rm -rf output/ ETC/ outputs/ # run ODB to Bookshelf #./openroad -python odb2bs.py ./openroad -python lefdef_to_odb.py ariane ../../ariane_replace.def ./ # prepare input dir structure for RePlAce mkdir -p ETC/ ln -s $(readlink -f ./output/*) ./ETC/ # run RePlAce. If you want to change density, please put -den 0.8 (80%), etc. ./RePlAce-static -bmflag etc -bmname ariane_pad0_ISPD11 -pcofmax 1.03 |& tee replace_result.log # bring the results #ln -s outputs/ETC/ariane_pad0_ISPD11/experiment0/*.pl ./ # you can run invs to load *.pl results from here