// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: nv_ram_rws_256x7_logic.v `ifdef _SIMULATE_X_VH_ `else `ifndef SYNTHESIS `define tick_x_or_0 1'bx `define tick_x_or_1 1'bx `else `define tick_x_or_0 1'b0 `define tick_x_or_1 1'b1 `endif `endif // verilint 549 off - async flop inferred // verilint 446 off - reading from output port // verilint 389 off - multiple clocks in module // verilint 287 off - unconnected ports // verilint 401 off - Clock is not an input to the module (we use gated clk) // verilint 257 off - delays ignored by synth tools // verilint 240 off - Unused input // verilint 542 off - enabled flop inferred // verilint 210 off - too few module ports // verilint 280 off - delay in non-blocking assignment // verilint 332 off - not all possible cases covered, but default case exists // verilint 390 off - multiple resets in this module // verilint 396 off - flop w/o async reset // verilint 69 off - case without default, all cases covered // verilint 34 off - unused macro // verilint 528 off - variable set but not used // verilint 530 off - flop inferred // verilint 550 off - mux inferred // verilint 113 off - multiple drivers to flop // leda ELB072 off `timescale 1ns / 10ps `define TSMC_CM_UNIT_DELAY `define TSMC_CM_NO_WARNING module nv_ram_rws_256x7_logic ( SI, SO_int_net, ary_atpg_ctl, ary_read_inh, clk, debug_mode, di, dout, iddq_mode, jtag_readonly_mode, mbist_Di_w0, mbist_Do_r0_int_net, mbist_Ra_r0, mbist_Wa_w0, mbist_ce_r0, mbist_en_sync, mbist_ramaccess_rst_, mbist_we_w0, pwrbus_ram_pd, ra, re, scan_en, scan_ramtms, shiftDR, svop, updateDR, wa, we, write_inh ); parameter FORCE_CONTENTION_ASSERTION_RESET_ACTIVE=1'b0; // port list for submodule input SI; output SO_int_net; input ary_atpg_ctl; input ary_read_inh; input clk; input debug_mode; input [6:0] di; output [6:0] dout; input iddq_mode; input jtag_readonly_mode; input [1:0] mbist_Di_w0; output [6:0] mbist_Do_r0_int_net; input [7:0] mbist_Ra_r0; input [7:0] mbist_Wa_w0; input mbist_ce_r0; input mbist_en_sync; input mbist_ramaccess_rst_; input mbist_we_w0; input [31:0] pwrbus_ram_pd; input [7:0] ra; input re; input scan_en; input scan_ramtms; input shiftDR; input [1:0] svop; input updateDR; input [7:0] wa; input we; input write_inh; wire [7:0] sleep_en = pwrbus_ram_pd[7:0]; wire ret_en = pwrbus_ram_pd[8]; `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_9 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[9])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_10 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[10])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_11 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[11])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_12 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[12])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_13 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[13])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_14 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[14])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_15 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[15])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_16 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[16])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_17 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[17])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_18 