// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_cvt.v `include "simulate_x_tick.vh" // ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_define.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //#if ( NVDLA_PRIMARY_MEMIF_WIDTH == 512 ) // #define LARGE_MEMBUS //#endif //#if ( NVDLA_PRIMARY_MEMIF_WIDTH == 64 ) // #define SMALL_MEMBUS //#endif module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_cvt ( nvdla_core_clk //|< i ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i ,cq_wr_prdy //|< i ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready //|< i ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wready //|< i ,eg2ig_axi_len //|< i ,eg2ig_axi_vld //|< i ,reg2dp_wr_os_cnt //|< i ,spt2cvt_cmd_pd //|< i ,spt2cvt_cmd_valid //|< i ,spt2cvt_dat_pd //|< i ,spt2cvt_dat_valid //|< i ,cq_wr_pd //|> o ,cq_wr_pvld //|> o ,cq_wr_thread_id //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awaddr //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awid //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awlen //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wdata //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wlast //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wstrb //|> o ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid //|> o ,spt2cvt_cmd_ready //|> o ,spt2cvt_dat_ready //|> o ); // // NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_cvt_ports.v // input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input spt2cvt_cmd_valid; /* data valid */ output spt2cvt_cmd_ready; /* data return handshake */ input [32 +12:0] spt2cvt_cmd_pd; input spt2cvt_dat_valid; /* data valid */ output spt2cvt_dat_ready; /* data return handshake */ input [64 +1:0] spt2cvt_dat_pd; output cq_wr_pvld; /* data valid */ input cq_wr_prdy; /* data return handshake */ output [3:0] cq_wr_thread_id; output [2:0] cq_wr_pd; output mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid; /* data valid */ input mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready; /* data return handshake */ output [7:0] mcif2noc_axi_aw_awid; output [3:0] mcif2noc_axi_aw_awlen; output [32 -1:0] mcif2noc_axi_aw_awaddr; output mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid; /* data valid */ input mcif2noc_axi_w_wready; /* data return handshake */ output [64 -1:0] mcif2noc_axi_w_wdata; output [64/8-1:0] mcif2noc_axi_w_wstrb; output mcif2noc_axi_w_wlast; //&Ports /streamid/; //stepheng,remove input [1:0] eg2ig_axi_len; input eg2ig_axi_vld; input [7:0] reg2dp_wr_os_cnt; reg [1:0] beat_count; reg [1:0] eg2ig_axi_len_d; reg eg2ig_axi_vld_d; reg os_adv; reg [8:0] os_cnt; reg [8:0] os_cnt_cur; reg [10:0] os_cnt_ext; reg [10:0] os_cnt_mod; reg [10:0] os_cnt_new; reg [10:0] os_cnt_nxt; wire all_downs_rdy; wire [32 -1:0] axi_addr; wire [32 +5:0] axi_aw_pd; wire [3:0] axi_axid; wire axi_both_rdy; wire [32 +5:0] axi_cmd_pd; wire axi_cmd_rdy; wire axi_cmd_vld; wire axi_dat_rdy; wire axi_dat_vld; wire [64 -1:0] axi_data; wire axi_last; wire [1:0] axi_len; wire [64/8-1:0] axi_strb; //wire [32 +12:0] axi_w_pd; wire [7:0] cfg_wr_os_cnt; wire [32 -1:0] cmd_addr; wire [3:0] cmd_axid; wire cmd_ftran; wire cmd_ftran_NC; wire cmd_inc; wire cmd_ltran; wire cmd_odd; wire cmd_odd_NC; wire [32 +12:0] cmd_pd; wire cmd_rdy; wire cmd_require_ack; wire [2:0] cmd_size; wire cmd_swizzle; wire cmd_swizzle_NC; //wire cmd_vld; wire [32 +12:0] cmd_vld_pd; wire [1:0] cq_wr_len; wire cq_wr_require_ack; wire [64 -1:0] dat_data; wire [1:0] dat_mask; wire [64 +1:0] dat_pd; wire dat_rdy; wire dat_vld; wire [2:0] end_offset; wire [1:0] end_offset_bit_2_1_NC; wire is_first_beat; wire is_first_cmd_dat_vld; wire is_last_beat; wire is_single_beat; wire mon_axi_len_c; wire mon_end_pos_c; wire [0:0] mon_thread_id_c; wire [32 -1:0] opipe_axi_addr; wire [3:0] opipe_axi_axid; wire [64 -1:0] opipe_axi_data; wire opipe_axi_last; wire [1:0] opipe_axi_len; wire [64/8-1:0] opipe_axi_strb; wire os_cmd_vld; wire [2:0] os_cnt_add; wire os_cnt_add_en; wire os_cnt_cen; wire os_cnt_full; wire [2:0] os_cnt_sub; wire os_cnt_sub_en; wire [2:0] os_inp_add_nxt; wire [9:0] os_inp_nxt; wire [2:0] os_inp_sub_nxt; wire [2:0] stt_offset; wire [8:0] wr_os_cnt_ext; // synoff nets // monitor nets // debug nets // tie high nets // tie low nets // no connect nets // not all bits used nets // todo nets // AXI address channel signals // IG_cvt===flop In first //&Vector SIG_nvdla_dma_wr_req_pd_WIDTH /wr_req_pd/; //&eperl::pipe(" -wid 77 -do cmd_pd -vo cmd_vld -ri spt2cvt_cmd_ready -di spt2cvt_cmd_pd -vi spt2cvt_cmd_valid -ro cmd_rdy"); //IG_cvt===upack : none-flop-in wire cmd_vld; NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p1 pipe_p1 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.cmd_rdy (cmd_rdy) //|< w ,.spt2cvt_cmd_pd (spt2cvt_cmd_pd[32 +12:0]) //|< i ,.spt2cvt_cmd_valid (spt2cvt_cmd_valid) //|< i ,.cmd_pd (cmd_pd[32 +12:0]) //|> w ,.cmd_vld (cmd_vld) //|> w ,.spt2cvt_cmd_ready (spt2cvt_cmd_ready) //|> o ); //my $dw = eval(64 +2); //&eperl::pipe(" -wid $dw -do dat_pd -vo dat_vld -ri spt2cvt_dat_ready -di spt2cvt_dat_pd -vi spt2cvt_dat_valid -ro dat_rdy"); NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p2 pipe_p2 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.dat_rdy (dat_rdy) //|< w ,.spt2cvt_dat_pd (spt2cvt_dat_pd[64 +1:0]) //|< i ,.spt2cvt_dat_valid (spt2cvt_dat_valid) //|< i ,.dat_pd (dat_pd[64 +1:0]) //|> w ,.dat_vld (dat_vld) //|> w ,.spt2cvt_dat_ready (spt2cvt_dat_ready) //|> o ); assign os_cmd_vld = cmd_vld & !os_cnt_full; //IG_cvt=== push into the cq on first beat of data assign dat_rdy = is_first_beat ? (os_cmd_vld & all_downs_rdy) : axi_dat_rdy; //IG_cvt=== will release cmd on the acception of last beat of data assign cmd_rdy = is_first_beat & dat_vld & all_downs_rdy & !os_cnt_full; //IG_cvt===UNPACK after ipipe assign cmd_vld_pd = {32 +13{cmd_vld}} & cmd_pd; // PKT_UNPACK_WIRE( cvt_write_cmd , cmd_ , cmd_vld_pd ) assign cmd_axid[3:0] = cmd_vld_pd[3:0]; assign cmd_require_ack = cmd_vld_pd[4]; assign cmd_addr[32 -1:0] = cmd_vld_pd[32 +4:5]; assign cmd_size[2:0] = cmd_vld_pd[(32 +7):(32 +5)]; assign cmd_swizzle = cmd_vld_pd[32 +8]; assign cmd_odd = cmd_vld_pd[32 +9]; assign cmd_inc = cmd_vld_pd[32 +10]; assign cmd_ltran = cmd_vld_pd[32 +11]; assign cmd_ftran = cmd_vld_pd[32 +12]; assign cmd_ftran_NC = cmd_ftran; assign cmd_swizzle_NC = cmd_swizzle; assign cmd_odd_NC = cmd_odd; // PKT_UNPACK_WIRE( cvt_write_data , dat_ , dat_pd ) assign dat_data[64 -1:0] = dat_pd[64 -1:0]; assign dat_mask[1:0] = dat_pd[64 +1:64]; // NOTE: this is for write strobe // IG_cvt===address calculation assign stt_offset = cmd_addr[7:5]; // start position within a 256B block //assign is_start_addr_32_align = (stt_offset[0]==1'b1); //stepheng assign {mon_end_pos_c,end_offset[2:0]} = stt_offset + cmd_size; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CVT:end_offset can not cross 256B boundary, which should be split in IG_SPT") zzz_assert_never_1x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_end_pos_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //assign is_end_addr_64_align = (end_offset[0]==1'b0); //stepheng. assign end_offset_bit_2_1_NC = end_offset[2:1]; //============== // AXI: AXID //============== // Gen axi_ signals: size/len/axid/addr assign axi_axid = cmd_axid[3:0]; //============== // AXI: USER: STREAMID //============== //assign axi_streamid = falcon2mcif_streamid; //stepheng. //============== // AXI: USER: SIZE //============== //assign axi_user_size = cmd_user_size; //stepheng //============== // AXI: SIZE //============== // NOTE: if no STOBE is allowed, will need split