// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_CDP_RDMA_ig.v // ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_CDP_define.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#ifdef NVDLA_FEATURE_DATA_TYPE_INT8 //#if ( NVDLA_CDP_THROUGHPUT == 8 ) // #define LARGE_FIFO_RAM //#endif //#if ( NVDLA_CDP_THROUGHPUT == 1 ) // #define SMALL_FIFO_RAM //#endif //#endif `include "simulate_x_tick.vh" module NV_NVDLA_CDP_RDMA_ig ( nvdla_core_clk //|< i ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i ,cdp2mcif_rd_req_ready //|< i ,cq_wr_prdy //|< i ,eg2ig_done //|< i ,reg2dp_channel //|< i ,reg2dp_dma_en //|< i ,reg2dp_height //|< i ,reg2dp_input_data //|< i ,reg2dp_op_en //|< i ,reg2dp_src_base_addr_high //|< i ,reg2dp_src_base_addr_low //|< i ,reg2dp_src_line_stride //|< i ,reg2dp_src_ram_type //|< i ,reg2dp_src_surface_stride //|< i ,reg2dp_width //|< i ,cdp2mcif_rd_req_pd //|> o ,cdp2mcif_rd_req_valid //|> o ,cq_wr_pd //|> o ,cq_wr_pvld //|> o ,dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall //|> o ,dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall //|> o ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// input [12:0] reg2dp_channel; input reg2dp_dma_en; input [12:0] reg2dp_height; input [1:0] reg2dp_input_data; input reg2dp_op_en; input [31:0] reg2dp_src_base_addr_high; input [31:0] reg2dp_src_base_addr_low; input [31:0] reg2dp_src_line_stride; input reg2dp_src_ram_type; input [31:0] reg2dp_src_surface_stride; input [12:0] reg2dp_width; output [31:0] dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall; output [31:0] dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall; input eg2ig_done; // input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; output cdp2mcif_rd_req_valid; /* data valid */ input cdp2mcif_rd_req_ready; /* data return handshake */ output [47 -1:0] cdp2mcif_rd_req_pd; output cq_wr_pvld; /* data valid */ input cq_wr_prdy; /* data return handshake */ output [6:0] cq_wr_pd; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// reg after_op_done; reg [63:0] base_addr_c; reg [63:0] base_addr_w; reg [31:0] cdp_rd_stall_count; //: my $atomicm = 8; //: my $k = int( log($atomicm)/log(2) ); //: print qq( //: reg [12-${k}:0] channel_count; //: ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) reg [12-3:0] channel_count; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) reg [63:0] dma_req_addr; reg [31:0] dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall; reg [31:0] dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall; reg [12:0] height_count; reg layer_flag; reg mon_base_addr_c_c; reg mon_base_addr_w_c; reg mon_dma_req_addr_c; reg [31:0] mon_gap_between_layers; reg mon_layer_end_flg; reg mon_op_en_dly; reg mon_size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width_c; wire [10:0] number_of_total_trans_in_width; reg [2:0] req_size; reg [2:0] size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width; reg stl_adv; reg [31:0] stl_cnt_cur; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_dec; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_ext; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_inc; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_mod; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_new; reg [33:0] stl_cnt_nxt; reg tran_vld; reg [10:0] width_count; wire cdp_rd_stall_count_dec; wire cmd_accept; wire cnt_cen; wire cnt_clr; wire cnt_inc; wire [32 +14:0] dma_rd_req_pd; wire dma_rd_req_ram_type; wire dma_rd_req_rdy; wire dma_rd_req_vld; wire [14:0] dma_req_size; wire ig2eg_align; wire ig2eg_last_c; wire ig2eg_last_h; wire ig2eg_last_w; wire [14:0] ig2eg_width; wire is_chn_end; wire is_cube_end; wire is_first_w; wire is_last_c; wire is_last_h; wire is_last_w; wire is_slice_end; wire mon_number_of_32x1_block_in_channel_c; wire mon_op_en_neg; wire mon_op_en_pos; wire op_done; wire op_load; wire rd_req_rdyi; wire [63:0] reg2dp_base_addr; wire [31:0] reg2dp_line_stride; wire [63:0] reg2dp_src_base_addr; wire [31:0] reg2dp_surf_stride; wire [13:0] reg2dp_width_use; wire [2:0] size_of_32x1_in_last_block_in_width; wire [2:0] width_size; wire [3:0] width_size_use; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //============== // Work Processing //============== // one bubble between operation on two layers to let ARREG to switch to the