// ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_bpt.v `include "simulate_x_tick.vh" // ================================================================ // NVDLA Open Source Project // // Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the // NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with // this distribution for more information. // ================================================================ // File Name: NV_NVDLA_define.h /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // //#if ( NVDLA_PRIMARY_MEMIF_WIDTH == 512 ) // #define LARGE_MEMBUS //#endif //#if ( NVDLA_PRIMARY_MEMIF_WIDTH == 64 ) // #define SMALL_MEMBUS //#endif module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_bpt ( nvdla_core_clk //|< i ,nvdla_core_rstn //|< i ,bpt2arb_req_ready //|< i ,dma2bpt_cdt_lat_fifo_pop //|< i ,dma2bpt_req_pd //|< i ,dma2bpt_req_valid //|< i ,tieoff_axid //|< i ,tieoff_lat_fifo_depth //|< i ,bpt2arb_req_pd //|> o ,bpt2arb_req_valid //|> o ,dma2bpt_req_ready //|> o ); // // NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_bpt_ports.v // input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input dma2bpt_req_valid; /* data valid */ output dma2bpt_req_ready; /* data return handshake */ input [32 +14:0] dma2bpt_req_pd; input dma2bpt_cdt_lat_fifo_pop; output bpt2arb_req_valid; /* data valid */ input bpt2arb_req_ready; /* data return handshake */ output [32 +10:0] bpt2arb_req_pd; input [3:0] tieoff_axid; input [7:0] tieoff_lat_fifo_depth; reg [15:0] count_req; reg lat_adv; reg [7:0] lat_cnt_cur; reg [9:0] lat_cnt_ext; reg [9:0] lat_cnt_mod; reg [9:0] lat_cnt_new; reg [9:0] lat_cnt_nxt; reg [7:0] lat_count_cnt; reg [0:0] lat_count_dec; reg [32 -1:0] out_addr; reg [2:0] out_size; reg [15:0] req_num; reg [2:0] slot_needed; wire [1:0] beat_size_NC; wire bpt2arb_accept; wire [32 -1:0] bpt2arb_addr; wire [3:0] bpt2arb_axid; wire bpt2arb_ftran; wire bpt2arb_ltran; wire bpt2arb_odd; wire [2:0] bpt2arb_size; wire bpt2arb_swizzle; wire [2:0] end_offset; wire [3:0] ftran_num; wire [2:0] ftran_size; wire [32 -1:0] in_addr; wire [32 +14:0] in_pd; wire [32 +14:0] in_pd_p; wire in_rdy; wire in_rdy_p; wire [14:0] in_size; wire in_vld; wire in_vld_p; wire [32 +14:0] in_vld_pd; wire is_ftran; wire is_ltran; wire is_mtran; wire is_single_tran; wire [2:0] lat_count_inc; wire [7:0] lat_fifo_free_slot; wire lat_fifo_stall_enable; wire [3:0] ltran_num; wire [2:0] ltran_size; wire mon_end_offset_c; wire mon_lat_fifo_free_slot_c; wire mon_out_beats_c; wire [14:0] mtran_num; wire out_inc; wire out_odd; wire out_swizzle; wire req_enable; wire req_rdy; wire req_vld; wire [2:0] size_offset; wire [2:0] stt_offset; // synoff nets // monitor nets // debug nets // tie high nets // tie low nets // no connect nets // not all bits used nets // todo nets NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p1 pipe_p1 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.dma2bpt_req_pd (dma2bpt_req_pd[32 +14:0]) //|< i ,.dma2bpt_req_valid (dma2bpt_req_valid) //|< i ,.in_rdy_p (in_rdy_p) //|< w ,.dma2bpt_req_ready (dma2bpt_req_ready) //|> o ,.in_pd_p (in_pd_p[32 +14:0]) //|> w ,.in_vld_p (in_vld_p) //|> w ); NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p2 pipe_p2 ( .nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk) //|< i ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn) //|< i ,.in_pd_p (in_pd_p[32 +14:0]) //|< w ,.in_rdy (in_rdy) //|< w ,.in_vld_p (in_vld_p) //|< w ,.in_pd (in_pd[32 +14:0]) //|> w ,.in_rdy_p (in_rdy_p) //|> w ,.in_vld (in_vld) //|> w ); assign in_rdy = req_rdy & is_ltran; assign in_vld_pd = {79{in_vld}} & in_pd; // PKT_UNPACK_WIRE( dma_read_cmd , in_ , in_vld_pd ) assign in_addr[32 -1:0] = in_vld_pd[32 -1:0]; assign in_size[14:0] = in_vld_pd[32 +14:32]; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off wire cond_zzz_assert_always_1x = (in_addr[4:0] == 0); nv_assert_always #(0,0,"lower 5 LSB should always be 0") zzz_assert_always_1x (.clk(nvdla_core_clk), .reset_(`ASSERT_RESET), .test_expr(cond_zzz_assert_always_1x)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //assign stt_addr = in_addr; //assign {mon_end_addr_c,end_addr} = stt_addr + in_size<<5; //:my $k=8; //:my $j=log(${k})/log(2); //:my $l = 64; //:my $m = log(${l})/log(2); //: if (8 == $m) { //: print qq(assign stt_offset[2:0] = in_addr[$j+1:$j];); //: print qq(assign size_offset[2:0] = in_size[1:0];); //: } else { //: print qq(assign stt_offset[2:0] = in_addr[$j+2:$j];); //: print qq(assign size_offset[2:0] = in_size[2:0];); //:} //| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW) assign stt_offset[2:0] = in_addr[3+2:3];assign size_offset[2:0] = in_size[2:0]; //| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE) //assign stt_offset[2:0] = in_addr[7:5]; //assign size_offset[2:0] = in_size[2:0]; assign {mon_end_offset_c, end_offset[2:0]} = stt_offset + size_offset; assign is_single_tran = (stt_offset + in_size) < ((( 64 )/8/8)*4); assign ftran_size[2:0] = is_single_tran ? size_offset : ((( 64 )/8/8)*4 -1) -stt_offset; //assign ftran_size[2:0] = is_single_tran ? size_offset : (7 -stt_offset); assign ftran_num[3:0] = ftran_size + 1; assign ltran_size[2:0] = is_single_tran ? `tick_x_or_0 : end_offset; // when single tran, size of ltran is meanningless assign ltran_num[3:0] = is_single_tran ? 0 : end_offset+1; assign mtran_num = in_size + 1 - ftran_num - ltran_num; //================ // check the empty entry of lat.fifo //================ //dma2bpt_cdt_lat_fifo_pop always @( is_single_tran or out_size or is_ltran or out_swizzle or is_ftran ) begin if (3 == 3) begin slot_needed = 1; end else if (is_single_tran) begin slot_needed = (out_size>>1) + 1; end else if (is_ltran) begin slot_needed = ((out_size+out_swizzle)>>1) + 1; //spyglass disable SelfDeterminedExpr-ML end else if (is_ftran) begin slot_needed = (out_size+1)>>1; end else begin slot_needed = 3'd4; end end assign lat_fifo_stall_enable = (tieoff_lat_fifo_depth!=0); always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin lat_count_dec <= 1'b0; end else begin lat_count_dec <= dma2bpt_cdt_lat_fifo_pop; end end assign lat_count_inc = (bpt2arb_accept && lat_fifo_stall_enable ) ? slot_needed : 0; //&Vector LAT_FIFO_MAX_BITS lat_count_cnt; //&Always posedge; // if (|lat_count_inc || lat_count_dec) begin // lat_count_cnt <0= lat_count_cnt + lat_count_inc - lat_count_dec; // end //&End; // lat adv logic always @( lat_count_inc or lat_count_dec ) begin lat_adv = lat_count_inc[2:0] != {{2{1'b0}}, lat_count_dec[0:0]}; end // lat cnt logic always @( lat_cnt_cur or lat_count_inc or lat_count_dec or lat_adv ) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start lat_cnt_ext[9:0] = {1'b0, 1'b0, lat_cnt_cur}; lat_cnt_mod[9:0] = lat_cnt_cur + lat_count_inc[2:0] - lat_count_dec[0:0]; // spyglass disable W164b lat_cnt_new[9:0] = (lat_adv)? lat_cnt_mod[9:0] : lat_cnt_ext[9:0]; lat_cnt_nxt[9:0] = lat_cnt_new[9:0]; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end // lat flops always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin lat_cnt_cur[7:0] <= 0; end else begin lat_cnt_cur[7:0] <= lat_cnt_nxt[7:0]; end end // lat output logic always @( lat_cnt_cur ) begin lat_count_cnt[7:0] = lat_cnt_cur[7:0]; end // lat asserts `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"never: counter underflow below <und_cnt>") zzz_assert_never_2x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (lat_cnt_nxt < 0)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON assign {mon_lat_fifo_free_slot_c,lat_fifo_free_slot[7:0]} = tieoff_lat_fifo_depth - lat_count_cnt; assign req_enable = (!lat_fifo_stall_enable) || ({{5{1'b0}}, slot_needed} <= lat_fifo_free_slot); `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"should not over flow") zzz_assert_never_3x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_lat_fifo_free_slot_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //================ // bsp out: swizzle //================ assign out_swizzle = (3 == 3) ? 1'b0 : (stt_offset[0]==1'b1); assign out_odd = (3 == 3) ? 