// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2.v `timescale 10ps/1ps `celldefine module RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2 (CLK_R, CLK_W, RE, WE , RADR_7, RADR_6, RADR_5, RADR_4, RADR_3, RADR_2, RADR_1, RADR_0 , WADR_7, WADR_6, WADR_5, WADR_4, WADR_3, WADR_2, WADR_1, WADR_0 , WD_3, WD_2, WD_1, WD_0 , RD_3, RD_2, RD_1, RD_0 , IDDQ , SVOP_1, SVOP_0 , SLEEP_EN_7, SLEEP_EN_6, SLEEP_EN_5, SLEEP_EN_4, SLEEP_EN_3, SLEEP_EN_2, SLEEP_EN_1, SLEEP_EN_0, RET_EN ); // nvProps NoBus SLEEP_EN_ `ifndef RAM_INTERFACE `ifndef EMULATION `ifndef SYNTHESIS // Physical ram size defined as localparam localparam phy_rows = 128; localparam phy_cols = 8; localparam phy_rcols_pos = 8'b0; `endif //ndef SYNTHESIS `endif //EMULATION `endif //ndef RAM_INTERFACE input CLK_R, CLK_W, RE, WE , RADR_7, RADR_6, RADR_5, RADR_4, RADR_3, RADR_2, RADR_1, RADR_0 , WADR_7, WADR_6, WADR_5, WADR_4, WADR_3, WADR_2, WADR_1, WADR_0 , WD_3, WD_2, WD_1, WD_0 , SLEEP_EN_7, SLEEP_EN_6, SLEEP_EN_5, SLEEP_EN_4, SLEEP_EN_3, SLEEP_EN_2, SLEEP_EN_1, SLEEP_EN_0, RET_EN , IDDQ , SVOP_1, SVOP_0; output RD_3, RD_2, RD_1, RD_0; `ifndef RAM_INTERFACE //assemble & rename wires wire [7:0] RA = {RADR_7, RADR_6, RADR_5, RADR_4, RADR_3, RADR_2, RADR_1, RADR_0}; wire [7:0] WA = {WADR_7, WADR_6, WADR_5, WADR_4, WADR_3, WADR_2, WADR_1, WADR_0}; wire [3:0] WD = {WD_3, WD_2, WD_1, WD_0}; wire [3:0] RD; assign {RD_3, RD_2, RD_1, RD_0} = RD; wire [1:0] SVOP = {SVOP_1, SVOP_0}; wire [7:0] SLEEP_EN = {SLEEP_EN_7, SLEEP_EN_6, SLEEP_EN_5, SLEEP_EN_4, SLEEP_EN_3, SLEEP_EN_2, SLEEP_EN_1, SLEEP_EN_0}; `ifndef EMULATION `ifndef SYNTHESIS //State point clobering signals: wire check_x = (SVOP_0 ^ SVOP_1); wire clobber_x; assign clobber_x = ((check_x === 1'bx) || (check_x === 1'bz)) ? 1'b1 : 1'b0; wire clobber_array = ((|SLEEP_EN) & ~RET_EN) | clobber_x; wire clobber_flops = (|SLEEP_EN) | clobber_x; integer i; always @(clobber_array) begin if (clobber_array) begin for (i=0; i<256; i=i+1) begin ITOP.io.array[i] <= 4'bx; end end end //VCS coverage off always @(clobber_flops) begin if (clobber_flops) begin ITOP.we_lat <= 1'bx; ITOP.wa_lat <= 8'bx; ITOP.wd_lat <= 4'bx; ITOP.re_lat <= 1'bx; ITOP.ra_lat <= 8'bx; ITOP.io.r0_dout_tmp <= 4'b0; end end //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifdef NV_RAM_ASSERT //first reset signal for nv_assert_module: reg sim_reset; initial begin: init_sim_reset sim_reset = 0; #6 sim_reset = 1; end reg rst_clk; initial begin: init_rst_clk rst_clk = 0; #2 rst_clk = 1; #4 rst_clk = 0; end //internal weclk|reclk gating signal: wire weclk_gating = ITOP.we_lat & ~IDDQ; wire reclk_gating = ITOP.re_lat & ~IDDQ; //Assertion checks for power sequence of G-option RAMDP: //weclk_gating after 2 clk reg weclk_gating_1p, weclk_gating_2p; always @(posedge CLK_W) begin weclk_gating_1p <= weclk_gating; weclk_gating_2p <= weclk_gating_1p; end //reclk_gating after 2 clk reg reclk_gating_1p, reclk_gating_2p; always @(posedge CLK_R) begin reclk_gating_1p <= reclk_gating; reclk_gating_2p <= reclk_gating_1p; end //RET_EN off after 2 CLK_W reg ret_en_w_1p, ret_en_w_2p; always @(posedge CLK_W or posedge RET_EN) begin if(RET_EN) begin ret_en_w_1p <= 1'b1; ret_en_w_2p <= 1'b1; end else begin ret_en_w_1p <= RET_EN; ret_en_w_2p <= ret_en_w_1p; end end //RET_EN off after 2 CLK_R reg ret_en_r_1p, ret_en_r_2p; always @(posedge CLK_R or posedge RET_EN) begin if(RET_EN) begin ret_en_r_1p <= 1'b1; ret_en_r_2p <= 1'b1; end else begin ret_en_r_1p <= RET_EN; ret_en_r_2p <= ret_en_r_1p; end end wire sleep_en_or = (|SLEEP_EN) ; //SLEEP_EN off after 2 CLK_W reg sleep_en_off_w_1p, sleep_en_off_w_2p; always @(posedge CLK_W or posedge sleep_en_or) begin if(sleep_en_or) begin sleep_en_off_w_1p <= 1'b1; sleep_en_off_w_2p <= 1'b1; end else begin sleep_en_off_w_1p <= sleep_en_or; sleep_en_off_w_2p <= sleep_en_off_w_1p; end end //SLEEP_EN off after 2 CLK_R reg sleep_en_off_r_1p, sleep_en_off_r_2p; always @(posedge CLK_R or posedge sleep_en_or) begin if(sleep_en_or) begin sleep_en_off_r_1p <= 1'b1; sleep_en_off_r_2p <= 1'b1; end else begin sleep_en_off_r_1p <= |sleep_en_or; sleep_en_off_r_2p <= sleep_en_off_r_1p; end end //#1 From function