// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Page heap. // // See malloc.h for overview. // // When a MSpan is in the heap free list, state == MSpanFree // and heapmap(s->start) == span, heapmap(s->start+s->npages-1) == span. // // When a MSpan is allocated, state == MSpanInUse // and heapmap(i) == span for all s->start <= i < s->start+s->npages. #include "runtime.h" #include "arch.h" #include "malloc.h" static MSpan *MHeap_AllocLocked(MHeap*, uintptr, int32); static bool MHeap_Grow(MHeap*, uintptr); static void MHeap_FreeLocked(MHeap*, MSpan*); static MSpan *MHeap_AllocLarge(MHeap*, uintptr); static MSpan *BestFit(MSpan*, uintptr, MSpan*); static void RecordSpan(void *vh, byte *p) { MHeap *h; MSpan *s; MSpan **all; uint32 cap; h = vh; s = (MSpan*)p; if(h->nspan >= h->nspancap) { cap = 64*1024/sizeof(all[0]); if(cap < h->nspancap*3/2) cap = h->nspancap*3/2; all = (MSpan**)runtime_SysAlloc(cap*sizeof(all[0])); if(all == nil) runtime_throw("runtime: cannot allocate memory"); if(h->allspans) { runtime_memmove(all, h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0])); runtime_SysFree(h->allspans, h->nspancap*sizeof(all[0])); } h->allspans = all; h->nspancap = cap; } h->allspans[h->nspan++] = s; } // Initialize the heap; fetch memory using alloc. void runtime_MHeap_Init(MHeap *h, void *(*alloc)(uintptr)) { uint32 i; runtime_FixAlloc_Init(&h->spanalloc, sizeof(MSpan), alloc, RecordSpan, h); runtime_FixAlloc_Init(&h->cachealloc, sizeof(MCache), alloc, nil, nil); // h->mapcache needs no init for(i=0; i<nelem(h->free); i++) runtime_MSpanList_Init(&h->free[i]); runtime_MSpanList_Init(&h->large); for(i=0; i<nelem(h->central); i++) runtime_MCentral_Init(&h->central[i], i); } // Allocate a new span of npage pages from the heap // and record its size class in the HeapMap and HeapMapCache. MSpan* runtime_MHeap_Alloc(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass, int32 acct, int32 zeroed) { MSpan *s; runtime_lock(h); runtime_purgecachedstats(runtime_m()->mcache); s = MHeap_AllocLocked(h, npage, sizeclass); if(s != nil) { mstats.heap_inuse += npage<<PageShift; if(acct) { mstats.heap_objects++; mstats.heap_alloc += npage<<PageShift; } } runtime_unlock(h); if(s != nil && *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) != 0 && zeroed) runtime_memclr((byte*)(s->start<<PageShift), s->npages<<PageShift); return s; } static MSpan* MHeap_AllocLocked(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass) { uintptr n; MSpan *s, *t; PageID p; // Try in fixed-size lists up to max. for(n=npage; n < nelem(h->free); n++) { if(!runtime_MSpanList_IsEmpty(&h->free[n])) { s = h->free[n].next; goto HaveSpan; } } // Best fit in list of large spans. if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) { if(!MHeap_Grow(h, npage)) return nil; if((s = MHeap_AllocLarge(h, npage)) == nil) return nil; } HaveSpan: // Mark span in use. if(s->state != MSpanFree) runtime_throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - MSpan not free"); if(s->npages < npage) runtime_throw("MHeap_AllocLocked - bad npages"); runtime_MSpanList_Remove(s); s->state = MSpanInUse; mstats.heap_idle -= s->npages<<PageShift; mstats.heap_released -= s->npreleased<<PageShift; if(s->npreleased > 0) { // We have called runtime_SysUnused with these pages, and on // Unix systems it called madvise. At this point at least // some BSD-based kernels will return these pages either as // zeros or with the old data. For our caller, the first word // in the page indicates whether the span contains zeros or // not (this word was set when the span was freed by // MCentral_Free or runtime_MCentral_FreeSpan). If the first // page