// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_dat.v // ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_PDP_define.h ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#ifdef NVDLA_FEATURE_DATA_TYPE_INT8 //#if ( NVDLA_PDP_THROUGHPUT == 8 ) // #define LARGE_FIFO_RAM //#endif //#if ( NVDLA_PDP_THROUGHPUT == 1 ) // #define SMALL_FIFO_RAM //#endif //#endif `include "simulate_x_tick.vh" module NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_dat ( nvdla_core_clk //|< i ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i ,dp2wdma_pd //|< i ,dp2wdma_vld //|< i ,op_load //|< i ,pwrbus_ram_pd //|< i ,reg2dp_cube_out_channel //|< i ,reg2dp_cube_out_height //|< i ,reg2dp_cube_out_width //|< i // ,reg2dp_input_data //|< i ,reg2dp_partial_width_out_first //|< i ,reg2dp_partial_width_out_last //|< i ,reg2dp_partial_width_out_mid //|< i ,reg2dp_split_num //|< i ,wdma_done //|< i //: my $dmaifBW = 64; //: my $atomicm = 8*8; //: my $pdpbw = 1*8; //: my $Wnum = int( $dmaifBW/$atomicm ); //: my $Bnum = int($atomicm/$pdpbw); //: foreach my $posw (0..$Wnum-1) { ##High...low atomic_m //: foreach my $posb (0..$Bnum-1) { ##throughput in each atomic_m //: print qq( //: ,dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pd //: ,dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_prdy //: ,dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pvld //: ); //: } //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) ,dat0_fifo0_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo0_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo0_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo1_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo1_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo1_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo2_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo2_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo2_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo3_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo3_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo3_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo4_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo4_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo4_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo5_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo5_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo5_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo6_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo6_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo6_rd_pvld ,dat0_fifo7_rd_pd ,dat0_fifo7_rd_prdy ,dat0_fifo7_rd_pvld //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) ,dp2wdma_rdy //|> o ); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //&Catenate "NV_NVDLA_PDP_wdma_ports.v"; input [12:0] reg2dp_cube_out_channel; input [12:0] reg2dp_cube_out_height; input [12:0] reg2dp_cube_out_width; //input [1:0] reg2dp_input_data; input [9:0] reg2dp_partial_width_out_first; input [9:0] reg2dp_partial_width_out_last; input [9:0] reg2dp_partial_width_out_mid; input [7:0] reg2dp_split_num; input [1*8 -1:0] dp2wdma_pd; input dp2wdma_vld; output dp2wdma_rdy; //&Ports /^spt/; input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input [31:0] pwrbus_ram_pd; //: my $dmaifBW = 64; //: my $atomicm = 8*8; //: my $pdpbw = 1*8; //: my $Wnum = int( $dmaifBW/$atomicm ); //: my $Bnum = int($atomicm/$pdpbw); //: foreach my $posw (0..$Wnum-1) { ##High...low atomic_m //: foreach my $posb (0..$Bnum-1) { ##throughput in each atomic_m //: print qq( //: output [$pdpbw-1:0] dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pd; //: input dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_prdy; //: output dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pvld; //: ); //: } //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo0_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo0_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo0_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo1_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo1_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo1_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo2_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo2_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo2_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo3_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo3_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo3_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo4_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo4_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo4_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo5_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo5_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo5_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo6_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo6_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo6_rd_pvld; output [8-1:0] dat0_fifo7_rd_pd; input dat0_fifo7_rd_prdy; output dat0_fifo7_rd_pvld; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) input