Commit 6c2e4047 by Arnaud Charlet

[multiple changes]

2013-04-11  Matthew Heaney  <>

	* a-cdlili.adb, a-cidlli.adb, a-cbdlli.adb ("="): Increment
	lock counts before entering loop.
	(Find): Ditto.
	(Is_Sorted, Merge, Sort): Ditto.
	(Reverse_Find): Ditto.
	(Splice_Internal): Internal operation to refactor splicing logic.
	(Splice): Some logic moved into Splice_Internal.

2013-04-11  Johannes Kanig  <>

	* adabkend.adb (Scan_Compiler_Arguments): Do not call
	Set_Output_Object_File_Name in Alfa_Mode
	* gnat1drv.adb (Adjust_Global_Switches): Take Alfa_Mode into account.
	* Fix documentation.

From-SVN: r197771
parent dff5c591
2013-04-11 Matthew Heaney <>
* a-cdlili.adb, a-cidlli.adb, a-cbdlli.adb ("="): Increment
lock counts before entering loop.
(Find): Ditto.
(Is_Sorted, Merge, Sort): Ditto.
(Reverse_Find): Ditto.
(Splice_Internal): Internal operation to refactor splicing logic.
(Splice): Some logic moved into Splice_Internal.
2013-04-11 Johannes Kanig <>
* adabkend.adb (Scan_Compiler_Arguments): Do not call
Set_Output_Object_File_Name in Alfa_Mode
* gnat1drv.adb (Adjust_Global_Switches): Take Alfa_Mode into account.
* Fix documentation.
2013-04-11 Robert Dewar <>
* sem_res.adb: Minor code reorganization and comment fixes.
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -80,6 +80,18 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Before : Count_Type;
New_Node : Count_Type);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Count_Type;
Source : in out List);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Count_Type;
Source : in out List;
Src_Pos : Count_Type;
Tgt_Pos : out Count_Type);
function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
-- Checks invariants of the cursor and its designated container, as a
-- simple way of detecting dangling references (see operation Free for a
......@@ -92,10 +104,19 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean is
BL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
BR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
LN : Node_Array renames Left.Nodes;
RN : Node_Array renames Right.Nodes;
LI, RI : Count_Type;
LI : Count_Type;
RI : Count_Type;
Result : Boolean;
if Left'Address = Right'Address then
......@@ -106,18 +127,44 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
return False;
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
BL := BL + 1;
LL := LL + 1;
BR := BR + 1;
LR := LR + 1;
LI := Left.First;
RI := Right.First;
Result := True;
for J in 1 .. Left.Length loop
if LN (LI).Element /= RN (RI).Element then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
LI := LN (LI).Next;
RI := RN (RI).Next;
end loop;
return True;
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
end "=";
......@@ -570,15 +617,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Find");
end if;
while Node /= 0 loop
if Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Nodes (Node).Next;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Count_Type;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
return No_Element;
Result := 0;
while Node /= 0 loop
if Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
Node := Nodes (Node).Next;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
if Result = 0 then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Find;
......@@ -753,19 +828,41 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean is
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Nodes : Node_Array renames Container.Nodes;
Node : Count_Type := Container.First;
Node : Count_Type;
Result : Boolean;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Node := Container.First;
Result := True;
for J in 2 .. Container.Length loop
if Nodes (Nodes (Node).Next).Element < Nodes (Node).Element then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
Node := Nodes (Node).Next;
end loop;
return True;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Is_Sorted;
......@@ -776,12 +873,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
(Target : in out List;
Source : in out List)
LN : Node_Array renames Target.Nodes;
RN : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
LI, RI : Cursor;
-- The semantics of Merge changed slightly per AI05-0021. It was
-- originally the case that if Target and Source denoted the same
-- container object, then the GNAT implementation of Merge did
......@@ -799,6 +891,14 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"Target and Source denote same non-empty container";
end if;
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
if Target.Length + Source.Length > Target.Capacity then
raise Capacity_Error with "new length exceeds target capacity";
end if;
if Target.Busy > 0 then
raise Program_Error with
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
......@@ -809,34 +909,69 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
LI := First (Target);
RI := First (Source);
while RI.Node /= 0 loop
pragma Assert (RN (RI.Node).Next = 0
or else not (RN (RN (RI.Node).Next).Element <
RN (RI.Node).Element));
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
if LI.Node = 0 then
Splice (Target, No_Element, Source);
