// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_csc.v
// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation.  Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with 
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_CSC.h
    //entry bits
    //in bytes, entry/8
//notice, for image case, first atom OP within one strip OP must fetch from entry align place, in the middle of an entry is not supported.
//thus, when atomC/atomK=4, stripe=4*atomK, feature data still keeps atomK*2
//batch keep 1
// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation.  Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with 
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_CBUF.h
    `define CBUF_BANK_RAM_CASE1
//ram case could be 0/1/2/3/4/5  0:1ram/bank; 1:1*2ram/bank; 2:2*1ram/bank; 3:2*2ram/bank  4:4*1ram/bank  5:4*2ram/bank
`define CDMA2CBUF_DEBUG_PRINT //open debug print
module NV_NVDLA_csc (
   accu2sc_credit_size //|< i
  ,accu2sc_credit_vld //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_dat_entries //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_dat_pending_ack //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_dat_slices //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_dat_updt //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_wmb_entries //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_wt_entries //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_wt_kernels //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_wt_pending_ack //|< i
  ,cdma2sc_wt_updt //|< i
  ,csb2csc_req_pd //|< i
  ,csb2csc_req_pvld //|< i
  ,dla_clk_ovr_on_sync //|< i
  ,global_clk_ovr_on_sync //|< i
  ,nvdla_core_clk //|< i
  ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i
  ,pwrbus_ram_pd //|< i
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_data //|< i
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_valid //|< i
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_shift //|> o
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_en //|> o
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_addr //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wt_rd_data //|< i
  ,sc2buf_wt_rd_valid //|< i
  ,tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating //|< i
  ,csb2csc_req_prdy //|> o
  ,csc2csb_resp_pd //|> o
  ,csc2csb_resp_valid //|> o
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_addr //|> o
  ,sc2buf_dat_rd_en //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wt_rd_addr //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wt_rd_en //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_dat_entries //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_dat_pending_req //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_dat_slices //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_dat_updt //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_wmb_entries //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_wt_entries //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_wt_kernels //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_wt_pending_req //|> o
  ,sc2cdma_wt_updt //|> o
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,sc2mac_dat_a_data${i} //|> o );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,sc2mac_dat_a_data0 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data1 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data2 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data3 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data4 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data5 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data6 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_a_data7 //|> o 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,sc2mac_dat_a_mask //|> o
  ,sc2mac_dat_a_pd //|> o
  ,sc2mac_dat_a_pvld //|> o
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,sc2mac_dat_b_data${i} //|> o );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,sc2mac_dat_b_data0 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data1 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data2 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data3 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data4 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data5 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data6 //|> o 
,sc2mac_dat_b_data7 //|> o 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,sc2mac_dat_b_mask //|> o
  ,sc2mac_dat_b_pd //|> o
  ,sc2mac_dat_b_pvld //|> o
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,sc2mac_wt_a_data${i} //|> o );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,sc2mac_wt_a_data0 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data1 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data2 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data3 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data4 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data5 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data6 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_a_data7 //|> o 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,sc2mac_wt_a_mask //|> o
  ,sc2mac_wt_a_pvld //|> o
  ,sc2mac_wt_a_sel //|> o
