// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_ssync3d_c.v
module NV_NVDLA_ssync3d_c (
input i_clk;
input i_rstn;
input sync_i;
input o_clk;
input o_rstn;
output sync_o;
wire [0:0] sync_i_o_clk_sync_src_data_next;
// verilint 528 off
wire [0:0] sync_i_o_clk_sync_src_data;
// verilint 528 on
wire [0:0] sync_i_o_clk_sync_dst_data;
assign sync_i_o_clk_sync_src_data_next = sync_i;
assign sync_o = sync_i_o_clk_sync_dst_data;
p_STRICTSYNC3DOTM_C_PPP sync_i_o_clk_sync_0 (
    .SRC_CLK (i_clk)
  , .SRC_CLRN (i_rstn)
  , .SRC_D_NEXT (sync_i_o_clk_sync_src_data_next[0])
  , .SRC_D (sync_i_o_clk_sync_src_data[0])
  , .DST_CLK (o_clk)
  , .DST_CLRN (o_rstn)
  , .DST_Q (sync_i_o_clk_sync_dst_data[0])
  , .ATPG_CTL (1'b0)
  , .TEST_MODE (1'b0)