0 : (in_size[0]==1'b0); //================ // bsp out: size //================ always @( is_ftran or ftran_size or is_mtran or is_ltran or ltran_size ) begin out_size = {3{`tick_x_or_0}}; if (3 == 3) begin out_size = 0; end else if (is_ftran) begin out_size = ftran_size; end else if (is_mtran) begin out_size = 3'd7; end else if (is_ltran) begin out_size = ltran_size; end end //================ // bsp out: USER: SIZE //================ assign out_inc = is_ftran & is_ltran & out_swizzle && !out_odd; assign {mon_out_beats_c,beat_size_NC[1:0]} = out_size[2:1] + out_inc; //stepheng. `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_never #(0,0,"should never overflow") zzz_assert_never_4x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, mon_out_beats_c); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON //assign out_user_size = {1'b0,beat_size_NC};//stepheng. //================ // bpt2arb: addr //================ always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin if (bpt2arb_accept) begin if (is_ftran) begin //out_addr <= in_addr + ((ftran_size+1)<<(3)); if (3 == 3) out_addr <= in_addr + ((1)<<(3)); else out_addr <= in_addr + ((ftran_size+1)<<(3)); end else begin //out_addr <= out_addr + (8<<(3 -1)); if (3 == 3) out_addr <= out_addr + (1<<(3)); else out_addr <= out_addr + (8<<(3 -1)); end end end //================ // tran count //================ always @( //is_single_tran //or mtran_num * ) begin if (3 == 3) req_num = in_size + 1; else if (is_single_tran) begin req_num = 1; end else if (mtran_num==0) begin req_num = 2; end else begin req_num = 2 + mtran_num[14:3]; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin count_req <= {14{1'b0}}; end else begin if (bpt2arb_accept) begin if (is_ltran) begin count_req <= 0; end else begin count_req <= count_req + 1; end end end end assign is_ftran = (count_req==0); assign is_mtran = (count_req>0 && count_req<req_num-1); assign is_ltran = (count_req==req_num-1); assign bpt2arb_addr = (is_ftran) ? in_addr : out_addr; assign bpt2arb_size = out_size; assign bpt2arb_swizzle = out_swizzle; assign bpt2arb_odd = out_odd; assign bpt2arb_ltran = is_ltran; assign bpt2arb_ftran = is_ftran; //assign bpt2arb_user_size = out_user_size; //stepheng. assign bpt2arb_axid = tieoff_axid[3:0]; // assign req_rdy = req_enable & bpt2arb_req_ready; assign req_vld = req_enable & in_vld; assign bpt2arb_req_valid = req_vld; assign bpt2arb_accept = bpt2arb_req_valid & req_rdy; // // PKT_PACK_WIRE( cvt_read_cmd , bpt2arb_ , bpt2arb_req_pd ) assign bpt2arb_req_pd[3:0] = bpt2arb_axid[3:0]; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +3:4] = bpt2arb_addr[32 -1:0]; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +6:32 +4] = bpt2arb_size[2:0]; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +7] = bpt2arb_swizzle ; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +8] = bpt2arb_odd ; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +9] = bpt2arb_ltran ; assign bpt2arb_req_pd[32 +10] = bpt2arb_ftran ; //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT reg funcpoint_cover_off; initial begin if ( $test$plusargs( "cover_off" ) ) begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b1; end else begin funcpoint_cover_off = 1'b0; end end property mcif_bpt__is_first_trans__0_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((req_vld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> (is_ftran); endproperty // Cover 0 : "is_ftran" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__is_first_trans__0_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__is_first_trans__0_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property mcif_bpt__is_middle_trans__1_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((req_vld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> (is_mtran); endproperty // Cover 1 : "is_mtran" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__is_middle_trans__1_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__is_middle_trans__1_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property mcif_bpt__is_last_trans__2_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((req_vld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> (is_ltran); endproperty // Cover 2 : "is_ltran" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__is_last_trans__2_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__is_last_trans__2_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property mcif_bpt__is_swizzle_and_odd__3_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((req_vld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> (out_swizzle & out_odd); endproperty // Cover 3 : "out_swizzle & out_odd" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__is_swizzle_and_odd__3_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__is_swizzle_and_odd__3_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property mcif_bpt__is_odd_not_swizzle__4_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) ((req_vld) && nvdla_core_rstn) |-> (out_odd & !out_swizzle); endproperty // Cover 4 : "out_odd & !out_swizzle" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__is_odd_not_swizzle__4_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__is_odd_not_swizzle__4_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on //VCS coverage off `ifndef DISABLE_FUNCPOINT `ifdef ENABLE_FUNCPOINT property mcif_bpt__count_inc_and_dec__5_cov; disable iff((nvdla_core_rstn !== 1) || funcpoint_cover_off) @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) lat_count_inc & lat_count_dec; endproperty // Cover 5 : "lat_count_inc & lat_count_dec" FUNCPOINT_mcif_bpt__count_inc_and_dec__5_COV : cover property (mcif_bpt__count_inc_and_dec__5_cov); `endif `endif //VCS coverage on endmodule // NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_READ_IG_bpt // ************************************************************************************************************** // Generated by ::pipe -m -bc -os in_pd_p (in_vld_p,in_rdy_p) <= dma2bpt_req_pd[32 +14:0] (dma2bpt_req_valid,dma2bpt_req_ready) // ************************************************************************************************************** module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p1 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,dma2bpt_req_pd ,dma2bpt_req_valid ,in_rdy_p ,dma2bpt_req_ready ,in_pd_p ,in_vld_p ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input [32 +14:0] dma2bpt_req_pd; input dma2bpt_req_valid; input in_rdy_p; output dma2bpt_req_ready; output [32 +14:0] in_pd_p; output in_vld_p; reg dma2bpt_req_ready; reg [32 +14:0] in_pd_p; reg in_vld_p; reg [32 +14:0] p1_pipe_data; reg [32 +14:0] p1_pipe_rand_data; reg p1_pipe_rand_ready; reg p1_pipe_rand_valid; reg p1_pipe_ready; reg p1_pipe_ready_bc; reg [32 +14:0] p1_pipe_skid_data; reg p1_pipe_skid_ready; reg p1_pipe_skid_valid; reg p1_pipe_valid; reg p1_skid_catch; reg [32 +14:0] p1_skid_data; reg p1_skid_ready; reg p1_skid_ready_flop; reg p1_skid_valid; //## pipe (1) randomizer `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg p1_pipe_rand_active; `endif always @( `ifndef SYNTHESIS p1_pipe_rand_active or `endif dma2bpt_req_valid or p1_pipe_rand_ready or dma2bpt_req_pd ) begin `ifdef SYNTHESIS p1_pipe_rand_valid = dma2bpt_req_valid; dma2bpt_req_ready = p1_pipe_rand_ready; p1_pipe_rand_data = dma2bpt_req_pd[32 +14:0]; `else // VCS coverage off p1_pipe_rand_valid = (p1_pipe_rand_active)? 1'b0 : dma2bpt_req_valid; dma2bpt_req_ready = (p1_pipe_rand_active)? 1'b0 : p1_pipe_rand_ready; p1_pipe_rand_data = (p1_pipe_rand_active)? 'bx : dma2bpt_req_pd[32 +14:0]; // VCS coverage on `endif end `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off //// randomization init integer p1_pipe_stall_cycles; integer p1_pipe_stall_probability; integer p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min; integer p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max; initial begin p1_pipe_stall_cycles = 0; p1_pipe_stall_probability = 0; p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min = 1; p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max = 10; `ifndef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_rand_probability=%d", p1_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; // deprecated else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_rand_probability=%d", p1_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; // deprecated if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_probability=%d", p1_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_probability=%d", p1_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_min=%d", p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_cycles_min=%d", p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min ) ) ; if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_max=%d", p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_cycles_max=%d", p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max ) ) ; `endif end // randomization globals `ifndef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `ifdef SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS always @( `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_event ) begin if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_probability" ) ) p1_pipe_stall_probability = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_probability; if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_min" ) ) p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_cycles_min; if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_max" ) ) p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_cycles_max; end `endif `endif //// randomization active reg p1_pipe_rand_enable; reg p1_pipe_rand_poised; always @( p1_pipe_stall_cycles or p1_pipe_stall_probability or dma2bpt_req_valid ) begin p1_pipe_rand_active = p1_pipe_stall_cycles != 0; p1_pipe_rand_enable = p1_pipe_stall_probability != 0; p1_pipe_rand_poised = p1_pipe_rand_enable && !p1_pipe_rand_active && dma2bpt_req_valid === 1'b1; end //// randomization cycles always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p1_pipe_stall_cycles <= 1'b0; end else begin if (p1_pipe_rand_poised) begin if (p1_pipe_stall_probability >= prand_inst0(1, 100)) begin p1_pipe_stall_cycles <= prand_inst1(p1_pipe_stall_cycles_min, p1_pipe_stall_cycles_max); end end else if (p1_pipe_rand_active) begin p1_pipe_stall_cycles <= p1_pipe_stall_cycles - 1; end else begin p1_pipe_stall_cycles <= 0; end end end `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG // Only verilog needs any local variables reg [47:0] prand_local_seed0; reg prand_initialized0; reg prand_no_rollpli0; `endif `endif `endif function [31:0] prand_inst0; //VCS coverage off input [31:0] min; input [31:0] max; reg [32:0] diff; begin `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE prand_inst0 = min; `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS prand_inst0 = min; `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG if (prand_initialized0 !== 1'b1) begin prand_no_rollpli0 = $test$plusargs("NO_ROLLPLI"); if (!prand_no_rollpli0) prand_local_seed0 = {$prand_get_seed(0), 16'b0}; prand_initialized0 = 1'b1; end if (prand_no_rollpli0) begin prand_inst0 = min; end else begin diff = max - min + 1; prand_inst0 = min + prand_local_seed0[47:16] % diff; // magic numbers taken from Java's random class (same as lrand48) prand_local_seed0 = prand_local_seed0 * 48'h5deece66d + 48'd11; end `else `ifdef PRAND_OFF prand_inst0 = min; `else prand_inst0 = $RollPLI(min, max, "auto"); `endif `endif `endif `endif end //VCS coverage on endfunction `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG // Only verilog needs any local variables reg [47:0] prand_local_seed1; reg prand_initialized1; reg prand_no_rollpli1; `endif `endif `endif function [31:0] prand_inst1; //VCS coverage off input [31:0] min; input [31:0] max; reg [32:0] diff; begin `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE prand_inst1 = min; `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS prand_inst1 = min; `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG if (prand_initialized1 !== 1'b1) begin prand_no_rollpli1 = $test$plusargs("NO_ROLLPLI"); if (!prand_no_rollpli1) prand_local_seed1 = {$prand_get_seed(1), 16'b0}; prand_initialized1 = 1'b1; end if (prand_no_rollpli1) begin prand_inst1 = min; end else begin diff = max - min + 1; prand_inst1 = min + prand_local_seed1[47:16] % diff; // magic numbers taken from Java's random class (same as lrand48) prand_local_seed1 = prand_local_seed1 * 48'h5deece66d + 48'd11; end `else `ifdef PRAND_OFF prand_inst1 = min; `else prand_inst1 = $RollPLI(min, max, "auto"); `endif `endif `endif `endif end //VCS coverage on endfunction `endif // VCS coverage on //## pipe (1) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p1_pipe_ready or p1_pipe_valid ) begin p1_pipe_ready_bc = p1_pipe_ready || !p1_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p1_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p1_pipe_valid <= (p1_pipe_ready_bc)? p1_pipe_rand_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p1_pipe_data <= (p1_pipe_ready_bc && p1_pipe_rand_valid)? p1_pipe_rand_data : p1_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p1_pipe_ready_bc ) begin p1_pipe_rand_ready = p1_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (1) skid buffer always @( p1_pipe_valid or p1_skid_ready_flop or p1_pipe_skid_ready or p1_skid_valid ) begin p1_skid_catch = p1_pipe_valid && p1_skid_ready_flop && !p1_pipe_skid_ready; p1_skid_ready = (p1_skid_valid)? p1_pipe_skid_ready : !p1_skid_catch; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p1_skid_valid <= 1'b0; p1_skid_ready_flop <= 1'b1; p1_pipe_ready <= 1'b1; end else begin p1_skid_valid <= (p1_skid_valid)? !p1_pipe_skid_ready : p1_skid_catch; p1_skid_ready_flop <= p1_skid_ready; p1_pipe_ready <= p1_skid_ready; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p1_skid_data <= (p1_skid_catch)? p1_pipe_data : p1_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p1_skid_ready_flop or p1_pipe_valid or p1_skid_valid or p1_pipe_data or p1_skid_data ) begin p1_pipe_skid_valid = (p1_skid_ready_flop)? p1_pipe_valid : p1_skid_valid; // VCS sop_coverage_off start p1_pipe_skid_data = (p1_skid_ready_flop)? p1_pipe_data : p1_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end //## pipe (1) output always @( p1_pipe_skid_valid or in_rdy_p or p1_pipe_skid_data ) begin in_vld_p = p1_pipe_skid_valid; p1_pipe_skid_ready = in_rdy_p; in_pd_p = p1_pipe_skid_data; end //## pipe (1) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p1_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_5x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (in_vld_p^in_rdy_p^dma2bpt_req_valid^dma2bpt_req_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_6x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (dma2bpt_req_valid && !dma2bpt_req_ready), (dma2bpt_req_valid), (dma2bpt_req_ready)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p1 // ************************************************************************************************************** // Generated by ::pipe -m -bc -is in_pd (in_vld,in_rdy) <= in_pd_p[32 +14:0] (in_vld_p,in_rdy_p) // ************************************************************************************************************** module NV_NVDLA_NOCIF_DRAM_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p2 ( nvdla_core_clk ,nvdla_core_rstn ,in_pd_p ,in_rdy ,in_vld_p ,in_pd ,in_rdy_p ,in_vld ); input nvdla_core_clk; input nvdla_core_rstn; input [32 +14:0] in_pd_p; input in_rdy; input in_vld_p; output [32 +14:0] in_pd; output in_rdy_p; output in_vld; reg [32 +14:0] in_pd; reg in_rdy_p; reg in_vld; reg [32 +14:0] p2_pipe_data; reg [32 +14:0] p2_pipe_rand_data; reg p2_pipe_rand_ready; reg p2_pipe_rand_valid; reg p2_pipe_ready; reg p2_pipe_ready_bc; reg p2_pipe_valid; reg p2_skid_catch; reg [32 +14:0] p2_skid_data; reg [32 +14:0] p2_skid_pipe_data; reg p2_skid_pipe_ready; reg p2_skid_pipe_valid; reg p2_skid_ready; reg p2_skid_ready_flop; reg p2_skid_valid; //## pipe (2) randomizer `ifndef SYNTHESIS reg p2_pipe_rand_active; `endif always @( `ifndef SYNTHESIS p2_pipe_rand_active or `endif in_vld_p or p2_pipe_rand_ready or in_pd_p ) begin `ifdef SYNTHESIS p2_pipe_rand_valid = in_vld_p; in_rdy_p = p2_pipe_rand_ready; p2_pipe_rand_data = in_pd_p[32 +14:0]; `else // VCS coverage off p2_pipe_rand_valid = (p2_pipe_rand_active)? 1'b0 : in_vld_p; in_rdy_p = (p2_pipe_rand_active)? 1'b0 : p2_pipe_rand_ready; p2_pipe_rand_data = (p2_pipe_rand_active)? 'bx : in_pd_p[32 +14:0]; // VCS coverage on `endif end `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off //// randomization init integer p2_pipe_stall_cycles; integer p2_pipe_stall_probability; integer p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min; integer p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max; initial begin p2_pipe_stall_cycles = 0; p2_pipe_stall_probability = 0; p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min = 1; p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max = 10; `ifndef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_rand_probability=%d", p2_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; // deprecated