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,sc2mac_wt_b_data${i} //|> o );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,sc2mac_wt_b_data0 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data1 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data2 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data3 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data4 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data5 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data6 //|> o 
,sc2mac_wt_b_data7 //|> o 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,sc2mac_wt_b_mask //|> o
  ,sc2mac_wt_b_pvld //|> o
  ,sc2mac_wt_b_sel //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wmb_rd_addr //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wmb_rd_en //|> o
  ,sc2buf_wmb_rd_data //|< i
  ,sc2buf_wmb_rd_valid //|< i
input nvdla_core_clk;
input nvdla_core_rstn;
output sc2cdma_dat_pending_req;
output sc2cdma_wt_pending_req;
input accu2sc_credit_vld; /* data valid */
input [2:0] accu2sc_credit_size;
input cdma2sc_dat_pending_ack;
input cdma2sc_wt_pending_ack;
input csb2csc_req_pvld; /* data valid */
output csb2csc_req_prdy; /* data return handshake */
input [62:0] csb2csc_req_pd;
output csc2csb_resp_valid; /* data valid */
output [33:0] csc2csb_resp_pd; /* pkt_id_width=1 pkt_widths=33,33  */
input cdma2sc_dat_updt; /* data valid */
input [15 -1:0] cdma2sc_dat_entries;
input [13:0] cdma2sc_dat_slices;
output sc2cdma_dat_updt; /* data valid */
output [15 -1:0] sc2cdma_dat_entries;
output [13:0] sc2cdma_dat_slices;
input [31:0] pwrbus_ram_pd;
output sc2buf_dat_rd_en; /* data valid */
output [14 -1:0] sc2buf_dat_rd_addr;
input sc2buf_dat_rd_valid; /* data valid */
input [64 -1:0] sc2buf_dat_rd_data;
output [7 -1:0] sc2buf_dat_rd_shift;
output sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_en;
output [14 -1:0] sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_addr;
output sc2buf_wmb_rd_en; /* data valid */
output [14 -1:0] sc2buf_wmb_rd_addr;
input sc2buf_wmb_rd_valid; /* data valid */
input [64 -1:0] sc2buf_wmb_rd_data;
output sc2buf_wt_rd_en; /* data valid */
output [14 -1:0] sc2buf_wt_rd_addr;
input sc2buf_wt_rd_valid; /* data valid */
input [64 -1:0] sc2buf_wt_rd_data;
output sc2mac_dat_a_pvld; /* data valid */
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_mask;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data${i}; );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data0; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data1; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data2; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data3; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data4; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data5; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data6; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_a_data7; 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
output [8:0] sc2mac_dat_a_pd;
output sc2mac_dat_b_pvld; /* data valid */
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_mask;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data${i}; );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data0; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data1; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data2; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data3; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data4; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data5; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data6; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_dat_b_data7; 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
output [8:0] sc2mac_dat_b_pd;
output sc2mac_wt_a_pvld; /* data valid */
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_mask;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data${i}; );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data0; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data1; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data2; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data3; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data4; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data5; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data6; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_data7; 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
output [8/2 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_a_sel;
output sc2mac_wt_b_pvld; /* data valid */
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_mask;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8 ; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data${i}; );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data0; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data1; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data2; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data3; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data4; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data5; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data6; 
output [8 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_data7; 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
output [8/2 -1:0] sc2mac_wt_b_sel;
input cdma2sc_wt_updt; /* data valid */
input [13:0] cdma2sc_wt_kernels;
input [15 -1:0] cdma2sc_wt_entries;
input [8:0] cdma2sc_wmb_entries;
output sc2cdma_wt_updt; /* data valid */
output [13:0] sc2cdma_wt_kernels;
