built-in type `%T'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7122
msgid "multiple types in one declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7149
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing type-name in typedef-declaration"
msgstr "oanv�ndbart nyckelord eller typnamn i tom deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:7156
msgid "ISO C++ prohibits anonymous structs"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7163
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' can only be specified for functions"
msgstr "argumentformat angivet f�r icke-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7165
msgid "`%D' can only be specified inside a class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7167
msgid "`%D' can only be specified for constructors"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7170
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' can only be specified for objects and functions"
msgstr "argumentformat angivet f�r icke-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7312 cp/decl2.c:927
#, fuzzy
msgid "typedef `%D' is initialized (use __typeof__ instead)"
msgstr "typedef \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/decl.c:7317
#, fuzzy
msgid "function `%#D' is initialized like a variable"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" �r initierad som en variabel"

#: cp/decl.c:7329
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%#D' has `extern' and is initialized"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" �r \"extern\" och initierad"

#: cp/decl.c:7363
msgid "`%#D' is not a static member of `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7368
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ does not permit `%T::%D' to be defined as `%T::%D'"
msgstr "ISO C++ till�ter inte \"%s\" i #if"

#: cp/decl.c:7379
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate initialization of %D"
msgstr "initiering"

#: cp/decl.c:7408
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%#D' outside of class is not definition"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med funktioner"

#: cp/decl.c:7456
#, fuzzy
msgid "variable `%#D' has initializer but incomplete type"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" har initierare men �r av inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:7464 cp/decl.c:8006
#, fuzzy
msgid "elements of array `%#D' have incomplete type"
msgstr "elementen i f�lt \"%s\" har en ofullst�ndig typ"

#: cp/decl.c:7480
#, fuzzy
msgid "aggregate `%#D' has incomplete type and cannot be defined"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:7519
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' declared as reference but not initialized"
msgstr "\"%s\" omdeklarerad som en annan sorts symbol"

#: cp/decl.c:7528
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids use of initializer list to initialize reference `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: cp/decl.c:7561
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot initialize `%T' from `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7595
#, fuzzy
msgid "initializer fails to determine size of `%D'"
msgstr "initierare misslyckas med att best�mma storlek p� \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7600
#, fuzzy
msgid "array size missing in `%D'"
msgstr "f�ltstorlek saknas i \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7612
#, fuzzy
msgid "zero-size array `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med storlek noll"

#. An automatic variable with an incomplete type: that is an error.
#. Don't talk about array types here, since we took care of that
#. message in grokdeclarator.
#: cp/decl.c:7650
#, fuzzy
msgid "storage size of `%D' isn't known"
msgstr "lagringsstorlek p� \"%s\" �r ok�nd"

#: cp/decl.c:7672
#, fuzzy
msgid "storage size of `%D' isn't constant"
msgstr "lagringsstorlek p� \"%s\" �r inte konstant"

#: cp/decl.c:7723
msgid "sorry: semantics of inline function static data `%#D' are wrong (you'll wind up with multiple copies)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7724
msgid "  you can work around this by removing the initializer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7752
#, fuzzy
msgid "uninitialized const `%D'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7836
#, fuzzy
msgid "brace-enclosed initializer used to initialize `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:7900
msgid "initializer for `%T' must be brace-enclosed"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:7964
#, fuzzy
msgid "too many initializers for `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:8000
#, fuzzy
msgid "variable-sized object `%D' may not be initialized"
msgstr "objekt med variabel storlek kan inte initieras"

#: cp/decl.c:8011
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' has incomplete type"
msgstr "\"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:8060
msgid "`%D' must be initialized by constructor, not by `{...}'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:8101
msgid "structure `%D' with uninitialized const members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:8103
msgid "structure `%D' with uninitialized reference members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:8346
msgid "assignment (not initialization) in declaration"
msgstr "tilldelning (inte initieraing) i deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:8358
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot initialize `%D' to namespace `%D'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:8409
#, fuzzy
msgid "shadowing previous type declaration of `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:8455
msgid "`%D' cannot be thread-local because it has non-POD type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:8470
msgid "`%D' is thread-local and so cannot be dynamically initialized"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:8864 cp/init.c:547
#, fuzzy
msgid "multiple initializations given for `%D'"
msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:8956
msgid "invalid catch parameter"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9074
#, fuzzy
msgid "destructor for alien class `%T' cannot be a member"
msgstr "destruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion"

#: cp/decl.c:9077
#, fuzzy
msgid "constructor for alien class `%T' cannot be a member"
msgstr "konstruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion\""

#: cp/decl.c:9096
msgid "`%D' declared as a `virtual' %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9098
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' declared as an `inline' %s"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" deklarerad \"inline\""

#: cp/decl.c:9100
msgid "`const' and `volatile' function specifiers on `%D' invalid in %s declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9103
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' declared as a friend"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: cp/decl.c:9109
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' declared with an exception specification"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r deklarerad som en funktion som returnerar en funktion"

#: cp/decl.c:9184
msgid "cannot declare `::main' to be a template"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som en mall"

#: cp/decl.c:9186
msgid "cannot declare `::main' to be inline"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9188
msgid "cannot declare `::main' to be static"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som static"

#: cp/decl.c:9191
msgid "`main' must return `int'"
msgstr "\"main\" m�ste returnera \"int\""

#: cp/decl.c:9219
msgid "non-local function `%#D' uses anonymous type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9222
msgid "`%#D' does not refer to the unqualified type, so it is not used for linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9228
msgid "non-local function `%#D' uses local type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9251
msgid "%smember function `%D' cannot have `%T' method qualifier"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9275
#, fuzzy
msgid "defining explicit specialization `%D' in friend declaration"
msgstr "tilldelning (inte initieraing) i deklaration"

#. Something like `template <class T> friend void f<T>()'.
#: cp/decl.c:9285
msgid "invalid use of template-id `%D' in declaration of primary template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9313
msgid "default arguments are not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9320
msgid "`inline' is not allowed in declaration of friend template specialization `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9382
#, fuzzy
msgid "definition of implicitly-declared `%D'"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"auto\""

#: cp/decl.c:9394 cp/decl2.c:776
msgid "no `%#D' member function declared in class `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9527
msgid "non-local variable `%#D' uses local type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9625
msgid "invalid in-class initialization of static data member of non-integral type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9634
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: cp/decl.c:9637
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids initialization of member constant `%D' of non-integral type `%T'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: cp/decl.c:9687
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array `%D' has non-integer type"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r inte av heltalstyp"

#: cp/decl.c:9689
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array has non-integer type"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r inte av heltalstyp"

#: cp/decl.c:9709
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array `%D' is negative"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r negativt"

#: cp/decl.c:9711
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array is negative"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r negativt"

#: cp/decl.c:9720
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids zero-size array `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med storlek noll"

#: cp/decl.c:9722
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids zero-size array"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med storlek noll"

#: cp/decl.c:9729
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array `%D' is not an integral constant-expression"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r inte av heltalstyp"

#: cp/decl.c:9732
#, fuzzy
msgid "size of array is not an integral constant-expression"
msgstr "storlek p� f�lt \"%s\" �r inte av heltalstyp"

#: cp/decl.c:9750
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids variable-size array `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med variabel storlek"

#: cp/decl.c:9753
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids variable-size array"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder f�lt \"%s\" med variabel storlek"

#: cp/decl.c:9764
msgid "overflow in array dimension"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9823
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%D' as %s"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:9825
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "creating %s"
msgstr "Skapar %s.\n"

#: cp/decl.c:9837
msgid "declaration of `%D' as multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the first"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9840
msgid "multidimensional array must have bounds for all dimensions except the first"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9869
#, fuzzy
msgid "return type specification for constructor invalid"
msgstr "funktionskroppen f�r konstrueraren saknas"

#: cp/decl.c:9876
msgid "return type specification for destructor invalid"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:9882
#, fuzzy
msgid "operator `%T' declared to return `%T'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: cp/decl.c:9884
#, fuzzy
msgid "return type specified for `operator %T'"
msgstr "lagringsklass angiven f�r parameter \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:10052
msgid "destructors must be member functions"
msgstr "destruerare m�ste vara medlemsfunktioner"

#: cp/decl.c:10071
msgid "destructor `%T' must match class name `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10100
msgid "variable declaration is not allowed here"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10127
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid declarator"
msgstr "ogiltig #indent"

#: cp/decl.c:10178
msgid "declarator-id missing; using reserved word `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10235
msgid "type `%T' is not derived from type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#. Parse error puts this typespec where
#. a declarator should go.
#: cp/decl.c:10279
msgid "`%T' specified as declarator-id"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10281
msgid "  perhaps you want `%T' for a constructor"
msgstr ""

#. Sometimes, we see a template-name used as part of a
#. decl-specifier like in
#. std::allocator alloc;
#. Handle that gracefully.
#: cp/decl.c:10303
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid use of template-name '%E' in a declarator"
msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#: cp/decl.c:10323
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%D' as non-function"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med funktioner"

#: cp/decl.c:10400
msgid "`bool' is now a keyword"
msgstr "\"bool\" �r numera ett nyckelord"

#: cp/decl.c:10402
msgid "extraneous `%T' ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10418 cp/decl.c:10463
#, fuzzy
msgid "multiple declarations `%T' and `%T'"
msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:10431
msgid "ISO C++ does not support `long long'"
msgstr "ISO C++ st�djer inte \"long long\""

#: cp/decl.c:10536 cp/decl.c:10539
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids declaration of `%s' with no type"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder medlemsdeklarationer utan medlemmar"

#. The implicit typename extension is deprecated and will be
#. removed.  Warn about its use now.
#: cp/decl.c:10549
msgid "`%T' is implicitly a typename"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10585
#, c-format
msgid "short, signed or unsigned invalid for `%s'"
msgstr "short, signed eller unsigned �r ogiltigt f�r \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:10590
#, c-format
msgid "long and short specified together for `%s'"
msgstr "b�de long och short angivet f�r \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:10601
#, c-format
msgid "signed and unsigned given together for `%s'"
msgstr "b�de signed och unsigned angivet f�r \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:10710
msgid "qualifiers are not allowed on declaration of `operator %T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10732
msgid "member `%D' cannot be declared both virtual and static"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10741
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T::%D' is not a valid declarator"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte i b�rjan av deklarationen"

#: cp/decl.c:10753
msgid "storage class specifiers invalid in parameter declarations"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10757
msgid "typedef declaration invalid in parameter declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10770
msgid "virtual outside class declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10831
#, c-format
msgid "storage class specified for %s `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:10878
msgid "storage class specifiers invalid in friend function declarations"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11048
msgid "destructor cannot be static member function"
msgstr "destruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion"

#: cp/decl.c:11051
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "destructors may not be `%s'"
msgstr "destruerare beh�vs f�r \"%#D\""

#: cp/decl.c:11072
msgid "constructor cannot be static member function"
msgstr "konstruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion\""

#: cp/decl.c:11075
msgid "constructors cannot be declared virtual"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11080
#, c-format
msgid "constructors may not be `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11090
msgid "return value type specifier for constructor ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11109
#, c-format
msgid "can't initialize friend function `%s'"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#. Cannot be both friend and virtual.
#: cp/decl.c:11113
msgid "virtual functions cannot be friends"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11118
msgid "friend declaration not in class definition"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11120
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't define friend function `%s' in a local class definition"
msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:11144
#, fuzzy
msgid "destructors may not have parameters"
msgstr "destruerare m�ste vara medlemsfunktioner"

#: cp/decl.c:11175 cp/decl.c:11182
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare reference to `%#T'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera referenser till referenser"

#: cp/decl.c:11176
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare pointer to `%#T'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera pekare till referenser"

#: cp/decl.c:11181
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare pointer to `%#T' member"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera pekare till referenser"

#: cp/decl.c:11357
msgid "extra qualification `%T::' on member `%s' ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11367
msgid "cannot declare member function `%T::%s' within `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11382
msgid "cannot declare member `%T::%s' within `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11460
msgid "data member may not have variably modified type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#. [dcl.fct.spec] The explicit specifier shall only be used in
#. declarations of constructors within a class definition.
#: cp/decl.c:11468
msgid "only declarations of constructors can be `explicit'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11476
#, c-format
msgid "non-member `%s' cannot be declared `mutable'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11481
#, c-format
msgid "non-object member `%s' cannot be declared `mutable'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11487
#, c-format
msgid "function `%s' cannot be declared `mutable'"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" kan inte deklareras som \"mutable\""

#: cp/decl.c:11492
#, c-format
msgid "static `%s' cannot be declared `mutable'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11497
#, c-format
msgid "const `%s' cannot be declared `mutable'"
msgstr "const \"%s\" kan inte deklareras \"mutable\""

#: cp/decl.c:11510
#, fuzzy
msgid "template-id `%D' used as a declarator"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer global deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:11531
msgid "ISO C++ forbids nested type `%D' with same name as enclosing class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11580
msgid "typedef name may not be class-qualified"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11588
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid type qualifier for non-member function type"
msgstr "namn saknas p� medlemsfunktion"

#: cp/decl.c:11651
#, fuzzy
msgid "type qualifiers specified for friend class declaration"
msgstr "tv� typer angivna i en tom deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:11656
msgid "`inline' specified for friend class declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11664
#, fuzzy
msgid "template parameters cannot be friends"
msgstr "typen p� parameter \"%s\" �r inte deklarerad"

#: cp/decl.c:11666
msgid "friend declaration requires class-key, i.e. `friend class %T::%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11670
msgid "friend declaration requires class-key, i.e. `friend %#T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11684
msgid "trying to make class `%T' a friend of global scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11695
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid qualifiers on non-member function type"
msgstr "ogiltigt format p� versionsnummer"

#: cp/decl.c:11714
#, fuzzy
msgid "abstract declarator `%T' used as declaration"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer global deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:11726
msgid "unnamed variable or field declared void"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11735
msgid "variable or field declared void"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11745
msgid "cannot use `::' in parameter declaration"
msgstr ""

#. Something like struct S { int N::j; };
#: cp/decl.c:11784
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of `::'"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#: cp/decl.c:11796
#, fuzzy
msgid "function `%D' cannot be declared friend"
msgstr "funktion \"%s\" kan inte deklareras som \"mutable\""

#: cp/decl.c:11808
msgid "can't make `%D' into a method -- not in a class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11817
#, fuzzy
msgid "function `%D' declared virtual inside a union"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: cp/decl.c:11829
msgid "`%D' cannot be declared virtual, since it is always static"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11902
#, fuzzy
msgid "field `%D' has incomplete type"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:11904
#, fuzzy
msgid "name `%T' has incomplete type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:11913
#, fuzzy
msgid "  in instantiation of template `%T'"
msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#: cp/decl.c:11923
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is neither function nor member function; cannot be declared friend"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:11934
msgid "member functions are implicitly friends of their class"
msgstr ""

#. An attempt is being made to initialize a non-static
#. member.  But, from [class.mem]:
#. 4 A member-declarator can contain a
#. constant-initializer only if it declares a static
#. member (_class.static_) of integral or enumeration
#. type, see _class.static.data_.
#. This used to be relatively common practice, but
#. the rest of the compiler does not correctly
#. handle the initialization unless the member is
#. static so we make it static below.
#: cp/decl.c:11981
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids initialization of member `%D'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: cp/decl.c:11983
msgid "making `%D' static"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12007
msgid "ISO C++ forbids static data member `%D' with same name as enclosing class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12048
#, c-format
msgid "storage class `auto' invalid for function `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12050
#, c-format
msgid "storage class `register' invalid for function `%s'"
msgstr "lagringsklass \"register\" ogiltig f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:12052
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "storage class `__thread' invalid for function `%s'"
msgstr "lagringsklass \"register\" ogiltig f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:12063
#, c-format
msgid "storage class `static' invalid for function `%s' declared out of global scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12065
#, c-format
msgid "storage class `inline' invalid for function `%s' declared out of global scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12072
#, c-format
msgid "virtual non-class function `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12101
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare member function `%D' to have static linkage"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som static"

#. FIXME need arm citation
#: cp/decl.c:12107
msgid "cannot declare static function inside another function"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera en statisk funktion i en annan funktion"

#: cp/decl.c:12135
msgid "`static' may not be used when defining (as opposed to declaring) a static data member"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12141
#, fuzzy
msgid "static member `%D' declared `register'"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" deklarerad \"inline\""

#: cp/decl.c:12146
msgid "cannot explicitly declare member `%#D' to have extern linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12318
#, fuzzy
msgid "default argument for `%#D' has type `%T'"
msgstr "f�rsta argumentet till \"%s\" skall vara \"int\""

#: cp/decl.c:12321
msgid "default argument for parameter of type `%T' has type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12338
msgid "default argument `%E' uses local variable `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12383
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid string constant `%E'"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:12385
msgid "invalid integer constant in parameter list, did you forget to give parameter name?"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12423
#, fuzzy
msgid "parameter `%D' invalidly declared method type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: cp/decl.c:12429
#, fuzzy
msgid "parameter `%D' invalidly declared offset type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: cp/decl.c:12453
msgid "parameter `%D' includes %s to array of unknown bound `%T'"
msgstr ""

#. [class.copy]
#. A declaration of a constructor for a class X is ill-formed if
#. its first parameter is of type (optionally cv-qualified) X
#. and either there are no other parameters or else all other
#. parameters have default arguments.
#. We *don't* complain about member template instantiations that
#. have this form, though; they can occur as we try to decide
#. what constructor to use during overload resolution.  Since
#. overload resolution will never prefer such a constructor to
#. the non-template copy constructor (which is either explicitly
#. or implicitly defined), there's no need to worry about their
#. existence.  Theoretically, they should never even be
#. instantiated, but that's hard to forestall.
#: cp/decl.c:12615
msgid "invalid constructor; you probably meant `%T (const %T&)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12766
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must be a nonstatic member function"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r normalt en icke-statisk function"

#: cp/decl.c:12772
msgid "`%D' must be either a non-static member function or a non-member function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12789
msgid "`%D' must have an argument of class or enumerated type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12821
#, c-format
msgid "conversion to %s%s will never use a type conversion operator"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12828
msgid "ISO C++ prohibits overloading operator ?:"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12878
msgid "postfix `%D' must take `int' as its argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12882
msgid "postfix `%D' must take `int' as its second argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12889
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must take either zero or one argument"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: cp/decl.c:12891
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must take either one or two arguments"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: cp/decl.c:12912
msgid "prefix `%D' should return `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12918
msgid "postfix `%D' should return `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12927
msgid "`%D' must take `void'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12929 cp/decl.c:12937
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must take exactly one argument"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: cp/decl.c:12939
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' must take exactly two arguments"
msgstr "\"%s\" tar bara noll eller tv� argument"

