// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_sg.v // ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_CDMA_define.h //#define CDMA_SBUF_SDATA_BITS 256 //DorisL-S---------------- // // #if ( NVDLA_MEMORY_ATOMIC_SIZE == 32 ) // #define IMG_LARGE // #endif // #if ( NVDLA_MEMORY_ATOMIC_SIZE == 8 ) // #define IMG_SMALL // #endif //DorisL-E---------------- //-------------------------------------------------- module NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_sg ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,img2status_dat_entries ,img2status_dat_updt ,img_dat2mcif_rd_req_ready ,is_running ,layer_st ,mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_pd ,mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_valid ,pixel_order ,pixel_planar ,pixel_planar0_bundle_limit ,pixel_planar0_bundle_limit_1st ,pixel_planar0_byte_sft ,pixel_planar0_lp_burst ,pixel_planar0_lp_vld ,pixel_planar0_rp_burst ,pixel_planar0_rp_vld ,pixel_planar0_width_burst ,pixel_planar1_bundle_limit ,pixel_planar1_bundle_limit_1st ,pixel_planar1_byte_sft ,pixel_planar1_lp_burst ,pixel_planar1_lp_vld ,pixel_planar1_rp_burst ,pixel_planar1_rp_vld ,pixel_planar1_width_burst ,pwrbus_ram_pd ,reg2dp_datain_addr_high_0 ,reg2dp_datain_addr_high_1 ,reg2dp_datain_addr_low_0 ,reg2dp_datain_addr_low_1 ,reg2dp_datain_height ,reg2dp_datain_ram_type ,reg2dp_dma_en ,reg2dp_entries ,reg2dp_line_stride ,reg2dp_mean_format ,reg2dp_op_en ,reg2dp_pixel_y_offset ,reg2dp_uv_line_stride ,sg2pack_img_prdy ,status2dma_free_entries ,status2dma_fsm_switch ,dp2reg_img_rd_latency ,dp2reg_img_rd_stall //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = 8*8; //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: foreach my $i(0..$atmm_num -1) { //: print qq( //: ,img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_addr //: ,img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_data //: ,img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_en //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) ,img2sbuf_p0_wr_addr ,img2sbuf_p0_wr_data ,img2sbuf_p0_wr_en //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ,img_dat2mcif_rd_req_pd ,img_dat2mcif_rd_req_valid ,mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_ready ,sg2pack_data_entries ,sg2pack_entry_end ,sg2pack_entry_mid ,sg2pack_entry_st ,sg2pack_height_total ,sg2pack_img_pd ,sg2pack_img_pvld ,sg2pack_mn_enable ,sg2pack_sub_h_end ,sg2pack_sub_h_mid ,sg2pack_sub_h_st ,sg_is_done ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; output [( 32 + 15 )-1:0] img_dat2mcif_rd_req_pd; output img_dat2mcif_rd_req_valid; input img_dat2mcif_rd_req_ready; input [( 64 + (64/8/8) )-1:0] mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_pd; input mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_valid; output mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_ready; input [14:0] img2status_dat_entries; input img2status_dat_updt; input is_running; input layer_st; input [10:0] pixel_order; input pixel_planar; input [3:0] pixel_planar0_bundle_limit; input [3:0] pixel_planar0_bundle_limit_1st; //: my $atmmbw = int( log(8) / log(2) ); //: print qq( //: input [${atmmbw}-1:0] pixel_planar0_byte_sft; //: input [${atmmbw}-1:0] pixel_planar1_byte_sft; //: ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) input [3-1:0] pixel_planar0_byte_sft; input [3-1:0] pixel_planar1_byte_sft; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) input [3:0] pixel_planar0_lp_burst; input pixel_planar0_lp_vld; input [3:0] pixel_planar0_rp_burst; input pixel_planar0_rp_vld; input [13:0] pixel_planar0_width_burst; input [4:0] pixel_planar1_bundle_limit; input [4:0] pixel_planar1_bundle_limit_1st; input [2:0] pixel_planar1_lp_burst; input pixel_planar1_lp_vld; input [2:0] pixel_planar1_rp_burst; input pixel_planar1_rp_vld; input [13:0] pixel_planar1_width_burst; input [31:0] pwrbus_ram_pd; input reg2dp_op_en; input sg2pack_img_prdy; input [14:0] status2dma_free_entries; input status2dma_fsm_switch; //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = 8*8; //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: foreach my $i (0..$atmm_num -1) { //: print qq( //: output [7:0] img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_addr; //: output [${atmm}-1:0] img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_data; //: output img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_en; //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) output [7:0] img2sbuf_p0_wr_addr; output [64-1:0] img2sbuf_p0_wr_data; output img2sbuf_p0_wr_en; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) output [14:0] sg2pack_data_entries; output [14:0] sg2pack_entry_end; output [14:0] sg2pack_entry_mid; output [14:0] sg2pack_entry_st; output [12:0] sg2pack_height_total; output [10:0] sg2pack_img_pd; output sg2pack_img_pvld; output sg2pack_mn_enable; output [3:0] sg2pack_sub_h_end; output [3:0] sg2pack_sub_h_mid; output [3:0] sg2pack_sub_h_st; output sg_is_done; input [2:0] reg2dp_pixel_y_offset; input [12:0] reg2dp_datain_height; input [0:0] reg2dp_datain_ram_type; input [31:0] reg2dp_datain_addr_high_0; input [31:0] reg2dp_datain_addr_low_0; input [31:0] reg2dp_datain_addr_high_1; input [31:0] reg2dp_datain_addr_low_1; input [31:0] reg2dp_line_stride; input [31:0] reg2dp_uv_line_stride; input [0:0] reg2dp_mean_format; input [13:0] reg2dp_entries; input [0:0] reg2dp_dma_en; output [31:0] dp2reg_img_rd_stall; output [31:0] dp2reg_img_rd_latency; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg [14:0] data_entries; reg [13:0] data_height; reg [4:0] dma_rsp_size_cnt; reg [31:0] dp2reg_img_rd_latency; reg [31:0] dp2reg_img_rd_stall; reg [12:0] height_cnt_total; reg [14:0] img_entry_onfly; reg img_rd_latency_cen; reg img_rd_latency_clr; reg img_rd_latency_dec; reg img_rd_latency_inc; reg img_rd_stall_cen; reg img_rd_stall_clr; reg img_rd_stall_inc; reg is_cbuf_ready; reg is_running_d1; reg ltc_1_adv; reg [8:0] ltc_1_cnt_cur; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_dec; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_ext; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_inc; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_mod; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_new; reg [10:0] ltc_1_cnt_nxt; reg ltc_2_adv; reg [31:0] ltc_2_cnt_cur; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_dec; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_ext; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_inc; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_mod; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_new; reg [33:0] ltc_2_cnt_nxt; reg mn_enable_d1; reg [14:0] pre_entry_end_d1; reg [14:0] pre_entry_mid_d1; reg [14:0] pre_entry_st_d1; reg [63:0] req_addr_d1; reg req_bundle_end_d1; reg req_end_d1; reg req_grant_end_d1; reg [12:0] req_height_cnt; reg [63:0] req_img_p0_addr_base; reg [3:0] req_img_p0_bundle_cnt; reg [13:0] req_img_p0_burst_cnt; reg [28:0] req_img_p0_burst_offset; reg [31:0] req_img_p0_line_offset; reg [1:0] req_img_p0_sec_cnt; reg [63:0] req_img_p1_addr_base; reg [4:0] req_img_p1_bundle_cnt; reg [13:0] req_img_p1_burst_cnt; reg [28:0] req_img_p1_burst_offset; reg [31:0] req_img_p1_line_offset; reg [1:0] req_img_p1_sec_cnt; reg req_img_planar_cnt; reg req_is_done; reg req_is_dummy_d1; reg req_line_end_d1; reg req_line_st_d1; reg req_planar_d1; reg [4:0] req_size_d1; reg [4:0] req_size_out_d1; reg req_valid; reg req_valid_d1; reg rsp_img_1st_burst; reg rsp_img_bundle_done_d1; reg rsp_img_bundle_end; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_c0l0; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_c1l0; reg rsp_img_end; reg rsp_img_is_done; reg rsp_img_layer_end_d1; reg rsp_img_line_end; reg rsp_img_line_end_d1; reg rsp_img_line_st; reg [7:0] rsp_img_p0_addr_d1; reg [3:0] rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt; reg [3:0] rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data_d1; reg [6:0] rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx; reg [6:0] rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx; reg rsp_img_p0_vld; reg rsp_img_p0_vld_d1; reg [7:0] rsp_img_p1_addr_d1; reg [4:0] rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt; reg [4:0] rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p1_data; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p1_data_d1; reg [6:0] rsp_img_p1_planar0_idx; reg [6:0] rsp_img_p1_planar1_idx; reg rsp_img_p1_vld; reg rsp_img_p1_vld_d1; reg rsp_img_planar; reg rsp_img_req_end; reg rsp_img_vld; reg [4:0] rsp_img_w_burst_size; reg sg_is_done; reg stl_adv; reg [31:0] stl_cnt_cur; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_dec; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_ext; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_inc; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_mod; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_new; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_nxt; wire [14:0] cur_required_entry; wire [14:0] data_entries_w; wire [13:0] data_height_w; wire dma_blocking; wire [63:0] dma_rd_req_addr; wire [32 +14:0] dma_rd_req_pd; wire dma_rd_req_rdy; wire [14:0] dma_rd_req_size; wire dma_rd_req_type; wire dma_rd_req_vld; wire [64 -1:0] dma_rd_rsp_data; wire [(64/8/8)-1:0] dma_rd_rsp_mask; wire [( 64 + (64/8/8) )-1:0] dma_rd_rsp_pd; wire dma_rd_rsp_rdy; wire dma_rd_rsp_vld; wire [10:0] dma_req_fifo_data; wire dma_req_fifo_ready; wire dma_req_fifo_req; wire dma_rsp_blocking; wire dma_rsp_bundle_end; wire dma_rsp_dummy; wire dma_rsp_end; wire [10:0] dma_rsp_fifo_data; wire dma_rsp_fifo_ready; wire dma_rsp_fifo_req; wire dma_rsp_line_end; wire dma_rsp_line_st; wire [1:0] dma_rsp_mask; wire dma_rsp_planar; wire [4:0] dma_rsp_size; wire [4:0] dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc; wire [4:0] dma_rsp_size_cnt_w; wire dma_rsp_vld; wire [4:0] dma_rsp_w_burst_size; wire dp2reg_img_rd_stall_dec; wire [14:0] img_entry_onfly_add; wire img_entry_onfly_en; wire [14:0] img_entry_onfly_sub; wire [14:0] img_entry_onfly_w; wire is_1st_height; wire is_cbuf_enough; wire is_cbuf_ready_w; wire is_first_running; wire is_img_1st_burst; wire is_img_bundle_end; wire is_img_dummy; wire is_img_last_burst; wire is_img_last_planar; wire is_last_height; wire is_last_req; wire is_p0_1st_burst; wire is_p0_bundle_end; wire is_p0_cur_sec_end; wire is_p0_last_burst; wire is_p0_req_real; wire is_p1_1st_burst; wire is_p1_bundle_end; wire is_p1_cur_sec_end; wire is_p1_last_burst; wire is_p1_req_real; wire ltc_1_dec; wire ltc_1_inc; wire ltc_2_dec; wire ltc_2_inc; wire mn_enable; wire mon_data_entries_w; wire mon_dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc; wire mon_img_entry_onfly_w; wire [3:0] mon_pre_entry_end_w; wire [3:0] mon_pre_entry_st_w; wire mon_req_height_cnt_inc; wire mon_req_img_p0_addr; wire mon_req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w; wire mon_req_img_p0_burst_offset_w; wire mon_req_img_p0_line_offset_w; wire mon_req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w; wire mon_req_img_p1_addr; wire mon_req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w; wire mon_req_img_p1_burst_offset_w; wire mon_req_img_p1_line_offset_w; wire mon_req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w; wire mon_req_size_out; wire mon_rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc; wire [8*8 -1:0] mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w; wire mon_rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc; wire [8*8 -1:0] mon_rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w; wire mon_total_required_entry; reg [8:0] outs_dp2reg_img_rd_latency; wire planar1_enable; wire [14:0] pre_entry_end_w; wire [14:0] pre_entry_st_w; reg [3:0] pre_sub_h_end_d1; reg [3:0] pre_sub_h_mid_d1; reg [3:0] pre_sub_h_st_d1; wire rd_req_rdyi; wire [63:0] req_addr; wire req_adv; wire req_bundle_end; wire