import re import os, sys import math import numpy as np import logging import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pandas as pd from StatTest import util # disable scientific notation np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # print full array np.set_printoptions(threshold=sys.maxsize) """Statistical Test docstrings. * Robustness * Use EvalCT for fixed policy rollout on the same training set but different initialization. * Stability * Macro Movement Range * Additional Note * Loading weight back for training """ ######################## META INFO ######################## # Directory that stores all plc file (must come from the same netlist) PLC_DIR = "StatTest/test/flow2_68_1.3_ct" PLC_PATH_COLLECTION = [] assert os.path.isdir(PLC_DIR) # Top X% of largest movement range TOP_X = 5 # List to store every plc coordinate PLC_COORD = [] # hold hard macro, soft macro, port count def init_method(plc_dir): """ Scan through every .plc file """ for __, __, files in os.walk(plc_dir): for plc_file in files: if plc_file.endswith((".plc")): plc_pth = os.path.join(plc_dir, plc_file) # plc path PLC_PATH_COLLECTION.append(plc_pth) print("#[INFO] Reading plc file {}".format(plc_pth)) # store in numpy array for ease of computation temp_coord = np.empty((1,2), float) for cnt, line in enumerate(open(plc_pth, 'r')): line_item = re.findall(r'[0-9A-Za-z\.\-]+', line) # skip empty lines if len(line_item) == 0: continue if all(re.match(r'[0-9FNEWS\.\-]+', it) for it in line_item)\ and len(line_item) == 5: # extract pos temp_coord = np.append(temp_coord, np.array([[float(line_item[1]),float(line_item[2])]]), axis=0) elif all(it in line_item for it in ['HARD', 'MACROs'])\ and len(line_item) == 3: hard_macros_cnt = int(line_item[2]) elif all(it in line_item for it in ['PORTs'])\ and len(line_item) == 2: ports_cnt = int(line_item[1]) elif all(it in line_item for it in ['SOFT', 'MACROs'])\ and len(line_item) == 3: soft_macros_cnt = int(line_item[2]) # remove header row temp_coord = temp_coord[1:, :] # make sure every plc is aligned if PLC_COORD: assert PLC_COORD[-1].shape == temp_coord.shape assert temp_coord.shape[0] == hard_macros_cnt + soft_macros_cnt + ports_cnt PLC_COORD.append(temp_coord) # print(temp_coord) del temp_coord return ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt, soft_macros_cnt def get_abs_dist(): # store all pair-wise distance abs_dist_plc = np.empty((PLC_COORD[-1].shape[0],1), float) # pair-wise distance of all plc files for i in range(len(PLC_COORD)): for j in range(len(PLC_COORD)): if i == j: continue # find x/y position diff diff_coord = PLC_COORD[i] - PLC_COORD[j] # x_diff^2, y_diff^2 diff_coord = np.power(diff_coord, 2) # sqrt(x_diff^2 + y_diff^2) abs_dist_coord = np.sqrt(diff_coord[:, 0] + diff_coord[:, 1]) abs_dist_plc = np.append(abs_dist_plc, abs_dist_coord.reshape((-1, 1)), axis=1) # remove header col return abs_dist_plc[:, 1:] def main(): ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt, soft_macros_cnt = init_method(PLC_DIR) abs_dist_plc = get_abs_dist() print(hard_macros_cnt, ports_cnt, soft_macros_cnt) hard_abs_dist_plc = abs_dist_plc[ports_cnt:(hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt), :] soft_abs_dist_plc = abs_dist_plc[ports_cnt+hard_macros_cnt:hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt+soft_macros_cnt, :] # PORT_IDX = list(range(0, ports_cnt, 1)) # HARD_MACRO_IDX = list(range(ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, 1)) # SOFT_MACRO_IDX = list(range(hard_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, hard_macros_cnt+soft_macros_cnt+ports_cnt, 1)) # top n hard macro HM_TOP_N = int(math.floor(hard_abs_dist_plc.shape[0] * (TOP_X/100.0))) # top n soft macro SM_TOP_N = int(math.floor(soft_abs_dist_plc.shape[0] * (TOP_X/100.0))) print("[INFO] Using TOP {}% Largest Hard Macro Movement --- {} Macros in total.".format(TOP_X, HM_TOP_N)) print("[INFO] Using TOP {}% Largest Soft Macro Movement --- {} Macros in total.".format(TOP_X, SM_TOP_N)) ############ HARD MACRO placement range maximum distance + visual ############### # across all the plc diff, the max distance [row wise] hm_max_dist = np.amax(hard_abs_dist_plc, axis=1) # top-n max distance hm_topn_max_dist_idx = np.argpartition(hm_max_dist, -HM_TOP_N)[-HM_TOP_N:] hm_topn_max_dist_val = np.take(hm_max_dist, hm_topn_max_dist_idx) x = range(hm_topn_max_dist_val.shape[0]) y = hm_topn_max_dist_val n = hm_topn_max_dist_idx fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title("Top {}% Hard Macro