// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_PDP_CORE_unit1d.v
// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation.  Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with 
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_PDP_define.h
//#if ( NVDLA_PDP_THROUGHPUT  ==  8 )
//    #define LARGE_FIFO_RAM
//    #define SMALL_FIFO_RAM
module NV_NVDLA_PDP_CORE_unit1d (
   nvdla_core_clk //|< i
  ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i
  ,average_pooling_en //|< i
  ,cur_datin_disable //|< i
  ,last_out_en //|< i
  ,pdma2pdp_pd //|< i
  ,pdma2pdp_pvld //|< i
  ,pdp_din_lc_f //|< i
  ,pooling_din_1st //|< i
  ,pooling_din_last //|< i
  ,pooling_out_prdy //|< i
  ,pooling_type_cfg //|< i
  ,pooling_unit_en //|< i
// ,reg2dp_int16_en //|< i
// ,reg2dp_int8_en //|< i
  ,pdma2pdp_prdy //|> o
  ,pooling_out //|> o
  ,pooling_out_pvld //|> o
input nvdla_core_clk;
input nvdla_core_rstn;
input average_pooling_en;
input cur_datin_disable;
input last_out_en;
input [1*(8 +3)+8:0] pdma2pdp_pd;
input pdma2pdp_pvld;
input pdp_din_lc_f;
input pooling_din_1st;
input pooling_din_last;
input pooling_out_prdy;
input [1:0] pooling_type_cfg;
input pooling_unit_en;
//input reg2dp_int16_en;
//input reg2dp_int8_en;
output pdma2pdp_prdy;
output [1*(8 +3)+3:0] pooling_out;
output pooling_out_pvld;
wire add_out_rdy;
wire add_out_vld;
wire [4:0] buf_sel;
wire [4:0] buf_sel_sync;
wire [4:0] buf_sel_sync_use;
wire [4:0] buf_sel_sync_use_d4;
wire cur_datin_disable_sync;
wire cur_datin_disable_sync_use;
wire cur_datin_disable_sync_use_d4;
wire data_buf_lc;
wire data_buf_lc_d4;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] datain_ext;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] datain_ext_sync;
//wire [16:0] fp16_pool_sum_0;
//wire [16:0] fp16_pool_sum_1;
//wire [16:0] fp16_pool_sum_2;
//wire [16:0] fp16_pool_sum_3;
//wire fp16_pool_sum_prdy;
//wire fp16_pool_sum_pvld;
//wire fp_addin_rdy;
//wire fp_addin_vld;
//wire [87:0] fp_cur_pooling_dat;
//wire [87:0] fp_datain_ext;
//wire fp_mean_pool_cfg;
//wire [67:0] fp_pool_sum;
//wire [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result0;
//wire [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result1;
//wire [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result2;
//wire [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result3;
//wire [87:0] fp_pool_sum_use0;
//wire [87:0] fp_pool_sum_use1;
//wire [87:0] fp_pool_sum_use2;
//wire [87:0] fp_pool_sum_use3;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] int_pool_cur_dat;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] int_pool_datin_ext;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] int_pooling;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] int_pooling_sync;
wire load_din;
wire pdma2pdp_prdy_f;
wire [4:0] pdp_din_cpos;
wire pdp_din_lc_f_sync;
wire [3:0] pdp_din_wpos;
wire pipe_in_rdy;
wire pipe_out_rdy;
wire pipe_out_vld;
wire pool_fun_vld;
wire pooling_din_1st_sync;
wire pooling_din_last_sync;
wire pooling_din_last_sync_use;
wire pooling_din_last_sync_use_d4;
wire [2:0] pooling_out_size;
wire [2:0] pooling_out_size_sync;
wire [2:0] pooling_out_size_sync_use;
wire [2:0] pooling_out_size_sync_use_d4;
wire pooling_out_vld;
wire [1*(8 +3)-1:0] pooling_result;
reg [1*(8 +3)-1:0] cur_pooling_dat;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result0_d3;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result0_d4;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result1_d3;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result1_d4;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result2_d3;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result2_d4;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result3_d3;
//reg [67:0] fp_pool_sum_result3_d4;
//: my $bw = 1*(8 +3);
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "reg     [${bw}-1:0] latch_result${m}_d3; \n";
//: print "reg     [${bw}+3:0] flush_out${m}; \n";
//: print "wire    [${bw}-1:0] data_buf${m}; \n";
//: print "wire    [${bw}-1:0] latch_result${m}; \n";
//: print "wire    [${bw}-1:0] latch_result${m}_d4; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result0_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out0; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf0; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result0; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result0_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result1_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out1; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf1; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result1; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result1_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result2_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out2; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf2; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result2; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result2_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result3_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out3; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf3; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result3; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result3_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result4_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out4; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf4; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result4; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result4_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result5_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out5; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf5; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result5; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result5_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result6_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out6; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf6; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result6; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result6_d4; 
reg     [11-1:0] latch_result7_d3; 
reg     [11+3:0] flush_out7; 
wire    [11-1:0] data_buf7; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result7; 
wire    [11-1:0] latch_result7_d4; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
reg [4:0] pooling_cnt;
reg [1*(8 +3)+3:0] pooling_out;
reg [2:0] pooling_size;
//1D pooling unit
//assign fp_mean_pool_cfg = (reg2dp_fp16_en & average_pooling_en);
// interface
assign pdp_din_wpos = pdma2pdp_pd[1*(8 +3)+3:1*(8 +3)];
assign pdp_din_cpos = pdma2pdp_pd[1*(8 +3)+8:1*(8 +3)+4];
assign buf_sel = pdp_din_cpos;
assign load_din = pdma2pdp_pvld & pdma2pdp_prdy_f & (~cur_datin_disable) & pooling_unit_en;
assign pdma2pdp_prdy_f = pipe_in_rdy;
assign pdma2pdp_prdy = pdma2pdp_prdy_f;
//---- -----------------------------------------------------
//: my $k = 8 +3;
//: print qq(
//: function [${k}-1:0] pooling_MIN;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data0;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data1;
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

