// Copyright (c) 2014-2018 ETH Zurich, University of Bologna // // Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware // License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in // compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law // or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under // this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR // CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the // specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. // // Authors: // - Wolfgang Roenninger <wroennin@iis.ee.ethz.ch> // - Andreas Kurth <akurth@iis.ee.ethz.ch> // - Fabian Schuiki <fschuiki@iis.ee.ethz.ch> // - Florian Zaruba <zarubaf@iis.ee.ethz.ch> // - Matheus Cavalcante <matheusd@iis.ee.ethz.ch> /// A set of testbench utilities for AXI interfaces. package axi_test; import axi_pkg::*; /// A driver for AXI4-Lite interface. class axi_lite_driver #( parameter int AW = 32 , parameter int DW = 32 , parameter time TA = 0ns , // stimuli application time parameter time TT = 0ns // stimuli test time ); virtual AXI_LITE_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW) ) axi; function new( virtual AXI_LITE_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW) ) axi ); this.axi = axi; endfunction function void reset_master(); axi.aw_addr <= '0; axi.aw_prot <= '0; axi.aw_valid <= '0; axi.w_valid <= '0; axi.w_data <= '0; axi.w_strb <= '0; axi.b_ready <= '0; axi.ar_valid <= '0; axi.ar_prot <= '0; axi.ar_addr <= '0; axi.r_ready <= '0; endfunction function void reset_slave(); axi.aw_ready <= '0; axi.w_ready <= '0; axi.b_resp <= '0; axi.b_valid <= '0; axi.ar_ready <= '0; axi.r_data <= '0; axi.r_resp <= '0; axi.r_valid <= '0; endfunction task cycle_start; #TT; endtask task cycle_end; @(posedge axi.clk_i); endtask /// Issue a beat on the AW channel. task send_aw ( input logic [AW-1:0] addr, input prot_t prot ); axi.aw_addr <= #TA addr; axi.aw_prot <= #TA prot; axi.aw_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.aw_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.aw_addr <= #TA '0; axi.aw_prot <= #TA '0; axi.aw_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the W channel. task send_w ( input logic [DW-1:0] data, input logic [DW/8-1:0] strb ); axi.w_data <= #TA data; axi.w_strb <= #TA strb; axi.w_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.w_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.w_data <= #TA '0; axi.w_strb <= #TA '0; axi.w_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the B channel. task send_b ( input axi_pkg::resp_t resp ); axi.b_resp <= #TA resp; axi.b_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.b_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.b_resp <= #TA '0; axi.b_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the AR channel. task send_ar ( input logic [AW-1:0] addr, input prot_t prot ); axi.ar_addr <= #TA addr; axi.ar_prot <= #TA prot; axi.ar_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.ar_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.ar_addr <= #TA '0; axi.ar_prot <= #TA '0; axi.ar_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the R channel. task send_r ( input logic [DW-1:0] data, input axi_pkg::resp_t resp ); axi.r_data <= #TA data; axi.r_resp <= #TA resp; axi.r_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.r_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.r_data <= #TA '0; axi.r_resp <= #TA '0; axi.r_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the AW channel. task recv_aw ( output [AW-1:0] addr, output prot_t prot ); axi.aw_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.aw_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end addr = axi.aw_addr; prot = axi.aw_prot; cycle_end(); axi.aw_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the W channel. task recv_w ( output [DW-1:0] data, output [DW/8-1:0] strb ); axi.w_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.w_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end data = axi.w_data; strb = axi.w_strb; cycle_end(); axi.w_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the B channel. task recv_b ( output axi_pkg::resp_t resp ); axi.b_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.b_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end resp = axi.b_resp; cycle_end(); axi.b_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the AR channel. task recv_ar ( output [AW-1:0] addr, output prot_t prot ); axi.ar_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.ar_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end addr = axi.ar_addr; prot = axi.ar_prot; cycle_end(); axi.ar_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the R channel. task recv_r ( output [DW-1:0] data, output axi_pkg::resp_t resp ); axi.r_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.r_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end data = axi.r_data; resp = axi.r_resp; cycle_end(); axi.r_ready <= #TA 0; endtask endclass /// The data transferred on a beat on the AW/AR channels. class axi_ax_beat #( parameter AW = 32, parameter IW = 8 , parameter UW = 1 ); rand logic [IW-1:0] ax_id = '0; rand logic [AW-1:0] ax_addr = '0; logic [7:0] ax_len = '0; logic [2:0] ax_size = '0; logic [1:0] ax_burst = '0; logic ax_lock = '0; logic [3:0] ax_cache = '0; logic [2:0] ax_prot = '0; rand logic [3:0] ax_qos = '0; logic [3:0] ax_region = '0; logic [5:0] ax_atop = '0; // Only defined on the AW channel. rand logic [UW-1:0] ax_user = '0; endclass /// The data transferred on a beat on the W channel. class axi_w_beat #( parameter DW = 32, parameter UW = 1 ); rand logic [DW-1:0] w_data = '0; rand logic [DW/8-1:0] w_strb = '0; logic w_last = '0; rand logic [UW-1:0] w_user = '0; endclass /// The data transferred on a beat on the B channel. class axi_b_beat #( parameter IW = 8, parameter UW = 1 ); rand logic [IW-1:0] b_id = '0; axi_pkg::resp_t b_resp = '0; rand logic [UW-1:0] b_user = '0; endclass /// The data transferred on a beat on the R channel. class axi_r_beat #( parameter DW = 32, parameter IW = 8 , parameter UW = 1 ); rand logic [IW-1:0] r_id = '0; rand logic [DW-1:0] r_data = '0; axi_pkg::resp_t r_resp = '0; logic r_last = '0; rand logic [UW-1:0] r_user = '0; endclass /// A driver for AXI4 interface. class axi_driver #( parameter int AW = 32 , parameter int DW = 32 , parameter int IW = 8 , parameter int UW = 1 , parameter time TA = 0ns , // stimuli application time parameter time TT = 0ns // stimuli test time ); virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .AXI_ID_WIDTH(IW), .AXI_USER_WIDTH(UW) ) axi; typedef axi_ax_beat #(.AW(AW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW)) ax_beat_t; typedef axi_w_beat #(.DW(DW), .UW(UW)) w_beat_t; typedef axi_b_beat #(.IW(IW), .UW(UW)) b_beat_t; typedef axi_r_beat #(.DW(DW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW)) r_beat_t; function new( virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .AXI_ID_WIDTH(IW), .AXI_USER_WIDTH(UW) ) axi ); this.axi = axi; endfunction function void reset_master(); axi.aw_id <= '0; axi.aw_addr <= '0; axi.aw_len <= '0; axi.aw_size <= '0; axi.aw_burst <= '0; axi.aw_lock <= '0; axi.aw_cache <= '0; axi.aw_prot <= '0; axi.aw_qos <= '0; axi.aw_region <= '0; axi.aw_atop <= '0; axi.aw_user <= '0; axi.aw_valid <= '0; axi.w_data <= '0; axi.w_strb <= '0; axi.w_last <= '0; axi.w_user <= '0; axi.w_valid <= '0; axi.b_ready <= '0; axi.ar_id <= '0; axi.ar_addr <= '0; axi.ar_len <= '0; axi.ar_size <= '0; axi.ar_burst <= '0; axi.ar_lock <= '0; axi.ar_cache <= '0; axi.ar_prot <= '0; axi.ar_qos <= '0; axi.ar_region <= '0; axi.ar_user <= '0; axi.ar_valid <= '0; axi.r_ready <= '0; endfunction function void reset_slave(); axi.aw_ready <= '0; axi.w_ready <= '0; axi.b_id <= '0; axi.b_resp <= '0; axi.b_user <= '0; axi.b_valid <= '0; axi.ar_ready <= '0; axi.r_id <= '0; axi.r_data <= '0; axi.r_resp <= '0; axi.r_last <= '0; axi.r_user <= '0; axi.r_valid <= '0; endfunction task cycle_start; #TT; endtask task cycle_end; @(posedge axi.clk_i); endtask /// Issue a beat on the AW channel. task send_aw ( input ax_beat_t beat ); axi.aw_id <= #TA beat.ax_id; axi.aw_addr <= #TA beat.ax_addr; axi.aw_len <= #TA beat.ax_len; axi.aw_size <= #TA beat.ax_size; axi.aw_burst <= #TA beat.ax_burst; axi.aw_lock <= #TA beat.ax_lock; axi.aw_cache <= #TA beat.ax_cache; axi.aw_prot <= #TA beat.ax_prot; axi.aw_qos <= #TA beat.ax_qos; axi.aw_region <= #TA beat.ax_region; axi.aw_atop <= #TA beat.ax_atop; axi.aw_user <= #TA