import os import igraph as ig import leidenalg as la from igraph import * import argparse import time import shutil import sys sys.path.append('./utils') ################################################################# ### Partitioning the hypergraph using hmetis ################################################################# def hMetisPartitioner(hmetis_exe, hypergraph_file, Nparts): # The parameter configuration is the same as Google Brain paper # UBfactor = 5 # Nruns = 10 # CType = 5 # RType = 3 # Vcycle = 3 # The random seed is 0 by default (in our implementation) # We use the hMetis C++ API to implement hMetis cmd = hmetis_exe + " " + hypergraph_file + " " + str(Nparts) + " 5 10 5 3 3 0 0" os.system(cmd) ################################################################# ### Partitioning the hypergraph using Leiden algorithm ################################################################# def LeidenPartitioner(hypergraph_file, solution_file): with open(hypergraph_file) as f: content = f.close() items = content[0].split() num_hyperedges = int(items[0]) num_vertices = int(items[1]) edge_list = [0 for i in range(num_vertices)] for i in range(num_vertices): edge_list[i] = { } # Clique model for i in range(1, len(content)): items = content[i].split() hyperedge = [int(item) - 1 for item in items] if(len(hyperedge) > 20): continue hyperedge.sort() weight = 1.0 / (len(hyperedge) - 1) for i in range(len(hyperedge) - 1): for j in range(i + 1, len(hyperedge)): src = hyperedge[i] target = hyperedge[j] if target in edge_list[src]: edge_list[src][target] += weight else: edge_list[src][target] = weight tuple_edge_list = [] weights = [] for i in range(len(edge_list)): for key, value in edge_list[i].items(): tuple_edge_list.append((i, key)) weights.append(value) g = Graph(directed = False) g.add_vertices(num_vertices) g.add_edges(tuple_edge_list)["weight"] = weights partition = la.find_partition(g, la.ModularityVertexPartition) solution_vector = partition.membership num_clusters = max(solution_vector) + 1 print("[INFO] number of clusters : ", num_clusters) solution_file = hypergraph_file + ".cluster" f = open(solution_file, "w") for solution in solution_vector: f.write(str(solution) + "\n") f.close() ################################################################# ### Create cluster commands for Innovus ################################################################# def CreateInvsCluster(solution_file, io_name_file, instance_name_file, cluster_file): solution_vector = [] with open(solution_file) as f: content = f.close() for line in content: solution_vector.append(int(line)) num_clusters = max(solution_vector) + 1 with open(io_name_file) as f: content = f.close() num_ios = len(content) with open(instance_name_file) as f: content = f.close() f = open(cluster_file, "w") for i in range(num_clusters): f.write("createInstGroup cluster" + str(i) + "\n") for i in range(len(content)): instance_name = content[i] cluster_id = solution_vector[num_ios + i] line = "addInstToInstGroup cluster" + str(cluster_id) + " " + instance_name + "\n" f.write(line) f.close() ######################################################################## ### Create clustered netlist (in def format) Based on OpenROAD API ######################################################################## def CreateDef(solution_file, io_name_file, instance_name_file, \ cluster_lef_file, cluster_def_file, \ setup_file, create_clustered_netlist_def_file, \ openroad_exe): # read solution vector solution_vector = [] with open(solution_file) as f: content = f.close() for line in content: solution_vector.append(int(line)) # read io and instance files with open(io_name_file) as f: content = f.close() num_ios = len(content) with open(instance_name_file) as f: content = f.close() ### Create the related openroad tcl file file_name = os.getcwd() + "/create_def.tcl" cmd = "cp " + setup_file + " " + file_name os.system(cmd) f = open(file_name, "a") f.write("\n") f.write("\n") f.write("read_verilog $netlist\n") f.write("link_design $top_design\n") f.write("read_sdc $sdc\n") #f.write("read_def $def_file\n") f.write("read_def $def_file -floorplan_initialize\n") f.write("\n") f.write("set db [ord::get_db]\n") f.write("set block [[$db getChip] getBlock]\n") f.write("set cluster_lef_file " + cluster_lef_file + "\n") f.write("set cluster_def_file " + cluster_def_file + "\n") f.write("\n") f.write("\n") for i in range(len(content)): instance_name = content[i] cluster_id = solution_vector[num_ios + i] line = "set inst [$block findInst " + instance_name + " ]\n" f.write(line) f.write("set cluster_id " + str(cluster_id) + "\n") f.write('set newProperty [odb::dbStringProperty_create $inst "cluster_id" $cluster_id]\n') f.close() with open(create_clustered_netlist_def_file) as f: content = f.close() f = open(file_name, "a") f.write("\n") for line in content: f.write(line + "\n") f.close() cmd = openroad_exe + " " + file_name os.system(cmd) cmd = "rm " + file_name os.system(cmd) # Due to some bugs in OpenROAD, we have to manually remove the RESISTANCE section