function [11-1:0] pooling_MIN;
input[11-1:0] data0;
input[11-1:0] data1;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
   reg min_int_ff;
      min_int_ff = ($signed(data1)> $signed(data0)) ;
      pooling_MIN = (min_int_ff ) ? data0 : data1;
//: my $k = 8 +3;
//: print qq(
//: function [${k}-1:0] pooling_MAX;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data0;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data1;
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

function [11-1:0] pooling_MAX;
input[11-1:0] data0;
input[11-1:0] data1;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
      reg max_int_ff;
      max_int_ff = ($signed(data0)> $signed(data1)) ;
      pooling_MAX = (max_int_ff ) ? data0 : data1;
//: my $k = 8 +3;
//: print qq(
//: function [${k}-1:0] pooling_SUM;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data0;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data1;
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

function [11-1:0] pooling_SUM;
input[11-1:0] data0;
input[11-1:0] data1;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//spyglass disable_block W484
      pooling_SUM = $signed(data1) + $signed(data0);
//spyglass enable_block W484
//pooling result
//: my $k = 1*(8 +3);
//: print qq(
//: function [${k}-1:0] pooling_fun;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data0;
//: input[${k}-1:0] data1;
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

function [11-1:0] pooling_fun;
input[11-1:0] data0;
input[11-1:0] data1;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  input[1:0] pooling_type;
  reg min_pooling;
  reg max_pooling;
  reg mean_pooling;
     min_pooling = (pooling_type== 2'h2 );
     max_pooling = (pooling_type== 2'h1 );
     mean_pooling = (pooling_type== 2'h0 );
//: my $K = 1;
//: my $P = (8 +3);
//: foreach my $m (0..$K-1) {
//: print qq(
//: pooling_fun[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}] = mean_pooling? pooling_SUM(data0[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}],data1[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}]) :
//: min_pooling ? (pooling_MIN(data0[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}],data1[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}])) :
//: max_pooling ? (pooling_MAX(data0[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}],data1[${P}*${m}+${P}-1:${P}*${m}])) : 0;
//: );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