mode to retention mode: //Power-S1.1:illegal assert RET_EN after asserting SLEEP_EN wire disable_power_assertion_S1P1 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_assert_RET_EN_after_SLEEP_EN_on_when_function2retention"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S1.1:illegal assert RET_EN after asserting SLEEP_EN") inst_S1P1 (RET_EN ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S1P1 & sim_reset, (|SLEEP_EN)); //Power-S1.2:illegal assert RET_EN without 2 nop-CLK wire disable_power_assertion_S1P2 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_assert_RET_EN_without_2_nop_CLK"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S1.2:illegal assert RET_EN without 2 nop-CLK") inst_S1P2 (RET_EN ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S1P2 & sim_reset, weclk_gating | weclk_gating_1p | weclk_gating_2p | reclk_gating | reclk_gating_1p | reclk_gating_2p); //#2 From retention mode to function mode: //Power-S2.1:illegal write without 2 nop-CLK after de-asserting RET_EN wire disable_power_assertion_S2P1 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_write_without_2_nop_CLK_after_retention2function"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S2.1:illegal write without 2 nop-CLK after de-asserting RET_EN") inst_S2P1 (CLK_W ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S2P1 & sim_reset, ~RET_EN & ret_en_w_2p & weclk_gating); //Power-S2.2:illegal read without 2 nop-CLK after de-asserting RET_EN wire disable_power_assertion_S2P2 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_read_without_2_nop_CLK_after_retention2function"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S2.2:illegal read without 2 nop-CLK after de-asserting RET_EN") inst_S2P2 (CLK_R ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S2P2 & sim_reset, ~RET_EN & ret_en_r_2p & reclk_gating); //#3 From function mode to sleep mode: //Power-S3.2:illegal assert SLEEP_EN without 2 nop-CLK wire disable_power_assertion_S3P2 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_assert_SLEEP_EN_without_2_nop_CLK"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S3.2:illegal assert SLEEP_EN without 2 nop-CLK") inst_S3P2 ((|SLEEP_EN) ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S3P2 & sim_reset, weclk_gating | weclk_gating_1p | weclk_gating_2p | reclk_gating | reclk_gating_1p | reclk_gating_2p); //#4 From sleep mode to function mode: //Power-S4.1:illegal write without 2 nop-CLK after switching from sleep mode to function mode wire disable_power_assertion_S4P1 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_write_without_2_nop_CLK_after_sleep2function"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S4.1:illegal write without 2 nop-CLK after switching from sleep mode to function mode") inst_S4P1 (CLK_W ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S4P1 & sim_reset, ~(|SLEEP_EN) & sleep_en_off_w_2p & weclk_gating); //Power-S4.2:illegal read without 2 nop-CLK after switching from sleep mode to function mode wire disable_power_assertion_S4P2 = $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertions_globally") | $test$plusargs("disable_power_assertion_read_without_2_nop_after_sleep2function"); nv_assert_never #(0,0, "Power-S4.2:illegal read without 2 nop-CLK after switching from sleep mode to function mode") inst_S4P2 (CLK_R ^ rst_clk, ~disable_power_assertion_S4P2 & sim_reset, ~(|SLEEP_EN) & sleep_en_off_r_2p & reclk_gating); `endif //NV_RAM_ASSERT //VCS coverage on `ifdef NV_RAM_EXPAND_ARRAY wire [4-1:0] Q_255 = ITOP.io.array[255]; wire [4-1:0] Q_254 = ITOP.io.array[254]; wire [4-1:0] Q_253 = ITOP.io.array[253]; wire [4-1:0] Q_252 = ITOP.io.array[252]; wire [4-1:0] Q_251 = ITOP.io.array[251]; wire [4-1:0] Q_250 = ITOP.io.array[250]; wire [4-1:0] Q_249 = ITOP.io.array[249]; wire [4-1:0] Q_248 = ITOP.io.array[248]; wire [4-1:0] Q_247 = ITOP.io.array[247]; wire [4-1:0] Q_246 = ITOP.io.array[246]; wire [4-1:0] Q_245 = ITOP.io.array[245]; wire [4-1:0] Q_244 = ITOP.io.array[244]; wire [4-1:0] Q_243 = ITOP.io.array[243]; wire [4-1:0] Q_242 = ITOP.io.array[242]; wire [4-1:0] Q_241 = ITOP.io.array[241]; wire [4-1:0] Q_240 = ITOP.io.array[240]; wire [4-1:0] Q_239 = ITOP.io.array[239]; wire [4-1:0] Q_238 = ITOP.io.array[238]; wire [4-1:0] Q_237 = ITOP.io.array[237]; wire [4-1:0] Q_236 = ITOP.io.array[236]; wire [4-1:0] Q_235 = ITOP.io.array[235]; wire [4-1:0] Q_234 = ITOP.io.array[234]; wire [4-1:0] Q_233 = ITOP.io.array[233]; wire [4-1:0] Q_232 = ITOP.io.array[232]; wire [4-1:0] Q_231 = ITOP.io.array[231]; wire [4-1:0] Q_230 = ITOP.io.array[230]; wire [4-1:0] Q_229 = ITOP.io.array[229]; wire [4-1:0] Q_228 = ITOP.io.array[228]; wire [4-1:0] Q_227 = ITOP.io.array[227]; wire [4-1:0] Q_226 = ITOP.io.array[226]; wire [4-1:0] Q_225 = ITOP.io.array[225]; wire [4-1:0] Q_224 = ITOP.io.array[224]; wire [4-1:0] Q_223 = ITOP.io.array[223]; wire [4-1:0] Q_222 = ITOP.io.array[222]; wire [4-1:0] Q_221 = ITOP.io.array[221]; wire [4-1:0] Q_220 = ITOP.io.array[220]; wire [4-1:0] Q_219 = ITOP.io.array[219]; wire [4-1:0] Q_218 = ITOP.io.array[218]; wire [4-1:0] Q_217 = ITOP.io.array[217]; wire [4-1:0] Q_216 = ITOP.io.array[216]; wire [4-1:0] Q_215 = ITOP.io.array[215]; wire [4-1:0] Q_214 = ITOP.io.array[214]; wire [4-1:0] Q_213 = ITOP.io.array[213]; wire [4-1:0] Q_212 = ITOP.io.array[212]; wire [4-1:0] Q_211 = ITOP.io.array[211]; wire [4-1:0] Q_210 = ITOP.io.array[210]; wire [4-1:0] Q_209 = ITOP.io.array[209]; wire [4-1:0] Q_208 = ITOP.io.array[208]; wire [4-1:0] Q_207 = ITOP.io.array[207]; wire [4-1:0] Q_206 = ITOP.io.array[206]; wire [4-1:0] Q_205 = ITOP.io.array[205]; wire [4-1:0] Q_204 = ITOP.io.array[204]; wire [4-1:0] Q_203 = ITOP.io.array[203]; wire [4-1:0] Q_202 = ITOP.io.array[202]; wire [4-1:0] Q_201 = ITOP.io.array[201]; wire [4-1:0] Q_200 = ITOP.io.array[200]; wire [4-1:0] Q_199 = ITOP.io.array[199]; wire [4-1:0] Q_198 = ITOP.io.array[198]; wire [4-1:0] Q_197 = ITOP.io.array[197]; wire [4-1:0] Q_196 = ITOP.io.array[196]; wire [4-1:0] Q_195 = ITOP.io.array[195]; wire [4-1:0] Q_194 = ITOP.io.array[194]; wire [4-1:0] Q_193 = ITOP.io.array[193]; wire [4-1:0] Q_192 = ITOP.io.array[192]; wire [4-1:0] Q_191 = ITOP.io.array[191]; wire [4-1:0] Q_190 = ITOP.io.array[190]; wire [4-1:0] Q_189 = ITOP.io.array[189]; wire [4-1:0] Q_188 = ITOP.io.array[188]; wire [4-1:0] Q_187 = ITOP.io.array[187]; wire [4-1:0] Q_186 = ITOP.io.array[186]; wire [4-1:0] Q_185 = ITOP.io.array[185]; wire [4-1:0] Q_184 = ITOP.io.array[184]; wire [4-1:0] Q_183 = ITOP.io.array[183]; wire [4-1:0] Q_182 = ITOP.io.array[182]; wire [4-1:0] Q_181 = ITOP.io.array[181]; wire [4-1:0] Q_180 = ITOP.io.array[180]; wire [4-1:0] Q_179 = ITOP.io.array[179]; wire [4-1:0] Q_178 = ITOP.io.array[178]; wire [4-1:0] Q_177 = ITOP.io.array[177]; wire [4-1:0] Q_176 = ITOP.io.array[176]; wire [4-1:0] Q_175 = ITOP.io.array[175]; wire [4-1:0] Q_174 = ITOP.io.array[174]; wire [4-1:0] Q_173 = ITOP.io.array[173]; wire [4-1:0] Q_172 = ITOP.io.array[172]; wire [4-1:0] Q_171 = ITOP.io.array[171]; wire [4-1:0] Q_170 = ITOP.io.array[170]; wire [4-1:0] Q_169 = ITOP.io.array[169]; wire [4-1:0] Q_168 = ITOP.io.array[168]; wire [4-1:0] Q_167 = ITOP.io.array[167]; wire [4-1:0] Q_166 = ITOP.io.array[166]; wire [4-1:0] Q_165 = ITOP.io.array[165]; wire [4-1:0] Q_164 = ITOP.io.array[164]; wire [4-1:0] Q_163 = ITOP.io.array[163]; wire [4-1:0] Q_162 = ITOP.io.array[162]; wire [4-1:0] Q_161 = ITOP.io.array[161]; wire [4-1:0] Q_160 = ITOP.io.array[160]; wire [4-1:0] Q_159 = ITOP.io.array[159]; wire [4-1:0] Q_158 = ITOP.io.array[158]; wire [4-1:0] Q_157 = ITOP.io.array[157]; wire [4-1:0] Q_156 = ITOP.io.array[156]; wire [4-1:0] Q_155 = ITOP.io.array[155]; wire [4-1:0] Q_154 = ITOP.io.array[154]; wire [4-1:0] Q_153 = ITOP.io.array[153]; wire [4-1:0] Q_152 = ITOP.io.array[152]; wire [4-1:0] Q_151 = ITOP.io.array[151]; wire [4-1:0] Q_150 = ITOP.io.array[150]; wire [4-1:0] Q_149 = ITOP.io.array[149]; wire [4-1:0] Q_148 = ITOP.io.array[148]; wire [4-1:0] Q_147 = ITOP.io.array[147]; wire [4-1:0] Q_146 = ITOP.io.array[146]; wire [4-1:0] Q_145 = ITOP.io.array[145]; wire [4-1:0] Q_144 = ITOP.io.array[144]; wire [4-1:0] Q_143 = ITOP.io.array[143]; wire [4-1:0] Q_142 = ITOP.io.array[142]; wire [4-1:0] Q_141 = ITOP.io.array[141]; wire [4-1:0] Q_140 = ITOP.io.array[140]; wire [4-1:0] Q_139 = ITOP.io.array[139]; wire [4-1:0] Q_138 = ITOP.io.array[138]; wire [4-1:0] Q_137 = ITOP.io.array[137]; wire [4-1:0] Q_136 = ITOP.io.array[136]; wire [4-1:0] Q_135 = ITOP.io.array[135]; wire [4-1:0] Q_134 = ITOP.io.array[134]; wire [4-1:0] Q_133 = ITOP.io.array[133]; wire [4-1:0] Q_132 = ITOP.io.array[132]; wire [4-1:0] Q_131 = ITOP.io.array[131]; wire [4-1:0] Q_130 = ITOP.io.array[130]; wire [4-1:0] Q_129 = ITOP.io.array[129]; wire [4-1:0] Q_128 = ITOP.io.array[128]; wire [4-1:0] Q_127 = ITOP.io.array[127]; wire [4-1:0] Q_126 = ITOP.io.array[126]; wire [4-1:0] Q_125 = ITOP.io.array[125]; wire [4-1:0] Q_124 = ITOP.io.array[124]; wire [4-1:0] Q_123 = ITOP.io.array[123]; wire [4-1:0] Q_122 = ITOP.io.array[122]; wire [4-1:0] Q_121 = ITOP.io.array[121]; wire [4-1:0] Q_120 = ITOP.io.array[120]; wire [4-1:0] Q_119 = ITOP.io.array[119]; wire [4-1:0] Q_118 = ITOP.io.array[118]; wire [4-1:0] Q_117 = ITOP.io.array[117]; wire [4-1:0] Q_116 = ITOP.io.array[116]; wire [4-1:0] Q_115 = ITOP.io.array[115]; wire [4-1:0] Q_114 = ITOP.io.array[114]; wire [4-1:0] Q_113 = ITOP.io.array[113]; wire [4-1:0] Q_112 = ITOP.io.array[112]; wire [4-1:0] Q_111 = ITOP.io.array[111]; wire [4-1:0] Q_110 = ITOP.io.array[110]; wire [4-1:0] Q_109 = ITOP.io.array[109]; wire [4-1:0] Q_108 = ITOP.io.array[108]; wire [4-1:0] Q_107 = ITOP.io.array[107]; wire [4-1:0] Q_106 = ITOP.io.array[106]; wire [4-1:0] Q_105 = ITOP.io.array[105]; wire [4-1:0] Q_104 = ITOP.io.array[104]; wire [4-1:0] Q_103 = ITOP.io.array[103]; wire [4-1:0] Q_102 = ITOP.io.array[102]; wire [4-1:0] Q_101 = ITOP.io.array[101]; wire [4-1:0] Q_100 = ITOP.io.array[100]; wire [4-1:0] Q_99 = ITOP.io.array[99]; wire [4-1:0] Q_98 = ITOP.io.array[98]; wire [4-1:0] Q_97 = ITOP.io.array[97]; wire [4-1:0] Q_96 = ITOP.io.array[96]; wire [4-1:0] Q_95 = ITOP.io.array[95]; wire [4-1:0] Q_94 = ITOP.io.array[94]; wire [4-1:0] Q_93 = ITOP.io.array[93]; wire [4-1:0] Q_92 = ITOP.io.array[92]; wire [4-1:0] Q_91 = ITOP.io.array[91]; wire [4-1:0] Q_90 = ITOP.io.array[90]; wire [4-1:0] Q_89 = ITOP.io.array[89]; wire [4-1:0] Q_88 = ITOP.io.array[88]; wire [4-1:0] Q_87 = ITOP.io.array[87]; wire [4-1:0] Q_86 = ITOP.io.array[86]; wire [4-1:0] Q_85 = ITOP.io.array[85]; wire [4-1:0] Q_84 = ITOP.io.array[84]; wire [4-1:0] Q_83 = ITOP.io.array[83]; wire [4-1:0] Q_82 = ITOP.io.array[82]; wire [4-1:0] Q_81 = ITOP.io.array[81]; wire [4-1:0] Q_80 = ITOP.io.array[80]; wire [4-1:0] Q_79 = ITOP.io.array[79]; wire [4-1:0] Q_78 = ITOP.io.array[78]; wire [4-1:0] Q_77 = ITOP.io.array[77]; wire [4-1:0] Q_76 = ITOP.io.array[76]; wire [4-1:0] Q_75 = ITOP.io.array[75]; wire [4-1:0] Q_74 = ITOP.io.array[74]; wire [4-1:0] Q_73 = ITOP.io.array[73]; wire [4-1:0] Q_72 = ITOP.io.array[72]; wire [4-1:0] Q_71 = ITOP.io.array[71]; wire [4-1:0] Q_70 = ITOP.io.array[70]; wire [4-1:0] Q_69 = ITOP.io.array[69]; wire [4-1:0] Q_68 = ITOP.io.array[68]; wire [4-1:0] Q_67 = ITOP.io.array[67]; wire [4-1:0] Q_66 = ITOP.io.array[66]; wire [4-1:0] Q_65 = ITOP.io.array[65]; wire [4-1:0] Q_64 = ITOP.io.array[64]; wire [4-1:0] Q_63 = ITOP.io.array[63]; wire [4-1:0] Q_62 = ITOP.io.array[62]; wire [4-1:0] Q_61 = ITOP.io.array[61]; wire [4-1:0] Q_60 = ITOP.io.array[60]; wire [4-1:0] Q_59 = ITOP.io.array[59]; wire [4-1:0] Q_58 = ITOP.io.array[58]; wire [4-1:0] Q_57 = ITOP.io.array[57]; wire [4-1:0] Q_56 = ITOP.io.array[56]; wire [4-1:0] Q_55 = ITOP.io.array[55]; wire [4-1:0] Q_54 = ITOP.io.array[54]; wire [4-1:0] Q_53 = ITOP.io.array[53]; wire [4-1:0] Q_52 = ITOP.io.array[52]; wire [4-1:0] Q_51 = ITOP.io.array[51]; wire [4-1:0] Q_50 = ITOP.io.array[50]; wire [4-1:0] Q_49 = ITOP.io.array[49]; wire [4-1:0] Q_48 = ITOP.io.array[48]; wire [4-1:0] Q_47 = ITOP.io.array[47]; wire [4-1:0] Q_46 = ITOP.io.array[46]; wire [4-1:0] Q_45 = ITOP.io.array[45]; wire [4-1:0] Q_44 = ITOP.io.array[44]; wire [4-1:0] Q_43 = ITOP.io.array[43]; wire [4-1:0] Q_42 = ITOP.io.array[42]; wire [4-1:0] Q_41 = ITOP.io.array[41]; wire [4-1:0] Q_40 = ITOP.io.array[40]; wire [4-1:0] Q_39 = ITOP.io.array[39]; wire [4-1:0] Q_38 = ITOP.io.array[38]; wire [4-1:0] Q_37 = ITOP.io.array[37]; wire [4-1:0] Q_36 = ITOP.io.array[36]; wire [4-1:0] Q_35 = ITOP.io.array[35]; wire [4-1:0] Q_34 = ITOP.io.array[34]; wire [4-1:0] Q_33 = ITOP.io.array[33]; wire [4-1:0] Q_32 = ITOP.io.array[32]; wire [4-1:0] Q_31 = ITOP.io.array[31]; wire [4-1:0] Q_30 = ITOP.io.array[30]; wire [4-1:0] Q_29 = ITOP.io.array[29]; wire [4-1:0] Q_28 = ITOP.io.array[28]; wire [4-1:0] Q_27 = ITOP.io.array[27]; wire [4-1:0] Q_26 = ITOP.io.array[26]; wire [4-1:0] Q_25 = ITOP.io.array[25]; wire [4-1:0] Q_24 = ITOP.io.array[24]; wire [4-1:0] Q_23 = ITOP.io.array[23]; wire [4-1:0] Q_22 = ITOP.io.array[22]; wire [4-1:0] Q_21 = ITOP.io.array[21]; wire [4-1:0] Q_20 = ITOP.io.array[20]; wire [4-1:0] Q_19 = ITOP.io.array[19]; wire [4-1:0] Q_18 = ITOP.io.array[18]; wire [4-1:0] Q_17 = ITOP.io.array[17]; wire [4-1:0] Q_16 = ITOP.io.array[16]; wire [4-1:0] Q_15 = ITOP.io.array[15]; wire [4-1:0] Q_14 = ITOP.io.array[14]; wire [4-1:0] Q_13 = ITOP.io.array[13]; wire [4-1:0] Q_12 = ITOP.io.array[12]; wire [4-1:0] Q_11 = ITOP.io.array[11]; wire [4-1:0] Q_10 = ITOP.io.array[10]; wire [4-1:0] Q_9 = ITOP.io.array[9]; wire [4-1:0] Q_8 = ITOP.io.array[8]; wire [4-1:0] Q_7 = ITOP.io.array[7]; wire [4-1:0] Q_6 = ITOP.io.array[6]; wire [4-1:0] Q_5 = ITOP.io.array[5]; wire [4-1:0] Q_4 = ITOP.io.array[4]; wire [4-1:0] Q_3 = ITOP.io.array[3]; wire [4-1:0] Q_2 = ITOP.io.array[2]; wire [4-1:0] Q_1 = ITOP.io.array[1]; wire [4-1:0] Q_0 = ITOP.io.array[0]; `endif //def NV_RAM_EXPAND_ARRAY //VCS coverage off `ifdef MONITOR task monitor_on; begin ITOP.io.monitor_on = 1'b1; end endtask task monitor_off; begin ITOP.io.monitor_on = 1'b0; ITOP.io.dump_monitor_result = 1'b1; end endtask `endif//def MONITOR //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off task mem_fill_value; input fill_bit; integer i; begin for (i=0; i<256; i=i+1) begin ITOP.io.array[i] = {4{fill_bit}}; end end endtask task mem_fill_random; integer i; integer j; reg [3:0] val; begin for (j=0; j<256; j=j+1) begin for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin val[i] = {$random}; end ITOP.io.array[j] = val; end end endtask task mem_write; input [7:0] addr; input [3:0] data; begin ITOP.io.mem_wr_raw(addr,data); end endtask function [3:0] mem_read; input [7:0] addr; begin mem_read = ITOP.io.mem_read_raw(addr); end endfunction task force_rd; input [7:0] addr; begin ITOP.io.r0_dout_tmp = ITOP.io.array[addr]; end endtask `ifdef MEM_PHYS_INFO task mem_phys_write; input [7-1:0] addr; input [7:0] data; reg [3:0] wd0, wd1; integer i; begin for (i=0; i<4; i=i+1) begin wd0[i] = data[i*2]; wd1[i] = data[i*2+1]; end ITOP.io.mem_wr_raw({addr[7-1:0], 1'b0}, wd0); ITOP.io.mem_wr_raw({addr[7-1:0], 1'b1}, wd1); end endtask function [7:0] mem_phys_read_padr; input [7-1:0] addr; reg [7:0] data; reg [3:0] rd0, rd1; integer i; begin rd0 = ITOP.io.mem_read_raw({addr[7-1:0], 1'b0}); rd1 = ITOP.io.mem_read_raw({addr[7-1:0], 1'b1}); for (i=0; i<=3; i=i+1) begin data[i*2] = rd0[i]; data[i*2+1] = rd1[i]; end mem_phys_read_padr = data; end endfunction function [7-1:0] mem_log_to_phys_adr; input [7:0] addr; begin mem_log_to_phys_adr = addr[7:1]; end endfunction function [7:0] mem_phys_read_pmasked; input [7:0] addr; reg [7:0] data; reg [3:0] rd0, rd1; integer i; begin case (addr[0]) 1'b0: begin rd0 = ITOP.io.mem_read_raw(addr); rd1 = 4'bx; end 1'b1: begin rd0 = 4'bx; rd1 = ITOP.io.mem_read_raw(addr); end endcase for (i=0; i<=3; i=i+1) begin data[i*2] = rd0[i]; data[i*2+1] = rd1[i]; end mem_phys_read_pmasked = data; end endfunction function [7:0] mem_phys_read_ladr; input [7:0] addr; begin mem_phys_read_ladr = mem_phys_read_padr(mem_log_to_phys_adr(addr)); end endfunction `endif //def MEM_PHYS_INFO `ifdef FAULT_INJECTION task mem_fault_no_write; input [3:0] fault_mask; begin ITOP.io.mem_fault_no_write(fault_mask); end endtask task mem_fault_stuck_0; input [3:0] fault_mask; integer i; begin ITOP.io.mem_fault_stuck_0(fault_mask); end endtask task mem_fault_stuck_1; input [3:0] fault_mask; integer i; begin ITOP.io.mem_fault_stuck_1(fault_mask); end endtask task set_bit_fault_stuck_0; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; ITOP.io.set_bit_fault_stuck_0(r,c); endtask task set_bit_fault_stuck_1; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; ITOP.io.set_bit_fault_stuck_1(r,c); endtask