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[18])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_19 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[19])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_20 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[20])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_21 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[21])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_22 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[22])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_23 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[23])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_24 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[24])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_25 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[25])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_26 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[26])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_27 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[27])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_28 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[28])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_29 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[29])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_30 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[30])); `endif `ifndef FPGA NV_BLKBOX_SINK UJ_BBOX2UNIT_UNUSED_pwrbus_31 (.A(pwrbus_ram_pd[31])); `endif // DFT ATPG signals wire ram_bypass = (scan_ramtms | ary_read_inh); wire la_bist_clkw0; wire la_bist_clkr0; assign la_bist_clkr0 = la_bist_clkw0; wire updateDR_sync; sync2d_c_pp updateDR_synchronizer (.d(updateDR), .clk(la_bist_clkw0), .q(updateDR_sync), .clr_(mbist_ramaccess_rst_)); reg updateDR_sync_1p; always @(posedge la_bist_clkr0 or negedge mbist_ramaccess_rst_) begin if (!mbist_ramaccess_rst_) updateDR_sync_1p <= 1'b0; else updateDR_sync_1p <= updateDR_sync; end wire debug_mode_sync; wire dft_rst_gated_clk; CKLNQD12PO4 CLK_GATE_clk (.Q(dft_rst_gated_clk), .CP(clk), .E(mbist_ramaccess_rst_), .TE(scan_en)); sync2d_c_pp debug_mode_synchronizer (.d(debug_mode), .clk(dft_rst_gated_clk), .q(debug_mode_sync), .clr_(mbist_ramaccess_rst_)); reg [7:0] Ra_array_reg_r0; wire mbist_en_r; // hardcode mbist_en_r stdcell flop to avoid x bash recoverability issue described in bug 1803479 comment #7 p_SDFCNQD1PO4 mbist_en_flop(.D(mbist_en_sync), .CP(dft_rst_gated_clk), .Q(mbist_en_r), .CDN(mbist_ramaccess_rst_)); // Declare the Data_reg signal beforehand wire [6:0] Data_reg_r0; // Data out bus for read port r0 for Output Mux wire [6:0] r0_OutputMuxDataOut; CKLNQD12PO4 UJ_la_bist_clkw0_gate (.Q(la_bist_clkw0), .CP(clk), .E(mbist_en_r | debug_mode_sync), .TE(scan_en)); // Write enable bus wire we_0_0; // Read enable bus wire re_0_0; // start of predeclareNvregSignals wire ctx_ctrl_we; wire clk_en_core = (re_0_0 | (|we_0_0)); wire gated_clk_core; CKLNQD12PO4 UJ_clk_gate_core (.Q(gated_clk_core), .CP(clk), .E(clk_en_core), .TE(1'b0 | mbist_en_r | debug_mode_sync | scan_en)); wire shiftDR_en; reg [6:0] pre_muxed_Di_w0; wire [6:0] pre_muxed_Di_w0_A, pre_muxed_Di_w0_B; wire pre_muxed_Di_w0_S; assign pre_muxed_Di_w0_S = !debug_mode_sync; assign pre_muxed_Di_w0_A = Data_reg_r0[6:0]; assign