beat.ax_user; axi.aw_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.aw_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.aw_id <= #TA '0; axi.aw_addr <= #TA '0; axi.aw_len <= #TA '0; axi.aw_size <= #TA '0; axi.aw_burst <= #TA '0; axi.aw_lock <= #TA '0; axi.aw_cache <= #TA '0; axi.aw_prot <= #TA '0; axi.aw_qos <= #TA '0; axi.aw_region <= #TA '0; axi.aw_atop <= #TA '0; axi.aw_user <= #TA '0; axi.aw_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the W channel. task send_w ( input w_beat_t beat ); axi.w_data <= #TA beat.w_data; axi.w_strb <= #TA beat.w_strb; axi.w_last <= #TA beat.w_last; axi.w_user <= #TA beat.w_user; axi.w_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.w_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.w_data <= #TA '0; axi.w_strb <= #TA '0; axi.w_last <= #TA '0; axi.w_user <= #TA '0; axi.w_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the B channel. task send_b ( input b_beat_t beat ); axi.b_id <= #TA beat.b_id; axi.b_resp <= #TA beat.b_resp; axi.b_user <= #TA beat.b_user; axi.b_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.b_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.b_id <= #TA '0; axi.b_resp <= #TA '0; axi.b_user <= #TA '0; axi.b_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the AR channel. task send_ar ( input ax_beat_t beat ); axi.ar_id <= #TA beat.ax_id; axi.ar_addr <= #TA beat.ax_addr; axi.ar_len <= #TA beat.ax_len; axi.ar_size <= #TA beat.ax_size; axi.ar_burst <= #TA beat.ax_burst; axi.ar_lock <= #TA beat.ax_lock; axi.ar_cache <= #TA beat.ax_cache; axi.ar_prot <= #TA beat.ax_prot; axi.ar_qos <= #TA beat.ax_qos; axi.ar_region <= #TA beat.ax_region; axi.ar_user <= #TA beat.ax_user; axi.ar_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.ar_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.ar_id <= #TA '0; axi.ar_addr <= #TA '0; axi.ar_len <= #TA '0; axi.ar_size <= #TA '0; axi.ar_burst <= #TA '0; axi.ar_lock <= #TA '0; axi.ar_cache <= #TA '0; axi.ar_prot <= #TA '0; axi.ar_qos <= #TA '0; axi.ar_region <= #TA '0; axi.ar_user <= #TA '0; axi.ar_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Issue a beat on the R channel. task send_r ( input r_beat_t beat ); axi.r_id <= #TA beat.r_id; axi.r_data <= #TA beat.r_data; axi.r_resp <= #TA beat.r_resp; axi.r_last <= #TA beat.r_last; axi.r_user <= #TA beat.r_user; axi.r_valid <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.r_ready != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end cycle_end(); axi.r_id <= #TA '0; axi.r_data <= #TA '0; axi.r_resp <= #TA '0; axi.r_last <= #TA '0; axi.r_user <= #TA '0; axi.r_valid <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the AW channel. task recv_aw ( output ax_beat_t beat ); axi.aw_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.aw_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.ax_id = axi.aw_id; beat.ax_addr = axi.aw_addr; beat.ax_len = axi.aw_len; beat.ax_size = axi.aw_size; beat.ax_burst = axi.aw_burst; beat.ax_lock = axi.aw_lock; beat.ax_cache = axi.aw_cache; beat.ax_prot = axi.aw_prot; beat.ax_qos = axi.aw_qos; beat.ax_region = axi.aw_region; beat.ax_atop = axi.aw_atop; beat.ax_user = axi.aw_user; cycle_end(); axi.aw_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the W channel. task recv_w ( output w_beat_t beat ); axi.w_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.w_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.w_data = axi.w_data; beat.w_strb = axi.w_strb; beat.w_last = axi.w_last; beat.w_user = axi.w_user; cycle_end(); axi.w_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the B channel. task recv_b ( output b_beat_t beat ); axi.b_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.b_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.b_id = axi.b_id; beat.b_resp = axi.b_resp; beat.b_user = axi.b_user; cycle_end(); axi.b_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the AR channel. task recv_ar ( output ax_beat_t beat ); axi.ar_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.ar_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.ax_id = axi.ar_id; beat.ax_addr = axi.ar_addr; beat.ax_len = axi.ar_len; beat.ax_size = axi.ar_size; beat.ax_burst = axi.ar_burst; beat.ax_lock = axi.ar_lock; beat.ax_cache = axi.ar_cache; beat.ax_prot = axi.ar_prot; beat.ax_qos = axi.ar_qos; beat.ax_region = axi.ar_region; beat.ax_atop = 'X; // Not defined on the AR channel. beat.ax_user = axi.ar_user; cycle_end(); axi.ar_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Wait for a beat on the R channel. task recv_r ( output r_beat_t beat ); axi.r_ready <= #TA 1; cycle_start(); while (axi.r_valid != 1) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.r_id = axi.r_id; beat.r_data = axi.r_data; beat.r_resp = axi.r_resp; beat.r_last = axi.r_last; beat.r_user = axi.r_user; cycle_end(); axi.r_ready <= #TA 0; endtask /// Monitor the AW channel and return the next beat. task mon_aw ( output ax_beat_t beat ); cycle_start(); while (!(axi.aw_valid && axi.aw_ready)) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.ax_id = axi.aw_id; beat.ax_addr = axi.aw_addr; beat.ax_len = axi.aw_len; beat.ax_size = axi.aw_size; beat.ax_burst = axi.aw_burst; beat.ax_lock = axi.aw_lock; beat.ax_cache = axi.aw_cache; beat.ax_prot = axi.aw_prot; beat.ax_qos = axi.aw_qos; beat.ax_region = axi.aw_region; beat.ax_atop = axi.aw_atop; beat.ax_user = axi.aw_user; cycle_end(); endtask /// Monitor the W channel and return the next beat. task mon_w ( output w_beat_t beat ); cycle_start(); while (!(axi.w_valid && axi.w_ready)) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.w_data = axi.w_data; beat.w_strb = axi.w_strb; beat.w_last = axi.w_last; beat.w_user = axi.w_user; cycle_end(); endtask /// Monitor the B channel and return the next beat. task mon_b ( output b_beat_t beat ); cycle_start(); while (!(axi.b_valid && axi.b_ready)) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.b_id = axi.b_id; beat.b_resp = axi.b_resp; beat.b_user = axi.b_user; cycle_end(); endtask /// Monitor the AR channel and return the next beat. task mon_ar ( output ax_beat_t beat ); cycle_start(); while (!(axi.ar_valid && axi.ar_ready)) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.ax_id = axi.ar_id; beat.ax_addr = axi.ar_addr; beat.ax_len = axi.ar_len; beat.ax_size = axi.ar_size; beat.ax_burst = axi.ar_burst; beat.ax_lock = axi.ar_lock; beat.ax_cache = axi.ar_cache; beat.ax_prot = axi.ar_prot; beat.ax_qos = axi.ar_qos; beat.ax_region = axi.ar_region; beat.ax_atop = 'X; // Not defined on the AR channel. beat.ax_user = axi.ar_user; cycle_end(); endtask /// Monitor the R channel and return the next beat. task mon_r ( output r_beat_t beat ); cycle_start(); while (!(axi.r_valid && axi.r_ready)) begin cycle_end(); cycle_start(); end beat = new; beat.r_id = axi.r_id; beat.r_data = axi.r_data; beat.r_resp = axi.r_resp; beat.r_last = axi.r_last; beat.r_user = axi.r_user; cycle_end(); endtask endclass class axi_rand_master #( // AXI interface parameters parameter int AW = 32, parameter int DW = 32, parameter int IW = 8, parameter int UW = 1, // Stimuli application and test time parameter time TA = 0ps, parameter time TT = 0ps, // Maximum number of read and write transactions in flight parameter int MAX_READ_TXNS = 1, parameter int MAX_WRITE_TXNS = 1, // Upper and lower bounds on wait cycles on Ax, W, and resp (R and B) channels parameter int AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 100, parameter int W_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int W_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 5, parameter int RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 20, // AXI feature usage parameter int AXI_MAX_BURST_LEN = 0, // maximum number of beats in burst; 0 = AXI max (256) parameter int TRAFFIC_SHAPING = 0, parameter bit AXI_EXCLS = 1'b0, parameter bit AXI_ATOPS = 1'b0, parameter bit AXI_BURST_FIXED = 1'b1, parameter bit AXI_BURST_INCR = 1'b1, parameter bit AXI_BURST_WRAP = 1'b0, parameter bit UNIQUE_IDS = 1'b0, // guarantee that the ID of each transaction is // unique among all in-flight transactions in the // same direction // Dependent parameters, do not override. parameter int AXI_STRB_WIDTH = DW/8, parameter int N_AXI_IDS = 2**IW ); typedef axi_test::axi_driver #( .AW(AW), .DW(DW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW), .TA(TA), .TT(TT) ) axi_driver_t; typedef logic [AW-1:0] addr_t; typedef axi_pkg::burst_t burst_t; typedef axi_pkg::cache_t cache_t; typedef logic [DW-1:0] data_t; typedef logic [IW-1:0] id_t; typedef axi_pkg::len_t len_t; typedef axi_pkg::size_t size_t; typedef