Unverified Commit ebfc003d by Sayak Kundu Committed by GitHub

Update README.md

Added commit tag from the FakeRAM2.0 repository, which was used to generate the macros for the ASAP7 enablement.
parent 9c5e12a0
# ASAP7 (7.5T cell library (RVT only), FakeRAM2.0 memory generation)
The Arizona State university's 7nm Predictive PDK (ASAP7) was developed at ASU in collaboration with ARM Research and it is available under BSD-3-Clause license.
The Arizona State University's 7nm Predictive PDK (ASAP7) was developed at ASU in collaboration with ARM Research, and is available under the BSD 3-Clause license.
As the ASAP7 enablement does not have memory generators, we use the FakeRAM2.0 memory generator available in the [FakeRAM2.0](https://github.com/ABKGroup/FakeRAM2.0/tree/3449b8c494f70b32d8c31cb94fc88bcf63983795) (commit hash: 3449b8c) GitHub repo.
As the ASAP7 enablement does not have memory generators, we use the FakeRAM2.0 memory generator available in the [FakeRAM2.0](https://github.com/ABKGroup/FakeRAM2.0/releases/tag/MacroPlacement.ISPD23) (**commit tag:** MacroPlacement.ISPD23) GitHub repo.
With this combined enablement, testcases with SRAMs can be synthesized, placed and routed using both proprietary (commercial) tools such as Cadence Genus/Innovus, and open-source tools such as OpenROAD.
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