Commit fb69239a by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2017-09-12  Bob Duff  <>

	* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Expression_Function): Initialize Def_Id to

2017-09-12  Georges-Axel Jaloyan  <>

	* debug.adb: Reserving flag -gnatdF for safe pointer checking.
	* gnat1drv.adb (gnat1drv): Adding the call to the analysis on
	dF flag.
	* sem_spark.adb, Implementation of the analysis,
	in preparation for the evolution of the SPARK language that
	includes a pointer analysis for checking non-aliasing of access
	types. The Check_Safe_Pointers function is the entry point, and
	will traverse the AST and raise compile-time errors everytime
	it detects non-begign aliasing.  Detailed comments are present
	in the file.
	* sem_util.adb, (First_Global, Next_Global): New
	functions to iterate over the list of globals of a subprogram.
	* libgnat/ Add restriction No_Finalization.
	* gcc-interface/ Add new file sem_spark.adb and
	dependency on g-dynhta.adb.

From-SVN: r252000
parent 7f9fcce8
2017-09-12 Bob Duff <>
* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Expression_Function): Initialize Def_Id to
2017-09-12 Georges-Axel Jaloyan <>
* debug.adb: Reserving flag -gnatdF for safe pointer checking.
* gnat1drv.adb (gnat1drv): Adding the call to the analysis on
dF flag.
* sem_spark.adb, Implementation of the analysis,
in preparation for the evolution of the SPARK language that
includes a pointer analysis for checking non-aliasing of access
types. The Check_Safe_Pointers function is the entry point, and
will traverse the AST and raise compile-time errors everytime
it detects non-begign aliasing. Detailed comments are present
in the file.
* sem_util.adb, (First_Global, Next_Global): New
functions to iterate over the list of globals of a subprogram.
* libgnat/ Add restriction No_Finalization.
* gcc-interface/ Add new file sem_spark.adb and
dependency on g-dynhta.adb.
2017-09-12 Bob Duff <>
* sem_ch6.adb (Analyze_Expression_Function): Call
* sem_util.adb (Check_Dynamically_Tagged_Expression): Remove
......@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ package body Debug is
-- dC Output debugging information on check suppression
-- dD Delete elaboration checks in inner level routines
-- dE Apply elaboration checks to predefined units
-- dF
-- dF Perform the new SPARK checking rules for pointer aliasing
-- dG Generate all warnings including those normally suppressed
-- dH Hold (kill) call to gigi
-- dI Inhibit internal name numbering in gnatG listing
......@@ -383,6 +383,11 @@ package body Debug is
-- dE Apply compile time elaboration checking for with relations between
-- predefined units. Normally no checks are made.
-- dF Perform the new SPARK checking rules for pointer aliasing. This is
-- only activated in GNATprove mode and on SPARK code. These rules are
-- not yet part of the official SPARK language, but are expected to be
-- included in a future version of SPARK.
-- dG Generate all warnings. Normally Errout suppresses warnings on
-- units that are not part of the main extended source, and also
-- suppresses warnings on instantiations in the main extended
......@@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ GNAT_ADA_OBJS = \
ada/freeze.o \
ada/frontend.o \
ada/libgnat/g-byorma.o \
ada/libgnat/g-dynhta.o \
ada/libgnat/g-hesora.o \
ada/libgnat/g-htable.o \
ada/libgnat/g-spchge.o \
......@@ -443,6 +444,7 @@ GNAT_ADA_OBJS = \
ada/sem_res.o \
ada/sem_scil.o \
ada/sem_smem.o \
ada/sem_spark.o \
ada/sem_type.o \
ada/sem_util.o \
ada/sem_warn.o \
......@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ with Sem_Ch12;
with Sem_Ch13;
with Sem_Elim;
with Sem_Eval;
with Sem_SPARK; use Sem_SPARK;
with Sem_Type;
with Set_Targ;
with Sinfo; use Sinfo;
......@@ -1449,12 +1450,19 @@ begin
-- In gnatprove mode we're writing the ALI much earlier than usual
if GNATprove_Mode then
-- Perform the new SPARK checking rules for pointer aliasing. This is
-- only activated in GNATprove mode and on SPARK code.
if Debug_Flag_FF then
Check_Safe_Pointers (Main_Unit_Node);
end if;
-- In GNATprove mode we're writing the ALI much earlier than usual
-- as flow analysis needs the file present in order to append its
-- own globals to it.
if GNATprove_Mode then
-- Note: In GNATprove mode, an "object" file is always generated as
-- the result of calling gnat1 or gnat2why, although this is not the
-- same as the object file produced for compilation.
......@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ pragma Restrictions (No_Implicit_Dynamic_Code);
-- which prevent execution of code on the stack, e.g. in windows environments
-- with DEP (Data Execution Protection) enabled.
pragma Restrictions (No_Finalization);
-- Use restriction No_Finalization to avoid pulling finalization (not allowed
-- in GNAT) inside sem_spark.adb, when defining type Perm_Tree_Access as an
-- access type on incomplete type Perm_Tree_Wrapper (which is required for
-- defining a recursive type).
package System is
pragma Pure;
-- Note that we take advantage of the implementation permission to make
......@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ package body Sem_Ch6 is
Orig_N : Node_Id;
Ret : Node_Id;
Def_Id : Entity_Id;
Def_Id : Entity_Id := Empty;
Prev : Entity_Id;
-- If the expression is a completion, Prev is the entity whose
-- declaration is completed. Def_Id is needed to analyze the spec.