end if;
TB : Natural renames Target.Busy;
TL : Natural renames Target.Lock;
pragma Assert (LN (LI.Node).Next = 0
or else not (LN (LN (LI.Node).Next).Element <
LN (LI.Node).Element));
SB : Natural renames Source.Busy;
SL : Natural renames Source.Lock;
if RN (RI.Node).Element < LN (LI.Node).Element then
RJ : Cursor := RI;
RI.Node := RN (RI.Node).Next;
Splice (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
LN : Node_Array renames Target.Nodes;
RN : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
LI.Node := LN (LI.Node).Next;
end if;
end loop;
LI, LJ, RI, RJ : Count_Type;
TB := TB + 1;
TL := TL + 1;
SB := SB + 1;
SL := SL + 1;
LI := Target.First;
RI := Source.First;
while RI /= 0 loop
pragma Assert (RN (RI).Next = 0
or else not (RN (RN (RI).Next).Element <
RN (RI).Element));
if LI = 0 then
Splice_Internal (Target, 0, Source);
end if;
pragma Assert (LN (LI).Next = 0
or else not (LN (LN (LI).Next).Element <
LN (LI).Element));
if RN (RI).Element < LN (LI).Element then
RJ := RI;
RI := RN (RI).Next;
Splice_Internal (Target, LI, Source, RJ, LJ);
LI := LN (LI).Next;
end if;
end loop;
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
when others =>
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
end Merge;
......@@ -926,7 +1061,27 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
end if;
Sort (Front => 0, Back => 0);
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B : Natural renames Container.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container.Lock;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Sort (Front => 0, Back => 0);
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
pragma Assert (N (Container.First).Prev = 0);
pragma Assert (N (Container.Last).Next = 0);
......@@ -1733,15 +1888,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Reverse_Find");
end if;
while Node /= 0 loop
if Container.Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Container.Nodes (Node).Prev;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Count_Type;
return No_Element;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Result := 0;
while Node /= 0 loop
if Container.Nodes (Node).Element = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
Node := Container.Nodes (Node).Prev;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
if Result = 0 then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Reverse_Find;
......@@ -1800,9 +1983,6 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
end if;
pragma Assert (Source.Nodes (Source.First).Prev = 0);
pragma Assert (Source.Nodes (Source.Last).Next = 0);
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
......@@ -1821,10 +2001,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
while not Is_Empty (Source) loop
Insert (Target, Before, Source.Nodes (Source.First).Element);
Delete_First (Source);
end loop;
Splice_Internal (Target, Before.Node, Source);
end Splice;
procedure Splice
......@@ -1937,7 +2114,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Source : in out List;
Position : in out Cursor)
Target_Position : Cursor;
Target_Position : Count_Type;
if Target'Address = Source'Address then
......@@ -1979,16 +2156,139 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Bounded_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
(Container => Target,
Before => Before,
New_Item => Source.Nodes (Position.Node).Element,
Position => Target_Position);
(Target => Target,
Before => Before.Node,
Source => Source,
Src_Pos => Position.Node,
Tgt_Pos => Target_Position);
Delete (Source, Position);
Position := Target_Position;
Position := Cursor'(Target'Unrestricted_Access, Target_Position);
end Splice;
-- Splice_Internal --
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Count_Type;
Source : in out List)
N : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
X : Count_Type;
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted, and corner-cases disposed of.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= 0);
pragma Assert (N (Source.First).Prev = 0);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= 0);
pragma Assert (N (Source.Last).Next = 0);
pragma Assert (Target.Length <= Count_Type'Last - Source.Length);
pragma Assert (Target.Length + Source.Length <= Target.Capacity);
while Source.Length > 1 loop
-- Copy first element of Source onto Target
Allocate (Target, N (Source.First).Element, New_Node => X);
Insert_Internal (Target, Before => Before, New_Node => X);
-- Unlink the first node from Source
X := Source.First;
pragma Assert (N (N (X).Next).Prev = X);
Source.First := N (X).Next;
N (Source.First).Prev := 0;
Source.Length := Source.Length - 1;
-- Return the Source node to its free store
Free (Source, X);
end loop;
-- Copy first (and only remaining) element of Source onto Target
Allocate (Target, N (Source.First).Element, New_Node => X);
Insert_Internal (Target, Before => Before, New_Node => X);
-- Unlink the node from Source
X := Source.First;
pragma Assert (X = Source.Last);
Source.First := 0;
Source.Last := 0;
Source.Length := 0;
-- Return the Source node to its free store
Free (Source, X);
end Splice_Internal;