next configration group assign op_load = reg2dp_op_en & !tran_vld; assign op_done = cmd_accept & is_cube_end; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin tran_vld <= 1'b0; end else begin if (op_done) begin tran_vld <= 1'b0; end else if (after_op_done) begin tran_vld <= 1'b0; end else if (op_load) begin tran_vld <= 1'b1; end end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin after_op_done <= 1'b0; end else begin if (op_done) begin after_op_done <= 1'b1; end else if (eg2ig_done) begin after_op_done <= 1'b0; end end end //NOTE!!! assert begin `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP-RDMA: get an op-done without starting the op") zzz_assert_never_1x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, !tran_vld && op_done); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //NOTE!!! assert end //============== // Address catenate and offset calc //============== assign reg2dp_src_base_addr = {reg2dp_src_base_addr_high,reg2dp_src_base_addr_low}; assign reg2dp_width_use[13:0] = reg2dp_width + 1'b1; //============== //============== // WIDTH Direction // calculate how many atomic_m x8 blocks in width direction, also get the first and last block, which may be less than 8 //============== wire mon_number_of_total_trans_in_width; assign {mon_number_of_total_trans_in_width,number_of_total_trans_in_width[10:0]} = reg2dp_width_use[13:3] + {10'd0,(|reg2dp_width_use[2:0])}; //============== // Positioning //============== assign is_first_w = (width_count==0); assign is_chn_end = is_last_c; assign is_slice_end = is_last_w & is_last_c; assign is_cube_end = is_last_w & is_last_h & is_last_c; //============== // CHANNEL Count: with inital value of total number in C direction, and will count-- when moving in chn direction //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin channel_count <= 0; end else begin if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_last_c) begin channel_count <= 0; end else begin channel_count <= channel_count + 1'b1; end end end end //: my $atomicm = 8; //: my $k = int( log($atomicm)/log(2) ); //: print qq( //: assign is_last_c = (channel_count==reg2dp_channel[12:${k}]); //: ); //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign is_last_c = (channel_count==reg2dp_channel[12:3]); //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) // assign is_last_c = (channel_count==number_of_block_in_channel-1); //============== // WID Count: with inital value of total number in W direction, and will count-- when moving in wid direction //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin width_count <= {11{1'b0}}; end else begin if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_slice_end) begin width_count <= 0; end else if (is_chn_end) begin width_count <= width_count + 1'b1; end end end end assign is_last_w = (width_count==number_of_total_trans_in_width-1); //============== // HEIGHT Count: move to next line after one wx1xc plane done //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin height_count <= {13{1'b0}}; end else begin if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_cube_end) begin height_count <= 0; end else if (is_slice_end) begin height_count <= height_count + 1'b1; end end end end assign is_last_h = (height_count==reg2dp_height); //========================================== // DMA: addr | size //========================================== assign reg2dp_base_addr = reg2dp_src_base_addr; assign reg2dp_line_stride = reg2dp_src_line_stride; assign reg2dp_surf_stride = reg2dp_src_surface_stride; //============== // DMA Req : ADDR : Prepration // DMA Req: go through the CUBE: W8->C->H //============== // Width: need be updated when move to next line // Trigger Condition: (is_last_c & is_last_w) always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin base_addr_w <= {64{1'b0}}; {mon_base_addr_w_c,base_addr_w} <= {65{1'b0}}; end else begin if (op_load) begin base_addr_w <= reg2dp_base_addr; end else if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_last_c && is_last_w) begin {mon_base_addr_w_c,base_addr_w} <= base_addr_w + reg2dp_line_stride; end end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP_RDMA: no overflow is allowed") zzz_assert_never_3x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_base_addr_w_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // base_Chn: need be updated when move to next w.group // Trigger Condition: (is_last_c) // 1, jump to next line when is_last_w // 2, jump to next w.group when !is_last_w assign width_size_use[3:0] = width_size + 1; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin base_addr_c <= {64{1'b0}}; {mon_base_addr_c_c,base_addr_c} <= {65{1'b0}}; end else begin if (op_load) begin base_addr_c <= reg2dp_base_addr; end else if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_last_c) begin if (is_last_w) begin {mon_base_addr_c_c,base_addr_c} <= base_addr_w + reg2dp_line_stride; end else begin //: my $atm = 8; //: my $atmbw = int(log($atm)/log(2)); //: print " {mon_base_addr_c_c,base_addr_c} <= base_addr_c + {width_size_use,${atmbw}'d0}; \n"; //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) {mon_base_addr_c_c,base_addr_c} <= base_addr_c + {width_size_use,3'd0}; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) end end end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP_RDMA: no overflow is allowed") zzz_assert_never_4x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_base_addr_c_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //============== // DMA Req : ADDR : Generation //============== always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin dma_req_addr <= {64{1'b0}}; {mon_dma_req_addr_c,dma_req_addr} <= {65{1'b0}}; end else begin if (op_load) begin dma_req_addr <= reg2dp_base_addr; end else if (cmd_accept) begin if (is_last_c) begin if (is_last_w) begin {mon_dma_req_addr_c,dma_req_addr} <= base_addr_w + reg2dp_line_stride; end else begin //: my $atm = 8; //: my $atmbw = int(log($atm)/log(2)); //: print " {mon_dma_req_addr_c,dma_req_addr} <= base_addr_c + {width_size_use,${atmbw}'d0}; \n"; //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) {mon_dma_req_addr_c,dma_req_addr} <= base_addr_c + {width_size_use,3'd0}; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) end end else begin {mon_dma_req_addr_c,dma_req_addr} <= dma_req_addr + reg2dp_surf_stride; end end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP_RDMA: no overflow is allowed") zzz_assert_never_5x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_dma_req_addr_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON ////============== // DMA Req : SIZE : Prepration //============== // if there is only trans in total width, this one will be counted into the first trans, so is_first_w should take prior to is_last_w always @(*) begin mon_size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width_c = 1'b0; if (number_of_total_trans_in_width==1) begin size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width[2:0] = reg2dp_width[2:0]; end else begin {mon_size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width_c,size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width[2:0]} = 3'd7; end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP_RDMA: no overflow is allowed") zzz_assert_never_6x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, reg2dp_op_en & mon_size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON // when there is no L trans, still need calc the size for last trans which belongs to middle trans // end_addr: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 // size : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 assign size_of_32x1_in_last_block_in_width[2:0] = reg2dp_width[2:0]; //============== // DMA Req : SIZE : Generation //============== always @(*) begin if (is_first_w) begin req_size = size_of_32x1_in_first_block_in_width; end else if (is_last_w) begin req_size = size_of_32x1_in_last_block_in_width; end else begin req_size = 3'd7; end end assign width_size = req_size; // 1~8 assign dma_req_size = {{12{1'b0}}, req_size}; //============== // Context Qeueu : Beats //============== //assign dma_req_align = (dma_req_addr[5]==0); assign ig2eg_width = dma_req_size; assign ig2eg_align = 1'b0;//dma_req_align; assign ig2eg_last_w = is_last_w; assign ig2eg_last_h = is_last_h; assign ig2eg_last_c = is_last_c; assign cq_wr_pd[2:0] = ig2eg_width[2:0]; assign cq_wr_pd[3] = ig2eg_align ; assign cq_wr_pd[4] = ig2eg_last_w ; assign cq_wr_pd[5] = ig2eg_last_h ; assign cq_wr_pd[6] = ig2eg_last_c ; assign cq_wr_pvld = tran_vld & dma_rd_req_rdy; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"CDP-RDMA: CQ and DMA should accept or reject together") zzz_assert_never_7x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (cq_wr_pvld & cq_wr_prdy) ^ (dma_rd_req_vld & dma_rd_req_rdy)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //============== // DMA Req : PIPE //============== // VALID: clamp when when cq is not ready assign dma_rd_req_vld = tran_vld & cq_wr_prdy; // PayLoad assign dma_rd_req_pd[32 -1:0] = dma_req_addr[32 -1:0]; assign dma_rd_req_pd[32 +14:32] = dma_req_size[14:0]; assign dma_rd_req_ram_type = reg2dp_src_ram_type; // Accept assign cmd_accept = dma_rd_req_vld & dma_rd_req_rdy; //============== // reading stall counter before DMA_if //============== assign cnt_inc = 1'b1; assign cnt_clr = is_cube_end & cmd_accept; assign cnt_cen = (reg2dp_dma_en == 1'h1 ) & (dma_rd_req_vld & (~dma_rd_req_rdy)); assign cdp_rd_stall_count_dec = 1'b0; // stl adv logic always @( cnt_inc or cdp_rd_stall_count_dec ) begin stl_adv = cnt_inc ^ cdp_rd_stall_count_dec; end // stl cnt logic always @( stl_cnt_cur or cnt_inc or cdp_rd_stall_count_dec or stl_adv or cnt_clr ) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start stl_cnt_ext[33:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, stl_cnt_cur}; stl_cnt_inc[33:0] = stl_cnt_cur + 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b stl_cnt_dec[33:0] = stl_cnt_cur - 1'b1; // spyglass disable W164b stl_cnt_mod[33:0] = (cnt_inc && !cdp_rd_stall_count_dec)? stl_cnt_inc : (!cnt_inc && cdp_rd_stall_count_dec)? stl_cnt_dec : stl_cnt_ext; stl_cnt_new[33:0] = (stl_adv)? stl_cnt_mod[33:0] : stl_cnt_ext[33:0]; stl_cnt_nxt[33:0] = (cnt_clr)? 34'd0 : stl_cnt_new[33:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // stl flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin stl_cnt_cur[31:0] <= 0; end else begin if (cnt_cen) begin stl_cnt_cur[31:0] <= stl_cnt_nxt[31:0]; end end end // stl output logic always @( stl_cnt_cur ) begin cdp_rd_stall_count[31:0] = stl_cnt_cur[31:0]; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin layer_flag <= 1'b0; end else begin if ((cnt_clr) == 1'b1) begin layer_flag <= ~layer_flag; // VCS coverage off end else if ((cnt_clr) == 1'b0) begin end else begin layer_flag <= 'bx; // spyglass disable STARC- W443 NoWidthInBasedNum-ML -- (Constant containing x or z used, Based number `bx contains an X, Width specification missing for based number) // VCS coverage on end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_8x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(cnt_clr))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((cnt_clr & (~layer_flag)) == 1'b1) begin dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall <= cdp_rd_stall_count[31:0]; // VCS coverage off end else if ((cnt_clr & (~layer_flag)) == 1'b0) begin end else begin dp2reg_d0_perf_read_stall <= 'bx; // spyglass disable STARC- W443 NoWidthInBasedNum-ML -- (Constant containing x or z used, Based number `bx contains an X, Width specification missing for based number) // VCS coverage on end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_9x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(cnt_clr & (~layer_flag)))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall <= {32{1'b0}}; end else begin if ((cnt_clr & layer_flag ) == 1'b1) begin dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall <= cdp_rd_stall_count[31:0]; // VCS coverage off end else if ((cnt_clr & layer_flag ) == 1'b0) begin end else begin dp2reg_d1_perf_read_stall <= 'bx; // spyglass disable STARC- W443 NoWidthInBasedNum-ML -- (Constant containing x or z used, Based number `bx contains an X, Width specification missing for based number) // VCS coverage on end end end `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_10x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, 1'd1, (^(cnt_clr & layer_flag ))); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //============== // DMA Interface //============== NV_NVDLA_DMAIF_rdreq NV_NVDLA_CDP_RDMA_rdreq( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk ) ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn ) ,.reg2dp_src_ram_type (reg2dp_src_ram_type) ,.mcif_rd_req_pd (cdp2mcif_rd_req_pd ) ,.mcif_rd_req_valid (cdp2mcif_rd_req_valid) ,.mcif_rd_req_ready (cdp2mcif_rd_req_ready) ,.dmaif_rd_req_pd (dma_rd_req_pd ) ,.dmaif_rd_req_vld (dma_rd_req_vld ) ,.dmaif_rd_req_rdy (dma_rd_req_rdy ) ); ////============== ////OBS signals ////============== //assign obs_bus_cdp_rdma_proc_en = tran_vld; //============== //function point //============== //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT reg funcpoint_cover_off; initial begin if ( $test$plusargs( "cover_off" ) ) begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b1; end else begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b0; end end property CDP_RDMA_ig__dma_IF_reading_stall__0_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) (((dma_rd_req_vld)) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> ((~dma_rd_req_rdy & reg2dp_op_en)); endproperty // Cover 0 : "(~dma_rd_req_rdy & reg2dp_op_en)" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_ig__dma_IF_reading_stall__0_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_ig__dma_IF_reading_stall__0_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property CDP_RDMA_ig__width_end_stall__1_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) is_last_w & (~dma_rd_req_rdy); endproperty // Cover 1 : "is_last_w & (~dma_rd_req_rdy)" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_ig__width_end_stall__1_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_ig__width_end_stall__1_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property CDP_RDMA_ig__last_slice_stall__2_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) is_last_h & (~dma_rd_req_rdy); endproperty // Cover 2 : "is_last_h & (~dma_rd_req_rdy)" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_ig__last_slice_stall__2_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_ig__last_slice_stall__2_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property CDP_RDMA_ig__channnel_end_stall__3_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) is_last_c & (~dma_rd_req_rdy); endproperty // Cover 3 : "is_last_c & (~dma_rd_req_rdy)" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_ig__channnel_end_stall__3_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_ig__channnel_end_stall__3_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property CDP_RDMA_ig__ig2eg_stall__4_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((cq_wr_pvld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> ((~cq_wr_prdy & reg2dp_op_en)); endproperty // Cover 4 : "(~cq_wr_prdy & reg2dp_op_en)" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_ig__ig2eg_stall__4_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_ig__ig2eg_stall__4_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //two continuous layers always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // spyglass disable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a mon_op_en_dly <= 1'b0; // spyglass enable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a end else begin mon_op_en_dly <= reg2dp_op_en; end end assign mon_op_en_pos = reg2dp_op_en & (~mon_op_en_dly); assign mon_op_en_neg = (~reg2dp_op_en) & mon_op_en_dly; always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // spyglass disable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a mon_layer_end_flg <= 1'b0; // spyglass enable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a end else begin if(mon_op_en_neg) mon_layer_end_flg <= 1'b1; else if(mon_op_en_pos) mon_layer_end_flg <= 1'b0; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin // spyglass disable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a mon_gap_between_layers[31:0] <= {32{1'b0}}; // spyglass enable_block UnloadedNet-ML UnloadedOutTerm-ML W528 W123 W287a end else begin if(mon_layer_end_flg) mon_gap_between_layers[31:0] <= mon_gap_between_layers + 1'b1; else mon_gap_between_layers[31:0] <= 32'd0; end end //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property CDP_RDMA_two_continuous_layer__5_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) (mon_gap_between_layers==32'd2) & mon_op_en_pos; endproperty // Cover 5 : "(mon_gap_between_layers==32'd2) & mon_op_en_pos" FUNCPOINT_CDP_RDMA_two_continuous_layer__5_COV : cover property (CDP_RDMA_two_continuous_layer__5_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //3 cycles means continuous layer //============== // Context Queue Interface //============== endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CDP_RDMA_ig