#: cp/decl.c:12947
msgid "user-defined `%D' always evaluates both arguments"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12961
msgid "`%D' should return by value"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:12973 cp/decl.c:12976
msgid "`%D' cannot have default arguments"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13052
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%s %T' declares a new type at namespace scope"
msgstr "\"%s %s\" deklarerad inuti parameterlista"

#: cp/decl.c:13055
msgid "  names from dependent base classes are not visible to unqualified name lookup - to refer to the inherited type, say `%s %T::%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13093
msgid "using typedef-name `%D' after `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13098
#, fuzzy
msgid "using template type parameter `%T' after `%s'"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:13178
#, fuzzy
msgid "use of enum `%#D' without previous declaration"
msgstr "sektion \"%s\" st�r i konflikt med tidigare deklaration"

#: cp/decl.c:13264
msgid "derived union `%T' invalid"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13310
msgid "base type `%T' fails to be a struct or class type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13320
#, fuzzy
msgid "base class `%T' has incomplete type"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:13328
msgid "recursive type `%T' undefined"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:13330
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate base type `%T' invalid"
msgstr "upprepat case-v�rde"

#: cp/decl.c:13441
#, fuzzy
msgid "multiple definition of `%#T'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:13442
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous definition here"
msgstr "\"%s\" definierades tidigare h�r"

#: cp/decl.c:13610
#, fuzzy
msgid "enumerator value for `%D' not integer constant"
msgstr "uppr�kningsv�rde f�r \"%s\" �r inte en heltalskonstant"

#: cp/decl.c:13630
#, fuzzy
msgid "overflow in enumeration values at `%D'"
msgstr "�verspill i uppr�kningsv�rden"

#: cp/decl.c:13716
#, fuzzy
msgid "return type `%#T' is incomplete"
msgstr "returtypen �r en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/decl.c:13830
#, fuzzy
msgid "semicolon missing after declaration of `%#T'"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl.c:13851
msgid "return type for `main' changed to `int'"
msgstr "returtypen f�r \"main\" �ndrad till \"int\""

#: cp/decl.c:13882
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' implicitly declared before its definition"
msgstr "\"%s\" deklarerad inline efter sin definition"

#: cp/decl.c:13904 cp/typeck.c:6229
msgid "`operator=' should return a reference to `*this'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:14164
#, fuzzy
msgid "parameter `%D' declared void"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: cp/decl.c:14628
msgid "`%D' is already defined in class `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl.c:14845
#, fuzzy
msgid "static member function `%#D' declared with type qualifiers"
msgstr "n�stlad funktion \"%s\" �r deklarerad \"extern\""

#: cp/decl2.c:154
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate type qualifiers in %s declaration"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/decl2.c:193
msgid "template `%#D' instantiated in file without #pragma interface"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:199
msgid "template `%#D' defined in file without #pragma interface"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:366
msgid "name missing for member function"
msgstr "namn saknas p� medlemsfunktion"

#. Something has gone very wrong.  Assume we are mistakenly reducing
#. an expression instead of a declaration.
#: cp/decl2.c:429
msgid "parser may be lost: is there a '{' missing somewhere?"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:460 cp/decl2.c:474
msgid "ambiguous conversion for array subscript"
msgstr "tvetydig konveretering av f�ltindex"

#: cp/decl2.c:468
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid types `%T[%T]' for array subscript"
msgstr "tvetydig konveretering av f�ltindex"

#: cp/decl2.c:516
msgid "type `%#T' argument given to `delete', expected pointer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:524
msgid "anachronistic use of array size in vector delete"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:534
msgid "cannot delete a function.  Only pointer-to-objects are valid arguments to `delete'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "deleting `%T' is undefined"
msgstr "operation p� \"%s\" kan vara odefinierad"

#: cp/decl2.c:549
msgid "deleting array `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#. [temp.mem]
#. A local class shall not have member templates.
#: cp/decl2.c:583
msgid "invalid declaration of member template `%#D' in local class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:592
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of `virtual' in template declaration of `%#D'"
msgstr "tidigare implicit deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl2.c:602 cp/pt.c:2586
#, fuzzy
msgid "template declaration of `%#D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/decl2.c:652
msgid "Java method '%D' has non-Java return type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:661
msgid "Java method '%D' has non-Java parameter type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:737
msgid "prototype for `%#D' does not match any in class `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:819
msgid "local class `%#T' shall not have static data member `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:827
msgid "initializer invalid for static member with constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:830
msgid "(an out of class initialization is required)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:889
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid data member initialization"
msgstr "Sl� p� automatisk mallinstansiering"

#: cp/decl2.c:892
msgid "(use `=' to initialize static data members)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:938
msgid "member `%D' conflicts with virtual function table field name"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:958
msgid "`%D' is already defined in `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1010
msgid "field initializer is not constant"
msgstr "f�ltinitierare �r ej konstant"

#: cp/decl2.c:1034
msgid "`asm' specifiers are not permitted on non-static data members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1086
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare `%D' to be a bit-field type"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som en mall"

#: cp/decl2.c:1096
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare bit-field `%D' with function type"
msgstr "typkonvertering matchar inte en funktionstyp"

#: cp/decl2.c:1103
msgid "`%D' is already defined in the class %T"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1110
msgid "static member `%D' cannot be a bit-field"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1197
#, fuzzy
msgid "initializer specified for non-member function `%D'"
msgstr "argumentformat angivet f�r icke-funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/decl2.c:1201
msgid "invalid initializer for virtual method `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1315
msgid "anonymous struct not inside named type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1411
msgid "namespace-scope anonymous aggregates must be static"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1424
msgid "anonymous aggregate with no members"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:1493
#, fuzzy
msgid "`operator new' must return type `%T'"
msgstr "\"operator new\" m�ste returnera typ \"void *\""

#: cp/decl2.c:1501
#, fuzzy
msgid "`operator new' takes type `size_t' (`%T') as first parameter"
msgstr "\"operator new\" tar parameter av typ \"size_t\""

#: cp/decl2.c:1528
#, fuzzy
msgid "`operator delete' must return type `%T'"
msgstr "\"operator new\" m�ste returnera typ \"void *\""

#: cp/decl2.c:1536
#, fuzzy
msgid "`operator delete' takes type `%T' as first parameter"
msgstr "\"operator new\" tar parameter av typ \"size_t\""

#. Overflow occurred.  That means there are at least 4 billion
#. initialization functions.
#: cp/decl2.c:2290
msgid "too many initialization functions required"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:2966
#, fuzzy
msgid "inline function `%D' used but never defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r anv�nd men inte definierad"

#: cp/decl2.c:3086
msgid "use of old-style cast"
msgstr "anv�ndning av gammaldags typkonvertering"

#: cp/decl2.c:3794
#, fuzzy
msgid "use of `%D' is ambiguous"
msgstr "%s: flaggan \"%s\" �r tvetydig\n"

#: cp/decl2.c:3795
msgid "  first declared as `%#D' here"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:3798
msgid "  also declared as `%#D' here"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:3813
msgid "`%D' denotes an ambiguous type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:3814
#, fuzzy
msgid "  first type here"
msgstr "  fr�n h�r"

#: cp/decl2.c:3815
msgid "  other type here"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:3912
#, fuzzy
msgid "declaration of `%D' not in a namespace surrounding `%D'"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" som ett f�lt med funktioner"

#: cp/decl2.c:3946
msgid "`%D' should have been declared inside `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4079
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is not a function,"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r vanligtvis en funktion"

#: cp/decl2.c:4080
#, fuzzy
msgid "  conflict with `%D'"
msgstr "\"%s\" ignorerad, i konflikt med \"-g%s\""

#. The parser did not find it, so it's not there.
#: cp/decl2.c:4396
#, fuzzy
msgid "unknown namespace `%D'"
msgstr "ok�nt #pragma namespace %s"

#: cp/decl2.c:4430 cp/decl2.c:4707
msgid "`%T' is not a namespace"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4432
msgid "`%D' is not a namespace"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4441
msgid "a using-declaration cannot specify a template-id.  Try `using %D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4455
#, fuzzy
msgid "namespace `%D' not allowed in using-declaration"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte i b�rjan av deklarationen"

#: cp/decl2.c:4484
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' not declared"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r tidigare deklarerad h�r"

#: cp/decl2.c:4535
msgid "`%D' is already declared in this scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4562
msgid "using declaration `%D' introduced ambiguous type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4653
msgid "using-declaration for non-member at class scope"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4659
#, fuzzy
msgid "using-declaration for destructor"
msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#: cp/decl2.c:4665
msgid "a using-declaration cannot specify a template-id.  Try  `using %T::%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4701
#, fuzzy
msgid "namespace `%T' undeclared"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#: cp/decl2.c:4730
#, fuzzy
msgid "default argument missing for parameter %P of `%+#D'"
msgstr "parameternamn saknas i parameterlista"

#: cp/decl2.c:4829
msgid "extra qualification `%T::' on member `%D' ignored"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4833
msgid "`%T' does not have a class or union named `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/decl2.c:4848
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T' is not a class or union type"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder typkonvertering till unionstyper"

#: cp/decl2.c:4862
#, fuzzy
msgid "template argument is required for `%T'"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/error.c:35
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' not supported by %s"
msgstr "\"%s\" st�ds inte av %s"

#: cp/error.c:571
#, c-format
msgid "<anonymous %s>"
msgstr "<anonym %s>"

#: cp/error.c:808
#, c-format
msgid "(static %s for %s)"
msgstr "(static %s f�r %s)"

#: cp/error.c:1482
#, c-format
msgid "\\x%x"
msgstr ""

#: cp/error.c:2430
#, c-format
msgid "In %s `%s':"
msgstr ""

#: cp/error.c:2487
#, c-format
msgid "%s: In instantiation of `%s':\n"
msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#: cp/error.c:2511
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d:   instantiated from `%s'\n"
msgstr ""

#: cp/error.c:2516
#, c-format
msgid "%s:%d:   instantiated from here\n"
msgstr ""

#. damn ICE suppression
#: cp/error.c:2670
#, c-format
msgid "unexpected letter `%c' in locate_error\n"
msgstr ""

#. Can't throw a reference.
#: cp/except.c:240
msgid "type `%T' is disallowed in Java `throw' or `catch'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:251
msgid "call to Java `catch' or `throw' with `jthrowable' undefined"
msgstr ""

#. Thrown object must be a Throwable.
#: cp/except.c:258
msgid "type `%T' is not derived from `java::lang::Throwable'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:322
msgid "mixing C++ and Java catches in a single translation unit"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:639
msgid "throwing NULL, which has integral, not pointer type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:730
msgid "  in thrown expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:856
msgid "expression '%E' of abstract class type '%T' cannot be used in throw-expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:944
msgid "exception of type `%T' will be caught"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:947
msgid "   by earlier handler for `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/except.c:968
msgid "`...' handler must be the last handler for its try block"
msgstr ""

#: cp/friend.c:155
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is already a friend of class `%T'"
msgstr "kunde inte hitta klassen \"%s\""

#: cp/friend.c:157
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous friend declaration of `%D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/friend.c:202
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid type `%T' declared `friend'"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" deklarerad \"inline\""

#. [temp.friend]
#. Friend declarations shall not declare partial
#. specializations.
#: cp/friend.c:218
#, fuzzy
msgid "partial specialization `%T' declared `friend'"
msgstr "variabel \"%s\" deklarerad \"inline\""

#: cp/friend.c:227
msgid "class `%T' is implicitly friends with itself"
msgstr ""

#. template <class T> friend typename S<T>::X;
#: cp/friend.c:245
#, fuzzy
msgid "typename type `%#T' declared `friend'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#. template <class T> friend class T;
#: cp/friend.c:251
#, fuzzy
msgid "template parameter type `%T' declared `friend'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" deklarerad som void"

#. template <class T> friend class A; where A is not a template
#: cp/friend.c:257
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#T' is not a template"
msgstr "anv�ndning ab `%s' i mall"

#: cp/friend.c:272
msgid "`%T' is already a friend of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/friend.c:370
msgid "member `%D' declared as friend before type `%T' defined"
msgstr ""

#: cp/friend.c:425
#, fuzzy
msgid "friend declaration `%#D' declares a non-template function"
msgstr "inbyggd funktion \"%s\" deklarerad som icke-funktion"

#: cp/friend.c:428
msgid "(if this is not what you intended, make sure the function template has already been declared and add <> after the function name here) -Wno-non-template-friend disables this warning"
msgstr ""

#: cp/g++spec.c:209 java/jvspec.c:423
#, c-format
msgid "argument to `%s' missing\n"
msgstr "argument till \"%s\" saknas\n"

#: cp/init.c:320
msgid "`%D' should be initialized in the member initialization list"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:369
msgid "default-initialization of `%#D', which has reference type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:374
msgid "uninitialized reference member `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:382
msgid "initializer list treated as compound expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:523
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' will be initialized after"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/init.c:526
#, fuzzy
msgid "base `%T' will be initialized after"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" �r redan initierat"

#: cp/init.c:529
msgid "  `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:531
msgid "  base `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:549
#, fuzzy
msgid "multiple initializations given for base `%T'"
msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:616
#, fuzzy
msgid "initializations for multiple members of `%T'"
msgstr "initierare misslyckas med att best�mma storlek p� \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:671
msgid "base class `%#T' should be explicitly initialized in the copy constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:916
msgid "class `%T' does not have any field named `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:922
msgid "field `%#D' is static; the only point of initialization is its definition"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:956
msgid "unnamed initializer for `%T', which has no base classes"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:963
msgid "unnamed initializer for `%T', which uses multiple inheritance"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1000
msgid "type `%D' is not a direct or virtual base of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1003
msgid "type `%D' is not a direct base of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#. Handle bad initializers like:
#. class COMPLEX {
#. public:
#. double re, im;
#. COMPLEX(double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0) {re = r; im = i;};
#. ~COMPLEX() {};
#. };
#. int main(int argc, char **argv) {
#. COMPLEX zees(1.0, 0.0)[10];
#. }
#: cp/init.c:1097
#, fuzzy
msgid "bad array initializer"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" �r redan initierat"

#: cp/init.c:1304
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T' is not an aggregate type"
msgstr "\"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/init.c:1327
msgid "`%T' fails to be an aggregate typedef"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1336
msgid "type `%T' is of non-aggregate type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1439
msgid "cannot call destructor `%T::~%T' without object"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1483
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of non-static field `%D'"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#. We can get here when processing a bad default
#. argument, like:
#. struct S { int a; void f(int i = a); }
#: cp/init.c:1492 cp/method.c:160
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of member `%D'"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#: cp/init.c:1502
#, fuzzy
msgid "no method `%T::%D'"
msgstr "I metod `%s':"

#: cp/init.c:1595
msgid "incomplete type `%T' does not have member `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1669
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is not a member of type `%T'"
msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:1688
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid pointer to bit-field `%D'"
msgstr "negativ storlek i bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:1727
msgid "object missing in use of pointer-to-member construct"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1767
msgid "member `%D' is non-static but referenced as a static member"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1769 cp/typeck.c:2828 cp/typeck.c:2932
msgid "at this point in file"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1806
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "object missing in `%E'"
msgstr "f�ltstorlek saknas i \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:1937
msgid "new of array type fails to specify size"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1948
msgid "size in array new must have integral type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:1954
msgid "zero size array reserves no space"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2019
msgid "new cannot be applied to a reference type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2025
msgid "new cannot be applied to a function type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2072
msgid "call to Java constructor, while `jclass' undefined"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2088
#, fuzzy
msgid "can't find class$"
msgstr "Kan inte hitta class$"

#: cp/init.c:2202
msgid "invalid type `void' for new"
msgstr "ogiltig typ \"void\" f�r new"

#: cp/init.c:2254
#, c-format
msgid "call to Java constructor with `%s' undefined"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2362
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids initialization in array new"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: cp/init.c:2380 cp/typeck2.c:360 cp/typeck2.c:1223
msgid "initializer list being treated as compound expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2386
msgid "ISO C++ forbids aggregate initializer to new"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2474
#, fuzzy
msgid "uninitialized const in `new' of `%#T'"
msgstr "initierare misslyckas med att best�mma storlek p� \"%s\""

#: cp/init.c:2840
msgid "initializer ends prematurely"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:2910
msgid "cannot initialize multi-dimensional array with initializer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:3100
msgid "unknown array size in delete"
msgstr ""

#: cp/init.c:3365
msgid "type to vector delete is neither pointer or array type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:136
msgid "type name expected before `*'"
msgstr "typnamn f�rv�ntat f�re \"*\""

#: cp/lex.c:158
msgid "cannot declare references to references"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera referenser till referenser"

#: cp/lex.c:163
msgid "cannot declare pointers to references"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera pekare till referenser"

#: cp/lex.c:167
msgid "type name expected before `&'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:894
#, c-format
msgid "semicolon missing after %s declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:897
#, fuzzy
msgid "semicolon missing after declaration of `%T'"
msgstr "motstridande deklarationer av \"%s\""

#: cp/lex.c:945
#, c-format
msgid "junk at end of #pragma %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:952
#, c-format
msgid "invalid #pragma %s"
msgstr "ogiltigt #pragma %s"

#: cp/lex.c:961
#, fuzzy
msgid "#pragma vtable no longer supported"
msgstr "--driver st�djs inte l�ngre"

#: cp/lex.c:1038
#, c-format
msgid "#pragma implementation for %s appears after file is included"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:1063
msgid "junk at end of #pragma GCC java_exceptions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:1107
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' not defined"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte definierad"

#: cp/lex.c:1110
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' was not declared in this scope"
msgstr "\"%s\" odeklarerad (f�rsta f�rekomsten i denna funktionen)"

#: cp/lex.c:1118
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' undeclared (first use this function)"
msgstr "\"%s\" odeklarerad (f�rsta f�rekomsten i denna funktionen)"

#: cp/lex.c:1122
msgid "(Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in.)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lex.c:1239
#, fuzzy
msgid "`::%D' undeclared (first use here)"
msgstr "\"%s\" odeklarerad (f�rsta f�rekomsten i denna funktionen)"

#: cp/mangle.c:2061
msgid "real-valued template parameters when cross-compiling"
msgstr ""

#: cp/mangle.c:2325
msgid "the mangled name of `%D' will change in a future version of GCC"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid use of member `%D' in static member function"
msgstr "destruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion"

#: cp/method.c:216
msgid "use of namespace `%D' as expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:221
msgid "use of class template `%T' as expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:234
#, c-format
msgid "use of %s from containing function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:237
#, fuzzy
msgid "  `%#D' declared here"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r tidigare deklarerad h�r"

#: cp/method.c:255
msgid "request for member `%D' is ambiguous in multiple inheritance lattice"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:455
msgid "generic thunk code fails for method `%#D' which uses `...'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:694
msgid "non-static const member `%#D', can't use default assignment operator"
msgstr ""