pooling_fun[11*0+11-1:11*0] = mean_pooling? pooling_SUM(data0[11*0+11-1:11*0],data1[11*0+11-1:11*0]) :
min_pooling ? (pooling_MIN(data0[11*0+11-1:11*0],data1[11*0+11-1:11*0])) :
max_pooling ? (pooling_MAX(data0[11*0+11-1:11*0],data1[11*0+11-1:11*0])) : 0;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
// pooling real size
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin
  if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin
    pooling_size[2:0] <= {3{1'b0}};
  end else begin
    if(load_din & pdp_din_lc_f) begin
            pooling_size[2:0] <= 3'd0;
            pooling_size[2:0] <= pooling_size + 1;
assign pooling_out_size = pooling_size;
//// pooling data 
assign datain_ext = pdma2pdp_pd[1*(8 +3)-1:0];
always @(*) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "5'd${m}:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf${m}; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
5'd0:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf0; 
5'd1:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf1; 
5'd2:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf2; 
5'd3:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf3; 
5'd4:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf4; 
5'd5:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf5; 
5'd6:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf6; 
5'd7:   cur_pooling_dat = data_buf7; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//VCS coverage off
       default: cur_pooling_dat = 0;
//VCS coverage on
//pooling function for fp16 average mode
//assign fp_datain_ext = datain_ext[87:0] ;
//assign fp_cur_pooling_dat = cur_pooling_dat[87:0];
//assign fp_addin_vld = pdma2pdp_pvld & pipe_in_rdy & fp_mean_pool_cfg;
//cal1d_fp16_pool_sum u_cal1d_fp16_pool_sum (
// .inp_a_0 (fp_cur_pooling_dat[16:0]) //|< w
// ,.inp_a_1 (fp_cur_pooling_dat[38:22]) //|< w
// ,.inp_a_2 (fp_cur_pooling_dat[60:44]) //|< w
// ,.inp_a_3 (fp_cur_pooling_dat[82:66]) //|< w
// ,.inp_b_0 (fp_datain_ext[16:0]) //|< w
// ,.inp_b_1 (fp_datain_ext[38:22]) //|< w
// ,.inp_b_2 (fp_datain_ext[60:44]) //|< w
// ,.inp_b_3 (fp_datain_ext[82:66]) //|< w
// ,.inp_in_pvld (fp_addin_vld) //|< w
// ,.inp_out_prdy (fp16_pool_sum_prdy) //|< w
// ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i
// ,.nvdla_op_gated_clk_fp16 (nvdla_op_gated_clk_fp16) //|< i
// ,.inp_in_prdy (fp_addin_rdy) //|> w
// ,.inp_out_pvld (fp16_pool_sum_pvld) //|> w
// ,.out_z_0 (fp16_pool_sum_0[16:0]) //|> w
// ,.out_z_1 (fp16_pool_sum_1[16:0]) //|> w
// ,.out_z_2 (fp16_pool_sum_2[16:0]) //|> w
// ,.out_z_3 (fp16_pool_sum_3[16:0]) //|> w
// );
//assign fp_pool_sum = {fp16_pool_sum_3,fp16_pool_sum_2,fp16_pool_sum_1,fp16_pool_sum_0};
//below value 4 means NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY
//: my $STAGE = 4;
//: my $WID = 1*(8 +3)*2 + 12;
//: print qq(
//: wire [${WID}-1:0] pipe_out_pd;
//: wire [${WID}-1:0] pipe_dp_0;
//: wire pipe_vld_0;
//: wire pipe_rdy_$STAGE;
//: assign pipe_vld_0 = pdma2pdp_pvld;
//: assign pipe_dp_0 = {pooling_din_last,pooling_out_size[2:0],cur_datin_disable,buf_sel[4:0],pdp_din_lc_f,pooling_din_1st,datain_ext,int_pooling};
//: );
//: foreach my $m (0..$STAGE-1) {
//: my $n = $m+1;
//: print qq(
//: wire pipe_rdy_$m;
//: reg pipe_vld_$n;
//: reg [$WID-1:0] pipe_dp_$n;
//: );
//: }
//: foreach my $m (0..$STAGE-1) {
//: my $n = $m+1;
//: print qq(
//: assign pipe_rdy_$m = ~pipe_vld_$n || pipe_rdy_$n;
//: always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
//: begin
//: if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
//: pipe_vld_$n <= 1'b0;
//: else if(pipe_vld_$m)
//: pipe_vld_$n <= 1'b1;
//: else if(pipe_rdy_$n)
//: pipe_vld_$n <= 1'b0;
//: end
//: always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
//: begin
//: if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
//: pipe_dp_$n <= ${WID}'d0;
//: else if(pipe_vld_${m} & pipe_rdy_${m})
//: pipe_dp_$n <= pipe_dp_$m;
//: end
//: );
//: }
//: print qq(
//: assign pipe_rdy_$STAGE = pipe_out_rdy;
//: assign pipe_out_vld = pipe_vld_$STAGE;
//: assign pipe_out_pd = pipe_dp_$STAGE;
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

