Unverified Commit fc7b030e by Yucheng Wang Committed by GitHub

Update plc_client_os.pyx

parent 00d083e4
......@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import traceback, sys
import random
import textwrap
import numpy as np
from circuit_training.grouping import meta_netlist_data_structure as mnds
from circuit_training.grouping import meta_netlist_convertor
......@@ -35,9 +36,6 @@ Example:
For testing, please refer to plc_client_os_test.py for more information.
python3 setup.py build_ext --inplace
* Can numpy arrays be optimize further?
# Block = namedtuple('Block', 'x_max y_max x_min y_min')
......@@ -94,7 +92,6 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
# modules look-up table
dict mod_name_to_indices
dict indices_to_mod_name
dict macro_id_to_indices
dict port_id_to_indices
object modules_w_pins
......@@ -151,7 +148,6 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
# str as general purpose PyObject *
# Check netlist existance
self.netlist_file = netlist_file
assert os.path.isfile(self.netlist_file)
self.macro_macro_x_spacing = macro_macro_x_spacing
self.macro_macro_y_spacing = macro_macro_y_spacing
......@@ -167,7 +163,6 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
self.nets = {}
# modules to index look-up table
self.indices_to_mod_name = {}
self.mod_name_to_indices = {}
# Set meta information
......@@ -239,6 +234,8 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
port_idx = 0
# read netlist list into data structures
for mod in self.meta_netlist.node:
# [MOD.NAME] => [MOD.ID]
self.mod_name_to_indices[mod.name] = mod.id
if mod.type == mnds.Type.STDCELL:
# standard cell, not used
self.std_cell_cnt += 1
......@@ -355,7 +352,7 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
_routes_used_by_macros_ver = float(line_item[7])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['Smoothing', 'factor']):
# smoothing factor for routing congestion
_smoothing_factor = int(line_item[2])
_smoothing_factor = float(line_item[2])
elif all(it in line_item for it in ['Overlap', 'threshold']):
# overlap
_overlap_threshold = float(line_item[2])
......@@ -411,7 +408,7 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
return info_dict
def restore_placement(self, plc_pth: str, ifInital=True, ifValidate=False, ifReadComment = False):
def restore_placement(self, plc_pth: str, ifInital=True, ifValidate=False, ifReadComment = False, retrieveFD = False):
Read and retrieve .plc file information
NOTE: DO NOT always set self.init_plc because this function is also
......@@ -430,8 +427,6 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
# extracted information from .plc file
info_dict = self.__read_plc(plc_pth)
......@@ -452,18 +447,6 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
.format(line, text))
# restore placement for each module
# try:
# # print(sorted(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys())))
# assert sorted(self.port_indices +\
# self.hard_macro_indices +\
# self.soft_macro_indices) == sorted(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys()))
# except AssertionError:
# print('[ERROR PLC INDICES MISMATCH]', len(sorted(self.port_indices +\
# self.hard_macro_indices +\
# self.soft_macro_indices)), len(list(info_dict['node_plc'].keys())))
# exit(1)
for mod_idx in info_dict['node_plc'].keys():
mod_x = mod_y = mod_orient = mod_ifFixed = None
......@@ -477,8 +460,15 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
# extract mod object
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
mod.coord.x = mod_x
mod.coord.y = mod_y
# if retrieving FD placement result, then only update soft macros
if retrieveFD:
if mod.soft_macro:
mod.coord.x = mod_x
mod.coord.y = mod_y
mod.coord.x = mod_x
mod.coord.y = mod_y
if mod_orient and mod_orient != '-':
if mod_orient == "N":
......@@ -733,44 +723,16 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
col = math.floor(x_pos / self.grid_width)
return row, col
# def __get_grid_location_position(self, col:int, row:int):
# """
# private function: for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
# """
# self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
# self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
# x_pos = self.grid_width * col + self.grid_width / 2
# y_pos = self.grid_height * row + self.grid_height / 2
# return x_pos, y_pos
# def __get_grid_cell_position(self, grid_cell_idx:int):
# """
# private function: for getting x y coord from grid cell row/col
# """
# row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
# col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
# assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
# return self.__get_grid_location_position(col, row)
# def __place_node_mask(self,
# grid_cell_idx:int,
# mod_width:float,
# mod_height:float
# ):
# """
# private function: for updating node mask after a placement
# """
# row = grid_cell_idx // self.grid_col
# col = grid_cell_idx % self.grid_col
# assert row * self.grid_col + col == grid_cell_idx
# hor_pad, ver_pad = self.__node_pad_cell(mod_width=mod_width,
# mod_height=mod_height)
# self.node_mask[ row - ver_pad:row + ver_pad + 1,
# col - hor_pad:col + hor_pad + 1] = 0
cpdef int get_grid_cell_of_node(self, float x_pos, float y_pos):
Returns the node's current location in terms of grid cell index
int row
int col
row, col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos)
return row * self.grid_col + col
cpdef float __overlap_area(self, object bbox_i, object bbox_j, bool return_pos=False):
......@@ -1492,7 +1454,7 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
print("[ERROR NODE INDEX] Node not found!")