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-- --
-- --
-- S E M _ S P A R K --
-- --
-- S p e c --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2017, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
-- ware Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option) any later ver- --
-- sion. GNAT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITH- --
-- OUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY --
-- or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License --
-- for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General --
-- Public License distributed with GNAT; see file COPYING3. If not, go to --
-- for a complete copy of the license. --
-- --
-- GNAT was originally developed by the GNAT team at New York University. --
-- Extensive contributions were provided by Ada Core Technologies Inc. --
-- --
-- This package implements an anti-aliasing analysis for access types. The
-- rules that are enforced are defined in the anti-aliasing section of the
-- SPARK RM 6.4.2
-- Analyze_SPARK is called by Gnat1drv, when GNATprove mode is activated. It
-- does an analysis of the source code, looking for code that is considered
-- as SPARK and launches another function called Analyze_Node that will do
-- the whole analysis.
-- A path is an abstraction of a name, of which all indices, slices (for
-- indexed components) and function calls have been abstracted and all
-- dereferences are made explicit. A path is the atomic element viewed by the
-- analysis, with the notion of prefixes and extensions of different paths.
-- The analysis explores the AST, and looks for different constructs
-- that may involve aliasing. These main constructs are assignments
-- (N_Assignment_Statement, N_Object_Declaration, ...), or calls
-- (N_Procedure_Call_Statement, N_Entry_Call_Statement, N_Function_Call).
-- The analysis checks the permissions of each construct and updates them
-- according to the SPARK RM. This can follow three main different types
-- of operations: move, borrow, and observe.
-- Deep and shallow types --
-- The analysis focuses on objects that can cause problems in terms of pointer
-- aliasing. These objects have types that are called deep. Deep types are
-- defined as being either types with an access part or class-wide types
-- (which may have an access part in a derived type). Non-deep types are
-- called shallow. Some objects of shallow type may cause pointer aliasing
-- problems when they are explicitely marked as aliased (and then the aliasing
-- occurs when we take the Access to this object and store it in a pointer).
-- Move --
-- Moves can happen at several points in the program: during assignment (and
-- any similar statement such as object declaration with initial value), or
-- during return statements.
-- The underlying concept consists of transferring the ownership of any path
-- on the right-hand side to the left-hand side. There are some details that
-- should be taken into account so as not to transfer paths that appear only
-- as intermediate results of a more complex expression.
-- More specifically, the SPARK RM defines moved expressions, and any moved
-- expression that points directly to a path is then checked and sees its
-- permissions updated accordingly.
-- Borrow --
-- Borrows can happen in subprogram calls. They consist of a temporary
-- transfer of ownership from a caller to a callee. Expressions that can be
-- borrowed can be found in either procedure or entry actual parameters, and
-- consist of parameters of mode either "out" or "in out", or parameters of
-- mode "in" that are of type nonconstant access-to-variable. We consider
-- global variables as implicit parameters to subprograms, with their mode
-- given by the Global contract associated to the subprogram. Note that the
-- analysis looks for such a Global contract mentioning any global variable
-- of deep type accessed directly in the subprogram, and it raises an error if
-- there is no Global contract, or if the Global contract does not mention the
-- variable.
-- A borrow of a parameter X is equivalent in terms of aliasing to moving
-- X'Access to the callee, and then assigning back X at the end of the call.
-- Borrowed parameters should have read-write permission (or write-only for
-- "out" parameters), and should all have read-write permission at the end
-- of the call (this guarantee is ensured by the callee).
-- Observe --
-- Observed parameters are all the other parameters that are not borrowed and
-- that may cause problems with aliasing. They are considered as being sent to
-- the callee with Read-Only permission, so that they can be aliased safely.
-- This is the only construct that allows aliasing that does not prevent
-- accessing the old path that is being aliased. However, this comes with
-- the restriction that those aliased path cannot be written in the callee.
-- Implementation --
-- The implementation is based on trees that represent the possible paths
-- in the source code. Those trees can be unbounded in depth, hence they are
-- represented using lazy data structures, whose laziness is handled manually.
-- Each time an identifier is declared, its path is added to the permission
-- environment as a tree with only one node, the declared identifier. Each
-- time a path is checked or updated, we look in the tree at the adequate
-- node, unfolding the tree whenever needed.
-- For this, each node has several variables that indicate whether it is
-- deep (Is_Node_Deep), what permission it has (Permission), and what is
-- the lowest permission of all its descendants (Children_Permission). After
-- unfolding the tree, we update the permissions of each node, deleting the
-- Children_Permission, and specifying new ones for the leaves of the unfolded
-- tree.
