# Reqrsp Interface A simple interface with a single request channel and a single response channel, for both read and write data. A more thorough documentation can be found in the [docs](doc/index.md) folder. ## List of Modules | Name | Description | Status | | ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------- | | `axi_to_reqrsp` | Protocol translator between `reqrsp` and AXI4+ATOP | active | | `reqrsp_cut` | Insert registers (i.e., a pipeline stage) into request and/or response path. | active | | `reqrsp_demux` | Demultiplex, based on a select signal. | active | | `reqrsp_intf` | Systemverilog interface definition of `reqrsp` interface. | active | | `reqrsp_iso` | Isochronous clockdomain crossing. | active | | `reqrsp_mux` | Arbitrate multiple ports based on round-robin arbitration. | active | | `reqrsp_test` | Common test infrastructure for the `reqrsp` protocol. | active | | `reqrsp_to_axi` | Protocol translator between AXI4+ATOP and `reqrsp`. | active | | `reqrsp_to_tcdm` | Protocol translator between `reqrsp` and `tcdm` protocol. | _untested_ |