wire [34-1:0] pipe_out_pd;
wire [34-1:0] pipe_dp_0;
wire pipe_vld_0;
wire pipe_rdy_4;
assign pipe_vld_0 = pdma2pdp_pvld;
assign pipe_dp_0 = {pooling_din_last,pooling_out_size[2:0],cur_datin_disable,buf_sel[4:0],pdp_din_lc_f,pooling_din_1st,datain_ext,int_pooling};

wire pipe_rdy_0;
reg pipe_vld_1;
reg [34-1:0] pipe_dp_1;

wire pipe_rdy_1;
reg pipe_vld_2;
reg [34-1:0] pipe_dp_2;

wire pipe_rdy_2;
reg pipe_vld_3;
reg [34-1:0] pipe_dp_3;

wire pipe_rdy_3;
reg pipe_vld_4;
reg [34-1:0] pipe_dp_4;

assign pipe_rdy_0 = ~pipe_vld_1 || pipe_rdy_1;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_vld_1 <= 1'b0;
else if(pipe_vld_0)
pipe_vld_1 <= 1'b1;
else if(pipe_rdy_1)
pipe_vld_1 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_dp_1 <= 34'd0;
else if(pipe_vld_0 & pipe_rdy_0)
pipe_dp_1 <= pipe_dp_0;

assign pipe_rdy_1 = ~pipe_vld_2 || pipe_rdy_2;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_vld_2 <= 1'b0;
else if(pipe_vld_1)
pipe_vld_2 <= 1'b1;
else if(pipe_rdy_2)
pipe_vld_2 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_dp_2 <= 34'd0;
else if(pipe_vld_1 & pipe_rdy_1)
pipe_dp_2 <= pipe_dp_1;

assign pipe_rdy_2 = ~pipe_vld_3 || pipe_rdy_3;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_vld_3 <= 1'b0;
else if(pipe_vld_2)
pipe_vld_3 <= 1'b1;
else if(pipe_rdy_3)
pipe_vld_3 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_dp_3 <= 34'd0;
else if(pipe_vld_2 & pipe_rdy_2)
pipe_dp_3 <= pipe_dp_2;

assign pipe_rdy_3 = ~pipe_vld_4 || pipe_rdy_4;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_vld_4 <= 1'b0;
else if(pipe_vld_3)
pipe_vld_4 <= 1'b1;
else if(pipe_rdy_4)
pipe_vld_4 <= 1'b0;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn)
if (!nvdla_core_rstn)
pipe_dp_4 <= 34'd0;
else if(pipe_vld_3 & pipe_rdy_3)
pipe_dp_4 <= pipe_dp_3;

assign pipe_rdy_4 = pipe_out_rdy;
assign pipe_out_vld = pipe_vld_4;
assign pipe_out_pd = pipe_dp_4;