task clear_bit_fault_stuck_0; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; ITOP.io.clear_bit_fault_stuck_0(r,c); endtask task clear_bit_fault_stuck_1; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; ITOP.io.clear_bit_fault_stuck_1(r,c); endtask //VCS coverage on `endif //def FAULT_INJECTION `else //def SYNTHESIS wire clobber_x; assign clobber_x = 1'b0; wire clobber_array = 1'b0; wire clobber_flops = 1'b0; `endif //ndef SYNTHESIS //instantiate memory bank RAM_BANK_RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2 ITOP ( .RE(RE), .WE(WE), .RA(RA), .WA(WA), .CLK_R(CLK_R), .CLK_W(CLK_W), .IDDQ(IDDQ), .SVOP(SVOP), .WD(WD), .RD(RD), .SLEEP_EN(SLEEP_EN), .RET_EN(RET_EN), .clobber_flops(clobber_flops), .clobber_array(clobber_array), .clobber_x(clobber_x) ); //VCS coverage off `else //def EMULATION // Simple emulation model without MBIST, SCAN or REDUNDANCY //common part for write reg we_ff; reg [7:0] wa_ff; reg [3:0] wd_ff; always @(posedge CLK_W) begin // spyglass disable W391 we_ff <= WE; wa_ff <= WA; wd_ff <= WD; end //common part for read reg re_lat; always @(*) begin if (!CLK_R) begin re_lat <= RE; // spyglass disable W18 end end wire reclk = CLK_R & re_lat; reg [7:0] ra_ff; always @(posedge CLK_R) begin // spyglass disable W391 ra_ff <= RA; end reg [3:0] dout; assign RD = dout; //memory array reg [3:0] array[0:255]; always @(negedge CLK_W ) begin if (we_ff) begin array[wa_ff] <= wd_ff; // spyglass disable SYNTH_5130 end end always @(*) begin if (reclk) begin dout <= array[ra_ff]; // spyglass disable SYNTH_5130, W18 end end // End of the simple emulation model `endif //def EMULATION //VCS coverage on `endif //ndef RAM_INTERFACE endmodule `endcelldefine ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// memory bank block : defines internal logic of the RAMDP ///////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifndef RAM_INTERFACE `ifndef EMULATION module RAM_BANK_RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2 (RE, WE, RA, WA, CLK_R, CLK_W, IDDQ, SVOP, WD, RD, SLEEP_EN, RET_EN, clobber_flops, clobber_array, clobber_x ); input RET_EN; input RE, WE, CLK_R, CLK_W, IDDQ; input [7:0] RA, WA; input [3:0] WD; input [1:0] SVOP; input [7:0] SLEEP_EN; input clobber_flops, clobber_array, clobber_x; output [3:0] RD; //State point clobering signals: wire output_valid = ~(clobber_x | (|SLEEP_EN)); wire clamp_o = SLEEP_EN[7] | RET_EN; //common part for write wire clk_w_iddq = CLK_W & ~IDDQ & ~clamp_o; reg we_lat; always @(*) begin if (!clk_w_iddq & !clobber_flops) begin we_lat <= WE; // spyglass disable W18, IntClock end end // weclk with posedge 1 dly | negedge 2 dly wire weclk, weclk_d0, weclk_d1, weclk_d2; assign weclk_d0 = clk_w_iddq & we_lat & ~clobber_flops & ~clobber_array; assign #1 weclk_d1 = weclk_d0; assign #1 weclk_d2 = weclk_d1; assign weclk = weclk_d1 | weclk_d2; // spyglass disable GatedClock // wadclk with posedge 0 dly | negedge 3 dly wire wadclk, wadclk_d0, wadclk_d1, wadclk_d2, wadclk_d3; assign wadclk_d0 = clk_w_iddq & we_lat; assign #1 wadclk_d1 = wadclk_d0; assign #1 wadclk_d2 = wadclk_d1; assign #1 wadclk_d3 = wadclk_d2; assign wadclk = wadclk_d0 | wadclk_d1 | wadclk_d2 | wadclk_d3; // wdclk with posedge 0 dly | negedge 3 dly wire wdclk, wdclk_d0, wdclk_d1, wdclk_d2, wdclk_d3; assign wdclk_d0 = clk_w_iddq & we_lat; assign #1 wdclk_d1 = wdclk_d0; assign #1 wdclk_d2 = wdclk_d1; assign #1 wdclk_d3 = wdclk_d2; assign wdclk = wdclk_d0 | wdclk_d1 | wdclk_d2 | wdclk_d3; reg [7:0] wa_lat; always @(*) begin if (!wadclk & !clobber_flops) begin wa_lat <= WA; // spyglass disable W18, IntClock end end reg [3:0] wd_lat; always @(*) begin if (!wdclk & !clobber_flops) begin wd_lat <= WD; // spyglass disable W18, IntClock end end //common part for read reg re_lat; always @(*) begin if (!CLK_R & !clobber_flops) begin re_lat <= RE; // spyglass disable W18, IntClock end end // reclk with posedge 1 dly | negedge 0 dly wire reclk, reclk_d0, reclk_d1; assign reclk_d0 = CLK_R & ~IDDQ & re_lat & ~clamp_o; assign #1 reclk_d1 = reclk_d0; assign reclk = reclk_d0 & reclk_d1; // spyglass disable GatedClock // radclk with posedge 0 dly | negedge 1 dly wire radclk, radclk_d0, radclk_d1; assign radclk_d0 = CLK_R & ~IDDQ & re_lat & ~clamp_o; assign #1 radclk_d1 = radclk_d0; assign radclk = radclk_d0 | radclk_d1; reg [7:0] ra_lat; always @(*) begin if (!radclk & !clobber_flops) begin ra_lat <= RA; // spyglass disable W18, IntClock end end wire [3:0] dout; assign RD = clamp_o ? 