else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_rand_probability=%d", p2_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; // deprecated if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_probability=%d", p2_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_probability=%d", p2_pipe_stall_probability ) ) ; if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_min=%d", p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_cycles_min=%d", p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min ) ) ; if ( $value$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_max=%d", p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max ) ) ; else if ( $value$plusargs( "default_pipe_stall_cycles_max=%d", p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max ) ) ; `endif end // randomization globals `ifndef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `ifdef SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS always @( `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_event ) begin if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_probability" ) ) p2_pipe_stall_probability = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_probability; if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_min" ) ) p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_cycles_min; if ( ! $test$plusargs( "NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_bpt_pipe_stall_cycles_max" ) ) p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max = `SIMTOP_RANDOMIZE_STALLS.global_stall_pipe_cycles_max; end `endif `endif //// randomization active reg p2_pipe_rand_enable; reg p2_pipe_rand_poised; always @( p2_pipe_stall_cycles or p2_pipe_stall_probability or in_vld_p ) begin p2_pipe_rand_active = p2_pipe_stall_cycles != 0; p2_pipe_rand_enable = p2_pipe_stall_probability != 0; p2_pipe_rand_poised = p2_pipe_rand_enable && !p2_pipe_rand_active && in_vld_p === 1'b1; end //// randomization cycles always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p2_pipe_stall_cycles <= 1'b0; end else begin if (p2_pipe_rand_poised) begin if (p2_pipe_stall_probability >= prand_inst0(1, 100)) begin p2_pipe_stall_cycles <= prand_inst1(p2_pipe_stall_cycles_min, p2_pipe_stall_cycles_max); end end else if (p2_pipe_rand_active) begin p2_pipe_stall_cycles <= p2_pipe_stall_cycles - 1; end else begin p2_pipe_stall_cycles <= 0; end end end `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG // Only verilog needs any local variables reg [47:0] prand_local_seed0; reg prand_initialized0; reg prand_no_rollpli0; `endif `endif `endif function [31:0] prand_inst0; //VCS coverage off input [31:0] min; input [31:0] max; reg [32:0] diff; begin `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE prand_inst0 = min; `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS prand_inst0 = min; `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG if (prand_initialized0 !== 1'b1) begin prand_no_rollpli0 = $test$plusargs("NO_ROLLPLI"); if (!prand_no_rollpli0) prand_local_seed0 = {$prand_get_seed(0), 16'b0}; prand_initialized0 = 1'b1; end if (prand_no_rollpli0) begin prand_inst0 = min; end else begin diff = max - min + 1; prand_inst0 = min + prand_local_seed0[47:16] % diff; // magic numbers taken from Java's random class (same as lrand48) prand_local_seed0 = prand_local_seed0 * 48'h5deece66d + 48'd11; end `else `ifdef PRAND_OFF prand_inst0 = min; `else prand_inst0 = $RollPLI(min, max, "auto"); `endif `endif `endif `endif end //VCS coverage on endfunction `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG // Only verilog needs any local variables reg [47:0] prand_local_seed1; reg prand_initialized1; reg prand_no_rollpli1; `endif `endif `endif function [31:0] prand_inst1; //VCS coverage off input [31:0] min; input [31:0] max; reg [32:0] diff; begin `ifdef SYNTH_LEVEL1_COMPILE prand_inst1 = min; `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS prand_inst1 = min; `else `ifdef PRAND_VERILOG if (prand_initialized1 !