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
assign pipe_in_rdy = pipe_rdy_0;
//////::dla_pipe -stages NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY -i pipe_in -o pipe_out -width 185;
assign pipe_out_rdy = add_out_rdy;
//assign fp16_pool_sum_prdy = fp_mean_pool_cfg & add_out_rdy & pipe_out_vld;
assign add_out_vld = pipe_out_vld;
assign add_out_rdy = ~pooling_out_vld | pooling_out_prdy;
assign int_pooling_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)-1:0];
assign datain_ext_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2-1:1*(8 +3)];
assign pooling_din_1st_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2];
assign pdp_din_lc_f_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2+1];
assign buf_sel_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2+6:1*(8 +3)*2+2];
assign cur_datin_disable_sync= pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2+7];
assign pooling_out_size_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2+10:1*(8 +3)*2+8];
assign pooling_din_last_sync = pipe_out_pd[1*(8 +3)*2+11];
//always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin
// if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin
// fp_pool_sum_result0_d3 <= {68{1'b0}};
// fp_pool_sum_result1_d3 <= {68{1'b0}};
// fp_pool_sum_result2_d3 <= {68{1'b0}};
// fp_pool_sum_result3_d3 <= {68{1'b0}};
// end else begin
// if(add_out_vld & add_out_rdy) begin
// if(pooling_din_1st_sync) begin
// case(buf_sel_sync)
// 2'd0: fp_pool_sum_result0_d3 <= {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]};
// 2'd1: fp_pool_sum_result1_d3 <= {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]};
// 2'd2: fp_pool_sum_result2_d3 <= {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]};
// 2'd3: fp_pool_sum_result3_d3 <= {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]};
// //VCS coverage off
// default: begin
// fp_pool_sum_result0_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result0_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result1_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result1_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result2_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result2_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result3_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result3_d3;
// end
// //VCS coverage on
// endcase
// end else begin
// case(buf_sel_sync)
// 2'd0: fp_pool_sum_result0_d3 <= fp_pool_sum;
// 2'd1: fp_pool_sum_result1_d3 <= fp_pool_sum;
// 2'd2: fp_pool_sum_result2_d3 <= fp_pool_sum;
// 2'd3: fp_pool_sum_result3_d3 <= fp_pool_sum;
// //VCS coverage off
// default: begin
// fp_pool_sum_result0_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result0_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result1_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result1_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result2_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result2_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result3_d3 <= fp_pool_sum_result3_d3;
// end
// //VCS coverage on
// endcase
// end
// end
// end
//always @(
// pooling_din_1st_sync
// or buf_sel_sync
// or datain_ext_sync
// or fp_pool_sum_result0_d3
// or fp_pool_sum_result1_d3
// or fp_pool_sum_result2_d3
// or fp_pool_sum_result3_d3
// or fp_pool_sum
// ) begin
// if(pooling_din_1st_sync) begin
// fp_pool_sum_result0_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd0)? {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]} : fp_pool_sum_result0_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result1_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd1)? {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]} : fp_pool_sum_result1_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result2_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd2)? {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]} : fp_pool_sum_result2_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result3_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd3)? {datain_ext_sync[82:66],datain_ext_sync[60:44],datain_ext_sync[38:22],datain_ext_sync[16:0]} : fp_pool_sum_result3_d3;
// end else begin
// fp_pool_sum_result0_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd0)? fp_pool_sum : fp_pool_sum_result0_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result1_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd1)? fp_pool_sum : fp_pool_sum_result1_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result2_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd2)? fp_pool_sum : fp_pool_sum_result2_d3;
// fp_pool_sum_result3_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==2'd3)? fp_pool_sum : fp_pool_sum_result3_d3;
// end
//assign fp_pool_sum_result0 = fp_pool_sum_result0_d4;
//assign fp_pool_sum_result1 = fp_pool_sum_result1_d4;
//assign fp_pool_sum_result2 = fp_pool_sum_result2_d4;
//assign fp_pool_sum_result3 = fp_pool_sum_result3_d4;
//assign fp_pool_sum_use0 = {5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result0[67:51],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result0[50:34],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result0[33:17],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result0[16:0]};
//assign fp_pool_sum_use1 = {5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result1[67:51],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result1[50:34],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result1[33:17],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result1[16:0]};
//assign fp_pool_sum_use2 = {5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result2[67:51],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result2[50:34],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result2[33:17],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result2[16:0]};
//assign fp_pool_sum_use3 = {5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result3[67:51],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result3[50:34],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result3[33:17],5'd0,fp_pool_sum_result3[16:0]};
