Commit f4c951e8 by sakundu

Updated Flow scripts for SKY130HD

Signed-off-by: sakundu <>
parent 509f0027
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......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
set DESIGN ariane
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rtldir ../../rtl
# def file with die size and placed IO pins
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
set DESIGN ariane
set sdc ../../constraints/${DESIGN}.sdc
set rtldir ../../../../../Testcases/ariane136/rtl
# def file with die size and placed IO pins
if {[info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] && $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 1} {
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ set_clock_latency $pre_cts_clock_latency_estimate [get_clocks clk_i]
# Create virtual clock.
create_clock -name "vclk_i" -period $clock_cycle
set_clock_uncertainty $clk_uncertainty [get_clocks vclk_i]
set_clock_uncertainty $uncertainty [get_clocks vclk_i]
set_clock_latency $pre_cts_clock_latency_estimate [get_clocks vclk_i]
set_max_transition $maxTransition -clock_path [get_clocks vclk_i]
......@@ -34,22 +34,22 @@ set_max_fanout $maxFanout [current_design]
set_false_path -from tile_id_i
# TCDM Master
set_input_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_master_*req_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_master_*req_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "name =~ tcdm_master_*req_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "name =~ tcdm_master_*req_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.65*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_master_*resp_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_master_*resp_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.65*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "name =~ tcdm_master_*resp_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "name =~ tcdm_master_*resp_*"]
# TCDM Slave
set_input_delay [expr 0.65*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_slave_*req_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_slave_*req_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.65*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "name =~ tcdm_slave_*req_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "name =~ tcdm_slave_*req_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_slave_*resp_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "hierarchical_name =~ tcdm_slave_*resp_*"]
set_input_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "name =~ tcdm_slave_*resp_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.85*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "name =~ tcdm_slave_*resp_*"]
# Refill port
set_input_delay [expr 0.50*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "hierarchical_name =~ refill_*"]
set_output_delay [expr 0.50*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "hierarchical_name =~ refill_*"]
#set_input_delay [expr 0.50*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_inputs] "name =~ refill_*"]
#set_output_delay [expr 0.50*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i [filter_collection [all_outputs] "name =~ refill_*"]
# Reset
set_input_delay [expr 0.30*$clock_cycle] -clock vclk_i rst_ni
......@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ nv_ram_rwsthp_80x15.v
-v NV_NVDLA_XXIF_libs.v
......@@ -54,11 +54,13 @@ if {![info exist ::env(PHY_SYNTH)] || $::env(PHY_SYNTH) == 0} {
# Load Design and Initialize
set_db init_hdl_search_path $rtldir
source rtl_list.tcl
foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
read_hdl -sv $rtl_file
read_hdl -f rtl_list.tcl
#source rtl_list.tcl
#foreach rtl_file $rtl_all {
# read_hdl -sv $rtl_file
elaborate $DESIGN
time_info Elaboration
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import re
import time
testcases = ['ariane136', 'ariane133', 'mempool_tile', 'nvdla']
enablements = ['NanGate45', 'ASAP7']
enablements = ['NanGate45', 'ASAP7', 'SKY130HD']
flows = [1, 2]
job_file = "all_jobs"
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