logic [UW-1:0] user_t; typedef axi_pkg::mem_type_t mem_type_t; typedef axi_driver_t::ax_beat_t ax_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::b_beat_t b_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::r_beat_t r_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::w_beat_t w_beat_t; static addr_t PFN_MASK = '{11: 1'b0, 10: 1'b0, 9: 1'b0, 8: 1'b0, 7: 1'b0, 6: 1'b0, 5: 1'b0, 4: 1'b0, 3: 1'b0, 2: 1'b0, 1: 1'b0, 0: 1'b0, default: '1}; axi_driver_t drv; int unsigned r_flight_cnt[N_AXI_IDS-1:0], w_flight_cnt[N_AXI_IDS-1:0], tot_r_flight_cnt, tot_w_flight_cnt; logic [N_AXI_IDS-1:0] atop_resp_b, atop_resp_r; len_t max_len; burst_t allowed_bursts[$]; semaphore cnt_sem; ax_beat_t aw_queue[$], w_queue[$], excl_queue[$]; typedef struct packed { addr_t addr_begin; addr_t addr_end; mem_type_t mem_type; } mem_region_t; mem_region_t mem_map[$]; struct packed { int unsigned len ; int unsigned cprob; } traffic_shape[$]; int unsigned max_cprob; function new( virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .AXI_ID_WIDTH(IW), .AXI_USER_WIDTH(UW) ) axi ); if (AXI_MAX_BURST_LEN <= 0 || AXI_MAX_BURST_LEN > 256) begin this.max_len = 255; end else begin this.max_len = AXI_MAX_BURST_LEN - 1; end this.drv = new(axi); this.cnt_sem = new(1); this.reset(); if (AXI_BURST_FIXED) begin this.allowed_bursts.push_back(BURST_FIXED); end if (AXI_BURST_INCR) begin this.allowed_bursts.push_back(BURST_INCR); end if (AXI_BURST_WRAP) begin this.allowed_bursts.push_back(BURST_WRAP); end assert(allowed_bursts.size()) else $fatal(1, "At least one burst type has to be specified!"); endfunction function void reset(); drv.reset_master(); r_flight_cnt = '{default: 0}; w_flight_cnt = '{default: 0}; tot_r_flight_cnt = 0; tot_w_flight_cnt = 0; atop_resp_b = '0; atop_resp_r = '0; endfunction function void add_memory_region(input addr_t addr_begin, input addr_t addr_end, input mem_type_t mem_type); mem_map.push_back({addr_begin, addr_end, mem_type}); endfunction function void add_traffic_shaping(input int unsigned len, input int unsigned freq); if (traffic_shape.size() == 0) traffic_shape.push_back({len, freq}); else traffic_shape.push_back({len, traffic_shape[$].cprob + freq}); max_cprob = traffic_shape[$].cprob; endfunction : add_traffic_shaping function ax_beat_t new_rand_burst(input logic is_read); automatic logic rand_success; automatic ax_beat_t ax_beat = new; automatic addr_t addr; automatic burst_t burst; automatic cache_t cache; automatic id_t id; automatic qos_t qos; automatic len_t len; automatic size_t size; automatic int unsigned mem_region_idx; automatic mem_region_t mem_region; automatic int cprob; // No memory regions defined if (mem_map.size() == 0) begin // Return a dummy region mem_region = '{ addr_begin: '0, addr_end: '1, mem_type: axi_pkg::NORMAL_NONCACHEABLE_BUFFERABLE }; end else begin // Randomly pick a memory region rand_success = std::randomize(mem_region_idx) with { mem_region_idx < mem_map.size(); }; assert(rand_success); mem_region = mem_map[mem_region_idx]; end // Randomly pick burst type. rand_success = std::randomize(burst) with { burst inside {this.allowed_bursts}; }; assert(rand_success); ax_beat.ax_burst = burst; // Determine memory type. ax_beat.ax_cache = is_read ? axi_pkg::get_arcache(mem_region.mem_type) : axi_pkg::get_awcache(mem_region.mem_type); // Randomize beat size. if (TRAFFIC_SHAPING) begin rand_success = std::randomize(cprob) with { cprob >= 0; cprob < max_cprob; }; assert(rand_success); for (int i = 0; i < traffic_shape.size(); i++) if (traffic_shape[i].cprob > cprob) begin len = traffic_shape[i].len; if (ax_beat.ax_burst == BURST_WRAP) begin assert (len inside {len_t'(1), len_t'(3), len_t'(7), len_t'(15)}); end break; end // Randomize address. Make sure that the burst does not cross a 4KiB boundary. forever begin rand_success = std::randomize(size) with { 2**size <= AXI_STRB_WIDTH; 2**size <= len; }; assert(rand_success); ax_beat.ax_size = size; ax_beat.ax_len = ((len + (1 << size) - 1) >> size) - 1; rand_success = std::randomize(addr) with { addr >= mem_region.addr_begin; addr <= mem_region.addr_end; addr + len <= mem_region.addr_end; }; assert(rand_success); if (ax_beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_FIXED) begin if (((addr + 2**ax_beat.ax_size) & PFN_MASK) == (addr & PFN_MASK)) begin break; end end else begin // BURST_INCR if (((addr + 2**ax_beat.ax_size * (ax_beat.ax_len + 1)) & PFN_MASK) == (addr & PFN_MASK)) begin break; end end end end else begin // Randomize address. Make sure that the burst does not cross a 4KiB boundary. forever begin // Randomize burst length. rand_success = std::randomize(len) with { len <= this.max_len; (ax_beat.ax_burst == BURST_WRAP) -> len inside {len_t'(1), len_t'(3), len_t'(7), len_t'(15)}; }; assert(rand_success); rand_success = std::randomize(size) with { 2**size <= AXI_STRB_WIDTH; }; assert(rand_success); ax_beat.ax_size = size; ax_beat.ax_len = len; // Randomize address rand_success = std::randomize(addr) with { addr >= mem_region.addr_begin; addr <= mem_region.addr_end; addr + ((len + 1) << size) <= mem_region.addr_end; }; assert(rand_success); if (ax_beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_FIXED) begin if (((addr + 2**ax_beat.ax_size) & PFN_MASK) == (addr & PFN_MASK)) begin break; end end else begin // BURST_INCR, BURST_WRAP if (((addr + 2**ax_beat.ax_size * (ax_beat.ax_len + 1)) & PFN_MASK) == (addr & PFN_MASK)) begin break; end end end end ax_beat.ax_addr = addr; rand_success = std::randomize(id); assert(rand_success); rand_success = std::randomize(qos); assert(rand_success); // The random ID *must* be legalized with `legalize_id()` before the beat is sent! This is // currently done in the functions `create_aws()` and `send_ars()`. ax_beat.ax_id = id; ax_beat.ax_qos = qos; return ax_beat; endfunction task rand_atop_burst(inout ax_beat_t beat); automatic logic rand_success; beat.ax_atop[5:4] = $random(); if (beat.ax_atop[5:4] != 2'b00 && !AXI_BURST_INCR) begin // We can emit ATOPs only if INCR bursts are allowed. $warning("ATOP suppressed because INCR bursts are disabled!"); beat.ax_atop[5:4] = 2'b00; end if (beat.ax_atop[5:4] != 2'b00) begin // ATOP // Determine `ax_atop`. if (beat.ax_atop[5:4] == axi_pkg::ATOP_ATOMICSTORE || beat.ax_atop[5:4] == axi_pkg::ATOP_ATOMICLOAD) begin // Endianness beat.ax_atop[3] = $random(); // Atomic operation beat.ax_atop[2:0] = $random(); end else begin // Atomic{Swap,Compare} beat.ax_atop[3:1] = '0; beat.ax_atop[0] = $random(); end // Determine `ax_size` and `ax_len`. if (2**beat.ax_size < AXI_STRB_WIDTH) begin // Transaction does *not* occupy full data bus, so we must send just one beat. [E1.1.3] beat.ax_len = '0; end else begin automatic int unsigned bytes; if (beat.ax_atop == axi_pkg::ATOP_ATOMICCMP) begin // Total data transferred in burst can be 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 B. automatic int unsigned log_bytes; rand_success = std::randomize(log_bytes) with { log_bytes > 0; 2**log_bytes <= 32; }; assert(rand_success); bytes = 2**log_bytes; end else begin // Total data transferred in burst can be 1, 2, 4, or 8 B. if (AXI_STRB_WIDTH >= 8) begin bytes = AXI_STRB_WIDTH; end else begin automatic int unsigned log_bytes; rand_success = std::randomize(log_bytes); assert(rand_success); log_bytes = log_bytes % (4 - $clog2(AXI_STRB_WIDTH)) - $clog2(AXI_STRB_WIDTH); bytes = 2**log_bytes; end end beat.ax_len = bytes / AXI_STRB_WIDTH - 1; end // Determine `ax_addr` and `ax_burst`. if (beat.ax_atop == axi_pkg::ATOP_ATOMICCMP) begin // The address must be aligned to half the outbound data size. [E1.1.3] beat.ax_addr = beat.ax_addr & ~((1'b1 << beat.ax_size) - 1); // If the address is aligned to the total size of outgoing data, the burst type must be // INCR. Otherwise, it must be WRAP. [E1.1.3] beat.ax_burst = (beat.ax_addr % ((beat.ax_len+1) * 2**beat.ax_size) == 0) ? axi_pkg::BURST_INCR : axi_pkg::BURST_WRAP; // If we are not allowed to emit WRAP bursts, align the address to the total size of // outgoing data and fall back to INCR. if (beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_WRAP && !AXI_BURST_WRAP) begin beat.ax_addr -= (beat.ax_addr % ((beat.ax_len+1) * 2**beat.ax_size)); beat.ax_burst = axi_pkg::BURST_INCR; end end else begin // The address must be aligned to the data size. [E1.1.3] beat.ax_addr = beat.ax_addr & ~((1'b1 << (beat.ax_size+1)) - 1); // Only INCR allowed. beat.ax_burst = axi_pkg::BURST_INCR; end end endtask function void rand_excl_ar(inout ax_beat_t ar_beat); ar_beat.ax_lock = $random(); if (ar_beat.ax_lock) begin automatic logic rand_success; automatic int unsigned n_bytes; automatic size_t size; automatic addr_t addr_mask; // In an exclusive burst, the number of bytes to be transferred must be a power of 2, i.e., // 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 bytes, and the burst length must not exceed 16 transfers. static int unsigned ul = (AXI_STRB_WIDTH < 8) ? 