req_grant_end; wire [12:0] req_height_cnt_inc; wire [12:0] req_height_cnt_w; wire req_height_en; wire [4:0] req_img_burst_size; wire [63:0] req_img_p0_addr; wire [63:0] req_img_p0_addr_base_w; wire [3:0] req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w; wire [14:0] req_img_p0_burst_cnt_dec; wire [13:0] req_img_p0_burst_cnt_w; wire req_img_p0_burst_en; wire req_img_p0_burst_offset_en; wire [28:0] req_img_p0_burst_offset_w; wire [3:0] req_img_p0_burst_size; wire [3:0] req_img_p0_cur_burst; wire [31:0] req_img_p0_line_offset_w; wire [1:0] req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w; wire req_img_p0_sec_en; wire [63:0] req_img_p1_addr; wire [63:0] req_img_p1_addr_base_w; wire [4:0] req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w; wire [14:0] req_img_p1_burst_cnt_dec; wire [13:0] req_img_p1_burst_cnt_w; wire req_img_p1_burst_en; wire req_img_p1_burst_offset_en; wire [28:0] req_img_p1_burst_offset_w; wire [4:0] req_img_p1_burst_size; wire [4:0] req_img_p1_cur_burst; wire [31:0] req_img_p1_line_offset_w; wire [1:0] req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w; wire req_img_p1_sec_en; wire req_img_planar_cnt_w; wire req_img_planar_en; wire req_img_reg_en; wire req_is_done_w; wire req_is_dummy; wire req_line_end; wire req_line_st; wire req_ready_d1; wire req_reg_en; wire [4:0] req_size; wire [4:0] req_size_out; wire req_valid_d1_w; wire req_valid_w; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_dat; wire rsp_img_1st_burst_w; wire rsp_img_bundle_done; wire rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en; wire rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_img_data_sw_o0; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_img_data_sw_o1; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_img_data_sw_o3; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_img_data_sw_o5; wire [64 -1:0] rsp_img_data_sw_o9; wire rsp_img_is_done_w; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_l0_data; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p0_addr; wire rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en; wire [3:0] rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc; wire [3:0] rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_w; wire rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en; wire [3:0] rsp_img_p0_burst_size_w; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_cache_data; reg [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p1_cache_data; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p0_data_w; wire rsp_img_p0_planar0_en; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_inc; wire [6:0] rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_w; wire rsp_img_p0_planar1_en; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_inc; wire [6:0] rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_w; wire rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w; wire rsp_img_p0_vld_w; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p1_addr; wire rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en; wire [4:0] rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc; wire [4:0] rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_w; wire rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en; wire [4:0] rsp_img_p1_burst_size_w; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w; wire [8*8 -1:0] rsp_img_p1_data_w; wire rsp_img_p1_planar0_en; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p1_planar0_idx_inc; wire [6:0] rsp_img_p1_planar0_idx_w; wire rsp_img_p1_planar1_en; wire [7:0] rsp_img_p1_planar1_idx_inc; wire [6:0] rsp_img_p1_planar1_idx_w; wire rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w; wire rsp_img_p1_vld_w; wire [2:0] rsp_img_planar_idx_add; wire [10:0] rsp_img_sel; //: my $atmmbw = int( log(8) / log(2) ); //: print qq( //: wire [${atmmbw}-1:0] rsp_img_sft; //: ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) wire [3-1:0] rsp_img_sft; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) wire rsp_img_vld_w; wire sg2pack_img_layer_end; wire sg2pack_img_line_end; wire [3:0] sg2pack_img_p0_burst; wire [4:0] sg2pack_img_p1_burst; wire [10:0] sg2pack_pop_data; wire sg2pack_pop_ready; wire sg2pack_pop_req; wire [10:0] sg2pack_push_data; wire sg2pack_push_ready; wire sg2pack_push_req; wire sg_is_done_w; wire [3:0] sub_h_end_limit; wire sub_h_end_sel; wire [3:0] sub_h_end_w; wire [3:0] sub_h_mid_w; wire [3:0] sub_h_st_limit; wire sub_h_st_sel; wire [3:0] sub_h_st_w; wire [14:0] total_required_entry; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // general signal // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign planar1_enable = pixel_planar; assign data_height_w = reg2dp_datain_height + 1'b1; assign mn_enable = (reg2dp_mean_format == 1'h1 ); assign {mon_data_entries_w, data_entries_w} = reg2dp_entries + 1'b1; assign is_first_running = is_running & ~is_running_d1; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"is_running\" -q is_running_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"layer_st\" -d \"mn_enable\" -q mn_enable_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{14{1'b0}}\" -en \"layer_st\" -d \"data_height_w\" -q data_height"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{13{1'b0}}\" -en \"layer_st\" -d \"reg2dp_datain_height\" -q height_cnt_total"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{15{1'b0}}\" -en \"layer_st\" -d \"data_entries_w\" -q data_entries"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin is_running_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin is_running_d1 <= is_running; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin mn_enable_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin mn_enable_d1 <= mn_enable; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin mn_enable_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin data_height <= {14{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin data_height <= data_height_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin data_height <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin height_cnt_total <= {13{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin height_cnt_total <= reg2dp_datain_height; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin height_cnt_total <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin data_entries <= {15{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin data_entries <= data_entries_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin data_entries <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // generator preparing parameters // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////// sub_h for total control ///////////// assign sub_h_st_limit = 4'b1; assign sub_h_mid_w = 4'h1; assign sub_h_end_limit = 4'h1; assign sub_h_st_sel = (~(|data_height[13:4]) && (data_height[3:0] <= sub_h_st_limit)); assign sub_h_end_sel = (~(|data_height[13:4]) && (data_height[3:0] <= sub_h_end_limit)); assign sub_h_st_w = sub_h_st_sel ? data_height[3:0] : sub_h_st_limit; assign sub_h_end_w = sub_h_end_sel ? data_height[3:0] : sub_h_end_limit; assign {mon_pre_entry_st_w, pre_entry_st_w} = sub_h_st_w * data_entries; assign {mon_pre_entry_end_w, pre_entry_end_w} = sub_h_end_w * data_entries; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"sub_h_st_w\" -q pre_sub_h_st_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"sub_h_mid_w\" -q pre_sub_h_mid_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"sub_h_end_w\" -q pre_sub_h_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{15{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"pre_entry_st_w\" -q pre_entry_st_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{15{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"data_entries\" -q pre_entry_mid_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{15{1'b0}}\" -en \"is_first_running\" -d \"pre_entry_end_w\" -q pre_entry_end_d1"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_sub_h_st_d1 <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_sub_h_st_d1 <= sub_h_st_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_sub_h_st_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_sub_h_mid_d1 <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_sub_h_mid_d1 <= sub_h_mid_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_sub_h_mid_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_sub_h_end_d1 <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_sub_h_end_d1 <= sub_h_end_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_sub_h_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_entry_st_d1 <= {15{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_entry_st_d1 <= pre_entry_st_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_entry_st_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_entry_mid_d1 <= {15{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_entry_mid_d1 <= data_entries; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_entry_mid_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin pre_entry_end_d1 <= {15{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((is_first_running) == 1'b1) begin pre_entry_end_d1 <= pre_entry_end_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_first_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin pre_entry_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // request generator for input image // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// localparam SRC_DUMMY = 2'h0; localparam SRC_P0 = 2'h1; localparam SRC_P1 = 2'h2; ///////////// height counter ///////////// assign is_1st_height = ~(|req_height_cnt); assign is_last_height = (req_height_cnt == height_cnt_total); assign {mon_req_height_cnt_inc, req_height_cnt_inc} = req_height_cnt + 1'b1; assign req_height_cnt_w = is_first_running ? 13'b0 : req_height_cnt_inc; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{13{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_height_en\" -d \"req_height_cnt_w\" -q req_height_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_height_cnt <= {13{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_height_en) == 1'b1) begin req_height_cnt <= req_height_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_height_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_height_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// image planar count ///////////// assign is_img_last_planar = (req_img_planar_cnt == pixel_planar); assign req_img_planar_cnt_w = (is_first_running | is_img_last_planar) ? 1'b0 : ~req_img_planar_cnt; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_img_planar_en\" -d \"req_img_planar_cnt_w\" -q req_img_planar_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_planar_cnt <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_img_planar_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_planar_cnt <= req_img_planar_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_planar_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_planar_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// image planar 0 bundle and burst count ///////////// assign {mon_req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w, req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w} = (is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) ? {1'b0, pixel_planar0_bundle_limit_1st} : is_p0_bundle_end ? {1'b0, pixel_planar0_bundle_limit} : req_img_p0_bundle_cnt - req_img_p0_cur_burst; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p0_burst_en\" -d \"req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p0_bundle_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p0_bundle_cnt <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p0_burst_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_bundle_cnt <= req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p0_burst_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_bundle_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign req_img_p0_burst_cnt_dec = req_img_p0_burst_cnt - req_img_p0_bundle_cnt; assign req_img_p0_cur_burst = req_img_p0_burst_cnt_dec[14] ? req_img_p0_burst_cnt[3:0] : req_img_p0_bundle_cnt; assign req_img_p0_burst_cnt_w = ((is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) & pixel_planar0_lp_vld) ? {{10{1'b0}}, pixel_planar0_lp_burst} : ((is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) & ~pixel_planar0_lp_vld) ? pixel_planar0_width_burst : ((req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h0) & is_p0_cur_sec_end) ? pixel_planar0_width_burst : ((req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & is_p0_cur_sec_end) ? {{10{1'b0}}, pixel_planar0_rp_burst} : req_img_p0_burst_cnt_dec[13:0]; assign {mon_req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w, req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w} = ((is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) & pixel_planar0_lp_vld) ? 