assign pool_fun_vld = load_din;
assign int_pool_datin_ext = pool_fun_vld ? datain_ext : 0;
assign int_pool_cur_dat = pool_fun_vld ? cur_pooling_dat : 0;
assign int_pooling = pooling_fun(int_pool_cur_dat, int_pool_datin_ext,pooling_type_cfg[1:0]);
assign pooling_result = (pooling_din_1st_sync ? datain_ext_sync : int_pooling_sync);
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin
  if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "latch_result${m}_d3 <= 0; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
latch_result0_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result1_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result2_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result3_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result4_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result5_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result6_d3 <= 0; 
latch_result7_d3 <= 0; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  end else begin
    if(add_out_vld & add_out_rdy) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "5'd${m}: latch_result${m}_d3 <= pooling_result; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
5'd0: latch_result0_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd1: latch_result1_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd2: latch_result2_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd3: latch_result3_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd4: latch_result4_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd5: latch_result5_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd6: latch_result6_d3 <= pooling_result; 
5'd7: latch_result7_d3 <= pooling_result; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//VCS coverage off
            default: begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "latch_result${m}_d3 <= latch_result${m}_d3; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
latch_result0_d3 <= latch_result0_d3; 
latch_result1_d3 <= latch_result1_d3; 
latch_result2_d3 <= latch_result2_d3; 
latch_result3_d3 <= latch_result3_d3; 
latch_result4_d3 <= latch_result4_d3; 
latch_result5_d3 <= latch_result5_d3; 
latch_result6_d3 <= latch_result6_d3; 
latch_result7_d3 <= latch_result7_d3; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//VCS coverage on
assign pooling_out_size_sync_use_d4 = pooling_out_size_sync;
assign pooling_din_last_sync_use_d4 = pooling_din_last_sync;
assign buf_sel_sync_use_d4 = buf_sel_sync;
assign cur_datin_disable_sync_use_d4 = cur_datin_disable_sync;
assign data_buf_lc_d4 = pdp_din_lc_f_sync;
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "assign latch_result${m}_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd$m)? pooling_result : latch_result${m}_d3; \n";
//: print "assign latch_result$m = latch_result${m}_d4; \n";
//: print "assign data_buf$m = latch_result$m ; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
assign latch_result0_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd0)? pooling_result : latch_result0_d3; 
assign latch_result0 = latch_result0_d4; 
assign data_buf0 = latch_result0 ; 
assign latch_result1_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd1)? pooling_result : latch_result1_d3; 
assign latch_result1 = latch_result1_d4; 
assign data_buf1 = latch_result1 ; 
assign latch_result2_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd2)? pooling_result : latch_result2_d3; 
assign latch_result2 = latch_result2_d4; 
assign data_buf2 = latch_result2 ; 
assign latch_result3_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd3)? pooling_result : latch_result3_d3; 
assign latch_result3 = latch_result3_d4; 
assign data_buf3 = latch_result3 ; 
assign latch_result4_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd4)? pooling_result : latch_result4_d3; 
assign latch_result4 = latch_result4_d4; 
assign data_buf4 = latch_result4 ; 
assign latch_result5_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd5)? pooling_result : latch_result5_d3; 
assign latch_result5 = latch_result5_d4; 
assign data_buf5 = latch_result5 ; 
assign latch_result6_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd6)? pooling_result : latch_result6_d3; 
assign latch_result6 = latch_result6_d4; 
assign data_buf6 = latch_result6 ; 
assign latch_result7_d4 = (buf_sel_sync==5'd7)? pooling_result : latch_result7_d3; 
assign latch_result7 = latch_result7_d4; 
assign data_buf7 = latch_result7 ; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//info select
assign pooling_out_size_sync_use = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ?*/ pooling_out_size_sync_use_d4 /* : pooling_out_size_sync_use_d3 */;
assign pooling_din_last_sync_use = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ?*/ pooling_din_last_sync_use_d4 /* : pooling_din_last_sync_use_d3 */;
assign buf_sel_sync_use = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ?*/ buf_sel_sync_use_d4 /* : buf_sel_sync_use_d3          */;
assign cur_datin_disable_sync_use = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ?*/ cur_datin_disable_sync_use_d4/* : cur_datin_disable_sync_use_d3*/;
assign data_buf_lc = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ?*/ data_buf_lc_d4 /* : data_buf_lc_d3               */;
//pooling send out
//&Always posedge;
// if(add_out_vld)
// pooling_out_vld_d3 <0=1'b1;
// else if(pooling_out_prdy)
// pooling_out_vld_d3 <0= 1'b0;
assign pooling_out_vld = /*(NVDLA_HLS_ADD17_LATENCY == 4) ? */add_out_vld/* : pooling_out_vld_d3*/;
assign pooling_out_pvld = pooling_out_vld;
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin
  if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin
    pooling_cnt <= 0;
  end else begin
    if(pooling_out_vld & pooling_out_prdy & ((pooling_din_last_sync_use & (~cur_datin_disable_sync_use)) | last_out_en))begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: print qq(
//: if(pooling_cnt==(5'd${k} -1))
//: );
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