-- After assigning a path, the descendants of the assigned path are dumped
-- (and hence the tree is folded back), given that all descendants directly
-- get read-write permission, which can be specified using the node's
-- Children_Permission field.
with Types; use Types;
package Sem_SPARK is
procedure Check_Safe_Pointers (N : Node_Id);
-- The entry point of this package. It analyzes a node and reports errors
-- when there are violations of aliasing rules.
end Sem_SPARK;
......@@ -8093,6 +8093,124 @@ package body Sem_Util is
end if;
end First_Actual;
-- First_Global --
function First_Global
(Subp : Entity_Id;
Global_Mode : Name_Id;
Refined : Boolean := False) return Node_Id
function First_From_Global_List
(List : Node_Id;
Global_Mode : Name_Id := Name_Input) return Entity_Id;
-- Get the first item with suitable mode from List
-- First_From_Global_List --
function First_From_Global_List
(List : Node_Id;
Global_Mode : Name_Id := Name_Input) return Entity_Id
Assoc : Node_Id;
-- Empty list (no global items)
if Nkind (List) = N_Null then
return Empty;
-- Single global item declaration (only input items)
elsif Nkind_In (List, N_Expanded_Name,
if Global_Mode = Name_Input then
return List;
return Empty;
end if;
-- Simple global list (only input items) or moded global list
-- declaration.
elsif Nkind (List) = N_Aggregate then
if Present (Expressions (List)) then
if Global_Mode = Name_Input then
return First (Expressions (List));
return Empty;
end if;
Assoc := First (Component_Associations (List));
while Present (Assoc) loop
-- When we find the desired mode in an association, call
-- recursively First_From_Global_List as if the mode was
-- Name_Input, in order to reuse the existing machinery
-- for the other cases.
if Chars (First (Choices (Assoc))) = Global_Mode then
return First_From_Global_List (Expression (Assoc));
end if;
Next (Assoc);
end loop;
return Empty;
end if;
-- To accommodate partial decoration of disabled SPARK features,
-- this routine may be called with illegal input. If this is the
-- case, do not raise Program_Error.
return Empty;
end if;
end First_From_Global_List;
-- Local variables
Global : Node_Id := Empty;
Body_Id : Entity_Id;
pragma Assert (Global_Mode = Name_Input
or else Global_Mode = Name_Output
or else Global_Mode = Name_In_Out
or else Global_Mode = Name_Proof_In);
-- Retrieve the suitable pragma Global or Refined_Global. In the second
-- case, it can only be located on the body entity.
if Refined then
Body_Id := Subprogram_Body_Entity (Subp);
if Present (Body_Id) then
Global := Get_Pragma (Body_Id, Pragma_Refined_Global);
end if;
Global := Get_Pragma (Subp, Pragma_Global);
end if;
-- No corresponding global if pragma is not present
if No (Global) then
return Empty;
-- Otherwise retrieve the corresponding list of items depending on the
-- Global_Mode.
return First_From_Global_List
(Expression (Get_Argument (Global, Subp)), Global_Mode);
end if;
end First_Global;
-- Fix_Msg --
......@@ -18980,6 +19098,27 @@ package body Sem_Util is
Actual_Id := Next_Actual (Actual_Id);
end Next_Actual;
-- Next_Global --
function Next_Global (Node : Node_Id) return Node_Id is
-- The global item may either be in a list, or by itself, in which case
-- there is no next global item with the same mode.
if Is_List_Member (Node) then
return Next (Node);
return Empty;
end if;
end Next_Global;
procedure Next_Global (Node : in out Node_Id) is
Node := Next_Global (Node);
end Next_Global;
-- New_Requires_Transient_Scope --
......@@ -885,6 +885,17 @@ package Sem_Util is
-- Note that the value returned is always the expression (not the
-- N_Parameter_Association nodes, even if named association is used).
function First_Global
(Subp : Entity_Id;
Global_Mode : Name_Id;
Refined : Boolean := False) return Node_Id;
-- Returns the first global item of mode Global_Mode (which can be
-- Name_Input, Name_Output, Name_In_Out or Name_Proof_In) associated to
-- subprogram Subp, or Empty otherwise. If Refined is True, the global item
-- is retrieved from the Refined_Global aspect/pragma associated to the
-- body of Subp if present. Next_Global can be used to get the next global
-- item with the same mode.
function Fix_Msg (Id : Entity_Id; Msg : String) return String;
-- Replace all occurrences of a particular word in string Msg depending on
-- the Ekind of Id as follows:
......@@ -2177,6 +2188,16 @@ package Sem_Util is
-- Note that the result produced is always an expression, not a parameter
-- association node, even if named notation was used.
procedure Next_Global (Node : in out Node_Id);
pragma Inline (Next_Actual);
-- Next_Global (N) is equivalent to N := Next_Global (N). Note that we
-- inline this procedural form, but not the functional form that follows.
function Next_Global (Node : Node_Id) return Node_Id;
-- Node is a global item from a list, obtained through calling First_Global
-- and possibly Next_Global a number of times. Returns the next global item
-- with the same mode.
function No_Heap_Finalization (Typ : Entity_Id) return Boolean;
-- Determine whether type Typ is subject to pragma No_Heap_Finalization
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