output [15 -1:0] sc2cdma_wt_entries;
output [8:0] sc2cdma_wmb_entries;
input dla_clk_ovr_on_sync;
input global_clk_ovr_on_sync;
input tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating;
wire dp2reg_done;
wire nvdla_op_gated_clk_0;
wire nvdla_op_gated_clk_1;
wire nvdla_op_gated_clk_2;
wire nvdla_wg_gated_clk;
wire [20:0] reg2dp_atomics;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_batches;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_conv_mode;
wire [2:0] reg2dp_conv_x_stride_ext;
wire [2:0] reg2dp_conv_y_stride_ext;
wire [31:0] reg2dp_cya;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_data_bank;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_data_reuse;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_datain_channel_ext;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_datain_format;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_datain_height_ext;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_datain_width_ext;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_dataout_channel;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_dataout_height;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_dataout_width;
wire [13:0] reg2dp_entries;
wire [1:0] reg2dp_in_precision;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_op_en;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_pad_left;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_pad_top;
wire [15:0] reg2dp_pad_value;
wire [1:0] reg2dp_pra_truncate;
wire [1:0] reg2dp_proc_precision;
wire [11:0] reg2dp_rls_slices;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_skip_data_rls;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_skip_weight_rls;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_weight_bank;
wire [31:0] reg2dp_weight_bytes;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_weight_channel_ext;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_weight_format;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_weight_height_ext;
wire [12:0] reg2dp_weight_kernel;
wire [0:0] reg2dp_weight_reuse;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_weight_width_ext;
wire [27:0] reg2dp_wmb_bytes;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_x_dilation_ext;
wire [4:0] reg2dp_y_dilation_ext;
wire [1:0] reg2dp_y_extension;
wire [1:0] sc_state;
wire [30:0] sg2dl_pd;
wire sg2dl_pvld;
wire sg2dl_reuse_rls;
wire [17:0] sg2wl_pd;
wire sg2wl_pvld;
wire sg2wl_reuse_rls;
wire [3:0] slcg_op_en;
wire slcg_wg_en;
// Regfile
NV_NVDLA_CSC_regfile u_regfile (
   .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.csb2csc_req_pd (csb2csc_req_pd[62:0]) //|< i
  ,.csb2csc_req_pvld (csb2csc_req_pvld) //|< i
  ,.dp2reg_done (dp2reg_done) //|< w
  ,.csb2csc_req_prdy (csb2csc_req_prdy) //|> o
  ,.csc2csb_resp_pd (csc2csb_resp_pd[33:0]) //|> o
  ,.csc2csb_resp_valid (csc2csb_resp_valid) //|> o
  ,.reg2dp_atomics (reg2dp_atomics[20:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_batches (reg2dp_batches[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_mode (reg2dp_conv_mode) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_x_stride_ext (reg2dp_conv_x_stride_ext[2:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_y_stride_ext (reg2dp_conv_y_stride_ext[2:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_cya (reg2dp_cya[31:0]) //|> w *
  ,.reg2dp_data_bank (reg2dp_data_bank[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_data_reuse (reg2dp_data_reuse) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_channel_ext (reg2dp_datain_channel_ext[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_format (reg2dp_datain_format) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_height_ext (reg2dp_datain_height_ext[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_width_ext (reg2dp_datain_width_ext[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_channel (reg2dp_dataout_channel[12:0]) //|> w *
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_height (reg2dp_dataout_height[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_width (reg2dp_dataout_width[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_entries (reg2dp_entries[13:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_in_precision (reg2dp_in_precision[1:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_op_en (reg2dp_op_en) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_left (reg2dp_pad_left[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_top (reg2dp_pad_top[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_value (reg2dp_pad_value[15:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_pra_truncate (reg2dp_pra_truncate[1:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_proc_precision (reg2dp_proc_precision[1:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_rls_slices (reg2dp_rls_slices[11:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_data_rls (reg2dp_skip_data_rls) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_weight_rls (reg2dp_skip_weight_rls) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_bank (reg2dp_weight_bank[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_bytes (reg2dp_weight_bytes[31:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_channel_ext (reg2dp_weight_channel_ext[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_format (reg2dp_weight_format) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_height_ext (reg2dp_weight_height_ext[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_kernel (reg2dp_weight_kernel[12:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_reuse (reg2dp_weight_reuse) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_width_ext (reg2dp_weight_width_ext[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_wmb_bytes (reg2dp_wmb_bytes[27:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_x_dilation_ext (reg2dp_x_dilation_ext[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_y_dilation_ext (reg2dp_y_dilation_ext[4:0]) //|> w
