// Copyright 2018 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
// compliance with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
// Author: Michael Schaffner <schaffner@iis.ee.ethz.ch>, ETH Zurich
// Date: 13.09.2018
// Description: Instruction cache that is compatible with openpiton.

import ariane_pkg::*;
import serpent_cache_pkg::*;

module serpent_dcache #(
    // ID to be used for read and AMO transactions.
    // note that the write buffer uses all IDs up to DCACHE_MAX_TX-1 for write transactions
    parameter logic [DCACHE_ID_WIDTH-1:0] RdAmoTxId     = 1,
    parameter logic [63:0]                CachedAddrBeg = 64'h00_8000_0000, // begin of cached region
    parameter logic [63:0]                CachedAddrEnd = 64'h80_0000_0000  // end of cached region
) (
    input  logic                           clk_i,       // Clock
    input  logic                           rst_ni,      // Asynchronous reset active low

    // Cache management
    input  logic                           enable_i,    // from CSR
    input  logic                           flush_i,     // high until acknowledged
    output logic                           flush_ack_o, // send a single cycle acknowledge signal when the cache is flushed
    output logic                           miss_o,      // we missed on a ld/st
    output logic                           wbuffer_empty_o,

    // AMO interface
    input  amo_req_t                       amo_req_i,
    output amo_resp_t                      amo_resp_o,

    // Request ports
    input  dcache_req_i_t [2:0]            req_ports_i,
    output dcache_req_o_t [2:0]            req_ports_o,

    input  logic                           mem_rtrn_vld_i,
    input  dcache_rtrn_t                   mem_rtrn_i,
    output logic                           mem_data_req_o,
    input  logic                           mem_data_ack_i,
    output dcache_req_t                    mem_data_o

    // LD unit and PTW
    localparam NumPorts = 3;

    // miss unit <-> read controllers
    logic cache_en;

    // miss unit <-> memory
    logic                           wr_cl_vld;
    logic                           wr_cl_nc;
    logic [DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]    wr_cl_we;
    logic [DCACHE_TAG_WIDTH-1:0]    wr_cl_tag;
    logic [DCACHE_CL_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] wr_cl_idx;
    logic [DCACHE_OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] wr_cl_off;
    logic [DCACHE_LINE_WIDTH-1:0]   wr_cl_data;
    logic [DCACHE_LINE_WIDTH/8-1:0] wr_cl_data_be;
    logic [DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]    wr_vld_bits;
    logic [DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]    wr_req;
    logic                           wr_ack;
    logic [DCACHE_CL_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] wr_idx;
    logic [DCACHE_OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] wr_off;
    logic [63:0]                    wr_data;
    logic [7:0]                     wr_data_be;

    // miss unit <-> controllers/wbuffer
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_req;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_ack;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_nc;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_we;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][63:0]                    miss_wdata;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][63:0]                    miss_paddr;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]    miss_vld_bits;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][2:0]                     miss_size;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][DCACHE_ID_WIDTH-1:0]     miss_id;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_replay;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          miss_rtrn_vld;
    logic [DCACHE_ID_WIDTH-1:0]                   miss_rtrn_id;

    // memory <-> read controllers/miss unit
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          rd_prio;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          rd_tag_only;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          rd_req;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0]                          rd_ack;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][DCACHE_TAG_WIDTH-1:0]    rd_tag;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][DCACHE_CL_IDX_WIDTH-1:0] rd_idx;
    logic [NumPorts-1:0][DCACHE_OFFSET_WIDTH-1:0] rd_off;
    logic [63:0]                                  rd_data;
    logic [DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]                  rd_vld_bits;
    logic [DCACHE_SET_ASSOC-1:0]                  rd_hit_oh;

    // miss unit <-> wbuffer
    logic [DCACHE_MAX_TX-1:0][63:0]               tx_paddr;
    logic [DCACHE_MAX_TX-1:0]                     tx_vld;

    // wbuffer <-> memory
    wbuffer_t [DCACHE_WBUF_DEPTH-1:0]             wbuffer_data;