if(pooling_cnt==(5'd8 -1))

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
             pooling_cnt <= 0;
             pooling_cnt <= pooling_cnt +1'd1;
always @(*) begin
    if(last_out_en) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "5'd${m}:    pooling_out = flush_out$m; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
5'd0:    pooling_out = flush_out0; 
5'd1:    pooling_out = flush_out1; 
5'd2:    pooling_out = flush_out2; 
5'd3:    pooling_out = flush_out3; 
5'd4:    pooling_out = flush_out4; 
5'd5:    pooling_out = flush_out5; 
5'd6:    pooling_out = flush_out6; 
5'd7:    pooling_out = flush_out7; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
         default: pooling_out = 0;
    end else begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "5'd${m}:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf${m}}; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
5'd0:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf0}; 
5'd1:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf1}; 
5'd2:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf2}; 
5'd3:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf3}; 
5'd4:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf4}; 
5'd5:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf5}; 
5'd6:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf6}; 
5'd7:    pooling_out = {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf7}; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
         default: pooling_out = 0;
//output latch in line end for flush
always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin
  if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "flush_out$m <= 0; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
flush_out0 <= 0; 
flush_out1 <= 0; 
flush_out2 <= 0; 
flush_out3 <= 0; 
flush_out4 <= 0; 
flush_out5 <= 0; 
flush_out6 <= 0; 
flush_out7 <= 0; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
  end else begin
    if(pooling_din_last_sync_use & (~cur_datin_disable_sync_use)) begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "5'd${m}: flush_out$m <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf${m}}; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
5'd0: flush_out0 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf0}; 
5'd1: flush_out1 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf1}; 
5'd2: flush_out2 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf2}; 
5'd3: flush_out3 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf3}; 
5'd4: flush_out4 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf4}; 
5'd5: flush_out5 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf5}; 
5'd6: flush_out6 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf6}; 
5'd7: flush_out7 <= {data_buf_lc,pooling_out_size_sync_use,data_buf7}; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//VCS coverage off
        default: begin
//: my $k = int(8 / 1);
//: foreach my $m (0..$k-1) {
//: print "flush_out$m <= flush_out${m}; \n";
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)
flush_out0 <= flush_out0; 
flush_out1 <= flush_out1; 
flush_out2 <= flush_out2; 
flush_out3 <= flush_out3; 
flush_out4 <= flush_out4; 
flush_out5 <= flush_out5; 
flush_out6 <= flush_out6; 
flush_out7 <= flush_out7; 

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
//VCS coverage on
endmodule // NV_NVDLA_PDP_CORE_unit1d