#: cp/method.c:699
msgid "non-static reference member `%#D', can't use default assignment operator"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:261
msgid "`%s' tag used in naming `%#T'"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:541
#, fuzzy
msgid "keyword `export' not implemented, and will be ignored"
msgstr "nyckelordet \"export\" �r inte implementerat och kommer ignorerads"

#: parse.y:645
msgid "use of linkage spec `%D' is different from previous spec `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:942
msgid "no base or member initializers given following ':'"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:983 parse.y:989
msgid "anachronistic old style base class initializer"
msgstr ""

#. Handle `Class<Class<Type>>' without space in the `>>'
#: parse.y:1115
msgid "`>>' should be `> >' in template class name"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:1153
msgid "use of template qualifier outside template"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:1182 parse.y:1191
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids an empty condition for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:1214
#, fuzzy
msgid "definition of class `%T' in condition"
msgstr "redefinition av \"%s %s\""

#: parse.y:1216
#, fuzzy
msgid "definition of enum `%T' in condition"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: parse.y:1227
#, fuzzy
msgid "definition of array `%#D' in condition"
msgstr "metoddefinition f�r \"%c%s\" kan inte hittas"

#: parse.y:1340
msgid "old style placement syntax, use () instead"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:1351
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T' is not a valid expression"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte ett giltigt filnamn"

#. This was previously allowed as an extension, but
#. was removed in G++ 3.3.
#: parse.y:1358
#, fuzzy
msgid "initialization of new expression with `='"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder initiering av new-uttryck med \"=\""

#: parse.y:1384
msgid "ISO C++ forbids compound literals"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:1631
msgid "ISO C++ forbids braced-groups within expressions"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2035 parse.y:2050
msgid "sigof type specifier"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2040
msgid "`sigof' applied to non-aggregate expression"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2055
msgid "`sigof' applied to non-aggregate type"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2321
msgid "using `typename' outside of template"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2391
#, c-format
msgid "storage class specifier `%s' not allowed after struct or class"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2393
#, c-format
msgid "type specifier `%s' not allowed after struct or class"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2395
#, c-format
msgid "type qualifier `%s' not allowed after struct or class"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2397
msgid "no body nor ';' separates two class, struct or union declarations"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2537
msgid "no bases given following `:'"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2568 parse.y:2583
msgid "`%D' access"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2573
msgid "multiple access specifiers"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2591
msgid "multiple `virtual' specifiers"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:2628
msgid "missing ';' before right brace"
msgstr "saknar ';' f�re slutklammer"

#: parse.y:2849
msgid "ISO C++ forbids array dimensions with parenthesized type in new"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3136 parse.y:3156 parse.y:3165 parse.y:3194
msgid "`%T' is not a class or namespace"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3361
msgid "ISO C++ forbids label declarations"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3521
msgid "ISO C++ forbids computed gotos"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder ber�knade goto"

#: parse.y:3529
msgid "label must be followed by statement"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3574
msgid "must have at least one catch per try block"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3634
msgid "ISO C++ forbids compound statements inside for initializations"
msgstr ""

#. This helps us recover from really nasty
#. parse errors, for example, a missing right
#. parenthesis.
#: parse.y:3721 parse.y:3731
msgid "possibly missing ')'"
msgstr "saknas troligen en ')'"

#: parse.y:3824
msgid "type specifier omitted for parameter"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3833
#, c-format
msgid "`%E' is not a type, use `typename %E' to make it one"
msgstr ""

#: parse.y:3835
#, fuzzy
msgid "no type `%D' in `%T'"
msgstr "returtypen p� \"%s\" �r inte \"int\""

#: parse.y:3838
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "type specifier omitted for parameter `%E'"
msgstr "lagringsklass angiven f�r parameter \"%s\""

#: parse.y:3846
msgid "'%D' is used as a type, but is not defined as a type."
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:198
msgid "data member `%D' cannot be a member template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:210
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid member template declaration `%D'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:605
msgid "explicit specialization in non-namespace scope `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:617
msgid "enclosing class templates are not explicitly specialized"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:692
msgid "specializing `%#T' in different namespace"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:693
#, fuzzy
msgid "  from definition of `%#D'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:701
#, fuzzy
msgid "specialization of `%T' after instantiation"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" �r \"extern\" och initierad"

#: cp/pt.c:704
#, fuzzy
msgid "explicit specialization of non-template `%T'"
msgstr "implicit deklaration av funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:836
msgid "specialization of %D after instantiation"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:939
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s %+#D"
msgstr "%s: %s"

#: cp/pt.c:990
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is not a function template"
msgstr "typkonvertering matchar inte en funktionstyp"

#: cp/pt.c:1129
msgid "template-id `%D' for `%+D' does not match any template declaration"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1137
msgid "ambiguous template specialization `%D' for `%+D'"
msgstr ""

#. This case handles bogus declarations like template <>
#. template <class T> void f<int>();
#: cp/pt.c:1364 cp/pt.c:1438
msgid "template-id `%D' in declaration of primary template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1377
msgid "template parameter list used in explicit instantiation"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1383
msgid "definition provided for explicit instantiation"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1389
#, fuzzy
msgid "too many template parameter lists in declaration of `%D'"
msgstr "flera lagringsklasser i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:1405
#, fuzzy
msgid "too few template parameter lists in declaration of `%D'"
msgstr "tv� eller fler datatyper i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:1422
msgid "explicit specialization not preceded by `template <>'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1435
msgid "partial specialization `%D' of function template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1467
msgid "default argument specified in explicit specialization"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1471
msgid "template specialization with C linkage"
msgstr ""

#. From [temp.expl.spec]:
#. If such an explicit specialization for the member
#. of a class template names an implicitly-declared
#. special member function (clause _special_), the
#. program is ill-formed.
#. Similar language is found in [temp.explicit].
#: cp/pt.c:1558
msgid "specialization of implicitly-declared special member function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:1602
#, fuzzy
msgid "no member function `%D' declared in `%T'"
msgstr "n�stlad funktion \"%s\" �r deklarerad \"extern\""

#. There are two many template parameter lists.
#: cp/pt.c:1750
#, fuzzy
msgid "too many template parameter lists in declaration of `%T'"
msgstr "flera lagringsklasser i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:1846
msgid " shadows template parm `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2250
msgid "template parameters not used in partial specialization:"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2254
msgid "        `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2266
msgid "partial specialization `%T' does not specialize any template arguments"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2291
#, c-format
msgid "template argument `%E' involves template parameter(s)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2335
msgid "type `%T' of template argument `%E' depends on template parameter(s)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2423
#, fuzzy
msgid "no default argument for `%D'"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument till \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2576
msgid "template with C linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2579
msgid "template class without a name"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2656
msgid "`%D' does not declare a template type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2662
#, fuzzy
msgid "template definition of non-template `%#D'"
msgstr "upprepad definition av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: cp/pt.c:2703
msgid "expected %d levels of template parms for `%#D', got %d"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2715
#, fuzzy
msgid "got %d template parameters for `%#D'"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2718
#, fuzzy
msgid "got %d template parameters for `%#T'"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2720
#, c-format
msgid "  but %d required"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2803
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T' is not a template type"
msgstr "\"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#: cp/pt.c:2819
#, fuzzy
msgid "previous declaration `%D'"
msgstr "tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2820
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "used %d template parameter%s instead of %d"
msgstr "flera parametrar med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2836
#, fuzzy
msgid "template parameter `%#D'"
msgstr "oanv�nd parameter \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2837
msgid "redeclared here as `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#. We have in [temp.param]:
#. A template-parameter may not be given default arguments
#. by two different declarations in the same scope.
#: cp/pt.c:2847
#, fuzzy
msgid "redefinition of default argument for `%#D'"
msgstr "omdefiniering av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:2848
#, fuzzy
msgid "  original definition appeared here"
msgstr "funktionsdefinition deklarerad som \"typedef\""

#: cp/pt.c:2941
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%E' is not a valid template argument"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument"

#: cp/pt.c:2945
msgid "it must be the address of a function with external linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2947
msgid "it must be the address of an object with external linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2951
msgid "it must be a pointer-to-member of the form `&X::Y'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2962
#, c-format
msgid "string literal %E is not a valid template argument because it is the address of an object with static linkage"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2974
#, c-format
msgid "address of non-extern `%E' cannot be used as template argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:2985
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "non-constant `%E' cannot be used as template argument"
msgstr "const \"%s\" kan inte deklareras \"mutable\""

#: cp/pt.c:2992
#, c-format
msgid "object `%E' cannot be used as template argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3367
#, c-format
msgid "to refer to a type member of a template parameter, use `typename %E'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3380 cp/pt.c:3396 cp/pt.c:3435
msgid "type/value mismatch at argument %d in template parameter list for `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3383
msgid "  expected a constant of type `%T', got `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3387
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "  expected a type, got `%E'"
msgstr "Ov�ntad typ p� \"id\" (%s)"

#: cp/pt.c:3399
#, fuzzy
msgid "  expected a type, got `%T'"
msgstr "Ov�ntad typ p� \"id\" (%s)"

#: cp/pt.c:3401
msgid "  expected a class template, got `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3437
msgid "  expected a template of type `%D', got `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3459
msgid "template-argument `%T' uses anonymous type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3462
msgid "template-argument `%T' uses local type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3472
#, fuzzy
msgid "template-argument `%T' is a variably modified type"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/pt.c:3507
msgid "could not convert template argument `%E' to `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3551
#, c-format
msgid "wrong number of template arguments (%d, should be %d)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3555
#, fuzzy
msgid "provided for `%D'"
msgstr "destruerare beh�vs f�r \"%#D\""

#: cp/pt.c:3602
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "template argument %d is invalid"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/pt.c:3837
msgid "non-template used as template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3968
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%T' is not a template"
msgstr "anv�ndning ab `%s' i mall"

#: cp/pt.c:3981
msgid "non-template type `%T' used as a template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:3983
#, fuzzy
msgid "for template declaration `%D'"
msgstr "tom deklaration"

#: cp/pt.c:4598
msgid "template instantiation depth exceeds maximum of %d (use -ftemplate-depth-NN to increase the maximum) instantiating `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:5074
#, fuzzy
msgid "ambiguous class template instantiation for `%#T'"
msgstr "Sl� p� automatisk mallinstansiering"

#: cp/pt.c:5081
#, fuzzy
msgid "%s %+#T"
msgstr "%s: %s"

#: cp/pt.c:6104 cp/pt.c:6214
#, fuzzy
msgid "instantiation of `%D' as type `%T'"
msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#: cp/pt.c:6258
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid parameter type `%T'"
msgstr "ogiltigt parameterv�rde \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:6260
#, fuzzy
msgid "in declaration `%D'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:6335
msgid "creating pointer to member function of non-class type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:6498
msgid "creating array with size zero"
msgstr "skapar ett f�lt med storlek noll"

#: cp/pt.c:6512
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "creating array with size zero (`%E')"
msgstr "skapar ett f�lt med storlek noll"

#: cp/pt.c:6751
#, fuzzy
msgid "forming reference to void"
msgstr "returnerar referens till en tempor�r"

#: cp/pt.c:6753
msgid "forming %s to reference type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:6791
msgid "creating pointer to member of non-class type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:6797
msgid "creating pointer to member reference type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:6875
#, fuzzy
msgid "creating array of `%T'"
msgstr "skapar ett f�lt med storlek noll"

#: cp/pt.c:6918
msgid "`%T' is not a class, struct, or union type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:7028
#, c-format
msgid "use of `%s' in template"
msgstr "anv�ndning ab `%s' i mall"

#: cp/pt.c:7790
msgid "type `%T' composed from a local class is not a valid template-argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:7791
msgid "  trying to instantiate `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:8230
msgid "incomplete type unification"
msgstr "inkomplett typunifiering"

#: cp/pt.c:9178
#, c-format
msgid "use of `%s' in template type unification"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9596 cp/pt.c:9668
msgid "explicit instantiation of non-template `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9612 cp/pt.c:9663
msgid "no matching template for `%D' found"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9618
#, fuzzy
msgid "explicit instantiation of `%#D'"
msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#: cp/pt.c:9655
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate explicit instantiation of `%#D'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:9680
msgid "ISO C++ forbids the use of `extern' on explicit instantiations"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9684 cp/pt.c:9762
#, fuzzy
msgid "storage class `%D' applied to template instantiation"
msgstr "Sl� p� automatisk mallinstansiering"

#: cp/pt.c:9729
msgid "explicit instantiation of non-template type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9743
msgid "explicit instantiation of `%#T' before definition of template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9751
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids the use of `%s' on explicit instantiations"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:9795
#, fuzzy
msgid "duplicate explicit instantiation of `%#T'"
msgstr "dubbel deklaration av etikett \"%s\""

#: cp/pt.c:10177
msgid "explicit instantiation of `%D' but no definition available"
msgstr ""

#: cp/pt.c:10551
msgid "`%#T' is not a valid type for a template constant parameter"
msgstr ""

#: cp/repo.c:271
msgid "-frepo must be used with -c"
msgstr "-frepo m�ste anv�ndas tillsammans med -c"

#: cp/repo.c:361
#, c-format
msgid "mysterious repository information in %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/repo.c:376
#, c-format
msgid "can't create repository information file `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/rtti.c:240
msgid "cannot use typeid with -fno-rtti"
msgstr "kan inte anv�nda typeid med -fno-rtti"

#: cp/rtti.c:246
msgid "must #include <typeinfo> before using typeid"
msgstr "m�ste ha#include <typeinfo> f�r anv�ndande av typeid"

#: cp/rtti.c:320
msgid "cannot create type information for type `%T' because its size is variable"
msgstr ""

#: cp/rtti.c:585 cp/rtti.c:599
msgid "dynamic_cast of `%#D' to `%#T' can never succeed"
msgstr ""

#: cp/rtti.c:675
msgid "cannot dynamic_cast `%E' (of type `%#T') to type `%#T' (%s)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:348
msgid "`%T' is an inaccessible base of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:358
msgid "`%T' is an ambiguous base of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:1925
msgid "adjusting pointers for covariant returns"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:1929 cp/search.c:1936
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid covariant return type for `%#D'"
msgstr "ogiltig mottagartyp \"%s\""

#: cp/search.c:1930
msgid "  overriding `%#D' (must be pointer or reference to class)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:1937
msgid "  overriding `%#D' (must use pointer or reference)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:1942
#, fuzzy
msgid "conflicting return type specified for `%#D'"
msgstr "motstridiga typer p� \"%s\""

#: cp/search.c:1943
msgid "  overriding `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:1952
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "looser throw specifier for `%#F'"
msgstr "long eller short angiven med char f�r \"%s\""

#: cp/search.c:1953
#, c-format
msgid "  overriding `%#F'"
msgstr ""

#. A static member function cannot match an inherited
#. virtual member function.
#: cp/search.c:2042
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%#D' cannot be declared"
msgstr "const \"%s\" kan inte deklareras \"mutable\""

#: cp/search.c:2043
msgid "  since `%#D' declared in base class"
msgstr ""

#: cp/search.c:2184
msgid "`%#D' needs a final overrider"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:919
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "type of asm operand `%E' could not be determined"
msgstr "typen p� parameter \"%s\" �r inte deklarerad"

#: cp/semantics.c:1051
msgid "ISO C++ does not permit named return values"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1060
msgid "return identifier `%D' already in place"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1068
msgid "can't redefine default return value for constructors"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1100
msgid "only constructors take base initializers"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1342
msgid "`this' is unavailable for static member functions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1348
msgid "invalid use of `this' in non-member function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1350
msgid "invalid use of `this' at top level"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1380
msgid "calling type `%T' like a method"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1418
msgid "destructor specifier `%T::~%T()' must have matching names"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1424
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%E' is not of type `%T'"
msgstr "\"%s\" svarar inte p� \"%s\""

#: cp/semantics.c:1612
msgid "template type parameters must use the keyword `class' or `typename'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1651
msgid "invalid default template argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:1693
#, fuzzy
msgid "definition of `%#T' inside template parameter list"
msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer symbol fr�n parameterlista"

#: cp/semantics.c:1709
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid definition of qualified type `%T'"
msgstr "ogiltig operation p� oinstansierad typ"

#: cp/semantics.c:2051
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid base-class specification"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/semantics.c:2060
msgid "base class `%T' has cv qualifiers"
msgstr ""

#: cp/semantics.c:2091
#, fuzzy
msgid "multiple declarators in template declaration"
msgstr "flera lagringsklasser i deklaration av \"%s\""

#: cp/spew.c:225
#, c-format
msgid "identifier name `%s' conflicts with GNU C++ internal naming strategy"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1002 cp/spew.c:1336
msgid "parse error at end of saved function text"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1090 cp/spew.c:1178
msgid "%Hend of file read inside definition"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1121
msgid "parse error in method specification"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1161
msgid "function body for constructor missing"
msgstr "funktionskroppen f�r konstrueraren saknas"

#: cp/spew.c:1258
msgid "%Hend of file read inside default argument"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1415
msgid "circular dependency in default args of `%#D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/spew.c:1479
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid type `%T' for default argument to `%T'"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument till \"%s\""

#: cp/spew.c:1539
#, c-format
msgid "%s before `%s'"
msgstr "%s f�re \"%s\""

#: cp/spew.c:1541
#, c-format
msgid "%s before `%c'"
msgstr "%s f�re \"%c\""

#: cp/spew.c:1543
#, c-format
msgid "%s before `\\%o'"
msgstr "%s f�re \"\\%o\""

#: cp/spew.c:1546
#, c-format
msgid "%s before `%s' token"
msgstr "%s f�re symbolen \"%s\""

#: cp/tree.c:251 cp/tree.c:263
#, c-format
msgid "non-lvalue in %s"
msgstr "icke-lvalue i %s"

#: cp/tree.c:635
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%V' qualifiers cannot be applied to `%T'"
msgstr "\"%s\" svarar inte p� \"%s\""

#: cp/tree.c:2012
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute can only be applied to Java class definitions"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktioner"

#: cp/tree.c:2042
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute can only be applied to class definitions"
msgstr "attributet \"%s\" fungerar bara p� funktioner"

#: cp/tree.c:2048
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' is obsolete; g++ vtables are now COM-compatible by default"
msgstr ""

#: cp/tree.c:2073
msgid "requested init_priority is not an integer constant"
msgstr ""

#: cp/tree.c:2094
#, c-format
msgid "can only use `%s' attribute on file-scope definitions of objects of class type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/tree.c:2102
msgid "requested init_priority is out of range"
msgstr ""

#: cp/tree.c:2112
msgid "requested init_priority is reserved for internal use"
msgstr ""