4'b0 : (output_valid ? dout : 4'bx); //spyglass disable STARC- //for E-option RAM vram_RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2 # (256, 4, 8) io ( .w0_addr(wa_lat), .w0_clk(weclk), .w0_bwe({4{1'b1}}), .w0_din(wd_lat), .r0_addr(ra_lat), .r0_clk(reclk), .r0_dout(dout), .clamp_o(clamp_o) ); endmodule `endif //ndef EMULATION `endif //ndef RAM_INTERFACE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////// ram primitive : defines 2D behavioral memory array of the RAMDP //////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// `ifndef RAM_INTERFACE `ifndef EMULATION module vram_RAMDP_256X4_GL_M2_E2 ( w0_addr, w0_clk, w0_bwe, w0_din, r0_addr, r0_clk, r0_dout, clamp_o ); parameter words = 256; parameter bits = 4; parameter addrs = 8; input [addrs-1:0] w0_addr; input w0_clk; input [bits-1:0] w0_din; input [bits-1:0] w0_bwe; input [addrs-1:0] r0_addr; input r0_clk; input clamp_o; output [bits-1:0] r0_dout; integer a; `ifndef SYNTHESIS `ifdef FAULT_INJECTION // regs for inducing faults reg [bits-1:0] fault_no_write; // block writes to this column reg [bits-1:0] fault_stuck_0; // column always reads as 0 reg [bits-1:0] fault_stuck_1; // column always reads as 1 reg [bits-1:0] bit_fault_stuck_0[0:words-1]; // column always reads as 0 reg [bits-1:0] bit_fault_stuck_1[0:words-1]; // column always reads as 1 initial begin : init_bit_fault_stuck integer i; integer j; fault_no_write = {bits{1'b0}}; fault_stuck_0 = {bits{1'b0}}; fault_stuck_1 = {bits{1'b0}}; for (i=0; i<=words; i=i+1) begin bit_fault_stuck_0[i] = {bits{1'b0}}; bit_fault_stuck_1[i] = {bits{1'b0}}; end end `endif //def FAULT_INJECTION `ifdef MONITOR //VCS coverage off // monitor variables reg monitor_on; reg dump_monitor_result; // this monitors coverage including redundancy cols // 1'bx = not accessed // 1'b0 = accessed as a 0 // 1'b1 = accessed as a 1 // 1'bz = accessed as both 0 and 1 reg [bits-1:0] bit_written[0:words-1]; reg [bits-1:0] bit_read[0:words-1]; initial begin : init_monitor monitor_on = 1'b0; dump_monitor_result = 1'b0; for(a=0;a<words;a=a+1) begin bit_written[a] = {bits{1'bx}}; bit_read[a] = {bits{1'bx}}; end end always @(dump_monitor_result) begin : dump_monitor integer r; integer c; integer b; reg [8-1:0] tmp_row; if (dump_monitor_result == 1'b1) begin $display("Exercised coverage summary:"); $display("\t%m bits not written as 0:"); for (r=0; r<128; r=r+1) begin for (b=0; b<bits; b=b+1) begin tmp_row[b*2+0] = bit_written[r*2+0][b]; tmp_row[b*2+1] = bit_written[r*2+1][b]; end for (c=0; c<8; c=c+1) begin if (tmp_row[c] !== 1'b0 && tmp_row[c] !== 1'bz) $display("\t\t[row,col] [%d,%d]", r, c); end end $display("\t%m bits not written as 1:"); for (r=0; r<128; r=r+1) begin for (b=0; b<bits; b=b+1) begin tmp_row[b*2+0] = bit_written[r*2+0][b]; tmp_row[b*2+1] = bit_written[r*2+1][b]; end for (c=0; c<8; c=c+1) begin if (tmp_row[c] !== 1'b1 && tmp_row[c] !== 1'bz) $display("\t\t[row,col] [%d,%d]", r, c); end end $display("\t%m bits not read as 0:"); for (r=0; r<128; r=r+1) begin for (b=0; b<bits; b=b+1) begin tmp_row[b*2+0] = bit_read[r*2+0][b]; tmp_row[b*2+1] = bit_read[r*2+1][b]; end for (c=0; c<8; c=c+1) begin if (tmp_row[c] !== 1'b0 && tmp_row[c] !== 1'bz) $display("\t\t[row,col] [%d,%d]", r, c); end end $display("\t%m bits not read as 1:"); for (r=0; r<128; r=r+1) begin for (b=0; b<bits; b=b+1) begin tmp_row[b*2+0] = bit_read[r*2+0][b]; tmp_row[b*2+1] = bit_read[r*2+1][b]; end for (c=0; c<8; c=c+1) begin if (tmp_row[c] !== 1'b1 && tmp_row[c] !