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Count_Type; -- node of Target
Source : in out List;
Src_Pos : Count_Type; -- node of Source
Tgt_Pos : out Count_Type)
N : Node_Array renames Source.Nodes;
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted, and corner-cases handled.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Target.Length < Target.Capacity);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= 0);
pragma Assert (N (Source.First).Prev = 0);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= 0);
pragma Assert (N (Source.Last).Next = 0);
pragma Assert (Src_Pos /= 0);
Allocate (Target, N (Src_Pos).Element, New_Node => Tgt_Pos);
Insert_Internal (Target, Before => Before, New_Node => Tgt_Pos);
if Source.Length = 1 then
pragma Assert (Source.First = Source.Last);
pragma Assert (Src_Pos = Source.First);
Source.First := 0;
Source.Last := 0;
elsif Src_Pos = Source.First then
pragma Assert (N (N (Src_Pos).Next).Prev = Src_Pos);
Source.First := N (Src_Pos).Next;
N (Source.First).Prev := 0;
elsif Src_Pos = Source.Last then
pragma Assert (N (N (Src_Pos).Prev).Next = Src_Pos);
Source.Last := N (Src_Pos).Prev;
N (Source.Last).Next := 0;
pragma Assert (Source.Length >= 3);
pragma Assert (N (N (Src_Pos).Next).Prev = Src_Pos);
pragma Assert (N (N (Src_Pos).Prev).Next = Src_Pos);
N (N (Src_Pos).Next).Prev := N (Src_Pos).Prev;
N (N (Src_Pos).Prev).Next := N (Src_Pos).Next;
end if;
Source.Length := Source.Length - 1;
Free (Source, Src_Pos);
end Splice_Internal;
-- Swap --
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -64,6 +64,17 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Before : Node_Access;
New_Node : Node_Access);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List;
Position : Node_Access);
function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
-- Checks invariants of the cursor and its designated container, as a
-- simple way of detecting dangling references (see operation Free for a
......@@ -76,8 +87,15 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean is
L : Node_Access := Left.First;
R : Node_Access := Right.First;
BL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
BR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
L : Node_Access;
R : Node_Access;
Result : Boolean;
if Left'Address = Right'Address then
......@@ -88,16 +106,44 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
return False;
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
BL := BL + 1;
LL := LL + 1;
BR := BR + 1;
LR := LR + 1;
L := Left.First;
R := Right.First;
Result := True;
for J in 1 .. Left.Length loop
if L.Element /= R.Element then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
L := L.Next;
R := R.Next;
end loop;
return True;
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
end "=";
......@@ -508,15 +554,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Find");
end if;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Node_Access;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Result := null;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
return No_Element;
if Result = null then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Find;
......@@ -606,18 +680,39 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean is
Node : Node_Access := Container.First;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Node : Node_Access;
Result : Boolean;
for I in 2 .. Container.Length loop
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Node := Container.First;
Result := True;
for Idx in 2 .. Container.Length loop
if Node.Next.Element < Node.Element then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
return True;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Is_Sorted;
......@@ -628,10 +723,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
(Target : in out List;
Source : in out List)
LI, RI : Cursor;
-- The semantics of Merge changed slightly per AI05-0021. It was
-- originally the case that if Target and Source denoted the same
-- container object, then the GNAT implementation of Merge did
......@@ -649,6 +741,10 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"Target and Source denote same non-empty container";
end if;
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
if Target.Busy > 0 then
raise Program_Error with
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
......@@ -659,35 +755,64 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
LI := First (Target);
RI := First (Source);
while RI.Node /= null loop
pragma Assert (RI.Node.Next = null
or else not (RI.Node.Next.Element <
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
if LI.Node = null then
Splice (Target, No_Element, Source);
end if;
TB : Natural renames Target.Busy;
TL : Natural renames Target.Lock;
pragma Assert (LI.Node.Next = null
or else not (LI.Node.Next.Element <
SB : Natural renames Source.Busy;
SL : Natural renames Source.Lock;
if RI.Node.Element < LI.Node.Element then
RJ : Cursor := RI;
pragma Warnings (Off, RJ);
RI.Node := RI.Node.Next;
Splice (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
LI, RI, RJ : Node_Access;
LI.Node := LI.Node.Next;