3'h0 : ((is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) & ~pixel_planar0_lp_vld) ? 3'h1 : req_img_p0_sec_cnt + 1'b1; assign is_p0_cur_sec_end = (req_img_p0_burst_cnt <= {{10{1'b0}}, req_img_p0_bundle_cnt}); assign is_p0_1st_burst = ((req_img_p0_burst_cnt == {{10{1'b0}}, pixel_planar0_lp_burst}) & (req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h0)) | ((req_img_p0_burst_cnt == pixel_planar0_width_burst) & (req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & ~pixel_planar0_lp_vld); assign is_p0_last_burst = (is_p0_cur_sec_end & (req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & ~pixel_planar0_rp_vld) | (is_p0_cur_sec_end & (req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'h2)); assign is_p0_bundle_end = (req_img_p0_cur_burst == req_img_p0_bundle_cnt) | is_p0_last_burst; assign req_img_p0_burst_size = req_img_p0_cur_burst; assign is_p0_req_real = (req_img_p0_sec_cnt == 2'b1); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{14{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p0_burst_en\" -d \"req_img_p0_burst_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p0_burst_cnt"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{2{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p0_sec_en\" -d \"req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p0_sec_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p0_burst_cnt <= {14{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p0_burst_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_burst_cnt <= req_img_p0_burst_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p0_burst_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_burst_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p0_sec_cnt <= {2{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p0_sec_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_sec_cnt <= req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p0_sec_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_sec_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// image planar 1 bundle and burst count ///////////// assign {mon_req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w, req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w} = (is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) ? {1'b0, pixel_planar1_bundle_limit_1st} : is_p1_bundle_end ? {1'b0, pixel_planar1_bundle_limit} : req_img_p1_bundle_cnt - req_img_p1_cur_burst; assign req_img_p1_burst_cnt_dec = req_img_p1_burst_cnt - req_img_p1_bundle_cnt; assign req_img_p1_cur_burst = req_img_p1_burst_cnt_dec[14] ? req_img_p1_burst_cnt[4:0] : req_img_p1_bundle_cnt; assign req_img_p1_burst_cnt_w = ((is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) & pixel_planar1_lp_vld) ? {{11{1'b0}}, pixel_planar1_lp_burst} : ((is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) & ~pixel_planar1_lp_vld) ? pixel_planar1_width_burst : ((req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h0) & is_p1_cur_sec_end) ? pixel_planar1_width_burst : ((req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & is_p1_cur_sec_end) ? {{11{1'b0}}, pixel_planar1_rp_burst} : req_img_p1_burst_cnt_dec[13:0]; assign {mon_req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w, req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w} = ((is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) & pixel_planar1_lp_vld) ? 3'h0 : ((is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) & ~pixel_planar1_lp_vld) ? 3'h1 : req_img_p1_sec_cnt + 1'b1; assign req_img_p1_burst_size = req_img_p1_cur_burst; assign is_p1_cur_sec_end = req_img_p1_burst_cnt_dec[14] | (req_img_p1_burst_cnt == {{9{1'b0}}, req_img_p1_bundle_cnt}); assign is_p1_1st_burst = ((req_img_p1_burst_cnt == {{11{1'b0}}, pixel_planar1_lp_burst}) & (req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h0)) | ((req_img_p1_burst_cnt == pixel_planar1_width_burst) & (req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & ~pixel_planar1_lp_vld); assign is_p1_last_burst = (is_p1_cur_sec_end & (req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h1) & ~pixel_planar1_rp_vld) | (is_p1_cur_sec_end & (req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'h2)); assign is_p1_bundle_end = (req_img_p1_cur_burst == req_img_p1_bundle_cnt) | is_p1_last_burst; assign is_p1_req_real = (req_img_p1_sec_cnt == 2'b1); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p1_burst_en\" -d \"req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p1_bundle_cnt"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{14{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p1_burst_en\" -d \"req_img_p1_burst_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p1_burst_cnt"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{2{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p1_sec_en\" -d \"req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w\" -q req_img_p1_sec_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p1_bundle_cnt <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p1_burst_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_bundle_cnt <= req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p1_burst_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_bundle_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p1_burst_cnt <= {14{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p1_burst_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_burst_cnt <= req_img_p1_burst_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p1_burst_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_burst_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p1_sec_cnt <= {2{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p1_sec_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_sec_cnt <= req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p1_sec_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_sec_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// image burst signal ///////////// assign is_img_1st_burst = ~req_img_planar_cnt ? is_p0_1st_burst : is_p1_1st_burst; assign is_img_last_burst = ~req_img_planar_cnt ? is_p0_last_burst : is_p1_last_burst; assign is_img_bundle_end = ~req_img_planar_cnt ? is_p0_bundle_end : is_p1_bundle_end; assign req_img_burst_size = ~req_img_planar_cnt ? {1'b0, req_img_p0_burst_size} : req_img_p1_burst_size; assign is_img_dummy = ~req_img_planar_cnt ? ~is_p0_req_real : ~is_p1_req_real; ///////////// control signal ///////////// assign req_valid_w = (~is_running) ? 1'b0 : is_first_running ? 1'b1 : (req_reg_en & is_last_req) ? 1'b0 : req_valid; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"req_valid_w\" -q req_valid"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin req_valid <= req_valid_w; end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign req_adv = req_valid & (~req_valid_d1 | req_ready_d1); assign is_last_req = (is_img_last_burst & is_img_last_planar & is_last_height); assign req_img_reg_en = req_adv; assign req_reg_en = req_adv; assign req_img_p0_burst_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & ~req_img_planar_cnt); assign req_img_p0_sec_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & ~req_img_planar_cnt & is_p0_cur_sec_end); assign req_img_p1_burst_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & req_img_planar_cnt); assign req_img_p1_sec_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & req_img_planar_cnt & is_p1_cur_sec_end); assign req_img_p0_burst_offset_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & ~req_img_planar_cnt & (is_p0_req_real | is_p0_last_burst)); assign req_img_p1_burst_offset_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & req_img_planar_cnt & (is_p1_req_real | is_p1_last_burst)); assign req_img_planar_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & is_img_bundle_end); assign req_height_en = is_first_running | (req_img_reg_en & is_img_last_burst & is_img_last_planar); ///////////// address line offset for image ///////////// assign {mon_req_img_p0_line_offset_w, req_img_p0_line_offset_w} = (is_first_running) ? 33'b0 : (req_img_p0_line_offset + reg2dp_line_stride); assign {mon_req_img_p1_line_offset_w, req_img_p1_line_offset_w} = (is_first_running) ? 33'b0 : (req_img_p1_line_offset + reg2dp_uv_line_stride); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{32{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_height_en\" -d \"req_img_p0_line_offset_w\" -q req_img_p0_line_offset"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{32{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_height_en & planar1_enable\" -d \"req_img_p1_line_offset_w\" -q req_img_p1_line_offset"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p0_line_offset <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_height_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_line_offset <= req_img_p0_line_offset_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_height_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_line_offset <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p1_line_offset <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_height_en & planar1_enable) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_line_offset <= req_img_p1_line_offset_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_height_en & planar1_enable) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_line_offset <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// address burst offset for image ///////////// //: my $atmm = 8; //: my $k = 33 - int(log($atmm)/log(2)); //: print qq( //: assign {mon_req_img_p0_burst_offset_w, //: req_img_p0_burst_offset_w} = (is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) ? ${k}'b0 : (req_img_p0_burst_offset + req_img_p0_cur_burst); //: assign {mon_req_img_p1_burst_offset_w, //: req_img_p1_burst_offset_w} = (is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) ? ${k}'b0 : (req_img_p1_burst_offset + req_img_p1_cur_burst); //: ); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{(${k}-1){1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p0_burst_offset_en\" -d \"req_img_p0_burst_offset_w\" -q req_img_p0_burst_offset"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{(${k}-1){1'b0}}\" -en \"req_img_p1_burst_offset_en\" -d \"req_img_p1_burst_offset_w\" -q req_img_p1_burst_offset"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign {mon_req_img_p0_burst_offset_w, req_img_p0_burst_offset_w} = (is_first_running | is_p0_last_burst) ? 30'b0 : (req_img_p0_burst_offset + req_img_p0_cur_burst); assign {mon_req_img_p1_burst_offset_w, req_img_p1_burst_offset_w} = (is_first_running | is_p1_last_burst) ? 