// miss handling unit

    serpent_dcache_missunit #(
        .AmoTxId  ( RdAmoTxId ),
        .NumPorts ( NumPorts  )
    ) i_serpent_dcache_missunit (
        .clk_i              ( clk_i              ),
        .rst_ni             ( rst_ni             ),
        .enable_i           ( enable_i           ),
        .flush_i            ( flush_i            ),
        .flush_ack_o        ( flush_ack_o        ),
        .miss_o             ( miss_o             ),
        .wbuffer_empty_i    ( wbuffer_empty_o    ),
        .cache_en_o         ( cache_en           ),
        // amo interface
        .amo_req_i          ( amo_req_i          ),
        .amo_resp_o         ( amo_resp_o         ),
        // miss handling interface
        .miss_req_i         ( miss_req           ),
        .miss_ack_o         ( miss_ack           ),
        .miss_nc_i          ( miss_nc            ),
        .miss_we_i          ( miss_we            ),
        .miss_wdata_i       ( miss_wdata         ),
        .miss_paddr_i       ( miss_paddr         ),
        .miss_vld_bits_i    ( miss_vld_bits      ),
        .miss_size_i        ( miss_size          ),
        .miss_id_i          ( miss_id            ),
        .miss_replay_o      ( miss_replay        ),
        .miss_rtrn_vld_o    ( miss_rtrn_vld      ),
        .miss_rtrn_id_o     ( miss_rtrn_id       ),
        // from writebuffer
        .tx_paddr_i         ( tx_paddr           ),
        .tx_vld_i           ( tx_vld             ),
        // cache memory interface
        .wr_cl_vld_o        ( wr_cl_vld          ),
        .wr_cl_nc_o         ( wr_cl_nc           ),
        .wr_cl_we_o         ( wr_cl_we           ),
        .wr_cl_tag_o        ( wr_cl_tag          ),
        .wr_cl_idx_o        ( wr_cl_idx          ),
        .wr_cl_off_o        ( wr_cl_off          ),
        .wr_cl_data_o       ( wr_cl_data         ),
        .wr_cl_data_be_o    ( wr_cl_data_be      ),
        .wr_vld_bits_o      ( wr_vld_bits        ),
        // memory interface
        .mem_rtrn_vld_i     ( mem_rtrn_vld_i     ),
        .mem_rtrn_i         ( mem_rtrn_i         ),
        .mem_data_req_o     ( mem_data_req_o     ),
        .mem_data_ack_i     ( mem_data_ack_i     ),
        .mem_data_o         ( mem_data_o         )

// read controllers (LD unit and PTW/MMU)

        // note: last read port is used by the write buffer
        for(genvar k=0; k<NumPorts-1; k++) begin
        // set these to high prio ports
        assign rd_prio[k] = 1'b1;

        serpent_dcache_ctrl #(
                .RdTxId        ( RdAmoTxId     ),
                .CachedAddrBeg ( CachedAddrBeg ),
                .CachedAddrEnd ( CachedAddrEnd ))
            i_serpent_dcache_ctrl (
                .clk_i           ( clk_i             ),
                .rst_ni          ( rst_ni            ),
                .cache_en_i      ( cache_en          ),
                // reqs from core
                .req_port_i      ( req_ports_i   [k] ),
                .req_port_o      ( req_ports_o   [k] ),
                // miss interface
                .miss_req_o      ( miss_req      [k] ),
                .miss_ack_i      ( miss_ack      [k] ),
                .miss_we_o       ( miss_we       [k] ),
                .miss_wdata_o    ( miss_wdata    [k] ),
                .miss_vld_bits_o ( miss_vld_bits [k] ),
                .miss_paddr_o    ( miss_paddr    [k] ),
                .miss_nc_o       ( miss_nc       [k] ),
                .miss_size_o     ( miss_size     [k] ),
                .miss_id_o       ( miss_id       [k] ),
                .miss_replay_i   ( miss_replay   [k] ),
                .miss_rtrn_vld_i ( miss_rtrn_vld [k] ),
                // used to detect readout mux collisions
                .wr_cl_vld_i     ( wr_cl_vld         ),
                // cache mem interface
                .rd_tag_o        ( rd_tag        [k] ),
                .rd_idx_o        ( rd_idx        [k] ),
                .rd_off_o        ( rd_off        [k] ),
                .rd_req_o        ( rd_req        [k] ),
                .rd_tag_only_o   ( rd_tag_only   [k] ),
                .rd_ack_i        ( rd_ack        [k] ),
                .rd_data_i       ( rd_data           ),
                .rd_vld_bits_i   ( rd_vld_bits       ),
                .rd_hit_oh_i     ( rd_hit_oh         )