#: cp/tree.c:2122
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' attribute is not supported on this platform"
msgstr "attributet \"section\" st�ds inte f�r denna m�larkitektur"

#: cp/tree.c:2659
#, c-format
msgid "lang_* check: failed in %s, at %s:%d"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:524
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids %s between pointer of type `void *' and pointer-to-function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:545
msgid "%s between distinct pointer types `%T' and `%T' lacks a cast"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:1438
msgid "ISO C++ prohibits conversion from `%#T' to `(...)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:1516
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid application of `%s' to a member function"
msgstr "destruerare kan inte vara en statisk medlemsfunktion"

#: cp/typeck.c:1522
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "invalid application of `%s' to non-static member"
msgstr "\"sizeof\" applicerat p� ett bitf�lt"

#: cp/typeck.c:1540
msgid "sizeof applied to a bit-field"
msgstr "sizeof applicerat p� ett bit-f�lt"

#: cp/typeck.c:1543
msgid "ISO C++ forbids applying `sizeof' to an expression of function type"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av \"sizeof\" p� ett uttryck av funktionstyp"

#: cp/typeck.c:1655
msgid "invalid use of non-lvalue array"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:1761
msgid "deprecated conversion from string constant to `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:1892 cp/typeck.c:2115
msgid "request for member `%D' in `%E', which is of non-class type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:1918
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is not a member of `%T'"
msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:1958 cp/typeck.c:1979
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid access to non-static data member `%D' of NULL object"
msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#: cp/typeck.c:1960 cp/typeck.c:1981
msgid "(perhaps the `offsetof' macro was used incorrectly)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2161
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D::%D' is not a member of `%T'"
msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:2187
msgid "destructor specifier `%T::~%T' must have matching names"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2193
msgid "type `%T' has no destructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2232
#, fuzzy
msgid "`%D' is not a member template function"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r vanligtvis en funktion"

#. A pointer to incomplete type (other than cv void) can be
#. dereferenced [expr.unary.op]/1
#: cp/typeck.c:2326
msgid "`%T' is not a pointer-to-object type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2353
#, c-format
msgid "invalid use of `%s' on pointer to member"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2359
msgid "invalid type argument"
msgstr "ogiltigt typargument"

#: cp/typeck.c:2462
msgid "ISO C++ forbids subscripting non-lvalue array"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2473
msgid "subscripting array declared `register'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2558
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "object missing in use of `%E'"
msgstr "f�ltstorlek saknas i \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:2663
msgid "ISO C++ forbids calling `::main' from within program"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anrop av \"::main\" inifr�n programmet"

#: cp/typeck.c:2688
#, c-format
msgid "must use .* or ->* to call pointer-to-member function in `%E (...)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2701
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%E' cannot be used as a function"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" deklarerad som en funktion"

#: cp/typeck.c:2826
#, fuzzy
msgid "too many arguments to %s `%+#D'"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:2867
msgid "parameter type of called function is incomplete"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:2930
#, fuzzy
msgid "too few arguments to %s `%+#D'"
msgstr "f�r f� argument till funktionen \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:3058 cp/typeck.c:3068
msgid "assuming cast to type `%T' from overloaded function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3128
#, c-format
msgid "division by zero in `%E / 0'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3130
#, c-format
msgid "division by zero in `%E / 0.'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3160
#, c-format
msgid "division by zero in `%E %% 0'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3162
#, c-format
msgid "division by zero in `%E %% 0.'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3242
#, c-format
msgid "%s rotate count is negative"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3245
#, c-format
msgid "%s rotate count >= width of type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3276 cp/typeck.c:3281 cp/typeck.c:3372 cp/typeck.c:3377
msgid "ISO C++ forbids comparison between pointer and integer"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder j�mf�relse mellan pekare och heltal"

#: cp/typeck.c:3555
#, fuzzy
msgid "comparison between types `%#T' and `%#T'"
msgstr "j�mf�relse mellan pekare och heltal"

#: cp/typeck.c:3591
msgid "comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3656
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid operands of types `%T' and `%T' to binary `%O'"
msgstr "ogiltiga operander till bin�r %s"

#. Some sort of arithmetic operation involving NULL was
#. performed.  Note that pointer-difference and pointer-addition
#. have already been handled above, and so we don't end up here in
#. that case.
#: cp/typeck.c:3678
#, fuzzy
msgid "NULL used in arithmetic"
msgstr "pekare till funktion anv�nd med aritmetik"

#: cp/typeck.c:3745
msgid "ISO C++ forbids using pointer of type `void *' in subtraction"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3747
msgid "ISO C++ forbids using pointer to a function in subtraction"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3749
msgid "ISO C++ forbids using pointer to a method in subtraction"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3751
msgid "ISO C++ forbids using pointer to a member in subtraction"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3763
msgid "invalid use of a pointer to an incomplete type in pointer arithmetic"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3823
#, c-format
msgid "invalid use of '%E' to form a pointer-to-member-function.  Use a qualified-id."
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3829
#, c-format
msgid "parenthesis around '%E' cannot be used to form a pointer-to-member-function"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:3852
msgid "taking address of temporary"
msgstr "tar adress till n�got tempor�rt"

#: cp/typeck.c:4055
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids %sing an enum"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4067
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot %s a pointer to incomplete type `%T'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" pekar p� inkomplett typ"

#: cp/typeck.c:4074
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids %sing a pointer of type `%T'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av pekare av typ \"void *\" i pekararitmetik"

#: cp/typeck.c:4099
msgid "cast to non-reference type used as lvalue"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4133
msgid "invalid use of `--' on bool variable `%D'"
msgstr ""

#. ARM $3.4
#: cp/typeck.c:4166
msgid "ISO C++ forbids taking address of function `::main'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder att man tar adressen till funktionen \"::main\""

#. An expression like &memfn.
#: cp/typeck.c:4233
msgid "ISO C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified non-static member function to form a pointer to member function.  Say `&%T::%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4235
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function.  Say `&%T::%D'"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av pekare till medlemsfunktion i pekararitmetik"

#: cp/typeck.c:4259
msgid "ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a cast to a non-lvalue expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4290
#, fuzzy
msgid "attempt to take address of bit-field structure member `%D'"
msgstr "kan inte ta adressen till bitf�lt \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:4418
#, fuzzy
msgid "taking address of destructor"
msgstr "tar adress till n�got tempor�rt"

#: cp/typeck.c:4431
msgid "taking address of bound pointer-to-member expression"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4447
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot create pointer to reference member `%D'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera pekare till referenser"

#: cp/typeck.c:4510
msgid "cannot take the address of `this', which is an rvalue expression"
msgstr "Kan inte ta adressen till \"this\", som �r ett rvalue-uttryck"

#: cp/typeck.c:4529
msgid "address requested for `%D', which is declared `register'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4750
msgid "static_cast from type `%T' to type `%T' casts away constness"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4758
msgid "invalid static_cast from type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4797
msgid "invalid reinterpret_cast of an rvalue expression of type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4817
msgid "reinterpret_cast from `%T' to `%T' loses precision"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4830
msgid "reinterpret_cast from `%T' to `%T' casts away const (or volatile)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4839
msgid "ISO C++ forbids casting between pointer-to-function and pointer-to-object"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4845
msgid "invalid reinterpret_cast from type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4872
msgid "invalid use of const_cast with type `%T', which is not a pointer, reference, nor a pointer-to-data-member type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4875
msgid "invalid use of const_cast with type `%T', which is a pointer or reference to a function type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4898
msgid "invalid const_cast of an rvalue of type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4914
msgid "invalid const_cast from type `%T' to type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:4956 cp/typeck.c:4961
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids casting to an array type `%T'"
msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder typkonvertering till unionstyper"

#: cp/typeck.c:4969
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid cast to function type `%T'"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:5021
msgid "cast from `%T' to `%T' discards qualifiers from pointer target type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5067
msgid "cast from `%T' to `%T' increases required alignment of target type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5235
msgid "  in evaluation of `%Q(%#T, %#T)'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5277
msgid "ISO C++ forbids cast to non-reference type used as lvalue"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5349
#, fuzzy
msgid "incompatible types in assignment of `%T' to `%T'"
msgstr "inkompatibla typer i %s"

#: cp/typeck.c:5356
msgid "ISO C++ forbids assignment of arrays"
msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder tilldelning av f�lt"

#: cp/typeck.c:5499
msgid "   in pointer to member function conversion"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5507
msgid "   in pointer to member conversion"
msgstr ""

#. This is a reinterpret cast, we choose to do nothing.
#: cp/typeck.c:5518 cp/typeck.c:5537
msgid "pointer to member cast via virtual base `%T' of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5541
msgid "pointer to member conversion via virtual base `%T' of `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5611
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid conversion to type `%T' from type `%T'"
msgstr "ogiltig mottagartyp \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:5776
msgid "passing NULL used for non-pointer %s %P of `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5779
msgid "%s to non-pointer type `%T' from NULL"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5787
msgid "passing `%T' for %s %P of `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5790
msgid "%s to `%T' from `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5800
msgid "passing negative value `%E' for %s %P of `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5803
msgid "%s of negative value `%E' to `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5898
msgid "cannot convert `%T' to `%T' for argument `%P' to `%D'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:5901
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot convert `%T' to `%T' in %s"
msgstr "kan inte konvertera till en pekartyp"

#: cp/typeck.c:5988 cp/typeck.c:5990
#, fuzzy
msgid "in passing argument %P of `%+D'"
msgstr "Saknar argument till flaggan \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck.c:6105
msgid "returning reference to temporary"
msgstr "returnerar referens till en tempor�r"

#: cp/typeck.c:6112
msgid "reference to non-lvalue returned"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:6124
#, fuzzy
msgid "reference to local variable `%D' returned"
msgstr "adress p� global registervariabel \"%s\" efterfr�gad"

#: cp/typeck.c:6127
#, fuzzy
msgid "address of local variable `%D' returned"
msgstr "adress p� global registervariabel \"%s\" efterfr�gad"

#: cp/typeck.c:6158
msgid "returning a value from a destructor"
msgstr "returnerar ett v�rde fr�n en destruktor"

#. If a return statement appears in a handler of the
#. function-try-block of a constructor, the program is ill-formed.
#: cp/typeck.c:6166
msgid "cannot return from a handler of a function-try-block of a constructor"
msgstr ""

#. You can't return a value from a constructor.
#: cp/typeck.c:6169
msgid "returning a value from a constructor"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:6186
msgid "return-statement with no value, in function declared with a non-void return type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:6202
msgid "return-statement with a value, in function declared with a void return type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck.c:6223
msgid "`operator new' must not return NULL unless it is declared `throw()' (or -fcheck-new is in effect)"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:54
msgid "type `%T' is not a base type for type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:151
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare variable `%D' to be of type `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som en mall"

#: cp/typeck2.c:154
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare parameter `%D' to be of type `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som en mall"

#: cp/typeck2.c:157
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot declare field `%D' to be of type `%T'"
msgstr "kan inte deklarera \"::main\" som en mall"

#: cp/typeck2.c:161
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid return type for member function `%#D'"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck2.c:163
#, fuzzy
msgid "invalid return type for function `%#D'"
msgstr "ogiltig lagringsklass f�r funktion \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck2.c:166
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot allocate an object of type `%T'"
msgstr "statisk access till objekt av typ \"id\""

#: cp/typeck2.c:173
msgid "  because the following virtual functions are abstract:"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:175
msgid "\t%#D"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:178
msgid "  since type `%T' has abstract virtual functions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:331
msgid "constructor syntax used, but no constructor declared for type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:342
msgid "comma expression used to initialize return value"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:351
msgid "cannot initialize arrays using this syntax"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:406
#, fuzzy
msgid "ISO C++ forbids non-constant aggregate initializer expressions"
msgstr "ISO C89 f�rbjuder konstruktor-uttryck"

#: cp/typeck2.c:490
msgid "initializing array with parameter list"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:546
msgid "initializer for scalar variable requires one element"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:553
msgid "braces around scalar initializer for `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:556
msgid "ignoring extra initializers for `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:568
#, fuzzy
msgid "variable-sized object of type `%T' may not be initialized"
msgstr "objekt med variabel storlek kan inte initieras"

#: cp/typeck2.c:578
msgid "subobject of type `%T' must be initialized by constructor, not by `%E'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:644
msgid "aggregate has a partly bracketed initializer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:682 cp/typeck2.c:786
msgid "non-trivial labeled initializers"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:699
msgid "non-empty initializer for array of empty elements"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:752
msgid "initializer list for object of class with virtual base classes"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:758
msgid "initializer list for object of class with base classes"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:764
msgid "initializer list for object using virtual functions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:827 cp/typeck2.c:843
#, fuzzy
msgid "missing initializer for member `%D'"
msgstr "saknar mellanrum efter nummer \"%.*s\""

#: cp/typeck2.c:832
#, fuzzy
msgid "uninitialized const member `%D'"
msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#: cp/typeck2.c:834
#, fuzzy
msgid "member `%D' with uninitialized const fields"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/typeck2.c:837
#, fuzzy
msgid "member `%D' is uninitialized reference"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" �r initierad"

#: cp/typeck2.c:883
msgid "index value instead of field name in union initializer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:895
#, fuzzy
msgid "no field `%D' in union being initialized"
msgstr "f�lt \"%s\" �r redan initierat"

#: cp/typeck2.c:903
msgid "union `%T' with no named members cannot be initialized"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:939
msgid "excess elements in aggregate initializer"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1053
msgid "circular pointer delegation detected"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1066
#, fuzzy
msgid "base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `%T'"
msgstr "basoperanden till \"->\" �r inte en pekare"

#: cp/typeck2.c:1080
msgid "result of `operator->()' yields non-pointer result"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1082
msgid "base operand of `->' is not a pointer"
msgstr "basoperanden till \"->\" �r inte en pekare"

#: cp/typeck2.c:1148
msgid "`%E' cannot be used as a member pointer, since it is of type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1155
msgid "cannot apply member pointer `%E' to `%E', which is of non-aggregate type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1164
msgid "member type `%T::' incompatible with object type `%T'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1201
msgid "`%T' fails to be a typedef or built-in type"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1274
#, c-format
msgid "ISO C++ forbids defining types within %s"
msgstr ""

#: cp/typeck2.c:1399
#, fuzzy
msgid "call to function `%D' which throws incomplete type `%#T'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" pekar p� inkomplett typ"

#: cp/typeck2.c:1402
#, fuzzy
msgid "call to function which throws incomplete type `%#T'"
msgstr "parameter \"%s\" pekar p� inkomplett typ"

#. XXX Not i18n clean.
#: cp/cp-tree.h:3846
#, c-format
msgid "%s is deprecated, please see the documentation for details"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:29
msgid "Do not obey access control semantics"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:31
msgid "Change when template instances are emitted"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:36
msgid "Check the return value of new"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:39
msgid "Reduce size of object files"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:43
msgid "Make string literals `char[]' instead of `const char[]'"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:46
msgid "Dump the entire translation unit to a file"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:48
msgid "Do not inline member functions by default"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:51
msgid "Do not generate run time type descriptor information"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:56
msgid "Do not generate code to check exception specifications"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:61
msgid "Scope of for-init-statement vars extends outside"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:64
msgid "Do not recognize GNU defined keywords"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:68
msgid "Enable support for huge objects"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:72
msgid "Export functions even if they can be inlined"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:75
msgid "Only emit explicit template instatiations"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:78
msgid "Only emit explicit instatiations of inline templates"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:84
msgid "Don't pedwarn about uses of Microsoft extensions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:87
#, fuzzy
msgid "Recognize and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor"
msgstr "K�nn igen and/bitand/bitor/compl/not/or/xor"

#: cp/lang-options.h:91
msgid "Disable optional diagnostics"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:93
msgid "Downgrade conformance errors to warnings"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:96
msgid "Enable automatic template instantiation"
msgstr "Sl� p� automatisk mallinstansiering"

#: cp/lang-options.h:101
msgid "Display statistics accumulated during compilation"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:104
msgid "Specify maximum template instantiation depth"
msgstr "Ange maximalt instansieringsdjup f�r mallar"

#: cp/lang-options.h:106
msgid "Use __cxa_atexit to register destructors"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:109
msgid "Discard unused virtual functions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:112
msgid "Implement vtables using thunks"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:115
msgid "Emit common-like symbols as weak symbols"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:118
msgid "Emit cross referencing information"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:122
msgid "Warn about inconsistent return types"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:125
msgid "Warn about overloaded virtual function names"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:129
msgid "Don't warn when all ctors/dtors are private"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:131
msgid "Warn about non virtual destructors"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:134
msgid "Warn when a function is declared extern, then inline"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:137
msgid "Warn when the compiler reorders code"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:140
msgid "Warn when synthesis behavior differs from Cfront"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:144
msgid "Don't warn when type converting pointers to member functions"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:146
msgid "Warn about violations of Effective C++ style rules"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:149
msgid "Warn when overload promotes from unsigned to signed"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:152
msgid "Warn if a C style cast is used in a program"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:156
msgid "Don't warn when non-templatized friend functions are declared within a template"
msgstr ""

#: cp/lang-options.h:159
msgid "Don't announce deprecation of compiler features"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.c:387
msgid "note:"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.c:391
#, fuzzy
msgid "warning:"
msgstr "varning: "

#: f/bad.c:395
msgid "fatal:"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.c:437
msgid "(continued):"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.c:487 f/bad.c:505
msgid "[REPORT BUG!!] %"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.c:494 f/bad.c:526
msgid "[REPORT BUG!!]"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:3132
#, no-c-format
msgid "ASSIGN'ed label cannot fit into `%A' at %0 -- using wider sibling"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:11551
msgid "no INTEGER type can hold a pointer on this configuration"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:11772
#, c-format
msgid "configuration: REAL, INTEGER, and LOGICAL are %d bits wide,"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:11774
#, c-format
msgid "and pointers are %d bits wide, but g77 doesn't yet work"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:11776
msgid "properly unless they all are 32 bits wide"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:11777
msgid "Please keep this in mind before you report bugs."
msgstr ""

#. I/O will probably crash.
#: f/com.c:11785
#, c-format
msgid "configuration: char * holds %d bits, but ftnlen only %d"
msgstr ""

#. ASSIGN 10 TO I will crash.
#: f/com.c:11794
#, c-format
msgid ""
"configuration: char * holds %d bits, but INTEGER only %d --\n"
" ASSIGN statement might fail"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:13609
#, fuzzy
msgid "In statement function"
msgstr "f�r m�nga argument till funktion"

#: f/com.c:13619
msgid "Outside of any program unit:\n"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:15248
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A from %B at %0%C"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:15425
#, fuzzy
msgid "directory name must immediately follow -I"
msgstr "Katalognamn m�ste komma direkt efter -I"