def get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int) -> list:
cpdef get_node_mask(self, node_idx: int):
Return node mask based on given node
All legal positions must satisfy:
......@@ -1553,7 +1515,10 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
temp_node_mask[i][j] = 0
return temp_node_mask.flatten()
cpdef get_node_mask_by_name(self, str node_name):
node_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[node_name]
return self.get_node_mask(node_idx)
cpdef str get_node_type(self, int node_idx):
......@@ -1825,6 +1790,13 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
if not self.node_fix[node_idx]:
mod.coord.x = x_pos
mod.coord.y = y_pos
cpdef void update_node_coords_by_name(self, str node_name, float x_pos, float y_pos):
Update Node location if node is 'MACRO', 'STDCELL', 'PORT'
node_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[node_name]
self.update_node_coords(node_idx=node_idx, x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos)
cpdef update_macro_orientation(self, int node_idx, str orientation):
......@@ -1844,6 +1816,13 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
mod.orientation = mnds.Orientation[orientation]
cpdef update_macro_orientation_by_name(self, str node_name, str orientation):
Update macro orientation if node is 'MACRO'
node_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[node_name]
self.update_macro_orientation(node_idx=node_idx, orientation=orientation)
def update_port_sides(self):
......@@ -1869,8 +1848,23 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
return mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y
cpdef list get_node_locations(self, list node_indices):
Returns the (x, y) location of a list of nodes
int node_idx
list node_locations = []
for node_idx in node_indices:
return node_locations
cpdef get_macro_orientation(self, int node_idx):
Returns the orientation of the given node
mod = None
......@@ -1902,6 +1896,13 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
def place_node_by_name(self, node_name, grid_cell_idx):
Place the node into the center of the given grid_cell
node_idx = self.mod_name_to_indices[node_name]
self.place_node(node_idx=node_idx, grid_cell_idx=grid_cell_idx)
def unplace_node(self, node_idx):
......@@ -1954,10 +1955,17 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
return self.netlist_file
cpdef list get_blockages(self):
return self.blockages
# def create_blockage(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate):
# self.blockages.append([minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate])
cpdef create_blockage(self, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate):
self.blockages.append([minx, miny, maxx, maxy, blockage_rate])
cpdef int get_ref_node_id(self, int node_idx):
......@@ -1967,6 +1975,12 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
return node_idx
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].ref_node_id
cpdef list get_fan_outs_of_node(self, int node_idx):
Returns the vector of node indices that are driven by given node
return self.meta_netlist.node[node_idx].output_indices
cpdef void save_placement(self, str filename, info=""):
......@@ -2008,6 +2022,51 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
mod.coord.x, mod.coord.y,
mnds.Orientation(mod.orientation.value).name if mod.orientation else "-",
"1" if self.node_fix[mod_idx] else "0"))
cpdef void __cache_placement(self, str filename):
private function: used to cache placement file for FD executable
cols, rows = self.get_grid_num_columns_rows()
width, height = self.get_canvas_width_height()
hor_routes, ver_routes = self.get_routes_per_micron()
hor_macro_alloc, ver_macro_alloc = self.get_macro_routing_allocation()
smooth = self.get_congestion_smooth_range()
info = textwrap.dedent("""\
Placement file for Circuit Training
Columns : {cols} Rows : {rows}
Width : {width:.3f} Height : {height:.3f}
Area : {area}
Wirelength : {wl:.3f}
Wirelength cost : {wlc:.4f}
Congestion cost : {cong:.4f}
Density cost : {density:.4f}
Project : {project}
Block : {block_name}
Routes per micron, hor : {hor_routes:.3f} ver : {ver_routes:.3f}
Routes used by macros, hor : {hor_macro_alloc:.3f} ver : {ver_macro_alloc:.3f}