// store unit controller

    // set read port to low priority
    assign rd_prio[2] = 1'b0;

    serpent_dcache_wbuffer #(
            .CachedAddrBeg ( CachedAddrBeg ),
            .CachedAddrEnd ( CachedAddrEnd ))
        i_serpent_dcache_wbuffer (
            .clk_i           ( clk_i               ),
            .rst_ni          ( rst_ni              ),
            .empty_o         ( wbuffer_empty_o     ),
            // TODO: fix this
            .cache_en_i      ( cache_en            ),
            // .cache_en_i      ( '0                  ),
            // request ports from core (store unit)
            .req_port_i      ( req_ports_i   [2]   ),
            .req_port_o      ( req_ports_o   [2]   ),
            // miss unit interface
            .miss_req_o      ( miss_req      [2]   ),
            .miss_ack_i      ( miss_ack      [2]   ),
            .miss_we_o       ( miss_we       [2]   ),
            .miss_wdata_o    ( miss_wdata    [2]   ),
            .miss_vld_bits_o ( miss_vld_bits [2]   ),
            .miss_paddr_o    ( miss_paddr    [2]   ),
            .miss_nc_o       ( miss_nc       [2]   ),
            .miss_size_o     ( miss_size     [2]   ),
            .miss_id_o       ( miss_id       [2]   ),
            .miss_rtrn_vld_i ( miss_rtrn_vld [2]   ),
            .miss_rtrn_id_i  ( miss_rtrn_id        ),
            // cache read interface
            .rd_tag_o        ( rd_tag        [2]   ),
            .rd_idx_o        ( rd_idx        [2]   ),
            .rd_off_o        ( rd_off        [2]   ),
            .rd_req_o        ( rd_req        [2]   ),
            .rd_tag_only_o   ( rd_tag_only   [2]   ),
            .rd_ack_i        ( rd_ack        [2]   ),
            .rd_data_i       ( rd_data             ),
            .rd_vld_bits_i   ( rd_vld_bits         ),
            .rd_hit_oh_i     ( rd_hit_oh           ),
             // incoming invalidations/cache refills
            .wr_cl_vld_i     ( wr_cl_vld           ),
            .wr_cl_idx_i     ( wr_cl_idx           ),
            // single word write interface
            .wr_req_o        ( wr_req              ),
            .wr_ack_i        ( wr_ack              ),
            .wr_idx_o        ( wr_idx              ),
            .wr_off_o        ( wr_off              ),
            .wr_data_o       ( wr_data             ),
            .wr_data_be_o    ( wr_data_be          ),
            // write buffer forwarding
            .wbuffer_data_o  ( wbuffer_data        ),
            .tx_paddr_o      ( tx_paddr            ),
            .tx_vld_o        ( tx_vld              )

// memory arrays, arbitration and tag comparison

   serpent_dcache_mem #(
        ) i_serpent_dcache_mem (
            .clk_i             ( clk_i              ),
            .rst_ni            ( rst_ni             ),
            // read ports
            .rd_prio_i         ( rd_prio            ),
            .rd_tag_i          ( rd_tag             ),
            .rd_idx_i          ( rd_idx             ),
            .rd_off_i          ( rd_off             ),
            .rd_req_i          ( rd_req             ),
            .rd_tag_only_i     ( rd_tag_only        ),
            .rd_ack_o          ( rd_ack             ),
            .rd_vld_bits_o     ( rd_vld_bits        ),
            .rd_hit_oh_o       ( rd_hit_oh          ),
            .rd_data_o         ( rd_data            ),
            // cacheline write port
            .wr_cl_vld_i       ( wr_cl_vld          ),
            .wr_cl_nc_i        ( wr_cl_nc           ),
            .wr_cl_we_i        ( wr_cl_we           ),
            .wr_cl_tag_i       ( wr_cl_tag          ),
            .wr_cl_idx_i       ( wr_cl_idx          ),
            .wr_cl_off_i       ( wr_cl_off          ),
            .wr_cl_data_i      ( wr_cl_data         ),
            .wr_cl_data_be_i   ( wr_cl_data_be      ),
            .wr_vld_bits_i     ( wr_vld_bits        ),
            // single word write port
            .wr_req_i          ( wr_req             ),
            .wr_ack_o          ( wr_ack             ),
            .wr_idx_i          ( wr_idx             ),
            .wr_off_i          ( wr_off             ),
            .wr_data_i         ( wr_data            ),
            .wr_data_be_i      ( wr_data_be         ),
            // write buffer forwarding
            .wbuffer_data_i    ( wbuffer_data       )

// assertions

// check for concurrency issues

//pragma translate_off
  flush: assert property (
      @(posedge clk_i) disable iff (~rst_ni) flush_i |-> flush_ack_o |-> wbuffer_empty_o)
         else $fatal(1,"[l1 dcache] flushed cache implies flushed wbuffer");

   initial begin
      // assert wrong parameterizations
      assert (DCACHE_INDEX_WIDTH<=12)
        else $fatal(1,"[l1 dcache] cache index width can be maximum 12bit since VM uses 4kB pages");
//pragma translate_on

endmodule // serpent_dcache