#: f/com.c:15568
#, no-c-format
msgid "At %0, INCLUDE file %A exists, but is not readable"
msgstr ""

#: f/com.c:15603
#, no-c-format
msgid "At %0, INCLUDE nesting too deep"
msgstr ""

#: f/expr.c:9614
#, no-c-format
msgid "Two arithmetic operators in a row at %0 and %1 -- use parentheses"
msgstr ""

#: f/expr.c:9664
#, no-c-format
msgid "Operator at %0 has lower precedence than that at %1 -- use parentheses"
msgstr ""

#: f/expr.c:10525
#, no-c-format
msgid "Use .EQV./.NEQV. instead of .EQ./.NE. at %0 for LOGICAL operands at %1 and %2"
msgstr ""

#: f/expr.c:10896
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported operand for ** at %1 -- converting to default INTEGER"
msgstr ""

#: f/g77spec.c:255
#, c-format
msgid "overflowed output arg list for `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: f/g77spec.c:394
msgid "--driver no longer supported"
msgstr "--driver st�djs inte l�ngre"

#: f/g77spec.c:407
#, c-format
msgid "argument to `%s' missing"
msgstr "argument till \"%s\" saknas"

#: f/g77spec.c:411
msgid "no input files; unwilling to write output files"
msgstr ""

#: f/implic.c:203
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Implicit declaration of `%A' at %0"
msgstr "tidigare implicit deklaration av \"%s\""

#: f/lex.c:326
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Non-ISO-C-standard escape sequence `\\%A' at %0"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: f/lex.c:345
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown escape sequence `\\%A' at %0"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: f/lex.c:354
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Unterminated escape sequence `\\' at %0"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: f/lex.c:365
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Unknown escape sequence `\\' followed by char code 0x%A at %0"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens: '\\' f�ljd av tecken 0x%x"

#: f/lex.c:393
#, no-c-format
msgid "\\x used at %0 with no following hex digits"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:407
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Hex escape at %0 out of range"
msgstr "heltalskonstant utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: f/lex.c:441
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Escape sequence at %0 out of range for character"
msgstr "escape-sekvens ryms ej i ett tecken"

#: f/lex.c:595
msgid "hex escape out of range"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:648
#, c-format
msgid "non-ANSI-standard escape sequence, `\\%c'"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:661
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "non-ISO escape sequence `\\%c'"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: f/lex.c:665
#, c-format
msgid "unknown escape sequence `\\%c'"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens \"\\%c\""

#: f/lex.c:667
#, c-format
msgid "unknown escape sequence: `\\' followed by char code 0x%x"
msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens: '\\' f�ljd av tecken 0x%x"

#: f/lex.c:744
msgid "badly formed directive -- no closing quote"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:802
msgid "#-lines for entering and leaving files don't match"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:964
msgid "bad directive -- missing close-quote"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:1078
#, c-format
msgid "ignoring pragma: %s"
msgstr "ignorerar #pragma: %s"

#: f/lex.c:1156
msgid "invalid #ident"
msgstr "ogiltig #indent"

#: f/lex.c:1173
msgid "undefined or invalid # directive"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:1229
msgid "invalid #line"
msgstr "ogiltig #line"

#: f/lex.c:1285 f/lex.c:1329
msgid "use `#line ...' instead of `# ...' in first line"
msgstr ""

#: f/lex.c:1339
msgid "invalid #-line"
msgstr "ogiltig #-rad"

#: f/lex.c:1432
#, no-c-format
msgid "Null character at %0 -- line ignored"
msgstr ""

#: f/stb.c:12078
#, no-c-format
msgid "INCLUDE at %0 not the only statement on the source line"
msgstr ""

#: f/ste.c:1400 f/ste.c:1747
msgid "ASSIGNed FORMAT specifier is too small"
msgstr ""

#. ~~~Someday handle CHARACTER*1, CHARACTER*N
#: f/ste.c:2624
#, no-c-format
msgid "SELECT CASE on CHARACTER type (at %0) not supported -- sorry"
msgstr ""

#: f/ste.c:2953
msgid "ASSIGN to variable that is too small"
msgstr ""

#: f/ste.c:2981
msgid "ASSIGNed GOTO target variable is too small"
msgstr ""

#: f/stu.c:305
#, no-c-format
msgid "Local adjustable symbol `%A' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/target.c:2550
msgid "data initializer on host with different endianness"
msgstr ""

#: f/top.c:237
#, c-format
msgid "%s no longer supported -- try -fvxt"
msgstr "%s st�djs inte l�ngre -- f�rs�k -fvxt"

#: f/top.c:239
#, c-format
msgid "%s no longer supported -- try -fno-vxt -ff90"
msgstr "%s st�djs inte l�ngre -- f�rs�k -fno-vxt -ff90"

#: f/top.c:307 f/top.c:309
#, c-format
msgid "%s disabled, use normal debugging flags"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:33
msgid "Print g77-specific compiler version info, run internal tests"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:37
msgid "Program is written in typical FORTRAN 66 dialect"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:40
msgid "Program is written in typical Unix f77 dialect"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:42
msgid "Program does not use Unix-f77 dialectal features"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:44
msgid "Program is written in Fortran-90-ish dialect"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:48
msgid "Treat local vars and COMMON blocks as if they were named in SAVE statements"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:50
msgid "Allow $ in symbol names"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:54
msgid "f2c-compatible code need not be generated"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:57
msgid "Unsupported; do not generate libf2c-calling code"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:59
msgid "Unsupported; affects code-generation of arrays"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:62
msgid "Program is written in Fortran-90-ish free form"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:67
msgid "Warn about use of (only a few for now) Fortran extensions"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:70
msgid "Program is written in VXT (Digital-like) FORTRAN"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:73
msgid "Disallow all ugly features"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:76
msgid "Hollerith and typeless constants not passed as arguments"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:78
msgid "Allow ordinary copying of ASSIGN'ed vars"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:81
msgid "Dummy array dimensioned to (1) is assumed-size"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:84
msgid "Trailing comma in procedure call denotes null argument"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:87
msgid "Allow REAL(Z) and AIMAG(Z) given DOUBLE COMPLEX Z"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:91
msgid "Initialization via DATA and PARAMETER is type-compatible"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:93
msgid "Allow INTEGER and LOGICAL interchangeability"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:96
msgid "Print internal debugging-related info"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:99
msgid "Initialize local vars and arrays to zero"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:103
msgid "Backslashes in character/hollerith constants not special (C-style)"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:105
msgid "Have front end emulate COMPLEX arithmetic to avoid bugs"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:109
msgid "Disable the appending of underscores to externals"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:112
msgid "Never append a second underscore to externals"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:114
msgid "Intrinsics spelled as e.g. SqRt"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:116
msgid "Intrinsics in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:119
msgid "Intrinsics letters in arbitrary cases"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:121
msgid "Language keywords spelled as e.g. IOStat"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:123
msgid "Language keywords in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:126
msgid "Language keyword letters in arbitrary cases"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:128
msgid "Internally convert most source to uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:131
msgid "Internally preserve source case"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:133
msgid "Symbol names spelled in mixed case"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:135
msgid "Symbol names in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:137
msgid "Symbol names in lowercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:140
msgid "Program written in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:142
msgid "Program written in lowercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:144
msgid "Program written in strict mixed-case"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:146
msgid "Compile as if program written in uppercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:148
msgid "Compile as if program written in lowercase"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:150
msgid "Preserve all spelling (case) used in program"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:152
msgid "Delete libU77 intrinsics with bad interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:154
msgid "Disable libU77 intrinsics with bad interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:157
msgid "Hide libU77 intrinsics with bad interfaces"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:159
msgid "Delete non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics f2c supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:161
msgid "Disable non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics f2c supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:164
msgid "Hide non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics f2c supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:166
msgid "Delete non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics F90 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:168
msgid "Disable non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics F90 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:171
msgid "Hide non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics F90 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:173
msgid "Delete non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics g77 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:175
msgid "Disable non-FORTRAN 77 intrinsics F90 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:178
msgid "Hide non-FORTRAN 77 intrinsics F90 supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:180
msgid "Delete MIL-STD 1753 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:182
msgid "Disable MIL-STD 1753 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:185
msgid "Hide MIL-STD 1753 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:187
msgid "Delete libU77 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:189
msgid "Disable libU77 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:192
msgid "Hide libU77 intrinsics"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:194
msgid "Delete non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics VXT FORTRAN supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:196
msgid "Disable non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics VXT FORTRAN supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:199
msgid "Hide non-FORTRAN-77 intrinsics VXT FORTRAN supports"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:201
msgid "Treat initial values of 0 like non-zero values"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:204
msgid "Emit special debugging information for COMMON and EQUIVALENCE (disabled)"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:207
msgid "Take at least one trip through each iterative DO loop"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:211
msgid "Print names of program units as they are compiled"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:214
msgid "Disable fatal diagnostics about inter-procedural problems"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:216
msgid "Make prefix-radix non-decimal constants be typeless"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:219
msgid "Generate code to check subscript and substring bounds"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:222
msgid "Fortran-specific form of -fbounds-check"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:226
msgid "Disable warnings about inter-procedural problems"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:230
msgid "Warn about constructs with surprising meanings"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:235
msgid "Add a directory for INCLUDE searching"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-options.h:237
msgid "Set the maximum line length"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:39
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Missing first operand for binary operator at %0"
msgstr "saknar numerisk $-operand i formatstr�ng"

#: f/bad.def:42
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Zero-length character constant at %0"
msgstr "tom teckenkonstant"

#: f/bad.def:45
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid token at %0 in expression or subexpression at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:48
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing operand for operator at %1 at end of expression at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:51
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label %A already defined at %1 when redefined at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:54
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unrecognized character at %0 [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:57
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label definition %A at %0 on empty statement (as of %1)"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:65
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid first character at %0 [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:68
#, no-c-format
msgid "Line too long as of %0 [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:71
#, no-c-format
msgid "Non-numeric character at %0 in label field [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:74
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label number at %0 not in range 1-99999"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:77
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "At %0, '!' and '/*' are not valid comment delimiters"
msgstr "\"Ll\" och \"lL\" �r inte giltiga heltalssuffix"

#: f/bad.def:80
#, no-c-format
msgid "Continuation indicator at %0 must appear in column 6 [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:83
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label at %0 invalid with continuation line indicator at %1 [info -f g77 M LEX]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:91
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Character constant at %0 has no closing apostrophe at %1"
msgstr "teckenkonstant f�r l�ng"

#: f/bad.def:94
#, no-c-format
msgid "Hollerith constant at %0 specified %A more characters than are present as of %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:97
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing close parenthese at %0 needed to match open parenthese at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:100
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Integer at %0 too large"
msgstr "heltalskonstant utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: f/bad.def:123
#, no-c-format
msgid "Period at %0 not followed by digits for floating-point number or by `NOT.', `TRUE.', or `FALSE.'"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:126
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing close-period between `.%A' at %0 and %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:129
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid exponent at %0 for real constant at %1; nondigit `%A' in exponent field"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:132
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing value at %1 for real-number exponent at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:135
#, no-c-format
msgid "Expected binary operator between expressions at %0 and at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:253
#, no-c-format
msgid "Semicolon at %0 is an invalid token"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:271
#, no-c-format
msgid "Extraneous comma in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:274
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing comma in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:277
#, no-c-format
msgid "Spurious sign in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:280
#, no-c-format
msgid "Spurious number in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:283
#, no-c-format
msgid "Spurious text trailing number in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:291
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Unrecognized FORMAT specifier at %0"
msgstr "oigenk�nd formatangivelse"

#: f/bad.def:419
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing close-parenthese(s) in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:422
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing number following period in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:425
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing number following `E' in FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:433
#, no-c-format
msgid "Spurious trailing comma preceding terminator at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:436
#, no-c-format
msgid "At %0, specify OPERATOR instead of ASSIGNMENT for INTERFACE statement not specifying the assignment operator (=)"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:439
#, no-c-format
msgid "At %0, specify ASSIGNMENT instead of OPERATOR for INTERFACE statement specifying the assignment operator (=)"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:452
#, no-c-format
msgid "Cannot specify =initialization-expr at %0 unless `::' appears before list of objects"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:455
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference to label at %1 inconsistent with its definition at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:458
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference to label at %1 inconsistent with earlier reference at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:461
#, no-c-format
msgid "DO-statement reference to label at %1 follows its definition at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:464
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference to label at %1 is outside block containing definition at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:467
#, no-c-format
msgid "DO-statement references to label at %0 and %2 separated by unterminated block starting at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:470
#, no-c-format
msgid "DO-statement reference to label at %0 and label definition at %2 separated by unterminated block starting at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:473
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label definition at %0 invalid on this kind of statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:476
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statement at %0 invalid in this context"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:479
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statement at %0 invalid in context established by statement at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:482
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statement at %0 must specify construct name specified at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:485
#, no-c-format
msgid "Construct name at %0 superfluous, no construct name specified at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:488
#, no-c-format
msgid "Construct name at %0 not the same as construct name at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:491
#, no-c-format
msgid "Construct name at %0 does not match construct name for any containing DO constructs"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:494
#, no-c-format
msgid "Label definition missing at %0 for DO construct specifying label at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:497
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statement at %0 follows ELSE block for IF construct at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:500
#, no-c-format
msgid "No label definition for FORMAT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:503
#, no-c-format
msgid "Second occurrence of ELSE WHERE at %0 within WHERE at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:506
#, no-c-format
msgid "END statement at %0 missing `%A' keyword required for internal or module procedure(s) bounded by %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:509
#, no-c-format
msgid "MODULE PROCEDURE statement at %0 disallowed because INTERFACE at %1 specifies no generic name, operator, or assignment"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:512
#, no-c-format
msgid "BLOCK DATA name at %0 superfluous, no name specified at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:515
#, no-c-format
msgid "Program name at %0 superfluous, no PROGRAM statement specified at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:518
#, no-c-format
msgid "Program unit name at %0 not the same as name at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:521
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type name at %0 not the same as name at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:524
#, no-c-format
msgid "End of source file before end of block started at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:527
#, no-c-format
msgid "Undefined label, first referenced at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:530
#, no-c-format
msgid "SAVE statement or attribute at %1 cannot be specified along with SAVE statement or attribute at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:533
#, no-c-format
msgid "PUBLIC or PRIVATE statement at %1 cannot be specified along with PUBLIC or PRIVATE statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:536
#, no-c-format
msgid "RETURN statement at %0 invalid within a main program unit"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:539
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alternate return specifier at %0 invalid within a main program unit"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:542
#, no-c-format
msgid "Alternate return specifier at %0 invalid within a function"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:545
#, no-c-format
msgid "Access specifier or PRIVATE statement at %0 invalid for derived-type definition within other than the specification part of a module"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:548
#, no-c-format
msgid "Access specifier at %0 must immediately follow derived-type statement at %1 with no intervening statements"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:551
#, no-c-format
msgid "No components specified as of %0 for derived-type definition beginning at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:554
#, no-c-format
msgid "No components specified as of %0 for structure definition beginning at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:557
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing structure name for outer structure definition at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:560
#, no-c-format
msgid "Field names at %0 for outer structure definition -- specify them in a subsequent RECORD statement instead"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:563
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing field name(s) for structure definition at %0 within structure definition at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:566
#, no-c-format
msgid "No components specified as of %0 for map beginning at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:569
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zero or one maps specified as of %0 for union beginning at %1 -- at least two are required"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:572
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing %A specifier in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:575
#, no-c-format
msgid "Items in I/O list starting at %0 invalid for namelist-directed I/O"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:578
#, no-c-format
msgid "Conflicting I/O control specifications at %0 and %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:581
#, no-c-format
msgid "No UNIT= specifier in I/O control list at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:584
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specification at %0 requires ADVANCE=`NO' specification in same I/O control list"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:587
#, no-c-format
msgid "Specification at %0 requires explicit FMT= specification in same I/O control list"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:595
#, no-c-format
msgid "Second occurrence of CASE DEFAULT at %0 within SELECT CASE at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:598
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Duplicate or overlapping case values/ranges at %0 and %1"
msgstr "dubbla (eller �verlappand) case-v�rden"

#: f/bad.def:601
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type and/or kind-type parameter disagreement between CASE value or value within range at %0 and SELECT CASE at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:604
#, no-c-format
msgid "Range specification at %0 invalid for CASE statement within logical-type SELECT CASE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:617
#, no-c-format
msgid "Fortran 90 feature at %0 unsupported"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:630
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid declaration of or reference to symbol `%A' at %0 [initially seen at %1]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:638
#, no-c-format
msgid "Null element at %0 for array reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:641
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too few elements (%A missing) as of %0 for array reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:644
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too many elements as of %0 for array reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:647
#, no-c-format
msgid "Missing colon as of %0 in substring reference for %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:650
#, no-c-format
msgid "Invalid use at %0 of substring operator on %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:653
#, no-c-format
msgid "Substring begin/end point at %0 out of defined range"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:656
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array element value at %0 out of defined range"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:659
#, no-c-format
msgid "Expression at %0 has incorrect data type or rank for its context"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:662
#, no-c-format
msgid "Division by 0 (zero) at %0 (IEEE not yet supported)"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:665
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A step count known to be 0 (zero) at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:668
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A end value plus step count known to overflow at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:671
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A begin, end, and step-count values known to result in implementation-dependent behavior due to overflow(s) in intermediate calculations at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:674
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A begin, end, and step-count values known to result in no iterations at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:677
#, no-c-format
msgid "Type disagreement between expressions at %0 and %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:690
#, no-c-format
msgid "No specification for implied-DO iterator `%A' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:693
#, no-c-format
msgid "Gratuitous parentheses surround implied-DO construct at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:696
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zero-size specification invalid at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:699
#, no-c-format
msgid "Zero-size array at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:702
#, no-c-format
msgid "Target machine does not support complex entity of kind specified at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:705
#, no-c-format
msgid "Target machine does not support DOUBLE COMPLEX, specified at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:708
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Attempt to raise constant zero to a power at %0"
msgstr "F�rs�k h�ll stacken justerad till denna 2-potens"

#: f/bad.def:806
#, no-c-format
msgid "Reference to generic intrinsic `%A' at %0 could be to form %B or %C"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:809
#, no-c-format
msgid "Ambiguous use of intrinsic `%A' at %0 [info -f g77 M CMPAMBIG]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:812
#, no-c-format
msgid "Intrinsic `%A' referenced %Bly at %0, %Cly at %1 [info -f g77 M EXPIMP]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:815
#, no-c-format
msgid "Same name `%A' used for %B at %0 and %C at %1 [info -f g77 M INTGLOB]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:818
#, no-c-format
msgid "Explicit type declaration for intrinsic `%A' disagrees with invocation at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:821
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Unable to open INCLUDE file `%A' at %0"
msgstr "kan inte �ppna fil \"%s\""