wdma_done; input op_load; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //reg cfg_do_fp16; //reg cfg_do_int16; //reg cfg_do_int8; reg [4:0] count_b; reg [12:0] count_h; //: my $atomicm = 8; //: my $k = int( log($atomicm)/log(2) ); //: print "reg [12-${k}:0] count_surf; \n"; //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) reg [12-3:0] count_surf; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) reg [12:0] count_w; reg [7:0] count_wg; //reg mon_nan_in_count; //reg [31:0] nan_in_count; //reg [31:0] nan_out_num; //reg [31:0] nan_output_num; wire cfg_mode_split; wire dat_fifo_wr_prdy; wire dat_fifo_wr_pvld; //wire [3:0] dat_is_nan; wire [1*8 -1:0] dp2wdma_dat_pd; //wire [15:0] fp16_in_pd_0; //wire [15:0] fp16_in_pd_1; //wire [15:0] fp16_in_pd_2; //wire [15:0] fp16_in_pd_3; wire is_blk_end; wire is_cube_end; wire is_first_wg; wire is_fspt; wire is_last_b; wire is_last_h; wire is_last_surf; wire is_last_w; wire is_last_wg; wire is_line_end; wire is_lspt; wire is_mspt; wire is_split_end; wire is_surf_end; //wire mon_size_of_surf; //wire [2:0] nan_num_in_8byte; //wire [1:0] nan_num_in_8byte_0; //wire [1:0] nan_num_in_8byte_1; wire [12:0] size_of_width; wire [9:0] split_size_of_width; wire spt_dat_accept; //wire [1:0] spt_posb; wire [4:0] spt_posb; wire [1:0] spt_posw; //wire wdma_loadin; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// assign cfg_mode_split = (reg2dp_split_num!=0); // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // cfg_do_int8 <= 1'b0; // end else begin // cfg_do_int8 <= reg2dp_input_data== 0; // end // end // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // cfg_do_int16 <= 1'b0; // end else begin // cfg_do_int16 <= reg2dp_input_data== 2'h1; // end // end // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // cfg_do_fp16 <= 1'b0; // end else begin // cfg_do_fp16 <= reg2dp_input_data== 2'h2; // end // end // // //============== // //NaN counter // //============== // assign wdma_loadin = spt_dat_accept;//dp2wdma_vld & dp2wdma_rdy; // assign fp16_in_pd_0 = dp2wdma_pd[15:0]; // assign fp16_in_pd_1 = dp2wdma_pd[31:16]; // assign fp16_in_pd_2 = dp2wdma_pd[47:32]; // assign fp16_in_pd_3 = dp2wdma_pd[63:48]; // assign dat_is_nan[0] = cfg_do_fp16 & (&fp16_in_pd_0[14:10]) & (|fp16_in_pd_0[9:0]); // assign dat_is_nan[1] = cfg_do_fp16 & (&fp16_in_pd_1[14:10]) & (|fp16_in_pd_1[9:0]); // assign dat_is_nan[2] = cfg_do_fp16 & (&fp16_in_pd_2[14:10]) & (|fp16_in_pd_2[9:0]); // assign dat_is_nan[3] = cfg_do_fp16 & (&fp16_in_pd_3[14:10]) & (|fp16_in_pd_3[9:0]); // // assign nan_num_in_8byte_0[1:0] = dat_is_nan[0] + dat_is_nan[1]; // assign nan_num_in_8byte_1[1:0] = dat_is_nan[2] + dat_is_nan[3]; // assign nan_num_in_8byte[2:0] = nan_num_in_8byte_0 + nan_num_in_8byte_1; // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // {mon_nan_in_count,nan_in_count[31:0]} <= {33{1'b0}}; // end else begin // if(wdma_loadin) begin // if(is_cube_end) // {mon_nan_in_count,nan_in_count[31:0]} <= 33'd0; // else // {mon_nan_in_count,nan_in_count[31:0]} <= nan_in_count + nan_num_in_8byte; // end // end // end // `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // `else // // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // // spyglass disable_block STARC- // // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // // spyglass disable_block STARC- // // spyglass disable_block W116 // // spyglass disable_block W154 // // spyglass disable_block W239 // // spyglass disable_block W362 // // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 // `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // `ifdef ASSERT_ON // `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON // `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn // `else // `ifdef SYNTHESIS // `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn // `else // `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X // `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) // `else // `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) // `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X // `endif // SYNTHESIS // `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // // VCS coverage off // nv_assert_never #(0,0,"PDP WDMA: no overflow is allowed") zzz_assert_never_1x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_nan_in_count); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // // VCS coverage on // `undef ASSERT_RESET // `endif // ASSERT_ON // `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // `else // // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // // spyglass enable_block STARC- // // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // // spyglass enable_block STARC- // // spyglass enable_block W116 // // spyglass enable_block W154 // // spyglass enable_block W239 // // spyglass enable_block W362 // // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 // `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // nan_out_num <= {32{1'b0}}; // end else begin // if(is_cube_end) // nan_out_num <= nan_in_count; // end // end // //assign wdma_done = dp2reg_done; // always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin // if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // nan_output_num <= {32{1'b0}}; // end else begin // if(wdma_done) begin // nan_output_num <= nan_out_num; // end // end // end // //============== // CUBE DRAW //============== assign is_blk_end = is_last_b; assign is_line_end = is_blk_end & is_last_w; assign is_surf_end = is_line_end & is_last_h; assign is_split_end = is_surf_end & is_last_surf; assign is_cube_end = is_split_end & is_last_wg; // WIDTH COUNT: in width direction, indidate one block assign split_size_of_width = is_fspt ? reg2dp_partial_width_out_first : is_lspt ? reg2dp_partial_width_out_last : is_mspt ? reg2dp_partial_width_out_mid : {10{`x_or_0}}; assign size_of_width = cfg_mode_split ? {3'd0,split_size_of_width} : reg2dp_cube_out_width; // WG: WidthGroup, including one FSPT, one LSPT, and many MSPT always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_wg <= {8{1'b0}}; end else begin if (op_load) begin count_wg <= 0; end else if (spt_dat_accept) begin if (is_cube_end) begin count_wg <= 0; end else if (is_split_end) begin count_wg <= count_wg + 1; end end end end assign is_last_wg = (count_wg==reg2dp_split_num); assign is_first_wg = (count_wg==0); assign is_fspt = cfg_mode_split & is_first_wg; assign is_lspt = cfg_mode_split & is_last_wg; assign is_mspt = cfg_mode_split & !is_fspt & !is_lspt; //================================================================ // C direction: count_b + count_surf // count_b: in each W in line, will go 4 step in c first // count_surf: when one surf with 4c is done, will go to next surf //================================================================ //============== // COUNT B //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_b <= {5{1'b0}}; end else begin if (spt_dat_accept) begin if (is_blk_end) begin count_b <= 0; end else begin count_b <= count_b + 1; end end end end //: my $atomicm = 8; //: my $pdpth = 1; //: my $k = int( $atomicm/$pdpth ); //: print "assign is_last_b = (count_b==5'd${k} -1 ); \n"; //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign is_last_b = (count_b==5'd8 -1 ); //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //============== // COUNT W //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_w <= {13{1'b0}}; end else begin if (spt_dat_accept) begin if (is_line_end) begin count_w <= 0; end else if (is_blk_end) begin count_w <= count_w + 1; end end end end assign is_last_w = (count_w==size_of_width); //============== // COUNT SURF //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_surf <= 0; end else begin if (spt_dat_accept) begin if (is_split_end) begin count_surf <= 0; end else if (is_surf_end) begin count_surf <= count_surf + 1; end end end end //: my $atomicm = 8; //: my $k = int( log($atomicm)/log(2) ); //: print qq( //: assign is_last_surf = (count_surf== reg2dp_cube_out_channel[12:${k}]); //: ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign is_last_surf = (count_surf== reg2dp_cube_out_channel[12:3]); //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //============== // COUNT HEIGHT //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_h <= {13{1'b0}}; end else begin if (spt_dat_accept) begin if (is_surf_end) begin count_h <= 0; end else if (is_line_end) begin count_h <= count_h + 1; end end end end assign is_last_h = (count_h==reg2dp_cube_out_height); //============== // spt information gen //============== assign spt_posb = count_b; //: my $Wnum = 64/8/8; //: if($Wnum == 1) { //: print qq( //: assign spt_posw = 2'b0; //: ); //: } else { //: my $k = int( log($Wnum)/log(2) ); //: print qq( //: assign spt_posw = {{(2-$k){1'b0}},count_w[$k-1:0]}; //: ); //: } //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign spt_posw = 2'b0; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //============== // Data FIFO WRITE contrl //============== assign dp2wdma_dat_pd = dp2wdma_pd; assign dat_fifo_wr_pvld = dp2wdma_vld; assign dp2wdma_rdy = dat_fifo_wr_prdy; //: my @dat_wr_rdys; //: my @dat_wr_accepts; //: my $dmaifBW = 64; //: my $atomicm = 8*8; //: my $pdpbw = 1*8; //: my $Wnum = int( $dmaifBW/$atomicm ); //: my $Bnum = int($atomicm/$pdpbw); //: foreach my $posw (0..$Wnum-1) { ##High...low atomic_m //: foreach my $posb (0..$Bnum-1) { ##throughput in each atomic_m //: print qq( //: wire [$pdpbw-1:0] dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pd; //: wire dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_prdy; //: wire dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pvld; //: // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE //: // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m //: assign dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==$posw) & (spt_posb == $posb); //: assign dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; //: //: // DATA FIFO INSTANCE //: NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x${pdpbw} u_dat${posw}_fifo${posb} ( //: .