# This script was written and developed by ABKGroup students at UCSD; however, the underlying commands and reports are copyrighted by Cadence. 
# We thank Cadence for granting permission to share our research to help promote and foster the next generation of innovators.
set top_module ariane 
set_db max_cpus_per_server 16
set_db super_thread_servers "localhost"
set libdir "../../../../../Enablements/NanGate45/lib/"

set libworst "
    ${libdir}/NangateOpenCellLibrary_typical.lib \
    ${libdir}/fakeram45_256x16.lib \
    ${libdir}/fakeram45_256x64.lib \

set list_lib "$libworst"

# Target library
set link_library $list_lib
set target_library $list_lib

# set path
set_db auto_ungroup none
set_db init_lib_search_path $libdir
set_db init_hdl_search_path "../../designs/${top_module}/"

set_db library $list_lib

# Start
if {[file exists template]} {
	exec rm -rf template

exec mkdir template
if {![file exists gate]} {
	exec mkdir gate

if {![file exists rpt]} {
	exec mkdir rpt

# Compiler drectives
set compile_effort "high"
set compile_flatten_all 1
set compile_no_new_cells_at_top_level false

# read RTL
source rtl_list.tcl

foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
    if {$top_module == "jpeg_encoder"} {
        read_hdl -sv $rtl_file
    } else {
        read_hdl -sv $rtl_file

elaborate $top_module 

# Default SDC Constraints
read_sdc ../../constraints/${top_module}.sdc


write_sdc > gate/${top_module}.sdc
write_hdl > gate/${top_module}.v
write_script > constraints.g

# Write Reports
redirect [format "%s%s%s" rpt/ $top_module _area.rep] { report_area }
redirect [format "%s%s%s" rpt/ $top_module _cell.rep] { report_gates }
redirect [format "%s%s%s" rpt/ $top_module _timing.rep] { report_timing }