#: f/bad.def:839
#, no-c-format
msgid "Null argument at %0 for statement function reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:842
#, no-c-format
msgid "Null argument at %0 for procedure invocation at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:845
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A too few arguments (starting with dummy argument `%B') as of %0 for statement function reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:848
#, no-c-format
msgid "%A too many arguments as of %0 for statement function reference at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:851
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array supplied at %1 for dummy argument `%A' in statement function reference at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:854
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported FORMAT specifier at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:857
#, no-c-format
msgid "Variable-expression FORMAT specifier at %0 -- unsupported"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:880
#, no-c-format
msgid "Unsupported VXT statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:883
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attempt to specify second initial value for `%A' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:886
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too few initial values in list of initializers for `%A' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:889
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too many initial values in list of initializers starting at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:892
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array or substring specification for `%A' out of range in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:895
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array subscript #%B out of range for initialization of `%A' in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:898
#, no-c-format
msgid "Implied do-loop step count of 0 (zero) for iteration variable `%A' in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:901
#, no-c-format
msgid "Implied do-loop iteration count of 0 (zero) for iteration variable `%A' in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:904
#, no-c-format
msgid "Not an integer constant expression in implied do-loop in statement at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:907
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attempt to specify second initial value for element of `%A' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:910
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attempt to EQUIVALENCE common areas `%A' and `%B' at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:913
#, no-c-format
msgid "Can't place `%A' as directed by EQUIVALENCE due to alignment restrictions"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:916
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mismatched EQUIVALENCE requirements for placement of `%A' at both %C and %D bytes offset from `%B'"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:919
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array or substring specification for `%A' out of range in EQUIVALENCE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:922
#, no-c-format
msgid "Substring of non-CHARACTER entity `%A' in EQUIVALENCE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:925
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array reference to scalar variable `%A' in EQUIVALENCE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:928
#, no-c-format
msgid "Array subscript #%B out of range for EQUIVALENCE of `%A'"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:936
#, no-c-format
msgid "Attempt to extend COMMON area beyond its starting point via EQUIVALENCE of `%A'"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:939
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too few elements in reference to array `%A' in EQUIVALENCE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:942
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too many elements in reference to array `%A' in EQUIVALENCE statement"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:945
#, no-c-format
msgid "Mixed CHARACTER and non-CHARACTER types via COMMON/EQUIVALENCE -- for example, `%A' and `%B'"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:958
#, no-c-format
msgid "Return value `%A' for FUNCTION at %0 not referenced in subprogram"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:976
#, no-c-format
msgid "Common block `%A' is SAVEd, explicitly or implicitly, at %0 but not SAVEd at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:979
#, no-c-format
msgid "Common block `%A' is %B %D in length at %0 but %C %E at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:987
#, no-c-format
msgid "Blank common initialized at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:990
#, no-c-format
msgid "Intrinsic `%A' is passed as actual argument at %0 but not explicitly declared INTRINSIC"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:993
#, no-c-format
msgid "External procedure `%A' is passed as actual argument at %0 but not explicitly declared EXTERNAL"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:996
#, no-c-format
msgid "Character `%A' (for example) is upper-case in symbol name at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:999
#, no-c-format
msgid "Character `%A' (for example) is lower-case in symbol name at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1002
#, no-c-format
msgid "Character `%A' not followed at some point by lower-case character in symbol name at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1005
#, no-c-format
msgid "Initial character `%A' is lower-case in symbol name at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1013
#, no-c-format
msgid "NAMELIST not adequately supported by run-time library for source files with case preserved"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1016
#, no-c-format
msgid "Nested %% construct (%%VAL, %%REF, or %%DESCR) at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1034
#, no-c-format
msgid "Statement at %0 invalid in BLOCK DATA program unit at %1"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1037
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Truncating characters on right side of character constant at %0"
msgstr "flerteckens teckenkonstant"

#: f/bad.def:1040
#, no-c-format
msgid "Truncating characters on right side of hollerith constant at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1043
#, no-c-format
msgid "Truncating non-zero data on left side of numeric constant at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1046
#, no-c-format
msgid "Truncating non-zero data on left side of typeless constant at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1049
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Typeless constant at %0 too large"
msgstr "heltalskonstant utanf�r sitt intervall"

#: f/bad.def:1052
#, no-c-format
msgid "First-column ampersand continuation at %0"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1055 f/bad.def:1058
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global name `%A' defined at %0 already defined at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1061 f/bad.def:1064
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global name `%A' is %B at %0 but is %C at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1067 f/bad.def:1070
#, no-c-format
msgid "Global name `%A' at %0 has different type at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1073
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too %B arguments passed to `%A' at %0 versus definition at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1076
#, no-c-format
msgid "Too %B arguments for `%A' at %0 versus invocation at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1079 f/bad.def:1082
#, no-c-format
msgid "Argument #%B of `%A' is %C at %0 but is %D at %1 [info -f g77 M GLOBALS]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1085
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Array `%A' at %0 is too large to handle"
msgstr "f�ltet \"%s\" �r f�r stort"

#: f/bad.def:1088
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Statement function `%A' defined at %0 is not used"
msgstr "etikett \"%s\" definierad men inte anv�nd"

#: f/bad.def:1091
#, no-c-format
msgid "Intrinsic `%A', invoked at %0, known to be non-Y2K-compliant [info -f g77 M Y2KBAD]"
msgstr ""

#: f/bad.def:1094
#, fuzzy, no-c-format
msgid "Internal compiler error -- cannot perform operation"
msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel i %s, vid %s:%d"

#. Kind messages are used in diagnostic location reports of the
#. form "<file>: In function `foo': <error message>".
#: f/info-k.def:32
msgid "In unknown kind"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:33
msgid "In entity"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:34
#, fuzzy
msgid "In function"
msgstr "I funktion `%s':"

#: f/info-k.def:35
msgid "In subroutine"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:36
#, fuzzy
msgid "In program"
msgstr "program: %s\n"

#: f/info-k.def:37
msgid "In block-data unit"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:38
msgid "In common block"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:39
#, fuzzy
msgid "In construct"
msgstr "struct"

#: f/info-k.def:40
msgid "In namelist"
msgstr ""

#: f/info-k.def:41
msgid "In anything"
msgstr ""

#: java/check-init.c:917
#, c-format
msgid "internal error in check-init: tree code not implemented: %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/check-init.c:990
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "final field '%s' may not have been initialized"
msgstr "objekt med variabel storlek kan inte initieras"

#: java/class.c:539 java/class.c:564
msgid "internal error - too many interface type"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:677
msgid "bad method signature"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:726
msgid "misplaced ConstantValue attribute (not in any field)"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:728
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate ConstantValue attribute for field '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:739
#, c-format
msgid "ConstantValue attribute of field '%s' has wrong type"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:1103
#, c-format
msgid "field '%s' not found in class"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:1365
msgid "abstract method in non-abstract class"
msgstr ""

#: java/class.c:2067
#, c-format
msgid "non-static method '%s' overrides static method"
msgstr ""

#: java/decl.c:1537
#, c-format
msgid "In %s: overlapped variable and exception ranges at %d"
msgstr ""

#: java/decl.c:1618
msgid "bad type in parameter debug info"
msgstr ""

#: java/decl.c:1628
#, c-format
msgid "bad PC range for debug info for local `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:530
msgid "stack underflow - dup* operation"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:1536
#, c-format
msgid "reference `%s' is ambiguous: appears in interface `%s' and interface `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:1565
#, c-format
msgid "field `%s' not found"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:1717
msgid "ret instruction not implemented"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:1852
#, c-format
msgid "method '%s' not found in class"
msgstr "metod \"%s\" kan inte hittas i klassen"

#: java/expr.c:2055
#, c-format
msgid "failed to find class '%s'"
msgstr "kunde inte hitta klassen \"%s\""

#: java/expr.c:2065
#, c-format
msgid "class '%s' has no method named '%s' matching signature '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2075
msgid "invokestatic on non static method"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2080
msgid "invokestatic on abstract method"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2088
msgid "invoke[non-static] on static method"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2373
#, c-format
msgid "missing field '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2379
#, c-format
msgid "mismatching signature for field '%s' in '%s'"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2402
#, c-format
msgid "assignment to final field `%s' not in field's class"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2407
#, c-format
msgid "assignment to final static field `%s' not in class initializer"
msgstr ""

#: java/expr.c:2414
#, c-format
msgid "assignment to final field `%s' not in constructor"
msgstr ""

# fixme: spola tillbaka �r inte perfekt
#: java/expr.c:2661
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't expand %s"
msgstr "kan inte spola tillbaka %s"

#: java/expr.c:2838
msgid "invalid PC in line number table"
msgstr ""

#. We've just reached the end of a region of dead code.
#: java/expr.c:2883
#, c-format
msgid "unreachable bytecode from %d to before %d"
msgstr ""

#. We've just reached the end of a region of dead code.
#: java/expr.c:2920
#, c-format
msgid "unreachable bytecode from %d to the end of the method"
msgstr ""

#. duplicate code from LOAD macro
#: java/expr.c:3238
msgid "unrecogized wide sub-instruction"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-io.c:537
#, c-format
msgid "source file for class `%s' is newer than its matching class file.  Source file `%s' used instead"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:338
msgid "bad string constant"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:356
#, c-format
msgid "bad value constant type %d, index %d"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:528
#, c-format
msgid "can't reopen %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:533
#, c-format
msgid "can't close %s"
msgstr "kan inte st�nga %s"

#: java/jcf-parse.c:615
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find file for class %s"
msgstr "Kan inte hitta filen med klass %s."

#: java/jcf-parse.c:627
msgid "not a valid Java .class file"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:630
msgid "error while parsing constant pool"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:633
#, c-format
msgid "error in constant pool entry #%d\n"
msgstr ""

#. FIXME - where was first time
#: java/jcf-parse.c:645
#, c-format
msgid "reading class %s for the second time from %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:663
msgid "error while parsing fields"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:666
msgid "error while parsing methods"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:669
msgid "error while parsing final attributes"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:683
#, c-format
msgid "the `java.lang.Object' that was found in `%s' didn't have the special zero-length `gnu.gcj.gcj-compiled' attribute.  This generally means that your classpath is incorrectly set.  Use `info gcj \"Input Options\"' to see the info page describing how to set the classpath"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:773
msgid "missing Code attribute"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:1010
msgid "source file seen twice on command line and will be compiled only once"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:1026
msgid "no input file specified"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:1055
#, c-format
msgid "can't close input file %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-parse.c:1092
#, c-format
msgid "bad zip/jar file %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-write.c:2641
#, c-format
msgid "internal error in generate_bytecode_insn - tree code not implemented: %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/jcf-write.c:2979
#, fuzzy
msgid "field initializer type mismatch"
msgstr "f�ltinitierare �r ej konstant"

#: java/jcf-write.c:3387
#, c-format
msgid "can't create directory %s"
msgstr "kan inte skapa katalog %s"

#: java/jcf-write.c:3441
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't create %s"
msgstr "kan inte st�nga %s"

#: java/jv-scan.c:187
msgid "only one of `--print-main', `--list-class', and `--complexity' allowed"
msgstr ""

#: java/jv-scan.c:190
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't open output file `%s'"
msgstr "Kan inte �ppna utdatafil \"%s\""

#: java/jv-scan.c:224
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "file not found `%s'"
msgstr "Kan inte hitta filen \"%s\""

#: java/jvspec.c:426
msgid "can't specify `-D' without `--main'\n"
msgstr ""

#: java/jvspec.c:429
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "`%s' is not a valid class name"
msgstr "\"%s\" �r inte ett giltigt filnamn"

#: java/jvspec.c:435
msgid "--resource requires -o"
msgstr ""

#: java/jvspec.c:442
msgid "warning: already-compiled .class files ignored with -C"
msgstr ""

#: java/jvspec.c:449
msgid "cannot specify both -C and -o"
msgstr "kan inte ange b�de -C och -o"

#: java/jvspec.c:461
msgid "cannot create temporary file"
msgstr ""

#: java/jvspec.c:489
msgid "using both @FILE with multiple files not implemented"
msgstr ""

#: java/jvspec.c:538
msgid "cannot specify `main' class when not linking"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang.c:543
msgid "can't do dependency tracking with input from stdin"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang.c:559
msgid "couldn't determine target name for dependency tracking"
msgstr ""

#: java/lex.c:303
#, c-format
msgid ""
"unknown encoding: `%s'\n"
"This might mean that your locale's encoding is not supported\n"
"by your system's iconv(3) implementation.  If you aren't trying\n"
"to use a particular encoding for your input file, try the\n"
"`--encoding=UTF-8' option"
msgstr ""

#: java/mangle.c:85
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "can't mangle %s"
msgstr "kan inte st�nga %s"

#: java/mangle_name.c:144 java/mangle_name.c:216
msgid "internal error - invalid Utf8 name"
msgstr "internt fel - ogiltigt Utf8-namn"

#: ../../gcc-cvs/gcc/java/parse-scan.y:881 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:962
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1303 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1364
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1574 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1796
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1805 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1816
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1827 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1839
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1854 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1871
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1873 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1945
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2116 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2178
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2330 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2342
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2349 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2356
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2367 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2369
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2407 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2409
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2411 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2432
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2434 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2436
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2452 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2454
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2475 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2477
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2479 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2507
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2509 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2511
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2513 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2531
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2533 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2544
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2555 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2566
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2577 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2588
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2601 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2605
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2607 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2620
msgid "Missing term"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-cvs/gcc/java/parse-scan.y:883 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:734
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:772 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:797
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:983 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1338
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1550 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1552
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1781 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1807
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1818 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1829
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1841 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1856
msgid "';' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:732 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:770
msgid "Missing name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:795
msgid "'*' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:809
msgid "Class or interface declaration expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:846 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:848
msgid "Missing class name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:851 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:855
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:863 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1023
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1284 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1286
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1616 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1867
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1899 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1952
msgid "'{' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:865
msgid "Missing super class name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:875 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:891
msgid "Missing interface name"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:977
msgid "Missing variable initializer"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:994
msgid "Invalid declaration"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:997 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1082
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2153 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2175
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2179 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2214
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2291 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2301
msgid "']' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1001
msgid "Unbalanced ']'"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1037
msgid "Invalid method declaration, method name required"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1042 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1047
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1052 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2036
msgid "Identifier expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1057
msgid "Invalid method declaration, return type required"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1080 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1530
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1537 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1546
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1548 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1576
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1684 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1981
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2034
msgid "')' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1096
msgid "Missing formal parameter term"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1111 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1116
msgid "Missing identifier"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1136 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1145
msgid "Missing class type term"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1301
msgid "Invalid interface type"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1494 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1663
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1665
msgid "':' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1516 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1521
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1526
msgid "Invalid expression statement"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1544 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1572
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1612 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1680
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1748 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1869
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1938 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2028
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2030 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2038
#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2274 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2276
msgid "'(' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1614
msgid "Missing term or ')'"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1661
msgid "Missing or invalid constant expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1682
msgid "Missing term and ')' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1721
msgid "Invalid control expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1723 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1725
msgid "Invalid update expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1750
msgid "Invalid init statement"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1941
msgid "Missing term or ')' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1983
msgid "'class' or 'this' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1985 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:1987
msgid "'class' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2032
msgid "')' or term expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2151
msgid "'[' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2229
msgid "Field expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2286 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2296
msgid "Missing term and ']' expected"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2400
msgid "']' expected, invalid type expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2403
msgid "Invalid type expression"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2515
msgid "Invalid reference type"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2993
msgid "Constructor invocation must be first thing in a constructor"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:2995
msgid "Only constructors can invoke constructors"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:3004
#, c-format
msgid ": `%s' JDK1.1(TM) feature"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:3064 ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:3066
#, c-format
msgid ""
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:6867
#, c-format
msgid "malformed .zip archive in CLASSPATH: %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:6938
#, c-format
msgid "Can't find default package `%s'. Check the CLASSPATH environment variable and the access to the archives"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:12266
#, c-format
msgid "missing static field `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:12271
#, c-format
msgid "not a static field `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:12314
#, c-format
msgid "No case for %s"
msgstr ""

#: ../../gcc-3cvs/gcc/java/parse.y:13240
#, c-format
msgid "unregistered operator %s"
msgstr ""

#: java/typeck.c:553
msgid "junk at end of signature string"
msgstr ""

#: java/verify.c:479
msgid "bad pc in exception_table"
msgstr ""

#: java/verify.c:485
msgid "exception handler inside code that is being protected"
msgstr ""

#: java/verify.c:1395
#, c-format
msgid "unknown opcode %d@pc=%d during verification"
msgstr ""

#: java/verify.c:1465 java/verify.c:1478 java/verify.c:1482
#, c-format
msgid "verification error at PC=%d"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:32
msgid "Disable automatic array bounds checking"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:34
msgid "Disable assignability checks for stores into object arrays"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:36
msgid "Assume native functions are implemented using JNI"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:38
msgid "Replace system path"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:40
msgid "Set class path"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:42
msgid "Set class path (deprecated: use --classpath instead)"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:44
msgid "Choose class whose main method should be used"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:46
msgid "Choose input encoding (default comes from locale)"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:48
msgid "Add directory to class path"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:50
msgid "Directory where class files should be written"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:52
msgid "Warn if modifiers are specified when not necessary"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:54
msgid "Warn if deprecated empty statements are found"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:56
msgid "Warn if .class files are out of date"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:58
msgid "Always check for non gcj generated classes archives"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:60
msgid "Never optimize static class initialization code"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-options.h:62
msgid "Use offset tables for virtual method calls"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:651
#, c-format
msgid "object does not conform to the `%s' protocol"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:737 objc/objc-act.c:810
#, c-format
msgid "class `%s' does not implement the `%s' protocol"
msgstr "klass \"%s\" implementerar inte protokollet \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:914
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' cannot be statically allocated"
msgstr "\"%s\" kan inte vara statiskt allokerad"

#: objc/objc-act.c:963
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "unexpected type for `id' (%s)"
msgstr "Ov�ntad typ p� \"id\" (%s)"

#: objc/objc-act.c:968
msgid "undefined type `id', please import <objc/objc.h>"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:1019
#, c-format
msgid "protocol `%s' has circular dependency"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:1041 objc/objc-act.c:5301
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find protocol declaration for `%s'"
msgstr "ingen tidigare deklaration av \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:1289 objc/objc-act.c:5877 objc/objc-act.c:6195
#: objc/objc-act.c:6244 objc/objc-act.c:6280 objc-parse.y:1800
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find interface declaration for `%s'"
msgstr "Cirkul�rt arv i interfacedeklaration f�r \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:1328
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find reference tag for class `%s'"
msgstr "Kan inte hitta filen med klass %s."