30'b0 : (req_img_p1_burst_offset + req_img_p1_cur_burst); always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p0_burst_offset <= {(30-1){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p0_burst_offset_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_burst_offset <= req_img_p0_burst_offset_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p0_burst_offset_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_burst_offset <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_img_p1_burst_offset <= {(30-1){1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_img_p1_burst_offset_en) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_burst_offset <= req_img_p1_burst_offset_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_img_p1_burst_offset_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_burst_offset <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// address base for image ///////////// assign req_img_p0_addr_base_w = {reg2dp_datain_addr_high_0, reg2dp_datain_addr_low_0}; assign req_img_p1_addr_base_w = {reg2dp_datain_addr_high_1, reg2dp_datain_addr_low_1}; //: my $atmm = 8; //: my $k = int(log($atmm)/log(2)); //: print qq( //: assign {mon_req_img_p0_addr, //: req_img_p0_addr} = req_img_p0_addr_base + req_img_p0_line_offset + {req_img_p0_burst_offset,${k}'d0}; //: assign {mon_req_img_p1_addr, //: req_img_p1_addr} = req_img_p1_addr_base + req_img_p1_line_offset + {req_img_p1_burst_offset,${k}'d0}; //: ); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -norst -en \"layer_st\" -d \"req_img_p0_addr_base_w\" -q req_img_p0_addr_base"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -norst -en \"layer_st\" -d \"req_img_p1_addr_base_w\" -q req_img_p1_addr_base"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign {mon_req_img_p0_addr, req_img_p0_addr} = req_img_p0_addr_base + req_img_p0_line_offset + {req_img_p0_burst_offset,3'd0}; assign {mon_req_img_p1_addr, req_img_p1_addr} = req_img_p1_addr_base + req_img_p1_line_offset + {req_img_p1_burst_offset,3'd0}; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p0_addr_base <= req_img_p0_addr_base_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p0_addr_base <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin if ((layer_st) == 1'b1) begin req_img_p1_addr_base <= req_img_p1_addr_base_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((layer_st) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_img_p1_addr_base <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// request package ///////////// assign req_valid_d1_w = ~is_running ? 1'b0 : req_valid ? 1'b1 : req_ready_d1 ? 1'b0 : req_valid_d1; assign req_addr = req_img_planar_cnt ? req_img_p1_addr : req_img_p0_addr ; assign req_size = req_img_burst_size; assign {mon_req_size_out, req_size_out} = req_size - 1'b1; assign req_line_st = is_img_1st_burst; assign req_bundle_end = (is_img_bundle_end & is_img_last_planar); assign req_line_end = (is_img_last_burst & is_img_last_planar); assign req_grant_end = (is_img_last_burst & is_img_last_planar); assign req_is_dummy = is_img_dummy; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"req_valid_d1_w\" -q req_valid_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{64{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_addr\" -q req_addr_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_size\" -q req_size_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_size_out\" -q req_size_out_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_line_st\" -q req_line_st_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_bundle_end\" -q req_bundle_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_line_end\" -q req_line_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_grant_end\" -q req_grant_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"is_last_req\" -q req_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_img_planar_cnt\" -q req_planar_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"req_reg_en\" -d \"req_is_dummy\" -q req_is_dummy_d1"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_valid_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin req_valid_d1 <= req_valid_d1_w; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_addr_d1 <= {64{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_addr_d1 <= req_addr; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_addr_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_size_d1 <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_size_d1 <= req_size; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_size_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_size_out_d1 <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_size_out_d1 <= req_size_out; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_size_out_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_line_st_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_line_st_d1 <= req_line_st; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_line_st_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_bundle_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_bundle_end_d1 <= req_bundle_end; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_bundle_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_line_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_line_end_d1 <= req_line_end; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_line_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_grant_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_grant_end_d1 <= req_grant_end; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_grant_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_end_d1 <= is_last_req; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_planar_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_planar_d1 <= req_img_planar_cnt; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_planar_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_is_dummy_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b1) begin req_is_dummy_d1 <= req_is_dummy; // VCS coverage off end else if ((req_reg_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin req_is_dummy_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) `ifdef NVDLA_PRINT_CDMA always @ (posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin if(req_valid_d1 & req_ready_d1) begin $display("[CDMA IMG REQ] Dummy = %d, Addr = 0x%010h, size = %0d, time = %0d", req_is_dummy_d1, req_addr_d1, req_size_d1, $stime); end end `endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // request arbiter and cbuf entry monitor // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign req_ready_d1 = ((dma_rd_req_rdy | req_is_dummy_d1) & dma_req_fifo_ready & is_cbuf_ready); assign req_is_done_w = is_first_running ? 1'b0 : (req_valid_d1 & req_ready_d1 & req_end_d1) ? 1'b1 : req_is_done; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b1\" -d \"req_is_done_w\" -q req_is_done"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin req_is_done <= 1'b1; end else begin req_is_done <= req_is_done_w; end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ///////////// cbuf monitor ///////////// assign cur_required_entry = (is_cbuf_ready | req_is_done) ? 15'b0 : is_last_height ? pre_entry_end_d1 : is_1st_height ? pre_entry_st_d1 : pre_entry_mid_d1; assign {mon_total_required_entry, total_required_entry} = cur_required_entry + img_entry_onfly; assign is_cbuf_enough = (status2dma_free_entries >= total_required_entry); assign is_cbuf_ready_w = (~is_running | is_first_running) ? 1'b0 : (req_valid_d1 & req_ready_d1 & req_grant_end_d1) ? 1'b0 : (~is_cbuf_ready) ? is_cbuf_enough : is_cbuf_ready; assign img_entry_onfly_sub = img2status_dat_updt ? img2status_dat_entries : 15'b0; assign img_entry_onfly_add = (~req_is_done & is_cbuf_enough & ~is_cbuf_ready) ? cur_required_entry : 15'b0; assign {mon_img_entry_onfly_w, img_entry_onfly_w} = img_entry_onfly + img_entry_onfly_add - img_entry_onfly_sub; assign img_entry_onfly_en = (~req_is_done & is_cbuf_enough & ~is_cbuf_ready) | img2status_dat_updt; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"is_cbuf_ready_w\" -q is_cbuf_ready"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{15{1'b0}}\" -en \"img_entry_onfly_en\" -d \"img_entry_onfly_w\" -q img_entry_onfly"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin is_cbuf_ready <= 1'b0; end else begin is_cbuf_ready <= is_cbuf_ready_w; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_entry_onfly <= {15{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((img_entry_onfly_en) == 1'b1) begin img_entry_onfly <= img_entry_onfly_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((img_entry_onfly_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin img_entry_onfly <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDMA IMG read request interface // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //============== // DMA Interface //============== // rd Channel: Request NV_NVDLA_DMAIF_rdreq NV_NVDLA_PDP_RDMA_rdreq( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk ) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn ) ,.reg2dp_src_ram_type (reg2dp_datain_ram_type) ,.mcif_rd_req_pd (img_dat2mcif_rd_req_pd ) ,.mcif_rd_req_valid (img_dat2mcif_rd_req_valid) ,.mcif_rd_req_ready (img_dat2mcif_rd_req_ready) ,.dmaif_rd_req_pd (dma_rd_req_pd ) ,.dmaif_rd_req_vld (dma_rd_req_vld ) ,.dmaif_rd_req_rdy (dma_rd_req_rdy ) ); // rd Channel: Response NV_NVDLA_DMAIF_rdrsp NV_NVDLA_PDP_RDMA_rdrsp( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk ) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn ) ,.mcif_rd_rsp_pd (mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_pd ) ,.mcif_rd_rsp_valid (mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_valid ) ,.mcif_rd_rsp_ready (mcif2img_dat_rd_rsp_ready ) ,.dmaif_rd_rsp_pd (dma_rd_rsp_pd ) ,.dmaif_rd_rsp_pvld (dma_rd_rsp_vld ) ,.dmaif_rd_rsp_prdy (dma_rd_rsp_rdy ) ); /////////////////////////////////////////// // PKT_PACK_WIRE( dma_read_cmd , dma_rd_req_ , dma_rd_req_pd ) assign dma_rd_req_pd[32 -1:0] = dma_rd_req_addr[32 -1:0]; assign dma_rd_req_pd[32 +14:32] = dma_rd_req_size[14:0]; assign dma_rd_req_vld = req_valid_d1 & dma_req_fifo_ready & is_cbuf_ready & ~req_is_dummy_d1; assign dma_rd_req_addr = req_addr_d1; assign dma_rd_req_size = {{10{1'b0}}, req_size_out_d1}; assign dma_rd_req_type = reg2dp_datain_ram_type; assign dma_rd_rsp_rdy = ~dma_blocking; assign dma_blocking = dma_rsp_blocking; NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_fifo u_NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_fifo ( .clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.reset_ (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.wr_ready (dma_req_fifo_ready) //|> w ,.wr_req (dma_req_fifo_req) //|< r ,.wr_data (dma_req_fifo_data[10:0]) //|< r ,.rd_ready (dma_rsp_fifo_ready) //|< r ,.rd_req (dma_rsp_fifo_req) //|> w ,.rd_data (dma_rsp_fifo_data[10:0]) //|> w ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) //|< i ); assign dma_req_fifo_req = req_valid_d1 & is_cbuf_ready & (dma_rd_req_rdy | req_is_dummy_d1) ; assign dma_req_fifo_data = {req_planar_d1, req_end_d1, req_line_end_d1, req_bundle_end_d1, req_line_st_d1, req_is_dummy_d1, req_size_d1[4:0]}; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDMA IMG read response logic // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign dma_rd_rsp_data[64 -1:0] = dma_rd_rsp_pd[64 -1:0]; assign dma_rd_rsp_mask[(64/8/8)-1:0] = dma_rd_rsp_pd[( 64 + (64/8/8) )-1:64]; assign {dma_rsp_planar, dma_rsp_end, dma_rsp_line_end, dma_rsp_bundle_end, dma_rsp_line_st, dma_rsp_dummy, dma_rsp_size} = dma_rsp_fifo_data; assign dma_rsp_blocking = (dma_rsp_fifo_req & dma_rsp_dummy); assign dma_rsp_mask[0] = (~dma_rsp_fifo_req) ? 1'b0 : ~dma_rsp_dummy ? (dma_rd_rsp_vld & dma_rd_rsp_mask[0]) : 1'b1; //: my $msk = (64/8/8); //: if($msk >= 2) { //: print qq( //: assign dma_rsp_mask[1] = (~dma_rsp_fifo_req) ? 