// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_HLS_shiftrightsatsu.v
module NV_NVDLA_HLS_shiftrightsatsu (
parameter IN_WIDTH = 49;
parameter OUT_WIDTH = 32;
parameter SHIFT_WIDTH = 6;
input [IN_WIDTH-1:0] data_in;
input [SHIFT_WIDTH-1:0] shift_num;
output [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] data_out;
output sat_out;
wire [IN_WIDTH-1:0] data_high;
wire [IN_WIDTH-1:0] data_shift;
wire [IN_WIDTH-2:0] stick;
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] data_max;
wire [OUT_WIDTH-1:0] data_round;
wire data_sign;
wire guide;
wire point5;
wire mon_round_c;
wire tru_need_sat;
// synoff nets
// monitor nets
// debug nets
// tie high nets
// tie low nets
// no connect nets
// not all bits used nets
// todo nets
assign data_sign = data_in[IN_WIDTH-1];
assign {data_high[((IN_WIDTH) - 1):0], data_shift[((IN_WIDTH) - 1):0], guide, stick[((IN_WIDTH-1) - 1):0]} = {{IN_WIDTH{data_sign}},data_in,{IN_WIDTH{1'b0}}} >> shift_num[((SHIFT_WIDTH) - 1):0];
//assign {data_shift[::range(IN_WIDTH)], guide, stick[::range(IN_WIDTH-1)]} = ($signed({data_in,{IN_WIDTH{1'b0}}}) >>> shift_num[::range(SHIFT_WIDTH)]);
assign point5 = guide & (~data_sign | (|stick));
assign {mon_round_c,data_round[((OUT_WIDTH) - 1):0]} = data_shift[((OUT_WIDTH) - 1):0] + point5;
assign tru_need_sat = ( data_sign & ~(&data_shift[IN_WIDTH-2:OUT_WIDTH-1])) |
                      (~data_sign & (|data_shift[IN_WIDTH-2:OUT_WIDTH-1])) |
                      (~data_sign & (&{data_shift[((OUT_WIDTH-1) - 1):0], point5}));
assign data_max = data_sign ? {1'b1, {(OUT_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}} : ~{1'b1, {(OUT_WIDTH-1){1'b0}}};
assign data_out = (shift_num >= IN_WIDTH) ? {(OUT_WIDTH){1'b0}} : tru_need_sat ? data_max : data_round;
assign sat_out = (shift_num >= IN_WIDTH) ? 1'b0: tru_need_sat;
endmodule // NV_NVDLA_HLS_shiftrightsatsu