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //: ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //: ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_prdy) //: ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pvld) //: ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_pd) //: ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_prdy) //: ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pvld) //: ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_rd_pd) //: ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) //: ); //: ); //: //: push @dat_wr_rdys, "( dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==$posw) & (spt_posb == $posb) )"; //: //: print qq { //: // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat${posw}_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_prdy; //: // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat${posw}_fifo${posb}_wr_prdy & !dat${posw}_fifo3_wr_prdy; //: }; //: } //: } //: //: # dat_wr_rdys to make sure the dat fifo which is to sink data is not full //: my $dat_wr_rdys_str = join(" \n| ",@dat_wr_rdys); //: print "assign dat_fifo_wr_prdy = $dat_wr_rdys_str;"; //: //: my $dat_wr_accepts_str = join(" \n| ",@dat_wr_accepts); //: print "assign spt_dat_accept = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & dat_fifo_wr_prdy;"; //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo0_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo0_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo0_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 0); assign dat0_fifo0_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo0 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo0_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo0_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo0_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo0_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo0_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo1_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo1_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo1_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo1_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 1); assign dat0_fifo1_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo1 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo1_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo1_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo1_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo1_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo1_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo1_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo1_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo1_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo2_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo2_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo2_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo2_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 2); assign dat0_fifo2_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo2 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo2_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo2_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo2_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo2_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo2_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo2_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo2_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo2_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo3_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo3_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo3_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 3); assign dat0_fifo3_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo3 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo3_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo3_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo3_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo3_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo3_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo4_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo4_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo4_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo4_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 4); assign dat0_fifo4_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo4 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo4_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo4_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo4_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo4_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo4_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo4_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo4_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo4_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo5_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo5_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo5_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo5_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 5); assign dat0_fifo5_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo5 