#: objc/objc-act.c:2050
#, c-format
msgid "creating selector for non existant method %s"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:2364
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find class `%s'"
msgstr "Kan inte hitta klass \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:2366
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "class `%s' already exists"
msgstr "Klass \"%s\" finns redan"

#. fatal did not work with 2 args...should fix
#: objc/objc-act.c:2473
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "cannot find interface declaration for `%s', superclass of `%s'"
msgstr "Cirkul�rt arv i interfacedeklaration f�r \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:2480
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "circular inheritance in interface declaration for `%s'"
msgstr "Cirkul�rt arv i interfacedeklaration f�r \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:3566 objc/objc-act.c:3583
msgid "inconsistent instance variable specification"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:4580
msgid "can not use an object as parameter to a method\n"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:4780
#, c-format
msgid "multiple declarations for method `%s'"
msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:4946
#, c-format
msgid "invalid receiver type `%s'"
msgstr "ogiltig mottagartyp \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:4977 objc/objc-act.c:5003 objc/objc-act.c:5051
#, c-format
msgid "`%s' does not respond to `%s'"
msgstr "\"%s\" svarar inte p� \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:4983 objc/objc-act.c:7318
#, c-format
msgid "no super class declared in interface for `%s'"
msgstr "ingen superklass deklarerad i interface f�r \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5081
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot find class (factory) method"
msgstr "kan inte hitta klass(fabrik)-metod"

#: objc/objc-act.c:5082 objc/objc-act.c:5126
#, c-format
msgid "return type for `%s' defaults to id"
msgstr "returtyp f�r \"%s\" �r som standard id"

#: objc/objc-act.c:5099
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "method `%s' not implemented by protocol"
msgstr "metod \"%s\" implementeras inte av protokoll."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5108
msgid "return type defaults to id"
msgstr "returtyp �r som standard id"

#: objc/objc-act.c:5125
#, fuzzy
msgid "cannot find method"
msgstr "kan inte hitta metod."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5399
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "undeclared selector `%s'"
msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#. Historically, a class method that produced objects (factory
#. method) would assign `self' to the instance that it
#. allocated.  This would effectively turn the class method into
#. an instance method.  Following this assignment, the instance
#. variables could be accessed.  That practice, while safe,
#. violates the simple rule that a class method should not refer
#. to an instance variable.  It's better to catch the cases
#. where this is done unknowingly than to support the above
#. paradigm.
#: objc/objc-act.c:5443
#, c-format
msgid "instance variable `%s' accessed in class method"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5678
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate definition of class method `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad definition av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5684
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate declaration of class method `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad deklaration av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5720
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate definition of instance method `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad definition av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5726
#, fuzzy, c-format
msgid "duplicate declaration of instance method `%s'"
msgstr "upprepad deklaration av klassmetod \"%s\"."

#: objc/objc-act.c:5766
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate interface declaration for category `%s(%s)'"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5852
#, c-format
msgid "instance variable `%s' is declared private"
msgstr "instansvariabel \"%s\" �r deklarerad som privat"

#: objc/objc-act.c:5899
#, c-format
msgid "instance variable `%s' is declared %s"
msgstr "instansvariabel \"%s\" �r deklarerad som %s"

#: objc/objc-act.c:5909
msgid "static access to object of type `id'"
msgstr "statisk access till objekt av typ \"id\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5934 objc/objc-act.c:6027
#, c-format
msgid "incomplete implementation of class `%s'"
msgstr "inkomplett implementation av klass \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5938 objc/objc-act.c:6032
#, c-format
msgid "incomplete implementation of category `%s'"
msgstr "inkomplett implementation av kategori \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:5943 objc/objc-act.c:6037
#, c-format
msgid "method definition for `%c%s' not found"
msgstr "metoddefinition f�r \"%c%s\" kan inte hittas"

#: objc/objc-act.c:6081
#, c-format
msgid "%s `%s' does not fully implement the `%s' protocol"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:6139 objc/objc-act.c:8249
msgid "`@end' missing in implementation context"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:6167
#, c-format
msgid "reimplementation of class `%s'"
msgstr "omimplementation av klass \"%s\""

#: objc/objc-act.c:6209
#, c-format
msgid "conflicting super class name `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:6224
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate interface declaration for class `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:6506
#, c-format
msgid "duplicate declaration for protocol `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: objc/objc-act.c:7363
msgid "[super ...] must appear in a method context"
msgstr "[super ...] m�ste st� i metodkontext"

#: objc/objc-act.c:8354 objc/objc-act.c:8370
#, c-format
msgid "potential selector conflict for method `%s'"
msgstr ""

#: objc-parse.y:2656
msgid "`@end' must appear in an implementation context"
msgstr ""

#: objc-parse.y:2932
msgid "method definition not in class context"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:27
msgid "Dump decls to a .decl file"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:29
msgid "Generate code for GNU runtime environment"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:32
msgid "Generate code for NeXT runtime environment"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:35
msgid "Warn if a selector has multiple methods"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:39
msgid "Do not warn if inherited methods are unimplemented"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:41
msgid "Generate C header of platform specific features"
msgstr ""

#: objc/lang-options.h:43
msgid "Specify the name of the class for constant strings"
msgstr ""

#. This is the contribution to the `lang_options' array in gcc.c for
#. treelang.
#: treelang/lang-options.h:26
msgid "(debug) trace parsing process"
msgstr ""

#: treelang/lang-options.h:27
msgid "(debug) trace lexical analysis"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:212
msgid "-current_version only allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:215
msgid "-install_name only allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:220
msgid "-bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:221
msgid "-bundle_loader not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:222
msgid "-client_name not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:225
msgid "-force_cpusubtype_ALL not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:226
msgid "-force_flat_namespace not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:228
msgid "-keep_private_externs not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: config/darwin.h:229
msgid "-private_bundle not allowed with -dynamiclib"
msgstr ""

#: f/lang-specs.h:38 gcc.c:689
msgid "GNU C does not support -C without using -E"
msgstr "GNU C st�djer inte -C utan -E"

#: f/lang-specs.h:39 gcc.c:690
#, fuzzy
msgid "GNU C does not support -CC without using -E"
msgstr "GNU C st�djer inte -C utan -E"

#: config/sparc/sol2-bi.h:168 config/sparc/sol2-bi.h:178
#: config/sparc/linux64.h:197 config/sparc/linux64.h:208
#: config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h:163 config/sparc/netbsd-elf.h:182
#, fuzzy
msgid "may not use both -m32 and -m64"
msgstr "f�r inte anv�nda b�de -mfp64 och -m4650"

#: config/ia64/freebsd.h:23 config/sparc/freebsd.h:33
#: config/i386/freebsd-aout.h:203 config/alpha/freebsd.h:42
msgid "`-p' not supported; use `-pg' and gprof(1)"
msgstr "\"-p\" st�djs inte; anv�nd \"-pg\" och gprof(1)"

#: config/vax/vax.h:50 config/vax/vax.h:51
msgid "profiling not supported with -mg\n"
msgstr "profilering st�ds inte tillsammans med -mg\n"

#: config/mips/mips.h:954
#, fuzzy
msgid "-pipe is not supported"
msgstr "-pipe st�ds inte."

#: config/mips/mips.h:1147 config/arc/arc.h:63
msgid "may not use both -EB and -EL"
msgstr "f�r inte anv�nda b�de -EB och -EL"

#: java/jvspec.c:77 gcc.c:716 ada/lang-specs.h:38
msgid "-pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible"
msgstr "-pg och -fomit-frame-pointer �r inkompatibla"

#: config/rs6000/darwin.h:62
msgid " conflicting code gen style switches are used"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:115
msgid "mno-cygwin and mno-win32 are not compatible"
msgstr "mno-cygwin och mno-win32 �r inkompatibla"

#: config/i386/cygwin.h:170 config/i386/mingw32.h:84
msgid "shared and mdll are not compatible"
msgstr "shared och mdll �r inkompatibla"

#: gcc.c:867
msgid "-E required when input is from standard input"
msgstr "-E kr�vs n�r indata tas fr�n standard input"

#: gcc.c:871
#, fuzzy
msgid "compilation of header file requested"
msgstr "Kompilering av include-fil beg�rd"

#: java/lang-specs.h:33
msgid "-fjni and -femit-class-files are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-specs.h:34
msgid "-fjni and -femit-class-file are incompatible"
msgstr ""

#: java/lang-specs.h:35 java/lang-specs.h:36
msgid "-femit-class-file should used along with -fsyntax-only"
msgstr ""

#: treelang/lang-specs.h:52
#, fuzzy
msgid "-pg or -p and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible"
msgstr "-pg och -fomit-frame-pointer �r inkompatibla"

#: config/vax/netbsd-elf.h:42
#, fuzzy
msgid "The -shared option is not currently supported for VAX ELF."
msgstr "inbyggd funktion \"%s\" st�ds inte f�r n�rvarande"

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:60
msgid "choose either big or little endian, not both"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:63
msgid "choose either m340 or m210 not both"
msgstr ""

#: config/mcore/mcore.h:64
msgid "the m210 does not have little endian support"
msgstr ""

#: config/arm/arm.h:178
msgid "-mapcs-26 and -mapcs-32 may not be used together"
msgstr "-mapcs-26 och -mapcs-32 f�r inte anv�ndas tillsammans"

#: config/arm/arm.h:180
msgid "-msoft-float and -mhard_float may not be used together"
msgstr "-msoft-float och -mhard_float f�r inte anv�ndas tillsammans"

#: config/arm/arm.h:182
msgid "-mbig-endian and -mlittle-endian may not be used together"
msgstr "-mbig-endian och -mlittle-endian f�r inte anv�ndas tillsammans"

#: config/mips/r3900.h:35
#, fuzzy
msgid "-mhard-float not supported"
msgstr "-mhard-float st�ds inte."

#: config/mips/r3900.h:37
#, fuzzy
msgid "-msingle-float and -msoft-float can not both be specified"
msgstr "-msingle-float och -msoft-float kan inte b�da anges."

#: ada/lang-specs.h:41
msgid "-c or -S required for Ada"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/sco5.h:585 config/i386/sco5.h:666
msgid "-static not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr ""

#: config/i386/sco5.h:586 config/i386/sco5.h:667
msgid "-shared not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-shared �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:587 config/i386/sco5.h:668
msgid "-symbolic not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-symbolic �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:636
msgid "-fpic is not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-fpic �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:637
msgid "-fPIC is not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-fPIC �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:669
msgid "-fpic not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-fpic �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#: config/i386/sco5.h:670
msgid "-fPIC not valid with -mcoff"
msgstr "-fPIC �r inte giltig tillsammans med -mcoff"

#~ msgid "unknown C standard `%s'"
#~ msgstr "ok�nd C-standard \"%s\""

#~ msgid "type of external `%s' is not global"
#~ msgstr "typen p� extern \"%s\" �r inte global"

#~ msgid "null format string"
#~ msgstr "formatstr�ngen �r null"

#~ msgid "both 'f' and 'l' suffixes on floating constant"
#~ msgstr "b�de suffix 'f' och 'l' p� flyttalskonstant"

#~ msgid "decimal point in exponent - impossible!"
#~ msgstr "decimalpunkt i exponent - om�jligt!"

#~ msgid "underscore in number"
#~ msgstr "understrykningsstreck i nummer"

#~ msgid "numeric constant contains digits beyond the radix"
#~ msgstr "numerisk konstant har siffror som �r utanf�r giltigt talbas"

#~ msgid "floating constant may not be in radix 16"
#~ msgstr "flyttalskonstanter kan inte vara i bas 16"

#~ msgid "more than one 'f' suffix on floating constant"
#~ msgstr "mer �n ett \"f\"-suffix p� flyttalskonstant"

#~ msgid "more than one 'l' suffix on floating constant"
#~ msgstr "mer �n ett \"l\"-suffix p� flyttalskonstant"

#~ msgid "traditional C rejects the 'l' suffix"
#~ msgstr "traditionell C st�djer inte suffixet 'l'"

#~ msgid "more than one 'i' or 'j' suffix on floating constant"
#~ msgstr "mer �n ett \"i\"- eller \"j\"-suffix p� flyttalskonstant"

#~ msgid "ISO C forbids imaginary numeric constants"
#~ msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder imagin�ra numeriska konstanter"

#~ msgid "floating constant out of range"
#~ msgstr "flyttalskonstant utanf�r sitt intervall"

#~ msgid "floating point number exceeds range of 'double'"
#~ msgstr "flyttalsnummer �verskrider intervallet f�r en \"double\""

#~ msgid "two 'u' suffixes on integer constant"
#~ msgstr "tv� \"u\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#~ msgid "traditional C rejects the 'u' suffix"
#~ msgstr "traditionell C st�djer inte suffixet 'u'"

#~ msgid "three 'l' suffixes on integer constant"
#~ msgstr "tre \"l\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#~ msgid "'lul' is not a valid integer suffix"
#~ msgstr "\"lul\" �r inte ett giltigt heltalssuffix"

#~ msgid "'Ll' and 'lL' are not valid integer suffixes"
#~ msgstr "\"Ll\" och \"lL\" �r inte giltiga heltalssuffix"

#~ msgid "more than one 'i' or 'j' suffix on integer constant"
#~ msgstr "mer �n ett \"i\"- eller \"j\"-suffix p� heltalskonstant"

#~ msgid "integer constant is too large for this configuration of the compiler - truncated to %d bits"
#~ msgstr "heltalskonstant f�r stor f�r denna konfigurering av kompilatorn - kortar ner till %d bitar"

#~ msgid "width of integer constant changes with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "storleken p� en heltalskonstant �ndras beroende p� -traditional"

#~ msgid "integer constant is unsigned in ISO C, signed with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "heltalskonstanter �r utan tecken i ISO C, med tecken med -traditional"

#~ msgid "width of integer constant may change on other systems with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "storleken p� en heltalskonstant kan �ndras p� andra system beroende p� -traditional"

#~ msgid "integer constant larger than the maximum value of %s"
#~ msgstr "heltalskonstant �r st�rre �n maximala v�rdet p� %s"

#~ msgid "an unsigned long long int"
#~ msgstr "en unsigned long long int"

#~ msgid "a long long int"
#~ msgstr "en long long int"

#~ msgid "an unsigned long int"
#~ msgstr "en unsigned long int"

#~ msgid "decimal constant is so large that it is unsigned"
#~ msgstr "decimal konstant s� stor att den �r unsigned"

#~ msgid "missing white space after number '%.*s'"
#~ msgstr "saknar mellanrum efter nummer \"%.*s\""

#~ msgid "ISO C does not permit use of `varargs.h'"
#~ msgstr "ISO C st�djer inte anv�ndning av \"varargs.h\""

#~ msgid "storage class specifier in array declarator"
#~ msgstr "lagringsklass angiven i array-deklarerare"

#~ msgid "sizeof applied to a function type"
#~ msgstr "sizeof applicerad p� en funktionstyp"

#~ msgid "sizeof applied to a void type"
#~ msgstr "sizeof applicerat p� typen void"

#~ msgid "execvp %s"
#~ msgstr "execvp %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "floating point numbers are not valid in #if"
#~ msgstr "flyttal utanf�r intervallet f�r \"%s\""

#~ msgid "too many 'l' suffixes in integer constant"
#~ msgstr "f�r m�nga \"l\"-suffix i heltalskonstant"

#~ msgid "integer constant out of range"
#~ msgstr "heltalskonstant utanf�r sitt intervall"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "missing binary operator"
#~ msgstr "saknas '(' efter predikat"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "operator '%s' has no left operand"
#~ msgstr "parameter \"%s\" har en inkomplett typ"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "changing search order for system directory \"%s\""
#~ msgstr "kan inte skapa katalog %s"

#~ msgid "I/O error on output"
#~ msgstr "I/O-fel vid utmatning"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "argument missing after %s"
#~ msgstr "Argument saknas efter %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "number missing after %s"
#~ msgstr "Nummer saknas efter %s"

#~ msgid "GNU CPP version %s (cpplib)"
#~ msgstr "GNU CPP version %s (cpplib)"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  -pedantic                 Issue all warnings demanded by strict ISO C\n"
#~ "  -pedantic-errors          Issue -pedantic warnings as errors instead\n"
#~ "  -trigraphs                Support ISO C trigraphs\n"
#~ "  -lang-c                   Assume that the input sources are in C\n"
#~ "  -lang-c89                 Assume that the input sources are in C89\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  -pedantic                 Utf�rda alla varningar som strikt ISO C kr�ver\n"
#~ "  -pedantic-errors          Utf�rda -pedantic varningar som fel ist�llet\n"
#~ "  -trigraphs                St�d ISO C trigraphs\n"
#~ "  -lang-c                   Antag att indatak�llkoden �r C\n"
#~ "  -lang-c89                 Antag att indatak�llkoden �r C89\n"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  -lang-c++                 Assume that the input sources are in C++\n"
#~ "  -lang-objc                Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC\n"
#~ "  -lang-objc++              Assume that the input sources are in ObjectiveC++\n"
#~ "  -lang-asm                 Assume that the input sources are in assembler\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  -lang-c++                 Antag att indatak�llkoden �r C++\n"
#~ "  -lang-objc                Antag att indatak�llkoden �r ObjectiveC\n"
#~ "  -lang-objc++              Antag att indatak�llkoden �r ObjectiveC++\n"
#~ "  -lang-asm                 Antag att indatak�llkoden �r assembler\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid option %s"
#~ msgstr "Ogiltig flagga %s"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: warning: "
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: varning: "

#~ msgid "%s: warning: "
#~ msgstr "%s: varning: "

#~ msgid "sorry, not implemented: "
#~ msgstr "ledsen, inte implementerat: "

#~ msgid "Internal compiler error in %s, at %s:%d"
#~ msgstr "Internt kompilatorfel i %s, vid %s:%d"

#~ msgid "argument to `-b' is missing"
#~ msgstr "argument till \"-b\" saknas"

#~ msgid "argument to `-V' is missing"
#~ msgstr "argument till \"-V\" saknas"

#~ msgid "invalid version number format"
#~ msgstr "ogiltigt format p� versionsnummer"

#~ msgid "%6.2f%% of %d source lines executed in function %s\n"
#~ msgstr "%6.2f%% av %d k�llkodsrader k�rda i funktion %s\n"

#~ msgid "No branches in function %s\n"
#~ msgstr "Inga hopp i funktionen %s\n"

#~ msgid "conversion from NaN to int"
#~ msgstr "konvertering fr�n NaN till int"

#~ msgid "conversion from NaN to unsigned int"
#~ msgstr "konveretering fr�n NaN till unsigned int"

#~ msgid "floating point overflow"
#~ msgstr "flyttalsspill"

#~ msgid "%s: total loss of precision"
#~ msgstr "%s: total f�rlust av precision"

#~ msgid "%s: partial loss of precision"
#~ msgstr "%s: partiell f�rlust av precision"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "internal error: %s"
#~ msgstr "Internt fel: %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid character constant in #if"
#~ msgstr "teckenkonstant f�r l�ng"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid token in expression"
#~ msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "usage: %s [switches] input output"
#~ msgstr "Anv�ndning: %s [flaggor] infil utfil\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "filename missing after -i option"
#~ msgstr "Filnamn saknas efter flaggan -i"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "filename missing after -o option"
#~ msgstr "Filnamn saknas efter flaggan -o"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "target missing after %s option"
#~ msgstr "M�l saknas efter flaggan %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "filename missing after %s option"
#~ msgstr "Filnamn saknas efter flaggan %s"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "macro name missing after -%c option"
#~ msgstr "Makronamn saknas efter flaggan -%c"

#~ msgid "-pedantic and -traditional are mutually exclusive"
#~ msgstr "-pedantic och -traditional �r �msesidigt uteslutande"

#~ msgid "-trigraphs and -traditional are mutually exclusive"
#~ msgstr "-trigraphs och -traditional �r �msesidigt uteslutande"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "directory name missing after -I option"
#~ msgstr "Katalognamn saknas efter flaggan -I"

#~ msgid "`/*' within comment"
#~ msgstr "\"/*\" inuti kommentar"

#~ msgid "invalid macro name `%s'"
#~ msgstr "ogiltigt makronamn \"%s\""

#~ msgid "extra text at end of directive"
#~ msgstr "extra text vid slutet av direktiv"

#~ msgid "#error%.*s"
#~ msgstr "#error%.*s"

#~ msgid "#warning%.*s"
#~ msgstr "#warning%.*s"

#~ msgid "#else or #elif after #else"
#~ msgstr "#else eller #elif efter #else"

#~ msgid "unbalanced #endif"
#~ msgstr "obalanserad #endif"

#~ msgid "no args to macro `%s'"
#~ msgstr "inga argument till makro \"%s\""

#~ msgid "only 1 arg to macro `%s'"
#~ msgstr "bara 1 argument till makro \"%s\""

#~ msgid "only %d args to macro `%s'"
#~ msgstr "bara %d argument till makro \"%s\""

#~ msgid "too many (%d) args to macro `%s'"
#~ msgstr "f�r m�nga (%d) argument till makro \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid ""
#~ "internal error in %s, at tradcpp.c:%d\n"
#~ "Please submit a full bug report.\n"
#~ "See %s for instructions."
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "Internt fel i %s, vid tradcpp.c:%d\n"
#~ "Var v�nlig och skicka in en felrapport.\n"
#~ "Se %s f�r instruktioner."