== 1'bz) $display("\t\t[row,col] [%d,%d]", r, c); end end end dump_monitor_result = 1'b0; end //VCS coverage on `endif //MONITOR `endif //ndef SYNTHESIS //memory array reg [bits-1:0] array[0:words-1]; // Bit write enable `ifndef SYNTHESIS `ifdef FAULT_INJECTION wire [bits-1:0] bwe_with_fault = w0_bwe & ~fault_no_write; wire [bits-1:0] re_with_fault = ~(bit_fault_stuck_1[r0_addr] | bit_fault_stuck_0[r0_addr]); `else wire [bits-1:0] bwe_with_fault = w0_bwe; wire [bits-1:0] re_with_fault = {bits{1'b1}}; `endif //def FAULT_INJECTION `else wire [bits-1:0] bwe_with_fault = w0_bwe; `endif //SYNTHESIS //write function wire [bits-1:0] bitclk = {bits{w0_clk}} & bwe_with_fault; genvar idx; generate for (idx=0; idx<bits; idx=idx+1) begin : write always @(bitclk[idx] or w0_clk or w0_addr or w0_din[idx]) begin if (bitclk[idx] && w0_clk) begin array[w0_addr][idx] <= w0_din[idx]; // spyglass disable SYNTH_5130, W18 `ifndef SYNTHESIS `ifdef MONITOR //VCS coverage off if (monitor_on) begin case (bit_written[w0_addr][idx]) 1'bx: bit_written[w0_addr][idx] = w0_din[idx]; 1'b0: bit_written[w0_addr][idx] = w0_din[idx] == 1 ? 1'bz : 1'b0; 1'b1: bit_written[w0_addr][idx] = w0_din[idx] == 0 ? 1'bz : 1'b1; 1'bz: bit_written[w0_addr][idx] = 1'bz; endcase end //VCS coverage on `endif //MONITOR `endif //SYNTHESIS end end end endgenerate //read function wire [bits-1:0] r0_arr; `ifndef SYNTHESIS `ifdef FAULT_INJECTION assign r0_arr = (array[r0_addr] | bit_fault_stuck_1[r0_addr]) & ~bit_fault_stuck_0[r0_addr]; //read fault injection `else assign r0_arr = array[r0_addr]; `endif //def FAULT_INJECTION `else assign r0_arr = array[r0_addr]; // spyglass disable SYNTH_5130 `endif //def SYNTHESIS wire r0_clk_d0p1, r0_clk_read, r0_clk_reset_collision; assign #0.1 r0_clk_d0p1 = r0_clk; assign r0_clk_read = r0_clk_d0p1 & r0_clk; // spyglass disable GatedClock assign r0_clk_reset_collision = r0_clk | r0_clk_d0p1; // spyglass disable W402b `ifndef SYNTHESIS `ifdef MONITOR //VCS coverage off always @(r0_clk_read) begin if (monitor_on) begin for (a=0; a<bits; a=a+1) begin if (re_with_fault[a] && r0_clk_read) begin case (bit_read[r0_addr][a]) 1'bx: bit_read[r0_addr][a] = array[r0_addr][a]; 1'b0: bit_read[r0_addr][a] = array[r0_addr][a] == 1 ? 1'bz : 1'b0; 1'b1: bit_read[r0_addr][a] = array[r0_addr][a] == 0 ? 1'bz : 1'b1; 1'bz: bit_read[r0_addr][a] = 1'bz; endcase end end end end //VCS coverage on `endif //MONITOR `endif //SYNTHESIS reg [bits-1:0] collision_ff; wire [bits-1:0] collision_ff_clk = {bits{w0_clk}} & {bits{r0_clk_read}} & {bits{r0_addr==w0_addr}} & bwe_with_fault; //spyglass disable GatedClock genvar bw; generate for (bw=0; bw<bits; bw=bw+1) begin : collision always @(posedge collision_ff_clk[bw] or negedge r0_clk_reset_collision) begin if (!r0_clk_reset_collision) begin collision_ff[bw] <= 1'b0; end else begin collision_ff[bw] <= 1'b1; end end end endgenerate reg [bits-1:0] r0_dout_tmp; always @(*) begin if (r0_clk_read) begin for (a=0; a<bits; a=a+1) begin r0_dout_tmp[a] <= ( collision_ff[a] | (r0_addr==w0_addr & w0_clk & bwe_with_fault[a]) ) ? 1'bx : r0_arr[a] & ~clamp_o; //spyglass disable STARC-, W18 end end end wire [bits-1:0] r0_dout = r0_dout_tmp & {bits{~clamp_o}}; `ifndef SYNTHESIS //VCS coverage off task mem_wr_raw; input [addrs-1:0] addr; input [bits-1:0] data; begin array[addr] = data; end endtask function [bits-1:0] mem_read_raw; input [addrs-1:0] addr; mem_read_raw = array[addr]; endfunction `ifdef FAULT_INJECTION // induce faults on columns task mem_fault_no_write; input [bits-1:0] fault_mask; begin fault_no_write = fault_mask; end endtask task mem_fault_stuck_0; input [bits-1:0] fault_mask; integer i; begin for ( i=0; i<words; i=i+1 ) begin bit_fault_stuck_0[i] = fault_mask; end end endtask task mem_fault_stuck_1; input [bits-1:0] fault_mask; integer i; begin for ( i=0; i<words; i=i+1 ) begin bit_fault_stuck_1[i] = fault_mask; end end endtask task set_bit_fault_stuck_0; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; bit_fault_stuck_0[r][c] = 1; endtask task set_bit_fault_stuck_1; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; bit_fault_stuck_1[r][c] = 1; endtask task clear_bit_fault_stuck_0; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; bit_fault_stuck_0[r][c] = 0; endtask task clear_bit_fault_stuck_1; input r; input c; integer r; integer c; bit_fault_stuck_1[r][c] = 0; endtask //VCS coverage on `endif //def FAULT_INJECTION `endif //ndef SYNTHESIS endmodule `endif //ndef EMULATION `endif //ndef RAM_INTERFACE