// Copyright 2021 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 `verilator_config // Hierarchical verilation hier_block -module "mempool_tile" hier_block -module "mempool_group" // Hierarchical modules will be renamed by Verilator. Disable the DECLFILENAME // check for those right away lint_off -rule DECLFILENAME -file "*" -match "*mempool_tile_wrap*" lint_off -rule DECLFILENAME -file "*" -match "*mempool_group*" // Ignore unused output ports everywhere lint_off -rule PINCONNECTEMPTY -file "*" -match "*_o*" lint_off -rule PINCONNECTEMPTY -file "*" -match "*_no*" // Ignore scan ports everywhere lint_off -rule PINCONNECTEMPTY -file "*" -match "*scan_data*" // Deactivate some linters for the dependencies lint_off -rule PINCONNECTEMPTY -file "*/deps/*" -match "*" lint_off -rule DECLFILENAME -file "*/deps/*" -match "*" // Ignore unused RISCV instruction encoding parameters lint_off -rule UNUSED -file "*/deps/snitch/src/riscv_instr.sv" -match "*" // Ignore undriven scan chains lint_off -rule UNDRIVEN -file "*" -match "*scan_data*" // Priority case is implemented correctly lint_off -rule CASEOVERLAP -file "*/deps/axi/src/axi_id_remap.sv" -match "*" // Ignore underflow in parameter that will not be used in that case lint_off -rule LITENDIAN -file "*/deps/cluster_interconnect/rtl/variable_latency_interconnect/variable_latency_interconnect.sv" -match "*"