1'b0 : //: ~dma_rsp_dummy ? (dma_rd_rsp_vld & dma_rd_rsp_mask[1]) : //: (dma_rsp_size[4:1] == dma_rsp_size_cnt[4:1]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //: ); //: } elsif($msk == 4) { //: print qq( //: assign dma_rsp_mask[2] = (~dma_rsp_fifo_req) ? 1'b0 : //: ~dma_rsp_dummy ? (dma_rd_rsp_vld & dma_rd_rsp_mask[2]) : //: ((dma_rsp_size[4:2] == dma_rsp_size_cnt[4:2]) & (&dma_rsp_size_cnt[11])) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //: assign dma_rsp_mask[3] = (~dma_rsp_fifo_req) ? 1'b0 : //: ~dma_rsp_dummy ? (dma_rd_rsp_vld & dma_rd_rsp_mask[3]) : //: (dma_rsp_size[4:2] == dma_rsp_size_cnt[4:2]) ? 1'b0 : 1'b1; //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign {mon_dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc, dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc} = dma_rsp_size_cnt //: my $msk = (64/8/8); //: foreach my $i (0..$msk-1) { //: print qq( //: + dma_rsp_mask[$i] //: ); //: } //: print qq( ; ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) + dma_rsp_mask[0] ; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign dma_rsp_size_cnt_w = (dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc == dma_rsp_size) ? 5'b0 : dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"dma_rsp_vld\" -d \"dma_rsp_size_cnt_w\" -q dma_rsp_size_cnt"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin dma_rsp_size_cnt <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((dma_rsp_vld) == 1'b1) begin dma_rsp_size_cnt <= dma_rsp_size_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((dma_rsp_vld) == 1'b0) begin end else begin dma_rsp_size_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign dma_rsp_vld = dma_rsp_fifo_req & (dma_rsp_dummy | dma_rd_rsp_vld); assign dma_rsp_fifo_ready = (dma_rsp_vld & (dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc == dma_rsp_size)); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDMA pixel data response logic stage 1 // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign rsp_img_vld_w = dma_rsp_vld; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -q rsp_img_vld"); //: my $dmaif = 64/8; //: my $atmm = 8; //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: foreach my $i (0..$atmm_num-1) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_vld_w = dma_rsp_mask[${i}]; //: //: always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) //: if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin //: rsp_img_p${i}_vld <= 1'b0; //: end else begin //: rsp_img_p${i}_vld <= rsp_img_p${i}_vld_w; //: end //: //: always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) //: if (rsp_img_p${i}_vld_w) begin //: rsp_img_p${i}_data <= rsp_img_p${i}_data_w; //: end //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_vld <= 1'b0; end else begin rsp_img_vld <= rsp_img_vld_w; end end assign rsp_img_p0_vld_w = dma_rsp_mask[0]; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_vld <= 1'b0; end else begin rsp_img_p0_vld <= rsp_img_p0_vld_w; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) if (rsp_img_p0_vld_w) begin rsp_img_p0_data <= rsp_img_p0_data_w; end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) assign rsp_dat = dma_rd_rsp_data; //10'h1 ABGR, VU, single, unchange //10'h2 ARGB, AYUV, 8bpp //10'h4 ARGB, AYUV, 16bpp //10'h8 BGRA, VUYA, 8bpp //10'h10 BGRA, VUYA, 16bpp //10'h20 RGBA, YUVA, 8bpp //10'h40 ARGB, AYUV, packed_10b //10'h80 BGRA, YUVA, packed_10b //10'h100 RGBA, packed_10b //10'h200 UV, 8bpp //10'h400 UV, 16bpp assign rsp_img_sel[0] = pixel_order[0] | (~dma_rsp_planar & pixel_planar); assign rsp_img_sel[1] = pixel_order[1]; assign rsp_img_sel[2] = pixel_order[2]; assign rsp_img_sel[3] = pixel_order[3]; assign rsp_img_sel[4] = pixel_order[4]; assign rsp_img_sel[5] = pixel_order[5]; assign rsp_img_sel[6] = pixel_order[6]; assign rsp_img_sel[7] = pixel_order[7]; assign rsp_img_sel[8] = pixel_order[8]; assign rsp_img_sel[9] = pixel_order[9] & dma_rsp_planar; assign rsp_img_sel[10] = pixel_order[10] & dma_rsp_planar; //////// reordering //////// assign rsp_img_data_sw_o0 = rsp_dat; assign rsp_img_data_sw_o1 = { //: my $dmaif = 64/32;## //: if($dmaif > 1) { //: foreach my $i (0..$dmaif-2) { //: my $k = $dmaif - $i -1; //: print qq( //: rsp_dat[${k}*32+31:${k}*32+24], rsp_dat[${k}*32+7:${k}*32], rsp_dat[${k}*32+15:${k}*32+8], rsp_dat[${k}*32+23:${k}*32+16], //: ); //: } //: } //: print " rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24], rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16]}; \n"; //: //: //: print " assign rsp_img_data_sw_o3 = { \n"; //: if($dmaif > 1) { //: foreach my $i (0..$dmaif-2) { //: my $k = $dmaif - $i -1; //: print qq( //: rsp_dat[${k}*32+7:${k}*32], rsp_dat[${k}*32+31:${k}*32+24], rsp_dat[${k}*32+23:${k}*32+16], rsp_dat[${k}*32+15:${k}*32+8], //: ); //: } //: } //: print " rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8]}; \n"; //: //: //: print " assign rsp_img_data_sw_o5 = { \n"; //: if($dmaif > 1) { //: foreach my $i (0..$dmaif-2) { //: my $k = $dmaif - $i -1; //: print qq( //: rsp_dat[${k}*32+7:${k}*32], rsp_dat[${k}*32+15:${k}*32+8], rsp_dat[${k}*32+23:${k}*32+16], rsp_dat[${k}*32+31:${k}*32+24], //: ); //: } //: } //: print " rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16], rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24]}; \n"; //: my $dmaif = 64/16; ## //: print " assign rsp_img_data_sw_o9 = { \n"; //: if($dmaif > 1) { //: foreach my $i (0..$dmaif-2) { //: my $k = $dmaif - $i -1; //: print qq( //: rsp_dat[${k}*16+7:${k}*16], rsp_dat[${k}*16+15:${k}*16+8], //: ); //: } //: } //: print " rsp_dat[0*16+7:0*16], rsp_dat[0*16+15:0*16+8]}; \n"; //: my $dmaif = 64/8; //: my $atmm = 8; //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: print " assign { \n"; //: if($atmm_num > 1) { //: foreach my $i (0..$atmm_num -2) { //: my $k = $atmm_num - $i -1; //: print " rsp_img_p${k}_data_w, "; //: } //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) rsp_dat[1*32+31:1*32+24], rsp_dat[1*32+7:1*32], rsp_dat[1*32+15:1*32+8], rsp_dat[1*32+23:1*32+16], rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24], rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16]}; assign rsp_img_data_sw_o3 = { rsp_dat[1*32+7:1*32], rsp_dat[1*32+31:1*32+24], rsp_dat[1*32+23:1*32+16], rsp_dat[1*32+15:1*32+8], rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8]}; assign rsp_img_data_sw_o5 = { rsp_dat[1*32+7:1*32], rsp_dat[1*32+15:1*32+8], rsp_dat[1*32+23:1*32+16], rsp_dat[1*32+31:1*32+24], rsp_dat[0*32+7:0*32], rsp_dat[0*32+15:0*32+8], rsp_dat[0*32+23:0*32+16], rsp_dat[0*32+31:0*32+24]}; assign rsp_img_data_sw_o9 = { rsp_dat[3*16+7:3*16], rsp_dat[3*16+15:3*16+8], rsp_dat[2*16+7:2*16], rsp_dat[2*16+15:2*16+8], rsp_dat[1*16+7:1*16], rsp_dat[1*16+15:1*16+8], rsp_dat[0*16+7:0*16], rsp_dat[0*16+15:0*16+8]}; assign { //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) rsp_img_p0_data_w} = ({64{rsp_img_sel[0]}} & rsp_img_data_sw_o0) | ({64{rsp_img_sel[1]}} & rsp_img_data_sw_o1) | ({64{rsp_img_sel[3]}} & rsp_img_data_sw_o3) | ({64{rsp_img_sel[5]}} & rsp_img_data_sw_o5) | ({64{rsp_img_sel[9]}} & rsp_img_data_sw_o9); assign dma_rsp_w_burst_size = dma_rsp_size; assign rsp_img_1st_burst_w = dma_rsp_line_st & (dma_rsp_size_cnt == 5'h0); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_planar\" -q rsp_img_planar"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"rsp_img_1st_burst_w\" -q rsp_img_1st_burst"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_line_st\" -q rsp_img_line_st"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_fifo_ready\" -q rsp_img_req_end"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w & dma_rsp_fifo_ready\" -d \"dma_rsp_w_burst_size\" -q rsp_img_w_burst_size"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_line_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready\" -q rsp_img_line_end"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_bundle_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready\" -q rsp_img_bundle_end"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_vld_w\" -d \"dma_rsp_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready\" -q rsp_img_end"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_planar <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_planar <= dma_rsp_planar; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_planar <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_1st_burst <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_1st_burst <= rsp_img_1st_burst_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_1st_burst <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_line_st <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_line_st <= dma_rsp_line_st; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_line_st <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_req_end <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_req_end <= dma_rsp_fifo_ready; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_req_end <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_w_burst_size <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w & dma_rsp_fifo_ready) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_w_burst_size <= dma_rsp_w_burst_size; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w & dma_rsp_fifo_ready) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_w_burst_size <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_line_end <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_line_end <= dma_rsp_line_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_line_end <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_bundle_end <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_bundle_end <= dma_rsp_bundle_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_bundle_end <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_end <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_end <= dma_rsp_end & dma_rsp_fifo_ready; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_vld_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_end <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDMA pixel data response logic stage 2: cache and sbuf write // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////// cache line control //////// assign rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en = (rsp_img_p0_vld & (~rsp_img_planar)); assign rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en = (rsp_img_p0_vld & rsp_img_planar); //assign rsp_img_l0_data = rsp_img_p1_vld ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; // need cache more when more dmaif/atmm //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = (8 * 8); //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: if($atmm_num == 1) { //: print qq( //: /////rsp_img_p0_cache_data p0 means planar 0 //: ); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{${atmm}{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en \" -d \"rsp_img_p0_data\" -q rsp_img_p0_cache_data"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{${atmm}{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en \" -d \"rsp_img_p0_data\" -q rsp_img_p1_cache_data"); //: } elsif($atmm_num == 2) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_l0_data = rsp_img_p1_vld ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: ); //: } elsif($atmm_num == 4) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_l0_data = rsp_img_p3_vld ? rsp_img_p3_data : rsp_img_p2_vld ? rsp_img_p2_data : rsp_img_p1_vld ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: assign rsp_img_l1_data = rsp_img_p3_vld ? rsp_img_p2_data : rsp_img_p2_vld ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: assign rsp_img_l2_data = rsp_img_p3_vld ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: ); //: } //: //: if($atmm_num > 1) { //: foreach my $i(0..