Commit fb061310 by Dinple

first version of density cost function (WIP)

parent 19d47bef
"""Open-Sourced PlacementCost client class."""
import os, io
import re
import math
from typing import Text, Tuple
from absl import logging
from collections import namedtuple
Block = namedtuple('Block', 'x_max y_max x_min y_min')
# FLAGS = flags.FLAG
......@@ -28,8 +32,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
self.block_name = netlist_file.rsplit('/', -1)[-2]
self.width = 0.0
self.height = 0.0
self.grid_col = 0
self.grid_row = 0
self.grid_col = 10
self.grid_row = 10
self.hroutes_per_micron = 0.0
self.vroutes_per_micron = 0.0
self.smooth_range = 0.0
......@@ -423,8 +427,110 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_congestion_cost(self) -> float:
return 0.0
def __get_grid_cell_location(self, x_pos, y_pos):
# private function for getting grid cell row/col ranging from 0...N
row = math.floor(y_pos / self.grid_height)
col = math.floor(x_pos / self.grid_width)
return row, col
def __overlap_area(self, block_i, block_j):
# private function for computing block overlapping
x_diff = min(block_i.x_max, block_j.x_max) - max(block_i.x_min, block_j.x_min)
y_diff = min(block_i.y_max, block_j.y_max) - max(block_i.y_min, block_j.y_min)
if x_diff >= 0 and y_diff >= 0:
return x_diff * y_diff
return 0.0
def __add_module_to_grid_cells(self, mod_x, mod_y, mod_w, mod_h):
# private function for add module to grid cells
# row/col ranging from 0...N
row, col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(mod_x, mod_y)
# Four corners
ur = (mod_x + (mod_w/2), mod_y + (mod_h/2))
br = (mod_x + (mod_w/2), mod_y - (mod_h/2))
ul = (mod_x - (mod_w/2), mod_y + (mod_h/2))
bl = (mod_x - (mod_w/2), mod_y - (mod_h/2))
# construct block based on current module
module_block = Block(
x_max=mod_x + (mod_w/2),
y_max=mod_y + (mod_h/2),
x_min=mod_x - (mod_w/2),
y_min=mod_y - (mod_h/2)
print(ur, br, ul, bl)
# Four corner grid cells
ur_row, ur_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*ur)
br_row, br_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*br)
ul_row, ul_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*ul)
bl_row, bl_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*bl)
for r_i in range(bl_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(bl_col, ur_col + 1):
# construct block based on current cell row/col
grid_cell_block = Block(
x_max=(r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
y_max=(c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
x_min= r_i * self.grid_height,
y_min=c_i * self.grid_width
self.grid_occupied[self.grid_row * r_i + c_i] += \
self.__overlap_area(grid_cell_block, module_block)
def get_grid_cells_density(self):
# by default grid row/col is 10/10
self.grid_width = float(self.width/self.grid_col)
self.grid_height = float(self.height/self.grid_row)
grid_area = self.grid_width * self.grid_height
self.grid_occupied = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
self.grid_cells = [0] * (self.grid_col * self.grid_row)
for module_idx in (self.soft_macro_indices + self.hard_macro_indices):
module = self.modules_w_pins[module_idx]
module_h = module.get_height()
module_w = module.get_width()
module_x, module_y = module.get_pos()
for i, gcell in enumerate(self.grid_occupied):
self.grid_cells[i] = gcell / grid_area
return self.grid_cells
def get_density_cost(self) -> float:
# run get_grid_cells_density first
occupied_cells = sorted([gc for gc in self.grid_cells if gc != 0.0], reverse=True)
density_cost = 0.0
# take top 10%
density_cnt = math.floor(len(self.grid_cells) * 0.1)
density_cnt = min(density_cnt, 10)
# if grid cell smaller than 10, take the average over occupied cells
if len(self.grid_cells) < 10:
density_cost = float(sum(occupied_cells) / len(occupied_cells))
return 0.5 * density_cost
idx = 0
sum_density = 0
# take top 10%
while idx < density_cnt and idx < len(occupied_cells):
sum_density += occupied_cells[idx]
idx += 1
return 0.5 * float(sum_density / density_cnt)
def set_canvas_size(self, width:float, height:float) -> float:
......@@ -806,6 +912,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_area(self):
return self.width * self.height
def get_height(self):
return self.height
def get_width(self):
return self.width
class SoftMacroPin:
def __init__(self, name,
x = 0.0, y = 0.0, macro_name = "", weight = 0.0):
......@@ -920,6 +1032,12 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_area(self):
return self.width * self.height
def get_height(self):
return self.height
def get_width(self):
return self.width
class HardMacroPin:
def __init__(self, name,
x = 0.0, y = 0.0,
......@@ -980,3 +1098,32 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def get_type(self):
return "MACRO_PIN"
def main():
test_netlist_dir = './Plc_client/test/ariane'
netlist_file = os.path.join(test_netlist_dir,
plc = PlacementCost(netlist_file)
print("Area: ", plc.get_area())
print("Wirelength: ", plc.get_wirelength())
print("# HARD_MACROs : %d"%(plc.get_hard_macro_count()))
print("# HARD_MACRO_PINs : %d"%(plc.get_hard_macro_pin_count()))
print("# MACROs : %d"%(plc.get_hard_macro_count() + plc.get_soft_macro_count()))
print("# MACRO_PINs : %d"%(plc.get_hard_macro_pin_count() + plc.get_soft_macro_pin_count()))
print("# PORTs : %d"%(plc.get_port_count()))
print("# SOFT_MACROs : %d"%(plc.get_soft_macro_count()))
print("# SOFT_MACRO_PINs : %d"%(plc.get_soft_macro_pin_count()))
print("# STDCELLs : 0")
# print(adj[137])
# print(np.unique(adj))
print(plc.set_canvas_size(356.592, 356.640))
print(plc.set_placement_grid(35, 33))
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