# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD. However, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. # We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators. source lib_setup.tcl source design_setup.tcl if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { read_mmmc mmmc_iSpatial_setup.tcl } # set the output directories set OUTPUTS_PATH syn_output set REPORTS_PATH syn_rpt set HANDOFF_PATH syn_handoff if {![file exists ${OUTPUTS_PATH}]} { file mkdir ${OUTPUTS_PATH} } if {![file exists ${REPORTS_PATH}]} { file mkdir ${REPORTS_PATH} } if {![file exists ${HANDOFF_PATH}]} { file mkdir ${HANDOFF_PATH} } # # set threads set_db max_cpus_per_server 16 set_db super_thread_servers "localhost" # set list_lib "$libworst" if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { set_db invs_temp_dir ${OUTPUTS_PATH}/invs_tmp_dir read_physical -lefs $lefs } # Target library set link_library $list_lib set target_library $list_lib # set pathi set_db hdl_flatten_complex_port true set_db hdl_record_naming_style %s_%s set_db auto_ungroup none if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} { set_db library $list_lib } ################################################# # Load Design and Initialize ################################################# set_db init_hdl_search_path $rtldir source rtl_list.tcl foreach rtl_file $rtl_all { #read_hdl -sv $rtl_file read_hdl -language sv -define TARGET_SYNTHESIS -define XPULPIMG=1 $rtl_file } elaborate $DESIGN time_info Elaboration if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} { #read_sdc $sdc source $sdc } init_design check_design -unresolved check_timing_intent # reports the physical layout estimation report from lef and QRC tech file report_ple > ${REPORTS_PATH}/ple.rpt ############################################### # Read DEF ############################################### if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { read_def $floorplan_def check_floorplan -detailed } # keep hierarchy during synthesis set_db auto_ungroup none if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { syn_generic -physical } else { syn_generic } time_info GENERIC # generate a summary for the current stage of synthesis write_reports -directory ${REPORTS_PATH} -tag generic write_db ${OUTPUTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_generic.db if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { syn_map -physical } else { syn_map } time_info MAPPED # generate a summary for the current stage of synthesis write_reports -directory ${REPORTS_PATH} -tag map write_db ${OUTPUTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_map.db if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { syn_opt -spatial } else { syn_opt } time_info OPT write_db ${OUTPUTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_opt.db ############################################################################## # Write reports ############################################################################## # summarizes the information, warnings and errors report_messages > ${REPORTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_messages.rpt # generate PPA reports report_gates > ${REPORTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_gates.rpt report_power > ${REPORTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_power.rpt report_area > ${REPORTS_PATH}/${DESIGN}_power.rpt write_reports -directory ${REPORTS_PATH} -tag final if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} { write_design -innovus -base_name ${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN} } else { write_sdc >${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN}.sdc write_hdl > ${HANDOFF_PATH}/${DESIGN}.v } exit