// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. // // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Fabian Schuiki <fschuiki@iis.ee.ethz.ch> /// A two-phase clock domain crossing. /// /// CONSTRAINT: Requires max_delay of min_period(src_clk_i, dst_clk_i) through /// the paths async_req, async_ack, async_data. /* verilator lint_off DECLFILENAME */ module cdc_2phase #( parameter type T = logic )( input logic src_rst_ni, input logic src_clk_i, input T src_data_i, input logic src_valid_i, output logic src_ready_o, input logic dst_rst_ni, input logic dst_clk_i, output T dst_data_o, output logic dst_valid_o, input logic dst_ready_i ); // Asynchronous handshake signals. (* dont_touch = "true" *) logic async_req; (* dont_touch = "true" *) logic async_ack; (* dont_touch = "true" *) T async_data; // The sender in the source domain. cdc_2phase_src #(.T(T)) i_src ( .rst_ni ( src_rst_ni ), .clk_i ( src_clk_i ), .data_i ( src_data_i ), .valid_i ( src_valid_i ), .ready_o ( src_ready_o ), .async_req_o ( async_req ), .async_ack_i ( async_ack ), .async_data_o ( async_data ) ); // The receiver in the destination domain. cdc_2phase_dst #(.T(T)) i_dst ( .rst_ni ( dst_rst_ni ), .clk_i ( dst_clk_i ), .data_o ( dst_data_o ), .valid_o ( dst_valid_o ), .ready_i ( dst_ready_i ), .async_req_i ( async_req ), .async_ack_o ( async_ack ), .async_data_i ( async_data ) ); endmodule /// Half of the two-phase clock domain crossing located in the source domain. module cdc_2phase_src #( parameter type T = logic )( input logic rst_ni, input logic clk_i, input T data_i, input logic valid_i, output logic ready_o, output logic async_req_o, input logic async_ack_i, output T async_data_o ); (* dont_touch = "true" *) logic req_src_q, ack_src_q, ack_q; (* dont_touch = "true" *) T data_src_q; // The req_src and data_src registers change when a new data item is accepted. always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin if (!rst_ni) begin req_src_q <= 0; data_src_q <= '0; end else if (valid_i && ready_o) begin req_src_q <= ~req_src_q; data_src_q <= data_i; end end // The ack_src and ack registers act as synchronization stages. always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin if (!rst_ni) begin ack_src_q <= 0; ack_q <= 0; end else begin ack_src_q <= async_ack_i; ack_q <= ack_src_q; end end // Output assignments. assign ready_o = (req_src_q == ack_q); assign async_req_o = req_src_q; assign async_data_o = data_src_q; endmodule /// Half of the two-phase clock domain crossing located in the destination /// domain. module cdc_2phase_dst #( parameter type T = logic )( input logic rst_ni, input logic clk_i, output T data_o, output logic valid_o, input logic ready_i, input logic async_req_i, output logic async_ack_o, input T async_data_i ); (* dont_touch = "true" *) (* async_reg = "true" *) logic req_dst_q, req_q0, req_q1, ack_dst_q; (* dont_touch = "true" *) T data_dst_q; // The ack_dst register changes when a new data item is accepted. always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin if (!rst_ni) begin ack_dst_q <= 0; end else if (valid_o && ready_i) begin ack_dst_q <= ~ack_dst_q; end end // The data_dst register changes when a new data item is presented. This is // indicated by the async_req line changing levels. always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin if (!rst_ni) begin data_dst_q <= '0; end else if (req_q0 != req_q1 && !valid_o) begin data_dst_q <= async_data_i; end end // The req_dst and req registers act as synchronization stages. always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin if (!rst_ni) begin req_dst_q <= 0; req_q0 <= 0; req_q1 <= 0; end else begin req_dst_q <= async_req_i; req_q0 <= req_dst_q; req_q1 <= req_q0; end end // Output assignments. assign valid_o = (ack_dst_q != req_q1); assign data_o = data_dst_q; assign async_ack_o = ack_dst_q; endmodule /* verilator lint_on DECLFILENAME */