# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD. However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. # We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators. set DESIGN NV_NVDLA_partition_c set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/nvdla/rtl/ # def file with die size and placed IO pins if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp_placed_macros.def } else { set floorplan_def ../../def/${DESIGN}_fp.def } # # Effort level during optimization in syn_generic -physical (or called generic) stage # possible values are : high, medium or low set GEN_EFF medium # Effort level during optimization in syn_map -physical (or called mapping) stage # possible values are : high, medium or low set MAP_EFF high # set SITE "unithd" set HALO_WIDTH 5 set TOP_ROUTING_LAYER 9