// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. // Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details. // SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51 // // Author: Florian Zaruba <zarubaf@iis.ee.ethz.ch> // Date: 17.8.2018 // // Description: Contains Snitch's AXI ports, does not contain user ports package snitch_axi_pkg; localparam UserWidth = 1; localparam AddrWidth = 32; localparam DataWidth = 32; localparam StrbWidth = DataWidth / 8; typedef logic [snitch_pkg::IdWidth-1:0] id_t; typedef logic [snitch_pkg::IdWidthSlave-1:0] id_slv_t; typedef logic [AddrWidth-1:0] addr_t; typedef logic [DataWidth-1:0] data_t; typedef logic [StrbWidth-1:0] strb_t; typedef logic [UserWidth-1:0] user_t; // AW Channel typedef struct packed { id_t id; addr_t addr; axi_pkg::len_t len; axi_pkg::size_t size; axi_pkg::burst_t burst; logic lock; axi_pkg::cache_t cache; axi_pkg::prot_t prot; axi_pkg::qos_t qos; axi_pkg::region_t region; axi_pkg::atop_t atop; } aw_chan_t; // AW Channel - Slave typedef struct packed { id_slv_t id; addr_t addr; axi_pkg::len_t len; axi_pkg::size_t size; axi_pkg::burst_t burst; logic lock; axi_pkg::cache_t cache; axi_pkg::prot_t prot; axi_pkg::qos_t qos; axi_pkg::region_t region; axi_pkg::atop_t atop; } aw_chan_slv_t; // W Channel - AXI4 doesn't define a wid typedef struct packed { data_t data; strb_t strb; logic last; } w_chan_t; // B Channel typedef struct packed { id_t id; axi_pkg::resp_t resp; } b_chan_t; // B Channel - Slave typedef struct packed { id_slv_t id; axi_pkg::resp_t resp; } b_chan_slv_t; // AR Channel typedef struct packed { id_t id; addr_t addr; axi_pkg::len_t len; axi_pkg::size_t size; axi_pkg::burst_t burst; logic lock; axi_pkg::cache_t cache; axi_pkg::prot_t prot; axi_pkg::qos_t qos; axi_pkg::region_t region; } ar_chan_t; // AR Channel - Slave typedef struct packed { id_slv_t id; addr_t addr; axi_pkg::len_t len; axi_pkg::size_t size; axi_pkg::burst_t burst; logic lock; axi_pkg::cache_t cache; axi_pkg::prot_t prot; axi_pkg::qos_t qos; axi_pkg::region_t region; } ar_chan_slv_t; // R Channel typedef struct packed { id_t id; data_t data; axi_pkg::resp_t resp; logic last; } r_chan_t; // R Channel - Slave typedef struct packed { id_slv_t id; data_t data; axi_pkg::resp_t resp; logic last; } r_chan_slv_t; // Request/Response structs typedef struct packed { aw_chan_t aw; logic aw_valid; w_chan_t w; logic w_valid; logic b_ready; ar_chan_t ar; logic ar_valid; logic r_ready; } req_t; typedef struct packed { logic aw_ready; logic ar_ready; logic w_ready; logic b_valid; b_chan_t b; logic r_valid; r_chan_t r; } resp_t; typedef struct packed { aw_chan_slv_t aw; logic aw_valid; w_chan_t w; logic w_valid; logic b_ready; ar_chan_slv_t ar; logic ar_valid; logic r_ready; } req_slv_t; typedef struct packed { logic aw_ready; logic ar_ready; logic w_ready; logic b_valid; b_chan_slv_t b; logic r_valid; r_chan_slv_t r; } resp_slv_t; endpackage