  ,.reg2dp_y_extension (reg2dp_y_extension[1:0]) //|> w
  ,.slcg_op_en (slcg_op_en[3:0]) //|> w
// Sequence generator
NV_NVDLA_CSC_sg u_sg (
   .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_0) //|< w
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) //|< i
  ,.dp2reg_done (dp2reg_done) //|> w
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_updt (cdma2sc_dat_updt) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_entries (cdma2sc_dat_entries[15 -1:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_slices (cdma2sc_dat_slices[13:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_updt (cdma2sc_wt_updt) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_kernels (cdma2sc_wt_kernels[13:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_entries (cdma2sc_wt_entries[15 -1:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wmb_entries (cdma2sc_wmb_entries[8:0]) //|< i
  ,.sg2dl_pvld (sg2dl_pvld) //|> w
  ,.sg2dl_pd (sg2dl_pd[30:0]) //|> w
  ,.sg2wl_pvld (sg2wl_pvld) //|> w
  ,.sg2wl_pd (sg2wl_pd[17:0]) //|> w
  ,.accu2sc_credit_vld (accu2sc_credit_vld) //|< i
  ,.accu2sc_credit_size (accu2sc_credit_size[2:0]) //|< i
  ,.sc_state (sc_state[1:0]) //|> w
  ,.sc2cdma_dat_pending_req (sc2cdma_dat_pending_req) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_wt_pending_req (sc2cdma_wt_pending_req) //|> o
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_pending_ack (cdma2sc_dat_pending_ack) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_pending_ack (cdma2sc_wt_pending_ack) //|< i
  ,.sg2dl_reuse_rls (sg2dl_reuse_rls) //|> w
  ,.sg2wl_reuse_rls (sg2wl_reuse_rls) //|> w
  ,.nvdla_core_ng_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.reg2dp_op_en (reg2dp_op_en[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_mode (reg2dp_conv_mode[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_proc_precision (reg2dp_proc_precision[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_data_reuse (reg2dp_data_reuse[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_data_rls (reg2dp_skip_data_rls[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_reuse (reg2dp_weight_reuse[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_weight_rls (reg2dp_skip_weight_rls[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_batches (reg2dp_batches[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_format (reg2dp_datain_format[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_height_ext (reg2dp_datain_height_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_y_extension (reg2dp_y_extension[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_width_ext (reg2dp_weight_width_ext[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_height_ext (reg2dp_weight_height_ext[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_channel_ext (reg2dp_weight_channel_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_kernel (reg2dp_weight_kernel[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_width (reg2dp_dataout_width[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_height (reg2dp_dataout_height[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_data_bank (reg2dp_data_bank[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_bank (reg2dp_weight_bank[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_atomics (reg2dp_atomics[20:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_rls_slices (reg2dp_rls_slices[11:0]) //|< w
// Weight loader
NV_NVDLA_CSC_wl u_wl (
   .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_1) //|< w
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.sg2wl_pvld (sg2wl_pvld) //|< w
  ,.sg2wl_pd (sg2wl_pd[17:0]) //|< w
  ,.sc_state (sc_state[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.sg2wl_reuse_rls (sg2wl_reuse_rls) //|< w
  ,.sc2cdma_wt_pending_req (sc2cdma_wt_pending_req) //|< o
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_updt (cdma2sc_wt_updt) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_kernels (cdma2sc_wt_kernels[13:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wt_entries (cdma2sc_wt_entries[15 -1:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_wmb_entries (cdma2sc_wmb_entries[8:0]) //|< i
  ,.sc2cdma_wt_updt (sc2cdma_wt_updt) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_wt_kernels (sc2cdma_wt_kernels[13:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_wt_entries (sc2cdma_wt_entries[15 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_wmb_entries (sc2cdma_wmb_entries[8:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_wt_rd_en (sc2buf_wt_rd_en) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_wt_rd_addr (sc2buf_wt_rd_addr[14 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_wt_rd_valid (sc2buf_wt_rd_valid) //|< i
  ,.sc2buf_wt_rd_data (sc2buf_wt_rd_data) //|< i