Smoothing factor : {smooth}
Overlap threshold : {overlap_threshold}
self.save_placement(filename=filename, info=info)
def display_canvas( self,
......@@ -2072,269 +2131,15 @@ cdef class PlacementCost:
FD Placement below shares the same functionality as the FDPlacement/fd_placement.py
cpdef void __initialization(self):
Initialize soft macros to the center
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
# put everyting at center, regardless the overlapping issue
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_idx]
mod.coord.x = self.width/2
mod.coord.y = self.height/2
cpdef (float, float) __check_OOB(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Check if soft macro could move out-of-boundary
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
cdef float mod_x = mod.coord.x
cdef float mod_y = mod.coord.y
cdef float mod_height = mod.dimension.height
cdef float mod_width = mod.dimension.width
# boundary after displacement
cdef float x_max = mod_x + mod_width/2 + x_disp
cdef float y_max = mod_y + mod_height/2 + y_disp
cdef float x_min = mod_x - mod_width/2 + x_disp
cdef float y_min = mod_y - mod_height/2 + y_disp
# print(x_max, x_min, y_max, y_min)
# determine if move
if x_min <= 0.0 or x_max >= self.width:
x_disp = 0.0
if y_min <= 0.0 or y_max >= self.height:
y_disp = 0.0
return x_disp, y_disp
cpdef (float, float, float, float) getBBox(self, int mod_id):
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
cdef float x = mod.coord.x
cdef float y = mod.coord.y
cdef float width = mod.dimension.width
cdef float height = mod.dimension.height
cdef float lx = x - width / 2.0
cdef float ly = y - height / 2.0
cdef float ux = x + width / 2.0
cdef float uy = y + height / 2.0
return lx, ly, ux, uy
cpdef (float, float) _check_overlap(self, int mod_u, int mod_v):
float u_lx
float u_ly
float u_ux
float u_uy
float u_cx
float u_cy
float v_lx
float v_ly
float v_ux
float v_uy
float v_cx
float v_cy
float x_dir
float y_dir
float dist
u_lx, u_ly, u_ux, u_uy = self.getBBox(mod_u)
v_lx, v_ly, v_ux, v_uy = self.getBBox(mod_v)
if (u_lx >= v_ux or u_ux <= v_lx or u_ly >= v_uy or u_uy <= v_ly):
# no overlap
return 0.0, 0.0
u_cx = (u_lx + u_ux) / 2.0
u_cy = (u_ly + u_uy) / 2.0
v_cx = (v_lx + v_ux) / 2.0
v_cy = (v_ly + v_uy) / 2.0
if u_cx == v_cx and u_cy == v_cy:
# fully overlap
x_dir = -1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)
y_dir = -1.0 / math.sqrt(2.0)
return x_dir, y_dir
x_dir = u_cx - v_cx
y_dir = u_cy - v_cy
dist = math.sqrt(x_dir * x_dir + y_dir * y_dir)
return x_dir / dist, y_dir / dist
cpdef void __add_displace(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Add the displacement
if self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id].soft_macro:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_id][0] += x_disp
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_id][1] += y_disp
cpdef void __update_location(self, int mod_id, float x_disp, float y_disp):
Update the displacement to the coordiante
float x_pos
float y_pos
mod = self.meta_netlist.node[mod_id]
x_pos = mod.coord.x
y_pos = mod.coord.y
x_disp, y_disp = self.__check_OOB(mod_id, x_disp, y_disp)
# for debug purpose
# if debug:
# with open('os_debug.txt', 'a+') as the_file:
# the_file.write("{} {} {} {} {}\n".format(
# mod_id,
# x_pos + x_disp,
# y_pos + y_disp,
# x_disp, y_disp
# ))
mod.coord.x = x_pos + x_disp
mod.coord.y = y_pos + y_disp
cpdef void __move_soft_macros(self, float attract_factor, float repel_factor, float io_factor, float max_displacement):
Compute all forces for one iteration
float max_x_disp = 0.0
float max_y_disp = 0.0
# map to soft macro index
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx] = [0.0, 0.0]
self.__attractive_force(attract_factor, io_factor, max_displacement)
self.__repulsive_force(repel_factor, max_displacement)
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
max_x_disp = max(max_x_disp, abs(self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0]))
max_y_disp = max(max_y_disp, abs(self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1]))
# normalization
if max_x_disp > 0.0:
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0] = (self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0] / max_x_disp) * max_displacement