end if;
end loop;
TB := TB + 1;
TL := TL + 1;
SB := SB + 1;
SL := SL + 1;
LI := Target.First;
RI := Source.First;
while RI /= null loop
pragma Assert (RI.Next = null
or else not (RI.Next.Element < RI.Element));
if LI = null then
Splice_Internal (Target, null, Source);
end if;
pragma Assert (LI.Next = null
or else not (LI.Next.Element < LI.Element));
if RI.Element < LI.Element then
RJ := RI;
RI := RI.Next;
Splice_Internal (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
LI := LI.Next;
end if;
end loop;
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
when others =>
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
end Merge;
......@@ -773,7 +898,27 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
end if;
Sort (Front => null, Back => null);
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B : Natural renames Container.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container.Lock;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Sort (Front => null, Back => null);
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
pragma Assert (Container.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Container.Last.Next = null);
......@@ -1533,15 +1678,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Reverse_Find");
end if;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Node.Prev;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Node_Access;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Result := null;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
return No_Element;
Node := Node.Prev;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
if Result = null then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Reverse_Find;
......@@ -1600,9 +1773,6 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
end if;
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
......@@ -1617,45 +1787,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
pragma Assert (Before = No_Element);
Target.First := Source.First;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before.Node = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before.Node = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Source.Last.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Source.Last;
Target.First := Source.First;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Node.Prev.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Before.Node.Prev;
Before.Node.Prev := Source.Last;
Source.Last.Next := Before.Node;
end if;
Source.First := null;
Source.Last := null;
Target.Length := Target.Length + Source.Length;
Source.Length := 0;
Splice_Internal (Target, Before.Node, Source);
end Splice;
procedure Splice
......@@ -1806,10 +1938,95 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
if Position.Node = Source.First then
Source.First := Position.Node.Next;
Splice_Internal (Target, Before.Node, Source, Position.Node);
Position.Container := Target'Unchecked_Access;
end Splice;
-- Splice_Internal --
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List)
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted, and corner-cases disposed of.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Length <= Count_Type'Last - Source.Length);
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
pragma Assert (Before = null);
Target.First := Source.First;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Source.Last.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Source.Last;
Target.First := Source.First;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Prev.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Before.Prev;
Before.Prev := Source.Last;
Source.Last.Next := Before;
end if;
Source.First := null;
Source.Last := null;
Target.Length := Target.Length + Source.Length;
Source.Length := 0;
end Splice_Internal;
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access; -- node of Target
Source : in out List;
Position : Node_Access) -- node of Source
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Target.Length < Count_Type'Last);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
pragma Assert (Position /= null);
if Position = Source.First then
Source.First := Position.Next;
if Position.Node = Source.Last then
if Position = Source.Last then
pragma Assert (Source.First = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Length = 1);
Source.Last := null;
......@@ -1818,58 +2035,56 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Source.First.Prev := null;
end if;
elsif Position.Node = Source.Last then
elsif Position = Source.Last then
pragma Assert (Source.Length >= 2);
Source.Last := Position.Node.Prev;
Source.Last := Position.Prev;
Source.Last.Next := null;
pragma Assert (Source.Length >= 3);
Position.Node.Prev.Next := Position.Node.Next;
Position.Node.Next.Prev := Position.Node.Prev;
Position.Prev.Next := Position.Next;
Position.Next.Prev := Position.Prev;
end if;
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
pragma Assert (Before = No_Element);
pragma Assert (Before = null);
Target.First := Position.Node;
Target.Last := Position.Node;
Target.First := Position;