pre_muxed_Di_w0_B = {mbist_Di_w0[0], {3{mbist_Di_w0}}}; always @(pre_muxed_Di_w0_S or pre_muxed_Di_w0_A or pre_muxed_Di_w0_B) case(pre_muxed_Di_w0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : pre_muxed_Di_w0 = pre_muxed_Di_w0_A; 1'b1 : pre_muxed_Di_w0 = pre_muxed_Di_w0_B; default : pre_muxed_Di_w0 = {7{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase reg [6:0] muxed_Di_w0; wire [6:0] muxed_Di_w0_A, muxed_Di_w0_B; assign muxed_Di_w0_A = {di[6:0]}; assign muxed_Di_w0_B = pre_muxed_Di_w0; wire muxed_Di_w0_S = debug_mode_sync | mbist_en_r; always @(muxed_Di_w0_S or muxed_Di_w0_A or muxed_Di_w0_B) case(muxed_Di_w0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_Di_w0 = muxed_Di_w0_A; 1'b1 : muxed_Di_w0 = muxed_Di_w0_B; default : muxed_Di_w0 = {7{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase wire posedge_updateDR_sync = updateDR_sync & !updateDR_sync_1p; wire access_en_w = posedge_updateDR_sync; // ATPG logic: capture for non-data regs wire dft_capdr_w = ary_atpg_ctl; wire [7:0] pre_Wa_reg_w0; reg [7:0] Wa_reg_w0; wire [7:0] Wa_reg_w0_A, Wa_reg_w0_B; wire Wa_reg_w0_S; assign Wa_reg_w0_S = (!debug_mode_sync); assign Wa_reg_w0_A = pre_Wa_reg_w0; assign Wa_reg_w0_B = mbist_Wa_w0; always @(Wa_reg_w0_S or Wa_reg_w0_A or Wa_reg_w0_B) case(Wa_reg_w0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : Wa_reg_w0 = Wa_reg_w0_A; 1'b1 : Wa_reg_w0 = Wa_reg_w0_B; default : Wa_reg_w0 = {8{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase reg [7:0] muxed_Wa_w0; wire [7:0] muxed_Wa_w0_A, muxed_Wa_w0_B; wire muxed_Wa_w0_S; assign muxed_Wa_w0_S = debug_mode_sync | mbist_en_r; assign muxed_Wa_w0_A = wa; assign muxed_Wa_w0_B = Wa_reg_w0; always @(muxed_Wa_w0_S or muxed_Wa_w0_A or muxed_Wa_w0_B) case(muxed_Wa_w0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_Wa_w0 = muxed_Wa_w0_A; 1'b1 : muxed_Wa_w0 = muxed_Wa_w0_B; default : muxed_Wa_w0 = {8{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase // testInst_*reg* for address and enable capture the signals going into RAM instance input // of bob's doc wire Wa_reg_SO_w0; wire [7:0]wadr_q; assign pre_Wa_reg_w0 = wadr_q ; wire we_reg_SO_w0; wire re_reg_SO_r0; wire we_reg_w0; wire pre_we_w0; assign pre_we_w0 = debug_mode_sync ? ({1{posedge_updateDR_sync}} & we_reg_w0) : {1{(mbist_en_r & mbist_we_w0)}}; reg muxed_we_w0; wire muxed_we_w0_A, muxed_we_w0_B; wire muxed_we_w0_S; assign muxed_we_w0_S = debug_mode_sync | mbist_en_r; assign muxed_we_w0_A = we_0_0; assign muxed_we_w0_B = pre_we_w0; always @(muxed_we_w0_S or muxed_we_w0_A or muxed_we_w0_B) case(muxed_we_w0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_we_w0 = muxed_we_w0_A; 1'b1 : muxed_we_w0 = muxed_we_w0_B; default : muxed_we_w0 = {1{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase wire we_q; assign we_reg_w0 = we_q ; // ATPG logic: capture for non-data regs wire dft_capdr_r = ary_atpg_ctl; // ATPG logic: capture for non-data regs wire [7:0] pre_Ra_reg_r0; reg [7:0] Ra_reg_r0; wire [7:0] Ra_reg_r0_A, Ra_reg_r0_B; wire Ra_reg_r0_S; assign Ra_reg_r0_S = (!debug_mode_sync); assign Ra_reg_r0_A = pre_Ra_reg_r0; assign Ra_reg_r0_B = mbist_Ra_r0; always @(Ra_reg_r0_S or Ra_reg_r0_A or Ra_reg_r0_B) case(Ra_reg_r0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : Ra_reg_r0 = Ra_reg_r0_A; 1'b1 : Ra_reg_r0 = Ra_reg_r0_B; default : Ra_reg_r0 = {8{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase wire [7:0] D_Ra_reg_r0; reg [7:0] muxed_Ra_r0; wire [7:0] muxed_Ra_r0_A, muxed_Ra_r0_B; wire muxed_Ra_r0_S; assign muxed_Ra_r0_S = debug_mode_sync | mbist_en_r; assign muxed_Ra_r0_A = ra; assign muxed_Ra_r0_B = Ra_reg_r0; always @(muxed_Ra_r0_S or muxed_Ra_r0_A or muxed_Ra_r0_B) case(muxed_Ra_r0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_Ra_r0 = muxed_Ra_r0_A; 1'b1 : muxed_Ra_r0 = muxed_Ra_r0_B; default : muxed_Ra_r0 = {8{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase assign D_Ra_reg_r0 = muxed_Ra_r0; // verilint 110 off - Incompatible width // verilint 630 off - Port connected to a NULL expression // These are used for registering Ra in case of Latch arrays as well (i.e. // used in functional path as well) wire Ra_reg_SO_r0; wire [7:0]radr_q; assign pre_Ra_reg_r0 = radr_q ; wire re_reg_r0; wire access_en_r = posedge_updateDR_sync & re_reg_r0; reg access_en_r_1p; always @(posedge la_bist_clkw0 or negedge mbist_ramaccess_rst_) if (!mbist_ramaccess_rst_) access_en_r_1p <= 1'b0; else access_en_r_1p <= access_en_r; wire pre_re_r0; assign pre_re_r0 = (debug_mode_sync) ? (posedge_updateDR_sync & re_reg_r0) : (mbist_en_r & mbist_ce_r0); reg muxed_re_r0; wire muxed_re_r0_A, muxed_re_r0_B; wire muxed_re_r0_S; assign muxed_re_r0_S = debug_mode_sync | mbist_en_r; assign muxed_re_r0_A = re; assign muxed_re_r0_B = pre_re_r0; always @(muxed_re_r0_S or muxed_re_r0_A or muxed_re_r0_B) case(muxed_re_r0_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_re_r0 = muxed_re_r0_A; 1'b1 : muxed_re_r0 = muxed_re_r0_B; default : muxed_re_r0 = `tick_x_or_0; endcase wire re_q; assign re_reg_r0 = re_q ; // ------------------ START PIECE ---------------------------------- // Suffix : Piece RAMDP_256X7_GL_M2_E2 (RamCell) // Covers Addresses from 0 to 255 Addressrange: [7:0] // Data Bit range: [6:0] (7 bits) // Enables: 1 Enable range: // Write Address bus wire [7:0] wa_0_0; assign wa_0_0 = muxed_Wa_w0[7:0]; // Write Data in bus wire [6:0] Wdata; assign Wdata = muxed_Di_w0[6:0]; assign we_0_0 = we; // Read Address bus wire [7:0] ra_0_0; assign ra_0_0 = muxed_Ra_r0[7:0]; // Read DataOut bus wire [6:0] dout_0_0; assign re_0_0 = re; // Doing Global setup for all ram pieces // Following control signals are shared by all ram pieces // Done global setup for ram pieces //----------------------------------------------------------- // Declare the Bist logic\n // Declare some mbist control signals //-------------------------------------------------- // Vlint doesn't understand paramaters? // verilint 110 off - Incompatible width //-------------------------------------------------- // Turn the verilint warnings on // verilint 110 on - Incompatible width // ----------------- begin Ram Cell RAMDP_256X7_GL_M2_E2 ------------- // Write Port Stuff ----- // Declare the Write address bus wire web = ~(|muxed_we_w0) | write_inh; // Read Port Stuff ----- // Declare the Read address bus // Read enable wire piece_re = muxed_re_r0 | ( scan_en & jtag_readonly_mode ); wire reb = !piece_re; // Declare the ramOutData which connects to the ram directly wire [6:0] ramDataOut; assign dout_0_0[6:0] = ramDataOut[6:0]; RAMDP_256X7_GL_M2_E2 ram_Inst_256X7 ( .CLK_W (gated_clk_core) , .WADR_7 (wa_0_0[7]) , .WADR_6 (wa_0_0[6]) , .WADR_5 (wa_0_0[5]) , .WADR_4 (wa_0_0[4]) , .WADR_3 (wa_0_0[3]) , .WADR_2 (wa_0_0[2]) , .WADR_1 (wa_0_0[1]) , .WADR_0 (wa_0_0[0]) , .WD_6 (Wdata[6]) , .WD_5 (Wdata[5]) , .WD_4 (Wdata[4]) , .WD_3 (Wdata[3]) , .WD_2 (Wdata[2]) , .WD_1 (Wdata[1]) , .WD_0 (Wdata[0]) , .WE (!web) , .CLK_R (gated_clk_core) , .RADR_7 (ra_0_0 [7]) , .RADR_6 (ra_0_0 [6]) , .RADR_5 (ra_0_0 [5]) , .RADR_4 (ra_0_0 [4]) , .RADR_3 (ra_0_0 [3]) , .RADR_2 (ra_0_0 [2]) , .RADR_1 (ra_0_0 [1]) , .RADR_0 (ra_0_0 [0]) , .RE (!reb) , .RD_6 (ramDataOut[6]) , .RD_5 (ramDataOut[5]) , .RD_4 (ramDataOut[4]) , .RD_3 (ramDataOut[3]) , .RD_2 (ramDataOut[2]) , .RD_1 (ramDataOut[1]) , .RD_0 (ramDataOut[0]) , .SVOP_0 (svop[0]) , .SVOP_1 (svop[1]) , .IDDQ (iddq_mode) , .SLEEP_EN_0 (sleep_en[0]) , .SLEEP_EN_1 (sleep_en[1]) , .SLEEP_EN_2 (sleep_en[2]) , .SLEEP_EN_3 (sleep_en[3]) , .SLEEP_EN_4 (sleep_en[4]) , .SLEEP_EN_5 (sleep_en[5]) , .SLEEP_EN_6 (sleep_en[6]) , .SLEEP_EN_7 (sleep_en[7]) , .RET_EN (ret_en) ); //-------------------------------------------------- // THIS IS ONLY FOR TESTING. REMOVE THIS LATER // verilint 97 on - undefined instance errors turned on //-------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------- // Declare the interface wires for Output Mux logic // verilint 552 off - Different bits of a net are driven in different blocks (harmless, // but some synthesis tools generate a warning for this) reg [6:0] ram_r0_OutputMuxDataOut; //For bitEnd 6, only one piece RAMDP_256X7_GL_M2_E2 in the column. // verilint 17 off - Range (rather than full vector) in the sensitivity list always @(dout_0_0[6:0] or Data_reg_r0[6:0] or ram_bypass) begin ram_r0_OutputMuxDataOut[6:0] = (ram_bypass) ? Data_reg_r0[6:0]: dout_0_0; end assign r0_OutputMuxDataOut[6:0] = ram_r0_OutputMuxDataOut[6:0]; // verilint 17 on - Range (rather than full vector) in the sensitivity list // --------------------- Output Mbist Interface logic ------------- // new mux in front of the data register reg [7-1:0] muxed_Data_r0; wire [7-1:0] muxed_Data_A, muxed_Data_B; wire muxed_Data_S; assign muxed_Data_S = debug_mode_sync ? (re_reg_r0) : mbist_en_r; assign muxed_Data_A = muxed_Di_w0; assign muxed_Data_B = r0_OutputMuxDataOut; always @(muxed_Data_S or muxed_Data_A or muxed_Data_B) case(muxed_Data_S) // synopsys infer_mux 1'b0 : muxed_Data_r0 = muxed_Data_A; 1'b1 : muxed_Data_r0 = muxed_Data_B; default : muxed_Data_r0 = {7{`tick_x_or_0}}; endcase reg mbist_ce_r0_1p; always @(posedge la_bist_clkw0) mbist_ce_r0_1p <= mbist_ce_r0; wire captureDR_r0 = dft_capdr_r | (( debug_mode_sync ? (1'b1& (access_en_r_1p)) : ((mbist_en_r & (mbist_ce_r0_1p) & !1'b0)))); ////MSB 6 LSB 0 and total rambit is 7 and dsize is 7 wire Data_reg_SO_r0; // verilint 110 off - Incompatible width // verilint 630 off - Port connected to a NULL expression // These are used for registering Ra in case of Latch arrays as well (i.e. // used in functional path as well) wire [6:0]data_regq; assign Data_reg_r0[6:0] = data_regq[6:0] ; // verilint 110 on - Incompatible width // verilint 630 on - Port connected to a NULL expression assign dout = r0_OutputMuxDataOut; assign mbist_Do_r0_int_net = Data_reg_r0[7-1:0]; // Declare the SO which goes out finally `ifndef EMU `ifndef FPGA `define NO_EMU_NO_FPGA // lock-up latch for ram_access SO LNQD1PO4 testInst_ram_access_lockup ( .Q(SO_int_net), .D(Data_reg_SO_r0), .EN(la_bist_clkw0)); `endif `endif `ifndef NO_EMU_NO_FPGA // no latch allow during emulation