  ,.sc2buf_wmb_rd_en (sc2buf_wmb_rd_en) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_wmb_rd_addr (sc2buf_wmb_rd_addr[14 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_wmb_rd_valid (sc2buf_wmb_rd_valid) //|< i
  ,.sc2buf_wmb_rd_data (sc2buf_wmb_rd_data) //|< i
  ,.sc2mac_wt_a_pvld (sc2mac_wt_a_pvld) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_wt_a_mask (sc2mac_wt_a_mask[8 -1:0]) //|> o
//: my $kk=8 -1;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,.sc2mac_wt_a_data${i} (sc2mac_wt_a_data${i}[${kk}:0]) )
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,.sc2mac_wt_a_data0 (sc2mac_wt_a_data0[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data1 (sc2mac_wt_a_data1[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data2 (sc2mac_wt_a_data2[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data3 (sc2mac_wt_a_data3[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data4 (sc2mac_wt_a_data4[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data5 (sc2mac_wt_a_data5[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data6 (sc2mac_wt_a_data6[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_a_data7 (sc2mac_wt_a_data7[7:0]) 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,.sc2mac_wt_a_sel (sc2mac_wt_a_sel[8/2 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_wt_b_pvld (sc2mac_wt_b_pvld) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_wt_b_mask (sc2mac_wt_b_mask[8 -1:0]) //|> o
//: my $kk=8 -1;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,.sc2mac_wt_b_data${i} (sc2mac_wt_b_data${i}[${kk}:0]) )
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,.sc2mac_wt_b_data0 (sc2mac_wt_b_data0[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data1 (sc2mac_wt_b_data1[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data2 (sc2mac_wt_b_data2[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data3 (sc2mac_wt_b_data3[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data4 (sc2mac_wt_b_data4[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data5 (sc2mac_wt_b_data5[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data6 (sc2mac_wt_b_data6[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_wt_b_data7 (sc2mac_wt_b_data7[7:0]) 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,.sc2mac_wt_b_sel (sc2mac_wt_b_sel[8/2 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.nvdla_core_ng_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.reg2dp_op_en (reg2dp_op_en[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_in_precision (reg2dp_in_precision[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_proc_precision (reg2dp_proc_precision[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_y_extension (reg2dp_y_extension[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_reuse (reg2dp_weight_reuse[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_weight_rls (reg2dp_skip_weight_rls[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_format (reg2dp_weight_format[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_bytes (reg2dp_weight_bytes[31:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_wmb_bytes (reg2dp_wmb_bytes[27:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_data_bank (reg2dp_data_bank[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_bank (reg2dp_weight_bank[4:0]) //|< w
// Data loader
NV_NVDLA_CSC_dl u_dl (
   .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_2) //|< w
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.sg2dl_pvld (sg2dl_pvld) //|< w
  ,.sg2dl_pd (sg2dl_pd[30:0]) //|< w
  ,.sc_state (sc_state[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.sg2dl_reuse_rls (sg2dl_reuse_rls) //|< w
  ,.sc2cdma_dat_pending_req (sc2cdma_dat_pending_req) //|< o
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_updt (cdma2sc_dat_updt) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_entries (cdma2sc_dat_entries[15 -1:0]) //|< i
  ,.cdma2sc_dat_slices (cdma2sc_dat_slices[13:0]) //|< i
  ,.sc2cdma_dat_updt (sc2cdma_dat_updt) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_dat_entries (sc2cdma_dat_entries[15 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2cdma_dat_slices (sc2cdma_dat_slices[13:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_en (sc2buf_dat_rd_en) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_addr (sc2buf_dat_rd_addr[14 -1:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_shift (sc2buf_dat_rd_shift)
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_en (sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_en)
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_addr (sc2buf_dat_rd_next1_addr)
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_valid (sc2buf_dat_rd_valid) //|< i
  ,.sc2buf_dat_rd_data (sc2buf_dat_rd_data) //|< i
  ,.sc2mac_dat_a_pvld (sc2mac_dat_a_pvld) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_dat_a_mask (sc2mac_dat_a_mask[8 -1:0]) //|> o
//: my $kk=8 -1;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,.sc2mac_dat_a_data${i} (sc2mac_dat_a_data${i}[${kk}:0]) )