Maximum Placement Range".format(TOP_X)) ax.scatter(x, y, c = 'b') ax.set_xlabel("module index") ax.set_ylabel("distance") for i, txt in enumerate(n): ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i])) ############ SOFT MACRO placement range maximum distance + visual ############### # across all the plc diff, the max distance [row wise] sm_max_dist = np.amax(soft_abs_dist_plc, axis=1) # top-n max distance sm_topn_max_dist_idx = np.argpartition(sm_max_dist, -SM_TOP_N)[-SM_TOP_N:] sm_topn_max_dist_val = np.take(sm_max_dist, sm_topn_max_dist_idx) x = range(sm_topn_max_dist_val.shape[0]) y = sm_topn_max_dist_val n = sm_topn_max_dist_idx fig, ax = plt.subplots() ax.set_title("Top {}% Soft Macro Maximum Placement Range".format(TOP_X)) ax.scatter(x, y, c = 'b') ax.set_xlabel("module index") ax.set_ylabel("distance") for i, txt in enumerate(n): ax.annotate(txt, (x[i], y[i])) ######################## HARD MACRO placement range box plot visual ############# hard_abs_dist_plc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=hard_abs_dist_plc) hm_topn_max_dist_df = hard_abs_dist_plc_df.iloc[hm_topn_max_dist_idx, :] hm_topn_max_dist_df.T.boxplot() plt.title("Top {}% Hard Macro Placement Range".format(TOP_X)) plt.xlabel("module index") plt.ylabel("distance") ######################## SOFT MACRO placement range box plot visual ############# soft_abs_dist_plc_df = pd.DataFrame(data=soft_abs_dist_plc) sm_topn_max_dist_df = soft_abs_dist_plc_df.iloc[sm_topn_max_dist_idx, :] sm_topn_max_dist_df.T.boxplot() plt.title("Top {}% Soft Macro Placement Range".format(TOP_X)) plt.xlabel("module index") plt.ylabel("distance") ######################## Density Heatmap ######################## util.extract_density_map( os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[0], ifshow=True ) ######################## Congestion Heatmap ##################### util.extract_congestion_map( os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[0], marh=7.143, marv=8.339, rpmh=11.285, rpmv=12.605, congestion_smooth_range=2, ifshow=True ) ######################## L1 Norm & SSIM ##################### # pair-wise distance of all plc files DENS_SMI = [] DENS_L1 = [] VCONG_SMI = [] VCONG_L1 = [] HCONG_SMI = [] HCONG_L1 = [] for i in range(len(PLC_PATH_COLLECTION)): for j in range(len(PLC_PATH_COLLECTION)): if i == j: continue print("####### Heat Map Comparison between {} and {} #######".format(os.path.basename(PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[i]) ,os.path.basename(PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[j]))) dens_i = util.extract_density_map(os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[i], ifshow=False) dens_j = util.extract_density_map(os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[j], ifshow=False) print("#[INFO] Density map SMI: {}".format(util.SSIM(dens_i, dens_j))) print("#[INFO] Density map L1 Dist: {}".format(util.l1_norm(dens_i, dens_j))) DENS_SMI.append(util.SSIM(dens_i, dens_j)) DENS_L1.append(util.l1_norm(dens_i, dens_j)) vcong_i, hcong_i = util.extract_congestion_map( os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[i], marh=7.143, marv=8.339, rpmh=11.285, rpmv=12.605, congestion_smooth_range=2, ifshow=False ) vcong_j, hcong_j = util.extract_congestion_map( os.path.join(PLC_DIR, "netlist.pb.txt"), PLC_PATH_COLLECTION[j], marh=7.143, marv=8.339, rpmh=11.285, rpmv=12.605, congestion_smooth_range=2, ifshow=False ) print("#[INFO] V Congestion map SMI: {}".format(util.SSIM(vcong_i, vcong_j))) print("#[INFO] V Congestion map L1 Dist: {}".format(util.l1_norm(vcong_i, vcong_j))) print("#[INFO] H Congestion map SMI: {}".format(util.SSIM(hcong_i, hcong_j))) print("#[INFO] H Congestion map L1 Dist: {}".format(util.l1_norm(hcong_i, hcong_j))) VCONG_SMI.append(util.SSIM(vcong_i, vcong_j)) VCONG_L1.append(util.l1_norm(vcong_i, vcong_j)) HCONG_SMI.append(util.SSIM(hcong_i,hcong_j)) HCONG_L1.append(util.l1_norm(hcong_i, hcong_j)) print("DENS_SMI Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(DENS_SMI), max(DENS_SMI))) print("DENS_L1 Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(DENS_L1), max(DENS_L1))) print("VCONG_SMI Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(VCONG_SMI), max(VCONG_SMI))) print("VCONG_L1 Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(VCONG_L1), max(VCONG_L1))) print("HCONG_SMI Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(HCONG_SMI), max(HCONG_SMI))) print("HCONG_L1 Range ({} ~ {})".format(min(HCONG_L1), max(HCONG_L1))) if __name__ == "__main__": main()