$atmm_num-2) { //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{${atmm}{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_c0l${i}_wr_en\" -d \"rsp_img_l${i}_data\" -q rsp_img_c0l${i}"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{${atmm}{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_c1l${i}_wr_en\" -d \"rsp_img_l${i}_data\" -q rsp_img_c1l${i}"); //: print " //////// data write control logic: normal write back //////// \n"; //: print " assign rsp_img_p${i}_cache_data = ({${atmm} {~rsp_img_planar}} & rsp_img_c0l${i}) | ({${atmm} { rsp_img_planar}} & rsp_img_c1l${i}); \n"; //: } //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) /////rsp_img_p0_cache_data p0 means planar 0 always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_cache_data <= {64{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en ) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_cache_data <= rsp_img_p0_data; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en ) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_cache_data <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p1_cache_data <= {64{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en ) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p1_cache_data <= rsp_img_p0_data; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en ) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p1_cache_data <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //per atmm //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = (8*8); //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: if($atmm_num == 1) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p0_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst); //: //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0 = rsp_img_p0_data; //: assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0,(rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en ? rsp_img_p0_cache_data : rsp_img_p1_cache_data)} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: //: assign rsp_img_planar_idx_add = 3'h1; //: ); //: } elsif ($atmm_num == 2) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p0_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst | rsp_img_p1_vld); //: assign rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p1_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst ); //: //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p0_data : rsp_img_p0_cache_data; //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: assign {mon_rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p1_data, rsp_img_p0_data} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: //: assign rsp_img_planar_idx_add = rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w ? 3'h2 : 3'h1; //: ); //: } elsif ($atmm_num == 4) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p0_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst | rsp_img_p1_vld | rsp_img_p2_vld | rsp_img_p3_vld ); //: assign rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p1_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst | rsp_img_p2_vld | rsp_img_p3_vld ); //: assign rsp_img_p2_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p2_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst | rsp_img_p3_vld ); //: assign rsp_img_p3_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p3_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst ); //: //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p0_data : rsp_img_p0_cache_data; //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p1_cache_data; //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm2 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p2_data : rsp_img_p2_cache_data; //: assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm3 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p3_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //: // assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm3, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm2, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: // assign {mon_rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm3, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm2, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: // assign {mon_rsp_img_p2_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p2_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm3, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm2, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: // assign {mon_rsp_img_p3_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p3_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p3_data, rsp_img_p2_data, rsp_img_p1_data, rsp_img_p0_data} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //: //: assign rsp_img_planar_idx_add = rsp_img_p3_vld_d1_w ? 3'h4 : rsp_img_p2_vld_d1_w ? 3'h3 : rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w ? 3'h2 : 3'h1; //: ); //: } //: foreach my $i(0..$atmm_num -1) { //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1_w\" -q rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -norst -en \"rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1_w\" -d \"rsp_img_p${i}_data_d1_w\" -q rsp_img_p${i}_data_d1"); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w = rsp_img_p0_vld & (~rsp_img_1st_burst); assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0 = rsp_img_p0_data; assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0,(rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en ? rsp_img_p0_cache_data : rsp_img_p1_cache_data)} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); assign rsp_img_planar_idx_add = 3'h1; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_vld_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin rsp_img_p0_vld_d1 <= rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin if ((rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_data_d1 <= rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_data_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p0_data : rsp_img_p0_cache_data; //assign rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1 = rsp_img_1st_burst ? rsp_img_p1_data : rsp_img_p0_data; //assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p0_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p0_data_atmm1, rsp_img_p0_data_atmm0} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); //assign {mon_rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w, rsp_img_p1_data_d1_w} = ({rsp_img_p1_data, rsp_img_p0_data} >> {rsp_img_sft, 3'b0}); assign rsp_img_sft = rsp_img_planar ? pixel_planar1_byte_sft : pixel_planar0_byte_sft; //////// data write control logic: normal write back //////// //assign rsp_img_planar_idx_add = rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w ? 2'h2 : 2'h1; //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = (8*8); //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: foreach my $i (0..$atmm_num -1) { //: print qq( //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx_inc = rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx + rsp_img_planar_idx_add; //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx_inc = rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx + rsp_img_planar_idx_add; //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx_w = is_first_running ? 7'b${i} : rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx_inc[8 -2:0]; //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx_w = is_first_running ? 7'b${i} : rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx_inc[8 -2:0]; //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1_w & ~rsp_img_planar); //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1_w & rsp_img_planar); //: assign rsp_img_p${i}_addr = (~rsp_img_planar) ? {1'b0, rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx[0], rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx[8 -2:1]} : //: {1'b1, rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx[0], rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx[8 -2:1]}; //: ); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{7{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx_w\" -q rsp_img_p${i}_planar0_idx"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{7{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx_w\" -q rsp_img_p${i}_planar1_idx"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{8{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1_w\" -d \"rsp_img_p${i}_addr\" -q rsp_img_p${i}_addr_d1"); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_inc = rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx + rsp_img_planar_idx_add; assign rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_inc = rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx + rsp_img_planar_idx_add; assign rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_w = is_first_running ? 7'b0 : rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_inc[8 -2:0]; assign rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_w = is_first_running ? 7'b0 : rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_inc[8 -2:0]; assign rsp_img_p0_planar0_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w & ~rsp_img_planar); assign rsp_img_p0_planar1_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w & rsp_img_planar); assign rsp_img_p0_addr = (~rsp_img_planar) ? {1'b0, rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx[0], rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx[8 -2:1]} : {1'b1, rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx[0], rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx[8 -2:1]}; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx <= {7{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p0_planar0_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx <= rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_planar0_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_planar0_idx <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx <= {7{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p0_planar1_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx <= rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_planar1_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_planar1_idx <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_addr_d1 <= {8{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_addr_d1 <= rsp_img_p0_addr; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_addr_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////// data write control logic: MISC output //////// assign {mon_rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc, rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc} = rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt + rsp_img_w_burst_size[3:0] - rsp_img_line_st; assign {mon_rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc, rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc} = rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt + rsp_img_w_burst_size - rsp_img_line_st; assign rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_w = is_first_running ? 4'b0 : (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_bundle_end) ? 4'b0 : (~rsp_img_planar) ? rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc : rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt; assign rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_w = is_first_running ? 5'b0 : (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_bundle_end) ? 