into single 32B transaction //assign is_32_trans = 1'b0 & (is_start_addr_32_align || is_end_addr_64_align); //stepheng. //assign axi_size = is_32_trans ? AXSIZE_32 : AXSIZE_64; //stepheng. //============== // AXI: ADDR //============== assign axi_addr = cmd_addr; // CACHE //assign axi_cache = (is_last_beat) ? AWCACHE_LAST : AXCACHE; //stepheng. //========================================================================================= // NOTICE // each axi cmd need be sent together with the first beat of data in that transaction, // and push "ack" into OQ in the same cycle //========================================================================================= // beat_count is to count the data per cmd //============== // AXI: LEN //============== assign {mon_axi_len_c,axi_len[1:0]} = cmd_size[2:1] + cmd_inc; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CVT: we can only send 4 burst at most in one AXI trans") zzz_assert_never_2x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_axi_len_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON assign is_first_cmd_dat_vld = os_cmd_vld & dat_vld && is_first_beat; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin beat_count <= {2{1'b0}}; end else begin if (is_first_cmd_dat_vld && all_downs_rdy) begin beat_count <= axi_len; end else if (beat_count!=0 && axi_dat_rdy) begin beat_count <= beat_count - 1; end end end assign is_first_beat = (beat_count==0); //assign is_not_first_beat = (beat_count!=0); //assign is_not_first_beat_vld = dat_vld && is_not_first_beat; assign is_single_beat = (axi_len==0); assign is_last_beat = (beat_count==1 || (beat_count==0 && is_single_beat)); // IG_cvt===W Channel : DATA assign axi_data = dat_data; // IG_cvt===W Channel : LAST assign axi_last = is_last_beat; assign axi_strb = {{32{dat_mask[1]}},{32{dat_mask[0]}}}; //===================================== // AXI Output Pipe //===================================== //stepheng, remove tie off. //// IG_cvt===AXI OUT TIEOFF //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awburst = AXBURST; //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awlock = AXLOCK; ////assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awcache = AXCACHE; //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awprot = AXPROT; //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awqos = AXQOS; //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awregion = AXREGION; assign os_inp_add_nxt[2:0] = cmd_vld ? (axi_len + 1) : 3'd0; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin eg2ig_axi_vld_d <= 1'b0; end else begin eg2ig_axi_vld_d <= eg2ig_axi_vld; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin eg2ig_axi_len_d <= {2{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((eg2ig_axi_vld) == 1'b1) begin eg2ig_axi_len_d <= eg2ig_axi_len; // VCS coverage off end else if ((eg2ig_axi_vld) == 1'b0) begin end else begin eg2ig_axi_len_d <= 'bx; // spyglass disable STARC- W443 NoWidthInBasedNum-ML -- (Constant containing x or z used, Based number `bx contains an X, Width specification missing for based number) // VCS coverage on end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_3x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(eg2ig_axi_vld))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON assign os_inp_sub_nxt[2:0] = eg2ig_axi_vld_d ? (eg2ig_axi_len_d+1) : 3'd0; assign os_inp_nxt[9:0] = os_cnt + os_inp_add_nxt - os_inp_sub_nxt; // IG_cvt=== 256 outstanding trans assign os_cnt_add_en = axi_cmd_vld & axi_cmd_rdy; assign os_cnt_sub_en = eg2ig_axi_vld_d; assign os_cnt_cen = os_cnt_add_en | os_cnt_sub_en; assign os_cnt_add = os_cnt_add_en ? (axi_len + 1) : 3'd0; assign os_cnt_sub = os_cnt_sub_en ? (eg2ig_axi_len_d+1) : 3'd0; assign cfg_wr_os_cnt = reg2dp_wr_os_cnt[7:0]; assign wr_os_cnt_ext = {{1{1'b0}}, cfg_wr_os_cnt}; assign os_cnt_full = os_inp_nxt>(wr_os_cnt_ext+1); // os adv logic always @( os_cnt_add or os_cnt_sub ) begin os_adv = os_cnt_add[2:0] != os_cnt_sub[2:0]; end // os cnt logic always @( os_cnt_cur or os_cnt_add or os_cnt_sub or os_adv ) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start os_cnt_ext[10:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, os_cnt_cur}; os_cnt_mod[10:0] = os_cnt_cur + os_cnt_add[2:0] - os_cnt_sub[2:0]; // spyglass disable W164b os_cnt_new[10:0] = (os_adv)? os_cnt_mod[10:0] : os_cnt_ext[10:0]; os_cnt_nxt[10:0] = os_cnt_new[10:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // os flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin os_cnt_cur[8:0] <= 0; end else begin if (os_cnt_cen) begin os_cnt_cur[8:0] <= os_cnt_nxt[8:0]; end end end // os output logic always @( os_cnt_cur ) begin os_cnt[8:0] = os_cnt_cur[8:0]; end // os asserts `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"never: counter overflow beyond <ovr_cnt>") zzz_assert_never_4x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (os_cnt_nxt > 256 && os_cnt_cen)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //IG_cvt=== PIPE for $NOC ADDR Channel // cmd will be pushed into pipe with the 1st beat of data in that cmd, // and when *_beat_vld is high, *_cmd_vld should always be there. // addr+streamid+user_size //stepheng. assign axi_cmd_vld = is_first_cmd_dat_vld & cq_wr_prdy & axi_dat_rdy; //my $w = eval(32 +6); //&eperl::pipe(" -wid $w -do axi_aw_pd -vo mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid -ri axi_cmd_rdy -di axi_cmd_pd -vi axi_cmd_vld -ro mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready"); NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p3 pipe_p3 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.axi_cmd_pd (axi_cmd_pd[32 +5:0]) //|< w ,.axi_cmd_vld (axi_cmd_vld) //|< w ,.mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready (mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready) //|< i ,.axi_aw_pd (axi_aw_pd[32 +5:0]) //|> w ,.axi_cmd_rdy (axi_cmd_rdy) //|> w ,.mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid (mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid) //|> o ); //IG_cvt=== PIPE for $NOC DATA Channel // first beat of data also need cq and cmd rdy, this is because we also need push ack/cmd into cq fifo and cmd pipe on first beat of data assign axi_dat_vld = dat_vld & (!is_first_beat || (os_cmd_vld & cq_wr_prdy & axi_cmd_rdy)); //my $dw = eval(64 +64/8+1); //&eperl::pipe(" -wid $dw -do axi_w_pd -vo mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid -ri axi_dat_rdy -di axi_dat_pd -vi axi_dat_vld -ro mcif2noc_axi_w_wready"); wire [64 +64/8+1-1:0] axi_dat_pd, axi_w_pd; NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p4 pipe_p4 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.axi_dat_pd (axi_dat_pd) //|< w ,.axi_dat_vld (axi_dat_vld) //|< w ,.mcif2noc_axi_w_wready (mcif2noc_axi_w_wready) //|< i ,.axi_dat_rdy (axi_dat_rdy) //|> w ,.axi_w_pd (axi_w_pd) //|> w ,.mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid (mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid) //|> o ); //stepheng,remove user_size & streamid & awcache & size assign axi_cmd_pd = {axi_axid,axi_addr,axi_len}; assign {opipe_axi_axid,opipe_axi_addr,opipe_axi_len} = axi_aw_pd; assign axi_dat_pd = {axi_data,axi_strb,axi_last}; assign {opipe_axi_data,opipe_axi_strb,opipe_axi_last} = axi_w_pd; // IG_cvt===AXI OUT ZERO EXT assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awid = {{4{1'b0}}, opipe_axi_axid}; assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awaddr = opipe_axi_addr; assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awlen = {{2{1'b0}}, opipe_axi_len}; //stepheng //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awsize = opipe_axi_size; //stepheng. //assign mcif2noc_axi_aw_awcache = opipe_axi_cache; //stepheng,remove assign mcif2noc_axi_w_wlast = opipe_axi_last; assign mcif2noc_axi_w_wdata = opipe_axi_data; assign mcif2noc_axi_w_wstrb = opipe_axi_strb; //stepheng,remove ////IG_cvt===axi trans variables : semi-static //&Always; // mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[SIG_axi4_aw_awuser_DECL] = {SIG_axi4_aw_awuser_WIDTH{BIT_LOW}}; // mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[PKT_awnv_user_t_StreamID_FIELD] = opipe_axi_streamid; // mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[PKT_awnv_user_t_user_size_FIELD] = opipe_axi_user_size; // mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[PKT_awnv_user_t_vpr_wr_FIELD] = USER_VPR_WR; // vpr_wr // mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[PKT_awnv_user_t_wsb_ns_FIELD] = USER_WSB_NS; // wsb_ns //&End; //===================================== // DownStream readiness //===================================== assign axi_both_rdy = axi_cmd_rdy & axi_dat_rdy; assign all_downs_rdy = cq_wr_prdy & axi_both_rdy; //===================================== // Outstanding Queue //===================================== // IG_cvt===valid for axi_cmd and oq, inter-lock assign cq_wr_pvld = is_first_cmd_dat_vld & axi_both_rdy & !os_cnt_full; assign cq_wr_require_ack = cmd_ltran & cmd_require_ack; assign cq_wr_len = axi_len; // PKT_PACK_WIRE( mcif_write_ig2eg , cq_wr_ , cq_wr_pd ) assign cq_wr_pd[0] = cq_wr_require_ack ; assign cq_wr_pd[2:1] = cq_wr_len[1:0]; //:my $i; //:my @dma_index = (0, 1,1, 1,0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0); //:my @client_id = (0,1,2,3,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); //:my @remap_clientid = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); //:my $nindex = 0; //:for ($i=0;$i<16;$i++) { //: if ($dma_index[$i] != 0) { //: $remap_clientid[$nindex] = $client_id[$i]; //: $nindex++; //: } //:} //:print qq(assign cq_wr_thread_id = ); //:for ($i=0;$i<3;$i++) { //: print qq((cmd_axid == $remap_clientid[$i]) ? $i :); //:} //: print qq(0;); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign cq_wr_thread_id = (cmd_axid == 1) ? 0 :(cmd_axid == 2) ? 1 :(cmd_axid == 3) ? 2 :0; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //assign cq_wr_thread_id = cmd_axid; //==================================== // OBS //==================================== //assign obs_bus_mcif_write_ig_cvt_axi_cmd_rdy = axi_cmd_rdy; //assign obs_bus_mcif_write_ig_cvt_axi_cmd_vld = axi_cmd_vld; //assign obs_bus_mcif_write_ig_cvt_ig2cq_pvld = cq_wr_pvld; //assign obs_bus_mcif_write_ig_cvt_ig2cq_prdy = cq_wr_prdy; //assign obs_bus_mcif_write_ig_cvt_ig2cq_require_ack = cq_wr_require_ack; `ifdef NVDLA_PRINT_AXI reg [63:0] mon_axi_count; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin mon_axi_count <= 0; end else begin mon_axi_count <= mon_axi_count + 1'b1; end if (mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid & mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready) begin $display("NVDLA NOCIF_DRAM WRITE ADDR:time=%0d:cycle=%0d:addr=0x%0h:id=%0d:cache=%0d:size=%0d:len=%0d:usid=%0d:usize=%0d",$stime,mon_axi_count,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awaddr,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awid,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awcache,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awsize,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awlen,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[7:0],mcif2noc_axi_aw_awuser[28:26]); end end //always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // if (mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid & mcif2noc_axi_w_wready) begin // $display("NVDLA NOCIF_DRAM WRITE