#~ msgid "optimization turned on"
#~ msgstr "optimering p�slagen"

#~ msgid "optimization turned off"
#~ msgstr "optimering avslagen"

#~ msgid "invalid %%V value"
#~ msgstr "ogiltigt %%V-v�rde"

#~ msgid "Use small memory model"
#~ msgstr "Anv�nd liten minnesmodell"

#~ msgid "Use normal memory model"
#~ msgstr "Anv�nd normal minnesmodell"

#~ msgid "Use large memory model"
#~ msgstr "Anv�nd stor minnesmodell"

#~ msgid "Emit stack checking code"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r stackkontroll"

#~ msgid "Do not emit stack checking code"
#~ msgstr "Generera inte kod f�r stackkontroll"

#~ msgid "Work around storem hardware bug"
#~ msgstr "Fix f�r storem h�rdvarubugg"

#~ msgid "Do not work around storem hardware bug"
#~ msgstr "Fixa inte storem h�rdvarubugg"

#~ msgid "Generate code for the C400"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r C400"

#~ msgid "Generate code for the C300"
#~ msgstr "Genrera kod f�r C300"

#~ msgid "Generate code for c1"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r c1"

#~ msgid "Generate code for c2"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r c2"

#~ msgid "Generate code for c32"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r c32"

#~ msgid "Generate code for c34"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r c34"

#~ msgid "Use 64-bit longs"
#~ msgstr "Anv�nd 64-bits long"

#~ msgid "Generate code the unix assembler can handle"
#~ msgstr "Genrerar kod som unix assemblatorn kan hantera"

#~ msgid "Generate code an embedded assembler can handle"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod en inb�ddad assemblator kan hantera"

#~ msgid "Warn when a function arg is a structure"
#~ msgstr "Varna n�r ett funktionsargument �r en struktur"

#~ msgid "Profiling uses mcount"
#~ msgstr "Profilering anv�nder mcount"

#~ msgid "Emit half-PIC code"
#~ msgstr "Skapa half-PIC-kod"

#~ msgid "Emit ELF object code"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ELF-objektkod"

#~ msgid "Emit ROSE object code"
#~ msgstr "Skapa ROSE-objektkod"

#~ msgid "Symbols have a leading underscore"
#~ msgstr "Symboler startar med en understrykning"

#~ msgid "Generate code which uses the FPU"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod som anv�nder FPU"

#~ msgid "Do not generate code which uses the FPU"
#~ msgstr "Genrera inte kod som anv�nder FPU"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "this target does not support the -mabi switch"
#~ msgstr "ISO C st�der inte formatstorlek i strftime"

#~ msgid "Optimize for 3900"
#~ msgstr "Optimera f�r 3900"

#~ msgid "Optimize for 4650"
#~ msgstr "Optimera f�r 4650"

#~ msgid "Generate little endian data"
#~ msgstr "Generera data som \"little endian\""

#~ msgid "Generate big endian data"
#~ msgstr "Generera data som \"big endian\""

#~ msgid "-fdata-sections not supported on AIX"
#~ msgstr "-fdata-sections st�ds inte f�r AIX"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "`%D' as declarator"
#~ msgstr "\"%s\" �r anv�nd innan sin deklaration"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "size of member `%D' is not constant"
#~ msgstr "lagringsstorlek p� \"%s\" �r inte konstant"

#~ msgid "invalid type: `void &'"
#~ msgstr "ogiltig typ: \"void &\""

#~ msgid "-fname-mangling-version is no longer supported"
#~ msgstr "-fname-mangling-version st�ds inte l�ngre"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "                %#D"
#~ msgstr " TOTALT                :"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "member initializers for `%#D'"
#~ msgstr "complex ogiltig f�r \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "multiple initializations given for member `%D'"
#~ msgstr "multiple deklaration av metod \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "base initializer for `%T'"
#~ msgstr "kan inte initiera friend-funktion \"%s\""

#~ msgid "ISO C++ forbids applying `sizeof' to a member function"
#~ msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av \"sizeof\" p� medlemsfunktion"

#~ msgid "ISO C++ forbids applying `sizeof' to type `void' which is an incomplete type"
#~ msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av \"sizeof\" p� typ void som �r en inkomplett typ"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "`sizeof' applied to incomplete type `%T'"
#~ msgstr "sizeof applicerat p� en inkomplett typ"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid use of type decl `%#D' as expression"
#~ msgstr "ogiltig anv�ndning av void-uttryck"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "`%#T' has no member named `%D'"
#~ msgstr "%s har ingen medlem med namn \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "object missing in call to method `%D'"
#~ msgstr "kan inte inline:a anrop till \"%s\""

#~ msgid "unary `&'"
#~ msgstr "un�rt \"&\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid use of undefined type `%#T'"
#~ msgstr "ogiltig mottagartyp \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "forward declaration of `%#T'"
#~ msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "declaration of `%#T'"
#~ msgstr "omdeklaration av \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid use of `%T'"
#~ msgstr "ogiltigt anv�ndande av \"restrict\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "invalid use of template type parameter"
#~ msgstr "ogiltigt typargument"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "initializer list construction invalid for `%D'"
#~ msgstr "initierare misslyckas med att best�mma storlek p� \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "due to non-public access of member `%D'"
#~ msgstr "upprepning av medlem \"%s\""

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The meaning of `\\x' (at %0) varies with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\x\" varierar med -traditional"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "The meaning of `\\a' (at %0) varies with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\a\" varierar med -traditional"

#~ msgid "the meaning of `\\x' varies with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\x\" varierar med -traditional"

#~ msgid "the meaning of `\\a' varies with -traditional"
#~ msgstr "semantiken f�r \"\\a\" varierar med -traditional"

#~ msgid "-mbsd and -pedantic incompatible"
#~ msgstr "-mbsd och -pedantic �r inkompatibla"

#~ msgid "-mbsd and -mxopen incompatible"
#~ msgstr "-mbsd och -mxopen �r inkompatibla"

#~ msgid "-mxopen and -pedantic incompatible"
#~ msgstr "-mxopen och -pedantic �r inkompatible"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "-p profiling is no longer supported.  Use -pg instead"
#~ msgstr "-p profilering st�ds inte l�ngre. Anv�nd -pg ist�llet."

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "a -ifile option requires a -map option"
#~ msgstr "Flaggan -ifil kr�ver �ven flaggan -map"

#~ msgid "-p option not supported: use -pg instead"
#~ msgstr "flaggan -p st�djs inte: anv�nd -pg ist�llet"

#~ msgid "may not use both -mfp64 and -msingle-float"
#~ msgstr "f�r inte anv�nda b�de -mfp64 och -msingle-float"

#~ msgid "may not use both -mfp64 and -m4650"
#~ msgstr "f�r inte anv�nda b�de -mfp64 och -m4650"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "may not use both -mgp32 and -mfp64"
#~ msgstr "f�r inte anv�nda b�de -mfp64 och -m4650"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "options -mabi=mmixware and -mabi=gnu are mutually exclusive"
#~ msgstr "-pedantic och -traditional �r �msesidigt uteslutande"

#~ msgid "  -a                      Enable block profiling \n"
#~ msgstr "  -a                      Sl� p� blockprofilering\n"

#~ msgid "  -ax                     Enable jump profiling \n"
#~ msgstr "  -ax                     Sl� p� hopprofilering\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "explicit instantiation of `%#D' after"
#~ msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "explicit specialization here"
#~ msgstr "initiering"

#, fuzzy
#~ msgid "explicit instantiation of `%#T' after"
#~ msgstr "%s: Vid instansiering av \"%s\":\n"

#~ msgid "__builtin_trap not supported by this target"
#~ msgstr "__builtin_trap st�ds inte p� denna m�larkitektur"

#~ msgid "type with more precision than %s"
#~ msgstr "typ med h�gre precision �n %s"

# local, det kan troligen vara b�de lokal variabel och lokal funktion??
#~ msgid "declaration of `%s' shadows previous local"
#~ msgstr "deklaration av \"%s\" d�ljer en tidigare lokal"

#~ msgid "ANSI C forbids const or volatile function types"
#~ msgstr "ANSI C f�rbjuder funktionertyper med const eller volatile"

#~ msgid "unknown escape sequence: '\\' followed by char 0x%x"
#~ msgstr "ok�nd escape-sekvens:: '\\' f�ljd av tecken 0x%x"

#~ msgid "ISO C forbids `&&'"
#~ msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder \"&&\""

#~ msgid "`[*]' in parameter declaration only allowed in ISO C 99"
#~ msgstr "\"[*]\" i parameterdeklaration �r bara till�ten i ISO C 99"

#~ msgid "Register '%c' is unknown"
#~ msgstr "Register '%c' �r ok�nt"

#~ msgid "Same as -mcpu=i386"
#~ msgstr "Samma som -mcpu=i386"

#~ msgid "Same as -mcpu=i486"
#~ msgstr "Samma som -mcpu=i486"

#~ msgid "Same as -mcpu=pentium"
#~ msgstr "Samma som -mcpu=pentium"

#~ msgid "Same as -mcpu=pentiumpro"
#~ msgstr "Samma som -mcpu=pentiumpro"

#~ msgid "Emit Intel syntax assembler opcodes"
#~ msgstr "Skapa assembler-opkoder med Intel-syntax"

#~ msgid "Control allocation order of integer registers"
#~ msgstr "Kontrollera allokeringsordning f�r heltalsregister"

#~ msgstr "Anv�nd FUNCTION_EPILOGUE"

#~ msgid "Do not use FUNCTION_EPILOGUE"
#~ msgstr "Anv�nd inte FUNCTION_EPILOGUE"

#~ msgid "methods cannot be converted to function pointers"
#~ msgstr "metoder kan inte konverteras till funktionspekare"

#~ msgid "ISO C++ forbids `&&'"
#~ msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder \"&&\""

#~ msgid "`com_interface' only supported with -fvtable-thunks"
#~ msgstr "\"com_interface\" st�ds bara med -fvtable-thunks"

#~ msgid "ISO C++ forbids using a pointer-to-function in pointer arithmetic"
#~ msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av funktionspekarepekare i pekararitmetik"

#~ msgid "ISO C++ forbids using pointer to a member in pointer arithmetic"
#~ msgstr "ISO C++ f�rbjuder anv�ndning av pekare till medlem i pekararitmetik"

#~ msgid "Internal error #%d."
#~ msgstr "Internt fel #%d."

#~ msgid "-include and -imacros cannot be used with -fpreprocessed"
#~ msgstr "-include och -imacros kan inte anv�ndas med -fpreprocessed"

#~ msgid "<stdin>"
#~ msgstr "<stdin>"

#~ msgid "file \"%s\" entered but not left"
#~ msgstr "filen \"%s\" p�b�rjad men ej avslutad"

#~ msgid "gcov [-b] [-v] [-n] [-l] [-f] [-o OBJDIR] file\n"
#~ msgstr "gcov [-b] [-v] [-n] [-l] [-f] [-o OBJKAT] fil\n"

#~ msgid "can't to open %s"
#~ msgstr "kan inte �ppna %s"

#~ msgid "Generate code for Boehm GC"
#~ msgstr "Generera kod f�r Boehm GC"

#~ msgid "  -Wid-clash-<num>        Warn if 2 identifiers have the same first <num> chars\n"
#~ msgstr "  -Wid-clash-<num>        Varna om tv� identifierare har samma f�rsta <num> tecken\n"

#~ msgid "Unrecognized option `%s'"
#~ msgstr "K�nner inte igen flagga \"%s\""

#~ msgid "`-a' option (basic block profile) not supported"
#~ msgstr "flagga \"-a\" (block profilering) st�ds inte"

#~ msgid "`-ax' option (jump profiling) not supported"
#~ msgstr "flagga \"-ax\" (hopprofilering) st�ds inte"

#~ msgid "no file specified with -fdump-translation-unit"
#~ msgstr "ingen fil angiven med -fdump-translation-unit"

#~ msgid "invalid identifier `%s'"
#~ msgstr "ogiltig identifierare \"%s\""

#~ msgid "syntax error before '#' token"
#~ msgstr "syntaxfel f�r symbolen '#'"

#~ msgid "%s is a directory"
#~ msgstr "%s �r en katalog"

#~ msgid "%s:%d: "
#~ msgstr "%s:%d: "

#~ msgid "additional handler after ..."
#~ msgstr "ytterligare avbrottshanterare efter ..."

#~ msgid "Counted %d copies of EH region %d in list.\n"
#~ msgstr "R�knade till %d kopior av EH-region %d i lista.\n"

#~ msgid "Duplicate call to __builtin_eh_return"
#~ msgstr "Multipelt anrop till __builtin_eh_return"

#~ msgid "Unknown stab %s: : 0x%x\n"
#~ msgstr "Ok�nd stab %s: : 0x%x\n"

#~ msgid "ISO C does not support the strftime `%c' flag"
#~ msgstr "ISO C st�der inte flaggan \"%c\" till strftime"

#~ msgid "ISO C89 does not support the `%%%c' %s format"
#~ msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte \\\"%%%c\\\" i %s formatstr�ng"

#~ msgid "ISO C does not support `%%O%c'"
#~ msgstr "ISO C st�der inte \"%%O%c#"

#~ msgid "ISO C89 does not support `%%E%c'"
#~ msgstr "ISO C89 st�der inte \"%%E%c\""

#~ msgid "`a' flag used with `%c' format"
#~ msgstr "flaggan \"a\" anv�nd med format \"%c\""

#~ msgid "ISO C does not support the `a' flag"
#~ msgstr "ISO C st�djer inte \"a\"-flaggan"

#~ msgid "flag `%c' used with type `%c'"
#~ msgstr "flaggan \"%c\" anv�nd med typen \"%c\""

#~ msgid "parse error at '..'"
#~ msgstr "tolkningsfel vid \"..\""

#~ msgid "Compile for Gmicro/300"
#~ msgstr "Kompilera f�r Gmicro/300"

#~ msgid "parse errors have confused me too much"
#~ msgstr "tolkningsfel har gjort mig helt f�rvirrad"

#~ msgid "syntax error before '\\' token"
#~ msgstr "syntaxfel f�re symbolen '\\'"

#~ msgid ""
#~ "  -MD                       As -M, but put output in a .d file\n"
#~ "  -MMD                      As -MD, but ignore system header files\n"
#~ "  -MG                       Treat missing header file as generated files\n"
#~ "  -g3                       Include #define and #undef directives in the output\n"
#~ "  -D<macro>                 Define a <macro> with string '1' as its value\n"
#~ "  -D<macro>=<val>           Define a <macro> with <val> as its value\n"
#~ msgstr ""
#~ "  -MD                       Som -M, men skriva utdata till en .d-fil\n"
#~ "  -MMD                      Som -MD, men ignorera system-include-filer\n"
#~ "  -MG                       Behandla saknade include-filer som genererade filer\n"
#~ "  -g3                       Inkludera direktiven #define och #undef i utdatan\n"
#~ "  -D<makro>                 Definiera ett <makro> med str�ngen '1' som v�rde\n"
#~ "  -D<makro>=<v�rde>         Definiera ett <makro> med <v�rde> som v�rde\n"

#~ msgid "ISO C does not allow #%s"
#~ msgstr "ISO C till�ter inte #%s"

#~ msgid "second token after #line is not a string"
#~ msgstr "Andra symbolen efter #line �r inte en str�ng"

#~ msgid "#%s with invalid argument"
#~ msgstr "#%s med ogiltigt argument"

#~ msgid "ISO C forbids text after #%s"
#~ msgstr "ISO C f�rbjuder text efter #%s"

#~ msgid "no memory"
#~ msgstr "inget minne"

#~ msgid "Objective-C text in C source file"
#~ msgstr "Objective-C text i C-k�llkodsfil"

#~ msgid "statically allocated objects not supported"
#~ msgstr "statiskt allokerade objekt st�ds inte"

#~ msgid "  -m%-21.21s [undocumented]\n"
#~ msgstr "  -m%-21.21s [odokumenterat]\n"

#~ msgid "Macro name missing after -U option"
#~ msgstr "Makronamn saknas efter flaggan -U"