Target.Last := Position;
Target.First.Prev := null;
Target.Last.Next := null;
elsif Before.Node = null then
elsif Before = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last.Next := Position;
Position.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Position.Node;
Target.Last := Position;
Target.Last.Next := null;
elsif Before.Node = Target.First then
elsif Before = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Target.First.Prev := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Position;
Position.Next := Target.First;
Target.First := Position.Node;
Target.First := Position;
Target.First.Prev := null;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Node.Prev.Next := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Prev := Before.Node.Prev;
Before.Prev.Next := Position;
Position.Prev := Before.Prev;
Before.Node.Prev := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Next := Before.Node;
Before.Prev := Position;
Position.Next := Before;
end if;
Target.Length := Target.Length + 1;
Source.Length := Source.Length - 1;
Position.Container := Target'Unchecked_Access;
end Splice;
end Splice_Internal;
-- Swap --
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2012, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Free Software Foundation, Inc. --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Before : Node_Access;
New_Node : Node_Access);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List);
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List;
Position : Node_Access);
function Vet (Position : Cursor) return Boolean;
-- Checks invariants of the cursor and its designated container, as a
-- simple way of detecting dangling references (see operation Free for a
......@@ -79,8 +90,15 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function "=" (Left, Right : List) return Boolean is
L : Node_Access;
R : Node_Access;
BL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LL : Natural renames Left'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
BR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
LR : Natural renames Right'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
L : Node_Access;
R : Node_Access;
Result : Boolean;
if Left'Address = Right'Address then
......@@ -91,18 +109,44 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
return False;
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
BL := BL + 1;
LL := LL + 1;
BR := BR + 1;
LR := LR + 1;
L := Left.First;
R := Right.First;
Result := True;
for J in 1 .. Left.Length loop
if L.Element.all /= R.Element.all then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
L := L.Next;
R := R.Next;
end loop;
return True;
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
BL := BL - 1;
LL := LL - 1;
BR := BR - 1;
LR := LR - 1;
end "=";
......@@ -549,15 +593,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Find");
end if;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element.all = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Node_Access;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Result := null;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element.all = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
return No_Element;
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
if Result = null then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Find;
......@@ -660,18 +732,39 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
function Is_Sorted (Container : List) return Boolean is
Node : Node_Access := Container.First;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Node : Node_Access;
Result : Boolean;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Node := Container.First;
Result := True;
for I in 2 .. Container.Length loop
if Node.Next.Element.all < Node.Element.all then
return False;
Result := False;
end if;
Node := Node.Next;
end loop;
return True;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
return Result;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Is_Sorted;
......@@ -682,10 +775,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
(Target : in out List;
Source : in out List)
LI, RI : Cursor;
-- The semantics of Merge changed slightly per AI05-0021. It was
-- originally the case that if Target and Source denoted the same
-- container object, then the GNAT implementation of Merge did
......@@ -703,6 +793,10 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"Target and Source denote same non-empty container";
end if;
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
if Target.Busy > 0 then
raise Program_Error with
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Target (list is busy)";
......@@ -713,35 +807,63 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
LI := First (Target);
RI := First (Source);
while RI.Node /= null loop
pragma Assert (RI.Node.Next = null
or else not (RI.Node.Next.Element.all <
TB : Natural renames Target.Busy;
TL : Natural renames Target.Lock;
if LI.Node = null then
Splice (Target, No_Element, Source);
end if;
SB : Natural renames Source.Busy;
SL : Natural renames Source.Lock;
pragma Assert (LI.Node.Next = null