5'b0 : (rsp_img_planar) ? rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc : rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt; assign rsp_img_bundle_done = (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_bundle_end); assign rsp_img_p0_burst_size_w = ~rsp_img_planar ? rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc : rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt; assign rsp_img_p1_burst_size_w = rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc; assign rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_req_end); assign rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_req_end & pixel_planar); assign rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_bundle_end); assign rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en = is_first_running | (rsp_img_vld & rsp_img_bundle_end & pixel_planar); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_w\" -q rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_w\" -q rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{4{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p0_burst_size_w\" -q rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"{5{1'b0}}\" -en \"rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en\" -d \"rsp_img_p1_burst_size_w\" -q rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -d \"rsp_img_bundle_done\" -q rsp_img_bundle_done_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_bundle_done\" -d \"rsp_img_line_end\" -q rsp_img_line_end_d1"); //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b0\" -en \"rsp_img_bundle_done\" -d \"rsp_img_end\" -q rsp_img_layer_end_d1"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt <= rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt <= rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1 <= {4{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1 <= rsp_img_p0_burst_size_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1 <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1 <= rsp_img_p1_burst_size_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_bundle_done_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin rsp_img_bundle_done_d1 <= rsp_img_bundle_done; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_line_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_bundle_done) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_line_end_d1 <= rsp_img_line_end; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_bundle_done) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_line_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_layer_end_d1 <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((rsp_img_bundle_done) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_layer_end_d1 <= rsp_img_end; // VCS coverage off end else if ((rsp_img_bundle_done) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_layer_end_d1 <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////// data write control logic: status //////// assign rsp_img_is_done_w = is_first_running ? 1'b0 : (rsp_img_end & rsp_img_line_end) ? 1'b1 : rsp_img_is_done; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b1\" -en \"is_running\" -d \"rsp_img_is_done_w\" -q rsp_img_is_done"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin rsp_img_is_done <= 1'b1; end else begin if ((is_running) == 1'b1) begin rsp_img_is_done <= rsp_img_is_done_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin rsp_img_is_done <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Shared buffer write signals // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //: my $dmaif = 64; //: my $atmm = 8*8; //: my $atmm_num = ($dmaif / $atmm); //: foreach my $i (0..$atmm_num -1) { //: print qq( //: assign img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_addr = rsp_img_p${i}_addr_d1; //: assign img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_data = rsp_img_p${i}_data_d1; //: assign img2sbuf_p${i}_wr_en = rsp_img_p${i}_vld_d1; //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_addr = rsp_img_p0_addr_d1; assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_data = rsp_img_p0_data_d1; assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_en = rsp_img_p0_vld_d1; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_en = rsp_img_p0_vld_d1; //assign img2sbuf_p1_wr_en = rsp_img_p1_vld_d1; //assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_addr = rsp_img_p0_addr_d1; //assign img2sbuf_p1_wr_addr = rsp_img_p1_addr_d1; //assign img2sbuf_p0_wr_data = rsp_img_p0_data_d1; //assign img2sbuf_p1_wr_data = rsp_img_p1_data_d1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Signal from SG to PACK // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign sg2pack_img_line_end = rsp_img_line_end_d1; assign sg2pack_img_layer_end = rsp_img_layer_end_d1; assign sg2pack_img_p0_burst = rsp_img_p0_burst_size_d1; assign sg2pack_img_p1_burst = rsp_img_p1_burst_size_d1; // PKT_PACK_WIRE( sg2pack_info , sg2pack_img_ , sg2pack_push_data ) assign sg2pack_push_data[3:0] = sg2pack_img_p0_burst[3:0]; assign sg2pack_push_data[8:4] = sg2pack_img_p1_burst[4:0]; assign sg2pack_push_data[9] = sg2pack_img_line_end ; assign sg2pack_push_data[10] = sg2pack_img_layer_end ; assign sg2pack_push_req = rsp_img_bundle_done_d1; assign sg2pack_img_pvld = sg2pack_pop_req; assign sg2pack_img_pd = sg2pack_pop_data; assign sg2pack_pop_ready = sg2pack_img_prdy; NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_sg2pack_fifo u_NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_sg2pack_fifo ( .clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.reset_ (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.wr_ready (sg2pack_push_ready) ,.wr_req (sg2pack_push_req) ,.wr_data (sg2pack_push_data[10:0]) ,.rd_ready (sg2pack_pop_ready) ,.rd_req (sg2pack_pop_req) ,.rd_data (sg2pack_pop_data[10:0]) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); assign sg2pack_height_total = height_cnt_total; assign sg2pack_mn_enable = mn_enable_d1; assign sg2pack_data_entries = data_entries; assign sg2pack_entry_st = pre_entry_st_d1; assign sg2pack_entry_mid = pre_entry_mid_d1; assign sg2pack_entry_end = pre_entry_end_d1; assign sg2pack_sub_h_st = pre_sub_h_st_d1; assign sg2pack_sub_h_mid = pre_sub_h_mid_d1; assign sg2pack_sub_h_end = pre_sub_h_end_d1; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Global status // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign sg_is_done_w = ~is_first_running & req_is_done & rsp_img_is_done; //: &eperl::flop("-nodeclare -rval \"1'b1\" -en \"is_running\" -d \"sg_is_done_w\" -q sg_is_done"); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin sg_is_done <= 1'b1; end else begin if ((is_running) == 1'b1) begin sg_is_done <= sg_is_done_w; // VCS coverage off end else if ((is_running) == 1'b0) begin end else begin sg_is_done <= 'bx; // VCS coverage on end end end //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // performance counting register // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_stall_inc <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_stall_inc <= dma_rd_req_vld & ~dma_rd_req_rdy & reg2dp_dma_en; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_stall_clr <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_stall_clr <= status2dma_fsm_switch & reg2dp_dma_en; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_stall_cen <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_stall_cen <= reg2dp_op_en & reg2dp_dma_en; end end assign dp2reg_img_rd_stall_dec = 1'b0; // stl adv logic always @(*) begin stl_adv = img_rd_stall_inc ^ dp2reg_img_rd_stall_dec; end // stl cnt logic always @(*) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start stl_cnt_ext[33:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, stl_cnt_cur}; stl_cnt_inc[33:0] = stl_cnt_cur + 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b stl_cnt_dec[33:0] = stl_cnt_cur - 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b stl_cnt_mod[33:0] = (img_rd_stall_inc && !dp2reg_img_rd_stall_dec)? stl_cnt_inc : (!img_rd_stall_inc && dp2reg_img_rd_stall_dec)? stl_cnt_dec : stl_cnt_ext; stl_cnt_new[33:0] = (stl_adv)? stl_cnt_mod[33:0] : stl_cnt_ext[33:0]; stl_cnt_nxt[33:0] = (img_rd_stall_clr)? 34'd0 : stl_cnt_new[33:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // stl flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin stl_cnt_cur[31:0] <= 0; end else begin if (img_rd_stall_cen) begin stl_cnt_cur[31:0] <= stl_cnt_nxt[31:0]; end end end // stl output logic always @(*) begin dp2reg_img_rd_stall[31:0] = stl_cnt_cur[31:0]; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_latency_inc <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_latency_inc <= dma_rd_req_vld & dma_rd_req_rdy & reg2dp_dma_en; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_latency_dec <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_latency_dec <= dma_rsp_fifo_ready & ~dma_rsp_dummy & reg2dp_dma_en; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_latency_clr <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_latency_clr <= status2dma_fsm_switch; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin img_rd_latency_cen <= 1'b0; end else begin img_rd_latency_cen <= reg2dp_op_en & reg2dp_dma_en; end end assign ltc_1_inc = (outs_dp2reg_img_rd_latency!=511) & img_rd_latency_inc; assign ltc_1_dec = (outs_dp2reg_img_rd_latency!=511) & img_rd_latency_dec; // ltc_1 adv logic always @(*) begin ltc_1_adv = ltc_1_inc ^ ltc_1_dec; end // ltc_1 cnt logic always @(*) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start ltc_1_cnt_ext[10:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, ltc_1_cnt_cur}; ltc_1_cnt_inc[10:0] = ltc_1_cnt_cur + 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b ltc_1_cnt_dec[10:0] = ltc_1_cnt_cur - 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b ltc_1_cnt_mod[10:0] = (ltc_1_inc && !ltc_1_dec)? ltc_1_cnt_inc : (!ltc_1_inc && ltc_1_dec)? ltc_1_cnt_dec : ltc_1_cnt_ext; ltc_1_cnt_new[10:0] = (ltc_1_adv)? ltc_1_cnt_mod[10:0] : ltc_1_cnt_ext[10:0]; ltc_1_cnt_nxt[10:0] = (img_rd_latency_clr)? 11'd0 : ltc_1_cnt_new[10:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // ltc_1 flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin ltc_1_cnt_cur[8:0] <= 0; end else begin if (img_rd_latency_cen) begin ltc_1_cnt_cur[8:0] <= ltc_1_cnt_nxt[8:0]; end end end // ltc_1 output logic always @(*) begin outs_dp2reg_img_rd_latency[8:0] = ltc_1_cnt_cur[8:0]; end assign ltc_2_dec = 1'b0; assign ltc_2_inc = (~&dp2reg_img_rd_latency) & (|outs_dp2reg_img_rd_latency); // ltc_2 adv logic always @(*) begin ltc_2_adv = ltc_2_inc ^ ltc_2_dec; end // ltc_2 cnt logic always @(*) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start ltc_2_cnt_ext[33:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, ltc_2_cnt_cur}; ltc_2_cnt_inc[33:0] = ltc_2_cnt_cur + 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b ltc_2_cnt_dec[33:0] = ltc_2_cnt_cur - 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b ltc_2_cnt_mod[33:0] = (ltc_2_inc && !ltc_2_dec)? ltc_2_cnt_inc : (!ltc_2_inc && ltc_2_dec)? ltc_2_cnt_dec : ltc_2_cnt_ext; ltc_2_cnt_new[33:0] = (ltc_2_adv)? ltc_2_cnt_mod[33:0] : ltc_2_cnt_ext[33:0]; ltc_2_cnt_nxt[33:0] = (img_rd_latency_clr)? 