4 + $clog2(AXI_STRB_WIDTH) : 7; rand_success = std::randomize(n_bytes) with { n_bytes >= 1; n_bytes <= ul; }; assert(rand_success); n_bytes = 2**n_bytes; rand_success = std::randomize(size) with { size >= 0; 2**size <= n_bytes; 2**size <= AXI_STRB_WIDTH; n_bytes / 2**size <= 16; }; assert(rand_success); ar_beat.ax_size = size; ar_beat.ax_len = n_bytes / 2**size; // The address must be aligned to the total number of bytes in the burst. ar_beat.ax_addr = ar_beat.ax_addr & ~(n_bytes-1); end endfunction // TODO: The `rand_wait` task exists in `rand_verif_pkg`, but that task cannot be called with // `this.drv.axi.clk_i` as `clk` argument. What is the syntax for getting an assignable // reference? task automatic rand_wait(input int unsigned min, max); int unsigned rand_success, cycles; rand_success = std::randomize(cycles) with { cycles >= min; cycles <= max; }; assert (rand_success) else $error("Failed to randomize wait cycles!"); repeat (cycles) @(posedge this.drv.axi.clk_i); endtask // Determine if the ID of an AXI Ax beat is currently legal. This function may only be called // while holding the `cnt_sem` semaphore. function bit id_is_legal(input bit is_read, input ax_beat_t beat); if (AXI_ATOPS) begin // The ID must not be the same as that of any in-flight ATOP. if (atop_resp_b[beat.ax_id] || atop_resp_r[beat.ax_id]) return 1'b0; // If this beat starts an ATOP, its ID must not be the same as that of any other in-flight // AXI transaction. if (!is_read && beat.ax_atop[5:4] != 2'b00 && ( r_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id] != 0 || w_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id] !=0 )) return 1'b0; end if (UNIQUE_IDS) begin // This master may only emit transactions with an ID that is unique among all in-flight // transactions in the same direction. if (is_read && r_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id] != 0) return 1'b0; if (!is_read && w_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id] != 0) return 1'b0; end // There is no reason why this ID would be illegal, so it is legal. return 1'b1; endfunction // Legalize the ID of an AXI Ax beat (drawing a new ID at random if the existing ID is currently // not legal) and add it to the in-flight transactions. task legalize_id(input bit is_read, inout ax_beat_t beat); automatic logic rand_success; automatic id_t id = beat.ax_id; // Loop until a legal ID is found. forever begin // Acquire semaphore on in-flight counters. cnt_sem.get(); // Exit loop if the current ID is legal. if (id_is_legal(is_read, beat)) begin break; end else begin // The current ID is currently not legal, so try another ID in the next cycle and // release the semaphore until then. cnt_sem.put(); rand_wait(1, 1); if (!beat.ax_lock) begin // The ID of an exclusive transfer must not be changed. rand_success = std::randomize(id); assert(rand_success); beat.ax_id = id; end end end // Mark transfer for decided ID as in flight. if (!is_read) begin w_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id]++; tot_w_flight_cnt++; if (beat.ax_atop != 2'b00) begin // This is an ATOP, so it gives rise to a write response. atop_resp_b[beat.ax_id] = 1'b1; if (beat.ax_atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) begin // This ATOP type additionally gives rise to a read response. atop_resp_r[beat.ax_id] = 1'b1; end end end else begin r_flight_cnt[beat.ax_id]++; tot_r_flight_cnt++; end // Release semaphore on in-flight counters. cnt_sem.put(); endtask task send_ars(input int n_reads); automatic logic rand_success; repeat (n_reads) begin automatic id_t id; automatic ax_beat_t ar_beat = new_rand_burst(1'b1); while (tot_r_flight_cnt >= MAX_READ_TXNS) begin rand_wait(1, 1); end if (AXI_EXCLS) begin rand_excl_ar(ar_beat); end legalize_id(1'b1, ar_beat); rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.send_ar(ar_beat); if (ar_beat.ax_lock) excl_queue.push_back(ar_beat); end endtask task recv_rs(ref logic ar_done, aw_done); while (!(ar_done && tot_r_flight_cnt == 0 && (!AXI_ATOPS || (AXI_ATOPS && aw_done && atop_resp_r == '0)) )) begin automatic r_beat_t r_beat; rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); if (tot_r_flight_cnt > 0 || atop_resp_r > 0) begin drv.recv_r(r_beat); if (r_beat.r_last) begin cnt_sem.get(); if (atop_resp_r[r_beat.r_id]) begin atop_resp_r[r_beat.r_id] = 1'b0; end else begin r_flight_cnt[r_beat.r_id]--; tot_r_flight_cnt--; end cnt_sem.put(); end end end endtask task create_aws(input int n_writes); automatic logic rand_success; repeat (n_writes) begin automatic bit excl = 1'b0; automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; if (AXI_EXCLS && excl_queue.size() > 0) excl = $random(); if (excl) begin aw_beat = excl_queue.pop_front(); end else begin aw_beat = new_rand_burst(1'b0); if (AXI_ATOPS) rand_atop_burst(aw_beat); end while (tot_w_flight_cnt >= MAX_WRITE_TXNS) begin rand_wait(1, 1); end legalize_id(1'b0, aw_beat); aw_queue.push_back(aw_beat); w_queue.push_back(aw_beat); end endtask task send_aws(ref logic aw_done); while (!(aw_done && aw_queue.size() == 0)) begin automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; wait (aw_queue.size() > 0 || (aw_done && aw_queue.size() == 0)); aw_beat = aw_queue.pop_front(); rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.send_aw(aw_beat); end endtask task send_ws(ref logic aw_done); while (!(aw_done && w_queue.size() == 0)) begin automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; automatic addr_t addr; static logic rand_success; wait (w_queue.size() > 0 || (aw_done && w_queue.size() == 0)); aw_beat = w_queue.pop_front(); addr = aw_beat.ax_addr; for (int unsigned i = 0; i < aw_beat.ax_len + 1; i++) begin automatic w_beat_t w_beat = new; automatic int unsigned begin_byte, end_byte, n_bytes; automatic logic [AXI_STRB_WIDTH-1:0] rand_strb, strb_mask; rand_success = w_beat.randomize(); assert (rand_success); // Determine strobe. w_beat.w_strb = '0; n_bytes = 2**aw_beat.ax_size; begin_byte = addr % AXI_STRB_WIDTH; end_byte = ((begin_byte + n_bytes) >> aw_beat.ax_size) << aw_beat.ax_size; strb_mask = '0; for (int unsigned b = begin_byte; b < end_byte; b++) strb_mask[b] = 1'b1; rand_success = std::randomize(rand_strb); assert (rand_success); w_beat.w_strb |= (rand_strb & strb_mask); // Determine last. w_beat.w_last = (i == aw_beat.ax_len); rand_wait(W_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, W_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.send_w(w_beat); if (aw_beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_INCR) addr += n_bytes; end end endtask task recv_bs(ref logic aw_done); while (!(aw_done && tot_w_flight_cnt == 0)) begin automatic b_beat_t b_beat; rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.recv_b(b_beat); cnt_sem.get(); if (atop_resp_b[b_beat.b_id]) begin atop_resp_b[b_beat.b_id] = 1'b0; end w_flight_cnt[b_beat.b_id]--; tot_w_flight_cnt--; cnt_sem.put(); end endtask // Issue n_reads random read and n_writes random write transactions to an address range. task run(input int n_reads, input int n_writes); automatic logic ar_done = 1'b0, aw_done = 1'b0; fork begin send_ars(n_reads); ar_done = 1'b1; end recv_rs(ar_done, aw_done); begin create_aws(n_writes); aw_done = 1'b1; end send_aws(aw_done); send_ws(aw_done); recv_bs(aw_done); join endtask endclass class axi_rand_slave #( // AXI interface parameters parameter int AW = 32, parameter int DW = 32, parameter int IW = 8, parameter int UW = 1, // Stimuli application and test time parameter time TA = 0ps, parameter time TT = 0ps, parameter bit RAND_RESP = 0, // Upper and lower bounds on wait cycles on Ax, W, and resp (R and B) channels parameter int AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 100, parameter int R_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int R_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 5, parameter int RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 20 ); typedef axi_test::axi_driver #( .AW(AW), .DW(DW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW), .TA(TA), .TT(TT) ) axi_driver_t; typedef rand_id_queue_pkg::rand_id_queue #( .data_t (axi_driver_t::ax_beat_t), .ID_WIDTH (IW) ) rand_ax_beat_queue_t; typedef axi_driver_t::ax_beat_t ax_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::b_beat_t b_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::r_beat_t r_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::w_beat_t w_beat_t; axi_driver_t drv; rand_ax_beat_queue_t ar_queue; ax_beat_t aw_queue[$]; int unsigned b_wait_cnt; function new( virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .AXI_ID_WIDTH(IW), .AXI_USER_WIDTH(UW) ) axi ); this.drv = new(axi); this.ar_queue = new; this.b_wait_cnt = 0; this.reset(); endfunction function void reset(); drv.reset_slave(); endfunction // TODO: The `rand_wait` task exists in `rand_verif_pkg`, but that task cannot be called with // `this.drv.axi.clk_i` as `clk` argument. What is the syntax getting an assignable reference? task automatic rand_wait(input int unsigned min, max); int unsigned rand_success, cycles; rand_success = std::randomize(cycles) with { cycles >= min; cycles <= max; }; assert (rand_success) else $error("Failed to randomize wait cycles!"); repeat (cycles) @(posedge this.drv.axi.clk_i); endtask task recv_ars(); forever begin automatic ax_beat_t ar_beat; rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.recv_ar(ar_beat); ar_queue.push(ar_beat.ax_id, ar_beat); end endtask task send_rs(); forever begin automatic logic rand_success; automatic ax_beat_t ar_beat; automatic r_beat_t r_beat = new; wait (ar_queue.size > 0); ar_beat = ar_queue.peek(); rand_success = r_beat.randomize(); assert(rand_success); r_beat.r_id = ar_beat.ax_id; if (RAND_RESP && !ar_beat.ax_atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) r_beat.r_resp[1] = $random(); if (ar_beat.ax_lock) r_beat.r_resp[0]= $random(); rand_wait(R_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, R_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); if (ar_beat.ax_len == '0) begin r_beat.r_last = 1'b1; void'(ar_queue.pop_id(ar_beat.ax_id)); end else begin ar_beat.ax_len--; ar_queue.set(ar_beat.ax_id, ar_beat); end drv.send_r(r_beat); end endtask task recv_aws(); forever begin automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.recv_aw(aw_beat); aw_queue.push_back(aw_beat); // Atomic{Load,Swap,Compare}s require an R response. if (aw_beat.ax_atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) begin ar_queue.push(aw_beat.ax_id, aw_beat); end end endtask task recv_ws(); forever begin automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; forever begin automatic w_beat_t w_beat; rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.recv_w(w_beat); if (w_beat.w_last) break; end b_wait_cnt++; end endtask task send_bs(); forever begin automatic ax_beat_t aw_beat; automatic b_beat_t b_beat = new; automatic logic rand_success; wait (b_wait_cnt > 0 && (aw_queue.size() != 0)); aw_beat = aw_queue.pop_front(); rand_success = b_beat.randomize(); assert(rand_success); b_beat.b_id = aw_beat.ax_id; if (RAND_RESP && !aw_beat.ax_atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) b_beat.b_resp[1] = $random(); if (aw_beat.ax_lock) begin b_beat.b_resp[0]= $random(); end rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.send_b(b_beat); b_wait_cnt--; end endtask task run(); fork recv_ars(); send_rs(); recv_aws(); recv_ws(); send_bs(); join endtask endclass // AXI4-Lite random master and slave class axi_lite_rand_master #( // AXI interface parameters parameter int unsigned AW = 0, parameter int unsigned DW = 0, // Stimuli application and test time parameter time TA = 2ns, parameter time TT = 8ns, parameter int unsigned MIN_ADDR = 32'h0000_0000, parameter int unsigned MAX_ADDR = 32'h1000_0000, // Maximum number of open transactions parameter int MAX_READ_TXNS = 1, parameter int MAX_WRITE_TXNS = 1, // Upper and lower bounds on wait cycles on Ax, W, and resp (R and B) channels parameter int AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 100, parameter int W_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int W_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 5, parameter int RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 20 ); typedef axi_test::axi_lite_driver #( .AW(AW), .DW(DW), .TA(TA), .TT(TT) ) axi_driver_t; typedef logic [AW-1:0] addr_t; typedef logic [DW-1:0] data_t; typedef logic [DW/8-1:0] strb_t; string name; axi_driver_t drv; addr_t aw_queue[$], ar_queue[$]; logic b_queue[$]; logic w_queue[$]; function new( virtual AXI_LITE_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW) ) axi, input string name ); this.drv = new(axi); this.name = name; assert(AW != 0) else $fatal(1, "Address width must be non-zero!"); assert(DW != 0) else $fatal(1, "Data width must be non-zero!"); endfunction function void reset(); drv.reset_master(); endfunction task automatic rand_wait(input int unsigned min, max); int unsigned rand_success, cycles; rand_success = std::randomize(cycles) with { cycles >= min; cycles <= max; }; assert (rand_success) else $error("Failed to randomize wait cycles!"); repeat (cycles) @(posedge this.drv.axi.clk_i); endtask task automatic send_ars(input int unsigned n_reads); automatic addr_t ar_addr; automatic prot_t ar_prot; repeat (n_reads) begin rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); ar_addr = addr_t'($urandom_range(MIN_ADDR, MAX_ADDR)); ar_prot = prot_t'($urandom()); this.ar_queue.push_back(ar_addr); $display("%0t %s> Send AR with ADDR: %h PROT: %b", $time(), this.name, ar_addr, ar_prot); drv.send_ar(ar_addr, ar_prot); end endtask : send_ars task automatic recv_rs(input int unsigned n_reads); automatic addr_t ar_addr; automatic data_t r_data; automatic axi_pkg::resp_t r_resp; repeat (n_reads) begin wait (ar_queue.size() > 0); ar_addr = this.ar_queue.pop_front(); rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); drv.recv_r(r_data, r_resp); $display("%0t %s> Recv R with DATA: %h RESP: %0h", $time(), this.name, r_data, r_resp); end endtask : recv_rs task automatic send_aws(input int unsigned n_writes); automatic addr_t aw_addr; automatic prot_t aw_prot; repeat (n_writes) begin rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); aw_addr = addr_t'($urandom_range(MIN_ADDR, MAX_ADDR)); aw_prot = prot_t'($urandom()); this.aw_queue.push_back(aw_addr); $display("%0t %s> Send AW with ADDR: %h PROT: %b", $time(), this.name, aw_addr, aw_prot); this.drv.send_aw(aw_addr, aw_prot); this.b_queue.push_back(1'b1); end endtask : send_aws task automatic send_ws(input int unsigned n_writes); automatic logic rand_success; automatic addr_t aw_addr; automatic data_t w_data; automatic strb_t w_strb; repeat (n_writes) begin wait (aw_queue.size() > 0); rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); aw_addr = aw_queue.pop_front(); rand_success = std::randomize(w_data); assert(rand_success); rand_success = std::randomize(w_strb); assert(rand_success); $display("%0t %s> Send W with DATA: %h STRB: %h", $time(), this.name, w_data, w_strb); this.drv.send_w(w_data, w_strb); w_queue.push_back(1'b1); end endtask : send_ws task automatic recv_bs(input int unsigned n_writes); automatic logic go_b; automatic axi_pkg::resp_t b_resp; repeat (n_writes) begin wait (b_queue.size() > 0 && w_queue.size() > 0); go_b = this.b_queue.pop_front(); go_b = this.w_queue.pop_front(); rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); this.drv.recv_b(b_resp); $display("%0t %s> Recv B with RESP: %h", $time(), this.name, b_resp); end endtask : recv_bs task automatic run(input int unsigned n_reads, input int unsigned n_writes); $display("Run for Reads %0d, Writes %0d", n_reads, n_writes); fork send_ars(n_reads); recv_rs(n_reads); send_aws(n_writes); send_ws(n_writes); recv_bs(n_writes); join endtask // write data to a specific address task automatic write(input addr_t w_addr, input prot_t w_prot = prot_t'(0), input data_t w_data, input strb_t w_strb, output axi_pkg::resp_t b_resp); $display("%0t %s> Write to ADDR: %h, PROT: %b DATA: %h, STRB: %h", $time(), this.name, w_addr, w_prot, w_data, w_strb); fork this.drv.send_aw(w_addr, w_prot); this.drv.send_w(w_data, w_strb); join this.drv.recv_b(b_resp); $display("%0t %s> Received write response from ADDR: %h RESP: %h", $time(), this.name, w_addr, b_resp); endtask : write // read data from a specific location task automatic read(input addr_t r_addr, input prot_t r_prot = prot_t'(0), output data_t r_data, output axi_pkg::resp_t r_resp); $display("%0t %s> Read from ADDR: %h PROT: %b", $time(), this.name, r_addr, r_prot); this.drv.send_ar(r_addr, r_prot); this.drv.recv_r(r_data, r_resp); $display("%0t %s> Recieved read response from ADDR: %h DATA: %h RESP: %h", $time(), this.name, r_addr, r_data, r_resp); endtask : read endclass class axi_lite_rand_slave #( // AXI interface parameters parameter int unsigned AW = 0, parameter int unsigned DW = 0, // Stimuli application and test time parameter time TA = 2ns, parameter time TT = 8ns, // Upper and lower bounds on wait cycles on Ax, W, and resp (R and B) channels parameter int AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 100, parameter int R_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int R_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 5, parameter int RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES = 0, parameter int RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES = 20 ); typedef axi_test::axi_lite_driver #( .AW(AW), .DW(DW), .TA(TA), .TT(TT) ) axi_driver_t; typedef logic [AW-1:0] addr_t; typedef logic [DW-1:0] data_t; typedef logic [DW/8-1:0] strb_t; string name; axi_driver_t drv; addr_t aw_queue[$], ar_queue[$]; logic b_queue[$]; function new( virtual AXI_LITE_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW) ) axi, input string name ); this.drv = new(axi); this.name = name; assert(AW != 0) else $fatal(1, "Address width must be non-zero!"); assert(DW != 0) else $fatal(1, "Data width must be non-zero!"); endfunction function void reset(); this.drv.reset_slave(); endfunction task automatic rand_wait(input int unsigned min, max); int unsigned rand_success, cycles; rand_success = std::randomize(cycles) with { cycles >= min; cycles <= max; }; assert (rand_success) else $error("Failed to randomize wait cycles!"); repeat (cycles) @(posedge this.drv.axi.clk_i); endtask task automatic recv_ars(); forever begin automatic addr_t ar_addr; automatic prot_t ar_prot; rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); this.drv.recv_ar(ar_addr, ar_prot); $display("%0t %s> Recv AR with ADDR: %h PROT: %b", $time(), this.name, ar_addr, ar_prot); this.ar_queue.push_back(ar_addr); end endtask : recv_ars task automatic send_rs(); forever begin automatic logic rand_success; automatic addr_t ar_addr; automatic data_t r_data; wait (ar_queue.size() > 0); ar_addr = this.ar_queue.pop_front(); rand_success = std::randomize(r_data); assert(rand_success); rand_wait(R_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, R_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); $display("%0t %s> Send R with DATA: %h", $time(), this.name, r_data); this.drv.send_r(r_data, axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY); end endtask : send_rs task automatic recv_aws(); forever begin automatic addr_t aw_addr; automatic prot_t aw_prot; rand_wait(AX_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, AX_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); this.drv.recv_aw(aw_addr, aw_prot); $display("%0t %s> Recv AW with ADDR: %h PROT: %b", $time(), this.name, aw_addr, aw_prot); this.aw_queue.push_back(aw_addr); end endtask : recv_aws task automatic recv_ws(); forever begin automatic data_t w_data; automatic strb_t w_strb; rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); this.drv.recv_w(w_data, w_strb); $display("%0t %s> Recv W with DATA: %h SRTB: %h", $time(), this.name, w_data, w_strb); this.b_queue.push_back(1'b1); end endtask : recv_ws task automatic send_bs(); forever begin automatic logic rand_success; automatic addr_t go_aw; automatic logic go_b; automatic axi_pkg::resp_t b_resp; wait (aw_queue.size() > 0 && b_queue.size() > 0); go_aw = this.aw_queue.pop_front(); go_b = this.b_queue.pop_front(); rand_wait(RESP_MIN_WAIT_CYCLES, RESP_MAX_WAIT_CYCLES); rand_success = std::randomize(b_resp); assert(rand_success); $display("%0t %s> Send B with RESP: %h", $time(), this.name, b_resp); this.drv.send_b(b_resp); end endtask : send_bs task automatic run(); fork recv_ars(); send_rs(); recv_aws(); recv_ws(); send_bs(); join endtask endclass /// AXI Monitor. class axi_monitor #( /// AXI4+ATOP ID width parameter int unsigned IW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP address width parameter int unsigned AW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP data width parameter int unsigned DW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP user width parameter int unsigned UW = 0, /// Stimuli test time parameter time TT = 0ns ); typedef axi_test::axi_driver #( .AW(AW), .DW(DW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW), .TA(TT), .TT(TT) ) axi_driver_t; typedef axi_driver_t::ax_beat_t ax_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::w_beat_t w_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::b_beat_t b_beat_t; typedef axi_driver_t::r_beat_t r_beat_t; axi_driver_t drv; mailbox aw_mbx = new, w_mbx = new, b_mbx = new, ar_mbx = new, r_mbx = new; function new( virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH(AW), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH(DW), .AXI_ID_WIDTH(IW), .AXI_USER_WIDTH(UW) ) axi ); this.drv = new(axi); endfunction task monitor; fork // AW forever begin automatic ax_beat_t ax; this.drv.mon_aw(ax); aw_mbx.put(ax); end // W forever begin automatic w_beat_t w; this.drv.mon_w(w); w_mbx.put(w); end // B forever begin automatic b_beat_t b; this.drv.mon_b(b); b_mbx.put(b); end // AR forever begin automatic ax_beat_t ax; this.drv.mon_ar(ax); ar_mbx.put(ax); end // R forever begin automatic r_beat_t r; this.drv.mon_r(r); r_mbx.put(r); end join endtask endclass /// `axi_scoreboard` models a memory that only gets changed by the monitored AXI4+ATOP bus. /// /// This class is only capable of modeling `INCR` burst type, and cannot handle atomic operations. /// The internal memory representation is updated by W beats. This class does not support /// reordering of two B responses to one memory location. That is, if two write transactions on /// the observed bus target the same address, the B responses must be observed in the order of the /// AW beats; otherwise, the internal memory representation of this class gets corrupted. /// /// Example usage: /// typedef axi_test::axi_scoreboard #( /// .IW ( AxiIdWidth ), /// .AW ( AxiAddrWidth ), /// .DW ( AxiDataWidth ), /// .UW ( AxiUserWidth ), /// .TT ( TestTime ) /// ) axi_scoreboard_t; /// axi_scoreboard_t axi_scoreboard = new(monitor_dv); /// initial begin /// axi_scoreboard.enable_all_checks(); /// wait (rst_n); /// axi_scoreboard.monitor(); /// end class axi_scoreboard #( /// AXI4+ATOP ID width parameter int unsigned IW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP address width parameter int unsigned AW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP data width parameter int unsigned DW = 0, /// AXI4+ATOP user width parameter int unsigned UW = 0, /// Stimuli test time parameter time TT = 0ns ); // Number of checks localparam int unsigned NUM_CHECKS = 32'd3; // Size of the AXI4+ATOP bus, used for alignment of the beat address localparam axi_pkg::size_t BUS_SIZE = $clog2(DW/8); // Typedefs typedef enum logic [1:0] { ReadCheck = 2'd0, BRespCheck = 2'd1, RRespCheck = 2'd2 } check_e; typedef logic [7:0] byte_t; typedef logic [IW-1:0] axi_id_t; typedef logic [AW-1:0] axi_addr_t; typedef axi_ax_beat #(.AW(AW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW)) ax_beat_t; typedef axi_w_beat #(.DW(DW), .UW(UW)) w_beat_t; typedef axi_b_beat #(.IW(IW), .UW(UW)) b_beat_t; typedef axi_r_beat #(.DW(DW), .IW(IW), .UW(UW)) r_beat_t; // Monitor interface virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AW ), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( DW ), .AXI_ID_WIDTH ( IW ), .