or else not (LI.Node.Next.Element.all <
if RI.Node.Element.all < LI.Node.Element.all then
RJ : Cursor := RI;
pragma Warnings (Off, RJ);
RI.Node := RI.Node.Next;
Splice (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
LI.Node := LI.Node.Next;
end if;
end loop;
LI, RI, RJ : Node_Access;
TB := TB + 1;
TL := TL + 1;
SB := SB + 1;
SL := SL + 1;
LI := Target.First;
RI := Source.First;
while RI /= null loop
pragma Assert (RI.Next = null
or else not (RI.Next.Element.all <
if LI = null then
Splice_Internal (Target, null, Source);
end if;
pragma Assert (LI.Next = null
or else not (LI.Next.Element.all <
if RI.Element.all < LI.Element.all then
RJ := RI;
RI := RI.Next;
Splice_Internal (Target, LI, Source, RJ);
LI := LI.Next;
end if;
end loop;
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
when others =>
TB := TB - 1;
TL := TL - 1;
SB := SB - 1;
SL := SL - 1;
end Merge;
......@@ -825,7 +947,27 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors (list is busy)";
end if;
Sort (Front => null, Back => null);
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
B : Natural renames Container.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container.Lock;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Sort (Front => null, Back => null);
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
pragma Assert (Container.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Container.Last.Next = null);
......@@ -1600,15 +1742,43 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
pragma Assert (Vet (Position), "bad cursor in Reverse_Find");
end if;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element.all = Item then
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Node);
end if;
-- Per AI05-0022, the container implementation is required to detect
-- element tampering by a generic actual subprogram.
Node := Node.Prev;
end loop;
B : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Busy;
L : Natural renames Container'Unrestricted_Access.Lock;
Result : Node_Access;
B := B + 1;
L := L + 1;
Result := null;
while Node /= null loop
if Node.Element.all = Item then
Result := Node;
end if;
return No_Element;
Node := Node.Prev;
end loop;
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
if Result = null then
return No_Element;
return Cursor'(Container'Unrestricted_Access, Result);
end if;
when others =>
B := B - 1;
L := L - 1;
end Reverse_Find;
......@@ -1673,9 +1843,6 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
end if;
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
if Target.Length > Count_Type'Last - Source.Length then
raise Constraint_Error with "new length exceeds maximum";
end if;
......@@ -1690,44 +1857,7 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Before = No_Element);
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
Target.First := Source.First;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before.Node = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before.Node = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Source.Last.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Source.Last;
Target.First := Source.First;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Node.Prev.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Before.Node.Prev;
Before.Node.Prev := Source.Last;
Source.Last.Next := Before.Node;
end if;
Source.First := null;
Source.Last := null;
Target.Length := Target.Length + Source.Length;
Source.Length := 0;
Splice_Internal (Target, Before.Node, Source);
end Splice;
procedure Splice
......@@ -1901,10 +2031,94 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
"attempt to tamper with cursors of Source (list is busy)";
end if;
if Position.Node = Source.First then
Source.First := Position.Node.Next;
Splice_Internal (Target, Before.Node, Source, Position.Node);
Position.Container := Target'Unchecked_Access;
end Splice;
-- Splice_Internal --
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access;
Source : in out List)
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted, and corner-cases disposed of.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Length <= Count_Type'Last - Source.Length);
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Before = null);
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
Target.First := Source.First;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Source.Last;
elsif Before = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Source.Last.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Source.Last;
Target.First := Source.First;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Prev.Next := Source.First;
Source.First.Prev := Before.Prev;
Before.Prev := Source.Last;
Source.Last.Next := Before;
end if;
Source.First := null;
Source.Last := null;
Target.Length := Target.Length + Source.Length;
Source.Length := 0;
end Splice_Internal;
procedure Splice_Internal
(Target : in out List;
Before : Node_Access; -- node of Target
Source : in out List;
Position : Node_Access) -- node of Source
-- This implements the corresponding Splice operation, after the
-- parameters have been vetted.
