// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation. Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_SDP_HLS_c.v
// ================================================================
// NVDLA Open Source Project
// Copyright(c) 2016 - 2017 NVIDIA Corporation.  Licensed under the
// NVDLA Open Hardware License; Check "LICENSE" which comes with 
// this distribution for more information.
// ================================================================
// File Name: NV_NVDLA_SDP_define.h
module NV_NVDLA_SDP_HLS_c (
input cfg_mode_eql;
input [31:0] cfg_offset;
input [1:0] cfg_out_precision;
input [15:0] cfg_scale;
input [5:0] cfg_truncate;
input cvt_in_pvld;
input cvt_out_prdy;
input [32*1 -1:0] cvt_pd_in;
output cvt_in_prdy;
output cvt_out_pvld;
output [16*1 +1 -1:0] cvt_pd_out;
input nvdla_core_clk;
input nvdla_core_rstn;
wire [8*1 -1:0] cvt_pd_out8;
wire [16*1 -1:0] cvt_pd_out16;
//: my $b = 8;
//: my $dw = 16*1;
//: my $k=1;
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print qq(
//: wire [31:0] cvt_data_in_$i;
//: wire [15:0] cvt_data_out_$i;
//: wire cvt_in_prdy_$i;
//: wire cvt_out_pvld_$i;
//: wire cvt_sat_out_$i;
//: );
//: }
//: print "\n";
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print "assign  cvt_data_in_${i} = cvt_pd_in[32*${i}+31:32*${i}]; \n";
//: }
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print "assign  cvt_pd_out8[8*${i}+7:8*${i}] = cvt_data_out_${i}[7:0]; \n";
//: }
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print "assign  cvt_pd_out16[16*${i}+15:16*${i}] = cvt_data_out_${i}; \n";
//: }
//: print "\n";
//: print "assign  cvt_pd_out[${dw}-1:0] = cfg_out_precision[1:0]==2'b0 ? {{(8*$k){1'b0}},cvt_pd_out8[8*${k}-1:0]} : cvt_pd_out16[16*${k}-1:0]; \n";
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print "assign  cvt_pd_out[${dw}+${i}] = cvt_sat_out_${i}; \n";
//: }
//: print "\n";
//: foreach my $i (0..${k}-1) {
//: print qq(
//: NV_NVDLA_SDP_HLS_C_int c_int_${i} (
//: .cfg_mode_eql (cfg_mode_eql)
//: ,.cfg_offset (cfg_offset[31:0])
//: ,.cfg_out_precision (cfg_out_precision[1:0])
//: ,.cfg_scale (cfg_scale[15:0])
//: ,.cfg_truncate (cfg_truncate[5:0])
//: ,.cvt_data_in (cvt_data_in_${i}[31:0])
//: ,.cvt_in_pvld (cvt_in_pvld)
//: ,.cvt_out_prdy (cvt_out_prdy)
//: ,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk)
//: ,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn)
//: ,.cvt_data_out (cvt_data_out_${i}[15:0])
//: ,.cvt_in_prdy (cvt_in_prdy_${i})
//: ,.cvt_out_pvld (cvt_out_pvld_${i})
//: ,.cvt_sat_out (cvt_sat_out_${i})
//: );
//: );
//: }
//| eperl: generated_beg (DO NOT EDIT BELOW)

wire [31:0] cvt_data_in_0;
wire [15:0] cvt_data_out_0;
wire cvt_in_prdy_0;
wire cvt_out_pvld_0;
wire cvt_sat_out_0;

assign  cvt_data_in_0 = cvt_pd_in[32*0+31:32*0]; 
assign  cvt_pd_out8[8*0+7:8*0] = cvt_data_out_0[7:0]; 
assign  cvt_pd_out16[16*0+15:16*0] = cvt_data_out_0; 

assign  cvt_pd_out[16-1:0] = cfg_out_precision[1:0]==2'b0 ? {{(8*1){1'b0}},cvt_pd_out8[8*1-1:0]} : cvt_pd_out16[16*1-1:0]; 
assign  cvt_pd_out[16+0] = cvt_sat_out_0; 

NV_NVDLA_SDP_HLS_C_int c_int_0 (
.cfg_mode_eql (cfg_mode_eql)
,.cfg_offset (cfg_offset[31:0])
,.cfg_out_precision (cfg_out_precision[1:0])
,.cfg_scale (cfg_scale[15:0])
,.cfg_truncate (cfg_truncate[5:0])
,.cvt_data_in (cvt_data_in_0[31:0])
,.cvt_in_pvld (cvt_in_pvld)
,.cvt_out_prdy (cvt_out_prdy)
,.nvdla_core_clk (nvdla_core_clk)
,.nvdla_core_rstn (nvdla_core_rstn)
,.cvt_data_out (cvt_data_out_0[15:0])
,.cvt_in_prdy (cvt_in_prdy_0)
,.cvt_out_pvld (cvt_out_pvld_0)
,.cvt_sat_out (cvt_sat_out_0)

//| eperl: generated_end (DO NOT EDIT ABOVE)
assign cvt_in_prdy = cvt_in_prdy_0;
assign cvt_out_pvld = cvt_out_pvld_0;
endmodule // NV_NVDLA_SDP_HLS_c