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( UW ) ) axi; // Memory model protected byte_t memory_q [axi_addr_t][$]; // Which checks are enabled protected bit [NUM_CHECKS-1:0] check_en; // Sampling queues protected ax_beat_t aw_sample [$]; protected w_beat_t w_sample [$]; protected b_beat_t b_sample [2**IW][$]; protected ax_beat_t ar_sample [2**IW][$]; protected r_beat_t r_sample [2**IW][$]; // Write queues protected ax_beat_t b_queue [2**IW][$]; /// New constructor function new( virtual AXI_BUS_DV #( .AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ( AW ), .AXI_DATA_WIDTH ( DW ), .AXI_ID_WIDTH ( IW ), .AXI_USER_WIDTH ( UW ) ) axi ); this.axi = axi; this.check_en = '0; endfunction /// Start the test for this cycle protected task automatic cycle_start; #TT; endtask /// End this cycle protected task automatic cycle_end; @(posedge this.axi.clk_i); endtask /// Handle update of the golden model with W beats. protected task automatic handle_write(); axi_addr_t beat_addresses []; axi_addr_t bus_address; ax_beat_t aw_beat; w_beat_t w_beat; byte_t write_data; forever begin wait (this.aw_sample.size() > 0); aw_beat = this.aw_sample.pop_front(); // This scoreborad only supports this type of burst: assert (aw_beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_INCR || aw_beat.ax_len == '0) else $warning("Not supported AW burst: BURST: %0h.", aw_beat.ax_burst); assert (aw_beat.ax_atop == '0) else $warning("Atomic transfers not supported: ATOP: %0h.", aw_beat.ax_atop); beat_addresses = new[aw_beat.ax_len + 1]; for (int unsigned i = 0; i <= aw_beat.ax_len; i++) begin beat_addresses[i] = axi_pkg::beat_addr(aw_beat.ax_addr, aw_beat.ax_size, aw_beat.ax_len, aw_beat.ax_burst, i); bus_address = axi_pkg::aligned_addr(beat_addresses[i], BUS_SIZE); // Check if the memory array is initialyzed at this beat address (aligned on the bus) if (!this.memory_q.exists(bus_address)) begin for (int unsigned j = 0; j < axi_pkg::num_bytes(BUS_SIZE); j++) begin this.memory_q[bus_address+j].push_back(8'bxxxxxxxx); end end end // handle all write beats for this write access for (int unsigned i = 0; i <= aw_beat.ax_len; i++) begin wait (this.w_sample.size() > 0); w_beat = this.w_sample.pop_front(); bus_address = axi_pkg::aligned_addr(beat_addresses[i], BUS_SIZE); for (int unsigned j = 0; j < axi_pkg::num_bytes(BUS_SIZE); j++) begin write_data = this.memory_q[bus_address+j][$]; write_data = (w_beat.w_strb[j]) ? w_beat.w_data[8*j+:8] : write_data; this.memory_q[bus_address+j].push_back(write_data); end end assert (w_beat.w_last) else $warning("Unexpected W last not set."); this.b_queue[aw_beat.ax_id].push_back(aw_beat); end endtask : handle_write /// Handle Write response checking, update golden model protected task automatic handle_write_resp(input axi_id_t id); ax_beat_t aw_beat; b_beat_t b_beat; axi_addr_t bus_address; forever begin wait (this.b_sample[id].size() > 0); assert (this.b_queue[id].size() > 0) else wait (this.b_queue[id].size() > 0); aw_beat = b_queue[id].pop_front(); b_beat = b_sample[id].pop_front(); if (check_en[BRespCheck]) begin assert (b_beat.b_id == id); assert (b_beat.b_resp == axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY) else $warning("Behavior for b_resp != axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY not modeled."); end // pop all accessed memory locations by this beat for (int unsigned i = 0; i <= aw_beat.ax_len; i++) begin bus_address = axi_pkg::aligned_addr( axi_pkg::beat_addr(aw_beat.ax_addr, aw_beat.ax_size, aw_beat.ax_len, aw_beat.ax_burst, i), BUS_SIZE); for (int j = 0; j < axi_pkg::num_bytes(BUS_SIZE); j++) begin memory_q[bus_address+j].delete(0); end end end endtask : handle_write_resp /// Handle read checking against the golden model protected task automatic handle_read(input axi_id_t id); ax_beat_t ar_beat; r_beat_t r_beat; axi_addr_t bus_address, beat_address, idx_data; byte_t act_data; byte_t exp_data[$]; byte_t tst_data[$]; forever begin wait (this.ar_sample[id].size() > 0); ar_beat = this.ar_sample[id].pop_front(); // This scoreborad only supports this type of burst: assert (ar_beat.ax_burst == axi_pkg::BURST_INCR || ar_beat.ax_len == '0) else $warning("Not supported AR burst: BURST: %0h.", ar_beat.ax_burst); for (int unsigned i = 0; i <= ar_beat.ax_len; i++) begin wait (this.r_sample[id].size() > 0); r_beat = this.r_sample[id].pop_front(); beat_address = axi_pkg::beat_addr(ar_beat.ax_addr, ar_beat.ax_size, ar_beat.ax_len, ar_beat.ax_burst, i); beat_address = axi_pkg::aligned_addr(beat_address, ar_beat.ax_size); bus_address = axi_pkg::aligned_addr(beat_address, BUS_SIZE); if (!this.memory_q.exists(bus_address)) begin for (int unsigned j = 0; j < axi_pkg::num_bytes(BUS_SIZE); j++) begin this.memory_q[bus_address+j].push_back(8'bxxxxxxxx); end end // Assert that the correct data is read. if (this.check_en[ReadCheck]) begin for (int unsigned j = 0; j < axi_pkg::num_bytes(ar_beat.ax_size); j++) begin idx_data = 8*BUS_SIZE'(beat_address+j); act_data = r_beat.r_data[idx_data+:8]; exp_data = this.memory_q[beat_address+j]; tst_data = exp_data.find with (item === 8'hxx || item === act_data); assert (tst_data.size() > 0) else begin $warning("Unexpected RData ID: %0h Addr: %0h Byte Idx: %0h Exp Data : %0h Data: %h", r_beat.r_id, beat_address+j, idx_data, exp_data, act_data); end end end end if (this.check_en[RRespCheck]) begin assert (r_beat.r_id == id); assert (r_beat.r_resp == axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY); assert (r_beat.r_last); end end endtask : handle_read /// Monitor AW channel protected task automatic mon_aw(); ax_beat_t aw_beat; forever begin cycle_start(); if (this.axi.aw_valid && this.axi.aw_ready) begin aw_beat = new; aw_beat.ax_id = this.axi.aw_id; aw_beat.ax_addr = this.axi.aw_addr; aw_beat.ax_len = this.axi.aw_len; aw_beat.ax_size = this.axi.aw_size; aw_beat.ax_burst = this.axi.aw_burst; aw_beat.ax_lock = this.axi.aw_lock; aw_beat.ax_cache = this.axi.aw_cache; aw_beat.ax_prot = this.axi.aw_prot; aw_beat.ax_qos = this.axi.aw_qos; aw_beat.ax_region = this.axi.aw_region; aw_beat.ax_atop = this.axi.aw_atop; aw_beat.ax_user = this.axi.aw_user; this.aw_sample.push_back(aw_beat); end cycle_end(); end endtask : mon_aw /// Monitor W channel protected task automatic mon_w(); w_beat_t w_beat; forever begin cycle_start(); if (this.axi.w_valid && this.axi.w_ready) begin w_beat = new; w_beat.w_data = this.axi.w_data; w_beat.w_strb = this.axi.w_strb; w_beat.w_last = this.axi.w_last; w_beat.w_user = this.axi.w_user; this.w_sample.push_back(w_beat); end cycle_end(); end endtask : mon_w /// Monitor B channel protected task automatic mon_b(); b_beat_t b_beat; forever begin cycle_start(); if (this.axi.b_valid && this.axi.b_ready) begin b_beat = new; b_beat.b_id = this.axi.b_id; b_beat.b_resp = this.axi.b_resp; b_beat.b_user = this.axi.b_user; this.b_sample[this.axi.b_id].push_back(b_beat); end cycle_end(); end endtask : mon_b /// Monitor AR channel protected task automatic mon_ar(); ax_beat_t ar_beat; forever begin cycle_start(); if (this.axi.ar_valid && this.axi.ar_ready) begin ar_beat = new; ar_beat.ax_id = this.axi.ar_id; ar_beat.ax_addr = this.axi.ar_addr; ar_beat.ax_len = this.axi.ar_len; ar_beat.ax_size = this.axi.ar_size; ar_beat.ax_burst = this.axi.ar_burst; ar_beat.ax_lock = this.axi.ar_lock; ar_beat.ax_cache = this.axi.ar_cache; ar_beat.ax_prot = this.axi.ar_prot; ar_beat.ax_qos = this.axi.ar_qos; ar_beat.ax_region = this.axi.ar_region; ar_beat.ax_atop = 6'bxxxxxx; ar_beat.ax_user = this.axi.ar_user; this.ar_sample[this.axi.ar_id].push_back(ar_beat); end cycle_end(); end endtask : mon_ar /// Monitor R channel protected task automatic mon_r(); r_beat_t r_beat; forever begin cycle_start(); if (this.axi.r_valid && this.axi.r_ready) begin r_beat = new; r_beat.r_id = this.axi.r_id; r_beat.r_data = this.axi.r_data; r_beat.r_resp = this.axi.r_resp; r_beat.r_last = this.axi.r_last; r_beat.r_user = this.axi.r_user; this.r_sample[this.axi.r_id].push_back(r_beat); end cycle_end(); end endtask : mon_r /// Monitor the channel, forks a number of processes, calling initial does not get stalled. /// This task should only be called once after bus reset. task automatic monitor(); fork mon_aw(); mon_w(); mon_b(); handle_write(); mon_ar(); mon_r(); join_none for (int unsigned i = 0; i < 2**IW; i++) begin int unsigned j = i; fork handle_write_resp(axi_id_t'(j)); handle_read(axi_id_t'(j)); join_none end endtask : monitor /// Enable checking of the read data /// Asserts that the data on the R channel matches the expected response modeled by th class. task enable_read_check(); this.check_en[ReadCheck] = 1'b1; endtask : enable_read_check /// Disable checking of the read data task disable_read_check(); this.check_en[ReadCheck] = 1'b0; endtask : disable_read_check /// Enable checking of the write resp /// Asserts that the B channel response is `axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY`. task enable_b_resp_check(); this.check_en[BRespCheck] = 1'b1; endtask : enable_b_resp_check /// Disable checking of the write resp task disable_b_resp_check(); this.check_en[BRespCheck] = 1'b0; endtask : disable_b_resp_check /// Enable checking of the read resp /// Asserts that the R channel response is `axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY`. /// Asserts that the R channel last flag is correctly set. task enable_r_resp_check(); this.check_en[RRespCheck] = 1'b1; endtask : enable_r_resp_check /// Disable checking of the read resp task disable_r_resp_check(); this.check_en[RRespCheck] = 