pragma Assert (Target'Address /= Source'Address);
pragma Assert (Target.Length < Count_Type'Last);
pragma Assert (Source.Length > 0);
pragma Assert (Source.First /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.First.Prev = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last /= null);
pragma Assert (Source.Last.Next = null);
pragma Assert (Position /= null);
if Position = Source.First then
Source.First := Position.Next;
if Position.Node = Source.Last then
if Position = Source.Last then
pragma Assert (Source.First = null);
pragma Assert (Source.Length = 1);
Source.Last := null;
......@@ -1913,58 +2127,56 @@ package body Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Doubly_Linked_Lists is
Source.First.Prev := null;
end if;
elsif Position.Node = Source.Last then
elsif Position = Source.Last then
pragma Assert (Source.Length >= 2);
Source.Last := Position.Node.Prev;
Source.Last := Position.Prev;
Source.Last.Next := null;
pragma Assert (Source.Length >= 3);
Position.Node.Prev.Next := Position.Node.Next;
Position.Node.Next.Prev := Position.Node.Prev;
Position.Prev.Next := Position.Next;
Position.Next.Prev := Position.Prev;
end if;
if Target.Length = 0 then
pragma Assert (Before = No_Element);
pragma Assert (Before = null);
pragma Assert (Target.First = null);
pragma Assert (Target.Last = null);
Target.First := Position.Node;
Target.Last := Position.Node;
Target.First := Position;
Target.Last := Position;
Target.First.Prev := null;
Target.Last.Next := null;
elsif Before.Node = null then
elsif Before = null then
pragma Assert (Target.Last.Next = null);
Target.Last.Next := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last.Next := Position;
Position.Prev := Target.Last;
Target.Last := Position.Node;
Target.Last := Position;
Target.Last.Next := null;
elsif Before.Node = Target.First then
elsif Before = Target.First then
pragma Assert (Target.First.Prev = null);
Target.First.Prev := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Next := Target.First;
Target.First.Prev := Position;
Position.Next := Target.First;
Target.First := Position.Node;
Target.First := Position;
Target.First.Prev := null;
pragma Assert (Target.Length >= 2);
Before.Node.Prev.Next := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Prev := Before.Node.Prev;
Before.Prev.Next := Position;
Position.Prev := Before.Prev;
Before.Node.Prev := Position.Node;
Position.Node.Next := Before.Node;
Before.Prev := Position;
Position.Next := Before;
end if;
Target.Length := Target.Length + 1;
Source.Length := Source.Length - 1;
Position.Container := Target'Unchecked_Access;
end Splice;
end Splice_Internal;
-- Swap --
......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-- --
-- B o d y --
-- --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2011, AdaCore --
-- Copyright (C) 2001-2013, AdaCore --
-- --
-- GNAT is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under --
-- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Soft- --
......@@ -234,6 +234,8 @@ package body Adabkend is
if Is_Switch (Argv) then
Fail ("Object file name missing after -gnatO");
elsif Alfa_Mode then
Output_File_Name_Seen := True;
Set_Output_Object_File_Name (Argv);
Output_File_Name_Seen := True;
......@@ -293,7 +293,10 @@ procedure Gnat1drv is
Formal_Extensions := True;
end if;
if Debug_Flag_Dot_FF then
-- Alfa_Mode is activated by default in the gnat2why executable, but
-- can also be activated using the -gnatd.F switch.
if Debug_Flag_Dot_FF or else Alfa_Mode then
Alfa_Mode := True;
-- Set strict standard interpretation of compiler permissions
......@@ -1982,7 +1982,7 @@ package Opt is
Alfa_Mode : Boolean := False;
-- Specific compiling mode targeting formal verification through the
-- generation of Why code for those parts of the input code that belong to
-- the Alfa subset of Ada. Set by debug flag -gnatd.F.
-- the Alfa subset of Ada. Set by the gnat2why executable.
Frame_Condition_Mode : Boolean := False;
-- Specific mode to be used in combination with Alfa_Mode. If set to
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