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo5_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo5_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo5_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo5_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo5_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo5_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo5_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo5_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo6_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo6_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo6_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo6_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 6); assign dat0_fifo6_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo6 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo6_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo6_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo6_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo6_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo6_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo6_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo6_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo6_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; wire [8-1:0] dat0_fifo7_wr_pd; wire dat0_fifo7_wr_prdy; wire dat0_fifo7_wr_pvld; // DATA FIFO WRITE SIDE // is last_b, then fifo idx large than count_b will need a push to fill in fake data to make up a full atomic_m assign dat0_fifo7_wr_pvld = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 7); assign dat0_fifo7_wr_pd = dp2wdma_dat_pd; // DATA FIFO INSTANCE NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo_32x8 u_dat0_fifo7 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) ,.dat_fifo_wr_prdy (dat0_fifo7_wr_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pvld (dat0_fifo7_wr_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_wr_pd (dat0_fifo7_wr_pd) ,.dat_fifo_rd_prdy (dat0_fifo7_rd_prdy) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pvld (dat0_fifo7_rd_pvld) ,.dat_fifo_rd_pd (dat0_fifo7_rd_pd) ,.pwrbus_ram_pd (pwrbus_ram_pd[31:0]) ); // ::assert never "when the first fifo is ready, all the left fifo should be ready" dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo7_wr_prdy; // ::assert never "when the last fifo is not ready, all the previous fifo should not be ready" dat0_fifo7_wr_prdy & !dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy; assign dat_fifo_wr_prdy = ( dat0_fifo0_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 0) ) | ( dat0_fifo1_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 1) ) | ( dat0_fifo2_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 2) ) | ( dat0_fifo3_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 3) ) | ( dat0_fifo4_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 4) ) | ( dat0_fifo5_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 5) ) | ( dat0_fifo6_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 6) ) | ( dat0_fifo7_wr_prdy & (spt_posw==0) & (spt_posb == 7) );assign spt_dat_accept = dat_fifo_wr_pvld & dat_fifo_wr_prdy; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) endmodule // NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_dat // -w 64, 8byte each fifo // -d 3, depth=4 as we have rd_reg // // AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED -- DO NOT EDIT OR CHECK IN // // /home/nvtools/engr/2017/03/11_05_00_06/nvtools/scripts/fifogen // fifogen -input_config_yaml ../../../../../../../socd/ip_chip_tools/1.0/defs/public/fifogen/golden/tlit5/fifogen.yml -no_make_ram -no_make_ram -stdout -m NV_NVDLA_PDP_WDMA_DAT_fifo -clk_name nvdla_core_clk -reset_name nvdla_core_rstn -wr_pipebus dat_fifo_wr -rd_pipebus dat_fifo_rd -rand_none -rd_reg -ram_bypass -d 3 -w 64 -ram ff [Chosen ram type: ff - fifogen_flops (user specified, thus no other ram type is allowed)] // chip config vars: assertion_module_prefix=nv_ strict_synchronizers=1 strict_synchronizers_use_lib_cells=1 strict_synchronizers_use_tm_lib_cells=1 strict_sync_randomizer=1 assertion_message_prefix=FIFOGEN_ASSERTION allow_async_fifola=0 ignore_ramgen_fifola_variant=1 uses_p_SSYNC=0 uses_prand=1 uses_rammake_inc=1 use_x_or_0=1 force_wr_reg_gated=1 no_force_reset=1 no_timescale=1 no_pli_ifdef=1 requires_full_throughput=1 ram_auto_ff_bits_cutoff=16 ram_auto_ff_width_cutoff=2 ram_auto_ff_width_cutoff_max_depth=32 ram_auto_ff_depth_cutoff=-1 ram_auto_ff_no_la2_depth_cutoff=5 ram_auto_la2_width_cutoff=8 ram_auto_la2_width_cutoff_max_depth=56 ram_auto_la2_depth_cutoff=16 flopram_emu_model=1 dslp_single_clamp_port=1 dslp_clamp_port=1 slp_single_clamp_port=1 slp_clamp_port=1 master_clk_gated=1 clk_gate_module=NV_CLK_gate_power redundant_timing_flops=0 hot_reset_async_force_ports_and_loopback=1 ram_sleep_en_width=1 async_cdc_reg_id=NV_AFIFO_ rd_reg_default_for_async=1 async_ram_instance_prefix=NV_ASYNC_RAM_ allow_rd_busy_reg_warning=0 do_dft_xelim_gating=1 add_dft_xelim_wr_clkgate=1 add_dft_xelim_rd_clkgate=1 // // leda B_3208_NV OFF -- Unequal length LHS and RHS in assignment // leda B_1405 OFF -- 2 asynchronous resets in this unit detected `define FORCE_CONTENTION_ASSERTION_RESET_ACTIVE 1'b1 `include "simulate_x_tick.vh"