for all the via layers with open(cluster_lef_file) as f: content = f.close() f = open(cluster_lef_file, "w") i = 0 while(i < len(content)): items = content[i].split() if(len(items) == 2 and items[0] == "LAYER" and items[1][0:-1] == "via"): while((len(items) == 2 and items[0] == "END") == False): if(items[0] != "RESISTANCE"): f.write(content[i] + "\n") i = i + 1 items = content[i].split() f.write(content[i] + "\n") i = i + 1 else: f.write(content[i] + "\n") i = i + 1 f.close() ######################################################################## ### Run RePlace on the clustered netlist ######################################################################## def RunRePlace(cluster_lef_file, cluster_def_file, blob_def_file, setup_file, placement_density, openroad_exe, GUI): ### Create the related openroad tcl file file_name = os.getcwd() + "/run_replace.tcl" cmd = "cp " + setup_file + " " + file_name os.system(cmd) f = open(file_name, "a") line = "read_lef " + cluster_lef_file + "\n" line += "read_def " + cluster_def_file + "\n" line += "set global_place_density " + str(placement_density) + "\n" line += "set global_place_density_penalty 8e-5\n" line += "global_placement -disable_routability_driven -density $global_place_density -init_density_penalty $global_place_density_penalty\n" line += "write_def " + blob_def_file + "\n" f.write(line) if (GUI == False): f.write("exit\n") f.close() cmd = openroad_exe + " -gui " + file_name if (GUI == False): cmd = openroad_exe + " " + file_name os.system(cmd) cmd = "rm " + file_name os.system(cmd) #################################################################################### #### Extract hypergraph from netlist #################################################################################### def GenerateHypergraph(openroad_exe, setup_file, extract_hypergraph_file): temp_file = os.getcwd() + "/extract_hypergraph.tcl" cmd = "cp " + setup_file + " " + temp_file os.system(cmd) with open(extract_hypergraph_file) as f: content = f.close() f = open(temp_file, "a") f.write("\n") for line in content: f.write(line + "\n") f.close() cmd = openroad_exe + " " + temp_file os.system(cmd) cmd = "rm " + temp_file os.system(cmd) if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("design", help="design_name: ariane, MegaBoom_x2 ", type = str) parser.add_argument("partitioner", help="hmetis, leiden", type = str) parser.add_argument("--Nparts", help = "number of clusters (only for hmetis, default = 500)", type = int, default = 500) parser.add_argument("--setup_file", help = "setup file for openroad (default = setup.tcl)", type = str, default = "setup.tcl") parser.add_argument("--RePlace", help = "Run RePlace for blob placement (default = True)", type = bool, default = True) parser.add_argument("--placement_density", help = "Placement density for RePlace (default = 0.7)", type = float, default = 0.7) parser.add_argument("--GUI", help = "Run OpenROAD in GUI Mode (default = True)", type = bool, default = True) args = parser.parse_args() design = partitioner = args.partitioner Nparts = args.Nparts setup_file = args.setup_file RePlace = args.RePlace placement_density = args.placement_density GUI = args.GUI pwd = os.getcwd() # Specify the location of hmetis exe and openroad exe hmetis_exe = pwd + "/utils/hmetis" openroad_exe = pwd + "/utils/openroad" extract_hypergraph_file = pwd + "/utils/extract_hypergraph.tcl" create_clustered_netlist_def_file = pwd + "/utils/create_clustered_netlist_def.tcl" print("[INFO] Design : ", design) print("[INFO] Partitioner : ", partitioner) print("[INFO] Nparts : ", Nparts) # Generate Hypergraph file rpt_dir = pwd + "/rtl_mp" hypergraph_file = rpt_dir + "/" + design + ".hgr" io_name_file = hypergraph_file + ".io" instance_name_file = hypergraph_file + ".instance" GenerateHypergraph(openroad_exe, setup_file, extract_hypergraph_file) # Partition the hypergraph cluster_file = rpt_dir + "/" + design + "_cluster_" + partitioner + ".tcl" # for innovus command solution_file = hypergraph_file + ".cluster" if partitioner == "leiden": LeidenPartitioner(hypergraph_file, solution_file) elif partitioner == "hmetis": cluster_file = rpt_dir + "/" + design + "_cluster_" + partitioner + "_" + str(Nparts) + ".tcl" # for innovus command solution_file = hypergraph_file + ".part." + str(Nparts) # defined by hemtis automatically hMetisPartitioner(hmetis_exe, hypergraph_file, Nparts) else: print("[ERROR] The partitioner is not defined!") exit() # Generate Innovus Clustering Commands CreateInvsCluster(solution_file, io_name_file, instance_name_file, cluster_file) # Generate clustered lef and def file cluster_lef_file = rpt_dir + "/clusters.lef" cluster_def_file = rpt_dir + "/clustered_netlist.def" CreateDef(solution_file, io_name_file, instance_name_file, cluster_lef_file, cluster_def_file, \ setup_file, create_clustered_netlist_def_file, openroad_exe) # Generate blob placemment blob_def_file = rpt_dir + "/blob.def" if (RePlace == True): RunRePlace(cluster_lef_file, cluster_def_file, blob_def_file, setup_file, placement_density, openroad_exe, GUI)