== 1'b1) begin prand_no_rollpli1 = $test$plusargs("NO_ROLLPLI"); if (!prand_no_rollpli1) prand_local_seed1 = {$prand_get_seed(1), 16'b0}; prand_initialized1 = 1'b1; end if (prand_no_rollpli1) begin prand_inst1 = min; end else begin diff = max - min + 1; prand_inst1 = min + prand_local_seed1[47:16] % diff; // magic numbers taken from Java's random class (same as lrand48) prand_local_seed1 = prand_local_seed1 * 48'h5deece66d + 48'd11; end `else `ifdef PRAND_OFF prand_inst1 = min; `else prand_inst1 = $RollPLI(min, max, "auto"); `endif `endif `endif `endif end //VCS coverage on endfunction `endif // VCS coverage on //## pipe (2) skid buffer always @( p2_pipe_rand_valid or p2_skid_ready_flop or p2_skid_pipe_ready or p2_skid_valid ) begin p2_skid_catch = p2_pipe_rand_valid && p2_skid_ready_flop && !p2_skid_pipe_ready; p2_skid_ready = (p2_skid_valid)? p2_skid_pipe_ready : !p2_skid_catch; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p2_skid_valid <= 1'b0; p2_skid_ready_flop <= 1'b1; p2_pipe_rand_ready <= 1'b1; end else begin p2_skid_valid <= (p2_skid_valid)? !p2_skid_pipe_ready : p2_skid_catch; p2_skid_ready_flop <= p2_skid_ready; p2_pipe_rand_ready <= p2_skid_ready; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p2_skid_data <= (p2_skid_catch)? p2_pipe_rand_data : p2_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p2_skid_ready_flop or p2_pipe_rand_valid or p2_skid_valid or p2_pipe_rand_data or p2_skid_data ) begin p2_skid_pipe_valid = (p2_skid_ready_flop)? p2_pipe_rand_valid : p2_skid_valid; // VCS sop_coverage_off start p2_skid_pipe_data = (p2_skid_ready_flop)? p2_pipe_rand_data : p2_skid_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end //## pipe (2) valid-ready-bubble-collapse always @( p2_pipe_ready or p2_pipe_valid ) begin p2_pipe_ready_bc = p2_pipe_ready || !p2_pipe_valid; end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk or negedge nvdla_core_rstn) begin if (!nvdla_core_rstn) begin p2_pipe_valid <= 1'b0; end else begin p2_pipe_valid <= (p2_pipe_ready_bc)? p2_skid_pipe_valid : 1'd1; end end always @(posedge nvdla_core_clk) begin // VCS sop_coverage_off start p2_pipe_data <= (p2_pipe_ready_bc && p2_skid_pipe_valid)? p2_skid_pipe_data : p2_pipe_data; // VCS sop_coverage_off end end always @( p2_pipe_ready_bc ) begin p2_skid_pipe_ready = p2_pipe_ready_bc; end //## pipe (2) output always @( p2_pipe_valid or in_rdy or p2_pipe_data ) begin in_vld = p2_pipe_valid; p2_pipe_ready = in_rdy; in_pd = p2_pipe_data; end //## pipe (2) assertions/testpoints `ifndef VIVA_PLUGIN_PIPE_DISABLE_ASSERTIONS wire p2_assert_clk = nvdla_core_clk; `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON `ifndef SYNTHESIS // VCS coverage off nv_assert_no_x #(0,1,0,"No X's allowed on control signals") zzz_assert_no_x_7x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, nvdla_core_rstn, (in_vld^in_rdy^in_vld_p^in_rdy_p)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `endif `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass disable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block STARC05- // spyglass disable_block STARC- // spyglass disable_block W116 // spyglass disable_block W154 // spyglass disable_block W239 // spyglass disable_block W362 // spyglass disable_block WRN_58 // spyglass disable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `ifdef ASSERT_ON `ifdef FV_ASSERT_ON `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef SYNTHESIS `define ASSERT_RESET nvdla_core_rstn `else `ifdef ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b0 : nvdla_core_rstn) `else `define ASSERT_RESET ((1'bx === nvdla_core_rstn) ? 1'b1 : nvdla_core_rstn) `endif // ASSERT_OFF_RESET_IS_X `endif // SYNTHESIS `endif // FV_ASSERT_ON // VCS coverage off nv_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval #(0,1,0,"valid removed before ready") zzz_assert_hold_throughout_event_interval_8x (nvdla_core_clk, `ASSERT_RESET, (in_vld_p && !in_rdy_p), (in_vld_p), (in_rdy_p)); // spyglass disable W504 SelfDeterminedExpr-ML // VCS coverage on `undef ASSERT_RESET `endif // ASSERT_ON `ifdef SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `else // spyglass enable_block NoWidthInBasedNum-ML // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block STARC05- // spyglass enable_block STARC- // spyglass enable_block W116 // spyglass enable_block W154 // spyglass enable_block W239 // spyglass enable_block W362 // spyglass enable_block WRN_58 // spyglass enable_block WRN_61 `endif // SPYGLASS_ASSERT_ON `endif endmodule // NV_NVDLA_CVIF_READ_IG_BPT_pipe_p2