in the span is returned as zeros, and some subsequent // page is returned with the old data, then we will be // returning a span that is assumed to be all zeros, but the // actual data will not be all zeros. Avoid that problem by // explicitly marking the span as not being zeroed, just in // case. The beadbead constant we use here means nothing, it // is just a unique constant not seen elsewhere in the // runtime, as a clue in case it turns up unexpectedly in // memory or in a stack trace. *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) = (uintptr)0xbeadbeadbeadbeadULL; } s->npreleased = 0; if(s->npages > npage) { // Trim extra and put it back in the heap. t = runtime_FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc); mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse; mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys; runtime_MSpan_Init(t, s->start + npage, s->npages - npage); s->npages = npage; p = t->start; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift); if(p > 0) h->map[p-1] = s; h->map[p] = t; h->map[p+t->npages-1] = t; *(uintptr*)(t->start<<PageShift) = *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift); // copy "needs zeroing" mark t->state = MSpanInUse; MHeap_FreeLocked(h, t); t->unusedsince = s->unusedsince; // preserve age } s->unusedsince = 0; // Record span info, because gc needs to be // able to map interior pointer to containing span. s->sizeclass = sizeclass; s->elemsize = (sizeclass==0 ? s->npages<<PageShift : (uintptr)runtime_class_to_size[sizeclass]); s->types.compression = MTypes_Empty; p = s->start; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift); for(n=0; n<npage; n++) h->map[p+n] = s; return s; } // Allocate a span of exactly npage pages from the list of large spans. static MSpan* MHeap_AllocLarge(MHeap *h, uintptr npage) { return BestFit(&h->large, npage, nil); } // Search list for smallest span with >= npage pages. // If there are multiple smallest spans, take the one // with the earliest starting address. static MSpan* BestFit(MSpan *list, uintptr npage, MSpan *best) { MSpan *s; for(s=list->next; s != list; s=s->next) { if(s->npages < npage) continue; if(best == nil || s->npages < best->npages || (s->npages == best->npages && s->start < best->start)) best = s; } return best; } // Try to add at least npage pages of memory to the heap, // returning whether it worked. static bool MHeap_Grow(MHeap *h, uintptr npage) { uintptr ask; void *v; MSpan *s; PageID p; // Ask for a big chunk, to reduce the number of mappings // the operating system needs to track; also amortizes // the overhead of an operating system mapping. // Allocate a multiple of 64kB (16 pages). npage = (npage+15)&~15; ask = npage<<PageShift; if(ask < HeapAllocChunk) ask = HeapAllocChunk; v = runtime_MHeap_SysAlloc(h, ask); if(v == nil) { if(ask > (npage<<PageShift)) { ask = npage<<PageShift; v = runtime_MHeap_SysAlloc(h, ask); } if(v == nil) { runtime_printf("runtime: out of memory: cannot allocate %D-byte block (%D in use)\n", (uint64)ask, mstats.heap_sys); return false; } } mstats.heap_sys += ask; // Create a fake "in use" span and free it, so that the // right coalescing happens. s = runtime_FixAlloc_Alloc(&h->spanalloc); mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse; mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys; runtime_MSpan_Init(s, (uintptr)v>>PageShift, ask>>PageShift); p = s->start; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) p -= ((uintptr)h->arena_start>>PageShift); h->map[p] = s; h->map[p + s->npages - 1] = s; s->state = MSpanInUse; MHeap_FreeLocked(h, s); return true; } // Look up the span at the given