1'b0; endtask : disable_r_resp_check /// Enable all checks task enable_all_checks(); this.check_en = '1; endtask : enable_all_checks /// Disable all checks task disable_all_checks(); this.check_en = '0; endtask : disable_all_checks /// Reset the monitor, clear internal memory and all queues, only call if there are no /// transactions in flight. task automatic reset(); this.check_en = '0; this.memory_q.delete(); assert(this.aw_sample.size() == 0); assert(this.w_sample.size() == 0); for (int unsigned i = 0; i < 2**IW; i++) begin assert(this.b_sample[i].size() == 0); assert(this.ar_sample[i].size() == 0); assert(this.r_sample[i].size() == 0); assert(this.b_queue[i].size() == 0); end endtask : reset endclass : axi_scoreboard endpackage // non synthesisable axi logger module // this module logs the activity of the input axi channel // the log files will be found in "./axi_log/<LoggerName>/" // one log file for all writes // a log file per id for the reads // atomic transactions with read response are injected into the corresponding log file of the read module axi_chan_logger #( parameter time TestTime = 8ns, // Time after clock, where sampling happens parameter string LoggerName = "axi_logger", // name of the logger parameter type aw_chan_t = logic, // axi AW type parameter type w_chan_t = logic, // axi W type parameter type b_chan_t = logic, // axi B type parameter type ar_chan_t = logic, // axi AR type parameter type r_chan_t = logic // axi R type ) ( input logic clk_i, // Clock input logic rst_ni, // Asynchronous reset active low, when `1'b0` no sampling input logic end_sim_i, // end of simulation // AW channel input aw_chan_t aw_chan_i, input logic aw_valid_i, input logic aw_ready_i, // W channel input w_chan_t w_chan_i, input logic w_valid_i, input logic w_ready_i, // B channel input b_chan_t b_chan_i, input logic b_valid_i, input logic b_ready_i, // AR channel input ar_chan_t ar_chan_i, input logic ar_valid_i, input logic ar_ready_i, // R channel input r_chan_t r_chan_i, input logic r_valid_i, input logic r_ready_i ); // id width from channel localparam int unsigned IdWidth = $bits(aw_chan_i.id); localparam int unsigned NoIds = 2**IdWidth; // queues for writes and reads aw_chan_t aw_queue[$]; w_chan_t w_queue[$]; b_chan_t b_queue[$]; aw_chan_t ar_queues[NoIds-1:0][$]; r_chan_t r_queues[NoIds-1:0][$]; // channel sampling into queues always @(posedge clk_i) #TestTime begin : proc_channel_sample automatic aw_chan_t ar_beat; automatic int fd; automatic string log_file; automatic string log_str; // only execute when reset is high if (rst_ni) begin // AW channel if (aw_valid_i && aw_ready_i) begin aw_queue.push_back(aw_chan_i); log_file = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/write.log", LoggerName); fd = $fopen(log_file, "a"); if (fd) begin log_str = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h AW on channel: LEN: %d, ATOP: %b", $time, aw_chan_i.id, aw_chan_i.len, aw_chan_i.atop); $fdisplay(fd, log_str); $fclose(fd); end // inject AR into queue, if there is an atomic if (aw_chan_i.atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) begin $display("Atomic detected with response"); ar_beat.id = aw_chan_i.id; ar_beat.addr = aw_chan_i.addr; if (aw_chan_i.len > 1) begin ar_beat.len = aw_chan_i.len / 2; end else begin ar_beat.len = aw_chan_i.len; end ar_beat.size = aw_chan_i.size; ar_beat.burst = aw_chan_i.burst; ar_beat.lock = aw_chan_i.lock; ar_beat.cache = aw_chan_i.cache; ar_beat.prot = aw_chan_i.prot; ar_beat.qos = aw_chan_i.qos; ar_beat.region = aw_chan_i.region; ar_beat.atop = aw_chan_i.atop; ar_beat.user = aw_chan_i.user; ar_queues[aw_chan_i.id].push_back(ar_beat); log_file = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/read_%0h.log", LoggerName, aw_chan_i.id); fd = $fopen(log_file, "a"); if (fd) begin log_str = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h AR on channel: LEN: %d injected ATOP: %b", $time, ar_beat.id, ar_beat.len, ar_beat.atop); $fdisplay(fd, log_str); $fclose(fd); end end end // W channel if (w_valid_i && w_ready_i) begin w_queue.push_back(w_chan_i); end // B channel if (b_valid_i && b_ready_i) begin b_queue.push_back(b_chan_i); end // AR channel if (ar_valid_i && ar_ready_i) begin log_file = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/read_%0h.log", LoggerName, ar_chan_i.id); fd = $fopen(log_file, "a"); if (fd) begin log_str = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h AR on channel: LEN: %d", $time, ar_chan_i.id, ar_chan_i.len); $fdisplay(fd, log_str); $fclose(fd); end ar_beat.id = ar_chan_i.id; ar_beat.addr = ar_chan_i.addr; ar_beat.len = ar_chan_i.len; ar_beat.size = ar_chan_i.size; ar_beat.burst = ar_chan_i.burst; ar_beat.lock = ar_chan_i.lock; ar_beat.cache = ar_chan_i.cache; ar_beat.prot = ar_chan_i.prot; ar_beat.qos = ar_chan_i.qos; ar_beat.region = ar_chan_i.region; ar_beat.atop = '0; ar_beat.user = ar_chan_i.user; ar_queues[ar_chan_i.id].push_back(ar_beat); end // R channel if (r_valid_i && r_ready_i) begin r_queues[r_chan_i.id].push_back(r_chan_i); end end end initial begin : proc_log automatic string log_name; automatic string log_string; automatic aw_chan_t aw_beat; automatic w_chan_t w_beat; automatic int unsigned no_w_beat = 0; automatic b_chan_t b_beat; automatic aw_chan_t ar_beat; automatic r_chan_t r_beat; automatic int unsigned no_r_beat[NoIds]; automatic int fd; // init r counter for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoIds; i++) begin no_r_beat[i] = 0; end // make the log dirs log_name = $sformatf("mkdir -p ./axi_log/%s/", LoggerName); $system(log_name); // open log files log_name = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/write.log", LoggerName); fd = $fopen(log_name, "w"); if (fd) begin $display("File was opened successfully : %0d", fd); $fdisplay(fd, "This is the write log file"); $fclose(fd); end else $display("File was NOT opened successfully : %0d", fd); for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoIds; i++) begin log_name = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/read_%0h.log", LoggerName, i); fd = $fopen(log_name, "w"); if (fd) begin $display("File was opened successfully : %0d", fd); $fdisplay(fd, "This is the read log file for ID: %0h", i); $fclose(fd); end else $display("File was NOT opened successfully : %0d", fd); end // on each clock cycle update the logs if there is something in the queues wait (rst_ni); while (!end_sim_i) begin @(posedge clk_i); // update the write log file while (aw_queue.size() != 0 && w_queue.size() != 0) begin aw_beat = aw_queue[0]; w_beat = w_queue.pop_front(); log_string = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h W %d of %d, LAST: %b ATOP: %b", $time, aw_beat.id, no_w_beat, aw_beat.len, w_beat.last, aw_beat.atop); log_name = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/write.log", LoggerName); fd = $fopen(log_name, "a"); if (fd) begin $fdisplay(fd, log_string); // write out error if last beat does not match! if (w_beat.last && !(aw_beat.len == no_w_beat)) begin $fdisplay(fd, "ERROR> Last flag was not expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); end $fclose(fd); end // pop the AW if the last flag is set no_w_beat++; if (w_beat.last) begin aw_beat = aw_queue.pop_front(); no_w_beat = 0; end end // check b queue if (b_queue.size() != 0) begin b_beat = b_queue.pop_front(); log_string = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h B recieved", $time, b_beat.id); log_name = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/write.log", LoggerName); fd = $fopen(log_name, "a"); if (fd) begin $fdisplay(fd, log_string); $fclose(fd); end end // update the read log files for (int unsigned i = 0; i < NoIds; i++) begin while (ar_queues[i].size() != 0 && r_queues[i].size() != 0) begin ar_beat = ar_queues[i][0]; r_beat = r_queues[i].pop_front(); log_name = $sformatf("./axi_log/%s/read_%0h.log", LoggerName, i); fd = $fopen(log_name, "a"); if (fd) begin log_string = $sformatf("%0t> ID: %h R %d of %d, LAST: %b ATOP: %b", $time, r_beat.id, no_r_beat[i], ar_beat.len, r_beat.last, ar_beat.atop); $fdisplay(fd, log_string); // write out error if last beat does not match! if (r_beat.last && !(ar_beat.len == no_r_beat[i])) begin $fdisplay(fd, "ERROR> Last flag was not expected!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); end $fclose(fd); end no_r_beat[i]++; // pop the queue if it is the last flag if (r_beat.last) begin ar_beat = ar_queues[i].pop_front(); no_r_beat[i] = 0; end end end end $fclose(fd); end endmodule