synthesis assign SO_int_net = Data_reg_SO_r0; `endif // Ram access scan chain wire gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0; CKLNQD12PO4 UJ_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0 (.Q(gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0), .CP(clk), .E(debug_mode_sync ? (( 1'b0 | shiftDR ) ) : (1'b0 | 1'b0 | mbist_en_r | ( 1'b0 | ary_atpg_ctl) ) ), .TE(scan_en)); ScanShareSel_JTAG_reg_ext_cg #(8, 0, 0) testInst_Wa_reg_w0 ( .clk(gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0), .sel(debug_mode), .shiftDR(shiftDR), .reset_(1'b1), .D(muxed_Wa_w0), .Q(wadr_q), .scanin(SI), .scanout(Wa_reg_SO_w0) ); ScanShareSel_JTAG_reg_ext_cg #(1, 0, 0) testInst_we_reg_w0 ( .clk(gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0), .sel(debug_mode), .shiftDR(shiftDR), .reset_(1'b1), .D(muxed_we_w0), .Q(we_q), .scanin(Wa_reg_SO_w0), .scanout(we_reg_SO_w0) ); ScanShareSel_JTAG_reg_ext_cg #(8, 0, 0) testInst_Ra_reg_r0 ( .clk(gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0), .sel(debug_mode), .shiftDR(shiftDR), .reset_(1'b1), .D(muxed_Ra_r0), .Q(radr_q), .scanin(we_reg_SO_w0), .scanout(Ra_reg_SO_r0) ); ScanShareSel_JTAG_reg_ext_cg #(1, 0, 0) testInst_re_reg_r0 ( .clk(gated_clk_jtag_Wa_reg_w0), .sel(debug_mode), .shiftDR(shiftDR), .reset_(1'b1), .D(muxed_re_r0), .Q(re_q), .scanin(Ra_reg_SO_r0), .scanout(re_reg_SO_r0) ); wire gated_clk_jtag_Data_reg_r0; CKLNQD12PO4 UJ_clk_jtag_Data_reg_r0 (.Q(gated_clk_jtag_Data_reg_r0), .CP(clk), .E(captureDR_r0 | (debug_mode_sync & shiftDR)), .TE(scan_en)); ScanShareSel_JTAG_reg_ext_cg #(7, 0, 0) testInst_Data_reg_r0 ( .clk(gated_clk_jtag_Data_reg_r0), .sel(debug_mode), .shiftDR(shiftDR), .reset_(1'b1), .D(muxed_Data_r0[6:0]), .Q(data_regq[6:0]), .scanin(re_reg_SO_r0), .scanout(Data_reg_SO_r0) ); `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg sim_reset_; initial sim_reset_ = 0; always @(posedge clk) sim_reset_ <= 1'b1; wire start_of_sim = sim_reset_; wire disable_clk_x_test = $test$plusargs ("disable_clk_x_test") ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; nv_assert_no_x #(1,1,0," Try Reading Ram when clock is x for read port r0") _clk_x_test_read (clk, sim_reset_, ((disable_clk_x_test===1'b0) && (|re===1'b1 )), clk); nv_assert_no_x #(1,1,0," Try Writing Ram when clock is x for write port w0") _clk_x_test_write (clk, sim_reset_, ((disable_clk_x_test===1'b0) && (|we===1'b1)), clk); reg [256-1:0] written; always@(posedge clk or negedge sim_reset_) begin if(!sim_reset_) begin written <= {256{1'b0}}; end else if( |we)begin written[wa] <= 1'b1; end end `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS `endif `endif `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS wire pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active = $test$plusargs ("pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active"); nv_assert_never #(0, 0, "Power bus cannot be X when read/write enable is set") _pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active_we ( we, sim_reset_ && !pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active, ^pwrbus_ram_pd === 1'bx); nv_assert_never #(0, 0, "Power bus cannot be X when read/write enable is set") _pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active_re ( re, sim_reset_ && !pwrbus_assertion_not_x_while_active, ^pwrbus_ram_pd === 1'bx); `endif `endif // submodule done endmodule