DATA:time=%0dns:data=%0h;strb=%0h;last=%0d;", $stime, mcif2noc_axi_w_wdata,mcif2noc_axi_w_wstrb,mcif2noc_axi_w_wlast); // end //end `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_cvt module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p1 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,cmd_rdy ,spt2cvt_cmd_pd ,spt2cvt_cmd_valid ,cmd_pd ,cmd_vld ,spt2cvt_cmd_ready ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input cmd_rdy; input [32 +12:0] spt2cvt_cmd_pd; input spt2cvt_cmd_valid; output [32 +12:0] cmd_pd; output cmd_vld; output spt2cvt_cmd_ready; reg [32 +12:0] cmd_pd; reg cmd_vld; reg [32 +12:0] p1_pipe_data; reg p1_pipe_ready; reg p1_pipe_ready_bc; reg p1_pipe_valid; reg spt2cvt_cmd_ready; //## pipe (1) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p1_pipe_ready or p1_pipe_valid ) begin p1_pipe_ready_bc = p1_pipe_ready || !p1_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p1_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p1_pipe_valid <= (p1_pipe_ready_bc)? spt2cvt_cmd_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p1_pipe_data <= (p1_pipe_ready_bc && spt2cvt_cmd_valid)? spt2cvt_cmd_pd[32 +12:0] : p1_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p1_pipe_ready_bc ) begin spt2cvt_cmd_ready = p1_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (1) output always @( p1_pipe_valid or cmd_rdy or p1_pipe_data ) begin cmd_vld = p1_pipe_valid; p1_pipe_ready = cmd_rdy; cmd_pd = p1_pipe_data; end //## pipe (1) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p1_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_5x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (cmd_vld^cmd_rdy^spt2cvt_cmd_valid^spt2cvt_cmd_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_6x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (spt2cvt_cmd_valid && !spt2cvt_cmd_ready), (spt2cvt_cmd_valid), (spt2cvt_cmd_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // ************************************************************************************************************** // Generated by ::pipe -m -rand none -bc dat_pd (dat_vld,dat_rdy) <= spt2cvt_dat_pd[64 +1:0] (spt2cvt_dat_valid,spt2cvt_dat_ready) // ************************************************************************************************************** module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p2 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,dat_rdy ,spt2cvt_dat_pd ,spt2cvt_dat_valid ,dat_pd ,dat_vld ,spt2cvt_dat_ready ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input dat_rdy; input [64 +1:0] spt2cvt_dat_pd; input spt2cvt_dat_valid; output [64 +1:0] dat_pd; output dat_vld; output spt2cvt_dat_ready; reg [64 +1:0] dat_pd; reg dat_vld; reg [64 +1:0] p2_pipe_data; reg p2_pipe_ready; reg p2_pipe_ready_bc; reg p2_pipe_valid; reg spt2cvt_dat_ready; //## pipe (2) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p2_pipe_ready or p2_pipe_valid ) begin p2_pipe_ready_bc = p2_pipe_ready || !p2_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p2_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p2_pipe_valid <= (p2_pipe_ready_bc)? spt2cvt_dat_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p2_pipe_data <= (p2_pipe_ready_bc && spt2cvt_dat_valid)? spt2cvt_dat_pd[64 +1:0] : p2_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p2_pipe_ready_bc ) begin spt2cvt_dat_ready = p2_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (2) output always @( p2_pipe_valid or dat_rdy or p2_pipe_data ) begin dat_vld = p2_pipe_valid; p2_pipe_ready = dat_rdy; dat_pd = p2_pipe_data; end //## pipe (2) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p2_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_7x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (dat_vld^dat_rdy^spt2cvt_dat_valid^spt2cvt_dat_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_8x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (spt2cvt_dat_valid && !spt2cvt_dat_ready), (spt2cvt_dat_valid), (spt2cvt_dat_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CVIF_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p2 // ************************************************************************************************************** // Generated by ::pipe -m -rand none -bc -is axi_aw_pd (mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready) <= axi_cmd_pd[69:0] (axi_cmd_vld,axi_cmd_rdy) // ************************************************************************************************************** module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p3 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,axi_cmd_pd ,axi_cmd_vld ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready ,axi_aw_pd ,axi_cmd_rdy ,mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input [32 +5:0] axi_cmd_pd; input axi_cmd_vld; input mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready; output [32 +5:0] axi_aw_pd; output axi_cmd_rdy; output mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid; reg [32 +5:0] axi_aw_pd; reg axi_cmd_rdy; reg mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid; reg [32 +5:0] p3_pipe_data; reg p3_pipe_ready; reg p3_pipe_ready_bc; reg p3_pipe_valid; reg p3_skid_catch; reg [32 +5:0] p3_skid_data; reg [32 +5:0] p3_skid_pipe_data; reg p3_skid_pipe_ready; reg p3_skid_pipe_valid; reg p3_skid_ready; reg p3_skid_ready_flop; reg p3_skid_valid; //## pipe (3) skid buffer always @( axi_cmd_vld or p3_skid_ready_flop or p3_skid_pipe_ready or p3_skid_valid ) begin p3_skid_catch = axi_cmd_vld && p3_skid_ready_flop && !p3_skid_pipe_ready; p3_skid_ready = (p3_skid_valid)? p3_skid_pipe_ready : !p3_skid_catch; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p3_skid_valid <= 1'b0; p3_skid_ready_flop <= 1'b1; axi_cmd_rdy <= 1'b1; end else begin p3_skid_valid <= (p3_skid_valid)? !p3_skid_pipe_ready : p3_skid_catch; p3_skid_ready_flop <= p3_skid_ready; axi_cmd_rdy <= p3_skid_ready; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p3_skid_data <= (p3_skid_catch)? axi_cmd_pd[32 +5:0] : p3_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p3_skid_ready_flop or axi_cmd_vld or p3_skid_valid or axi_cmd_pd or p3_skid_data ) begin p3_skid_pipe_valid = (p3_skid_ready_flop)? axi_cmd_vld : p3_skid_valid; // VCS sop_coverage_off start p3_skid_pipe_data = (p3_skid_ready_flop)? axi_cmd_pd[32 +5:0] : p3_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end //## pipe (3) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p3_pipe_ready or p3_pipe_valid ) begin p3_pipe_ready_bc = p3_pipe_ready || !p3_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p3_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p3_pipe_valid <= (p3_pipe_ready_bc)? p3_skid_pipe_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p3_pipe_data <= (p3_pipe_ready_bc && p3_skid_pipe_valid)? p3_skid_pipe_data : p3_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p3_pipe_ready_bc ) begin p3_skid_pipe_ready = p3_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (3) output always @( p3_pipe_valid or mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready or p3_pipe_data ) begin mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid = p3_pipe_valid; p3_pipe_ready = mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready; axi_aw_pd = p3_pipe_data; end //## pipe (3) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p3_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_9x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (mcif2noc_axi_aw_awvalid^mcif2noc_axi_aw_awready^axi_cmd_vld^axi_cmd_rdy)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_10x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (axi_cmd_vld && !axi_cmd_rdy), (axi_cmd_vld), (axi_cmd_rdy)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CVIF_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p3 // ************************************************************************************************************** // Generated by ::pipe -m -rand none -bc -is axi_w_pd (mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid,mcif2noc_axi_w_wready) <= axi_dat_pd[64 +64/8:0] (axi_dat_vld,axi_dat_rdy) // ************************************************************************************************************** module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p4 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,axi_dat_pd ,axi_dat_vld ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wready ,axi_dat_rdy ,axi_w_pd ,mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input [64 +64/8:0] axi_dat_pd; input axi_dat_vld; input mcif2noc_axi_w_wready; output axi_dat_rdy; output [64 +64/8:0] axi_w_pd; output mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid; reg axi_dat_rdy; reg [64 +64/8:0] axi_w_pd; reg mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid; reg [64 +64/8:0] p4_pipe_data; reg p4_pipe_ready; reg p4_pipe_ready_bc; reg p4_pipe_valid; reg p4_skid_catch; reg [64 +64/8:0] p4_skid_data; reg [64 +64/8:0] p4_skid_pipe_data; reg p4_skid_pipe_ready; reg p4_skid_pipe_valid; reg p4_skid_ready; reg p4_skid_ready_flop; reg p4_skid_valid; //## pipe (4) skid buffer always @( axi_dat_vld or p4_skid_ready_flop or p4_skid_pipe_ready or p4_skid_valid ) begin p4_skid_catch = axi_dat_vld && p4_skid_ready_flop && !p4_skid_pipe_ready; p4_skid_ready = (p4_skid_valid)? p4_skid_pipe_ready : !p4_skid_catch; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p4_skid_valid <= 1'b0; p4_skid_ready_flop <= 1'b1; axi_dat_rdy <= 1'b1; end else begin p4_skid_valid <= (p4_skid_valid)? !p4_skid_pipe_ready : p4_skid_catch; p4_skid_ready_flop <= p4_skid_ready; axi_dat_rdy <= p4_skid_ready; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p4_skid_data <= (p4_skid_catch)? axi_dat_pd[64 +64/8:0] : p4_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p4_skid_ready_flop or axi_dat_vld or p4_skid_valid or axi_dat_pd or p4_skid_data ) begin p4_skid_pipe_valid = (p4_skid_ready_flop)? axi_dat_vld : p4_skid_valid; // VCS sop_coverage_off start p4_skid_pipe_data = (p4_skid_ready_flop)? axi_dat_pd[64 +64/8:0] : p4_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end //## pipe (4) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p4_pipe_ready or p4_pipe_valid ) begin p4_pipe_ready_bc = p4_pipe_ready || !p4_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p4_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p4_pipe_valid <= (p4_pipe_ready_bc)? p4_skid_pipe_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p4_pipe_data <= (p4_pipe_ready_bc && p4_skid_pipe_valid)? p4_skid_pipe_data : p4_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p4_pipe_ready_bc ) begin p4_skid_pipe_ready = p4_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (4) output always @( p4_pipe_valid or mcif2noc_axi_w_wready or p4_pipe_data ) begin mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid = p4_pipe_valid; p4_pipe_ready = mcif2noc_axi_w_wready; axi_w_pd = p4_pipe_data; end //## pipe (4) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p4_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_11x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (mcif2noc_axi_w_wvalid^mcif2noc_axi_w_wready^axi_dat_vld^axi_dat_rdy)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_12x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (axi_dat_vld && !axi_dat_rdy), (axi_dat_vld), (axi_dat_rdy)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CVIF_WRITE_IG_CVT_pipe_p4