import odb import os import datetime import math from math import gcd class BookshelfToOdb: def __init__( self, opendbpy, opendb, cellPadding, modeFormat, plFile, nodeMapFile, netMapFile): self.odbpy = opendbpy self.odb = opendb self.year = self.month ="%b") = self.user = 'Seungwon Kim at University of California, San Diego (' self.modeFormat = modeFormat self.plFile = plFile self.nodeMapFile = nodeMapFile self.netMapFile = netMapFile self.chip = self.odb.getChip() self.block = self.chip.getBlock() self.siteWidth = self.block.getRows()[0].getSite().getWidth() self.siteHeight = self.block.getRows()[0].getSite().getHeight() print("siteWidth: %s" % self.siteWidth) print("siteHeight: %s" % self.siteHeight) print("GCD: %s" % gcd(self.siteWidth, self.siteHeight)) #self.scaleFactor = self.targetScale / self.siteHeight self.scaleFactor = 1 / gcd(self.siteWidth, self.siteHeight) self.targetScale = self.scaleFactor * self.siteHeight print("Target siteHeight Scale: %s" % self.targetScale) print( "Scale Factor (Target siteHeight Scale / siteHeight): %s" % self.scaleFactor) def UpdatePl(self, dictNode): with open(self.plFile, 'r') as inFile: for line in inFile: if len(line) < 3: continue if line.strip().startswith("UCLA"): continue if line.strip().startswith("#"): continue elif ':' not in line: continue elif self.modeFormat == 'ISPD11' and line.split()[-1] == '/FIXED': # Fixed insts. # It has defined in the original ODB, so don't need to # update. continue elif (self.modeFormat == 'ISPD11' and line.split()[-1] == '/FIXED_NI') or (self.modeFormat != 'ISPD11' and line.split()[-1] == '/FIXED'): # Fixed insts + boundary terminals instMappedName = line.split()[0] instLlx = float(line.split()[1]) instLly = float(line.split()[2]) instOrigName = dictNode[instMappedName] #print(instOrigName, instMappedName) # print(self.block.findBTerm(instOrigName)) bTerm = self.block.findBTerm(instOrigName) if bTerm is not None: bPins = bTerm.getBPins() for bPin in bPins: boxes = bPin.getBoxes() # TODO: do not support multiple boxes assert(len(boxes) == 1) for box in boxes: bTermWidth = int(box.xMax() - box.xMin()) bTermHeight = int(box.yMax() - box.yMin()) #print(bTermWidth, bTermHeight) layerBPin = box.getTechLayer() bPin.destroy(bPin) bPin.create(bTerm) bPinLlx = int(instLlx / self.scaleFactor) bPinLly = int(instLly / self.scaleFactor) bPinUrx = int( instLlx / self.scaleFactor) + int(bTermWidth) bPinUry = int( instLly / self.scaleFactor) + int(bTermHeight) box.create( bPin, layerBPin, bPinLlx, bPinLly, bPinUrx, bPinUry) # print(bPinLlx,bPinLly,bPinUrx,bPinUry) bPin.setPlacementStatus('PLACED') # TODO: Snapping to on-track? continue else: instMappedName = line.split()[0] instLlx = float(line.split()[1]) instLly = float(line.split()[2]) instOrigName = dictNode[instMappedName] #print(instOrigName, instMappedName) # print(self.block.findInst(instOrigName)) instOrig = self.block.findInst(instOrigName) instOrigWidth = instOrig.getMaster().getWidth() instOrigHeight = instOrig.getMaster().getHeight() instOrigLlx = int(instLlx / self.scaleFactor) instOrigLly = int(instLly / self.scaleFactor) instOrig.setLocation(instOrigLlx, instOrigLly) instOrig.setPlacementStatus('PLACED') # TODO: Snapping to on-track? def DecodeMap(self): dictNode = dict() with open(self.nodeMapFile, 'r') as inFile: for line in inFile: origName = line.split()[0] mappedName = line.split()[1] dictNode[mappedName] = origName return dictNode def UpdateOdb(self): dictNode = self.DecodeMap() self.UpdatePl(dictNode) os.path.exists dbName = './output/%s_pad%s_%s/%s_pad%s_%s_mapped.odb' % ( odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat) defName = './output/%s_pad%s_%s/%s_mapped.def' % ( odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName) if os.path.exists(dbName): os.remove(dbName) if os.path.exists(defName): os.remove(defName) odb.write_db( self.odb, './%s_pad%s_%s/%s_pad%s_%s_mapped.odb' % (odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat)) odb.write_def( self.block, './%s_pad%s_%s/%s_mapped.def' % (odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName)) if __name__ == "__main__": ################ Settings ################# odbPath = './odbFiles' # The number of sites for cell padding (+left, +right) cellPaddings = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] # Format list of Bookshelf to be created. modeFormats = ['ISPD04', 'ISPD11'] # OpenDB list for Bookshelf generation odbList = [ 'sky130hd_ISPD2006_adaptec1', ] ########################################### for modeFormat in modeFormats: for cellPadding in cellPaddings: for odbName in odbList: plFile = './output/%s_pad%s_%s/' % ( odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat) nodeMapFile = './output/%s_pad%s_%s/%s_pad%s_%s_mapped.nodemap' % ( odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat) netMapFile = './output/%s_pad%s_%s/%s_pad%s_%s_mapped.netmap' % ( odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat, odbName, cellPadding, modeFormat) db = odb.dbDatabase.create() print(odb) odb.read_db(db, '%s/%s.odb' % (odbPath, odbName)) bs = BookshelfToOdb( opendbpy=odb, opendb=db, cellPadding=cellPadding, modeFormat=modeFormat, plFile=plFile, nodeMapFile=nodeMapFile, netMapFile=netMapFile) bs.UpdateOdb()