if max_y_disp > 0.0:
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1] = (self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1] / max_y_disp) * max_displacement
for mod_idx in self.soft_macro_indices:
self.__update_location(mod_idx, self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][0], self.soft_macro_disp[mod_idx][1])
cpdef (float, float) __checkPinRelativePos(self, int pin_u, int pin_v):
compute relative pin location
float ux
float uy
float vx
float vy
ux, uy = self.__get_pin_position(pin_u)
vx, vy = self.__get_pin_position(pin_v)
return -1.0 * (ux - vx), -1.0 * (uy - vy)
cdef void __repulsive_force(self, float repel_factor, float max_displacement):
compute repulsive force
float x_d
float y_d
float x_disp = 0.0
float y_disp = 0.0
int mod_u_idx
int mod_v_idx
for i in range(len(self.macro_indices)):
mod_u_idx = self.macro_indices[i]
for j in range(i + 1, len(self.macro_indices)):
mod_v_idx = self.macro_indices[j]
x_d, y_d = self._check_overlap(mod_u_idx, mod_v_idx)
# No overlap
if x_d == 0.0:
x_disp = 0.0
# x_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 / x_d
x_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 * max_displacement * x_d
# No overlap
if y_d == 0.0:
y_disp = 0.0
# y_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 / y_d
y_disp = repel_factor * 1.0 * max_displacement * y_d
# print("debugging: ", x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(mod_u_idx, x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(mod_v_idx, -1.0 * x_disp, -1.0 * y_disp)
cpdef void __attractive_force(self, float attract_factor, float io_factor, float max_displacement):
compute attractive force
float x_disp
float y_disp
float force
float x_d
float y_d
int driver_pin_idx
int driver_macro_idx
float weight_factor
int sink_pin_idx
int sink_macro_idx
for driver_pin_idx in self.nets.keys():
# extract driver pin
driver_pin = self.meta_netlist.node[driver_pin_idx]
# extract driver macro
driver_macro_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(driver_pin_idx)
# extract net weight
weight_factor = driver_pin.weight
for sink_pin_idx in self.nets[driver_pin_idx]:
sink_macro_idx = self.get_ref_node_id(sink_pin_idx)
# compute directional vector
x_d, y_d = self.__checkPinRelativePos(driver_pin_idx, sink_pin_idx)
# if connection has port
if self.meta_netlist.node[sink_pin_idx].type == mnds.Type.PORT \
or self.meta_netlist.node[driver_pin_idx].type == mnds.Type.PORT:
force = weight_factor * io_factor * attract_factor
force = weight_factor * attract_factor
x_disp = force * x_d
y_disp = force * y_d
# add displacement to driver/sink pin
self.__add_displace(driver_macro_idx, x_disp, y_disp)
self.__add_displace(sink_macro_idx, -1.0 * x_disp, -1.0 * y_disp)
cpdef __fd_placement(self, io_factor, tuple num_steps, tuple max_move_distance, tuple attract_factor, tuple repel_factor, bool use_current_loc, bool verbose=True):
Force-directed Placement for standard-cell clusters
# store x/y displacement for all soft macro disp
self.soft_macro_disp = {}
if use_current_loc == False:
for i in range(len(num_steps)):
if verbose:
print("[OPTIMIZING STDCELs] at num_step {}".format(i))
attractive_factor = attract_factor[i]
repulsive_factor = repel_factor[i]
num_step = num_steps[i]
max_displacement = max_move_distance[i]
for j in range(num_step):
if verbose:
print("[INFO] number of step {}".format(j))
self.__move_soft_macros(attractive_factor, repulsive_factor, io_factor, max_displacement)
def optimize_stdcells(self, use_current_loc, move_stdcells, move_macros,
log_scale_conns, use_sizes, io_factor, num_steps,
max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor):
self.__fd_placement(io_factor, num_steps, max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor, use_current_loc, verbose=True)
\ No newline at end of file
cache_plc = self.init_plc + ".cache"
os.system("./fd_placer {} {}".format(self.netlist_file, cache_plc))
fd_plc = self.init_plc + ".cache.new"
self.restore_placement(fd_plc, retrieveFD=True)
print("[INFO] FD ran successfully")
# self.__fd_placement(io_factor, num_steps, max_move_distance, attract_factor, repel_factor, use_current_loc, verbose=True)
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