34'd0 : ltc_2_cnt_new[33:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // ltc_2 flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin ltc_2_cnt_cur[31:0] <= 0; end else begin if (img_rd_latency_cen) begin ltc_2_cnt_cur[31:0] <= ltc_2_cnt_nxt[31:0]; end end end // ltc_2 output logic always @(*) begin dp2reg_img_rd_latency[31:0] = ltc_2_cnt_cur[31:0]; end ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///// functional point ///// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT reg funcpoint_cover_off; initial begin if ( $test$plusargs( "cover_off" ) ) begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b1; end else begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b0; end end property cdma_img_sg__img_read_response_block__0_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) (dma_rd_rsp_vld & ~dma_rd_rsp_rdy); endproperty // Cover 0 : "(dma_rd_rsp_vld & ~dma_rd_rsp_rdy)" FUNCPOINT_cdma_img_sg__img_read_response_block__0_COV : cover property (cdma_img_sg__img_read_response_block__0_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Assertion // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_1x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(layer_st))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_2x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(layer_st))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_3x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(layer_st))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_4x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(layer_st))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_7x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_8x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_9x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_10x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_11x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_12x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_first_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_13x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_height_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_14x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_planar_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_15x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p0_burst_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_16x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p0_burst_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_17x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p0_sec_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_20x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p1_burst_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_21x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p1_burst_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_22x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p1_sec_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_27x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_height_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_28x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_height_en & planar1_enable))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_31x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p0_burst_offset_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_32x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_img_p1_burst_offset_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_35x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_36x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_37x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_38x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_39x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_40x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_41x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_42x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_43x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_44x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(req_reg_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_46x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(img_entry_onfly_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_54x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(dma_rsp_vld))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_64x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_vld_w))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_65x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_vld_w & dma_rsp_fifo_ready))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_69x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_c0l0_wr_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_70x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_c1l0_wr_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_72x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p0_planar0_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_73x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p0_planar1_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_74x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p1_planar0_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_75x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p1_planar1_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_76x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p0_vld_d1_w))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_77x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p1_vld_d1_w))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_78x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_79x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_80x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p0_burst_size_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_81x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_p1_burst_size_en))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_82x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_bundle_done))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_83x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(rsp_img_bundle_done))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_87x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_91x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(is_running))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Config error! Pixel height offset is not zero!") zzz_assert_never_5x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (is_running & (|reg2dp_pixel_y_offset))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error config! data_entries_w is much to big!") zzz_assert_never_6x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (layer_st & mon_data_entries_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_18x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p0_burst_en & mon_req_img_p0_bundle_cnt_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_19x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p0_burst_en & mon_req_img_p0_sec_cnt_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_23x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p1_burst_en & mon_req_img_p1_bundle_cnt_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_24x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p1_burst_en & mon_req_img_p1_sec_cnt_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_reg_en set when not running!") zzz_assert_never_25x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & req_reg_en)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_valid set when not running!") zzz_assert_never_26x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & req_valid)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p0_line_offset_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_29x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_height_en & mon_req_img_p0_line_offset_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p1_line_offset_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_30x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_height_en & planar1_enable & mon_req_img_p1_line_offset_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p0_burst_offset_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_33x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p0_burst_offset_en & mon_req_img_p0_burst_offset_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_img_p1_burst_offset_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_34x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_img_p1_burst_offset_en & mon_req_img_p1_burst_offset_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! req_size_out is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_45x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (req_reg_en & mon_req_size_out)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! total_required_entry is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_47x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (mon_total_required_entry & ~is_cbuf_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! total_required_entry is out of range!") zzz_assert_never_48x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, ((total_required_entry > 3840) & ~req_is_done_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! img_entry_onfly_w is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_49x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (mon_img_entry_onfly_w)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! img_entry_onfly_w is out of range!") zzz_assert_never_50x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (img_entry_onfly_w > 3840)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! img_entry_onfly is not empty when idle!") zzz_assert_never_51x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & (|img_entry_onfly))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! Receive input data when not busy") zzz_assert_never_53x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma_rd_rsp_vld & ~is_running)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"response fifo pop error") zzz_assert_never_55x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma_rsp_fifo_ready & ~dma_rsp_fifo_req)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"response fifo idle when data return") zzz_assert_never_56x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma_rd_rsp_vld & ~dma_rsp_fifo_req)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"response size mismatch") zzz_assert_never_57x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc > dma_rsp_size)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc is overflow") zzz_assert_never_58x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (mon_dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc is out of range") zzz_assert_never_59x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma_rsp_size_cnt_inc > 6'h30)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! Data input when idle!") zzz_assert_never_60x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & dma_rd_rsp_vld)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! rsp_img_p1_vld_d1 valid when rsp_img_p0_vld_d1 not!") zzz_assert_never_71x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~rsp_img_p0_vld_d1 & rsp_img_p1_vld_d1)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_84x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en & mon_rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_inc & ~rsp_img_planar)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc is overflow!") zzz_assert_never_85x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_en & mon_rsp_img_p1_burst_cnt_inc)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! rsp_img_w_burst_size is out of range when planar0!") zzz_assert_never_86x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (rsp_img_p0_burst_cnt_en & rsp_img_w_burst_size[4] & ~rsp_img_planar)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! rsp_img_is_done is 0 when not busy!") zzz_assert_never_88x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & ~rsp_img_is_done)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! sg2pack_fifo push block!") zzz_assert_never_89x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (sg2pack_push_req & ~sg2pack_push_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! sg2pack_fifo pop invalid!") zzz_assert_never_90x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~sg2pack_pop_req & sg2pack_pop_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"Error! sg_is_done is 0 when not busy!") zzz_assert_never_92x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (~is_running & ~sg_is_done)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML nv_assert_never #(0,0,"never: counter overflow beyond <ovr_cnt>") zzz_assert_never_93x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (ltc_1_cnt_nxt > 511 && img_rd_latency_cen)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CDMA_IMG_sg