address. // Address is guaranteed to be in map // and is guaranteed to be start or end of span. MSpan* runtime_MHeap_Lookup(MHeap *h, void *v) { uintptr p; p = (uintptr)v; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) p -= (uintptr)h->arena_start; return h->map[p >> PageShift]; } // Look up the span at the given address. // Address is *not* guaranteed to be in map // and may be anywhere in the span. // Map entries for the middle of a span are only // valid for allocated spans. Free spans may have // other garbage in their middles, so we have to // check for that. MSpan* runtime_MHeap_LookupMaybe(MHeap *h, void *v) { MSpan *s; PageID p, q; if((byte*)v < h->arena_start || (byte*)v >= h->arena_used) return nil; p = (uintptr)v>>PageShift; q = p; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) q -= (uintptr)h->arena_start >> PageShift; s = h->map[q]; if(s == nil || p < s->start || p - s->start >= s->npages) return nil; if(s->state != MSpanInUse) return nil; return s; } // Free the span back into the heap. void runtime_MHeap_Free(MHeap *h, MSpan *s, int32 acct) { runtime_lock(h); runtime_purgecachedstats(runtime_m()->mcache); mstats.heap_inuse -= s->npages<<PageShift; if(acct) { mstats.heap_alloc -= s->npages<<PageShift; mstats.heap_objects--; } MHeap_FreeLocked(h, s); runtime_unlock(h); } static void MHeap_FreeLocked(MHeap *h, MSpan *s) { uintptr *sp, *tp; MSpan *t; PageID p; if(s->types.sysalloc) runtime_settype_sysfree(s); s->types.compression = MTypes_Empty; if(s->state != MSpanInUse || s->ref != 0) { runtime_printf("MHeap_FreeLocked - span %p ptr %p state %d ref %d\n", s, s->start<<PageShift, s->state, s->ref); runtime_throw("MHeap_FreeLocked - invalid free"); } mstats.heap_idle += s->npages<<PageShift; s->state = MSpanFree; runtime_MSpanList_Remove(s); sp = (uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift); // Stamp newly unused spans. The scavenger will use that // info to potentially give back some pages to the OS. s->unusedsince = runtime_nanotime(); s->npreleased = 0; // Coalesce with earlier, later spans. p = s->start; if(sizeof(void*) == 8) p -= (uintptr)h->arena_start >> PageShift; if(p > 0 && (t = h->map[p-1]) != nil && t->state != MSpanInUse) { tp = (uintptr*)(t->start<<PageShift); *tp |= *sp; // propagate "needs zeroing" mark s->start = t->start; s->npages += t->npages; s->npreleased = t->npreleased; // absorb released pages p -= t->npages; h->map[p] = s; runtime_MSpanList_Remove(t); t->state = MSpanDead; runtime_FixAlloc_Free(&h->spanalloc, t); mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse; mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys; } if(p+s->npages < nelem(h->map) && (t = h->map[p+s->npages]) != nil && t->state != MSpanInUse) { tp = (uintptr*)(t->start<<PageShift); *sp |= *tp; // propagate "needs zeroing" mark s->npages += t->npages; s->npreleased += t->npreleased; h->map[p + s->npages - 1] = s; runtime_MSpanList_Remove(t); t->state = MSpanDead; runtime_FixAlloc_Free(&h->spanalloc, t); mstats.mspan_inuse = h->spanalloc.inuse; mstats.mspan_sys = h->spanalloc.sys; } // Insert s into appropriate list. if(s->npages < nelem(h->free)) runtime_MSpanList_Insert(&h->free[s->npages], s); else runtime_MSpanList_Insert(&h->large, s); } static void forcegchelper(void *vnote) { Note *note = (Note*)vnote; runtime_gc(1); runtime_notewakeup(note); } static uintptr scavengelist(MSpan *list, uint64 now, uint64 limit) { uintptr released, sumreleased; MSpan *s; if(runtime_MSpanList_IsEmpty(list)) return 0; sumreleased = 0; for(s=list->next; s != list; s=s->next) { if((now - s->unusedsince) > limit) { released = (s->npages - s->npreleased) << PageShift; mstats.heap_released += released; sumreleased += released; s->npreleased = s->npages; runtime_SysUnused((void*)(s->start << PageShift), s->npages << PageShift); } } return sumreleased; } static uintptr scavenge(uint64 now, uint64 limit) { uint32 i; uintptr sumreleased; MHeap *h; h = runtime_mheap; sumreleased = 0; for(i=0; i < nelem(h->free); i++) sumreleased += scavengelist(&h->free[i], now, limit); sumreleased += scavengelist(&h->large, now, limit); return sumreleased; } // Release (part of) unused memory to OS. // Goroutine created at startup. // Loop forever. void runtime_MHeap_Scavenger(void* dummy) { G *g; MHeap *h; uint64 tick, now, forcegc, limit; uint32 k; uintptr sumreleased; const byte *env; bool trace; Note note, *notep; USED(dummy); g = runtime_g(); g->issystem = true; g->isbackground = true; // If we go two minutes without a garbage collection, force one to run. forcegc = 2*60*1e9; // If a span goes unused for 5 minutes after a garbage collection, // we hand it back to the operating system. limit = 5*60*1e9; // Make wake-up period small enough for the sampling to be correct. if(forcegc < limit) tick = forcegc/2; else tick = limit/2; trace = false; env = runtime_getenv("GOGCTRACE"); if(env != nil) trace = runtime_atoi(env) > 0; h = runtime_mheap; for(k=0;; k++) { runtime_noteclear(¬e); runtime_entersyscallblock(); runtime_notetsleep(¬e, tick); runtime_exitsyscall(); runtime_lock(h); now = runtime_nanotime(); if(now - mstats.last_gc > forcegc) { runtime_unlock(h); // The scavenger can not block other goroutines, // otherwise deadlock detector can fire spuriously. // GC blocks other goroutines via the runtime_worldsema. runtime_noteclear(¬e); notep = ¬e; __go_go(forcegchelper, (void*)notep); runtime_entersyscallblock(); runtime_notesleep(¬e); runtime_exitsyscall(); if(trace) runtime_printf("scvg%d: GC forced\n", k); runtime_lock(h); now = runtime_nanotime(); } sumreleased = scavenge(now, limit); runtime_unlock(h); if(trace) { if(sumreleased > 0) runtime_printf("scvg%d: %p MB released\n", k, sumreleased>>20); runtime_printf("scvg%d: inuse: %D, idle: %D, sys: %D, released: %D, consumed: %D (MB)\n", k, mstats.heap_inuse>>20, mstats.heap_idle>>20, mstats.heap_sys>>20, mstats.heap_released>>20, (mstats.heap_sys - mstats.heap_released)>>20); } } } void runtime_debug_freeOSMemory(void) __asm__("runtime_debug.freeOSMemory"); void runtime_debug_freeOSMemory(void) { runtime_gc(1); runtime_lock(runtime_mheap); scavenge(~(uintptr)0, 0); runtime_unlock(runtime_mheap); } // Initialize a new span with the given start and npages. void runtime_MSpan_Init(MSpan *span, PageID start, uintptr npages) { span->next = nil; span->prev = nil; span->start = start; span->npages = npages; span->freelist = nil; span->ref = 0; span->sizeclass = 0; span->elemsize = 0; span->state = 0; span->unusedsince = 0; span->npreleased = 0; span->types.compression = MTypes_Empty; } // Initialize an empty doubly-linked list. void runtime_MSpanList_Init(MSpan *list) { list->state = MSpanListHead; list->next = list; list->prev = list; } void runtime_MSpanList_Remove(MSpan *span) { if(span->prev == nil && span->next == nil) return; span->prev->next = span->next; span->next->prev = span->prev; span->prev = nil; span->next = nil; } bool runtime_MSpanList_IsEmpty(MSpan *list) { return list->next == list; } void runtime_MSpanList_Insert(MSpan *list, MSpan *span) { if(span->next != nil || span->prev != nil) { runtime_printf("failed MSpanList_Insert %p %p %p\n", span, span->next, span->prev); runtime_throw("MSpanList_Insert"); } span->next = list->next; span->prev = list; span->next->prev = span; span->prev->next = span; }