Commit d4d5de0e by Dinple

bug fixes and canvas visualization

parent 1d9886c1
......@@ -5,6 +5,11 @@ import math
from typing import Text, Tuple
from absl import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec
from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
import numpy as np
Block = namedtuple('Block', 'x_max y_max x_min y_min')
......@@ -439,8 +444,7 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
y_diff = min(block_i.y_max, block_j.y_max) - max(block_i.y_min, block_j.y_min)
if x_diff >= 0 and y_diff >= 0:
return x_diff * y_diff
return 0.0
return 0
def __add_module_to_grid_cells(self, mod_x, mod_y, mod_w, mod_h):
# private function for add module to grid cells
......@@ -460,8 +464,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
x_min=mod_x - (mod_w/2),
y_min=mod_y - (mod_h/2)
print(ur, br, ul, bl)
print("Module Four corners")
print("Upper Left",ur, "\nBottom Right", br, "\nUpper Left", ul, "\nBottom Left",bl)
# Four corner grid cells
ur_row, ur_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*ur)
......@@ -469,18 +473,53 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
ul_row, ul_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*ul)
bl_row, bl_col = self.__get_grid_cell_location(*bl)
# check if out of bound
if ur_row >= 0 and ur_col >= 0:
if bl_row < 0:
bl_row = 0
if bl_col < 0:
bl_col = 0
# OOB, skip module
print("OOB skipped")
if bl_row >= 0 and bl_col >= 0:
if ur_row > self.grid_row - 1:
ur_row = self.grid_row - 1
if ur_col > self.grid_col - 1:
ur_col = self.grid_col - 1
# OOB, skip module
print("OOB skipped")
print("Four Corner Grid")
print("UR row",ur_row, "\nUR col", ur_col, "\nBL row", bl_row, "\nBL col",bl_col)
for r_i in range(bl_row, ur_row + 1):
for c_i in range(bl_col, ur_col + 1):
print(r_i, c_i)
# construct block based on current cell row/col
grid_cell_block = Block(
x_max=(r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
y_max=(c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
x_min= r_i * self.grid_height,
y_min=c_i * self.grid_width
x_max= (c_i + 1) * self.grid_width,
y_max= (r_i + 1) * self.grid_height,
x_min= c_i * self.grid_width,
y_min= r_i * self.grid_height
print("grid_cell_block", grid_cell_block)
print(self.grid_row * r_i + c_i)
self.grid_occupied[self.grid_row * r_i + c_i] += \
self.__overlap_area(grid_cell_block, module_block)
if abs(self.grid_occupied[self.grid_row * r_i + c_i] - 1) < 1e-6:
self.grid_occupied[self.grid_row * r_i + c_i] = 1
print("module_block", module_block)
def get_grid_cells_density(self):
# by default grid row/col is 10/10
......@@ -516,7 +555,6 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
# take top 10%
density_cnt = math.floor(len(self.grid_cells) * 0.1)
density_cnt = min(density_cnt, 10)
# if grid cell smaller than 10, take the average over occupied cells
if len(self.grid_cells) < 10:
......@@ -782,6 +820,37 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
def save_placement(self):
def display_canvas(self):
#define Matplotlib figure and axis
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,8), dpi=80)
# Plt config
ax.margins(x=0.05, y=0.05)
ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
# Construct grid
x, y = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0, self.height, self.grid_row + 1),\
np.linspace(0, self.width, self.grid_col + 1))
ax.plot(x, y, c='b', alpha=0.1) # use plot, not scatter
ax.plot(np.transpose(x), np.transpose(y), c='b', alpha=0.1) # add this here
for mod in self.modules_w_pins:
if mod.get_type() == 'PORT':
plt.plot(*mod.get_pos(),'ro', markersize=1)
elif mod.get_type() == 'MACRO':
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.get_pos()[0] - mod.get_width()/2, mod.get_pos()[1] - mod.get_height()/2),\
mod.get_width(), mod.get_height(),\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='b', edgecolor='darkblue'))
ax.annotate(mod.get_name().rsplit('/', 1)[1], mod.get_pos(), color='r', weight='bold', fontsize=3, ha='center', va='center')
elif mod.get_type() == 'macro':
ax.add_patch(Rectangle((mod.get_pos()[0] - mod.get_width()/2, mod.get_pos()[1] - mod.get_height()/2),\
mod.get_width(), mod.get_height(),\
alpha=0.5, zorder=1000, facecolor='y'))
# Board Entity Definition
class Port:
def __init__(self, name, x = 0.0, y = 0.0, side = "BOTTOM"):
......@@ -1100,7 +1169,8 @@ class PlacementCost(object):
return "MACRO_PIN"
def main():
test_netlist_dir = './Plc_client/test/ariane'
test_netlist_dir = '/home/yuw/Desktop/Github/CT_runnable/circuit_training/circuit_training/environment/test_data/'+\
netlist_file = os.path.join(test_netlist_dir,
plc = PlacementCost(netlist_file)
......@@ -1121,8 +1191,11 @@ def main():
# print(np.unique(adj))
print(plc.set_canvas_size(356.592, 356.640))
print(plc.set_placement_grid(35, 33))
# print(plc.set_canvas_size(80, 80))
# print(plc.set_placement_grid(5, 5))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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