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,.sc2mac_dat_a_data0 (sc2mac_dat_a_data0[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data1 (sc2mac_dat_a_data1[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data2 (sc2mac_dat_a_data2[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data3 (sc2mac_dat_a_data3[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data4 (sc2mac_dat_a_data4[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data5 (sc2mac_dat_a_data5[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data6 (sc2mac_dat_a_data6[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_a_data7 (sc2mac_dat_a_data7[7:0]) 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,.sc2mac_dat_a_pd (sc2mac_dat_a_pd[8:0]) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_dat_b_pvld (sc2mac_dat_b_pvld) //|> o
  ,.sc2mac_dat_b_mask (sc2mac_dat_b_mask[8 -1:0]) //|> o
//: my $kk=8 -1;
//: for(my $i=0; $i<8; $i++){
//: print qq(
//: ,.sc2mac_dat_b_data${i} (sc2mac_dat_b_data${i}[${kk}:0]) )
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

,.sc2mac_dat_b_data0 (sc2mac_dat_b_data0[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data1 (sc2mac_dat_b_data1[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data2 (sc2mac_dat_b_data2[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data3 (sc2mac_dat_b_data3[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data4 (sc2mac_dat_b_data4[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data5 (sc2mac_dat_b_data5[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data6 (sc2mac_dat_b_data6[7:0]) 
,.sc2mac_dat_b_data7 (sc2mac_dat_b_data7[7:0]) 
//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  ,.sc2mac_dat_b_pd (sc2mac_dat_b_pd[8:0]) //|> o
  ,.nvdla_core_ng_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_wg_clk (nvdla_wg_gated_clk) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_op_en (reg2dp_op_en[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_mode (reg2dp_conv_mode[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_batches (reg2dp_batches[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_proc_precision (reg2dp_proc_precision[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_format (reg2dp_datain_format[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_skip_data_rls (reg2dp_skip_data_rls[0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_channel_ext (reg2dp_datain_channel_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_height_ext (reg2dp_datain_height_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_datain_width_ext (reg2dp_datain_width_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_y_extension (reg2dp_y_extension[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_weight_channel_ext (reg2dp_weight_channel_ext[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_entries (reg2dp_entries[13:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_dataout_width (reg2dp_dataout_width[12:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_rls_slices (reg2dp_rls_slices[11:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_x_stride_ext (reg2dp_conv_x_stride_ext[2:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_conv_y_stride_ext (reg2dp_conv_y_stride_ext[2:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_x_dilation_ext (reg2dp_x_dilation_ext[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_y_dilation_ext (reg2dp_y_dilation_ext[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_left (reg2dp_pad_left[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_top (reg2dp_pad_top[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_pad_value (reg2dp_pad_value[15:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_data_bank (reg2dp_data_bank[4:0]) //|< w
  ,.reg2dp_pra_truncate (reg2dp_pra_truncate[1:0]) //|< w
  ,.slcg_wg_en (slcg_wg_en) //|> w
// SLCG groups
NV_NVDLA_CSC_slcg u_slcg_op_0 (
   .dla_clk_ovr_on_sync (dla_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.global_clk_ovr_on_sync (global_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.slcg_en_src_0 (slcg_op_en[0]) //|< w
  ,.slcg_en_src_1 (1'b1) //|< ?
  ,.tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating (tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_gated_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_0) //|> w
NV_NVDLA_CSC_slcg u_slcg_op_1 (
   .dla_clk_ovr_on_sync (dla_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.global_clk_ovr_on_sync (global_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.slcg_en_src_0 (slcg_op_en[1]) //|< w
  ,.slcg_en_src_1 (1'b1) //|< ?
  ,.tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating (tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_gated_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_1) //|> w
NV_NVDLA_CSC_slcg u_slcg_op_2 (
   .dla_clk_ovr_on_sync (dla_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.global_clk_ovr_on_sync (global_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.slcg_en_src_0 (slcg_op_en[2]) //|< w
  ,.slcg_en_src_1 (1'b1) //|< ?
  ,.tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating (tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_gated_clk (nvdla_op_gated_clk_2) //|> w
NV_NVDLA_CSC_slcg u_slcg_wg (
   .dla_clk_ovr_on_sync (dla_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.global_clk_ovr_on_sync (global_clk_ovr_on_sync) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
  ,.slcg_en_src_0 (slcg_op_en[3]) //|< w
  ,.slcg_en_src_1 (slcg_wg_en) //|< w
  ,.tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating (tmc2slcg_disable_clock_gating) //|< i
  ,.nvdla_core_gated_clk (nvdla_wg_gated_clk) //|> w
endmodule // NV_NVDLA_csc