    - include
    # Source files grouped in levels. Files in level 0 have no dependencies on files in this
    # package. Files in level 1 only depend on files in level 0, files in level 2 on files in
    # levels 1 and 0, etc. Files within a level are ordered alphabetically.
    # Level 0
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    # Level 1
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    # Level 2
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    - src/
    # Level 3
    - src/
    - src/
    # Deprecated modules
    # Level 0
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    # Level 1
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    - src/deprecated/
    # Level 2
    - src/deprecated/
    # Level 3

    # Depend on deprecated modules
    - src/
    - src/